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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Made in China – assimilating ethnic minorities in the 21st century : An examination of Xi Jinping’s efforts to sinicise ethnic minorities in China through framing

Khalid Jamel, Wiam Lena January 2021 (has links)
The study aims to analyse how China, under the Xi Jinping administration, assimilates its ethnic minorities by exploring white papers' underlying motives. The ambition is to understand China’s actions and how they can affect the future. The research asks three questions: How does China frame ethnic minorities in white papers? What arguments are used to justify assimilation and sinicisation? How and why is China assimilating its ethnic minorities now? The results show that China depicts ethnic minorities through two accounts, oneness and backwardness. The former stresses the significance of unity within ethnic minorities and between ethnic groups. The latter describes the condition that ethnic minorities end up in if they do not conform to China’s socialist values. One can be stuck by backwardness if one follows declared enemies or shows signs of separatism, terrorism and religious extremism. The results reveal how China uses ‘war on terror’ and modernisation narratives to justify its assimilation and sinicisation acts. The results also point to three areas where ethnic minorities can stick to backwardness and should, therefore, assimilate Han Chinese. These are language, religion and employment. The study reveals that the CPC and Xi Jinping intend to fix anything that disturbs them from realising the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Consequently, China’s attempt to attain uniformity means that anything which may be prioritised above the party must be eradicated or sinicised.

第二次世界大戰後越南之華人政策(1945-2003) / The Policy of Vietnam toward Ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ,1945-2003

