Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental design"" "subject:"0nvironmental 1design""
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Developing An Ecological Sanitation TransectKolesinskas, Ian 23 March 2016 (has links)
A sanitation problem exists for people across the globe: basic human waste collection and treatment is inaccessible to much of the world’s population; and the status-quo gray infrastructure system of sanitation is unsustainable and unsuitable for widespread application. A paradigm shift is needed: this thesis makes the case for developing an Ecological Sanitation Transect to bring back the closed loop that connects consumption, waste excretion, sanitation, and food production. The Ecological Sanitation Transect is a synthesis of ecological sanitation, where human excreta is reused, and the urban transect, where development density is conceptualized along a continuum from rural to urban. Current literature related to transects, sanitation, and the links between them is investigated. An analytical overlay of ecological sanitation strategies onto the transect framework with accompanying visualizations is the resulting integration of these ideas. Case studies from across the transect are detailed. A concluding discussion is followed by directions for future research.
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Historically, a disconnect has existed between the education and practice of architecture. Architectural education has long prided itself on the value of creative problem-solving, research, and the fine arts. In contrast, the practice of architecture has evolved to emphasize technical knowledge, specialization, communication, business, and collaboration. This disconnect has led education to miss opportunities to teach students business skills and knowledge required for the workplace, and allowed practice to lose sight of the importance of artistry and research. Architecture educators, students, and practitioners each have a unique set of knowledge and skills to offer the other, and a corresponding set of need and challenges which must be addressed for the profession’s continued success.
By analyzing history, current debates in the field, and case studies of current innovative practices and educational models, this thesis addresses these issues with a new model of architectural synergy, embodied through a facility for lifelong learning in architecture. The primary goal of this building is to inspire integrative and collaborative processes between students, researchers, educators, and practitioners to address the current disconnect between them. Through this facility, each group will have the opportunity to leverage their unique strengths and successes to help the others. This collaborative model will allow each role mutually beneficial opportunities for lifelong learning through the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and processes between different groups.
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Intermodal Transit Terminal: Integrating the Future of Transit into the Urban FabricVigneau, Guy 20 August 2019 (has links)
The very foundation of transportation relies on its ability to efficiently move people and goods through a transitional space. Transportation hubs are key to achieving this goal. However, many transit terminals are outdated or poorly designed to fit the needs of the modern world. At the core of this thesis are two overarching questions. First, how do we design intermodal transit terminals so that they successfully integrate into an existing urban fabric? Second, how do we design for innovative modes of transportation, such as hyperloop technology? This thesis explores how architectural design can recover existing transit connections within an urban context and provide new modes of transportation for a faster and more efficient user experience. Exploring the current issues within the transit sector today was a major focus of this research as well as selecting a site within an active city center. Furthermore, research into the emergence of new modes of transportation, like hyperloop technology and autonomous vehicles helped to identify potential transit solutions. Much of this research investigated the history of transit centers in addition to studying several important case studies that facilitated a solution to improving transit connections. Several design options were explored through this research and a selected design was integrated into a final design solution to help lay the path for a more efficient future in transit architecture.
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Multimodal Transit and a New Civic ArchitectureHill, Samuel Bruce 15 July 2020 (has links)
We live in an age defined by the automobile and its infrastructure. This paradigm of movement has shaped how we live our lives, and the urban frameworks we inhabit. Cars as a form of transportation damage the environment and engender unsustainable lifestyles. They also create anti-social spaces with the infrastructure they require, and therefore their success is inverse to that of the pedestrian experience.
I seek to adapt this transit paradigm with a more flexible and resilient multimodal system. My work focuses on reinvigorating a rail line in central Massachusetts and designing a modular station system that can serve as a new kind of civic architecture. The station grows and shrinks between towns of different sizes, and over time. It slots into existing communities with little disruption, and is programmatically fluid and diverse, such that an array of stakeholders become invested in its success. It also presents as a new type of civic architecture; a building that represents a larger system, while also maintaining its place in local communities.
