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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manliga och kvinnliga vårdnadshavares kommunikation med sitt barn : Undersökning av talspråksmiljön hos barn i åldrarna 12–30 månader med LENA™

Andersson, Julia, Stepanyan, Gohar, Åkerström, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
The language ability starts to develop before birth and the language and speech environment of toddlers has been found to be of significant importance for the further development of language acquisition. Earlier studies have shown that female caregivers talk more with toddlers compared with male caregivers. This study is a part of the ongoing research project “Words make a difference”, Karolinska Institutet. The purpose was to investigate caregiver gender differences amongst Swedish caregivers regarding the number of adult words in the environment around toddlers. Another purpose was to contribute in validating the Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) in Swedish. The software LENA V3.1.0 analyzes the language environment and provides information about the number of adult words, child utterances and conversational turns. Estimated adult words can separate female adult words from male adult words. The authors also wanted to see if the LENA-result correlated with the child’s expressive vocabulary which was measured with the parent formulary CDI. Thirteen toddlers in the age of 12 - 30 months conducted an all-day recording with LENA. Random samples of the participants were chosen in order to validate the LENA-method. A total of 60 minutes of recordings was transcribed by the authors. The hypothesis that women talk more with toddlers was confirmed in this study, although the gender differences were less than in previous research. Male adult words showed a correlation with conversational turns. The result showed no significant correlation between expressive vocabulary and conversational turns. The human transcriptions were expected to conform with the LENA software especially regarding the number of adult words. The result showed that the conformity was high regarding the child utterances but somewhat lower regarding the adult words. In summary the study confirms the earlier research that female caregivers talk more to their toddlers compared with male caregivers, but the difference was not as large as shown in earlier research. Additional research about gender differences regarding adult talk and child directed speech is necessary to confirm this result. The result of the validation of LENA showed high conformity in a good audio environment. The LENA-method can be used as a useful tool to measure the listening and language environment in Sweden both in clinical and research contexts. Bakgrund och syfte: Barns språkförmåga börjar utvecklas redan innan födseln och tal- och språkmiljön som omger barnet har visat sig vara viktig för hur hens språk kommer utvecklas. Från tidigare studier har det framkommit att kvinnor talar mer med små barn gällande antal ord jämfört med manliga vårdnadshavare. Denna studie var en del av det pågående projektet “Ord gör skillnad”, Karolinska Institutet. Syftet var att undersöka skillnaderna mellan manliga och kvinnliga vårdnadshavare gällande antal ord i närheten av yngre barn. Hypotesen byggd på tidigare studier var att kvinnor skulle tala betydligt mer med sina barn än vad män skulle göra. Ett annat syfte vara att undersöka om LENA-resultatet korrelerade med barnets expressiva ordförråd. Hypotesen var att barn som hade ett större expressivt ordförråd hade fler turtagningsmöjligheter i verbal kommunikation med sina vårdnadshavare. Studien var också ett steg i processen att validera LENA-metoden (Language ENvironment Analysis) på svenska, med fokus på vuxenord och barnyttranden. Metod: 13 deltagande familjer med barn i åldrarna 12-30 månader genomförde en heldagsinspelning med LENA-metoden. Mjukvaran LENA V3.1.0 analyserar barns tal- och språkmiljö och kan ge information om antal vuxenord, barnyttranden och turtagningar. Estimerat antal talade vuxenord kan även separeras i ord från kvinnlig respektive manlig röst. Barnets expressiva ordförråd mättes med föräldraformuläret SE-CDI. För att validera LENA-metoden valdes stickprov ut från inspelningarna. Totalt 60 minuters inspelning från fyra deltagare (15 minuter per deltagare) transkriberades av testledarna för att sedan jämföras med LENA-beräkningen. Resultat: Kvinnliga vårdnadshavare använde fler antal ord än manliga vårdnadshavare. Dock var könsskillnaderna mindre än vad som tidigare påvisats. Det fanns ett samband mellan större andel ord från män och fler turtagningar. Resultatet visade dock ingen statistiskt signifikant korrelation mellan expressivt ordförråd och antal turtagningar. Gällande validering förväntades bedömarnas transkriptioner stämma överens med LENA-resultatet, särskilt beträffande estimerat antal vuxenord. Interbedömarreliabiliteten mellan de tre  bedömarna bedömdes hög. Överensstämmelsen mellan testledarna och LENA:s estimeringar blev hög gällande barnyttranden och något lägre för vuxenord. Sammanfattningsvis stärker studiens resultat tidigare forskning att kvinnor talar mer i närheten av små barn jämfört med män, även om könsskillnaderna inte blev lika stora i aktuell studie. Mer forskning beträffande könsskillnader och barnriktat tal behövs för att belägga om resultatet har en extern validitet. Gällande validering hade LENA en hög överensstämmelse med mänskliga transkriptioner vid de inspelningar där ljudmiljön var god, vilket innebär att LENA kan vara ett bra verktyg för att kartlägga svenska barns tal- och språkmiljö både kliniskt och i forskningssammanhang. / Ord gör skillnad, Karolinska Institutet

