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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution of the cultural landscape of Lithuania and proposals for its spatial optimisation (1918-2008) / Lietuvos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio formavimo raida ir jo erdvinio optimizavimo prielaidos (1918-2008)

Ramanauskas, Evaldas 27 July 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses the evolution of the cultural landscape of Lithuania spanning over the interwar (1918-1940) and Soviet (1940-1941, 1944-1990) periods and the period after the restoration of Lithuania’s independence (1990-2008). Goal of the thesis: to evaluate the evolution of the spatial structure of the Lithuanian cultural landscape by highlighting factors that determine aesthetic characteristics, and to provide preliminary proposals regarding the optimisation of the development of the spatial structure of landscape. This thesis analyses landscape in rural and urban areas. The spatial structure of such landscape is evaluated using Nicos Angelos Salingaros’ method of the evaluation of aesthetic characteristics. The analysis of the evolution of landscape includes the study of legal documents, political aspects, technological and social changes as well as artistic factors that determine the changes in the historical development of landscape. The evaluation of the most significant spatial structure changes caused by the said factors leads to the identification of landscape development stages and the types of landscape that are the most characteristic to such stages. The visual intensity and the visual harmony characteristics of each identified type of landscape are being evaluated (by awarding points from 0 to 10). They are further described by identifying aesthetic attractiveness and aesthetic chaos (0 to 100 points). The historical development shows that it is the... [to full text] / Disertacijoje analizuojama Lietuvos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio raida apimanti tarpukario (1918-1940), sovietmečio (1940-1941, 1944-1990) ir atkurtos Lietuvos nepriklausomybės (1990-2008) laikotarpius. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio erdvinės struktūros formavimo raidą, išryškinant estetines savybes lemiančius veiksnius, pateikti preliminarius siūlymus kraštovaizdžio erdvinės struktūros formavimo optimizavimui. Kraštovaizdis šiame darbe analizuojamas kaimo ir miesto teritorijose. Jo erdvinė struktūra įvertinama pritaikant Nicos Angelos Salingaros estetinių savybių vertinimo metodą. Atliekant kraštovaizdžio raidos analizę nagrinėjami teisiniai dokumentai, politiniai aspektai, technologiniai, socialiniai pokyčiai, menininiai bei kiti kraštovaizdžio savitumus nulėmę veiksniai. Įvertinant ryškiausius erdvinės struktūros pokyčius išskiriami kraštovaizdžio raidos etapai bei jų būdingiausi kraštovaizdžio tipai. Kiekvienas kraštovaizdžio tipas, estetiniu požiūriu, įvertinamas nustatant vizualinio intensyvumo bei vizualinio harmoningumo reikšmes (nuo 0 iki 10 balų). Toliau šios estetinės savybės apibendrinamos nustatant estetinio patrauklumo ir estetinio chaotiškumo reikšmes (nuo 0 iki 100 balų). Istorinėje raidoje kaip vieni svarbiausi kraštovaizdžio vizualines savybes nulemiantys veiksniai išskiriami – politiniai ir ekonominiai veiksniai. Įvertinant paskutiniame etape šiais veiksniais nulemiamas ryškesnes chaotiškumo savybes, siūloma tobulinti teritorijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Lietuvos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio formavimo raida ir jo erdvinio optimizavimo prielaidos (1918-2008) / The evolution of the cultural landscape of Lithuania and proposals for its spatial optimisation (1918-2008)

