Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ethic"" "subject:"thic""
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Patienters upplevelser av isolering i samband med MRSA : En litteraturöversikt / Patients’ experiences of isolation due to MRSA : A literary reviewBrodin, Elin, Börjeson, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
Background: MRSA is a critical disease, where isolation might be necessary among the infected. The literature reveals more negative consequences than positive for isolated patients. Given this information, a paradox is highlighted that healthcare works to reduce the spread of infection of MRSA, while it may affect the care of the individual patient. Aim: The aim was to highlight patients' experiences of isolation due to MRSA. Method: A literature study was performed according to Friberg (2012) in order to review the existing knowledge. Ten scientific articles were retrieved, whereof seven are qualitative and three are quantitative. Results: The result supports the assumption that isolation affects the patients' experiences positively as well as negatively. The positive experiences are ”appreciation and calmness” and ”satisfaction”. There are more negative experiences. They are loneliness, boredom, anxiety, anger, frustration, confusion and bad treatment. Furthermore, a series of actions are proposed to improve patients' situations. Discussions: The results are discussed from the point of view of Løgstrup’s ethical demand. That aims to highlight the ethical dimension of nurses meeting with isolated patients. The discussion is divided in several titles with different starting points. One of the titels discuss the paradox and another discuss the results from an environmental point of view. / Bakgrund: MRSA är en allmänfarlig sjukdom där isolering kan bli aktuellt för de smittade. I litteraturen framkommer fler negativa konsekvenser än positiva för isolerade patienter. Med detta i åtanke uppmärksammas en paradox. Den yttrar sig i att samtidigt som vården vill minska risken för smittspridning av MRSA, kan det påverka vården för den enskilda patienten. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av isolering i samband med MRSA. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts enligt Friberg (2012) för att skapa en överblick över kunskapsläget. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut, varav sju var kvalitativa och tre kvantitativa. Resultat: Resultatet styrker antagandet att isolering påverkar patienternas upplevelser positivt och negativt. De positiva upplevelserna var "uppskattning och lugn" samt "tillfredsställelse". De negativa upplevelserna var fler. Dessa var "övergivenhet och tristess", "oro, ilska och frustration", "förvirring" och "dåligt bemötande". Vidare belystes en rad åtgärder för att förbättra patienternas situationer. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras med anknytning till Løgstrups teori om det etiska kravet. Målsättningen var att belysa den etiska dimensionen av sjuksköterskans möte med den isolerade patienten. I diskussionen förs också resonemang kring den funna paradoxen och utifrån konsensusbegreppet miljö.
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Ledarskap i tiden : En studie av öppna ledarskapsutbildningar / Contemporary leadership : A study of open leadership educationsHansson, Malin, Nyström, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
Sammanfattning Konsulter utbildar ledare inom ledarskap. Öppna ledarskapsutbildningar vänder sig främst till nyblivna ledare, vars kunskaper inom ämnet många gånger är vagt. Vad som tas upp i dessa utbildningar, formar ledare och därmed organisationer. Moderna företag behöver moderna ledare. Strömningar i samhället medför en ökad medvetenhet bland kunderna om organisationers image. Det är viktigt för dagens ledare att anpassa sig till det som sker i samhället. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar utformningen av öppna ledarskapsutbildningar. Vidare vill vi studera innehållet i dessa utbildningar och undersöka om, och i så fall i vilken omfattning, de tre dagsaktuella aspekterna genus, etik/moral och miljö/hållbarhet tas upp. Uppsatsen bygger på det hermeneutiska synsättet, som hela tiden söker nya sätt att försöka förstå olika företeelser. För att skapa oss en djupare och mer fullständig uppfattning av de tre aspekternas upptagning i de öppna ledarskapsutbildningarna, ansåg vi att en kvalitativ metod var nödvändig. Vi valde endast att intervjua fem företag, då vi ansåg att fler intervjuer skulle vara för tidskrävande. Vi har försökt fånga in aktörernas olikheter i fråga om storlek och bakgrund, för att skapa variation i urvalet. Ledarskap kan beskrivas som en process vars syfte är att påverka en organiserad grupp att nå uppsatta mål. För att kunna göra det krävs att ledare förstår och skapar förståelse inom organisationen. Kommunikation, konflikthantering, feedback, ökad delaktighet och situationsanpassat ledarskap är exempel på områden som är relevanta för ledarskapet. Genus, etik/moral och miljö/hållbarhet är tre aspekter som dagligen berörs i samhällsdebatten. Genus är det socialt konstruerade könet, som talar om vad som är maskulint och feminint. En ledare bör uppmärksamma de normer som finns och reproduceras i vardagen, för att motverka uppkomsten av ojämställdhet och fördomar inom organisationen. Etik/moral tar upp vad som är rätt och fel. Ledare måste se till att de skapar förutsättningar för arbete med etik, de har ett ansvar för dess existens i