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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatiotemporal Variation of Karst Ecosystem Service Values and Its Correlation With Environmental Factors in Northwest Guangxi, China

Zhang, Mingyang, Zhang, Chunhua, Wang, Kelin, Yue, Yuemin, Qi, Xiangkun, Fan, Feide 01 November 2011 (has links)
In this investigation we analyzed the spatiotemporal variation of ecosystem service values (ESVs) and its correlation with numerous environmental factors (EFs) for the karst region of Northwest Guangxi, China, from 1985 to 2005 using remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and statistical techniques. The results indicate that historically ESVs for this karst region decreased from 1985 (109.652 billion Yuan) to 1990 (88.789 billion Yuan) and then increased at the turn of the twenty-first century. However, the ESVs in both 2000 (103.384 billion Yuan) and 2005 (106.257 billion Yuan) never achieved the level recorded in 1985. The total of nutrient cycling, organic production and gas regulation combined were 72.69, 64.57, 70.18 and 72.10% of ESVs in 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2005, respectively. In contrast, the ESVs of water conservation, soil reservation, recreation and culture were determined to be relatively low contributing only 17.44, 23.82, 19.26 and 24.76% of total ESVs, respectively, during these four years. With regards to the spatial distribution of ESVs, larger values were recorded in the west and smaller ones recorded in the east. The most significant factors that were deemed to influence ESVs are annual rainfall, per capita cropland, slope and vegetation coverage. Annual rainfall and slope exert a negative force, whereas per capita cropland and vegetation coverage exert a positive force on ESVs. The results of the study would suggest that ecosystem conditions of this important karst region have been improved as the result of the implementation of rocky desertification control policies.

Perceived Factors Contributing to Coronary Heart Disease in African American Women

Sholanke, Funmilola O. 01 January 2015 (has links)
African American women (AAW) suffer from disproportionately high death rates due to coronary heart disease (CHD) compared to Caucasian women. Although there have been a number of studies targeting African American adults with CHD in clinical interventions, very few studies have addressed the social determinants of health and the influence of AAW's perceptions of health factors on health outcomes. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to fill the gap in the existing knowledge base by examining the lived experiences of 10 AAW diagnosed with CHD with a focus on the perceptions of environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural factors related to their disease. The framework for this study was Stokol's socioecological theory. Data were collected through individual semi structured interviews that were audio recorded, transcribed, inductively coded, and organized into themes. Results confirmed an expected connection between CHD and key external factors such as smoking, poor nutrition, and low exercise. The findings also indicated that financial considerations were a factor, including the affordability of healthy foods, although the historical cultural connections to cooking and eating were a greater impediment. The financial burden of medical treatment was less troublesome for the participants of this study, as all had access to private or public insurance plans. Other significant barriers included the inability to schedule appointments with physicians due to work and home commitments. The findings from this study contribute to social change by providing insight into the need for public policy that encourages a more culturally-competent health care system to better educate people about CHD, amend AAW's perceptions on CHD, and aid in the possible reduction of CHD.

Arbetsmiljö och motivation att leda : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmiljöns inverkan på kvinnliga chefers motivation att leda inom svenska IT-branschen

