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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Profesinių kaulų – raumenų sistemos ligų rizikos veiksniai Lietuvoje 2005 – 2007 metais / Risk factors of occupational musculoskeletal diseases in lithuania in the year 2005 – 2007

Šidagytė, Rasa 25 November 2010 (has links)
Pagrindimas. Lietuvoje duomenys apie naujus profesinių ligų atvejus kaupiami Lietuvos Respublikos Profesinių ligų valstybės registre. Profesinių ligų valstybės registro statistinės informacijos analizė labai svarbi profesinių ligų prevencijai gerinti, siekiant gilinti medicinos darbuotojų ir kitų sričių specialistų, dirbančiųjų ir darbdavių žinias apie profesines ligas, jų priežastis. Nuo 2004 m. duomenų apie profesines ligas rinkimas pagrįstas Europos profesinių ligų statistikos metodika ir EUROSTAT ekspertų rekomendacijomis. Atitinkamai 2005 m. atnaujinta registro duomenų bazė. Kaulų ir raumenų sistemos pažeidimai yra labiausiai paplitusi darbuotojų sveikatos problema Europos Sąjungoje. Nuo 2005 m. Lietuvos profesinių ligų struktūroje dominuoja profesinės kaulų – raumenų sistemos ligos. Šias ligas dažniausiai sukelia dvi profesinės rizikos veiksnių kategorijos: fizikiniai ir biomechaniniai (ergonominiai) veiksniai. Lietuvos profesinių ligų priežasčių struktūroje vyrauja fizikiniai profesines ligas sukeliantys veiksniai, o Europos šalyse – biomechaniniai. Tikslas – aprašyti 2005 – 2007 m. laikotarpiu Lietuvoje užregistruotų profesinių kaulų – raumenų sistemos ligų rizikos veiksnius. Uždaviniai. 1. Nustatyti 2005 – 2007 m. laikotarpiu Lietuvoje užregistruotų profesinių kaulų – raumenų sistemos ligų rizikos veiksnių struktūrą. 2. Nustatyti 2005 – 2007 m. laikotarpiu Lietuvoje užregistruotų profesinių kaulų – raumenų sistemos ligų rizikos veiksnių pasiskirstymą pagal diagnozę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Background. Data on new cases of professional diseases are collected in Professional Diseases State Registry of Lithuanian Republic. Analysis of statistic data from Occupational Diseases State Registry is very important for occupational diseases prevention, striving to expand knowledge of medical workers and professionals of other areas, employees and employers, on occupational diseases and their causes. Since 2004 data on occupational diseases collecting is based on European statistics mode for occupational diseases and EUROSTAT expert recommendations. Basis of registry data on 2005 was updated accordingly. Affections of musculoskeletal system are most prevalent among health problems of employees in European Union. Musculoskeletal system diseases are predominant among Lithuanian professional diseases since 2005. These diseases most often are caused by two categories of professional risk factors: physical and ergonomic factors. Physical factors, causing occupational diseases are predominant among causes of Lithuanian occupational diseases, and ergonomic are prevalent in Europe. Objective: to describe risk factors of occupational musculoskeletal diseases registered in 2005-2007 in Lithuania. Propositions. 1. To assess structure of risk factors of occupational musculoskeletal diseases registered for 2005 – 2007 in Lithuania; 2. To assess distribution of risk factors of occupational musculoskeletal diseases according to diagnosis; profession; economic activities type; gender... [to full text]

Système de listes de vérification interactives du niveau de conformité des maquettes avec les recommandations des fabricants de plateformes mobiles