organisationen. För miljödiskursen utgör hållbarhet en viktig del, den avser samhällets behov av utveckling på ett ansvarsfullt sätt. Det ligger på ledarens ansvar att se till att detta efterlevs inom organisationen. Innehållet i de öppna ledarskapsutbildningarna var överlag lika hos respondenterna. Feedback från kunderna, pekas ut som den primära källan till utveckling av utbildningarna. Detta kan dock ifrågasättas. Kundernas okunskap inom ämnet kan bidra till att de förlitar sig blint till konsulternas expertis, vilket kan leda till att kvalitets höjande kritik uteblir. Genus, etik och moral inkluderades i viss mån, hos några av respondenterna. Uteblivandet av de tre aspekterna tyder på att majoriteten av konsulterna är kvar i ett teknokratiskt synsätt. Konsulterna verkar fokusera mer på vad som genererar vinst för företaget, än att skapa mervärde för kunderna. Ett modernt ledarskap bör spegla det samhälle vi idag lever i, varför genus, etik och miljö är av relevans för ledarskapet. / Summary Many consultants offer and shape educations within the leadership field. Open leadership educations are mainly for individuals whom have just been appointed managers or leaders, and whose knowledge regarding leadership is limited. What is included in leadership education will shape leaders, and thus organizations. Modern companies need modern leaders. What is considered modern and relevant to society as a whole will affect organizations’ image. It is important for leaders of today to adjust to what happens in society. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that affect the shaping of open leadership educations. Further, we wanted to study the content of this type of education and examine whether, and possibly to what extent, it includes the three contemporary aspects of gender; ethics and morals; and the environment and sustainability. This paper is built upon a hermeneutic perspective, with a purpose of always looking for new ways of understanding different phenomena. To gain a deeper and more complete understanding of the inclusion of the three aspects in leadership education, we considered a qualitative method necessary. We chose to interview only five companies, since we estimated that any more would be too time consuming. We have tried to capture the actors’ differences regarding size and background, to obtain variation in our selection. Leadership can be described as a process with a purpose to affect an organized group to achieve certain goals. To do so, it is required that the leader has and creates understanding within the organization. Communication, managing conflicts, feedback, increased participation and situational-adapted leadership are examples of issues that are relevant for the leadership discourse. Gender; ethics and morals; and the environment and sustainability are three aspects that are in focus of the current public debate. Gender refers to the two sexes, but as social constructions. It tells us what is supposed to be masculine and feminine. A leader should be attentive to norms that are reproduced in everyday life, to counteract the emergence of inequality and prejudice within organizations. Ethics and morals have to do with what is considered right and wrong. Leaders must make sure that they create the conditions needed to work with ethics; they have a responsibility for its existence within the organization. Sustainability is an important part of the environmental discourse, and refers to society’s need for responsible development. It is the leaders’ responsibility to make sure that this is conformed to within the organization. The content of open leadership education that we have examined was generally similar between respondents. Feedback from costumers was pointed out as the single strongest source of educational development. However, this can be questioned: customers’ ignorance regarding the subject could contribute to a blind reliance on the consultants’ expertise, with a risk of missing out on quality-enhancing critique. The aspects of gender; ethics and morals; and the environment and sustainability where somewhat included in the responses. The absence of the three aspects suggests that the vast majority of consultants still have a technocratic point of view. Consultants seem to be more focused on what will profit the company than to create surplus value for costumers. A modern leadership should reflect our society, and thus, gender; ethics and morals; and the environment and sustainability are indeed relevant for leadership.
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Mokinio asmenybės etniškumo ugdymas mokant skambinti kanklėmis muzikos mokykloje / The development of school-children personality ethnic through kanklės teaching at the music schoolRadvilavičienė, Edita 24 August 2006 (has links)
Ethnic culture – an important part of common and musical culture. Ethnic, musical culture is a presumption of national individuality, not vanishing value, raising and maintaining humanity, transferring cumulative experience. Ethnics raising, in a process of playing with kanklės, should be effective, should be used practically and must close children to ethnic musical culture more and more. The theory and practice of pedagogy did not research the role of Lithuanian folksong much; there is not much common information about the importance of Lithuanian ethnic culture, which helps to develop children’s national identity, so we hope to forward a development of spiritual and educative personality in this work.
