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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elastomer-based Cellular Micromechanical Stimulators for Mechanobiological Study

Wang, Qian 16 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

EM Characterization of Magnetic Photonic / Degenerate Band Edge Crystals and Related Antenna Realizations

Mumcu, Gokhan 01 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Caracterización multimodal de filtros de red y equipos electrónicos

Pérez Jiménez, Antonio 18 July 2008 (has links)
Un dels problemes més importants en la Compatibilitat Electromagnètica és el control de les interferències emeses i/o rebudes per un equip electrònic a través dels seus terminals d'alimentació monofàsica. Aquestes interferències es classifiquen en mode comú i mode diferencial. La manera més usual de mitigar-les és mitjançant la utilització de filtres de xarxa. Els mètodes actuals de disseny de filtres de xarxa tracten la mitigació d'aquest tipus d'interferències per separat: no tenen en compte que ambdós tipus de senyals (mode comú i diferencial) interaccionen entre sí i es transfereixen energia en qualsevol tipus d'asimetria originada pels equips electrònics o pels mateixos filtres. Aquest fet produeix freqüentment situacions inesperades: inefectivitat dels filtres de xarxa, aparició d'interferències en mode comú o diferencial inexplicables per la topologia dels circuits, selectivitat en freqüència del filtratge de les interferències, processos de radiació, etc. Aquest tipus de situacions poden ser analitzades i corregides a partir d'un anàlisi multimodal, que tingui en compte simultàniament el mode comú i el diferencial, i la seva interacció. El treball exposat aquí pretén:- Desenvolupar sistemes de mesura multimodal per a equips electrònics i filtres de xarxa. Aquests sistemes han de tenir en compte tant el mode comú, com el diferencial, com la seva interacció, i han de millorar les prestacions dels sistemes de mesura normatius actuals.- Trobar models equivalents des d'un punt de vista multimodal (tenint en compte simultàniament el mode comú, el diferencial i la seva interacció) tant d'equips electrònics com de filtres de xarxa.- Desenvolupar una metodologia de predicció de les interferències conduïdes que l'equip electrònic subministra a la xarxa elèctrica a través del filtre de xarxa al qual es troba connectat a partir dels models multimodals equivalents proposats per a ambdós dispositius.PARAULES CLAU: Compatibilitat electromagnètica, filtre de xarxa, equip electrònic, circuit equivalent, emissió conduïda, mode comú, mode diferencial, impedància d'entrada, paràmetres S. / Uno de los problemas más importantes en Compatibilidad Electromagnética es el control de las interferencias emitidas y/o recibidas por un equipo electrónico a través de sus terminales de alimentación monofásica. Estas interferencias se clasifican en modo común y modo diferencial. La manera más usual de mitigarlas es mediante el empleo de filtros de red. Los métodos actuales de diseño de filtros de red abordan la mitigación de este tipo de interferencias por separado: no tienen en cuenta que ambos tipos de señales (modo común y diferencial) interaccionan entre sí y se transfieren energía en cualquier tipo de asimetría originada por los equipos electrónicos o por los mismos filtros. Este hecho produce frecuentemente situaciones inesperadas: inefectividad de los filtros de red, aparición de interferencias en modo común o diferencial inexplicables por la topología de los circuitos, selectividad en frecuencia del filtrado de las interferencias, procesos de radiación, etc. Este tipo de situaciones pueden ser analizadas y corregidas a partir de un análisis multimodal, que tenga en cuenta simultáneamente el modo común y el diferencial, y su interacción. El trabajo aquí expuesto pretende:- Desarrollar sistemas de medida multimodal para equipos electrónicos y filtros de red. Dichos sistemas deben tener en cuenta tanto el modo común, como el diferencial, como su interacción, y deben mejorar las prestaciones de los sistemas de medida normativos actuales.- Hallar modelos equivalentes desde un punto de vista multimodal (teniendo en cuenta simultáneamente el modo común, el diferencial y su interacción) tanto de equipos electrónicos como de filtros de red.- Desarrollar una metodología de predicción de las interferencias conducidas que el equipo electrónico suministra a la red eléctrica a través del filtro de red al cual está conectado a partir de los modelos multimodales equivalentes propuestos para ambos dispositivos.PALABRAS CLAVE: Compatibilidad electromagnética, filtro de red, equipo electrónico, circuito equivalente, emisión conducida, modo común, modo diferencial, impedancia de entrada, parámetros S. / One of the most important problems in EMC is the control of the common and differential mode interferences emitted or received by an electronic device through its single phase power-line cable. These interferences are mitigated using power-line filters. The present power-line filter methodologies treat separately the mitigation of this kind of interferences: they do not take into account that both modes interact and exchange energy at any kind of asymmetry originated by the devices connected to the power-line, or by the power-line filters themselves. This fact leads to unexpected situations: power-line filter infectivity, appearance of common and differential mode interferences not accountable by the circuit topology, frequency selectivity of the interferences, radiation processes, etc. This kind of situations can be analyzed and corrected using multimodal analysis, which takes into account at the same time the common mode, the differential mode and their interaction. This project aims to:- Develop accurate multimodal measurement systems for both electronic devices and power-line network filters. They have to consider the common and differential modes, and their interaction, and have to improve the features of present normative measurement systems. - Derive equivalent models from a multimodal point of view (taking into account simultaneously the common mode, the differential mode and their interaction) for both electronic devices and power-line filters.- Develop a methodology for predicting the level of conducted emissions that an electronic device supplies to the power-line network through the power-line filter to which it is connected, using the equivalent multimodal models proposed for both devices.KEYWORDS: Electromagnetic compatibility, power-line filter, electronic device, equivalent circuit, conducted emissions, common mode, differential mode, input impedance, S parameters.