Ghezzal, Nadir 08 1900 (has links)
La demande d'applications pour les plateformes mobiles a explosé ces dernières années. Chaque compagnie souhaite maintenant offrir pour ces nouveaux appareils les mêmes services que ceux offerts traditionnellement sur internet. Cependant, ces entreprises n'ont bien souvent que peu ou pas de connaissances concernant le développement et le déploiement de tels services. Généralement, la solution choisie consiste à externaliser ce travail en le sous-traitant à une autre compagnie. Dans ce contexte, il est souvent compliqué de s'assurer d'une part que le sous-traitant respecte le cahier des charges et d'autre part que le travail fourni est conforme aux recommandations émises par les fabricants des plateformes mobiles. Afin de pallier au second problème, nous avons créé un système de listes de vérification interactives pour plateformes mobiles. Ce système permet d'évaluer le niveau de conformité des différents composants de l'interface d'une application développée pour une plateforme mobile avec les recommandations du fabricant de cette plateforme. La solution retenue permet de se concentrer sur certains éléments particuliers de l'interface et pallie ainsi aux limites des listes de vérification classiques qui sont souvent trop longues et peu pratiques. La solution retenue offre de plus la possibilité de comparer facilement les caractéristiques des plateformes mobiles entre elles. Pour réaliser ce système, nous avons consulté de nombreux documents portant sur l'univers des plateformes mobiles afin de mieux appréhender leurs spécificités. Suite à l'étude de différentes plateformes, deux d’entre elles, soit iOS et BlackBerry, ont été retenues (il faut noter que la compagnie où s'est effectuée la recherche disposait déjà d'applications pour ces plateformes). Nous avons ensuite analysé plus finement la documentation technique fournie par chacun des fabricants afin d'en extraire les points importants. Afin que les données soient comparables, nous avons créé une nomenclature commune regroupant les composants de l'interface graphique en grandes familles (ex. : barres, saisie d'information, …) en tenant compte également du type d'interaction avec l'appareil (ex. : écran tactile). Nous avons ensuite conçu une solution permettant d'évaluer le niveau de conformité d'une application. L'idée retenue se base sur des listes de vérification permettant de systématiser le processus d'évaluation. Pour pallier aux limites de ces listes, souvent trop longues, nous permettons à l'utilisateur, via un ensemble de filtres, de se concentrer sur un sous-ensemble de composants de l’interface qu'il souhaite évaluer. L'implémentation de cette solution a été réalisée en totalité grâce à des technologies libres et de standard ouvert. De cette façon, nous nous sommes assurés de la portabilité de la solution développée et de l’absence de coûts supplémentaires liés à l'achat de licences. Le système utilise les standards web et repose sur une architecture basée sur le système d'exploitation GNU/Linux, le serveur web Apache, la base de données MySQL et le langage de scripts PHP. Ces logiciels ont déjà fait leurs preuves aussi bien pour les entreprises que pour les particuliers. De plus, la communauté très active qui s'est constituée autour de ces logiciels assure un bon support et une grande stabilité. Après avoir fait le choix de l’environnement de développement, la phase d'implémentation s'est ensuite déroulée en plusieurs étapes. Tout d'abord, l'information a été structurée selon la nomenclature mentionnée plus haut afin de créer le schéma de la base de données. Ensuite, toutes les pages ont été codées avec le langage à balises HTML et les scripts PHP pour le côté serveur et avec JavaScript pour le côté client. Enfin, l'information peut être affichée grâce aux feuilles de style en cascade (CSS), une technologie web permettant de séparer le fond de la forme en matière de mise en page. Nous avons choisi un modèle de développement itératif qui a impliqué les principaux utilisateurs dès les premières étapes de la conception du système. Cette implication s’est poursuivie jusqu’à la fin du projet afin de s'assurer que les fonctionnalités mises en place répondaient aux attentes. L’architecture modulaire qui a été retenue permet également d’adapter facilement le système aux besoins futurs. Afin de mieux comprendre comment on utilise le système, on passe en revue les différentes étapes nécessaires à la réalisation d'une évaluation. Enfin, on a réalisé une étude avec quatre utilisateurs pour évaluer l'utilisabilité du système et recueillir leur niveau de satisfaction. / The need for mobile platforms has increased in the last decade. Companies offering traditional internet services now want to move their applications on these new devices. But, most of the time, these companies do not really have the knowledge to create such applications and often ask a third party company to do the job for them. In this context, it is difficult to evaluate if the solution developed follows the recommendations of the device maker. A system based on interactive check lists has thus been created for this purpose. This system enables the evaluation of the conformity level of an application with the recommendations of the device maker, thanks to numerous filters that let the user focus on specific parts of the graphic interface. The idea behind the project was first to address some problematic issues with classical check lists and to enable the comparison of several mobile platforms with regard to specific interface components. To create this system, a lot of information about mobile platforms has first been collected. After reviewing many mobile platforms, it was decided to focus on iOS and BlackBerry, since the company where the research was performed had already applications running on them. For each platform, the major recommandations to be satisfied were identified. Also, to be sure that the extracted recommendations could be compared, a common nomenclature has been created, where the recommandations are grouped by interface components (ex: bars, data input,…) and by the type of interaction (ex: touch screen). After these preliminary steps, a solution for evaluating the level of compliance was created. We favored a check list approach because it offers a systematic evaluation process. To avoid lists of excessive length, filters were introduced in the system to allow the user to focus on particular aspects of the interface. The implementation was totally realized with open source technologies and open standards. This choice was motivated by the portability of the developed system and by the absence of licence fees. The system relies on web standards and runs on an architecture made of the CNU/Linux operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database and the script language PHP. This software has already proven its reliability for enterprises and for home users. Furthermore, the community evolving around this software offers a good support and ensures a high level of stability. After setting up the development environment, the implementation phase was engaged and took place over a number of phases. The first phase was the creation of the database structure, using the aforementioned nomenclature. The next phase was dedicated to the coding of the different web pages, thanks to the tag language HTML and the PHP scripts on the server side and JavaScript on the client side. Finally, the web page setting was developed using the cascading style sheet (CSS), a web technology that segregates the substance from the style of the web content. We chose an iterative development model where the end users were involved from the early stages of the project. This approach provides a guarantee that the user requirements are fulfilled and that any new developments will be in accordance with the expectations. Furthermore, the system is such that it can be easily modified to tackle future needs. To be able to understand how we use the systeme, we are reviewing the different steps needed to realise an evaluation. Finally, we have made a study with four users to evaluate the usability of the system and to gather their satisfaction level. / L'ensemble de mon travail a été réalisé grâce a l'utilisation de logiciel libre.

