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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario

Seguí Mas, Diana María 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] A las universidades actuales no se les demanda solamente que actúen como centros de enseñanza e investigación, sino que contribuyan al desarrollo económico y social de los territorios en los que están implantadas. Una de las maneras en las que las universidades pueden contribuir a este desarrollo es mediante la transferencia de conocimiento de investigación aplicada que contribuya a la generación de riqueza y puestos de trabajo. Otra es incrementar la empleabilidad de sus egresados facilitando su incorporación al sistema productivo. En este sentido, la universidad puede jugar un papel relevante facilitando una formación que potencie y desarrolle el sentido de la iniciativa y el emprendimiento de sus estudiantes, considerado una de las habilidades fundamentales demandadas en el siglo XXI. Asimismo, la formación en el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes pasa por el uso de metodologías docentes que sean innovadoras y motivadoras y, por lo tanto, capaces de hacer frente a los retos a los que se enfrenta la educación superior actual. En este sentido, en los últimos años, se ha señalado la capacidad de la gamificación como herramienta de instrucción altamente motivadora y eficaz. Los estudios actuales señalan asimismo las posibilidades del uso de la gamificación para desarrollar la competencia emprendedora entre los estudiantes universitarios. No obstante, el profesorado es un elemento clave en la implantación de las metodologías y aproximaciones pedagógicas empleadas en el aula. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar las actitudes e intención de uso de la gamificación, por parte del profesorado universitario, como metodología docente dirigida a desarrollar la competencia emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Con este objetivo se plantea un diseño exploratorio de corte cuantitativo orientado a conocer la actitud e intención de uso del profesorado universitario hacia la gamificación como metodología docente con la que desarrollar la competencia emprendedora de los estudiantes universitarios. Para alcanzar este objetivo se desarrolla, y valida, un modelo predictivo que incluye tanto variables personales (edad, género,) como moduladoras (clima laboral) explicativas de la actitud e intención de uso del profesorado universitario. Los resultados sugieren que la actitud frente al uso resulta explicada fundamentalmente por la utilidad percibida, y en menor medida por el clima laboral, la edad y el género. Por otro lado, la intención de uso se explica básicamente por la utilidad percibida y la edad, y en menor grado por la actitud, el clima laboral y el género. / [CA] En els últims anys, a les universitats no se'ls demanda únicament que actuen com a centres d'ensenyament i investigació, sinó que contribuïsquen al desenvolupament econòmic i social dels territoris en els quals estan implantades. Una de les maneres en les quals les universitats poden contribuir a aquest desenvolupament és mitjançant la transferència de coneixement d'investigació aplicada, que contribuïsca a la generació de riquesa i llocs de treball. Una altra és incrementar l'ocupabilitat dels seus egressats, facilitant la seua incorporació al sistema productiu. En aquest sentit, la universitat pot jugar un paper rellevant facilitant una formació que potencie i desenvolupe el sentit de la iniciativa i l'emprenedoria dels seus estudiants, considerat una de les habilitats fonamentals demandades en el segle XXI. Així mateix, la formació en l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants passa per l'ús de metodologies docents que siguen innovadores i motivadores i, per tant, capaces de fer front als reptes als quals s'enfronta l'educació superior actual. En aquest sentit, en els últims anys, s'ha assenyalat la capacitat de la gamificació com a eina d'instrucció altament motivadora i eficaç. Els estudis actuals assenyalen així mateix les possibilitats de l'ús de la gamificació per a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora entre els estudiants universitaris. No obstant això, el professorat és un element clau en la implantació de les metodologies i aproximacions pedagògiques emprades a l'aula. Per aquest motiu, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és analitzar les actituds i intenció d'ús de la gamificació, per part del professorat universitari, com a metodologia docent dirigida a desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es planteja un disseny exploratori de tall quantitatiu orientat a conéixer l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari cap a la ludificació com a metodologia docent amb la qual desenvolupar la competència emprenedora dels estudiants universitaris. Amb aquest objectiu es desenvolupa, i valguda, un model predictiu que inclou tant variables personals (edat, gènere,) com a moduladores (clima laboral) explicatives de l'actitud i intenció d'ús del professorat universitari. Els resultats suggereixen que l'actitud enfront de l'ús resulta explicada fonamentalment per la utilitat percebuda, i en menor mesura pel clima laboral, l'edat i el gènere. D'altra banda, la intenció d'ús s'explica bàsicament per la utilitat percebuda i l'edat, i en menor grau per l'actitud, el clima laboral i el gènere. / [EN] In recent years, universities are not only required to perform as teaching and research centers, but also to be part of the economic and social development of the territories in which they are located. To do so, universities can contribute in many ways, like transfering applied research knowledge that helps in the generation of wealth and jobs or by increasing the employability of their graduates by facilitating their incorporation into the productive system. In this sense, the university as an institution can play a relevant role by providing training that enhances and develops the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of its students, considered one of the fundamental skills demanded in the 21st century. Likewise, training students in entrepreneurship requires the use of teaching methodologies that are both innovative and motivating and, therefore, capable of meeting the challenges faced by today's higher education. In this sense, in recent years, the capacity of gamification as a highly motivating and effective instructional tool has been pointed out. Current studies also focus on the possibilities of using gamification to develop entrepreneurial competence among university students. Taking this into account and considering that teachers are still a key element in the implementation of the methodologies and pedagogical approaches used in the classroom, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze the attitudes and intention to use gamification, by university teachers, as a teaching methodology aimed at developing the entrepreneurial competence of university students. With this objective, an exploratory design of quantitative cut is proposed, oriented to know the attitude and intention of use of university professors towards gamification as a teaching methodology, to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. Having this objective in mind, a predictive model is developed -and validated- that includes both personal variables (age, gender) and modulating variables (work environment) that explain the attitude and intention of university professors towards the use of gamification as a teaching methodology to develop the entrepreneurial competence of university students. The results suggest that attitude towards the use of gamification is explained mainly by perceived usefulness, and to a lesser extent by work environment, age and gender. On the other hand, intention to use is basically explained by perceived usefulness and age, and to a lesser extent by attitude, work environment and gender. / Seguí Mas, DM. (2021). El uso de la gamificación en la enseñanza del emprendimiento: actitud e intención de uso por parte del profesorado universitario [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172236