Berg, Evelina, Laukka, Simon January 2023 (has links)
IT-branschen har under de senaste åren kommit att bli allt viktigare för Sveriges ekonomi eftersom branschen omsätter och exporterar IT-tjänster för höga belopp. Därtill har branschen stor inverkan på Sveriges sysselsättning, således har IT-branschen ett stort inflytande på det svenska samhället. I och med hög tillväxttakt och digitaliseringstrend råder det emellertid kompetensbrist inom IT där det behövs ny personal inom flera yrkeskategorier. Att åtgärda kompetensbristen som råder inom IT-branschen är väsentlig, annars riskerar tillväxttakten avta vilket skulle vara ett hårt slag för Sveriges ekonomi. Trots brist på arbetskraft och hög efterfrågan är kvinnor underrepresenterade i IT-branschen. Tidigare forskning visar att arbetsmiljön inom IT-branschen på olika sätt utgör barriärer för kvinnliga anställda som innebär att de byter yrke, lämnar branschen och har svårt att avancera. Få studier har emellertid undersökt kvinnliga ledares upplevelser inom IT-branschen. Detta är ett väsentligt forskningsområde eftersom fler kvinnliga ledare kan resultera i att fler kvinnor söker sig till IT-branschen vilket är essentiellt för att möta rådande kompetensbrist och ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv.  För att få en djupare förståelse över kvinnliga ledares situation och hur de motiveras i sitt ledarskap utgår denna uppsats från konceptet Motivation Att Leda (MTL), det introduceras som ett koncept för att undersöka hur individuella skillnader kan förklara skillnader i motivation inför ledarrollen. Få studier har undersökt sambandet mellan arbetsmiljö och motivation att leda, därav ämnar denna uppsats besvara följande frågeställning:  Hur påverkar arbetsmiljön kvinnliga chefers motivation att leda inom den svenska IT-branschen? För att besvara på studiens frågeställning har vi med semi-strukturerade intervjuer undersökt nio kvinnliga chefer inom svenska IT-branschen om hur arbetsmiljön påverkar deras motivation att leda. Resultaten visar att kvinnliga chefernas MTL stärkts genom att erhålla och tillhandahålla psykosocialt stöd på arbetet samt att få empowerment i sin yrkesroll. Därtill visar sig en traditionell organisationsstruktur försvagar MTL.  Resultaten i vår studie bidrar med teoretiska insikter där studien erbjuder ny kunskap om MTL som koncept och sambandet mellan arbetsmiljö och MTL. Vidare ges det praktiska rekommendationer för relevanta intressenter såsom arbetsgivare, handledare och kvinnliga chefer som kan använda sig av studiens resultat för att bibehålla och utöka utbudet av kvinnlig arbetskraft inom IT.

Upplevelsen av arbetsmiljöns påverkan på välbefinnande hos personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning : En empirisk studie / The Experience of the Work Environment and the Impact on Well-Being in People with Mental Disabilities : An empirical study

Fredman, Ellinor, Lind, Josephine January 2017 (has links)
Personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar har svårare att erhålla och behålla ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Målgruppen löper större risk att drabbas av ohälsa då de ofta exkluderas från arbetsmarknaden på grund av deras svårigheter och behov av anpassningar i arbetsmiljön. Syftet är att beskriva hur personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar som erhållit insatser via metoden Supported Employment upplever att arbetsmiljön påverkar deras välbefinnande. Det var 17 personer med olika psykiska funktionsnedsättningar som hade erfarenhet av en arbetsmiljö som deltog i studien. Bedömningsinstrumentet Work Environment Impact Scale (WEIS) användes till datainsamlingen tillsammans med tillhörande intervjuguide för att samla information kring hur deltagarna upplevde välbefinnande i sin arbetsmiljö. I resultatet framkom det att faktorer som samarbete med arbetskamrater, utformning av arbetsuppgifter, arbetets stimulans, arbetstider och arbetets värde och betydelse var de faktorer som upplevdes mest stödjande för välbefinnande i arbetsmiljön. De faktorer som upplevdes mest hindrande för välbefinnande i arbetsmiljön var arbetsuppgiftens krav, förmåner, sensoriska egenskaper, förväntningar på prestation i arbetet och arbetsredskap. Flera studier visar på att en fungerande arbetsmiljö är viktigt för att kunna utföra sitt arbete. Förslagsvis behövs fler studier som fokuserar på att utveckla arbetsmiljöinterventioner som stödjer personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar att trivas och behålla sitt arbete. / People with mental disabilities have difficulty obtaining and keeping a job in the regular labor market. The target group is at greater risk of developing illness, as they are often excluded from the labor market due to their difficulties and their needs for adaptations in the work environment. The purpose of this study is to describe how people with mental disabilities who have received interventions through the ‘Supported Employment’ method experience their work environment and how it affects their well-being. Seventeen people with different mental disabilities and with experience of a specific work environment participated in the study. The ‘Work Environment Impact Scale’ (WEIS) assessment was used for data collection along with the associated interview guide to gather information about how the participants perceived their work environment. In the results it emerged that factors such as cooperation with coworkers, job design, the stimulus of work, working hours, and the value and importance of work were the factors that were most supportive for well-being in the work environment. The most obstructive factors for well-being in the work environment were the work demands, benefits, sensory characteristics, expectations of performance at work, and work tools. Several studies show that a soundly functioning work environment is important in order to perform at work. More studies are needed that focus on developing work environment interventions that help people with mental disabilities to enjoy and keep their jobs.

Influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana. Factors which influence small firm growth rates and which are important in distinguishing rapid-growth small firms from slow-growth small firms.

Dzotefe, S.A. January 2008 (has links)
Although the development of small businesses is generally considered important for income generation and job creation, there has been relatively little research in developing countries such as Ghana on understanding why some small firms succeed and grow rapidly while others do not in. This thesis investigates the influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana using data from a random sample of 252 manufacturing and services firms from the database of the Association of Ghana Industries. The general hypothesis is that, growth is a function of the characteristics of the entrepreneur; characteristics of the firm; strategic factors; environmental factors; and cultural factors. Consequently, the research tests 36 hypotheses drawn from the five main categories of variables using the turnover and the employment growth measures. It also uses logistic regression analysis to isolate significant factors differentiating rapid-growth firms from slow-growth firms. Overall, the research finds strong evidence which suggests that, perception of a market opportunity; university education; multiple founders; entrepreneurs with marketing skills; workforce training; new product development; presence of a clear vision and mission statement; majority non-family members in management and membership of professional or business associations were associated with rapid-growth firms. iv Factors which were significant in discriminating between rapid-growth and slow-growth firms but were more likely to be associated with slow-growth firms included threat of unemployment or actual unemployment as a motivation for starting a business; production skills; legal form (limited liability companies); access to external equity (post-formation); exporting; access to public or external aid; unionization and frequent management meetings.

Relationships Between Environmental Factors and the Quality of Berries Grown in the Fort McMurray Region, Alberta

De Silva, Chathumi 15 December 2023 (has links)
Fort McMurray has experienced significant environmental disruptions, raising concerns about chemical releases that affect the environment, particularly berries. This thesis explores the relationship between environmental factors and the nutritional quality of pin cherry (Prunus pensylvanica L.F.) and common blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx) fruits and soil in Fort McMurray (reclaimed and natural lands). Samples were collected in August 2022 and analyzed for chemicals and quality variables. The results revealed concentration variations among samples, with hydrocarbons higher in reclaimed areas and blueberries than others and soil surpassing those in fruits. Copper and iron in fruits exceeded regulatory limits. A strong association between soil chemicals and alkylated hydrocarbons in fruits explained most differences. Soil trace elements and properties were primary environmental drivers, while hydrocarbons were secondary influencers, evident mainly in reclaimed berry environments. Antioxidant-focused nutritional quality in reclaimed berries was predominantly influenced by these key drivers in soil, requiring consistent monitoring.

