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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kristen buddhist i öknen? : En studie av buddhistiska element i Evagrius Ponticus teologi

Drottz Nykvist, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Vid en första anblick kan buddhismen och kristendomen tyckas utgöra en tydlig dikotomi inom den religiösa sfären, men undersöks saken närmre så märker vi snart att det utöver alla skillnader även finns många likheter. Föreliggande studie har för avsikt att behandla både likheter och skillnader mellan buddhismen och kristendomen i en konkret aspekt – genom att jämföra den kappadokiske asketen Evagrius Ponticus och den indiske buddhistiska tänkaren och författaren Vasubandhu i deras syn på människors upplevelse av världen.För att finna svar i denna fråga har respektive författares behandling av våra sinnen och vår perception undersökts, detta huvudsakligen utifrån Evagrius Kephalaia Gnostika samt Vasubandhus Abhidharma-kosa och Pañcaskandhaka-prakarana. Deras tankar i ämnet presenteras och analyseras var för sig, för att sedan också tas upp i en komparativ diskussion.Resultatet av denna studie visar att tidigare hypoteser om likheter mellan Evagrius och diverse buddhistiska skolor i många fall är tämligen relevanta. Däremot fungerar dessa likheter sällan som bevis för att Evagrius personligen skall ha influerats av indiska lärosystem. De flesta av hans tankar är snarare ett arv av den grekiska kontext i vilken han växte upp. Samtidigt som det alltså finns likheter kan vi också i resultatet se uppenbara skillnader mellan de olika kontexterna.Hypotesen att Evagrius i sitt författande av Kephalaia Gnostika skulle vara direkt påverkad av Vasubandhu eller andra buddhistiska läromästare går alltså utifrån denna studie inte att bekräfta även om likheterna mellan de två många gånger är närvarande.

Vice and Self-examination in the Christian Desert: An Intellectual Historical Reading of Evagrius Ponticus

Gibbons, Kathleen 19 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis offers an analysis of the vice tradition of the fourth-century monk Evagrius Ponticus. While Evagrius, like others before him, understands that virtue and vice have an affective component, and that these affections are reactions to mental images, for Evagrius these images are veridically thinner than what we find in earlier discussions of passion in ancient philosophy. As a result, vice is less a matter of false reasoning and false perception than it is a matter of the excessive dwelling on representations connected with events of one’s personal history, to the point that the passions aroused at the time of those events become globalized dispositions. Evagrius’s concern with how memories lead us to dwell on these “bad thoughts” proves to be point of contact with psychoanaly which many modern authors, including Michel Foucault, have detected; yet a close analysis of what Evagrius takes to be involved in self-examination reveals that Foucault’s account of the “technologies of the self” fails to take into account Evagrius’s interest in the distinction between the endowed self, that self which is examined, and the ideal self, the goal of the ascetic activity.

Vice and Self-examination in the Christian Desert: An Intellectual Historical Reading of Evagrius Ponticus

Gibbons, Kathleen 19 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis offers an analysis of the vice tradition of the fourth-century monk Evagrius Ponticus. While Evagrius, like others before him, understands that virtue and vice have an affective component, and that these affections are reactions to mental images, for Evagrius these images are veridically thinner than what we find in earlier discussions of passion in ancient philosophy. As a result, vice is less a matter of false reasoning and false perception than it is a matter of the excessive dwelling on representations connected with events of one’s personal history, to the point that the passions aroused at the time of those events become globalized dispositions. Evagrius’s concern with how memories lead us to dwell on these “bad thoughts” proves to be point of contact with psychoanaly which many modern authors, including Michel Foucault, have detected; yet a close analysis of what Evagrius takes to be involved in self-examination reveals that Foucault’s account of the “technologies of the self” fails to take into account Evagrius’s interest in the distinction between the endowed self, that self which is examined, and the ideal self, the goal of the ascetic activity.