The aim of this work is to examine the possibilities of pedagogic effect during the kanklės lesson by developing nationally conscious personality. The object of the work – the development of personality ethnic through kanklės. The hypothesis of the work – the development of personality ethnic becomes more effective when you put more Lithuanian folk plays into teaching repertoire and give lack of information on ethnic culture during the process of kanklės teaching.
The nonfiction analysis and pedagogical research were carried out at three stages since 2003 till 2006. During the pedagogical experiment in Alytus music school were formed and examined experimental and auditorial children groups from kanklės class. The questionnaire method was also practiced in other Lithuanian... [to full text]
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Work values and its relationship to job satisfaction.Nohari, Lushina. January 2013 (has links)
Work values represent a degree of importance, worth and desirability of the events that occur
at work (Knoop, 1993), while job satisfaction represents the gratification of an individual’s
needs and wants pertaining to the job. Work values and needs are important concepts that
aids in the examination of an individual’s potential for job satisfaction (Drummond &
Stoddard, 1991). The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a significant
relationship between work values and job satisfaction. A quantitative study was used with a
sample of 120 participants. The study consisted of three instruments, the job satisfaction
questionnaire (OSI), the VSM 94 (The Values Survey Module), and the biographical information questionnaire. This study revealed that there is a significant relationship between
the overall job satisfaction and the overall work values within the sample. Furthermore, there
is a significant relationship between the work values dimension of uncertainty/avoidance and
job satisfaction. There was no difference in work values and job satisfaction between
genders. However, there were differences in work values between the various racial groups.
Furthermore, there were differences in the work values dimension of masculinity between
different age groups. Implications of these findings and differences in the relationship
between constructs are discussed. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-Unversity of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.
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How about the Low Performers? : A study on below average salesmenFarhang, Faraz, Hasely, Mehdi January 2013 (has links)
Sale in essence, is the revenue generator of the company which ensures the existence and maintains the profitability of the business. Here upon, regular measuring the performance of the sales department and being aware of people’s performance in the department is required for companies as to reach certain preset goals and being assured of sales department’s productivity and profitability. This paper aims at studying the salespeople who perform below than expected as to find the causes behind the issue and help stabilizing and boosting the performance of the company finally. With respect to the fact that low performer problem is a complex issue consisting of wide range of aspects, variables and elements, as to collect the data and the analysis; a combination of quantitative and qualitative method (triangulation; via questionnaire and interviews) were used. The problem is narrowed down into three main affecting areas: 1- Employee turnover 2- Ethical issues 3- Job engagement and each scope is examined and analyzed in relation to salespeople’s performance. Consequently, potential and practical solutions and suggestions as for resolving the problem are presented which briefly are: inter-organizational approach, mostly by using job engagement, contribution and interaction.
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Hostages in Old English LiteratureBird, Melissa 11 August 2015 (has links)
“Hostages in Old English Literature” examines the various roles that hostages have played in Anglo-Saxon texts, specifically focusing on the characterization of Æscferth in The Battle of Maldon. Historical context is considered in order to contextualize behavioral expectations that a 10th century Anglo-Saxon audience might have held. Since the poem was composed during the reign of Æthelred the Unready, an examination of hostages and incidents recorded in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle during his rule helps ground a socio-cultural approach. Furthermore, since Æscferth is among only a handful of named hostages in Old English literature, these other hostages have been analyzed and compared with him in order to further contextualize the hostage character. These hostages have been identified based on a broadened concept of the term “hostage” to include the social expectations of a medieval stranger. Through a consideration of these other hostages, a continuum for changing hostage loyalty emerges and reflects the evolving warrior ethics at the end of the 10th century. Based on the presented evidence, this thesis concludes that Æscferth, as a hostage, best symbolizes The Battle of Maldon’s call for English unity at the end of the 10th century.
