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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výskyt ochranářsky významných druhů PR Tetínské skály a jeho ovlivnění environmentálními faktory / The influence of environmental factors on abundance of conservation important species in Tetínské skály Nature Reserve

Augustinová, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
Tetínské skály Nature Reserve is one of the major sites for the presence of protected species, which are Dianthus gratianopolitanus, Saxifraga rosacea subsp. Sponhemica and Saxifraga paniculata. My goal was a field survey and data collection about the incidence of these species on the surfaces of rock walls, followed by identification of key environmental factors and description of their impact on the species. Such survey has not been conduncted so far. I used mainly multivariate analysis, PCA and RDA and One-way ANOVA to determine the interrelationships. The analysis results showed significant differences in species abundances influenced by different combinations of environmental factors. The factors with significant influence include cardinal direction. The highest proportion of species abundances showed areas of eastern orientation. Another important factor was shading from vegetation, which proved to have strong negative impact on abundace, especially for species S.rosacea subsp. sponhemica and D. gratianopolitanus. These two variables indicate a preference for sunny areas. Other factors with a significant influence on the occurrence of species are also a presence of soil surface rock wall and a presence of gardens in the area over the rock wall, which greatly increased the proportion of...

Sleep disturbances among immigrants in Sweden : A cross-sectional online survey study

Tomy, Amitha Therese January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: adequate sleep is essential to maintain a healthy life. Inadequate sleep causes various health impacts. The Centers for disease control and prevention (CDCP) from the USA announced in 2015 that sleep disorders and insufficient sleep are global health epidemics. Globally, immigration has risen especially in Sweden compared to past decades. Immigration is one of the factors of social determinants of health. Since immigration show an increasing trend, it is necessary to give much attention to the sleep health of immigrants in a health science context. Aim: The main purpose of this study is to explore the prevalence and factors associated with sleep disturbances among immigrants in Sweden. Method: Cross-sectional survey study conducted by distributing self-administered questionnaires online. Results: the prevalence of sleep disturbance among immigrants in Sweden was 69.16% (n=83). The most common self-identified factors associated with sleep disturbance were stress (62.4%, n=73) as psychological factors and high room temperature (48.3%, n=58) as environmental factors Conclusion: These findings show the necessity of taking immediate action to prevent further sleep consequences and climate change effects because of the increasing immigration trend. Future research studies can focus more on interventions that could control the impact of climate change-related sleep disturbances.

Current U.S. Armed Forces Members' and Veterans' Success in the Community College as Measured by Cumulative GPA

Stephan, Andrew Michael 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

God omvårdnad sett ur patientens perspektiv - en enkätstudie

Lindgren, Jonas, Nielsen, Haruethai January 2008 (has links)
Lindgren, J & Nielsen, H. God omvårdnad sett ur patientens perspektiv. En enkät-undersökning. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2008.Omvårdnad är ett av sjuksköterskans huvudsakliga arbetsområden och ett viktigt forskningsområde. För sjuksköterskan är kunskap om vad patienter uppfattar som god omvårdnad viktig då det gör sjuksköterskan bättre rustad att bemöta dem på ett adekvat sätt. Flera kvalitativa studier har gjorts för att kartlägga patienters upp-fattning om vad god omvårdnad innebär. Syftet med denna studie är att, med hjälp av en enkätundersökning vid två avdelningar, undersöka patienters uppfattning om vad god omvårdnad är. Studien genomfördes på universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö. Resultaten från de tidigare studierna delades in i sex kategorier och for-mulerades som enkätfrågor. Inga signifikanta resultat erhölls i denna studie, p g a ett för begränsat underlag. Noterbart är dock tendensen att patienterna värderar professionell kompetens högst av allt medan delaktighet tycks betyda mindre för dem. Även behov av information till anhöriga framkom. Det behövs mer forsk-ning på området för att kunna utröna om resultaten av den tidigare forskningen är generaliserbar. / Lindgren, J & Nielsen, H. God omvårdnad sett ur patientens perspektiv. En enkät-undersökning. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2008.Omvårdnad är ett av sjuksköterskans huvudsakliga arbetsområden och ett viktigt forskningsområde. För sjuksköterskan är kunskap om vad patienter uppfattar som god omvårdnad viktig då det gör sjuksköterskan bättre rustad att bemöta dem på ett adekvat sätt. Flera kvalitativa studier har gjorts för att kartlägga patienters upp-fattning om vad god omvårdnad innebär. Syftet med denna studie är att, med hjälp av en enkätundersökning vid två avdelningar, undersöka patienters uppfattning om vad god omvårdnad är. Studien genomfördes på universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö. Resultaten från de tidigare studierna delades in i sex kategorier och for-mulerades som enkätfrågor. Inga signifikanta resultat erhölls i denna studie, p g a ett för begränsat underlag. Noterbart är dock tendensen att patienterna värderar professionell kompetens högst av allt medan delaktighet tycks betyda mindre för dem. Även behov av information till anhöriga framkom. Det behövs mer forsk-ning på området för att kunna utröna om resultaten av den tidigare forskningen är generaliserbar.