Energy Usage Evaluation and Condition Monitoring for Electric Machines using Wireless Sensor Networks

Lu, Bin 16 November 2006 (has links)
Energy usage evaluation and condition monitoring for electric machines are important in industry for overall energy savings. Traditionally these functions are realized only for large motors in wired systems formed by communication cables and various types of sensors. The unique characteristics of the wireless sensor networks (WSN) make them the ideal wireless structure for low-cost energy management in industrial plants. This work focuses on developing nonintrusive motor-efficiency-estimation methods, which are essential in the wireless motor-energy-management systems in a WSN architecture that is capable of improving overall energy savings in U.S. industry. This work starts with an investigation of existing motor-efficiency-evaluation methods. Based on the findings, a general approach of developing nonintrusive efficiency-estimation methods is proposed, incorporating sensorless rotor-speed detection, stator-resistance estimation, and loss estimation techniques. Following this approach, two new methods are proposed for estimating the efficiencies of in-service induction motors, using air-gap torque estimation and a modified induction motor equivalent circuit, respectively. The experimental results show that both methods achieve accurate efficiency estimates within ¡À2-3% errors under normal load conditions, using only a few cycles of input voltages and currents. The analytical results obtained from error analysis agree well with the experimental results. Using the proposed efficiency-estimation methods, a closed-loop motor-energy-management scheme for industrial plants with a WSN architecture is proposed. Besides the energy-usage-evaluation algorithms, this scheme also incorporates various sensorless current-based motor-condition-monitoring algorithms. A uniform data interface is defined to seamlessly integrate these energy-evaluation and condition-monitoring algorithms. Prototype wireless sensor devices are designed and implemented to satisfy the specific needs of motor energy management. A WSN test bed is implemented. The applicability of the proposed scheme is validated from the experimental results using multiple motors with different physical configurations under various load conditions. To demonstrate the validity of the measured and estimated motor efficiencies in the experiments presented in this work, an in-depth error analysis on motor efficiency measurement and estimation is conducted, using maximum error estimation, worst-case error estimation, and realistic error estimation techniques. The conclusions, contributions, and recommendations are summarized at the end.