探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素 / Investigating the determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention in virtual community

游禮志, Yu, Li-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
過去三十年來學者針對創業意圖研究已有豐碩的成果,然而虛擬社群中創業意圖的發展與驗證卻未受到注視。因此,本論文採用Shapero-Krueger創業意圖模型與社會資本為理論基礎,提出研究模型探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素。此網路創業意圖模型中網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性扮演直接決定因素與中介變數,橋接型社會資本與結合型社會資本則為間接決定因素,而網路創業自我效能同時扮演間接決定因素與中介變數。本論文針對網路創業虛擬社群之成員共蒐集204份有效樣本,並以偏最小平方法進行研究模型之驗證與分析。研究結果顯示,橋接型社會資本、結合型社會資本與網路創業自我效能均透過網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性影響網路創業意圖。最後,本論文研究結果期許對網路創業意圖之理論發展與實務應用提出貢獻與建議。 / While the importance of entrepreneurial intentions has been recognized in entrepreneurial literature for at least three decades, the development and empirical validation of an entrepreneurial intentions model in a virtual community context had not been fully addressed. This dissertation aims to explore the evaluation determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention model in the virtual community context. Shapero- Krueger entrepreneurial intention model and social capital theory is utilized as the theoretical foundation to investigate the influences of entrepreneurial determinants that affect the intention to start a business online. A theoretical model of cyber-entrepreneurial intention proposes that cyber-entrepreneurial desirability and cyber-entrepreneurial feasibility serve as direct determinants, and mediators, bridging and bonding social capital serve as indirect determinants, whereas cyber- entrepreneurial self-efficacy serve as both indirect determinants and mediators. This dissertation collected 204 valid questionnaires and used them to test the proposed model. The results show that bridging and bonding social capital, and self-efficacy affect intention through desirability and feasibility. Theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations are also presented.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development

Pyskatý, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s thesis Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development deals with analysis of the present situation of the company OTIS Escalators s.r.o.. The first part the company is presented. This includes also theoretical data. The aim of the other part is to reveal the real state of the company and on the basis of the findings a proposal how to improve the business development is submitted.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development

Škvareková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The master´s thesis, called Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development, was prepared for the company Včelpo spol. s r.o. The first part includes company introdution and theoretical data. In the other part are used some analysis and the target is to review the actual status of the company and to suggest some action for improvement.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development

Pšurný, Adam January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the business plan the future development of MESIT Fimes a.s. Thesis is divided into two main parts, the theoretical basis and practical part. The theoretical part is to serve as a source indicator for the creation of practical, which aims to analyze in detail the actual current condition for the creation of the greatest and most effective future development.