A Comprehensive Test of the Health Belief Model and Selected Environmental Factors in the Prediction of Physical Activity and Dietary Behavior of Saudi Arabian University Students in the United States

Bakhsh, Reham, Dr. 25 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Convivialiser l'espace public : quels facteurs environnementaux freinent ou facilitent les contacts intergroupes? : l'exemple de Tan Mai à Hanoï

Conan, Lucas 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse, à travers une étude de cas, aux facteurs environnementaux de l’espace public qui facilitent ou rendent difficile un rapprochement entre groupes sociaux différents. Il vient également mettre à l’épreuve des théories occidentales partagées entre les sciences sociales et le domaine de l’aménagement dans un contexte du sud global, plus précisément au Vietnam, à Hanoï. Le site d’étude est dans le quartier de Tan Mai au sud d’Hanoï, un quartier parmi les plus densément peuplés de la ville où l’on retrouve une forte concentration de migrants ruraux. Selon la littérature, il existe une forte discrimination entre les migrants ruraux et les Hanoïens. Dans le même temps, la sous-provision d'espaces publics ouverts à Hanoï limite les possibilités pour ces deux groupes de se côtoyer dans les mêmes espaces récréatifs et de socialisation. Face à ces constats, la fondation HealthBridge, l’entreprise sociale ThinkPlaygrounds! et le bureau d’UN Habitat au Vietnam ont développé une aire de jeux couplée à un jardin communautaire dont l’un des objectifs était de favoriser les relations entre migrants et non-migrants au cours de l’année 2019. Une étude post-occupationnelle de ce projet a été menée durant l’été 2022. Combinant enquête par questionnaires, entretiens semi-directifs et observations de terrain. Cette étude a permis d’identifier certains des facteurs liés à l’aménagement qui contribuent à faciliter ou à freiner les interactions intergroupes et qui participent à soutenir les relations entre migrants et non-migrantes dans cet espace. La recherche met en évidence non seulement un manque de connaissances, mais aussi les défis opérationnels auxquels sont confrontés les praticiens du domaine de l'aménagement lorsqu'il s'agit de concevoir des espaces favorisant les rencontres intergroupes. L'étude suggère une collaboration accrue entre les disciplines de l’aménagement et les sciences sociales pour améliorer l'opérationnalisation d'un design d'espace public soutenant les relations intergroupes. / Through a case study, this dissertation examines the environmental factors in the design of public spaces that facilitate or hinder interactions between different social groups. It also puts to the test Western theories shared between the social sciences and the field of planning in a context of the global South, more precisely in Hanoi, Vietnam. The study site is located in the Tan Mai district to the south of Hanoi, one of the city's most densely populated areas, with a high concentration of rural migrants. According to the literature, there is strong discrimination between rural migrants and Hanoians. At the same time, the under-provision of public open spaces in Hanoi limits the opportunities for these two groups to rub shoulders in the same recreational and social spaces. In response to these findings, the HealthBridge Foundation, the social enterprise ThinkPlaygrounds! and UN Habitat's Vietnam office developed a playground coupled with a community garden, one of the aims of which was to foster relations between migrants and non-migrants over the course of 2019. A post-occupancy study of this project was carried out during the summer of 2022. Combining a questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews and field observations, this study identified some of the environmental-related factors that contributed to facilitating or hindering intergroup interactions. The identified factors also helped sustain relationships between migrants and non-migrants in the space. The research highlights not only a lack of knowledge, but also the operational challenges faced by planning practitioners when it comes to designing spaces that encourage intergroup encounters. The study suggests increased collaboration between planning disciplines and the social sciences to improve the operationalization of public space design supporting intergroup relations.