黃宗鼎, Huang, Chung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
越南與中國山海毗連,古來交通頻繁,華人或為謀生或為避禍,流寓至斯者不可勝數。如與其他華人移民社會相比,越南華人社會源遠流長,堪稱最為悠久的海外華人社群,是故越南華人研究於華僑華人研究、東南亞史、中外交通史,以及族群關係等領域皆有一定之學術價值。 越南華人的華語能力何以普遍低落?社會地位何以長期不振?凡此越南華人生活之樣貌,泰半歸因於早先越南政府其華人政策執行之結果。越南歷經君主、殖民、威權、共產政權的統治,在不同的歷史階段裡,華人扮演著不同的角色,他們或為當局開疆拓土的能臣、或為外交攻防的棋子、或為國家發展的障礙、或為繁榮經濟的夥伴,各政權與華人之關係固有良窳,其華人政策自有異同。 筆者擬視第二次世界大戰後越南之華人政策為一「(從屬)族裔政策」(policies vis-a-vis ethnic subordinates),藉由二戰後越南華人政策編年史之重建,期解析歷任越南政府(法國越南殖民政府、越南民主共和國、越南共和國,乃至於越南社會主義共和國)華人政策之特質與導因,俾闡明越南華人政策自「強制性同化(Compulsory Assimilation)」趨向「包容(Accommodation)」之歷程。 就華人政策之特質而言,「政策意識形態」的內涵自然是一項重點(筆者將「(強制性)同化」或「包容」等主義皆視為一「政策意識形態」),但如何對「政策意識形態」進行系統化分析,乃是關鍵所在。吾人將以「族裔互動指標」(亦即Gordon(1964)之「同化變項」)推論幾種不同「意識形態」取向的「政策原型」,進而以「政策原型」作為判斷實際「政策意識形態」之準據。 經由各章討論,本研究乃有以下發現:(一)第二次世界大戰以來,越南之華人政策體現了華人在族裔結構中之被動與羸弱,其從屬情境已然僵固;(二)就「政策意識形態」而言,第二次世界大戰後越南之華人政策原係以「同化」為主,迄1980年中期轉趨「包容」,惟無論同化抑或包容,乃至於在越南共和國時代對華人採取的「去特權化」,旨皆在造成越南華人之「在地化」;(三)二戰後歷任越南政府之華人政策側重於改造華人之社會結構與族裔意識;(四)二戰後歷任越南政府其「政體意識形態」與「華人政策意識形態」之相關性並不顯著:(五)綜觀二戰後歷任越南政府之華人政策,其導因主要包括「越南政府與中國政府之雙邊關係(越南對中國之依賴程度)」、「越南政府對華人之基本態度」,以及「越南政府之經濟戰略」三項。 (本論文榮獲2005年中研院亞太區域研究專題中心碩士論文獎助) / From the ancient time, ethnic Vietnamese and Chinese have been in contact with each other persistently since China and Vietnam are linked by mountains and rivers. Thousands of ethnic Chinese have flowed into and resided in Vietnam to earn a living and to run away from calamities in the past. Comparing with other overseas ethnic Chinese communities around the world, those in Vietnam have had a distant source and a long stream. Hence the study of ethnic Chinese in Vietnam has a number of academic benefits from understanding of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese, to the study of Southeast Asia history, to the study of the communication between China and abroad, and to the study of interaction among ethnic groups. How does the ethnic Chinese in Vietnam lose their Mandarin ability? Why do they have an inferior social status? All of these features of ethnic Chinese in Vietnam could be a result of the implementation of Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese. In Vietnam's history, there were assorted political stages, including monarchy, colonialism, authoritarianism, and communism, to name a few. Vietnam's ethnic Chinese have been participating in varied roles during these political times, including a pioneer in exploring barren lands, a chess-man in the diplomatic board game, an obstruction to the national development, and a business partner. Because of this complicated relationship with ethnic Chinese, every authority in Vietnam has established different policies toward ethnic Chinese as well. In this thesis, the author assumes that Vietnam's policies toward ethnic Chinese equate to policies vis-à-vis ethnic subordinates. Through the process of reconstructing the chronicle of Vietnam's ethnic Chinese policies after World War Two, this author is going to analyze the characteristics and the factors of these various policies from each Vietnamese authority (i.e., the so- called Vietnamese authorities including the French authority in Vietnam(1945-1954), Republic of Vietnam(1955-1975), Democratic Republic of Vietnam(1954-1975), and Socialist Republic of Vietnam(1975-2003))in order to enucleate the ideology of these policies that have been transformed from “Compulsory Assimilation” to “Accommodation.” As to the characteristics of ethnic Chinese policy of each authority, several questions are examined: “what is the ideology of each authority's ethnic Chinese policy?” is supposed to be a focus (The author is going to take “Compulsory Assimilation” or “Accommodation” as a sort of “ideology of policy”). Moreover, “how to analyze the ideology of ethnic Chinese policy that belongs to each authority?” is definitely a weight-bearing point. The author will use a so-called “index of interaction among ethnic groups (which was evolved from Gordon's (1964) variables of assimilation)”to theorize several “policy prototypes” dependent on each “ideology of policy”. According to these “policy prototypes”, we may analyze each authority's ideology of ethnic Chinese policy in detail. This research has five conclusions: 1. Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ embodies the passive and emaciated position in the Vietnam's ethnic structure; the subordinate status of ethnic Chinese has been enforced by the Vietnamese authority. 2. Speaking of the ideology of each authority's ethnic Chinese policy after WWⅡ, the main purpose of the policy had been “Compulsory Assimilation” in the very beginning; then it moved downwards to “Accommodation” in the middle of the 1980s; however, whether it was “Compulsory Assimilation” or “Accommodation”, these two ideologies of ethnic policy both caused Vietnamese ethnic Chinese's localization. 3. Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ specifically emphasized on reforming the social framework of ethnic Chinese and their ethnic awareness. 4. The extent of the interrelation between “the ideology of the authority” and “the ideology of the authority's ethnic Chinese policy” is low and unclear. 5. To make a comprehensive survey, this author has summed up three factors for Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ, and these factors are “the bilateral relationship between the Vietnamese and the Chinese governments (the extent of Vietnam's dependence upon China),”“the basic attitude of the Vietnamese authority toward ethnic Chinese,” and “the Vietnamese authority's economical strategy.” (This thesis has been rewarded a prize for MA Student Research Grants in 2005 by Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS), Academia Sinica, Republic of China(Taiwan).)

Jazyková otázka v kontextu vzniku a rozvoje nezávislé Ukrajiny v letech 1989-2001 / The language issue during the formation and development of independent Ukraine between 1991 and 2001

Pelíšková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis examines the first decade of independent Ukraine in terms of language policy and political organization. It purports to show the impact that Ukraine's political independence had on the national and language situation in the first years of its existence. The first part of the thesis deals with the demographic, national and political state of affairs at the outset of the examined period, in 1989. The second part provides an analysis of the most important laws and other official documents that were supposed to influence further developments in the language policy. The third part deals with the actual evolution in individual spheres of life, namely education, media, bilingualism, administrative and territorial structure, and demographic changes. The conclusion answers two questions, firstly, "How does the reality differ from the plans in the official documents?", and secondly, "What changes can we notice in the language and territorial issue of Ukraine after the first decade of its independence?"