A comparative study of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions amongst students at selected South African institutions of higher education

Matsheke, Moses Jametane 01 1900 (has links)
PhD. (Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Entrepreneurial intention (EI) is considered as an element used by researchers to measure the propensity of individuals to become entrepreneurs. Higher education institutions (HEIs) have been utilised globally by governments as mechanisms to increase the EIs of students by establishing entrepreneurship as an academic discipline and instituting entrepreneurship programmes at all educational levels. However, in South Africa, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) reports a decline in EIs in the last decade of the population aged 18-64 years. The current study investigated the influence of the entrepreneurship education (EE) at one selected Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college and a University of Technology (UOT) located in the Gauteng Province, South Africa through a comparative analysis. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) were used as theories to underpin the study. In addition, Self-efficacy (SE), Need to Achieve (NA) and Instrumental Readiness (IR) were included as constructs to examine further variables for EIs. The study adopted a survey design and followed a quantitative research approach in determining the relationship between the identified variables. A self-administered survey questionnaire was used to gather the data from the sampled students at the selected HEIs. The total number of usable questionnaires was 390 from the TVET college and 362 from the UOT, giving a total of 752 responses. The empirical analysis was performed by means of the descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Pearson correlations, and regression analysis. The descriptive analysis procedure was utilised to examine the demographic profile of the respondents as well as the perceptions of the respondents towards the research constructs of the study. The EFA procedure confirmed that all measurement scales applied in the study were unidimensional. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the linear association between the constructs while the regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The results of the hypotheses tests revealed that EE was statistically significant in predicting the EI of the students from both the TVET college and UOT. The tests further revealed that EE was also statistically significant in predicting the Attitude towards Behaviour (ATB), Subjective Norm (SN), Perceived Behavioural Control (PBC), SE, NA and IR of the students from both HEIs in a similar manner. However, PBC, SE, and NA were found to be statistically insignificant for the TVET college students while for the UOT students only SN, NA and IR were statistically insignificant. The study concludes that EE is an important tool that can be used to enhance the EI of the students at both types of HEIs. It further draws the conclusion that students from the TVET college are more dependent on external factors such as the support of their families and friends as well as the availability of resources to start thinking of starting their own business, whereas those from the UOT are more reliant on internal motivation. Based on the results, the study recommends that subjects in the curriculum in HEIs should have a learning unit dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurship amongst students. Such an approach might inspire students to venture into entrepreneurship.

University Student’s Entrepreneurship: an Integrated Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention

Jiménez Arribas, Irene 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El interés de esta investigación se centra fundamentalmente en los siguientes aspectos. En primer lugar, exploramos cómo la literatura actual sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios centrada en la "Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey" (GUESSS), uno de los mayores proyectos de investigación relacionados, puede contribuir a la investigación sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios y ayudar a los investigadores a utilizar esta base de datos. Este es el primer paso de este trabajo, ya que permitió identificar las áreas menos estudiadas en la literatura sobre el espíritu emprendedor de los estudiantes universitarios. En segundo lugar, ampliamos las investigaciones anteriores sobre los modelos de intención emprendedora (y la intención de sucesión) y vamos más allá de la intención al tomar la intención de implementación como un paso más cercano del comportamiento. Y, en tercer lugar, los resultados de este estudio ayudarían a dar consejos a las universidades, a los académicos y a los responsables políticos para construir una universidad emprendedora y, en definitiva, una sociedad emprendedora. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es contribuir al estudio de las intenciones emprendedoras de los estudiantes universitarios. Más concretamente, los objetivos específicos de este trabajo están relacionados con 1) identificar las variables centrales que influyen en el emprendimiento de los estudiantes universitarios en la literatura sobre emprendimiento centrada en el proyecto GUESSS; 2) estudiar los efectos mediadores de los componentes de la TPB entre la educación emprendedora y la intención emprendedora; 3) analizar el efecto de la educación emprendedora teniendo en cuenta el papel de la universidad, la familia y el contexto social en los componentes de la TPB como antecedentes de la intención emprendedora; 4) reducir la brecha intención-conducta añadiendo la etapa intermedia de la intención de implementación y los efectos moderadores de la orientación a la meta y 5) explorar el fenómeno de la intención de sucesión. Nuestro primer estudio muestra que la fase de intención es la etapa más estudiada del proceso empresarial. Sin embargo, existen ciertas áreas que deben ser abordadas y eso es precisamente lo que pretendemos conseguir con los siguientes estudios. Encontramos que el Aprendizaje del Programa afecta a la Intención Emprendedora a través de los componentes de la Teoría de la Acción Planificada (TAP). En este sentido, es importante destacar que las Normas Subjetivas no mediaron la relación entre el Aprendizaje del Programa y la Intención Emprendedora, sino que influyeron en la Intención Emprendedora a través de las Actitudes hacia el Emprendimiento y el Control Conductual Percibido (CCP). En cuanto a los efectos de la Educación Emprendedora, encontramos que esta variable actúa como moderadora, especialmente en la relación entre Actitudes hacia el Emprendimiento e Intención Emprendedora, Normas Subjetivas e Intención Emprendedora, y Contexto Familiar y Normas Subjetivas. A medida que avanzamos en el proceso emprendedor, nuestros resultados validaron el Modelo de Acontecimiento Emprendedor (MAE) para predecir las intenciones emprendedoras y, además, la elección de carrera emprendedora 5 años después de terminar los estudios moderó la relación entre la Intención Emprendedora y la Intención de Implementación. Por último, al analizar la Intención de Sucesión en las empresas familiares, nuestros resultados mostraron el impacto del Apoyo Parental en la Autoeficacia de la Empresa Familiar y en el compromiso con la empresa familiar. Además, nuestros resultados confirmaron un impacto positivo del compromiso con la empresa familiar en la Intención de Sucesión, especialmente el Compromiso Normativo. / [CA] L'interés d'esta investigació se centra fonamentalment en els següents aspectes. En primer lloc, explorem com la literatura actual sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris centrada en la "Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey" (GUESSS), un dels majors projectes d'investigació relacionats, pot contribuir a la investigació sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris i ajudar els investigadors a utilitzar esta base de dades. Este és el primer pas d'este treball, ja que va permetre identificar les àrees menys estudiades en la literatura sobre l'esperit emprenedor dels estudiants universitaris. En segon lloc, ampliem les investigacions anteriors sobre els models d'intenció emprenedora (i la intenció de successió) i anem més enllà de la intenció al prendre la intenció d'implementació com un pas més pròxim del comportament. I, en tercer lloc, els resultats d'aquest estudi ajudarien a donar consells a les universitats, als acadèmics i als responsables polítics per a construir una universitat emprenedora i, en definitiva, una societat emprenedora. L'objectiu principal d'esta investigació és contribuir a l'estudi de les intencions emprenedores dels estudiants universitaris. Més concretament, els objectius específics d'este treball estan relacionats amb 1) identificar les variables centrals que influïxen en l'emprendimiento dels estudiants universitaris en la literatura sobre emprendimiento centrada en el projecte GUESSS; 2) estudiar els efectes mediadors dels components de la TPB entre l'educació emprenedora i la intenció emprenedora; 3) analitzar l'efecte de l'educació emprenedora tenint en compte el paper de la universitat, la família i el context social en els components de la TPB com a antecedents de la intenció emprenedora; 4) reduir la bretxa intenció-conducta afegint l'etapa intermèdia de la intenció d'implementació i els efectes moderadors de l'orientació a la meta i 5) explorar el fenomen de la intenció de successió. El nostre primer estudi mostra que la fase d'intenció és l'etapa més estudiada del procés empresarial. No obstant això, existeixen unes certes llacunes en la literatura que han de ser abordades i això és precisament el que pretenem aconseguir amb els següents estudis. Trobem que l'Aprenentatge dels Programes Formatius afecta a la Intenció Emprenedora a través dels components de la Teoria de l'Acció Planificada (TAP). En aquest sentit, és important destacar que les Normes Subjectives no van mediar la relació entre l'Aprenentatge dels Programes Formatius i la Intenció Emprenedora, sinó que van influir en la Intenció Emprenedora a través de les Actituds cap a l'Emprenedoria i el Control Conductual Percebut (*CCP). Quant als efectes de l'Educació Emprenedora, trobem que aquesta variable actua com a moderadora, especialment en la relació entre Actitud cap a l'Emprenedoria i Intenció Emprenedora, Normes Subjectives i Intenció Emprenedora, i Context Familiar i Normes Subjectives. A mesura que avancem en el procés emprenedor, els nostres resultats van validar el Model d'Esdeveniment Emprenedor (*MAE) per a predir les intencions emprenedores i, a més, l'elecció de carrera emprenedora 5 anys després d'acabar els estudis va moderar la relació entre la Intencions Emprenedora i la Intenció d'Implementació. Finalment, en analitzar la Intenció de Successió en les empreses familiars, els nostres resultats van mostrar l'impacte del Suport Parental en l'Autoeficàcia de l'Empresa Familiar i en el compromís amb l'empresa familiar. A més, els nostres resultats van confirmar un impacte positiu del compromís amb l'empresa familiar en la Intenció de Successió, especialment el Compromís Normatiu. / [EN] The interest of this research focuses mainly on the following aspects. First, we explore how the current literature on university student entrepreneurship focused on the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirits Students Survey (GUESSS), one of the largest related research projects, can contribute to research on university student entrepreneurship and help researchers to use this database. This is the first step in this work as it allowed as to identify the main gaps in the literature of university student's entrepreneurship. Second, we extend previous research on the entrepreneurial intention models (and succession intention) and we go beyond the intention on taking implementation intention as a closer step of behavior. And third, the results of this study would help give advice to universities, academics and policymakers to build an entrepreneurial university and in short, an entrepreneurial society. The main goal of this research is to contribute to the study of entrepreneurial intentions of university student's entrepreneurship. More specifically, the specific objectives of this work are related to 1) identify the core variables influencing university student's entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurship literature focused on the GUESSS project; 2) study the mediating effects of the components of the TPB between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention; 3) analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education considering the role of the university, family, and social context on the components of the TPB as antecedents of entrepreneurial intention; 4) reduce the intention-behavior gap by adding the middle stage of implementation intention and the moderating effects of goal orientation and 5) explore the succession intention phenomena. Our first study shows that the intention phase is the most studied stage of the entrepreneurial process. However, there are certain gaps that need to be addressed and that is exactly what we intend to achieve with the following studies. We found that Program Learning affects Entrepreneurial Intention through the components of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In this sense, it is important to highlight that Subjective Norms did not mediate the relation between Program Learning and Entrepreneurial Intention but influenced Entrepreneurial Intention through Attitudes toward Entrepreneurship and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC). As for the effects of Entrepreneurship Education, we found this variable acts as a moderator, especially in the relationship between Attitudes towards Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention, Subjective Norms and Entrepreneurial Intention, and Family Context and Subjective Norms. As we move through the entrepreneurial process, our results validated the Entrepreneurial Event Model (EEM) to predict entrepreneurial intentions and in addition, the Entrepreneurial career choice 5 years after completing studies moderated the relationship between Entrepreneurial intention and Implementation Intention. Finally, when analyzing Succession Intention in family firms, our findings showed the impact of Parental Support in Family Business Self-Efficacy and in commitment to the family firm. Furthermore, our results confirmed a positive impact of the commitment to the family firm on Succession Intention, especially the Normative Commitment. / Jiménez Arribas, I. (2021). University Student’s Entrepreneurship: an Integrated Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172361

