Spelling suggestions: "subject:"epsilon"" "subject:"ipsilon""
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Etude numérique et modélisation de la modulation de la turbulence dans un écoulement de nappe chargée en particulesvermorel, olivier 13 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude numérique et théorique de la modulation de la turbulence par des particules. Cette étude s'appuie sur des résultats issus de simulations de type Euler/Lagrange qui résolvent directement les équations instantanées de la phase gazeuse et effectuent un suivi de trajectoires des particules. La configuration étudiée représente une nappe de particules injectées à haute vitesse dans une turbulence homogène isotrope décroissante. Le mouvement des particules est supposé uniquement gouverné par la force de traînée visqueuse. Le chargement en particules est suffisamment important pour que les particules influent sur la phase gazeuse (couplage inverse) mais suffisamment faible pour pouvoir négliger les collisions interparticulaires. Une analyse des équations de transport des principales grandeurs moyennes de l'écoulement est menée pour déterminer les effets directs et indirects des particules sur la turbulence fluide. L'étude des transferts d'énergie entre phases montre que la présence des particules tend à détruire la turbulence gazeuse au centre de la nappe et à l'augmenter à la périphérie. Ce dernier effet est causé par la forte corrélation entre la distribution de particules et la vitesse instantanée du gaz. Le modèle k-epsilon est ensuite étudié et la validité de ses hypothèses de fermeture en écoulement diphasique est éprouvée à l'aide de tests a priori. une nouvelle formulation de type viscosité turbulente, fonction des paramètres diphasiques, est utilisée pour modéliser le tenseur de Reynolds du gaz. Une équation de Langevin diphasique est également testée pour modéliser les équations de vitesse de dérive et de covariance des fluctuations de vitesse fluide-particules.
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Implementation And Comparison Of Turbulence Models On A Flat Plate Problem Using A Navier-stokes SolverGenc, Balkan Ziya 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
For turbulent flow calculations, some of the well-known turbulence models in the literature are applied on a previously developed Navier-Stokes solver designed to handle laminar flows. A finite volume formulation, which is cell-based for inviscid terms and cell-vertex for viscous terms, is used for numerical discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations in conservative form. This formulation is combined with one-step, explicit time marching Lax-Wendroff numerical scheme that is second order accurate in space. To minimize non-physical oscillations resulting from the numerical scheme, second and fourth order artificial smoothing terms are added. To increase the convergence rate of the solver, local time stepping technique is applied.
Before applying turbulence models, Navier-Stokes solver is tested for a case of subsonic, laminar flow over a flat plate. The results are in close agreement with Blasius similarity solutions.
To calculate turbulent flows, Boussinesq eddy-viscosity approach is utilized. The eddy viscosity (also called turbulent viscosity), which arises as a consequence of this approach, is calculated using Cebeci-Smith, Michel et. al., Baldwin-Lomax, Chien&rsquo / s k-epsilon and Wilcox&rsquo / s k-omega turbulence models. To evaluate the performances of these turbulence models and to compare them with each other, the solver has been tested for a case of subsonic, laminar - transition fixed - turbulent flow over a flat plate. The results are verified by analytical solutions and empirical correlations.
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Um novo esquema upwind de alta resolução para equações de conservação não estacionárias dominadas por convecção / A new high-resolution upwind scheme for non stationary conservation equations dominated by convectionLaís Corrêa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um novo esquema prático tipo upwind de alta resolução, denominado EPUS (Eight-degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme), para resolver numericamente equações de conservação TVD e é implementado no contexto do método das diferenças finitas. O desempenho do esquema é investigado na resolução de sistemas hiperbólicos de leis de conservação e escoamentos incompressíveis complexos com superfícies livres. Os resultados numéricos mostraram boa concordãncia com outros resultados numéricos e dados experimentais existentes / Is this work a new practical high resolution upwinding scheme, called EPUS (Eight-degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme), for the numerical solution of transient convection-dominated conservation equations is present. The scheme is based on TVD stability criterion and is implemented in the context of the finite difference methodology. The performance of the scheme is investigated by solving hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and complex incompressible flows with free surfaces. The numerical results displayed good agreement with other existing numerical and experimental data
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Vliv turbulentního modelu na simulace proudění vzduchu v okolí průtokoměru / Effect of the turbulence model for simulation of air flow around flowmeterVlček, Josef January 2014 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is to check influence of turbulent model used for simulation of flow close to primary elementi inserted into piping. The goal is to check if results computed by these models are equal and how precise is their prediction.