Ramanauskas, Evaldas 27 July 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje analizuojama Lietuvos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio raida apimanti tarpukario (1918-1940), sovietmečio (1940-1941, 1944-1990) ir atkurtos Lietuvos nepriklausomybės (1990-2008) laikotarpius. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos kultūrinio kraštovaizdžio erdvinės struktūros formavimo raidą, išryškinant estetines savybes lemiančius veiksnius, pateikti preliminarius siūlymus kraštovaizdžio erdvinės struktūros formavimo optimizavimui. Kraštovaizdis šiame darbe analizuojamas kaimo ir miesto teritorijose. Jo erdvinė struktūra įvertinama pritaikant Nicos Angelos Salingaros estetinių savybių vertinimo metodą. Atliekant kraštovaizdžio raidos analizę nagrinėjami teisiniai dokumentai, politiniai aspektai, technologiniai, socialiniai pokyčiai, menininiai bei kiti kraštovaizdžio savitumus nulėmę veiksniai. Įvertinant ryškiausius erdvinės struktūros pokyčius išskiriami kraštovaizdžio raidos etapai bei jų būdingiausi kraštovaizdžio tipai. Kiekvienas kraštovaizdžio tipas, estetiniu požiūriu, įvertinamas nustatant vizualinio intensyvumo bei vizualinio harmoningumo reikšmes (nuo 0 iki 10 balų). Toliau šios estetinės savybės apibendrinamos nustatant estetinio patrauklumo ir estetinio chaotiškumo reikšmes (nuo 0 iki 100 balų). Istorinėje raidoje kaip vieni svarbiausi kraštovaizdžio vizualines savybes nulemiantys veiksniai išskiriami – politiniai ir ekonominiai veiksniai. Įvertinant paskutiniame etape šiais veiksniais nulemiamas ryškesnes chaotiškumo savybes, siūloma tobulinti teritorijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis analyses the evolution of the cultural landscape of Lithuania spanning over the interwar (1918-1940) and Soviet (1940-1941, 1944-1990) periods and the period after the restoration of Lithuania’s independence (1990-2008). Goal of the thesis: to evaluate the evolution of the spatial structure of the Lithuanian cultural landscape by highlighting factors that determine aesthetic characteristics, and to provide preliminary proposals regarding the optimisation of the development of the spatial structure of landscape. This thesis analyses landscape in rural and urban areas. The spatial structure of such landscape is evaluated using Nicos Angelos Salingaros’ method of the evaluation of aesthetic characteristics. The analysis of the evolution of landscape includes the study of legal documents, political aspects, technological and social changes as well as artistic factors that determine the changes in the historical development of landscape. The evaluation of the most significant spatial structure changes caused by the said factors leads to the identification of landscape development stages and the types of landscape that are the most characteristic to such stages. The visual intensity and the visual harmony characteristics of each identified type of landscape are being evaluated (by awarding points from 0 to 10). They are further described by identifying aesthetic attractiveness and aesthetic chaos (0 to 100 points). The historical development shows that it is the... [to full text]

Fenomenologinė estetikos samprata (M. Merleau - Ponty) / Phenomenological conception of aesthetics (M. Merleau - Ponty)

Tamoševičius, Andrius 26 June 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra siekiama atskleisti gyvą patirties pasaulį, nesutampantį net tik su klasikinės metafizikos siekiais jį apriboti, tačiau ir su šių dienų mokslų pasakomis. Yra norima parodyti, kad žmogus gyvena reikšmingame pasaulyje, dalyvaudamas jame tiesiogine patirtimi bei jusliniu suvokimu sugeriantis išorės fenomenų fenomenalumą, kurie niekada nepasireiškia kaip išbaigti ir aiškūs, tačiau sudaro tą prasmės klodą, iš kurio gimsta visas reikšmingumas, gyvastingumas, pačios intensyviausios gyvenimo akimirkos. Žmogus yra gyvas, o jo gyvybę padiktuoja jo kūniškumas, kuris visada intencionaliais siekiais kreipiasi į pasaulį, jį priima į save ir išskleidžia reikšmę atgal pasauliui. Kūnas fenomenalus audinys, vikriai įsiliejantis į pasaulio audinį, suformuodamas tokį santykį, kuriame pirmais smuikais griežia estetiškumas, pirmine graikiško žodžio aisthētikos – jutiminis reikšme. Kūnas visada yra išraiškingas ir reikšmingas. Geriausiai tai atskleidžia menininko patirtis, kuomet ateidamas į savo kūrybines dirbtuves, jis vadovaujasi tik tiesiogine patirtimi bei juslumu, sugaudamas tas fenomenų bangas, kurios kitokiu būdu yra ne tik nepagaunamos, bet ir užmskuojamos. / This paper aims to reveal the living experience of the world, that does not coincide with the classical metaphysical aspirations to restrict it, but also with the things wich has been said by researchers of nowadays. It is seeking to show, that man lives in the meaningful world, taking part in it by direct experience and sensory perception of external phenomenal of the phenomenon, wich are never completed and clear, but the basis of the meaningful and leads to all the significance of vitality and most intensive moments of live. The man is alive and his life is dictaded by his corporeality, wich is always turned into the world by its intentions, takes the value of the world into himself and expands the value back to the world. Phenomenal body tissue deftly merges with the fabric of the world, forming a relationship in wich the aesthetic plays by the first violin, in the original sense of the Greek word aisthētikos – sensory value. This is best revealed by the artist experience when he comes to his workshop. When he follows only the capture of direct experience sensitivity, he looks at the waving of phenomena, wich in the other way are not only elusive, but more than concealed.

