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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E.typographi daugiavaisčio atsparumo siurblių lyginamoji analizė / E.typographi multidrug resistant efflux pumps

Bagdonas, Vytenis 11 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimų tikslas – išsiaiškinti DVAsiurblių aktyvumą dar neištirtose E. typographi bakterijose, esančiose žievėgraužio tipografo žarnyno mikrofloroje, jas veikiant eterinių aliejų sudedamąją dalimimircenu (MC). Tyrimai atlikti VDU Biochemijos katedroje vykdant potenciometrinius universalaus daugiavaisčio atsparumo siurblių substrato TPP+ jonų srautų per ląstelės apvalkalėlį matavimus.E. typographiląsteliųreakcijas į mirceną lyginome su šios medžiagos poveikiu gramneigiamosiomsE. coli ir S. enterica, ir gramteigiamosiomsS. aureus ir B. subtilis ląstelėms. MC poveikįE. typographiląstelėms stebėjome ir lyginome su pokyčiais, paveikus jas rezerpinu (RZ) ir RND šeimos siurblių slopikliufenilalanil-arginil-β-naftilamidu(PAβN).Tyrėme laukinio tipo ir mutantines E. coliirS. entericaląsteles, o taip pat ląsteles su pralaidinta išorine membrana bei pažeistais DVA siurbliais. Lygindami E. typographiląsteles su gramteigiamosiomis ląstelėmis, išsiaiškinome, kadPAβN panašiai slopina TPP+ kaupimąsi S. aureus, B. subtilis ir E. typographi ląstelėse, bet gramteigiamosioms ląstelėms reikia didesnės MC koncentracijos iki pilnos ląstelių plazminės membranos depoliarizacijos. Alkaloidas rezerpinas EDTA dorotose E. typographi ląstelėse skatino substrato TPP+ jonų sugertį, o ląstelėse su intaktine išorine membrana depoliarizavo plazminę membraną. / The aim of the study was to determine activity of MDR pumps in yet uninvestigated E. typography cells discovered in bark beetle gut microflora. The cells were exposed to myrcene anintegral part essential oils. The Investigations were carried out at department of Biochemistry of VMU using potentiometric analysis of a flow through the cell envelope of an universal substrate of multidrug resistant pumps substrate TPP+ions. Reactions of E. typography cells to myrcene were compared with effects of this compound on Gram-negative E. coli and S. entericaas well as Gram-positive S. aureus and B. subtiliscells. Effects of myrcene on E. typography cell were compared with the cell responses to alkaloid reserpine (RZ) and RND-type efflux pump inhibitor phenylalanyl – arginine – β – naphthylamide ( PAβN ). We investigated also wild type and mutant E. coli and S. enterica cells, including the cells with EDTA-permeabilized outer membrane. Comparing E. typographycells with Gram-positive bacteria we found that inhibition of S. aureus, B. subtilis and E. typography pumpsusing PAβN was similar, but Gram-positive bacteria required higher concentrations of MC to depolarize the cells. Alkaloid reserpine stimulated the accumulation of TPP+ions by EDTA-treated E. typographycells but in the case of cells with the intact outer membrane this inhibitor depolarized the cells.

Seca de ponteiros de Eucalyptus spp. causada por Erwinia psidii no Brasil / Die-back of Eucalyptus spp. caused by Erwinia psidii in Brazil