Phytoplankton community structure and water quality of Red River, Vietnam

Duong, Thi Thuy, Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Ho, Tu Cuong, Vu, Thi Nguyet, Hoang, Thi Thu Hang, Dang, Dinh Kim, Lu, Xixi 25 August 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to describe the distribution and relative abundance of the phytoplankton obtained during the two seasons (rainy and dry seasons) from the Red river system. The water and phytoplankton samples were monthly collected during the year 2012 at four sampling stations along the Red River (Yen Bai, Vu Quang Hoa Binh,and Ha Noi) . Environmental variables (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended solids, conductivity, TDS, NO3­-N, NH4­-N, PO4-P, Total Phosphorus; and DOC) and phytoplankton (e.g. cell density and relative abundant species) were analyzed. Six phytoplankton classes were identified with the Bacillariophyceae dominating in the phytoplankton community. A distinct seasonal variation in phytoplankton structure was observed with high cells density in dry season and low values in rainy season. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) showed that suspended solid factor that governed the temporal and spatial distribution of phytoplankton structure in the Red River system. / Nghiên cứu này trình bày sự phân bố và độ phong phú tương đối của quần xã thực vật nổi vào mùa mưa và mùa khô trong hệ thống sông Hồng. Các mẫu nước và thực vật nổi được thu hàng tháng trong năm 2012 tại 4 điểm trên sông Hồng (Yên Bái, Vụ Quang, Hòa Bình và Hà Nội). Các thông số môi trường (nhiệt độ, lượng oxy hòa tan, pH, chất rắn lơ lửng, độ dẫn, TDS, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, T-P và DOC) và thực vật phù du (mật độ tế bào,độ phong phú tương đối ) đã được phân tích. Sáu lớph tảo được được xác định với tảo silíc chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã thực vật phù du. Sinh khối thực vật đạt giá trị cao vào mùa khô trong khi thấp vào mùa mưa. Phân tích hợp phần chính cho thấy yếu tố chất rắn lơ lửng đóng vai trò quan trọng việc xác định biến động thời gian và không gian cấu trúc quần xã thực vật nổi trong hệ thống sông Hồng.

Behind grades: Extramural, environmental and individual factors in learning English as a foreign language

Moilanen, Amanda Milla January 2024 (has links)
The EF English Proficiency Index has presented high English proficiency levels for Swedish students. Previous investigations have studied different factors that contribute to high proficiency in a second language, such as the engagement with the language in the free time, or personal characteristics such as motivation or learners’ home environment. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate correlations between Swedish 9th grade studentsʼ grades in the English subject with three factors; 1) their extramural activities, 2) their home environment, and 3) the students’ personal characteristics. The participants in this study were 49 students of ages 15-16 years old from a primary school in northern Stockholm. They answered an online survey with four open-ended questions and 35 statements in which the participants answered on a Likert scale between 1-6. The results suggest a weak correlation between extramural activities and the students’ English grades, a weak correlation between home environment and the students’ grades in English, and a moderate correlation between individual differences and students’ English grades. Given the small sample size and potential limitations of the study, the results cannot be generalized to a larger population and further investigation, such as a qualitative study through interviews with students and EFL practitioners, may provide us with a more in-depth understanding of the connections between the investigated factors and Swedish students’ proficiency levels in English.

Scale-Dependent Environmental Influences on Linked Mussel-Fish Assemblages in Big Darby Creek, OH

Bey, Clarissa Rachel January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Determinants of mobile technology adoption for the improvement of supply chains of small and medium enterprises

Hlongwane, Paseka January 2022 (has links)
Thesis(M.Com. (Business Management)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the use of mobile technology in SMEs for the improvement of the supply chain. The study uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Technology Readiness Index (TRI) as theories. This study has four objectives: (1) To identify the determinants of the use of mobile technology in supply chains of SMEs, (2) To determine the level of adoption of mobile technology in the supply chain of SMEs, (3)To determine the relationships between determinants of the use of mobile technology and the adoption of mobile technology in the supply chain of SMEs, and (4) To determine the relationship between mobile technology adoption and supply chain performance. The study uses a quantitative approach. Exploratory and correlation research is used to determine the determinants of adoption of mobile technology. The study population are SMEs in Polokwane Local Municipality. A sample of 122 is used and aself administered questionnaire is used to collect primary data. Data analysis is carried out utilising SPSS version 27. A Cronbach alpha test is carried out to measure the internal reliability of the research instrument. The results show that there are positive relationships between determinants of the use of mobile technology and the adoption of mobile technology in the supply chain of SMEs and that there is a positive relationship between mobile technology adoption and supply chain performance. It is recommended to businesses to take into consideration the determinants of mobile technology adoptionin attempting to improve their supply chain performance and to adopt the mobile technology to enhance productivity and the processes of supply chain for those who have not adopted it. The research contributes to the knowledge about the factors influencing the use of mobile technology in SMEs for the improvement of supply chains / Service SETA

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