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Propuesta de estrategias visuales para fomentar el consumo en las ferias itinerantes del programa Surco Emprende / Proposal for visual strategies to promote sales at the itinerant fairs under the program "Surco Emprende"Tobalina Garcia, Daniela 12 August 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se analizó la importancia que tienen las ferias y mercados itinerantes en Lima – Perú para la reactivación económica frente al desempleo generado por el estado de emergencia debido al COVID-19. Se indagó acerca del desarrollo y el funcionamiento de la industria ferial, así como el nacimiento de diversos emprendimientos por consecuencia del impacto de la pandemia en la sociedad y en el ámbito laboral. Se investigó acerca de las iniciativas relacionadas a ferias y mercados a nivel nacional por parte del estado para brindar apoyo, soluciones y oportunidades a las personas que necesitan espacios para ofrecer y vender sus productos. El trabajo se enfocó en las ferias itinerantes implementadas por municipalidades, específicamente por la Municipalidad de Surco. La investigación y el planteamiento se centró precisamente en el programa llamado "Ferias Itinerantes de Surco Emprende", se buscó información acerca de cómo nacieron, cuál es su funcionamiento y el aporte en la sociedad, detectando los aspectos por mejorar. También se estudió el público objetivo al que están dirigidas estas ferias, con la finalidad de saber, cuales son las necesidades que requieren, para posteriormente utilizar al diseño gráfico como medio para contribuir en el buen funcionamiento de estas, promocionándolas y generando más consumo en ellas, se busca tener como resultado que la afluencia de público sea mayor. Se elaboró un sistema visual integral explorando diferentes materiales y elementos gráficos que permitan crear propuestas pertinentes e innovadoras que se puedan adaptar fácilmente a las necesidades que requiere cada una de ellas y generar mayor impacto. / This study analyzed the roles that itinerant fairs and markets in Lima, Peru play in driving economic recovery in the context of COVID-19. We inquired about the development and functioning of the fair industry and analyzed new ventures that have arisen to respond to market and employment needs during the pandemic. We researched state initiatives related to fairs and markets at a national level to offer support, solutions and opportunities to people who might need a space to sell their products. We focused our work on itinerant fairs at the municipal level, particularly in the Municipality of Surco. Specifically speaking, the research and concept focused on the evolution of"Itinerant Fairs: Surco Emprende". We searched for information regarding how these endeavors got off the ground; how they work; and what they contribute to society. The study also delved into areas for improvement. We also studied the customer pool that these fairs target to determine how they can use graphic design to better promote their product drive sales; and ensure success. Our primary objective is to increase turnout. We prepared a comprehensive visual system that explores the use of diverse materials and graphic elements to create pertinent and innovative proposals that can be easily adapted to generate a larger impact. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Estrategiade comunicación visual para optimizar la experiencia de los visitantes al Parque Zonal Cahuide / Visual communication strategy to optimize the experience of visitors at the Parque Zonal CahuideCervera Loncán , Andrea Isabel 13 August 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación se realizó en el Parque Zonal Cahuide en el distrito de Ate Vitarte, con el apoyo del administrador quien manifestó que la señalética con laque cuenta el parque actualmente no se encuentraen una ubicación adecuada e incluso en ciertas áreas del parque no existe señalización alguna por no contar con presupuesto asignado por SERPAR ni por la Municipalidad de Lima, todo debe de salir de los propios recursos económicos que genera el parque a razón del cobro para el ingreso de los usuarios, alquiler de los campos deportivos, entre otros ingresos que se generan.El diseño gráfico permite aplicar todos los conocimientos en el campo dela comunicación visual transmitiendo la información a través de imágenes o símbolos.Esta propuesta gráfica consiste en la realización de una aplicación de realidad virtual colocado en la web de SERPAR que mediante el recorrido de tomas fotográficas el usuario conozca los distintos atractivos con los que cuenta el parque y persuadir a más usuarios a visitarlo, de tal manera cuando las personas acudan de manera presencial no llegue a perderse ni desorientarse. A través de la página web de SERPAR en la sección noticias se publicará un post para generar mayor difusión y concurrencia, por ende, mayores ingresos para el mantenimiento colocación o reubicación de la señalética.Concluyendo que esta aplicación tiene viabilidad para ser aplicada en un futuro. / This investigation was carried out in the “Parque Zonal Cahuide”, located in the district of Ate Vitarte. With the support of the administration, who stated that the signage that the park currently has, is not in a suitable location, and even it doesn’t exist in certain areas. This happens for nothaving a budget assigned by SERPAR or the Municipality of Lima. Everything must come from the own economic resources, usually generated by the entrance ticket that user of the park must pay, the rent of the sports fields, among other incomes.Graphic design allows to apply all the knowledge in the field of visual communication, transmitting information through images or symbols.This graphic proposal consists of the realization of a virtual reality application placed on the SERPAR website that, through the tour of photographic shots, the users will know the many attractions that the park has and persuades more new users to visit it. In such a way, when people attend in person the won’t get lost or disoriented.Through the SERPAR website, in the news section, a post will be published to generate greater dissemination and attendance, therefore, higher income for the maintenance, placement or relocation of the signage.Concluding that this application is viable to be applied in the future. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Miljonprogrammets inflytande på kvinnans upplevda trygghet i staden : En kvalitativ fallstudie på miljonprogramsområdet Sätra, GävleJohansson, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Sätra är en stadsdel i Gävle kommun som byggdes under miljonprogrammet. När Sätra byggdes var många av byggnaderna standardiserade för kostnadseffektivitet. Stadsdelen har idag ett rykte med brottsproblematik och otrygga invånare, allra mest kvinnorna. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om standardiseringen har påverkat tryggheten hos Sätras kvinnliga invånare negativt. Målet är att ta fram ett förslag på hur Sätra kan förbättra tryggheten. Med detta tas gestaltningsförslag fram på otrygga platser för att visualisera hur tryggheten kan förbättras med fysisk utformning. För att genomföra detta arbete har då en multimetod applicerats. Den första metoden för att samla kvalitativa data var genom platsanalyser på studieområdet. Där utfördes tre platsanalyser: en på dagen, en på kvällen och en igen på dagen för att samla ytterliga information. Sedan skickades en enkät ut till Sätraborna för att samla in deras åsikter. De fick även svara hur trygg eller otrygg de känner sig på vissa platser för att peka ut vilka av dessa platser som är mest otrygga. De platserna kunde sedan analyseras mer för att ta reda på vilka faktorer som de har gemensamt för att kunna identifiera vad som påverkar tryggheten. Detta data användes för att skapa en heatmap. Genom brottsdata insamlat från polisen kunde en heatmap för brottsplatser skapas och jämföras med otrygghetskartan. Slutligen med hjälp av teori och dessa metoder togs förslag fram på hur dessa otrygga platser kan förbättras. Svarsfrekvensen på enkäten var 48 kvinnor av 61 respondenter, så enkäten representerar inte vad hela Sätra tycker tillräckligt. Tack vare teori och hjälp från en expert inom ämnet kunde trots allt resultatet valideras. Faktorer som kan påverka tryggheten är belysning, siktlinjer, naturlig övervakning, rykte, image, underhåll och mänsklig aktivitet. Sätra har flertal av dessa listade faktorer, men belysning, underhåll, siktlinjer och ett stärkt samfund är det som saknas mest. Ryktet är även en influerande faktor, som med hjälp av en bättre image och gemenskap i stadsdelen kan stärka tryggheten. Det finns många olika faktorer kring trygghet och säkerhet som är svåra att besvara i ett examensarbete. Men den tydligaste slutsatsen att dra efter denna studie är att Sätra Centrum och de intilliggande områdena är i stort behov av underhåll, bättre belysning och ett förstärkt samfund med hjälp av bättre image.Nyckelord: / Sätra is a district in Gävle municipality in Sweden, which was built during the Million Programme. When Sätra was built, many of the buildings were standardised for cost effectiveness. The district has today a bad reputation with crime problems and citizens who feel unsafe, particularly the women. The aim of this study is to find out if the standardization has negatively affected the perceived safety of Sätra’s female inhabitants. The objective is to bring forth a suggestion on how Sätra can improve the perceived safety of the area, and to create a design proposal on how these areas can improve through physical design. To accomplish this objective a multi method have been applied. The first method was site analysis on the study area, which of three were carried through two on during daytime and one during the evening. A survey was also sent out to habitants of Sätra to collect their opinions on the matter. They also had to answer how safe or unsafe they felt on different picked out places to analyse which components the unsafe areas have in common. This data was also used to make a heat map, and crime statistics data was collected from the police to make a heat map. These two heat maps were later compared. Lastly, a design proposal was brought forth. The response rate of the survey was 48 women out of 61 responses. Therefore, the survey does not completely represent what everyone of Sätra’s residents think. However, thanks to earlier research and the help of an expert in the subject the results could be validated. Factors that affect the perceived safety are lighting, sightlines, natural surveillance, reputation, image, maintenance, and human activity. Sätra has several factors that plays into the lack of perceived safety, but lighting, maintenance, sightlines, and a strengthened community is what is missing the most. Reputation is also an influential factor, which with the help of a strengthened image and stronger community in the district can improve the perceived safety. There are many different factors playing in to perceived safety and actual safety that are hard to answer in a bachelor thesis. However, the most evident conclusion to draw from this study is that Sätra Centrum and its neighbouring residential areas need maintenance, improved lighting, and a reinforced community and image.