Mathematical modelling of dye-sensitised solar cells

Penny, Melissa January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents a mathematical model of the nanoporous anode within a dyesensitised solar cell (DSC). The main purpose of this work is to investigate interfacial charge transfer and charge transport within the porous anode of the DSC under both illuminated and non-illuminated conditions. Within the porous anode we consider many of the charge transfer reactions associated with the electrolyte species, adsorbed dye molecules and semiconductor electrons at the semiconductor-dye- electrolyte interface. Each reaction at this interface is modelled explicitly via an electrochemical equation, resulting in an interfacial model that consists of a coupled system of non-linear algebraic equations. We develop a general model framework for charge transfer at the semiconductor-dye-electrolyte interface and simplify this framework to produce a model based on the available interfacial kinetic data. We account for the charge transport mechanisms within the porous semiconductor and the electrolyte filled pores that constitute the anode of the DSC, through a one- dimensional model developed under steady-state conditions. The governing transport equations account for the diffusion and migration of charge species within the porous anode. The transport model consists of a coupled system of non-linear differential equations, and is coupled to the interfacial model via reaction terms within the mass-flux balance equations. An equivalent circuit model is developed to account for those components of the DSC not explicitly included in the mathematical model of the anode. To obtain solutions for our DSC mathematical model we develop code in FORTRAN for the numerical simulation of the governing equations. We additionally employ regular perturbation analysis to obtain analytic approximations to the solutions of the interfacial charge transfer model. These approximations facilitate a reduction in computation time for the coupled mathematical model with no significant loss of accuracy. To obtain predictions of the current generated by the cell we source kinetic and transport parameter values from the literature and from experimental measurements associated with the DSC commissioned for this study. The model solutions we obtain with these values correspond very favourably with experimental data measured from standard DSC configurations consisting of titanium dioxide porous films with iodide/triiodide redox couples within the electrolyte. The mathematical model within this thesis enables thorough investigation of the interfacial reactions and charge transport within the DSC.We investigate the effects of modified cell configurations on the efficiency of the cell by varying associated parameter values in our model. We find, given our model and the DSC configuration investigated, that the efficiency of the DSC is improved with increasing electron diffusion, decreasing internal resistances and with decreasing dark current. We conclude that transport within the electrolyte, as described by the model, appears to have no limiting effect on the current predicted by the model until large positive voltages. Additionally, we observe that the ultrafast injection from the excited dye molecules limits the interfacial reactions that affect the DSC current.

Modélisation analytique et caractérisation expérimentale de microphones capacitifs en hautes fréquences : étude des couches limites thermiques, effets des perforations de l’électrode arrière sur la déformée de membrane / Analytical modeling and experimental characterisation of condenser microphones at high frequencies : analysis of the thermal boundary layers, effects of holes in the backing electrode on the displacement field of the membrane

