Spelling suggestions: "subject:"event eventrelatedpotentials"" "subject:"event relatedmaterials""
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Kongruenz und Konkordanz in kognitiven Kontrollprozessen bei ADHS / Modulieren Sequenzeffekte im Flanker-Paradigma die N2-Komponente? / Congruency and concordance in cognitive control in ADHD / Do Sequence Effects in Flanker Task modulate the N2?Wiedmann, Katharina 31 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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The Influence of Emotional Content on Event-Related Brain Potentials during Spoken Word ProcessingGraß, Annika 18 October 2016 (has links)
In unserem alltäglichen Leben ist Sprache ein unerlässliches Mittel für Kommunikation und die Umsetzung sozialer Interaktionen. Sprache kann in zwei verschiedene Modalitäten unterteilt werden, in die auditorische und die visuelle Modalität. Die auditorische Modalität umfasst gesprochene Sprache, wohingegen die visuelle Modalität vom geschriebenen Teil der Sprache gebildet wird. Auch wenn ein Tag ohne Sprechen für die meisten von uns unvorstellbar ist, hat die bisherige Forschung die Untersuchung von Effekten bei der Verarbeitung von emotionalem Bedeutungsinhalt in gesprochener Sprache, im Gegensatz zu der Verarbeitung von geschriebener Sprache, vernachlässigt. Die Verarbeitung des emotionalen Bedeutungsinhalts von geschriebenen Wörtern hat eine Vielzahl von Studien mit Hilfe von ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen (EKPs) ausführlich untersucht. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde der emotionale Bedeutungsinhalt bei der Verarbeitung von gesprochener Sprache nur gelegentlich und meist entweder in seiner Interaktion mit emotionaler Prosodie oder fokussiert auf die Existenz einer spezifischen EKP Komponente untersucht. Daher bleibt die Frage offen, wie und an welchen Verarbeitungsschritten der emotionale Inhalt gesprochener Sprache ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale beeinflusst, unabhängig von emotionaler Prosodie und der Frage, ob Gemeinsamkeiten mit der Verarbeitung von geschriebenen emotionalen Wörtern bestehen.
In dieser Dissertation untersuche ich die Verarbeitung von gesprochenen Einzelwörtern mit positivem, neutralem und negativem Inhalt, mit der erkenntnisleitenden Fragestellung, ob der emotionale Inhalt von gesprochenen Wörtern Emotionseffekte in EKPs hervorruft und ob diese vergleichbar sind zu denen, die für geschriebene Wörter gezeigt wurden.
In der ersten dieser Dissertation zugrundeliegenden Studie wurden gesprochene Wörter mit emotionalem und neutralem Inhalt den Versuchspersonen in zwei verschiedenen Lautstärken präsentiert, um mögliche Interaktionen mit bottom-up Aufmerksamkeitseffekten, geleitet durch die Größe des Stimulus, zu erklären. Für visuelle Stimuli mit emotionalem Inhalt, wie Bilder oder geschriebene Wörter, hat die Größe des Stimulus erhöhte emotions-bedingte EKPs hervorgerufen, zum Beispiel auf der Ebene der early posterior negativity (EPN). Es wurde untersucht, ob diese erhöhte Relevanz von größeren visuellen Stimuli auf die auditorische Modalität übertragbar sein könnte. Negativer emotionaler Bedeutungsinhalt führt zu einer erhöhten frontalen Positivierung und einer parieto-okzipitalen Negativierung zwischen 370 und 530 Millisekunden. Diese Komponente zeigt Ähnlichkeit mit der visuellen EPN, obwohl sich die Negativierung zu zentraleren Arealen der Kopfoberfläche ausweitet. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob diese Komponente das auditorische Pendant zu einer visuellen EPN darstellen könnte. Entscheidend ist hier, dass keine Interaktion dieser emotions-bedingten EKP Komponente mit dem Lautstärkefaktor beobachtet werden kann. Die folgenden Vergleichsaspekte deuten auf umfassendere Unterschiede zwischen visueller und auditorischer Sprachverarbeitung hin: die fehlende Interaktion zwischen der Größe des Stimulus und der Emotionseffekte, die Unterschiede in den Topographien der Emotionseffekte sowie unterschiedliche Latenzen verglichen zu der visuellen EPN.