Early Social Communication Vulnerabilities of Children at Genetic Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lisa R. Hamrick (8941913) 26 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Early detection and characterization of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be improved by incorporating ecologically valid methods into ASD screening and assessment, capitalizing on prospective monitoring of high-risk populations, and targeting highly informative ASD features that emerge early in development. The present study aims to address these barriers by characterizing early vocal and pre-linguistic communication features present during naturalistic behavior samples of young children with neurogenetic syndromes (NGS). Participants were 39 children aged 5-30 months diagnosed with an NGS and 39 children aged 4-26 months at low risk for developmental delays. Participants completed a daylong audio recording of child vocalizations from which measures of early vocal features (child vocalization rate, canonical babbling ratio, and pitch variability) were obtained. Participants and their mothers also completed an unstructured play-based task during which pre-linguistic communicative features (communication complexity and function) were coded. We first used Bayesian analyses to compare the early vocal and pre-linguistic communication features of children with NGS to those of children at low risk for developmental delays. Children with NGS used less canonical babble, lower communication complexity overall and for behaviors for the purposes of joint attention. Next, we conducted a cluster analysis of early vocal and pre-linguistic communication features using the full sample of NGS and low-risk participants. The selected model identified 6 clusters that were primarily differentiated by canonical babbling and communicative function. These clusters differentiated participants beyond risk status, chronological age and adaptive age. Furthermore, certain clusters reflected differences in adaptive communication and socialization skills that may be relevant to early ASD profiles. These findings suggest that canonical babble and communicative function provide meaningful information about early developmental risk and may be useful to incorporate into the ASD screening and diagnostic processes.</p>

En explorativ fallstudie med fokus på turtagning mellan föräldrar och unga spädbarn : Utvärdering av PEPP-modellens kartläggningsmetoder LENA och videoanalys