Arriel, Daniele Aparecida Alvarenga 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 4916340 bytes, checksum: 93a695c90b5206a931c6af433e846a53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Since 2009, a new disease has been observed in eucalyptus stands. Of unknown bacterial etiology, it is characterized by die-back, wilting, lesions on branches, petiole and midrib, accompanied by macroscopic and microscopic bacterial ooze. To date, this disease has been observed in stands of clonal hybrids of Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis, E. grandis and in seminal plantations of E. dunnii in São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. Considering the economic importance of the silviculture of eucalypts and the potential damage caused by the disease, this study aimed to identify and characterize its etiologic agent. Thirteen strains were obtained from materials presenting the symptoms in the field. Inoculation of cuttings and detached leaves proved the pathogenicity of the strains to eucalyptus. Phylogenetic analysis of three housekeeping genes (16S rDNA, gapA, recA and rpoB as well as biochemical tests confirmed the identity of strains as belonging to the species Erwinia psidii. This is the first report of E. psidii causing die-back on Eucalyptus spp. in Brazil. / A partir de 2009 vem sendo observada uma nova doença em eucalipto de etiologia bacteriana desconhecida, caracterizada por seca de ponteiros, murcha, lesões em ramos, pecíolo e nervura central, acompanhado de exsudação bacteriana macroscópica e microscópica. Até o presente a enfermidade já foi constatada em plantios clonais de híbridos de Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis, E. grandis e em plantios seminais de E. dunnii nos estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul. Devido à importância econômica da eucaliptocultura e ao potencial de danos causados por esta doença na cultura este trabalho objetivou identificar e caracterizar seu agente etiológico. Foram obtidos 13 isolados bacterianos a partir de materiais apresentando os sintomas no campo. Inoculações em mudas e em folhas destacadas de eucalipto comprovaram a patogenicidade dos isolados ao eucalipto. Análises moleculares usando quatro housekeeping genes (16S rDNA, gapA, recA e rpoB) assim como testes bioquímicos confirmaram a identidade dos isolados como pertencentes à espécie Erwinia psidii. Este é o primeiro relato de E. psidii causando seca de ponteiros em eucalipto no Brasil.

Estudos de conservação de mandioquinha-salsa (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft.): efeitos da embalagem, radiação gama e temperatura de armazenamento / Conservation studies of peruvian carrot(Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft.): effects of packaging, gamma radiation and storage temperature

Helena Pontes Chiebáo 09 December 2008 (has links)
A mandioquinha-salsa (Arracacia xanthorriza Bancroft.) é uma raiz tuberosa que apresenta um curto período de conservação pós-colheita, de 3 a 5 dias, devido a uma fitopatologia conhecida como apodrecimento-mole ou mela, causada por bactérias do gênero Erwinia. Essas bactérias liberam enzimas que degradam a pectina da parede celular, fazendo com que o tecido perca a sua rigidez característica. Atualmente, vários métodos de conservação têm sido estudados na tentativa de prolongar a conservação pós-colheita, porém, a combinação de processos parece ser a melhor alternativa. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a interação entre processos de conservação (refrigeração, embalagem a vácuo e irradiação) para estender o período pós-colheita das raízes. Foram estudadas a combinação de duas temperaturas (25°C e 4°C), duas embalagens (caixas e vácuo) e três doses de irradiação gama obtendo um total de 16 grupos. Estes foram analisados diariamente, por um período de 30 dias, utilizando parâmetros de textura (energia de penetração), microbiologia e atividade de enzimas pectinolíticas (pectato liase, poligalacturonase e pectinesterase). A exposição às doses de 2 e 3kGy, com as amostras conservadas a 4°C a vácuo, prolongaram o período de conservação de 5 para 28 dias, ocorrendo uma diminuição da população microbiana, porém havendo uma diminuição da rigidez das raízes (p<0,05). Os tratamentos afetaram o perfil de atividade das enzimas pectinolíticas, porém a grande dispersão dos resultados e o pequeno número de raízes analisadas por dia, além da complexidade dos fatores que afetam a atividade das enzimas e as múltiplas origens possíveis - endógenas, bacterianas ou fungicidas - limitam a discussão mais aprofundada dos resultados. / Peruvian carrot (Arracacia xanthorriza Bancroft.) is a tuber root that presents a short post-harvest period of conservation, 3 to 5 days, due to a phytopathology known as soft rot or \"mela\", caused by bacteria of the genus Erwinia. This bacteria release enzymes that decay the cellular wall, causing the lost of the characteristic rigidity. At present, many conservation methods have been studied in the attempt of prolonging the post harvest conservation, but the combination of processes seems to be the best alternative. The aim of this work was to study the interaction between the conservation processes (refrigeration, vacuum packaging and irradiation) to extend the post-harvest period of the roots. It was studied the combination of two temperatures (25°C e 4°C), with two packages (boxes and vacuum) and three gamma irradiation doses (1, 2 e 3kGy), obtaining a total of 16 sample groups. The samples were daily analized, for a 30 day period, using texture parameters (penetration energy), microbiology and pectinolitic enzymes activities (pectate lyase, polygalactunoronase and pectin methyl esterase). The samples irradiated in doses of 2 and 3kGy, vacuum packed and conserved at 4°C extend the post-harvest period of 5 to 28 days, with a decrease of the microbiologic population, but with decreased in the rigidity of the roots (p<0.05). The treatments affected the pectinolitic enzymes profile, however the amplitude of the results and the low number of analysed samples per day, besides the complexity of factors affecting the enzyme activity and the multiple possible sources(endogenous, bacterial or fungous), limits the carefully discussion of the results.