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Pushing the Limits of the US Warrior Ethos: Understanding the Extensive Use of Private Military Companies in IraqRacine-Sibulka, Paul 30 April 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses the growing privatization of the US forces through the Revolution in Military Affairs and the War in Iraq and its implications for the purpose of mobilization and individual military commitment conceptualize by the US warrior ethos. Creating a dialogue between the literature on Private Military Companies and the US warrior ethos, this thesis aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of the values sustaining the warrior ethos and how they are jeopardized by the emergence of new actors in the battlespace. I argue that this commercial turn in the US military erode the warrior ethos by placing business consideration ahead of great personal risk and ultimately raises doubts about civic responsibilities and democratic control of US military affairs.
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Kamieninių ląstelių reglamentavimo lyginamoji analizė teisiniu aspektu / Stem cell regulation comparative analysis of legal aspectsRamanauskas, Paulius 21 January 2007 (has links)
Stem cell research is one of the promising areas of biotechnology, which offers the prospect of developing new methods to repair or replace tissues or cells damaged by injuries or diseases and to treat serious chronic diseases, such as diabetes, Parkinson’s, chronic heart failure as well as stroke and spinal cord injuries. Stem cell research is expected to be equally important for basic science to understand cell differentiation and growth as well as for other specific medical applications such as for the understanding of disease development and for the development of safer and more effective drugs. Scientists are intensively studying the fundamental properties of stem cells.
One of the possible sources for stem cells is human embryos. However, when this research involves the use of human embryos it raises the question of ethical values at stake and of the limits and conditions for such research.
The title of this work is ,,Stem cell regulation comparative analysis of legal aspects”. This work explores legal aspects concerning production of stem cell from embryos. The main comparative aspects investigated in this graduation paper work:
1. historical stem cell research beginning aspects;
2. medical stem cell characteristics;
3. ethical embryo stem cell research aspects;
4. EU member states that allowing creation of human embryos for procurement of human embryonic stem cells by law;
5. EU member states that prohibiting procurement of human embryonic stem cells by law;
6. EU... [to full text]
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Vulnerability, Care, Power, and Virtue: Thinking Other Animals AnewThierman, Stephen 07 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a work of practical philosophy situated at the intersection of bioethics, environmental ethics, and social and political thought. Broadly, its topic is the moral status of nonhuman animals. One of its pivotal aims is to encourage and foster the “sympathetic imaginative construction of another’s reality” and to determine how that construction might feed back on to understandings of ourselves and of our place in this world that we share with so many other creatures.
In the three chapters that follow the introduction, I explore a concept (vulnerability), a tradition in moral philosophy (the ethic of care), and a philosopher (Wittgenstein) that are not often foregrounded in discussions of animal ethics. Taken together, these sections establish a picture of other animals (and of the kinship that humans share with them) that can stand as an alternative to the utilitarian and rights theories that have been dominant in this domain of philosophical inquiry.
In my fifth and sixth chapters, I extend this conceptual framework by turning to the work of Michel Foucault. Here, I develop a two-pronged approach. The first direction – inspired by Foucault’s work on “technologies of power” – is a broad, top-down engagement that explores many of the social apparatuses that constitute the power-laden environments in which human beings and other animals interact. I focus on the slaughterhouse in particular and argue that it is a pernicious institution in which care and concern are rendered virtually impossible. The second direction – inspired by Foucault’s later work on “technologies of the self” – is a bottom-up approach that looks at the different ways that individuals care for, and fashion themselves, as ethical subjects. Here, I examine the dietary practice of vegetarianism, arguing that it is best understood as an ethical practice of self-care.
One virtue of my investigation is that it enables a creative synthesis of disparate strands of philosophical thought (i.e. analytic, continental, and feminist traditions). Another is that it demonstrates the philosophical importance of attending to both the wider, institutional dimension of human-animal interactions and to the lived, embodied experiences of individuals who must orient themselves and live their lives within that broader domain. This more holistic approach enables concrete critical reflection that can be the impetus for social, and self-, transformation.
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Exploring the Implementation Potential of a Proposed Water Ethic: A Canadian Case Study into Underlying Ethical Considerations for Water Resources ManagementMatthews, Cushla January 2012 (has links)
Ideas about water use and ethics have been linked for many thousands of years. In this millennium, water resources remain a primary area of concern throughout the world, including such issues as shortages, supply, flooding, quality, restoration, allocation and regulation. Today, electronic environmental news and specialty websites contain a breadth of information on current water resources conflicts and issues
throughout the world. In many parts of the world, water quantity is decreasing and water quality is worsening, lack of access to improved water supplies is decreasing, as is access to basic sanitation. Water
challenges relating to water quantity and water quality are increasingly common in Canada and the United States due to water resources being under increasing pressure from population growth, economic activity
and intensifying competition for the water among users.