Toddler malnutrition and the Protein-energy Malnutrition (PEM) programme in the Vosloorus township

Nkonde, Sophie Elsie 01 1900 (has links)
The prevalence of Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) in South Africa has been welldescribed in previous research studies and yet little is known about the nutritional status of toddlers in the Vosloorus Township. Using the research questions as the conceptual framework for the study, an exploratory descriptive survey was conducted to determine. • What factors give rise to malnutrition in the Vosloorus Township? • Why do toddlers on the PEM Programme fail to achieve their expected target weight? Data was collected by means of structured interviews from a sample of 50 mothers in the Vosloorus Township whose toddlers were on the PEM Programme. The fmdings indicated that the poor socio-economic conditions of the majority of households, especially unemployment, low levels of education and ignorance, contributed towards the development of malnutrition amongst toddlers and their failure to thrive on the PEM Programme. Recommendations to reduce levels of malnutrition and transform existing nutrition programmes were made. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Ondersoek na die daarstelling van beleid vir die organisering van sport- en rekreasiedienste van die suidelike Pretoria metropolitaanse substruktuur

Odendaal, Marie-Jane 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur word onder toenemende druk geplaas om meer en beter dienste, wat onder andere sport- en rekreasiedienste behels, aan die gemeenskap te voorsien. Dit kan daaraan toegeskryf word dat veranderinge in die omgewing plaasvind wat vereis dat die Substruktuur in die gees van die heropbou en ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap, daarby moet aanpas. Een manier om die druk op die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur te verlig is om sport- en rekreasiedienste aan die hand van eenvormige beleid te organiseer. Hieruit spruit 'n doelwit voort, te wete om beleid vir die organisering van sport- en rekreasiedienste van die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur te ondersoek. Die ondersoek omsluit die milieu waarbinne beleid ontwikkel het, byvoorbeeld die eksterne omgewing en die bestaande organisatoriese reelings wat vir sport- en rekreasiedienste in die Substruktuur geld. In die studie is bevind dat beleid vir die organisering van sport- en rekreasiedienste van die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur gebrekkig en gefragmenteerd is. Daar is ook bevind dat die organisering van sport- en rekreasiedienste, weens 'n gebrek aan beleid, tot organisatoriese leemtes, soos die duplisering van dienste en gebrekkige kommunikasie, aanleiding gee. 'n Verdere doelwit met die studie is om 'n universele beleidsmodel vir die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur saam te stel waardeur leemtes in die organisering van sport- en rekreasiedienste uitgeskakel kan word en eenvormige beleidsreelings getref kan word. Daar is bevind dat die universele beleidsmodel wetenskaplik gefundeerde riglyne vir die daarstelling van beleid bied. Sodanige bevinding het tot die gevolgtrekking gelei dat die beleidsmodel 'n ideale raamwerk skep waarvolgens plaaslike owerhede, soos die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur, probleme kan identifiseer, doelwitte kan stel, organisatoriese reelings kan tref en beleid kan formuleer, implementeer en evalueer. Dit skep in der waarheid 'n raamwerk waarvolgens beleidbepalers te werk kan gaan om beleid te bepaal. Die beleidsmodel het 'n universele toepassingswaarde omdat dit riglyne bevat wat deur enige ander plaaslike owerheid in die proses van beleidbepaling aangewend kan word. / Increased pressure is placed on the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure to provide more and improved services, such as sport and recreation services, to the community. This can be ascribed to changes taking place within the external environment and which, in the spirit of reconstruction and development, requires the Substructure to adapt to such changes. One way to relieve the pressure on the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure is to organize sport and recreation services according to a uniform policy. This resulted in an objective, namely to investigate policy for the organization of sport and recreation services of the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure. The investigation entails the environment within which policy develops, for example the external environment and the present organizational arrangements applicable to sport and recreation services in the Substructure. During the study it was determined that policy for the organization of sport and recreation services of the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure was limited and fragmented. It was also determined that, due to the lack of policy, the organization of sport and recreation services resulted in organizational shortcomings such as the duplication of services and insufficient communication. A further objective with the study is to construct a universal policy-model for the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure through which shortcomings in the organization of sport and recreation services can be limited and uniform policy arrangements can be determined. It was determined that the universal policymodel offered scientifically based guidelines for the determination of policy. The aforementioned determination lead to the conclusion that the policy-model created an ideal framework within which local governments, such as the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure, could identify problems, determine objectives and organizational arrangements, formulate, implement and evaluate policy. In fact it creates a framework within which policymakers can work to determine policy. The policy-model is of universal value because it offers guidelines which can be applied by any other local authority during the policy-making process. / Public Administration and Management / D. Admin. (Publieke Administrasie)