Lavergne, Thomas 30 September 2011 (has links)
Les microphones capacitifs sont des transducteurs réciproques dont les qualités (sensibilité, bande passante et tenue dans le temps) en font des instruments de mesure performants. Couramment utilisés jusqu’à présent en récepteurs dans l’air à pression atmosphérique et à température ambiante, dans la gamme de fréquences audibles, ils sont correctement caractérisés dans ce cadre depuis près de trente ans. Mais aujourd’hui, leur miniaturisation (par procédé MEMS) et leur usage nouveau en métrologie fine (en récepteurs comme en émetteurs) - qui exigent une connaissance précise de leur comportement dans des domaines de fréquences élevées (jusqu’à 100 kHz), dans des mélanges gazeux aux propriétés différentes de celles de l’air et dans des conditions de pression et de température beaucoup plus élevées ou beaucoup plus basses que les conditions standards - nécessitent une caractérisation beaucoup plus approfondie, aussi bien en terme de modélisation qu’en terme de résultats expérimentaux. C’est ainsi que ici -i/ les effets des couches limites thermiques (seules les couches limites visqueuses sont habituellement retenues) sont introduits dans le modèle, ce qui amène dans le chapitre premier à une étude analytique de la diffusion thermique en parois minces (dont la portée dépasse le cadre strict du transducteur), -ii/ l’influence des orifices de l’électrode arrière sur la déformée de la membrane est traitée au départ par une méthode analytique originale, qui permet de traduire les conditions en frontière non uniformes sur la surface de l’électrode sous forme de sources locales virtuelles, associées à des conditions de frontière rendues uniformes (chapitre second), -iii/ des solutions analytiques nouvelles, dépendant à la fois des coordonnées radiales et azimutales, sont obtenues pour le champ de déplacement de la membrane et pour les champs de pression dans les cavités du microphone par usage de théories modales compatibles avec les couplages multiples qui y prennent place (troisième chapitre), -iv/ un modèle de « circuit à constantes localisées » (reporté pour l’essentiel en annexe) est proposé, à des degrés divers de précision, qui permet en particulier d’accéder de façon simple à la sensibilité et au bruit thermique du microphone (fin du quatrième chapitre), -v/ une étude au vibromètre laser à balayage a été réalisée (début du quatrième chapitre), qui permet non seulement de mettre en évidence pour la première fois les déformées de membrane complexes qui apparaissent en hautes fréquences, mais encore de les quantifier et par-delà de valider les résultats théoriques obtenus et donc les modèles proposés (même s’ils restent perfectibles comme indiqué dans la conclusion). / Condenser microphones are reciprocal transducers whose properties (sensitivity, bandwidth and reliability) make them powerful measurement tools. So far, they have been commonly used as receivers in the audible frequency range, in air at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature, they have been appropriately characterised in this context for nearly thirty years. But nowadays, their miniaturisation (using MEMS processes) and their new use for metrological purposes (as receivers as well as transmitters) require much deeper theoretical and experimental characterisations because they require an accurate knowledge of their behaviour in high frequency ranges (up to 100 kHz), in gas mixtures, whose properties differ from those of air, and under pressure and temperature conditions much higher or much lower than standard conditions. Thus, here, -i/ the effects of the thermal boundary layers are introduced in the model (only viscous boundary layers are usually accounted for), leading, in the first chapter, to an analysis of the thermal diffusion of thin bodies (whose scope is beyond the strict frame of capacitive transducers), ii/ the influence of the holes in the backing electrode on the dynamic behaviour of the membrane is initially handled with an original analytical method which allows expressing the non-uniform boundary conditions at the surface of the backing electrode as fictitious localised sources associated to uniform boundary conditions (second chapter), -iii/ new analytical solutions, depending both on the radial and azimuthal coordinates, for the pressure field and for the displacement field inside the cavities behind the membrane are expressed using modal theories in agreement with the strong couplings which occur between the different parts of the transducer (chapter three), -iv/ "lumped element circuits", which are more or less approximated (presented in the Appendix), more particularly result in expressing and assessing the sensitivity and the thermal noise (end of chapter three), -v/ experimental results, obtained from measurements of the displacement field of the membrane using a laser scanning vibrometer, both highlight and quantify for the first time the complex behaviour of the membrane in the highest frequency range, and finally lead to the validation of the theoretical results and therefore, the models presented here (even if the latter may still be improved as outlined in the conclusion).

Analýza vlivu mechanického momentu asynchronního stroje na sycení magnetického obvodu / Mechanical Torque Analysis of Induction Machine Based on Magnetic Circuit Saturation

Skalka, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
e main goal of this thesis is mechanical torque analysis of induction machine based on magnetic circuit saturation, oversaturated areas classification and the possibility of oversaturated areas reduction of their influence on machine properties. Whole problem is solved by finite element method in ANSYS program. Work is divided into the description and creating of electromagnetic model, a method of the induction machine equivalent circuit parameters determination, the electromagnetic field calculation by finite element method, experimental measurement using LabVIEW program with measurement accessories (PCIe card National Instruments), data processing program in DIAdem, results analysis of calculations in terms of magnetic circuit saturation, the influence of magnetic circuit material based on electromagnetic field distribution and the magnetic flux density along the air gap including spectral analysis using MATLAB and the electromagnetic torque and its parasitic torque components calculation.