哈薩克的俄羅斯人與俄哈雙邊關係發展之研究(1991-1999) / Russian-Speaking Population in Kazakhstan and Bilateral Relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan (1991-1999)

陳亞伶, Chen ,Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究主軸是從哈薩克與俄羅斯雙邊外交互動的情形,來探討哈薩克俄羅斯人的歸屬問題,並以族群政治衝突的模式,分析哈薩克的俄羅斯人其處境。 哈薩克的俄羅斯人數,僅次於前蘇聯各加盟共和國的拉脫維亞,居中亞各國之首,且在哈薩克獨立之前或獨立初期,俄羅斯人的人口數都還遠超過哈薩克族,佔國內總人口數的半數以上,使其境內的俄羅斯人問題成為俄羅斯與哈薩克雙邊關係運作的一個重要變數,是雙方政府在其外交與內政問題上,必須同時面對並保持密切互動與接觸的議題。 因此在探討中亞的民族問題時,除了受「911」事件影響,重視伊斯蘭教的宗教極端主義之外,我們也不能忽視「俄羅斯人」這個受政治變遷所造成的民族問題。這些俄羅斯人在蘇聯解體後,失去其原有的優勢地位,且因為哈薩克有計畫的自境外移入哈薩克人,使俄羅斯人在哈薩克境內的人口數降到總人口數的50%以下,變成少數民族,如此政治社會上的情況轉變,引起俄羅斯人在哈薩克的適應問題與族群間的緊張關係。 本文從歷史、制度與現實三個層面來分析哈薩克境內的俄羅斯人,瞭解何以蘇聯時期出現大規模的移民現象?而蘇聯的蘇維埃化政策對移民地區的政社經濟情勢的變化有何影響?在哈薩克獨立後的國情變遷,以及此過程中,哈薩克政府如何處理其內部的俄羅斯人問題,以及此問題所引發與俄羅斯雙邊關係發展上的變化為何?俄羅斯政府如何在其對哈薩克的外交與內部的民族政策運作上取的協調?以及哈薩克國內的俄羅斯人在俄哈雙邊的外交運作中如何自我定位與調適?最後本文希望藉由探討1991年至1999年俄羅斯人與俄哈政府三邊的歷史互動,除了瞭解上述幾項問題之外,還能夠思考出對族群之間政治衝突解套的方法,以做為未來台灣族群政治問題研究之借鏡。 / This thesis focuses on the Russian who reside in Kazakhstan and on foreign relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan. The approach that the author takes is an Ethnopolitical Conflict model which analyzes the status of Russian-Speaking population in Kazakhstan. Among the former republics of Soviet Union, the Russian population in Kazakhstan is next to that in Latvia, and is the largest in Central Asia area. Moreover, in the beginning stage after Kazakhstan’s independence, the Russian, which is the ethnic majority, outnumber the Kazakh. So this issue becomes an important variable to bilateral relationship between Russia Federation and Kazakhstan in political, economic and social levels. When exploring the ethnic problems in Central Asia, in addition to the Islam religious extremism, we could not neglect the influence of Russian ethnic problems caused by political transition. After the collapse of Soviet Union, those Russian lost their advantages because of Kazakh immigrants so that the Russian became minority instead. With the change in political and social situation, it roused the Russian adaptation problems and racial tense. In order to study the mass migration phenomena in Soviet Union period, the author intends to analyze the Russian in Kazakhstan in historical, institutional and realism aspects. Besides, the author examines what impact the Sovietization policy might have on the political, social and economic changes in migration area. Moreover, it would be detailed that, after Kazakhstan’s independence, how Kazakhstan government deals with the Russian -Speaking Population issue, which affects the diplomatic change in the relation with Russian Federation. In addition, the author depicts how the Russian government strikes a balance between its diplomatic and ethnic policy. Accordingly, it is also examined how the Russian -Speaking Population in Kazakhstan define and accommodate themselves in Russia-Kazakhstan bilateral interaction. Finally, by exploring the context of trilateral relations among Russian-Speaking Population, Russian government and Kazakhstan government from 1991 to 1999, the author seeks a resolution for the racial disputes, and hopes it might be a lesson for studying Taiwan’s racial problems.

Právní postavení menšin v Rusku / The Legal Status of Minorities in Russia

Ullmannová, Nicola January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract Thesis title: The legal status of minorities in Russia This work is an overview of the legal status of minorities in Russia and their mutual interaction with the dominant nation in individual historical stages. Its subject is to explore changes in the status of minorities in political, cultural, linguistic, religious and fundamental human rights. This is put in the historical context and the influence of the state's minority policy on state integrity is examined, including the assessment of the adequacy of the state-legal arrangement for the needs of national minorities. The space is also devoted to the administrative division of the country, which plays an important role in Russian terms. The pros and cons of period legislation are evaluated. Its impact on the practical life of minorities is illustrated by examples of specific minorities. The work is structured chronologically, presenting the history of Russia primarily in terms of milestones relevant to national minorities. The first part devoted to the Russian Empire monitors its gradual expansion and differences in the legal status of the conquered nations. Approximately from the middle of the 19th century, the Russian legislation has been directed towards unification, resp. Rusification of the whole empire, while the causes and effects of...

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