Caractérisation de protéines PPR impliquées dans le stress biotique chez A. thaliana. / Characterization of PPR Proteins Involved in Biotic Stress in A. thaliana.

Malbert, Bastien 10 December 2018 (has links)
A la différence des mammifères, les plantes ne possèdent pas de cellules spécialisées dans la défense face aux pathogènes. Chaque cellule végétale peut déclencher une réponse immunitaire. Pour interagir avec succès avec la plante, les pathogènes doivent alors supprimer ou contourner les défenses de l’hôte. Afin d’y parvenir, les bactéries pathogènes disposent des effecteurs, des protéines qui peuvent être injectées dans la cellule végétale. De nombreux effecteurs sont connus pour cibler les organites lors de l’infection, confirmant l’importance du chloroplaste et de la mitochondrie dans les mécanismes de défense des cellules végétales. Dans ces conditions, il demeure vital pour la plante de garder la main sur l’expression des gènes des organites afin d’assurer une réponse proportionnée au risque encouru sans pénaliser la croissance de façon disproportionnée. A la différence de l’expression des gènes nucléaires, la régulation de l’expression des gènes des organites se fait principalement lors d’étapes très complexes de maturation post-transcriptionnelle. Parmi les protéines impliquées dans ces étapes de maturation, on trouve les protéines pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR). Les protéines PPR sont impliquées dans de nombreuses étapes de maturation des ARN des organites, comme l’édition C vers U ou l’épissage. Elles sont également présentes chez d’autres eucaryotes, mais n’ont jamais été étudiées chez les bactéries. L’hypothèse testée dans le cadre de la thèse est que ces protéines PPR, qu’elles soient d’origine exogène ou endogène, sont impliquées dans des modifications de l’expression des gènes des organites en condition de stress biotique. Afin de tester notre hypothèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à PGN (Pentatricopeptide repeat protein for Germination on NaCl) chez la plante modèle A. thaliana. Caractérisée par Laluk et al. (2011), le mutant KO montre une sensibilité accrue au nécrotrophe Botrytis cinerea, et l’expression du gène codant pour cette protéine est induite après infection. Nous avons mis en évidence des défauts d’édition dans la séquence non codante en amont de nad6 et dans cox2, deux gènes mitochondriaux. Leur édition ne varie cependant pas en condition d’infection par Botrytis cinerea. Dans la même optique, à la suite d’un crible bio-informatique, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux protéines PPR bactériennes que nous avons trouvées chez les phytopathogènes Erwinia amylovora et Ralstonia solanacearum. Probablement obtenues par les bactéries par transfert horizontal de gènes, il s’agit de la première caractérisation de PPR bactériennes à notre connaissance. Ces protéines possèdent des caractéristiques d’effecteurs, c’est—dire des protéines injectées par la bactérie dans la plante durant l’infection. Si nous n’avons pas vu de modification du transcriptome des organites de la plante provoqué par la surexpression de ces protéines PPR exogènes, nous avons cependant mis en évidence une baisse significative du taux d’incidence de la maladie provoquée par E. amylovora en l’absence d’un gène fonctionnel codant pour sa PPR chez la plante hôte Malus domestica « Golden delicious ». Pour la PPR d’E. amylovora comme celle de R. solanacearum, nous avons également trouvés plusieurs interactants en double hybride levure chez A. thaliana, représentant de nombreuses cibles putatives à étudier. Afin de réaliser ces expérimentations et d’obtenir ces résultats, nous avons eu besoins d’outils particuliers. Nous avons donc développé un pipeline spécifique d’analyse de données de séquençage d’ARN ainsi qu’une méthode améliorée de prédiction des zones de fixation des protéines PPR, ouvrant la voie à une caractérisation simplifiée de nombreuses protéines. / Compared to mammals, plants do not have highly specialized cells involved in defense against pathogens. Each plant cell is able to start an immune response. To interact successfully with plants, pathogens have to block or bypass host defenses. To do so, phytopathogenic bacteria can use effectors, which are basically bacterial proteins injected in the plant cell during infection. Several effectors are known to target organelles during infection, supporting the idea that chloroplasts and mitochondria are key players in plant cell defense. As a reason, it remains necessary for the plant to keep organellar gene expression under control in order to ensure a response in proportion to the risk, without penalizing growth. Unlike nuclear gene expression, organellar gene expression regulation goes through highly complex post-transcriptional maturation steps. Among proteins involved in these events, PPR proteins (for pentatricopeptide repeat) are known to be very important. PPR proteins are involved in several RNA maturation steps in organelles, like C to U editing or splicing. They are studied in several eukaryotes, but not in bacteria. During my PhD studies, the hypothesis is exogenous or endogenous PPR proteins are involved in organellar gene expression modifications during biotic stress. To test our hypothesis, we work on PGN (Pentatricopeptide repeat protein for Germination on NaCl) in plant model A. thaliana. Characterized by Laluk et al. (2011), the KO mutant displays an enhanced sensitivity to the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea, and PGN gene expression is induced after infection. We find two editing defects for the KO mutant, in nad6 5’ non coding sequence and in cox2 coding sequence. However, editing at these two sites does not vary in wild type plants during Botrytis cinerea infection.Using a bioinformatic screen, we find several bacterial PPR proteins. Two of them are encoded by bacterial plant pathogens: Erwinia amylovora and Ralstonia solanacearum. To our knowledge, these proteins, putatively obtained through horizontal gene transfer, are the first bacterial PPR proteins to be characterized. They also share similarities with bacterial effectors. If overexpression of these bacterial PPR proteins in A. thaliana does not unveil organellar transcriptome modifications, we show a decrease of the incidence rate of the disease caused by E. amylovora in the host plant Malus domestica “Golden delicious” without a functional gene coding for the PPR protein. For both Erwinia and Ralstonia PPR, we find several interactants in A. thaliana using Yeast Two Hybrid, each of them representing a potential target that could be studied. In order to perform these experiments and obtain these results, we needed very specific tools. During the PhD studies, we develop an RNAseq analysis pipeline and an enhanced method to predict PPR binding sites, opening the way to an easier characterization of several PPR proteins.