Profesionalių muzikantų ergonominių darbo sąlygų ir nusiskundimų sveikata sąsajų vertinimas / Assessment of links between ergonomic work conditions and health complaints of professional musicians

Tamašauskaitė, Jūratė 13 June 2013 (has links)
Muzikantų kaulų ir raumenų sistemos sutrikimus gali lemti biomechaniniai, aplinkos, psichosocialiniai ir asmeninės rizikos faktoriai, su kuriais susiduriama profesinėje aplinkoje. Šie sutrikimai tarp muzikantų yra vadinami sutrikimai, susiję su grojimu (SSG). / The disorders of the musicians’ musculoskeletal system may be determined by the biomechanical, environmental, psychosocial and personal risk factors, which are encountered in the professional environment. These disorders are called playing-related disorders (PRD) among the musicians.

Projeto e implementação de módulo TAOS-Graph da ferramenta iTAOS para análise e modelagem da tarefa. / Design and implementation of the TAOS-Graph module of the iTAOS tool for task analysis and modeling.

MEDEIROS, Francisco Petrônio Alencar de. 27 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-27T17:05:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO PETRÔNIO ALENCAR DE MEDEIROS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2003..pdf: 3495874 bytes, checksum: 26f2cedd183b05f7571147e29242352b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T17:05:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCO PETRÔNIO ALENCAR DE MEDEIROS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCC 2003..pdf: 3495874 bytes, checksum: 26f2cedd183b05f7571147e29242352b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-02-26 / Esse trabalho apresenta o processo de construção e implementação do módulo TAOSGraph da ferramenta iTAOS. iTAOS é uma ferramenta gráfica que implementa o formalismo TAOS (Task and Action Oriented System) concebida para acompanhar o projetista de interfaces durante a fase de análise e descrição da tarefa dentro de um processo de desenvolvimento de interfaces, verificando a completude e consistência da representação. TAOS-Graph foi desenvolvido utilizando a metodologia MEDITE, uma metodologia guiada por modelos e baseada na tarefa para construção de interfaces ergonômicas. Os artefatos gerados ao final de cada etapa do processo de desenvolvimento de TAOS-Graph foram: a descrição TAOS da tarefa, a especificação conceitual da interação e o código da interface. Como recomenda a metodologia, foi realizada uma inspeção de conformidade da ferramenta iTAOS com as partes 14 (Menus), 16 (Manipulação direta) e 17 (Formulários) do padrão ISO 9241. / This work presents the process of construction and implementation of the TAOSGraph module of the iTAOS tool. iTAOS is a graphical tool that implements the TAOS formalism (Task and Action Oriented System) and is responsible for accompanying the interface designer (iTAOS user) during domain task’s description and analysis phases within the interface development process, verifying the completeness and the consistency of the representation. TAOS-Graph was developed using the methodology MEDITE, a methodology guided for models and based in the task for construction of ergonomic interfaces. The artefacts generated to the end of each stage of the development process of TAOS-Graph had been: description TAOS of the task, the conceptual specification of the interaction and the code of the interface. As recommends the methodology, iTAOS was carried through an inspection of conformity with the parts 14, 16 and 17 of the standard ISO 9241.

Reduction of non-value added work at Essity Hygiene and Health AB : Opportunities for automation and digitalization in Baby products production at Falkenberg Plant

Antonsen, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Today's new technology provides endless opportunities to automate and digitize operations. An increasing number of companies replace manual tasks with new technologies, aiming at increasing efficiency and productivity. This master thesis project was made in corporation with Essity Hygiene and Health AB at Falkenberg. In order for Essity to continue to be one of the leading manufacturers and maintain their financial ability, they need to take a step in the right direction towards a more modern production.   