An analysis of local and immigrant entrepreneurship in the South African small enterprise sector (Gauteng Province)

Radipere, Nkoana Simon 13 June 2013 (has links)
This study was undertaken to investigate the motivation, intention, self-efficacy, culture, business support,entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of South African and immigrant entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Gauteng province. The performance of the SMEs was investigated, and the reasons and gaps that have led to the assumed low competitive ranking and poor performance of South African entrepreneurs compared to immigrant entrepreneurs were analysed. A structured research instrument (questionnaire) was used to collect data through interviews and a self-administered survey. A total of 466 questionnaires out of 500 questionnaires that had been distributed to respondents by six fieldworkers were returned (93.2%) for analysis.A number of hypotheses were postulated to address the study aims and the collected data were analysed to answer the hypotheses. The results of the study showed a significant correlation between motivation and business performance (a motivated entrepreneur is more likely to succeed in business than an unmotivated entrepreneur) and a significant positive correlation between culture and motivation to start a business (a culture that is supportive of entrepreneurial activities, lowuncertainty avoidance, high individualism and lowpower distance relates positively to a high level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy).The results also showed a significant difference between the mean values of business performance and the education of the owner. It is suggested that the government creates a favourable climate to allow entrepreneurs to release their potential. The government can help by making complex legislation easier for start-ups and reducing the tax burden on new entrepreneurs. / Business Management / D. Comm. (Business Management)