Fear of burglary in the Honeydew police district

Watt, Hermine 11 1900 (has links)
The research project investigated whether victims of housebreaking experienced motivational, cognitive and emotional deficits central to the Learned Helplessness phenomenon. In keeping with the Reformulated Learned Helplessness theory the attributional style of victims, were also assessed. The State-Trait Inventory developed by Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg and Jacobs was administered to measure the anxiety levels of victims. Sub-goals served as illustration for the learned helplessness phenomenon. Three- hundred victims, using probability sampling techniques, were interviewed by means of an interview schedule. Support was found for cognitive and some motivational deficits and a common range of emotions experienced by victims. The majority of victims exhibited a global attnbutional style. Burglary victims did not show appreciably higher trait and state scores means, except for females in the 19-39 age group, when compared to a psychological norm. Environmental factors did play a role in rendering homes vulnerable. Recommendations addressing the fear of housebreaking were made at a therapeutic and practical level. / Sociology / M.A. (Criminology)

Analyse des attitudes envers les sciences chez des élèves du secondaire d'origine haïtienne de milieux défavorisés de la région de Montréal

Fils-Aimé, Nestor 01 1900 (has links)
Ayant en perspective la faible représentativité des élèves d’origine haïtienne issus des milieux défavorisés de la grande région de Montréal dans les filières scientifiques à l’école secondaire et dans les orientations de carrière, cette étude vise à examiner l’incidence de caractéristiques individuelles ainsi que de facteurs associés à l’environnement familial, scolaire, socioéconomique et culturel sur les attitudes de ces élèves envers les sciences. L’analyse des données est basée sur les résultats d’un questionnaire portant sur le profil sociodémographique d’un groupe d’élèves de quatrième et cinquième année fréquentant deux écoles secondaires multiethniques de la couronne-nord de Montréal ainsi que sur des entretiens avec quinze de ces élèves qui sont d’origine haïtienne. Des entretiens ont également été réalisés avec des parents, un membre d’un organisme communautaire, des membres du personnel des écoles ainsi que des professionnels et scientifiques haïtiano-québécois dans le but de porter un regard croisé sur les différentes positions exprimées par les quinze élèves. Le modèle écosystémique de Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1986) a servi de cadre de référence permettant de dégager les pôles les plus marquants dans les attitudes envers les sciences chez les élèves d’origine haïtienne. La synthèse des opinions exprimées par les différents répondants souligne l’existence d’un environnement peu valorisant des sciences autour des élèves d’origine haïtienne. Les conditions socioéconomiques, les pratiques familiales, le statut ethnoculturel ainsi que des représentations individuelles des sciences concourent à créer et à maintenir des attitudes très peu engageantes envers les sciences chez ces élèves. L’étude met en évidence l’urgence de démystifier les sciences en brisant certains stéréotypes qui empêchent certaines catégories d’élèves d’accéder aux sciences. Elle commande aussi les politiques en matière d’éducation d’être plus ouvertes aux différences ethnoculturelles et d’explorer des manières dynamiques de rendre la culture scientifique accessible à tous les groupes sociaux. / Having in perspective the slight representativeness of students, from Haitian background, from the most unprivileged sections of the great region of Montreal in the scientific fields in High School and in the choices of career, this study intends to examine the effect of the individual characteristics as well as the associated factors related to the familial, scholastic, socio-economic, and cultural environment upon the attitudes of those students toward sciences. The analysis of the datum is based on the results of a questionnaire focusing on the socio-demographic profile of a group of students from fourth and fifth year attending two multiethnic High Shools of the North-Crown of Montreal as well as on the interviews with fifteen of those students who are from a haitian background. There were also interviews with some parents, a member of a community organism, some staff members of some schools as well as some Haitian-Quebecer professionals and scientists, in order to have a critical viewpoint upon the different positions expressed by the fifteen students. The Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic model (1979, 1986) has been used as scope of reference allowing to draw the prominent aspects from the attitudes toward science in the students, from haitian background. The synthesis of ideas expressed by different interviewee reveals the existence of a environment not much enhancing the value of sciences around of students, from Haitian background. The socio-economic conditions, the familial practices, the ethnocultural status as well as some individual representations of sciences contribute to create and maintain some attitudes very little committed to sciences in those students. The study shows how much it is urgent to demystify the sciences by breaking with some stereotypes that prevent some categories of students from acceding to sciences. It also commands to politicians, concerning education, to be more open to ethnocultural differences and to explore some dynamic ways in order to make the scientific culture accessible to all social groups.

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