The purpose with the project is to propose ways to reduce the amount of manual non-value adding work performed by operators, with focus on time losses, ergonomic and safety. The project shall deliver realistic concepts that reduce manual tasks performed by operators through automation, and find new ways to quality-proof the material.   The project has worked according to an iterative work process where the cycle was repeated, until the outcome satisfied the needs. The project started with mapping the current state where Fenix 2, one of the machines, was selected for the mapping. Two weeks was spent in the production to gain understanding of the operators work tasks and working environment. The project did, among other things, observations, interviews, surveys, ergonomic analysis, flowcharts and spaghetti diagrams. The result from the current state shows that the refill of material is the most time-consuming task for the operators. It was also made clear, based on step counters and spaghetti diagrams that the operators walk a lot. The result from the mapping formed the basis for the development areas. The project chose to proceed with the material refill, walking and the quality and made requirement specifications for each area.   An ideation process was used to generate as many ideas as possible for the chosen areas. The ideas then became early concepts, which were evaluated with weighted matrixes and feedback from employees. The concepts were then further developed into three final concepts, Ground Floor, Second Floor and Integration. The concepts shows that it is possible to reduce the manual working time with 4,5 hour per shift and decrease the walking with better information system.   Further recommendation is that Essity proceed with the results, both the mapping and the concepts. The recommendation is to do another evaluation and include the operators in the process and after that use the results in this thesis as the basis for future implementations. / Dagens teknik medför oändligt med möjligheter till att automatisera och digitalisera verksamheter. Allt fler företag ersätter manuellt arbete med ny teknik, i syfte att öka effektiviteten och produktiviteten. Det här examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Essity Hygiene and Health AB i Falkenberg. För att fortsätta vara ledande inom deras bransch och behålla sin konkurrenskraftighet behöver Essity ta ett steg i rätt riktning och modernisera sin produktion.   Syftet med projektet är att föreslå sätt att minska mängden manuellt, icke värdeskapande arbete hos operatörerna med fokus på tid, ergonomi och säkerhet. Projektet ska leverera realistiska koncept som minskar mängden icke värdeskapande arbete hos operatörerna genom att automatisera manuella arbetsmoment och finna nya sätt att kvalitetssäkra materialet.   Projektet har arbetat efter en iterativ arbetsprocess där processen upprepats tills resultatet uppfyllde behoven. Projektet startades med en kartläggning över nuläget där Fenix 2, en av maskinerna valdes ut. Två veckor spenderades i produktionen för att få förståelse för operatörernas arbetsuppgifter och arbetsmiljö. Projektet gjorde bland annat observationer, intervjuer, enkäter, ergonomiska analyser, flödesscheman och spagetti diagram. Resultatet från nuläget visade på att det är påfyllnaden av material som tar mest tid för operatörerna under ett skift. Baserat på spagettidiaramen och stegräknarna blev det tydligt att operatörerna går mycket. Resultatet från kartläggningen utgjorde grunden för vilka områden som projektet vidareutvecklade. Projektet valde att gå vidare med materialpåfyllnad, gående och kvalitet och för dessa områden så upprättades en kravspecifikation.   En ide generering användes för att skapa så många idéer som möjligt för de olika områdena. Idéerna blev sedan till tidiga koncept som i sin tur utvärderades med hjälp av viktningsmatriser och feedback från anställda. Koncepten utvärderades ytterligare till tre slutliga koncept, Första Våningen, Andra Våningen och Integrations koncept. Koncepten visar att det är möjligt att minska arbetstiden med 4,5 timmar samt gåendet genom bättre informationssystem.   Vidare rekommendationer är att Essity fortsätter arbeta med resultaten från både kartläggningen och slutliga koncepten. Rekommendationen är att göra ytterligare en utvärdering och inkludera operatörerna i utvecklingsprocessen. Efter det bör resultatet i den här rapporten användas som grund för vidare implementering och framtida projekt.