Entrepreneurial intentions and start-up realities : the case of industrial design students in South Africa

Mvula, Althea Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Industrial design is recognised for the value-oriented benefits it offers to businesses. Industrial design ensures that new products are more efficient, usable, convenient and safe to use within the evolving business environment. One of the important factors for the continuous achievement of high product quality and general economic growth and stability in countries such as West Germany, Korea and Japan is their sound industrial design base. Industrial design programmes can be instrumental to ignite an entrepreneurial and innovation spirit to assist in curbing the high unemployment rate and very low levels of entrepreneurial intentions in South Africa. The core of tertiary industrial design students has unique capabilities that can assist the South African economy to stimulate manufacturing, job creation and economic growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the entrepreneurial intentions among industrial design students enrolled for the programme in Three-Dimensional Design, at Universities of Technology in South Africa. In addition, this study investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial intentions and actual business formation by graduates of the programme. Studies have been carried out in South Africa on entrepreneurial intentions, but not on the formation, occurrence and implementation of entrepreneurial intentions amongst industrial design students, specifically. To test the links between business education and entrepreneurial intentions, a research model based on Ajzen’s (1985) Theory of Planned Behaviour was adopted and tested using quantitative empirical data collected from students in industrial design at two Universities of Technology. Quantitative data were collected from a sample of 161 participants using a validated self-administered questionnaire. IBM SPSS and STATA were used to conduct descriptive statistics, Chi-square tests, factor analysis, reliability and structural equation modelling on the primary quantitative data. The empirical evidence partially supports the effectiveness of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in predicting entrepreneurial intentions. Although perceived social norms and self-efficacy is positively related to entrepreneurial intentions, results failed to reach statistical significance. However, personal attitude was found to mediate the relationship between these variables and entrepreneurial intention. Whilst business education is positively related to self-efficacy, entrepreneurial knowledge is positively related to higher levels of personal attitude and self-efficacy. The transformation of entrepreneurial intentions into actual business start-ups were investigated using qualitative empirical data collected from past graduates of the Three-Dimensional Design programme. Qualitative data were collected from a sample of 22 graduates through structured interviews. ATLAS.ti version 7.5.9 was used to analyse the qualitative data. The researcher provided evidence that there is a relationship between entrepreneurial intentions and the actual start-up of a business, as 45.5 per cent of graduates started businesses. Furthermore, business education positively influenced the actual start-up of businesses. However, graduates experienced many challenges to business start-up, with implications for the teaching of business subjects and for policy makers. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

An analysis of local and immigrant entrepreneurship in the South African small enterprise sector (Gauteng Province)

Radipere, Nkoana Simon 13 June 2013 (has links)
This study was undertaken to investigate the motivation, intention, self-efficacy, culture, business support,entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of South African and immigrant entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Gauteng province. The performance of the SMEs was investigated, and the reasons and gaps that have led to the assumed low competitive ranking and poor performance of South African entrepreneurs compared to immigrant entrepreneurs were analysed. A structured research instrument (questionnaire) was used to collect data through interviews and a self-administered survey. A total of 466 questionnaires out of 500 questionnaires that had been distributed to respondents by six fieldworkers were returned (93.2%) for analysis.A number of hypotheses were postulated to address the study aims and the collected data were analysed to answer the hypotheses. The results of the study showed a significant correlation between motivation and business performance (a motivated entrepreneur is more likely to succeed in business than an unmotivated entrepreneur) and a significant positive correlation between culture and motivation to start a business (a culture that is supportive of entrepreneurial activities, lowuncertainty avoidance, high individualism and lowpower distance relates positively to a high level of entrepreneurial self-efficacy).The results also showed a significant difference between the mean values of business performance and the education of the owner. It is suggested that the government creates a favourable climate to allow entrepreneurs to release their potential. The government can help by making complex legislation easier for start-ups and reducing the tax burden on new entrepreneurs. / Business Management / D. Comm. (Business Management)

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