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Größenkontrollierte Herstellung von Ge-Nanokristallen in Hoch-Epsilon-Dielektrika auf Basis von ZrO2Lehninger, David 08 December 2018 (has links)
Nanokristalle werden beispielsweise für eine Anwendung in Solarzellen, Lichtemittern und nichtflüchtigen Datenspeichern diskutiert. Damit diese Anwendungen funktionieren können, ist eine genaue Kontrolle der Kristallitgröße sowie der Flächendichte und Lage der Kristallite in der Matrix wichtig. Zudem sollte die Matrix amorph sein, da amorphe Matrixmaterialien die Nanokristall-Oberfläche besser passivieren und beständiger gegen Leckströme sind. In dieser Arbeit werden Ge-Nanokristalle in die Hoch-Epsilon-Dielektrika ZrO2 und TaZrOx eingebettet. Im System Ge/ZrO2 kristallisieren die Ge-Cluster und die ZrO2-Matrix bei der gleichen Temperatur. Aufgrund der kristallinen Matrix weicht die Form der Ge-Nanokristalle von einer Kugel ab, worunter unter anderem die Größenkontrolle leidet. Die Beimischung von Ta2O5 stabilisiert die amorphe Phase des ZrO2 und verhindert dadurch die gemeinsame Kristallisation. Dadurch wird es im System Ge/TaZrOx möglich, kugelförmige Ge-Nanokristalle im Größenbereich von 3 nm bis 6 nm positionskontrolliert in eine amorphe Matrix einzubetten. Für die Untersuchung einer möglichen Anwendung des Materialsystems wurden Speicherzellen eines nichtflüchtigen Datenspeichers auf Basis von Ge-Nanokristallen hergestellt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass das System Ge/TaZrOx überdurchschnittlich viele Ladungen speichert und daher für diese Anwendung vielversprechend ist. Zudem stabilisiert die Beimischung von Ta2O5 eine extrem seltene orthorhombische Modifikation des ZrO2. Für ferroelektrische Datenspeicher könnte diese Phase eine aussichtsreiche Alternative zum HfO2 sein.
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Globale Optimierungsverfahren, garantiert globale Lösungen und energieeffiziente FahrzeuggetriebeStöcker, Martin 03 July 2014 (has links)
Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf Methoden zur Lösung nichtlinearer Optimierungsprobleme mit der Anforderung, jedes globale Optimum garantiert zu finden und mit einer im Voraus festgesetzten Genauigkeit zu approximieren. Eng verbunden mit dieser deterministischen Optimierung ist die Berechnung von Schranken für den Wertebereich einer Funktion über einem gegebenen Hyperquader. Verschiedene Ansätze, z. B. auf Basis der Intervallarithmetik, werden vorgestellt und analysiert. Im Besonderen werden Methoden zur Schrankengenerierung für multivariate ganz- und gebrochenrationale Polynome mit Hilfe der Darstellung in der Basis der Bernsteinpolynome weiterentwickelt. Weiterhin werden in der Arbeit schrittweise die Bausteine eines deterministischen Optimierungsverfahrens unter Verwendung der berechneten Wertebereichsschranken beschrieben und Besonderheiten für die Optimierung polynomialer Aufgaben näher untersucht.
Die Analyse und Bearbeitung einer Aufgabenstellung aus dem Entwicklungsprozess für Fahrzeuggetriebe zeigt, wie die erarbeiteten Ansätze zur Lösung nichtlinearer Optimierungsprobleme die Suche nach energieeffizienten Getrieben mit einer optimalen Struktur unterstützen kann.