Pohybová náročnost vybraných pracovních profesí, sestavení vhodného kompenzačního programu pro profese se sedavým typem zaměstnání / Physical demands of selected professions, creating a compensative program for sedentary profession.

FRÖSTLOVÁ, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
The main theme of my work is finding the locomotive load in selected professions and build a compensation program for professionals with a sedentary job. When selecting this topic for me was the decisive topicality of the selected topic, I see especially in the ever-growing problems with musculoskeletal system of persons employed in sedentary occupations, which are one of the consequences of their employment. The first theoretical part of the thesis includes a detailed analysis of the issues examined based on theories that describe the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system. I characterize also the sedentary lifestyle and sedentary employment in general and describe workplace ergonomics professionals selected for the needs of my thesis. In theory there need explaining motion compensation modes based on medical aspects of the workforce in selected professions sedentary jobs. The practical part of the thesis was to determine the quantitative research on a sample of probands peace musculoskeletal load in connection with the exercise of their profession. Results of the research were my starting point to build a compensation programs that would positively affect the quality of life of current probands. To meet the targets I have been primarily assisting methods of quantitative research using questionnaires. The reason for choosing this method is smooth and straightforward data collection enabling the rapid analysis and processing. The research group of people that was chosen includes professions that are characterized by their sedentary job: professional driver, an office worker and painter Christmas decorations. I observed the objectivity of the research questions musculoskeletal load in selected professions, I firmly establish the criteria on the basis of purposive sampling was assembled group of three professionals with a sedentary job. During the research, I pay attention to individual cases, carried out their detailed descriptions and subsequently proposed compensatory exercises by the parties for some time applied. After this time was collected by new data and a qualitative comparison with the data starting. I am convinced that the results of my research work can help all persons working in occupations with a sedentary job, provided the inclusion of adequate compensatory exercises in his career, but also leisure life.