Undersökning av några svenska päronsorters känslighet mot päronpest / The susceptibility of some Swedish pear cultivars to fire blight: an experimental test.

Persson Gärdegård, Karl January 2015 (has links)
Fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora, is a serious disease, which attacks plants within the family of Rosaceae. This bacterial disease causes major problems in the cultivation of pears (Pyrus communis) around the world. The occurrence of the disease is still geographically limited to certain areas in Sweden and neighbouring countries. However, increasing temperatures due to climate change and the relative unawareness of the public, augment the risk of its spread. Within the EU, there are no approved antibiotics for use in pear orchards. Within the species of P. communis, cultivars vary in their susceptibility to fire blight. Many scientists believe that new, resistant cultivars and rootstocks are important tools to enable pome fruit cultivation in the future.In this study,the susceptibility of some Swedish pear heirloom cultivars to E. amylovora was investigated by using immature pear fruit. The bacteria were introduced into immature pear fruit by using defined concentrations of inoculum. The fruit were incubated at 25°C, and disease severity was recorded over time. Disease was measured and recorded as the extent of lateral lesion size on the surfaces of the pear fruit. No definite differences in disease development were recorded across the concentrations tested. The cultivars were compared to one another, and ranked according to susceptibility. The most susceptible to the least susceptible were: `Sollerö´ &gt; `Unknown Gävle´ = `Esperens herre´ = `Aspa´ &gt; `Höstbergamott´ &gt; `Göteborgs Diamant´ &gt; `Conference´ = `Lilla dalpilen´ = `Carola´ &gt; `Alexander Lukas´ = `Blodpäron´ = `Bonne Louise´. The results could have become clearer if immature fruit of younger physiological age had been used. Nevertheless, the ranking of some cultivars agrees with the published results of others.