Estetikos sampratos transformacija: B. Croce ir H. G. Gadameris / The transformation of the concept of aesthetics: B. Croce and H. G. Gadamer

Daraškevičiūtė, Vaiva 01 October 2012 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra estetikos sampratos transformacijos problema kontinentinėje XX amžiaus Vakarų filosofijoje. Šiuolaikiniame mąstyme susiduriame su būtinybe peržiūrėti modernistinę estetikos sampratą, nes tampa vis labiau akivaizdu, kad ja vadovaujantis neįmanoma paaiškinti subjektyvios meno patirties keliu prieinamos išskirtinių būties tiesų atverties. Dėl šios priežasties šiuolaikinėje filosofijoje kvestionuojamas pats „estetikos“ terminas, argumentuojant, kad estetika, arba meno filosofija, turėtų ne nustatyti meno kūrinio vertinimo kriterijus, bet kelti sau tikslą mąstyti dėka tų prieštaravimų, kurie neišvengiamai lydi meno patirtį. Disertacijoje estetikos sampratos transformacija analizuojama nagrinėjant italų filosofo Benedetto Croce‘s estetiką ir vokiečių mąstytojo Hanso Georgo Gadamerio meno filosofiją. Teigiama, kad Croce ir Gadameris, nesutikdami su Kanto filosofijos įtakoje susiformavusia subjektyvistine modernistinės estetikos samprata, skirtingais būdais įrodo, jog meno patirties keliu pasiekiami tokie bendražmogiški patyrimo aspektai, kurie niekaip kitaip nėra prieinami. Parodoma, kad Croce‘s filosofijoje prie modernistinės estetikos sampratos transformacijos priartėjama pamatiniu pažinimu įvardinus ne jusles ir ne protą, bet kūrybinę intuiciją. Konstatuojama, kad Gadameris savo hermeneutikoje transformuoja subjektyvistinę modernistinės estetikos sampratą į meno filosofiją, meno kūriniui suteikdamas ontologinį statusą ir iškeldamas meno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the dissertation is the problem of the transformation of the concept of aesthetics in Western continental philosophy of the 20th century. In contemporary thought the need to review the modernist concept of aesthetics becomes more and more evident as on the basis of this concept it is impossible to explain how revelation of unique metaphysical truths is attained by way of subjective experience of art. For this reason, in contemporary philosophy the very term of “aesthetics” is questioned, arguing that aesthetics or the philosophy of art, instead of establishing the criteria of judgement of an artwork, should rather aim at thought due to the controversies and paradoxes inevitably surrounding the experience of art. In the dissertation the transformation of the concept of aesthetics is analysed by examining the aesthetics of the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce and the philosophy of art of the German thinker Hans Georg Gadamer. The study argues that by opposing the subjectivist concept of modernist aesthetics formed under the influence of Kant, Croce and Gadamer prove, in different ways, that the way of the experience of art allows to attain the aspects of common human experience that are unattainable in any other way. The research demonstrates that in Croce’s philosophy the transformation of the modernist concept of aesthetics is approached by choosing creative intuition, rather than senses or reason, as a fundamental way of knowing. The dissertation states... [to full text]

The transformation of the concept of aesthetics: B. Croce and H. G. Gadamer / Estetikos sampratos transformacija: B. Croce ir H. G. Gadameris

Daraškevičiūtė, Vaiva 01 October 2012 (has links)
The object of the dissertation is the problem of the transformation of the concept of aesthetics in Western continental philosophy of the 20th century. In contemporary thought the need to review the modernist concept of aesthetics becomes more and more evident as on the basis of this concept it is impossible to explain how revelation of unique metaphysical truths is attained by way of subjective experience of art. For this reason, in contemporary philosophy the very term of “aesthetics” is questioned, arguing that aesthetics or the philosophy of art, instead of establishing the criteria of judgement of an artwork, should rather aim at thought due to the controversies and paradoxes inevitably surrounding the experience of art. In the dissertation the transformation of the concept of aesthetics is analysed by examining the aesthetics of the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce and the philosophy of art of the German thinker Hans Georg Gadamer. The study argues that by opposing the subjectivist concept of modernist aesthetics formed under the influence of Kant, Croce and Gadamer prove, in different ways, that the way of the experience of art allows to attain the aspects of common human experience that are unattainable in any other way. The research demonstrates that in Croce’s philosophy the transformation of the modernist concept of aesthetics is approached by choosing creative intuition, rather than senses or reason, as a fundamental way of knowing. The dissertation states... [to full text] / Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra estetikos sampratos transformacijos problema kontinentinėje XX amžiaus Vakarų filosofijoje. Šiuolaikiniame mąstyme susiduriame su būtinybe peržiūrėti modernistinę estetikos sampratą, nes tampa vis labiau akivaizdu, kad ja vadovaujantis neįmanoma paaiškinti subjektyvios meno patirties keliu prieinamos išskirtinių būties tiesų atverties. Dėl šios priežasties šiuolaikinėje filosofijoje kvestionuojamas pats „estetikos“ terminas, argumentuojant, kad estetika, arba meno filosofija, turėtų ne nustatyti meno kūrinio vertinimo kriterijus, bet kelti sau tikslą mąstyti dėka tų prieštaravimų, kurie neišvengiamai lydi meno patirtį. Disertacijoje estetikos sampratos transformacija analizuojama nagrinėjant italų filosofo Benedetto Croce‘s estetiką ir vokiečių mąstytojo Hanso Georgo Gadamerio meno filosofiją. Teigiama, kad Croce ir Gadameris, nesutikdami su Kanto filosofijos įtakoje susiformavusia subjektyvistine modernistinės estetikos samprata, skirtingais būdais įrodo, jog meno patirties keliu pasiekiami tokie bendražmogiški patyrimo aspektai, kurie niekaip kitaip nėra prieinami. Parodoma, kad Croce‘s filosofijoje prie modernistinės estetikos sampratos transformacijos priartėjama pamatiniu pažinimu įvardinus ne jusles ir ne protą, bet kūrybinę intuiciją. Konstatuojama, kad Gadameris savo hermeneutikoje transformuoja subjektyvistinę modernistinės estetikos sampratą į meno filosofiją, meno kūriniui suteikdamas ontologinį statusą ir iškeldamas meno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Proměny životního prostředí ve vybraných českých fotografických projektech v letech 1990 až do současnosti / Changes in human living environment in selected Czech photographic projects since 1990 to the present