Kontakt zum Autor: [Nachname] [.] [Vorname] [@] gmx [.] de
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Evaluation of a stochastic model of coherent turbulent structures for atmospheric particle deposition applicationsEriksson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, we have evaluated a stochastic Lagrangian model for computing particle deposition rates with prospects to use for atmospheric deposition applications. The model is one-dimensional and models the particle dynamics in the boundary layers near walls and obstacles by simulating the coherent turbulent structures and Brownian motion governing the wall-normal transport. The deposition model is used with a hybrid deterministic/stochastic particle dispersion model governing the dynamics in the turbulent bulk flow. We used a steady-state RANS k-ϵ turbulence model to simulate the turbulent fluid flow in a neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) using the with inflow boundary conditions by Richards & Hoxey (1993). The turbulence model is solved with the SIMPLE algorithm using the OpenFOAM software. The mean-field characteristic of the turbulent flow in the computational domain is exported and used for the particle model. The particle model is a Lagrangian Langevin-type model, consisting of a system of stochastic differential equations. The particle model was solved using a weakly first order a-stable scheme. We evaluated the deposition model by computing the deposition rate for a range of particle sizes and compared our results with collected experimental wind tunnel data. The numerical experiment was done in a computational domain based on the ABL model by Hargreaves & Wright (2007), a rectangular domain with a logarithmic wind profile. We used a particle source near the inflow boundary with an instantaneously release at the initial time. Results showed disagreement with the experimental data and was only valid for medium sized particles. However, time restrictions led to the analysis being cut short and only a single simulation was conducted. A definite conclusion on the suitability of the method could not be made based solely on this single results. Some uncertainties were identified and discussed for further potential work on the evaluation of the method. However, one conclusion was drawn on the performance of the method. The computational cost was concluded to be too high with the first order particle scheme used and higher order schemes is required for any practical use of the method for atmospheric deposition applications.
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DIPOLE-DIPOLE INTERACTIONS IN ORDERED AND DISORDERED NANOPHOTONIC MEDIAThrinadha Ashwin Kumar Boddeti (16497417) 06 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Dipole-dipole interactions are ubiquitous fundamental physical phenomena that govern physical effects such as Casimir Forces, van der Waals forces, collective Lamb shifts, cooperative decay, and resonance energy transfer. These interactions are associated with real and virtual photon exchange between the interacting emitters. Such interactions are crucial in realizing quantum memories, novel super-radiant light sources, and light-harvesting devices. Owing to this, the control and modification of dipole-dipole interactions have been a longstanding theme. The electromagnetic environment plays a crucial role in enhancing the range and strength of the interactions. This work focuses on modifying the nanophotonic environment near interacting emitters to enhance dipole-dipole interactions instead of spontaneous emission. To this end, we focus on engineering the nanophotonic environment to enhance the strength and range of dipole-dipole interactions between an ensemble of emitters. We explore ordered and disordered nanophotonic structures. We experimentally demonstrate long-range dipole-dipole interactions mediated by surface lattice resonances in a periodic plasmonic nanoparticle lattice. Further, the modified electromagnetic environment reduces the apparent dimensionality of the interacting system compared to non-resonant in-homogeneous and homogeneous environments. We also develop a spectral domain inverse design technique for the accelerated discovery of disordered metamaterials with unique spectral features. </p>
<p>Further, we explore the novel regimes of light localization at near-zero-index in such disordered media. The disordered near-zero-index medium reveals enhanced localization and near-field chirality. This work paves the way to engineer the electromagnetic nanophotonic environment to realize enhanced long-range dipole-dipole interactions.</p>
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Realization of Model-Driven Engineering for Big Data: A Baseball Analytics Use CaseKoseler, Kaan Tamer 27 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Casein kinase 1 isoforms in degenerative disordersKannanayakal, Theresa Joseph 01 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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