Transport elektrického náboje v tantalovém kondenzátoru / Transport of Electric Charge in Tantalum Capacitor

Pelčák, Jaromír January 2012 (has links)
The task of the thesis was studding of tantalum capacitors with solid electrolytes properties. Ta – Ta2O5 – MnO2 capacitor by its construction represents MIS structure, where tantalum anode has metal conductivity and MnO2 cathode is semiconductor. Isolation layer consists of tantalum pentoxide Ta2O5 with relative permitivity r = 27. Dielectric thickness is typically in range from 30 to 150nm. The capacitor charge is not only stored and accumulated on electrodes but also in localised states (oxide vacancies) in isolation layer. The capacitor connected in normal mode represents MIS structure polarized in reveres direction when the applied voltage higher potential barrier between semiconductor - MnO2 cathode and isolation of Ta2O5. The transport of charge carriers via isolation layer is determined by Poole-Frenkel mechanisms and tunnelling. Poole-Frenkel mechanism of charge transport is dominant in low intensity of electric field. Tunnelling determines current at higher electric field intensity. During low intensity of electric field ohmic component is also presented which is determined by volume of resistance of impurities in isolation layer due to donor states of oxygen vacancies. Based on the modelling of measured VA characteristics is possible to estimate determine dielectric thickness of Ta2O5 and determine share of Poole-Frenkelov and tunnel current and charge transportation. The thesis is described charge transport and charge concentration on tantalum capacitor in low frequency area and analysis of capacitor behaviour at frequency band. The first impulse for the thesis was an effort to create equivalent circuit diagram of tantalum capacitor in respect of its physical and electrical behaviour. There is an opportunity to study and determine electric charge transport and its accumulation based on the equivalent circuit diagram structure. There is also a chance to define and trace potential barriers and charge distribution in the capacitor structure based on an measurement and carried out experiments. This methodology and analysis consists of electrical characteristic determination to create physical model of the capacitor describing it function, properties and behaviour.

Multiphysics equivalent circuit of a thermally controlled hydrogel microvalve

Voigt, Andreas, Marschner, Uwe, Richter, Andreas 25 October 2019 (has links)
Temperature-responsive hydrogels are polymer particles whose equilibrium size depends on the temperature of the water they are immersed in. Here we present an equivalent circuit model of a temperature-controlled microvalve based on hydrogel particles. The resulting network model consists of three physical subsystems. The thermal subsystem considers the heat capacities and thermal resistances of the layers of the valve and the coupling to the ambient environment. The polymeric subsystem describes the relaxation of the hydrogel particles to the temperature-dependent equilibrium size. The fluidic subsystem consists of the supply channel and a chamber whose cross section varies according to the size of the hydrogel particles. All subsystems are described and coupled within one single circuit. Thus the transient behavior of the valve can be calculated using a circuit simulator. Simulation results for a setup are presented and compared with experiments.

Synthesis and Characterization of Strain Sensitive Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes/Epoxy based Nanocomposites