Trautmannová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to present and compare selected photographic projects mapping the changes in human living environment since the early nineties to the present. This includes approaches of authors interpreting the landscape in a different context than as the aesthetic artefact. The photographic projects selected for this thesis represent not only the artistic side of photography but also their sociological, ecological, social, psychological and anthropological overlaps enabling the alternative interpreting approaches.

Korespondence slova a obrazu v literatuře pro děti a mládež / Correspondence between a word and a picture in children´s literature

DEMETEROVÁ, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis Correspondence between word and image in Children's literature is focused on the analysis of selected titles in terms of literary and illustrative. The analysis should determine the methodological criteria in terms of aesthetic, factual and ethical contribution of the book as a whole for the pupil of the fifth and the sixth grade of primary school. The analyses are conducted in terms of literary and illustrative titles on The fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen, Lottie and Lisa by Erich Kästner and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The conclusion of the work provides educational options to work with these titles in lessons of Czech language and literature and Art.

Studie začlenění naučné stezky do krajiny

Dubová, Soňa January 2016 (has links)
Dubová, S. The study of the integration of the educational trail in the countryside. Diploma thesis. Lednice: Mendel university, 2016. The thesis is focused on the study of the integration of the educational trail in the countryside. The aim is the processing of the problems of the forest parks and nature trails. After the field survey has been suggested educational trails and indentified the individual locations suitable for the stop. The content of individual interpretative plates was selected with regard to the placement of this board making information on the facts, which can be seen on this place. Suitable elements of the furniture and playing elements have been proposed as well. These elements set into the natural environment of the model territory due to own character. The part of the work is project documentation of vegetation modification of the territory including the budget´s establishment. In conclusion, amount was determined, which is needed for reconstruction of nature trails in the modelling area.

Estetický soud z perspektivy filozofie, psychologie a neurovědy / Aesthetic Judgement from Philosophical, Psychological and Neuroscientific Perspectives

Hadravová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Title: Aesthetic judgement from philosophical, psychological, and neuroscientific perspectives Author: Tereza Hadravová Department: Aesthetics Department Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Vlastimil Zuska, CSc. Abstract: How does science relate to aesthetics? This question usually reads as a question concerning scientific contribution to aesthetics. Philosophers are most- ly skeptical about the application of scientific results in their domain, wheras psychologists and, in recent years, neuroscientists are optimistic. In the thesis, I argue that both of these positions, in their extreme versions, impede the mutual enrichment of science and aesthetics. The starting-point of the thesis is George Dickie's radical claim that no scientific information has ever been relevant for aesthetics. The claim, I argue, is firmly embedded in the aftermath of logical positivism: it is related to the e↵ort to "rescue" aesthetics from progressive eli- mination. As a consequence, most of analytic aesthetics discourse has ignored psychologically informed conception of aesthetic judgement, including some fine distinctions that such a conception enables, e.g. the di↵erence between judgements about pleasure and aesthetic judgements. The distinctions are further elaborated and, in the last part of the thesis, the results of this elaboration are...

Aranžování rostlin s didaktickým využitím na základní škole / Plant arranging and its curriculum and instruction using in school

BRÁZDOVÁ, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the use of arranging plants in class at elementary schools. The theoretic part explains basic terms related to the floristy and gives some basic information on materials, tools and plant materials. Next chapters deal with characteristics of plants materials used in school lessons and brief characteristic styles of arranging. Next chapters are important because they deal with the creativity and esthetics and show the influence on students development. The pratical part uses the science didactis tests to find how effective the work of a teacher and teacher´s learning at an elementary school can be.

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