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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A recepção da pós-modernidade: análise das diretrizes gerais da ação evangelizadora da Igreja no Brasil de 1996 a 2006

Costa, Genion Bezerra da 29 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:12:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_genion_costa.pdf: 557036 bytes, checksum: c570d76454c4ebd41713d61c9409db15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-29 / This is a study about the response to post-modernity by the Catholic Church in Brazil which analyzes it in their General Directives of the Evangelizing Action published by the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops in documents 54, 61 and 71 from 1996 to 2006. Initially the study characterizes, in its general lines, modernity and post-modernity. Afterwards, it presents the history and the structure of the documents. Finally, it analyzes the documents demonstrating systematically the bishops thought as developed in the General Directives. The study characterizes the type of response given to post-modernity in the General Directives. It also points out indicators of post-modernity utilized in the General Directives and seeks to show the understanding given by the documents of the Church to post-modernity, specifically in its practical orientations to evangelizing and pastoral action / Este é um estudo sobre a recepção da pós-modernidade nas Diretrizes Gerais da Ação Evangelizadora da Igreja no Brasil publicadas pela Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil nos documentos 54, 61 e 71 de 1996 a 2006. Inicialmente o estudo caracteriza em linhas gerais a modernidade e a pósmodernidade. Depois apresenta o histórico e estrutura dos documentos. Finalmente analisa os documentos, demonstrando sistematicamente o pensamento dos bispos do Brasil desenvolvido nas Diretrizes Gerais. O estudo caracteriza o tipo de recepção que é dada à pós-modernidade nos documentos. A pesquisa classifica indicadores da pós-modernidade encontrados nos documentos e visa mostrar a compreensão que é dada pelos documentos da Igreja à pós-modernidade, especificamente nas orientações práticas para ação evangelizadora e pastoral

Role některých řeholí v mimofarní evangelizaci a pastoraci / Role of some religious orders in extraparochial evangelization and pastoral care

Rathouský, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Role of some religious orders in extraparochial evangelization and pastoral care", presents the theme evangelization and pastoral care as a part of the whole life course of man, which it plays an important role in. Evangelization is characterized as a whole life task and mission of each Christian. In connection with the concluding document of the Plenary session of Catholic Church in the Czech Republic, categorical attitude of pastoral care to various groups of people is accentuated as the optimal way of pastoral care. The thesis emphasizes an important role of religious communities in evangelization and pastoral care, including description of extraparochial activities and their contribution at some chosen religious communities. Keywords : Evangelization Pastoral care Categorical Religious Spiritual pastoral care orders exercise

Internet a Apoštolský stolec / Internet and the Holy See

Líbal, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis called Internet and the Holy See deals with a specific question concerning relationship between the Catholic Church and media. It examines development of the attitude of the Holy See to the Internet in context of its attitude to mass media on the basis of exploration of ecclesiastical documents related to media and analysis of Internet and mass media use in practice. It takes the Internet as the latest fundamental milestone in development of human communication and probes how the Catholic Church represented by the Holy See deals with this phenomenon. Name of this thesis begins with the word Internet, to indicate perspective chosen on this topic. In the last chapter there are conclusions emerging from analysis of ecclesiastical documents compared with actual use of the Internet by the Holy See.