Sanli, Abdulkadir 03 April 2018 (has links)
Among various nanofillers, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted a significant attention due to their excellent physical properties. Incorporation of a very low amount of CNTs in polymer matrices enhances mechanical, thermal and optical properties of conductive polymer nanocomposites (CPNs) tremendously. For mechanical sensors, the piezoresistive property of CNTs/polymer nanocomposites exhibits a great potential for the realization of stable, sensitive, tunable and cost-effective strain sensors. Achieving homogeneous CNTs dispersion within the polymer matrices, understanding their complex piezoresistivity and conduction mechanisms, as well as the response of the nanocomposites under humidity and temperature effects, is highly required for the realization of piezoresistive CNTs/polymer based nanocomposites. This research primarily aims to synthesize and characterize CNTs/polymer based strain sensitive nanocomposites, which are cost-effective, applicable on both rigid and flexible substrates and require a non-complex fabrication process. A comprehensive understanding of the complex conduction and piezoresistive mechanisms of CNTs/polymer nanocomposites and their responses under humidity and temperature effects is another purpose of this thesis. For this purpose, synthesis and complex electromechanical characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)/epoxy nanocomposites are realized. In order to realize strain sensors for the strain range up to 1 % the use of epoxy is focused due to its good adhesion, dimensional stability, and good mechanical properties. The nanocomposites with up to 1 wt.% MWCNTs are synthesized by a non-complex direct mixing method and the final nanocomposites are deposited on flexible Kapton and rigid FR4 substrates and their corresponding morphological, electrical, electromechanical, as well as the response of the nanocomposite under humidity and temperature influences, are examined. The deformation over the sensor area is tested by digital image correlation (DIC) under quasi-static uniaxial tension. Quantitative piezoresistive characterization is performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) over a wide range of frequencies. Further, dispersion quality of MWCNTs in the epoxy polymer matrix is monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additionally, in order to tailor the piezoresistivity of the strain sensor, an R-C equivalent circuit is derived based on the impedance responses and the corresponding parameters are extracted from the applied strain. Obtained SEM images confirm that MWCNTs/epoxy nanocomposites with different MWCNTs concentrations have a good homogeneity and dispersion. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis show that the samples have relatively good surface topography and fairly homogeneous CNTs networks. Higher sensitivity is achieved in particular at the concentrations close to the percolation threshold. A non-linear piezoresistive behavior is observed at low MWCNTs concentrations due to the dominance of tunneling effect. The strain sensitive nanocomposites deposited on FR4 substrates present high-performance strain sensing properties, including high sensitivity, good stability, and durability after cyclic loading and unloading. In addition, MWCNTs/epoxy nanocomposites show quite a small creep, low hysteresis under cyclic tensile and compressive loadings and fast response and recovery times. Nanocomposites provide an opportunity to measure 2-D strain in one position including amplitude and direction for complex configuration of structures in real-time systems or products. In contrast to present solutions for multi-directional strain sensing, MWCNTs/epoxy based nanocomposites give promising results in terms of durability, easy-processability, and tunable piezoresistivity. Unlike commercially-available approaches for crack/damage identification, MWCNTs/epoxy nanocomposites are capable of detecting the applied crack directly over a certain area. From the humidity influence, it has been found that resistance of nanocomposites increases with the increase of humidity exposure due to swelling of the polymer. Temperature investigations show that MWCNTs/epoxy nanocomposites give negative temperature coefficient (NTC) response due to thermal activation of charge carriers and the temperature sensitivity increases with the increase of filler concentration. The proposed approach can be further developed by combining differently fabricated sensors for realizing a compact structural health monitoring system or multi-functional sensor, where pressure, strain, temperature, and humidity can be monitored simultaneously. / Unter den verschiedenen Nanofillern haben CNTs aufgrund ihrer hervorragenden physikalischen Eigenschaften eine bedeutende Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Die Einarbeitung einer sehr geringen Menge an CNTs in Polymermatrizen verbessert die mechanischen, thermischen und optischen Eigenschaften von CPNs enorm. Für mechanische Sensoren bietet die piezoresistive Eigenschaft von CNTs/Polymer-Nanokompositen ein großes Potenzial zur Realisierung stabiler, empfindlicher, abstimmbarer und kostengünstiger Dehnungssensoren. Die Erzielung einer homogenen CNT-Dispersion innerhalb der Polymermatrizen, das Verständnis ihrer komplexen Piezoresistivitäts- und Leitungsmechanismen sowie die Reaktion der Nanokomposite unter Feuchte- und Temperatureinflüssen ist für die Realisierung piezoresistiver CNTs/Polymer-basierter Nanokomposite unerlässlich. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, CNTs/polymerbasierte dehnungsempfindliche Nanokomposite herzustellen und zu charakterisieren. Diese Nanokompositen sollen kostengünstig, sowohl auf starren als auch auf flexiblen Substraten anwendbar sein und ein nicht komplexes Herstellungsverfahren erfordern. Ein umfassendes Verständnis der komplexen leitungs- und piezoresistive Mechanismen von CNTs/ Polymer-Nanokompositen und deren Reaktionen unter Feuchtigkeits- und Temperatureinflüssen ist ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit. Zu diesem Zweck werden Synthese und komplexe elektromechanische Charakterisierung von MWCNTs/epoxy nanocomposites realisiert. Um Dehnungssensoren für den Dehnungsbereich bis zu 1 % realisieren zu können, wird der Einsatz von Epoxy aufgrund seiner guten Haftung, Dimensionsstabilität und guten mechanischen Eigenschaften fokussiert. Zufällig verteilte MWCNTs mit bis zu 1 wt.% MWCNTs-Konzentration ist durch ein direktes Mischen synthetisiert und die Nanokomposite werden auf flexiblen Kapton und starren FR4 Substraten durch Siebdruck appliziert und anschließend deren morphologische, elektrische, elektromechanische sowie die Reaktion des Nanocomposits unter Feuchtigkeits- und Temperatureinflüssen untersucht. Die Verformung über den Sensorbereich wird duch die Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Methode unter quasi-statischer uniaxialer Spannung getestet. Die quantitative piezoresistive Charakterisierung wird mit elektrische Impedanzspektroskopie (EIS) in einem breitem Frquenzspektrum durchgeführt. Ferner wird die Dispersionsqualität von MWCNTs in der Epoxidepolymermatrix durch Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) überprüft. Zusätzlich ist, um die Piezoresistivität des Dehnungssensors abzustimmen, eine RC-Äquivalenzschaltung auf der Grundlage der Impedanzantworten abgeleitet und die entsprechenden Parameter unter Belastung extrahiert. Erhaltene SEM-Bilder bestätigen, dass MWCNTs/Epoxide-Nanokomposite mit unterschiedlichen MWCNTs-Konzentrationen eine gute Homogenität und Dispersion aufweisen. Die atomic force microscopy (AFM) Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Proben relativ gute Oberflächentopographie und ziemlich homogene CNT-Netzwerke aufweisen. Eine höhere Empfindlichkeit wird insbesondere bei den Konzentrationen nahe der Perkolationsschwelle erreicht. Eine nichtlineare Piezoresistivität wird bei niedrigen MWCNTs Konzentrationen aufgrund der Dominanz des Tunnelwirkungseffekts beobachtet. Die auf FR4-Substraten applizierten dehnungsempfindlichen Nanokomposite weisen ausgezeichnete Dehnungsmessungseigenschaften einschließlich hohe Empfindlichkeit, gute Stabilität und Haltbarkeit nach zyklischer Be- und Entlastung auf. Darüber hinaus zeigen MWCNTs/Epoxide-Nanokomposite ein geringes Kriechen, eine kleine Hysterese unter zyklischen Zug- und Druckbelastungen, sowie schnelle Reaktionsund Wiederherstellungszeiten. Nanokomposite bieten die Möglichkeit, 2-D-Dehnungen in einer Position einschließlich Amplitude und Richtung innerhalb einer Materialstruktur in Echtzeitsystemen oder Produkten zu messen. Im Gegensatz zu aktuellen Lösungen für die multi-direktionale Dehnungsmessung, bieten die MWCNTs/Epoxide-Nanokomposite vielversprechende Ergebnisse in Bezug auf Langlebigkeit, leichte Verarbeitung und einstellbare Piezoresistivität. Im Unterschied zu kommerziell verfügbaren Ansätzen wird festgestellt, dassMWCNTs/Epoxide-Nanokomposite zur Riss-/Schadenserkennung in der Lage sind, den angelegten Riss direkt über einen bestimmten Bereich zu detektieren. Aus dem Einfluss der Feuchtigkeit hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Resistenz von Nanokompositen mit zunehmender Feuchtigkeitsbelastung durch Quellung des Polymers zunimmt. Temperaturuntersuchungen zeigen, dass MWCNTs/Epoxide-Nanokomposite aufgrund der thermischen Aktivierung von Ladungsträgern auf Temperatureinflüsse reagieren und die Temperaturempfindlichkeit mit der Erhöhung der Füllstoffkonzentration zunimmt. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz kann durch die Kombination unterschiedlich hergestellte Sensoren zur Realisierung eines kompakten zur Überwachung des Zustands von Strukturen oder von multifunktionalen Sensoren weiterentwickelt werden, bei denen gleichzeitig Druck, Dehnung, Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit überwacht werden können.

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