Der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation ist auf einen direkteren Vergleich von Emotionseffekten in der visuellen und auditorischen Modalität ausgerichtet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine zweite Studie durchgeführt, in der Versuchspersonen dieselben Wörter in geschriebener und gesprochener Modalität präsentiert bekamen. Die gesprochenen Wörter wurden dabei sowohl von einer Computerstimme (Experiment 1) als auch von einer menschlichen Stimme (Experiment 2) produziert. Diese Studie wurde konzipiert, um die Existenz einer „auditorischen EPN“ und ihre Randbedingungen zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus sollte die These überprüft werden, ob die höhere soziale Relevanz einer menschlichen Stimme die Emotionseffekte vergrößert. In beiden Experimenten zeigen sich Emotionseffekte. Für geschriebene Wörter zwischen 230 und 400 Millisekunden, im Zeitbereich der early posterior negativity, für gesprochene Wörter zwischen 460 und 510 Millisekunden. Wenn man die Verteilung der EKP Differenzen zwischen emotionalen und neutralen auditorischen Wörtern berücksichtigt, zeigen die Effekte interessanterweise sogar eine größere Ähnlichkeit mit der visuellen EPN als die Ergebnisse des ersten Teils dieser Dissertation. Eine Quellenlokalisierung ergab vergleichbare neuronale Generatoren im superioren parietalen Lobus (SPL) und im inferioren temporalen Lobus (IPL), sowohl im visuellen als auch im „auditorischen EPN“ Zeitfenster. Diese Befunde deuten auf Gemeinsamkeiten in der Verarbeitung emotionaler Inhalte über die Modalitäten hinweg hin, die – zumindest teilweise – durch das gleiche neuronale System gestützt werden. Trotzdem erscheinen diese Gemeinsamkeiten überraschend, da für die visuelle EPN angenommen wird, dass sie eine verstärkte sensorische Enkodierung für emotionale Stimuli in visuellen Arealen abbildet. Die oben beschriebenen und in diesen Studien gezeigten Emotionseffekte unterscheiden sich bezüglich ihrer Latenzen, Topographien und der Valenz, welche den Effekt hervorruft (positiv oder negativ).
Im letzten Teil der Dissertation wurden daher systematisch Unterschiede zwischen den Studien untersucht um potenzielle Ursachen für die oben aufgeführten Unterschiede in den Emotionseffekten bestimmen zu können. Es zeigen sich Geschlechterunterschiede in den Topographien in Studie 2, die jedoch nicht die gefundenen Unterscheide in den Emotionseffekten zwischen den beiden Studien erklären können. Es wird angenommen, dass beide Studien die gleiche auditorische emotions-bedingte Komponente (AEK) in einem vergleichbaren Zeitfenster (Studie 1: 477 530 ms; Studie 2: 464 515 ms) hervorrufen, welcher in der ersten Studie eine N400-ähnlichen Verteilung vorausgegangen ist. Obwohl keine Interaktionen zwischen emotionalem Inhalt und Lautstärke aufgezeigt werden können, gehe ich davon aus, dass die Manipulation der Lautstärke in der ersten Studie den Kontext des Experiments verändert, und so den früheren Effekt ausgelöst hat.