Dietmann, Rebecka, Tilde, Peltoniemi January 2021 (has links)
Interaction is an important aspect for children’s language development. The intervention model Prevention Education Program for Parents (PEPP) is currently under development within the research project Ord gör skillnad, Karolinska Institutet. PEPP is an intervention for parents to children aged 0–12 months who’s recently been diagnosed with hearing impairment. In PEPP parents receive guidance based on the child’s language environment which is mapped through Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) and video analysis. LENA is a speech processing technological tool that analyzes the child’s language environment. The video analysis is made manually based on short video records of interactions between child and parent. The purpose of this study was to evaluate these mapping methods reliabilities to measure verbal conversational turns. The study also aimed to investigate if there’s a pattern between the amount of verbal conversational turns in a structured playtime and in the home environment. Four families with children aged 0:26–7:3 months participated. The child and parent interacted in a structured playtime that was analyzed with LENA and video analysis. Each family also made a LENA recording for an entire day in their home environment. The amount of verbal conversational turns in the structured playtime was analyzed by two assessors through video analysis. Inter-rater reliability was calculated, and a qualitative assessment was made for intervals in which the inter-rater reliability was &lt;80%. The conformity between video analysis and LENA in the structured playtime was calculated. Further, a comparison was made between the amount of verbal conversational turns measured with LENA in home environment and structured environment. The inter-rater reliability in this study was high and in the qualitative assessment aggravating factors were identified. The conformity between video analysis and LENA analysis of the structured playtime was moderate. The amount of verbal conversational turns was higher for all participants in the structured environment compared to the home environment. This study indicates that video analysis is a reliable method. However, the aggravating aspects should be remedied in order to increase the reliability. The results confirm previous findings that demonstrate limitations with LENA’s ability to measure conversational turns in young infants. This study indicates that the number of conversational turns is higher in structured environments. To ensure the results in this study further research should be conducted. / Barn lär sig språket i interaktion med sin omgivning. Föräldrainterventionen Prevention Education Program for Parents (PEPP) utvecklas inom forskningsprojektet Ord gör skillnad, Karolinska Institutet. I PEPP handleds föräldrar till barn i åldrarna 0–12 månader med nyligen upptäckt hörselnedsättning kring samspel och kommunikation. Handledningen baseras på barnets språkmiljö som mäts med kartläggningsmetoderna Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) och videoanalys. LENA är ett talprocessande teknologiskt verktyg som beskriver barnets språkmiljö genom automatisk analys. Videoanalysen sker manuellt av bedömare utifrån korta videoinspelningar av samspel mellan barn och förälder. Föreliggande studie syftade till att utvärdera dessa kartläggningsmetoders pålitlighet i mätning av verbala turtagningar. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka eventuella mönster mellan antal verbala turtagningar i hemmiljö och strukturerad miljö. Fyra familjer med barn i åldrarna 0:26–7:3 månader deltog. Barn och förälder samspelade under en strukturerad leksituation som analyserades med LENA och videoanalys. Varje familj gjorde även en heldagsinspelning med LENA i hemmiljö. Antal verbala turtagningar i den strukturerade leksituationen analyserades av två bedömare med videoanalys. Interbedömarreliabilitet räknades ut och en kvalitativ bedömning genomfördes på intervall med interbedömarreliabilitet &lt;80 %. Samstämmigheten mellan videoanalysen och LENA beräknades gällande den strukturerade leksituationen. Vidare jämfördes antal turtagningar mätt med LENA i hemmiljö och strukturerad miljö. Resultatet visade på en hög interbedömarreliabilitet i videoanalysen och i den kvalitativa bedömningen identifierades försvårande aspekter. Samstämmigheten mellan videoanalysen och LENA var måttlig. Antalet turtagningar var genomgående högre i den strukturerade leksituationen jämfört med hemmiljö. Studien tyder på att videoanalysen är en pålitlig metod. Dock identifierades försvårande aspekter som bör åtgärdas för att öka mätningens tillförlitlighet. Studien bekräftar tidigare forskning som visat på begränsningar gällande LENA:s mätning av turtagningar hos unga spädbarn. Resultatet tyder på att det sker fler turtagningar i strukturerad miljö än i hemmiljö. För att säkerställa studiens resultat krävs fortsatta studier.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development

Loupová, Hana January 2009 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals and evaluates the present situation of the company Stamal Colour, s r.o. The aim of this thesis „Business Plan for development of a company“ is to provide a solution how to develop this company to success in order to stabilize and win a better position on the current market.

Rozšiřování podniku Oční optika Věra Mišurcová s.r.o. / Expanding of Company Oční optika Věra Mišurcová s.r.o.

Mišurec, Libor January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis Expanding of company Oční optika Věra Mišurcová s.r.o. is dealing with creating real business plan applied on opening new optican store. The main goal is analyse currant situation, set up a new proposals witch will lead to improvement. Also thesis will serve as business plan for expansion of company. Results will help stabilize company and improve position of company on market.