ANDREIA DURVAL GRIPP SOUZA 07 March 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa tem como objeto material o diálogo entre a fé cristã e a cultura midiática digital. Do ponto de vista formal, foi realizada uma análise dos desafios pastorais que a cultura midiática digital oferece à fé cristã, à luz da reflexão do Magistério da Igreja Católica, tendo como fundamentação teórica documentos do Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II e pós-Concílio. Ao final, apresentouse uma resposta pastoral a essas questões: a infopastoral ou a infopráxis. Esta proposta nasce de uma convicção: a Igreja Católica, enquanto Povo de Deus – como a própria Constituição Dogmática Lumen Gentium define a Igreja em seu capítulo 2 –, precisa integrar a mensagem do Evangelho à cultura digital, para se manter fiel à sua missão de anunciar a Boa Nova a toda criatura, cumprindo, assim, o mandato missionário de Cristo (cf. Mt 28,16-20). Para tanto, faz-se necessária uma mudança de paradigma e a capacidade de perceber os sinais dos tempos e as oportunidades que as novas tecnologias emprestam à fé cristã, passando de uma visão instrumentalista da mídia para uma atuação pastoral nos meios. A metodologia utilizada teve como base o método ver, julgar e agir, através de revisão bibliográfica, com análise de documentos do Magistério da Igreja e referenciais de autores das áreas da sociologia, filosofia, comunicação e teologia. Esta compilação é de extrema importância para o estudo acadêmico da relação entre fé cristã, prática pastoral na Igreja Católica e cultura digital, representando um avanço no entendimento interdisciplinar do tema. / [en] This research has as its concrete object the dialogue between the Christian faith and the digital media culture. From a formal point of view, an analysis of the pastoral challenges that digital media culture offers to the Christian faith, in the light of the reflection of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, having as theoretical foundation documents from the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and after the Council. At the end, a pastoral response to these questions was presented: the infopastoral or the infopraxis. This proposal is born from a conviction: the Catholic Church, as the People of God – called as such in the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium defines the Church in its chapter 2 –, needs to integrate the Gospel message to the digital culture, to remain faithful to its mission of proclaiming the Good News to every creature, thus fulfilling Christ s missionary mandate (cf. Mt 28,16-20). Therefore, a paradigm shift and the ability to perceive the signs of the times and the opportunities that new technologies lend to the Christian faith are necessary, moving from an instrumentalist view of the media to a pastoral action in the media. The methodology used was based on the see, judge and act method, through a bibliographic review, with analysis of documents from the Church s Magisterium and references from authors in the areas of sociology, philosophy, communication and theology. This compilation is of extreme importance for the academic study of the relationship between Christian faith, pastoral practice in the Catholic Church and digital culture, representing an advance in the interdisciplinary understanding of the subject.


MARCELO LUIZ MACHADO 01 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] As transformações pelas quais o mundo tem passado nas mais diversas esferas, exigem da Igreja Católica, neste início de milênio, um renovado ardor pastoral desde as suas estruturas. A renovação eclesial proporcionada pelo último concílio ecumênico ainda está por começar. As últimas décadas tem se tornado bastante desafiadoras quanto à busca de valores sólidos, seguros e cheios de vitalidade, mesmo quando se vê por toda a parte o efêmero, o transitório e o espetáculo que garantem público e alguns selfies para alimentar as redes sociais, que hoje se tornaram parte do dia-a-dia das pessoas. A ação evangelizadora da Igreja no Brasil bebe da fonte latino-americana, e é aqui que se pretende recuperar um itinerário pastoral que forme discípulos e alcance a tantos batizados afastados da praxis cristã, através de um processo de iniciação à vida cristã kerigmático e mistagógico. Em meio a uma atmosfera social que beira o neopaganismo, a Igreja retoma o catecumenato não como adjetivo da catequese tradicional, mas sujeito que inspira e transforma a comunidade como um todo. Toma-se, como ponto de partida, o primeiro anúncio da fé, que vem acompanhado de outros sinais que demarcam a função profética que todo cristão batizado assume: o testemunho que move, o anúncio de Jesus Cristo que aquece o coração, a instrução que garante a profissão de fé e a maturidade cristã, quando procura dar razões de sua própria fé. / [en] The transformations that the world has been going through in the most diverse spheres, demand from the Catholic Church, at the beginning of this millennium, a renewed pastoral ardor from its structures. The ecclesial renewal brought about by the last ecumenical council has yet to begin. The last decades have become quite challenging in terms of the search for solid, secure and vital values, even when the ephemeral, the transitory and the spectacle that guarantee public and some selfies to feed social networks are everywhere, which today they have become part of people s daily lives. The evangelizing action of the Church in Brazil draws from the Latin American source, and it is here that we intend to recover a pastoral itinerary that forms disciples and reaches so many baptized people who are far from Christian praxis, through a process of initiation into the kerygmatic and mystagogical Christian life. In the midst of a social atmosphere that borders on neopaganism, the Church takes up the catechumenate not as an adjective of traditional catechesis, but as a subject that inspires and transforms the community as a whole. The starting point is the first proclamation of the faith, which is accompanied by other signs that outline the prophetic role that every baptized Christian assumes: the witness that moves, the proclamation of Jesus Christ that warms the heart, the instruction that guarantees the profession of faith and Christian maturity, when he tries to give reasons for his own faith.