Auch wenn keine verifizierbaren Ursachen für die beschriebenen Unterschiede zwischen den Emotionseffekten aufgezeigt werden konnten, ist es mir mit dieser Dissertation gelungen, die Existenz einer auditorischen emotions-bedingten Komponente zu zeigen, die durch emotionalen (in Vergleich zu neutralem) Inhalt während der Verarbeitung von gesprochener Sprache hervorgerufen wird. Diese Komponente spiegelt sich in einer anterioren Positivierung und einer posterioren Negativierung zwischen 460 und 520 Millisekunden nach Wortbeginn wider. Diese zeigt sich gleichbleibend, unabhängig von der sozialen Signifikanz der Stimme des Sprechers oder der Manipulation der Lautstärke. Bezüglich eines Vergleich des zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Netzwerkes während der Verarbeitung des Inhalts von gesprochenen und geschriebenen Wörtern, kann man annehmen, dass die Verarbeitung Hirnareale aktiviert, die zumindest teilweise im SPL und IPL liegen. Obwohl die Verteilung der AEK eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zur visuellen EPN aufzeigt, kann man nicht annehmen, dass dieser Effekt ein auditorisches Pendant darstellt. Diese Schlussfolgerung beruht darauf, dass sich eine typische EPN-Verteilung nur bei der Berechnung der Differenzkurven von emotionalen und neutralen Stimuli zeigt. Die daraus resultierende posteriore Negativierung spiegelt eine erhöhte Aktivierung von visuellen Arealen - hervorgerufen durch emotionale Stimuli - wider. Die Analyse der zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Generatoren für den Unterschied zwischen auditorischen emotionalen und neutralen Stimuli liefert keine signifikanten Ergebnisse. Trotzdem zeigen die zugrundeliegenden Topographien der einzelnen Emotionskategorien, dass die Gemeinsamkeit auf der Ebene der Differenzkurven aus völlig unterschiedlichen Verteilungen resultiert.
Zukünftige Forschung müsste das auditorische Stimulusmaterial bezüglich der Wortlänge oder des Worterkennungspunktes strikter kontrollieren, um den zeitlichen Jitter in den Daten zu reduzieren und somit die neuronalen Generatoren einer auditorischen emotions-bedingten Komponente besser bestimmen zu können.
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Étude électrophysiologique de l’impact de la couleur dans le déploiement attentionnelJetté Pomerleau, Vincent 01 1900 (has links)
L’influence de la couleur dans les mécanismes perceptuels et attentionnels a été étudiée. Quatre couleurs (le rouge, le vert, le bleu et le jaune) ont été calibrées individuellement à travers la technique heterochromatic flicker photometry. Suivant cela, les participants ont déployé leur attention à une cible (un cercle de couleur avec une ligne orientée). Les données électrophysiologiques ont été enregistrées pendant que les sujets performaient la tâche de recherche visuelle, et les analyses ont été basées sur les potentiels évoqués (PÉs). Trois composantes des PÉs ont été examinées : la posterior contralateral positivity (Ppc); la N2pc, reflétant le déploiement de l’attention visuo-spatiale et la temporal and contralateral positivity (Ptc). Des conditions dans lesquelles la cible était bleu ou rouge, lorsque comparées à des conditions avec une cible jaune ou verte suscitaient une N2pc plus précoce. Une amplitude plus élevée est aussi observée pour les cibles rouges pour les composantes Ppc et Ptc, reflétant une sélectivité pré-attentionelle. Ces résultats suggèrent de la prudence dans l’interprétation de données comparant des cibles de différentes couleurs dans des tâches de PÉs, et ce même lorsque les couleurs sont équiluminantes. / We investigated how target color affected behavioral and electrophysiological results in a visual search task. Perceptual and attentional mechanisms were tracked using the N2pc component of the event-related potential and other lateralized components. Four colors (red, green, blue, or yellow) were calibrated for each participant for luminance through heterochromatic flicker photometry and equated to the luminance of grey distractors. Each visual display contained 10 circles, 1 colored and 9 grey, each of which contained an oriented line segment. The task required deploying attention to the colored circle, which was either in the left or right visual hemifield. Three lateralized ERP components relative to the side of the lateral colored circle were examined: a posterior contralateral positivity (Ppc) prior to N2pc, the N2pc, reflecting the deployment of visual spatial attention, and a temporal and contralateral positivity (Ptc) following N2pc. Red or blue stimuli, as compared to green or yellow, had an earlier N2pc. Both the Ppc and Ptc had higher amplitudes to red stimuli, suggesting particular selectivity for red. The results suggest that attention may be deployed to red and blue more quickly than to other colors and suggests special caution when designing ERP experiments involving stimuli in different colors, even when all colors are equiluminant.
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Identification des corrélats neuronaux associés à la clôture perceptive des objets : une étude en potentiels évoquésDésiré, Naddley 06 1900 (has links)
La capacité du système visuel humain à compléter une image partiellement dévoilée et à en dériver une forme globale à partir de ses fragments visibles incomplets est un phénomène qui suscite, jusqu’à nos jours, l’intérêt de nombreux scientifiques œuvrant dans différents milieux de recherche tels que l’informatique, l’ingénierie en intelligence artificielle, la perception et les neurosciences. Dans le cadre de la présente thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés spécifiquement sur les substrats neuronaux associés à ce phénomène de clôture perceptive.