Analýza severoamerického modelu sportu a jeho aplikace na evropské prostředí / Analysis of the North American model of sport and its application to the European environment.

Hejkrlík, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis examines the North American model of sport and possibility of its application to the European environment. It is divided into theoretical and analytical part. In the theoretical part, the author first clarifies concept of sport and its individual roles in our society, it is followed by explanation of sport training, its factors and regularities. Description of models of financing sport clubs and individual elements of both North American and European models of sport concludes the theoretical part. The analytical part begins with a brief history of the most important team sport competitions in the USA and Europe and it follows with an education system of athletes in both mentioned environments. The penultimate chapter contents detailed description of the organization of professional sport competition in the Czech Republic. Analytical part ends with the SWOT analysis of possible form of the North American model of sport in European terms.

Hrozby a příležitosti pro vybranou firmu / Threats and Opportunities for the selected company

VARGOVÁ, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis was to uncover opportunities and to identify threats for the selected company and offer the firm use of the information obtained. In the theoretical part of the thesis I used the information to perform a situational analysis and further analysis of the methods of marketing environment and SWOT analysis. To determine the opportunities and threats in the practical part of my thesis, I chose Československá obchodní banka, a. s. , which operates as a universal bank in the Czech Republic. SWOT analysis was used for these purposes. Before performing a SWOT analysis it was necessary to first develop an analysis of the marketing environment of the company. I used STEP analysis to analyse the company's macro environment. The bank's microenvironment was evaluated using Porter's five forces model analysis, and to analyse the company I made financial analysis of selected economic data and financial ratios from the annual reports for the period 2010 up to 2014. The SWOT analysis that was performed uncovered the following opportunities: population growth, an increasing number of households with a personal computer and Internet connection, smart banking development and interconnection of distribution networks. The most significant threat to the bank is growth in rivalry among competitors, increased bargaining power of customers, threat in the form of substitutes, the end of the contract with Česká pošta and the planned transfer of Česká pošta to a franchise. To achieve the objectives of the work, I suggested to the bank the following recommendations: specialized products for children and young adults with public campaign events, as well as alternative distribution channels, virtual Video Banker and virtual branches, competition and poll applications on social networks, Smart banking development, interconnection of distribution networks and merging brands. In terms of threats I recommend reducing the fees for account maintenance, increase the interest rate on accounts, create questionnaires regarding clients who close their account, higher commissions on sales and investments for Česká pošta, and last but not least, benefits and training for employees of Česká pošta.

Geoprocessamento e o modelo shift-share na analise das transformações do uso da terra nos municipios do Comite da Bacia Hidrografica do Rio Mogi-Guaçu (SP), 1979 a 2001