LEONARDO MARQUES DE ABREU 18 March 2011 (has links)
[pt] Nos últimos 15 anos, diversos fatores econômicos no Brasil fizeram com que um número maior de usuários pudesse ter mais acesso aos serviços de telefonia móvel. Os planos pré-pagos colaboram fortemente para a crescente alta nos índices de penetração dos acessos no Brasil. Com o aumento do poder de compra e sistemas de financiamento, os usuários brasileiros, pertencentes às classes populares, tornaram-se tão ávidos por novidades quanto usuários com melhores condições financeiras. Os usuários de classes populares buscam e utilizam mais as funções de seus telefones celulares, uma vez que, em muitos casos, não têm aparelhos com esses fins específicos, como câmera digital, iPods, Playstation, etc. Apesar da melhoria na relação de consumo, o acesso a infraestrutura e educação de melhor qualidade ainda é restrito. Neste cenário, usuários de telefones celulares pré-pagos, moradores de diversas comunidades e alunos de uma ONG na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, participaram de uma pesquisa para identificar possíveis problemas de usabilidade com seus aparelhos celulares. / [en] In the last 15 years, different economic changes in Brazil allowed more users to have access to mobile phone services. The pre-paid plans, one of the main elements for this communication technology democratization, drove the increase of the penetration rates. With the increase of the purchase power and better financing systems, Brazilian low-income users became as eager for new services and devices as users with better financial condition. Thus, low-income users seek to fully use their mobile devices resources, since in many cases they do not have these resources in specific devices, such as digital camera, iPods, Playstation, etc. Although this group manages to consume more and better products, access to infrastructure and quality education is still too restrict. In this scenario, a research about the usability problems of mobile phones with users living in poor communities, was developed in a NGO in city of Rio de Janeiro.

Fatores ergonômicos das atividades em uma fábrica de ferramentas / Ergonomic evaluation of a forestry tool factory