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Cyclist Path Choices Through Shared Space Intersections in EnglandDuncan, Allison Boyce 11 March 2016 (has links)
In the last several years, there has been growing worldwide interest in making streets safer for all users--pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. One approach, shared space, is a traffic calming technique as well as urban design concept. This technique strives to fully integrate the roadway into the urban fabric by removing elements such as lane markings, curbs, and traffic signs. By removing these elements and creating a more plaza-like space, these sites become ambiguous and no user group as priority. The technique is relatively new, and the majority of existing research concerns pedestrians only. This mixed methods research focused on six intersections in England with the goal of understanding how bicycle riders perceive and travel through shared space intersections. Using video observations of the six sites in three cities, three shared and three control, this project analyzed the variations in the paths cyclists rode through the intersections. Data were collected on several variables related to both the cyclists and their interactions with the site itself such as helmet use and riding through crosswalks. Path analysis required the development a new evaluative variable in order to compare individual paths by how much deviation there was in each path ridden as compared to other cyclists. Site-specific surveys addressed the perceptions, bicycling experience, demographics, and path and route preferences by cyclists at both shared space and control intersections. The analysis indicated that cyclists rode similarly through both shared and control intersections, and that a large percentage of riders preferred to ride farther from motor vehicles when given the space to do so. This project offered further insight in how to best design shared space projects for nonmotorized users by looking at the spatial layout and the elements that most influenced a rider’s path choice. Results indicated that, in these cases, shared space was not the panacea for nonmotorized users as some literature suggests, but nonetheless appeared to be a valid form of traffic calming. This research offered further insight in how to best design shared space projects for nonmotorized users by looking at the spatial layout and the elements that most influenced a rider’s path choice.
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An Empirical Study of Particulate Matter Exposure for Transit Users at Bus Stop SheltersMoore, Adam 01 January 2012 (has links)
Congested traffic corridors in dense urban areas are key contributors to the degradation of urban air quality. While waiting at bus stops, transit patrons may be exposed to greater amounts of vehicle-based pollution, including particulate matter, due to their proximity to the roadway. Current guidelines for the location and design of bus stops do not take into account air quality or exposure considerations. This thesis provides a unique contribution to roadside air quality studies and presents an innovative method for the consideration of bus shelter placement. Exposure to roadside pollutants is estimated for transit riders waiting at three-sided bus stop shelters that either: 1) face roadway traffic, or 2) face away from roadway traffic. Shelters were instrumented with particulate matter monitoring equipment, sonic anemometers for wind speed and direction, and vehicle counters capable of categorizing vehicles by length. Temperature and relative humidity were gathered from a nearby monitoring station. Data were collected for two different days at three shelters during both the morning and afternoon peak periods for a total of eleven data periods. Bus shelter orientation is found to significantly affect concentration of four sizes of particulate matter: ultrafine particles, PM1, PM2.5, and PM10. Shelters with an opening oriented towards the roadway were observed to have significantly higher concentrations inside the shelter than outside the shelter. In contrast, shelters oriented away from the roadway were observed to have significantly lower concentrations inside the shelter than outside the shelter. The differences in average particulate matter concentrations are statistically significant across all four sizes of particulate matter studied. Additional correlation and linear regression investigation reveals interactions between particulate concentrations and built environment characteristics, vehicle flow, and weather conditions. Temperature and relative humidity played a large role in the diurnal variation of average concentration levels. In all instances, particulate concentrations were greater during the morning period, often substantially so. Particulate concentrations are shown to vary based on both wind speed and direction. Vehicle flow is correlated with particulate levels, though significance is not consistent. Lagged vehicle flow is demonstrated to be more consistently significant. Regression analysis suggests weather factors such as wind, temperature, and relative humidity explain roughly 70% of particulate variation, while vehicle flow explains less than 6%.
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Johnson City, Tennessee Streets, 2003Johnson City GIS Division 09 September 2003 (has links)
Produced by the Johnson City GIS Division on September 9, 2003, this map denotes the streets of Johnson City. The legend includes fire stations, neighborhoods, and schools. A city street index is also included. The map was designed by Gregory Plumb, GIS Coordinator and Ann Howland, GIS Database Specialist.
This map was donated by the Johnson City GIS Division and now resides in the map collection of Sherrod Library's Government Information, Law and Maps Department.
Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library. / https://dc.etsu.edu/rare-maps/1012/thumbnail.jpg
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