Ecumenism and theological convergence : a comparative analysis of Edinburgh 1910 and the Lausanne movement

Pruitt, Harold Edward 06 1900 (has links)
Ecumenism and Theological Convergence: A Comparative Analysis of Edinburgh 1910 and the Lausanne Movement." This thesis evaluates the Edinburgh 1910 World Mission Conference, the ecumenism that flowed from Edinburgh 1910, and its relationship to the ecumenical trends that exist within the Lausanne movement. Additionally, this thesis determines how ecumenism has attributed to a theological convergence, and then examines the impact of such theological convergence on the global church through parachurch organizations. It begins by laying the foundation for any theological convergence that existed at Edinburgh 1910. It then examines ecumenism within the Lausanne movement, theological significance of ecumenism, and its impact on the global church. Finally, the thesis explores the theological convergence within select parachurch organizations since Lausanne 1974 and analyzes the impact of theological convergence on the global church. The researcher of this thesis has surveyed several sources to determine the originality of this topic through search engines World Cat, World Cat Dissertations, Dissertations, Article First, ATLA Religion, Humanities Index, Humanities Abstract, Christian Periodical Index, Worldscope, and also significant works about Lausanne 1974. The search revealed nothing substantial concerning Lausanne’s impact on the Global Church through parachurch organizations, the researcher deems this thesis to be an original work. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology

Le Musée de l'Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal : un outil d'évangélisation

St-Martin, Jonas 08 1900 (has links)
Dès les débuts du christianisme, l’Église s’est servie de l’art. Au Moyen âge, en particulier, la décoration des cathédrales (sculptures, fresques vitraux) avait une valeur esthétique, mais plus encore, une valeur didactique. Moyens matériels pour faire la catéchèse, voire évangéliser, les crèches du Musée de l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal s’inscrivent dans cette perspective. Tenant compte de cette mission d’évangélisation qui incombe à l’Église et de l’importance que prend de plus en plus le visuel dans la culture et la société actuelles, nous voulons partir de l’exposition des crèches de Noël à l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph, de l’année 2009, pour découvrir en quoi elle pourrait contribuer à l’évangélisation et à la croissance du christianisme et des chrétiens. En effet, les crèches de Noël sont essentiellement œuvre de foi, – non pas liée à la foi de l’auteur mais plutôt à l’effet que cette oeuvre peut avoir sur celui qui la regarde, – dont la dévotion à la sainte Famille. Ce moyen d’évangélisation dans ce monde en mutation où l’art visuel s’est avéré d’une extrême importance convient bien au contexte de la déchristianisation et peut offrir une complémentarité aux méthodes traditionnelles d’évangélisation basées surtout sur le discours. Ils sont complémentaires, dans le sens où il ne s’agit pas de « cheminer à travers villes et villages, prêchant et annonçant la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume de Dieu » (Lc 8,1) aux personnes qui n’ont pas encore entendu parler du Christ, mais d’éveiller la curiosité chez les visiteurs non-chrétiens (Evangelii Nuntiandi 53), de stimuler l’intérêt à l’égard de la religion chez les non-pratiquants (EN 56) et, de soutenir et approfondir la foi des fidèles. Mots-clés : Christianisme – Église – transmission – évangélisation – éducation de la foi – musée – crèches – Oratoire Saint-Joseph. / Throughout the ages, the Church has employed the arts. In the middle ages, in particular, the adornments of cathedrals (sculptures, frescoes, stained-glass) were prized not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their didactic potential—concrete techniques for catechizing and evangelizing. The nativity scenes mounted in the Museum of Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal can be viewed from this perspective. Taking into consideration this mission of evangelization incumbent on the Church, along side the emphasis on the visual in present-day culture and society, we intend to take as a starting point the exhibit of creches during the Christmas season 2009 at the Oratory to see how they might contribute to the effort at evangelization and to the enrichment of Christianity and Christians. In the final analysis, the nativity scene is essentially a work of faith, (not only as regards the faith of the artist but also the faith-experience of the person who looks at it) under the category of a devotion to the Holy Family. In world of change, where the visual arts are considered crucial, this method of evangelization is well-suited to the context of de-Christianization and may be considered as complementary to the traditional methods of evangelization based on speech. They are complementary not in the sense of “going from town to town, preaching and announcing the Good News of the Kingdom of God” (Luke 8, 1) to those who have never heard of Christ, but in the sense of stimulating the curiosity of non-Christian viewers, rekindling the interest of those who no longer practice, and supporting and deepening the faith of the devoted. Keywords: Christianity – Church – transmission – evangelization – education in the faith – museum – nativity scenes – Saint Joseph’s Oratory.