Guimarães, Pompeu Paes 11 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:51:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pompeu Paes Guimaraes.pdf: 2573228 bytes, checksum: 8f55d1c411f3ad33e32c7aa71d5b4a62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / To evaluate ergonomic work stations of a production plant for the process of forging tools by hammering covering: the human factors and working conditions, the relationship between anthropometry of workers and the workplace, the conditions of the working environment (thermal comfort, ventilation, illumination and noise) and the layout of the workplace. The production of tools involves the following activities: cutting area and a second region of orvado area, turning, forging area, area of the marker, tempera, insertion of cables, grinding, welding and varnishing. To characterize the human factors and working conditions, we used a structured questionnaire in order to know the opinion of workers about their duties. For the thermal comfort was used WBGT; to measure the wind speed the wind speed light meter to measure the amount of light shed production, and to collect decibel noise that workers were exposed. The activity was varnishing the activity easier, less dangerous and less tiring and Emery, preferably smaller, more dangerous and tiring. Detected a high rate of accidents in production of tools affecting mainly the region of the fingers (72%). Anthropometric analysis of the relationship and characteristics of the machines, the ideal height of the benches is 0.9 m (heavy duty), and workers should use lower pallets of 0.2 m, the optimal range is 0.3 m² and the ideal range maximum of 1.0 m² area. The data on average WBGT ranged from 20.9°C (varnishing to 8 hours) to 27.3°C (16 hours to forge). The area of the forger and tracer activities were higher on average WBGT during the entire production process. All activities showed wind speeds below 0.8 m/s is perfectly acceptable throughout the working day, an average of 0.1 m/s (at 8 o clock welding) to 0.7 m/s (cut area 2 to 13 hours). The illuminance on average ranged from 42.9 Lux (forger to 8 hours) to 393.3 Lux (cutting area 2 to 12 hours). The activities of varnishing, tempera, marker area, area of insertion of cables and forger had means below the required illuminance (150 lux) throughout the workday. All activities presented noise above 85 dB (A) except the varnish and a cutting area, the noise levels ranged on average from 79.7 (varnishing to 8 hours) to 95.7 dB (A) (to Emery 13 hours). For the layout analysis is proposed a new physical layout to reduce unproductive time, facilitate the sequence of production and marketing of materials / Esta pesquisa avalia ergonomicamente os postos de trabalho de uma fábrica de produção de ferramentas pelo processo de forjamento por martelamento, abrangendo: os fatores humanos e as condições de trabalho; a relação entre antropometria dos trabalhadores e o posto de trabalho; as condições do ambiente de trabalho (conforto térmico, ventilação, iluminância e ruído); e o layout do posto de trabalho. O processo de produção de ferramentas envolve as atividades de: área de corte 1 e 2, região de orvado, área de viragem, área de forjamento, área da marcadora, têmpera, inserção de cabos, esmeril, envernizamento e soldagem. Para caracterizar os fatores humanos e as condições de trabalho foi utilizado um questionário estruturado com o intuito de conhecer a opinião dos trabalhadores sobre suas funções. Para o conforto térmico foi utilizado o IBUTG; para medir a velocidade do vento o anemômetro; luxímetro, para avaliar a quantidade de luz do galpão de produção; e decibelímetro, para coletar o ruído que os trabalhadores estavam expostos. A atividade de envernizamento foi a atividade de maior facilidade, menos perigosa e menos cansativa e o esmeril, de menor preferência, mais perigosa e cansativa. Foi detectado alto índice de acidentes no processo de produção de ferramentas afetando, principalmente, a região dos dedos (72%). Pela relação da análise antropométrica e características das máquinas, a altura das bancadas ideal é de 0,9 m (trabalho pesado) e os trabalhadores mais baixos devem usar estrados de 0,2 m; o alcance ótimo ideal é 0,3 m2 e o alcance máximo de 1,0 m2 de área. Os dados de IBUTG variaram em média de 20,9°C (envernizamento às 8 horas) a 27,3°C (forjadora às 16 horas). A área da forjadora e marcadora foram as atividades de maior IBUTG em média durante todo o processo produtivo. Todas as atividades apresentaram velocidade do vento abaixo de 0,8 m/s, sendo perfeitamente aceitável durante toda jornada de trabalho, em média de 0,1 m/s (soldagem às 8 horas) a 0,7 m/s (área de corte 2 às 13 horas). A iluminância, em média oscilou de 42,9 Lux (forjadora às 8 horas) a 393,3 Lux (área de corte 2 às 12 horas). As atividades de envernizamento, têmpera, área da marcadora, área da forjadora e inserção de cabos apresentaram médias de iluminância abaixo do necessário (150 Lux) durante toda a jornada de trabalho. Todas as atividades apresentaram ruídos acima de 85 dB(A), exceto o envernizamento e área de corte 1; os níveis de ruído variaram em média de 79,7 (envernizamento às 8 horas) a 95,7 dB(A) (esmeril às 13 horas). Pela análise do layout, propõe-se uma nova disposição física para reduzir os tempos improdutivos, facilitar a sequência de produção e escoamento de materiais