Les deux traités à Euloge d'Evagre le Pontique : introduction, édition critique, traduction, commentaire et notes / The two treatises addressed to Eulogius by Evagrius Ponticus : a critical edition with French translation, commentary and notes

Fogielman, Charles-Antoine 17 January 2015 (has links)
Evagre le Pontique a exposé sa philosophie ascétique, centrée sur la notion d'une liste de vices à combattre et de vertus correspondantes, dans plusieurs traités, dont certains ont déjà fait l'objet d'éditions critiques. Le présent travail consiste en une introduction, une édition, et une traduction de deux textes occupant une place particulière dans l'œuvre d'Evagre. Le traité adressé au moine Euloge, et celui qui décrit les Vices opposés aux Vertus, qui apparaît comme un appendice au précédent dans une bonne partie de la tradition manuscrite, présente des spécificités en termes de style et de doctrine qui ont pu faire douter de son authenticité. Une étude approfondie des témoins manuscrits, à la fois de l'original grec et des différentes versions en langues orientales, syriaque, arabe, arménien, géorgien et éthiopien, qui en sont conservées, a permis de confirmer l'authenticité du traité et d'en établir un texte sûr. Ils ont en effet subi de nombreux aléas au cours de leur transmission; outre les dégâts matériels, les œuvres d'Evagre ont surtout circulé en grec sous le nom de Nil d'Ancyre, en raison de la condamnation qui a frappé Evagre, pour son Origénisme supposé, au concile de Constantinople II en 553. Le commentaire accompagnant l'édition permet d'évaluer la proximité de la pensée d'Evagre avec celle du docteur Alexandrin, ainsi que de mettre en lumière la genèse, l'expression et la postérité de la doctrine évagrienne par excellence, celle de la liste des vices, dans le contexte philosophique et ascétique où elle a pris naissance. / Evagrius Ponticus expounded his ascetic philosophy, centered on the notion of a list of vices and corresponding virtues, in several treatises, several of which have already been critically edited. The present work consists of an introduction, an edition, and a French translation of two texts which stand out, to a certain degree, within the Evagrian opus. The treatise addressed to the monk Eulogius, along with its appendix describing the Vices opposed to Virtues, which appears adjoined to the former in a majority of manuscripts, display stylistic and doctrinal characteristics which have often called its authenticity into question. A detailed study of the manuscript testimony, both of the Greek original and of the various oriental versions (Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian and Ethiopic), has allowed us to confirm the treatises' authenticity and to establish their text reliably, as it can be seen to have suffered considerable turmoil during its transmission. Aside from material damage, Evagrius' works, in the Greek medium, were mainly distributed under the name of Nilus of Ancyra, owing to Evagrius' condemnation for alleged Origenism, at the council of Constantinople II in 553. The accompanying commentary aims at addressing the proximity of Evagrian thought with the legacy of Origen, as well as highlighting the formation, formulation, and posterity of that most remarkable of Evagrian doctrines, the list of vices, and the philosophical and ascetic context wherein it originated.

L'acédie ou le baptême de la bile. À la recherche d’un pharmakon spirituel / Acedia or the melancholy baptism. In search of a spiritual pharmakon