Un nouveau souffle offert à la praxéologie pastorale, pour un bilan ecclésial de l'expérience Alpha à la paroisse Saint-Pierre de 1999 à 2004

Barreau, Jean-Marc January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Ecumenism and theological convergence : a comparative analysis of Edinburgh 1910 and the Lausanne movement

Pruitt, Harold Edward 06 1900 (has links)
Ecumenism and Theological Convergence: A Comparative Analysis of Edinburgh 1910 and the Lausanne Movement." This thesis evaluates the Edinburgh 1910 World Mission Conference, the ecumenism that flowed from Edinburgh 1910, and its relationship to the ecumenical trends that exist within the Lausanne movement. Additionally, this thesis determines how ecumenism has attributed to a theological convergence, and then examines the impact of such theological convergence on the global church through parachurch organizations. It begins by laying the foundation for any theological convergence that existed at Edinburgh 1910. It then examines ecumenism within the Lausanne movement, theological significance of ecumenism, and its impact on the global church. Finally, the thesis explores the theological convergence within select parachurch organizations since Lausanne 1974 and analyzes the impact of theological convergence on the global church. The researcher of this thesis has surveyed several sources to determine the originality of this topic through search engines World Cat, World Cat Dissertations, Dissertations, Article First, ATLA Religion, Humanities Index, Humanities Abstract, Christian Periodical Index, Worldscope, and also significant works about Lausanne 1974. The search revealed nothing substantial concerning Lausanne’s impact on the Global Church through parachurch organizations, the researcher deems this thesis to be an original work. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology


ROSEMARY FERNANDES DA COSTA 13 April 2004 (has links)
[pt] A experiência mistagógica presente nas fontes da tradição eclesiástica, principalmente nos séculos III e IV, é momento forte e determinante no processo de evangelização, no conhecimento e adesão à fé cristã. A mistagogia é a pedagogia do Mistério, uma experiência que respeita e facilita a relação de diálogo e aprofundamento entre a dinâmica interna da Revelação e a dinâmica existencial daquele que crê, orientando uma metodologia que permite um processo de evangelização efetiva. A Igreja nascente, inspirada e seguidora da trajetória apostólica, caracterizada fortemente pela obra do Espírito Santo, que suscita e vivifica a comunidade nascente, age nela e por ela, assume a mistagogia como princípio orientador para a missão e o processo de evangelização, e vive seu momento de sistematização teológica e pastoral com os Padres da Igreja nos séculos III e IV, aos quais nos dedicaremos de modo especial nesta dissertação. Em tempos de crise da subjetividade moderna e de mudanças paradigmáticas na sociedade, a ação evangelizadora experimenta um processo de revisão e de avaliação que se faz presente nas instituições que se dedicam à evangelização, sejam estas escolas, paróquias, pastorais ou cursos de formação. Esse processo vem passando por inúmeras questões, dentre elas a pergunta pela identidade da evangelização cristã, seu lugar social em cada tempo, e a busca de um planejamento e de uma metodologia que respondam a esta demanda. Nosso objetivo, portanto, é resgatar a experiência mistagógica como fonte e referencial para a evangelização atual, considerando-a como um carisma de fundamental importância no âmbito da Igreja, luz para a evangelização atual e para a própria catequese de iniciação. / [en] The mistagogic experience present in the sources of ecclesiastic tradition, principally in the third and fourth centuries, is a strong and determining moment in the evangelization process, in the knowledge and adhesion to the Christian faith. Mistagogy is the pedagogy of the Mystery, an experience which respects and updates the relationship of dialogue and depth between the internal dynamics of the Revelation and the believer´s existential dynamics, suggesting a methodology which allows an effective process of evangelization. The early Church, inspired by and following the apostolic path, strongly characterized by the work of the Holy Ghost, who creates and gives life to the burgeoning community, acts in it and through it, takes mistagogy as the guiding principle for the mission and the process of evangelization, and lives its moment of theological and pastoral systematization with the Church Fathers in the third and fourth centuries, to which we will dedicate ourselves in this dissertation. In times of modern subjectivity crisis and paradigmatic changes in society, the evangelizing action goes through a process of revision and evaluation held by the institutions which commit themselves to evangelization, such as schools, parishes, pastoral actions or formation courses. This process has been through a number of questionings. One of the questionsis about the identity of the Christian evangelization, its social role in each age and the search for some planning and method which meet such demand. Therefore our objective is to rescue the mistagogic experience as source and reference for today´s evangelization, considering it as a charisma within the Church, light for today´s evangelization, and for the initiation catechesis itself.

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