Contrôle de l'homéostasie de fer au cours du cycle infectieux d'Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937

Boughammoura, Aida 23 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937 est une bactérie phytopathogène responsable de maladies de type pourriture molle sur une large gamme de plantes. Durant l'infection, les bactéries se disséminent de manière extracellulaire, au niveau de l'apoplasme des tissus aériens du végétal où elles doivent s'adapter à des conditions de stress oxydant et une faible disponibilité en fer. Comme cet élément est essentiel et paradoxalement génère des radicaux hydroxyles hautement toxiques via la réaction de Fenton, une régulation fine des quantités intracellulaires en fer est primordiale pour la bactérie. L'homéostasie du fer implique une classe de protéines dénommées ferritines qui séquestrent le fer sous forme non réactive et biodisponible notamment lorsque le métal devient limitant dans l'environnement. Le génome d'E. chrysanthemi 3937 comporte une centaine de gènes dédiés au métabolisme du fer dont 4 sont supposés être impliqués dans le stockage intracellulaire du fer : le gène ftnA codant une ferritine de type eucaryote, le gène bfr codant une bacterioferritine contenant des groupements hème et les gènes dps1 et dps2 codant deux protéines Dps (DNA-binding proteins from starved cells). L'inactivation de ces gènes a montré que la ferritine FtnA contribue principalement au stockage intracellulaire du fer. Le rôle des ferritines ne se limite pas à servir de réserves de fer intracellulaire : ainsi la protéine FtnA participe à la résistance au stress oxydant et la protéine Dps1 pourrait jouer un rôle dans la détoxication du peroxyde d'hydrogène. Conformément à leur rôle dans le stockage intracellulaire du fer, les gènes ftnA, bfr et dps1 sont exprimés en réponse à la biodisponibilité en fer par la protéine Fur (Ferric uptake repressor), mais de manière temporellement différentielle au cours de la croissance bactérienne et selon des mécanismes distincts. Seule l'induction du gène ftnA par le fer et Fur est dépendante de l'ARN anti-sens RyhB. Par ailleurs, les gènes bfr et dps1 sont induits en phase stationnaire de croissance par le facteur σS. Les travaux réalisés au cours cette thèse ont permis de caractériser les intervenants de l'homéostasie du fer chez E. chrysanthemi 3937, d'acquérir une vue globale du trafic intracellulaire du fer et d'en apprécier leur contribution respective dans la pathogénie.

Natural spread of and competition between two bacterial antagonists of the fire blight pathogen, Erwinia amylovora, on blossoms of Bartlett pear

Nuclo, Raymond L. 10 April 1997 (has links)
Graduation date: 1998

Characterisation of regulatory genes involved in the control of virulence determinants in Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora /

Andersson, Robert, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Genes and mechanisms in Arabidopsis innate immunity against Leptosphaeria maculans /

Staal, Jens, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Caracterización fenotípica y genotípica de aislados españoles de Erwinia amylovora

Donat Luis, María Victoria 06 May 2008 (has links)
El fuego bacteriano de las rosáceos es una enfermedad de fácil diseminación dificil control que afecta a los frutales de pepita, principalmente peral y manzano, y a plantas ornamentales. El agente etiológico de esta enfermedad es Erwinia amylovora, una enterobacteria considerada como organismo de cuarenta en la Unión Europea.Esta bacteria ha sido identificada en la mayoría de los paises del centro y norte de Europa, y en los últimos veinte años también se ha extendido por los países del Mediterráneo. en España, se han detectado diversos focos desde 1995, en distintos hospedadores procedentes de varias Comunidades Autonómas, habiéndose aplicado programas intensivos de erradicación en casi todas ellas. En esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización fenotípica y genotípica de una amplia colección de aislados españoles de E. Amylovora de diversos orígenes geográficos, hospedadores y años de aislamiento. La evaluación de los datos obtenidos, tras la realización de análisis fisiológicos, bioquímicos y moleculares de las cepas españolas, ha mostrado su escasa diversidad fenotípica y genotípica. No obstante, los resultados de la cracterización molecular mediante electroforesis en campo pulsante y otras técnicas, apoyan dos hipotesis sobre el origen y la diseminación del fuego bacteriano en nuestro país; en primer lugar, la introducción de material vegetal infectado procedente de otros países de Europa como posible responsable de varios de los focos de infección de esta enfermedad en España, y en segundo lugar, la existencia de, al menos, tres fuentes de inóculo distintas. Por otro lado, la primera descripción de una cepa de E. amylovora que carece del plásmido PEA29 de forma natural, representa una novedad con implicaciones importantes para el diagnóstico molecular de la enfermedad, asi como para la hipótesis acerca del papel de este plásmido en la virulencia del patógeno del fuego bacteriano. / Donat Luis, MV. (2004). Caracterización fenotípica y genotípica de aislados españoles de Erwinia amylovora [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1859 / Palancia

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