Meessen, Julie 27 January 2018 (has links)
L'acédie alliée à la mélancolie nous permet de rendre compte de la totalité de la nature humaine, en tant qu'elle est composée d'une âme, d'un esprit et d'un corps. Ces deux pathologies distinctes autant par leur inscription dans un temps et un espace particuliers et déterminés, ainsi que par les dimensions de l'être humain auxquelles elles s'attaqueront se verront ici rapprochées de sorte à faire émerger un paradigme qui fera de la folie pathologique un moyen d'accès au divin. La mélancolie, de par son bagage grec antique qui faisait d'elle l'apanage des hommes de génie, contaminera au XIIIe siècle l'acédie au point que celle-ci ne sera plus envisagée sous la perspective d'une passion, d'un vice - le plus redoutable de tous – mais une grâce, cherchée et convoitée par les saints hommes de cette époque, selon Guillaume d’Auvergne. Pour ce faire, l'acédie se révélera être une pathologie de la volonté en tant que celle-ci se voit éteinte, asphyxiée devant un idéal inaccessible qui épuiserait en elle tout dynamisme, idéal de l'impassibilité que l'on retrouve sous les traits de l'ange chez les Pères du désert et celui de la performance que l'on retrouve sous les traits du surhomme à notre époque, deux modèles qui se voient être pervertis dès leur conception et dévoilés comme tel par l'acédie. D'une maladie mortelle, celle qui vient autant emporter le corps de l'ascète que la vie de son âme, se révèle protéger l'individu d'un mal encore plus redoutable, celui de l'orgueil, en venant par la même occasion préserver la puissance de la volonté de l'individu en celle de Dieu par le truchement d'une grâce divine. Eau de mort pour le commun des mortels, elle devient eau de vie, porteuse d'une grâce efficace, pour les fous de Dieu dont la folie n'a d'égale que leur amour ; l'acédie devenant par là-même la maladie de l'amour fou de Dieu. / Acedia combined with melancholy allows us to account for the totality of human nature, insasmuch as it is composed of a soul, a spirit and a body. These two distinct pathologies, as much by their inscription in a particular and determined time and space, as by the dimensions of the human being that they will attack, will be brought together here in such a way as to bring forth a paradigm that will make pathological madness a means of accessing to the divine. Melancholy, by its ancient Greek heritage, which made it the prerogative of men of genius, will contaminate acedia in the thirteenth century to the point that it will no longer be considered from the perspective of a passion, a vice – the most awe-inspiring of all – but a grace, sought for and coveted by the holy men of that time, according to William of Auvergne. For this to happen, acedia will prove to be a pathology of the will inasmuch as it is extinct, asphyxiated in the face of an inaccessible ideal that would exhaust all dynamism, ideal of the impassibility that we find under the features of the angel of the Desert Fathers and that of the performance that we find under the features of the übermensch in our time, two models that become perverted from the time they were conceived and unveiled as such by the acedia. From a mortal disease, the one that takes away both the body of the ascetic and the life of his soul, is revealed to protect the individual from an even more dangerous evil, that of pride, by coming at the same time to preserve the power of the individual's will in that of God through the means of divine grace. Water of death for the common man, it becomes water of life, bearer of an efficacious grace for the fools of God, whose madness is matched only by their love ; acedia thereby becoming the disease of God's love.


LEANDRO MELO CUNHA 14 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] O monaquismo antigo é um fenômeno de complexidade notável. Os Padres do Deserto foram homens e mulheres que viveram a vocação à perfeição deixada por Jesus de maneira bastante peculiar. O abandono dos centros urbanos para ir ao encontro do deserto marca a passagem de um cristianismo público, próprio dos mártires, ao cristianismo particular, próprio dos monges. No deserto, este espaço de solidão, silêncio e abnegação, homens e mulheres viveram em busca de seu aprimoramento, seja na busca de virtudes, seja no abandono dos vícios. Para os Padres do Deserto, as paixões são campo do combate em busca da perfeição, ideal herdado desde o testemunho dos mártires. A teologia dos Padres do Deserto trata com muita profundidade de temas relativos à vida interior. A recuperação da teologia destes autores é justificada pela relevância de suas análises das paixões humanas, para as quais a ascese e a oração serviram de remédio. / [en] Ancient monasticism is a phenomenon of remarkable complexity. The Desert Fathers were men and women who lived out the call to perfection left by Jesus in a very peculiar way. The abandonment of urban centers to go into the desert marks the transition from a public Christianity, characteristic of martyrs, to a private Christianity, characteristic of monks. In the desert, this space of solitude, silence, and self-denial, men and women lived in pursuit of their own improvement, whether in the pursuit of virtues or the abandonment of vices. For the Desert Fathers, passions are the field of combat in the pursuit of perfection, an ideal inherited from the witness of the martyrs. The theology of the Desert Fathers deals very deeply with themes related to the inner life. The recovery of the theology of these authors is justified by the relevance of their analysis of human passions, for which asceticism and prayer served as a remedy.

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