Avaliação ergonômica do processo de separação de materiais recicláveis utilizando um sistema modular estudo de caso em uma cooperativa de catadores do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Ergonomic evaluation of recyclable materials separation process using a "modular system" - a case study in a waste pickers cooperative in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Dulciléia de Sousa Rocha 26 March 2015 (has links)
O setor de separação (triagem) de materiais recicláveis de uma cooperativa localizada no estado do Rio de Janeiro foi o objeto deste estudo que teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação ergonômica do processo de separação de resíduos recicláveis, executado por catadoras, utilizando um sistema modular. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram em pesquisa bibliográfica com levantamento do estado da arte, observações de campo utilizando a Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET) e modelos esquemáticos da engenharia de métodos, e a realização de dois experimentos (posto-rampa e posto-bancada), utilizando a estratégia para montagem de ciclogramas proposta na Análise por Decomposição em Etapas (ADE). As análises obtidas através dos resultados de duas situações permitiram constatar que o processo atual de separação na rampa é deficitário, demorado e cansativo, deixa os catadores com dores nas costas e na coluna, além de existirem muitas perdas de tempo por transporte de materiais não agregando valor aos produtos, por conta da distância em que ficam os recipientes para o acondicionamento do material separado. O módulo bancada indicou ser a melhor alternativa para o arranjo físico da separação, encurtando as distâncias percorridas, suprimindo algumas movimentações do corpo (rotações e flexões de tronco), reduzindo os riscos de lesão na coluna vertebral. Diferente do arranjo físico atualmente adotado, o posto-bancada possibilita reduzir a duração média do ciclo e a frequência das Atividades Extra Ciclo (AECs). As recomendações para a melhoria da atividade na organização estudada visam preservar a saúde e elevar a produtividade. Elas foram elaboradas, considerando o arranjo físico, método de trabalho e qualificação dos trabalhadores. / The separation sector (sorting) of recyclable materials of a cooperative located in the state of Rio de Janeiro was the object of this study aimed to conduct an ergonomic evaluation of the process of recyclable waste separation carried out by waste pickers, using a "modular system". The methodological procedures consisted of bibliographic research with survey state of the art, field observations using the Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA) and schematic models of engineering of methods, and performing two experiments (station-rampa and station-bancada) using the strategy for mounting cyclegrams proposed in Analysis Decomposition in Steps (ADS). The analysis obtained from the results of two situations showed evidence that the current separation process at the rampa is deficient, time consuming and tiring, let the waste pickers with back and spine pain, and in addition there are many time losses in the transport of materials not adding value to products, due to the distance where are the containers for the packaging of the separated material The bancada module indicated to be the best alternative to the physical arrangement of separation, shortening the distances, suppressing some movements of the body (rotation and bending of the trunk), reducing the risk of spine injury. Different from the physical arrangement currently adopted, the station-bancada possible to reduce the average duration of the cycle and the frequency of extra activity cycle (EACs). The recommendations for improving the activity in the studied organization aimed at preserving the health and increase productivity. They were prepared, considering the physical arrangement, method of work and worker skills.


LEONARDO MARQUES DE ABREU 21 July 2005 (has links)
[pt] Na atualidade, o telefone celular é um dispositivo que se encontra presente em praticamente todas as situações do indivíduo, em uma condição de quase onipresença ou Ubiquitous Technology. Assim, em 2003, o número de usuários de aparelhos celulares ultrapassou o de telefonia fixa no Brasil. As trocas freqüentes por celulares com sistemas diferentes e sem estudos centrados no usuário vêm a dificultar o uso desses dispositivos. Um ponto do aparelho onde isso é mais sentido é na agenda de contato, uma das funções mais usadas pelos usuários desde os iniciantes até os mais experientes. Para aumentar o nível de usabilidade dos sistemas de Interação Humano-Computador, diversos autores apontam para a necessidade de aplicação de guidelines. Nesse sentido, este trabalho verificou, através da aplicação de diversas técnicas qualitativas e quantitativas, como entrevistas, focus-group, avaliações cooperativas e questionários, a usabilidade de aparelhos celulares pela ótica da presença de critérios ergonômicos de usabilidade. Tais pesquisas foram conduzidas com foco no uso das agendas de contatos dos telefones celulares. / [en] At present time, cell phone is a device found almost everywhere and in every situations of the people s life as a condition known as Ubiquitous Technology. In 2003, the total cell phone users overcame the total fixed line users in Brazil. The frequently cell phone changes with different systems and without user centered studies increase the cell phone use difficulties. An aspect more evident is with one of most used function, the phonebook. Many authors describe the need of guidelines to help the quality of this Human Computer Interaction. This research applied qualitative and quantitative techniques to verify the relation between cell phone usability and application of usability ergonomic criteria. The techniques applied were Interviews, Focus Group, Cooperative Evaluations and Questionnaires. These techniques were developed with focus on cell phones phonebook use.

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