Faced with these challenges, humans are confronted with momentous decisions. Before making more decisions that will have an influence over water resources, and in response to repeated calls for a water ethic, this research takes the perspective that it is necessary to explore the ethical intentions of decision-makers with respect to water resources legislation and policy in Canada. The ultimate goal is to define a set of principles for a proposed water ethic that could and should be implemented at the municipal level of government in Canada.
A review of academic and professional literature and a mixed methods research approach comparing two case study areas was used to gain a baseline understanding of the potential influences of underlying ethical frameworks on policy makers in Calgary, Alberta and Guelph, Ontario. A proposed water ethic, containing a set of principles compiled from ethical considerations for water use in academic and professional
literature, was also developed and presented to case study participants. Participants provided feedback on their strength of agreement with each principle, thoughts on modifications, improvements and/or deletions
of any principle, and implementation considerations of the proposed water ethic at the municipal level of government.
The results indicate that case study participants in both areas apply a variety of ethical frameworks when making professional decisions about water resources management, and when preparing water legislation and policy. A review of relevant legislation, policies, documents and strategies in the case study areas supports this conclusion. In particular, components of the Consequentialist ethical framework (a perspective that can be associated with sustainable development and sustainability) are most often acknowledged in the statements of intent of the participants and water resource legislation and policies. Respondents also indicated that value positions associated with the Intrinsic Value ethical framework influenced policy preparation and decision-making; however, the ethical considerations associated with this framework are not as obvious in the language and intent of relevant legislation, plans, documents, and strategies.
The case study participants in both areas supported all six proposed principles of the proposed water ethic and offered only minor modifications to the presented wording and intent. The endorsed principles of the proposed water ethic are: (1) allocate sufficient water to maintain and enhance ecosystem integrity; (2) establish conservation and efficiency measures as a priority over new supply initiatives in water resources planning; (3) meet basic human needs and enhance equity; (4)establish open and participative decision-making processes; (5) identify and seek to obtain multiple sustainability benefits from water-centered initiatives; and, (6) explicitly acknowledge system complexity and emphasize precaution. The feedback from the participants about the proposed water ethic, in association with the results of the ethical frameworks, informed the eight implementation recommendations, including: (1) entrench a water ethic vision in
Provincial and municipal legislation; (2) work from within existing governance structures and institutional arrangements; (3) use an incremental model of decision-making; (4) provide specific policy examples for each principle within a water ethic; (5) include realistic and measurable targets within the policies; (6) accept that all
six water ethic principles are unlikely to be accepted at once; (7) ensure the overall vision of the water ethic, principles, associated examples, and measureable targets, are defensible; and, (8)acknowledge the importance of strategy. The recommendations acknowledge that while the proposed water ethic is presented as a package and each principle is valuable, conflict and trade-offs may occur during the implementation process. The recommendations are therefore pragmatic and take into account the current governance structures and institutional arrangements.
There is a growing recognition that understanding the underlying ethical perspectives that influence decision-makers may contribute to more effective water resources management legislation and policy. This research adds to this body of knowledge by showing that it is possible to identify ethical frameworks, extract the defining characteristics associated with each framework, and use case studies to suggest which ethical frameworks assert varying degrees of influence. This link between theory and practice may help organizations recognize what ethical considerations influence decision-making and identify the strengths and limitations of these ethical approaches to managing water resources. In addition, prior to this study, research had only been conducted into the identification of principles for the ethical use of water and not into the potential for implementation of a realistic and desirable water ethic that reflects sustainability and lasting well-being at the municipal level of government in Canada.
Several opportunities exist to build on this research. They include (1) investigate if the ethical intent of legislation and policy related to water resources management is put into practice, (2) identify other ethical frameworks that may apply to decision-making, (3) focus on political decision-makers and their claims and intentions about water use, (4) test the implementation of the water ethic proposed in this study, and (5) investigate how to integrate ethical considerations about water into checklists and protocols related to land use development, professional codes of conduct and standards, institutional and organizational training programs, performance measures for official plans, and as standard components for municipal council reports and ministerial presentations. This exploratory research concludes that policy makers are willing to become more aware of their underlying ethical underpinnings and to learn how ethical considerations embedded in legislation and policy have the potential to exert significant influence over the behaviour of current and future water users.
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