Scheer, Marcia Aparecida Procopio da Silva 11 September 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Jansle Vieira Rocha / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T06:01:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Scheer_MarciaAparecidaProcopiodaSilva_D.pdf: 6623925 bytes, checksum: 85b9318d09e09bcd2acaf81b338eeea0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como foco de estudo detectar as transformações ocorridas no uso da terra na área que abrange municípios componentes do Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Mogi-Guaçu (SP) - CBH-Mogi, entre 1979 e 2001. Ela foi dividida em três etapas distintas. A primeira teve como objetivo a elaboração de um banco de dados de atributos com os resultados da aplicação do modelo Shift-Share sobre dados estatísticos coletados nos Anuários de Produção Agrícola Municipal do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística -IBGE. Os cultivos agrícolas estudados foram: algodão, arroz, café, cana-de-açúcar, feijão, laranja, milho e soja para cada um dos trinta e oito municípios componentes do CBH-Mogi nos conjuntos trienais de 1979/1980/1981, 1989/1990/1991 e 1999/2000/2001. A segunda etapa consistiu na elaboração de um banco de dados espaciais com a análise multitemporal do uso da terra, cujas classes de mapeamento foram cana-de-açúcar, cultura anual, café, citrus e outros usos, para seis municípios componentes do CBH-Mogi (Barrinha, Dumont, Jaboticabal, Pitangueiras, Santa Lúcia e Sertãozinho) por meio de imagens de satélites LANDSAT 2-MSS, órbita/ponto: 235/075 (A e C), 235/076 (A) e 236/075 (A, B e D) do ano de 1981;LANDSAT 5-TM, órbita/ponto: 219/075 (A e C), 219/076 (A) e 220/075 (A, B e D) do ano de 1990; e LANDSAT7-ETM+, órbita/ponto: 219/075 (A e C), 219/076 (A) e 220/075 (A, B e D) do ano de 2001. Na terceira etapa foram realizadas a integração e comparação das duas metodologias de análise da mudança do uso da terra e a produção agrícola, sendo que os resultados evidenciaram que elas são complementares para as análises realizadas. Enquanto o modelo Shift Share tem como principal característica quantificar os principais componentes de variação agrícola, o estudo das transformações no uso da terra por meio de geoprocessamento fez com que fossem locados onde ocorreram estas mudanças e com isso possibilitou inferir sobre as causas que levaram a tal transformação. Na área de estudo pode-se notar que a expansão da produção agrícola ocorreu principalmente pela substituição dos cultivos agrícolas menos rentáveis pela canade- açúcar e também pelo uso mais intensivo da terra, conseqüência do avanço tecnológico no processo produtivo, de políticas governamentais e das tendências do mercado econômico regional, nacional e mundial / Abstract: This research identified the main factors that influenced the land use changes in counties belonging to the Mogi-Guaçu river Watershed Committe, between 1979 and 2001. The area is located in a strategic geographical region and has a significant agricultural production at the state, national and international levels. This study was carriOOout in three steps. The first one had the objective of elaborating a database with the results of the Shift-Share model applied to the statistic data gathered from the Annual Agricultural Municipal Production Report, ftom the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), for the study area in periods of three years: 1979/80/81, 1989/90/91 and 1999/2000/2001. The se~ond step consisted of elaborating a Spatial Database, with the multitemporal analysis of the ~ agricultural land use within the study area (Barrinha, Dumont, Jaboticabal, Pitangueiras, Santa Lúcia and Sertãozinho) using LANDSAT2-MSS, patb/row 235/075 (A e C), 235/076 (A) and 236/075 (A, B e D) of 1981;LANDSAT 5-TM, path/row 219/075 (A e C), 219/076 (A) and 220/075 (A, B e D) of 1990; and LANDSAT 7-ETM+, patb/row 219/075 (A e C), 219/076 (A) e 220/075 (A, B e D) of 2001. The third part was the integration and comparison of the two methodologies for the analysis of land use changes and agricultural production. The resuhs had evidenced that they are complementary for the carried through analyses. The Shift Share model basic characteristic is to quantify the main components of agricultural variation, while the study of land use changes using geoprocessing gave a geographicallocation of these changes possibiliting to analyse causes that had 100 to such transformation. In the study area it can be noticed that the the expansion of agricultural production occured mainly because the substitution of lesser yield agricultural crops by sugarcane, and also by more agricultural intesive land use / Doutorado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola

Návrh marketingového plánu podniku / Design of Company Marketing Plan

Hanáková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of a marketing plan for the Moravan hostel, which provides short-term accommodation for tourists and long-term accommodation for workers. This thesis contains literature part, which describes the concepts related to the creation of a marketing plan. It also contains an analytical part, where are individual analyzes including comprehensive SWOT analysis made. In the last part is marketing plan created, including the determination of cost, schedule, risks and benefits of proposals and inspection plan for a possible correction of the individual elements is determined.

Spokojenost zákazníků / Customer Satisfaction

Indrová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of client satisfaction of MITRANET.CZ. The theoretical section draws from generic information regarding the client, methods measuring the client satisfaction and a marketing survey. The analytical section examines the internal and external environment of the company. From the questionnaire survey the results of the study are concluded. The last section offers suggestions and precautions for the enhancement of the MITRANET.CZ’s client satisfaction.

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