La thèse actuelle a donc pour objectif général d’explorer le décours spatio-temporel des corrélats neuronaux associés à la clôture perceptive au cours d’une tâche d’identification d’objets. Dans un premier temps, le premier article visera à caractériser la signature électrophysiologique liée à la clôture perceptive chez des personnes à développement typique dans le but de déterminer si les processus de clôture perceptive reflèteraient l’interaction itérative entre les mécanismes de bas et de haut-niveau et si ceux-ci seraient sollicités à une étape précoce ou tardive lors du traitement visuel de l’information. Dans un deuxième temps, le second article a pour objectif d’explorer le décours spatio-temporel des mécanismes neuronaux sous-tendant la clôture perceptive dans le but de déterminer si les processus de clôture perceptive des personnes présentant un trouble autistique se caractérisent par une signature idiosyncrasique des changements d’amplitude des potentiels évoqués (PÉs). En d’autres termes, nous cherchons à déterminer si la clôture perceptive en autisme est atypique et nécessiterait davantage la contribution des mécanismes de bas-niveau et/ou de haut-niveau.
Les résultats du premier article indiquent que le phénomène de clôture perceptive est associé temporellement à l’occurrence de la composante de PÉs N80 et P160 tel que révélé par des différences significatives claires entre des objets et des versions méconnaissables brouillées. Nous proposons enfin que la clôture perceptive s’avère un processus de transition reflétant les interactions proactives entre les mécanismes neuronaux œuvrant à apparier l’input sensoriel fragmenté à une représentation d’objets en mémoire plausible.
Les résultats du second article révèlent des effets précoces de fragmentation et d’identification obtenus au niveau de composantes de potentiels évoqués N80 et P160 et ce, en toute absence d’effets au niveau des composantes tardives pour les individus avec autisme de haut niveau et avec syndrome d’Asperger. Pour ces deux groupes du trouble du spectre autistique, les données électrophysiologiques suggèrent qu’il n’y aurait pas de pré-activation graduelle de l’activité des régions corticales, entre autres frontales, aux moments précédant et menant vers l’identification d’objets fragmentés. Pour les participants autistes et avec syndrome d’Asperger, les analyses statistiques démontrent d’ailleurs une plus importante activation au niveau des régions postérieures alors que les individus à développement typique démontrent une activation plus élevée au niveau antérieur. Ces résultats pourraient suggérer que les personnes du spectre autistique se fient davantage aux processus perceptifs de bas-niveau pour parvenir à compléter les images d’objets fragmentés. Ainsi, lorsque confrontés aux images d’objets partiellement visibles pouvant sembler ambiguës, les individus avec autisme pourraient démontrer plus de difficultés à générer de multiples prédictions au sujet de l’identité d’un objet qu’ils perçoivent. Les implications théoriques et cliniques, les limites et perspectives futures de ces résultats sont discutées. / The human visual system has come to prevail over partially hidden boundaries and edges of objects in order to render a unified and holistic representation of the surrounding world. This phenomenon, also referred to as perceptual closure, was further investigated in the context of this current thesis. More precisely, this doctoral thesis aimed at examining the neural mechanisms underlying perceptual closure processes.
In order to achieve this goal, the first study to track the spatio-temporal dynamics of electrical brain activity during a pictorial object recognition task to determine whether closure processes are reflect an interplay between low-level and higher-level mechanisms and whether they are solicited during early or late stages of visual processing. We found that perceptual closure is temporally linked to the occurrence of the N80 and P160 which is the earliest negative ERP component sensitive to closure processes reported until now in previous similar studies. Results indicate that closure processes are implicated earlier during visual processing of fragmented object images. We propose here that perceptual closure is a transitional process that reflects the proactive interactions between neural mechanisms trying to match fragmented current sensory input with memory representations.
Furthermore, the second study sought to explore the time-course of neural correlates underpinning perceptual closure, during an object recognition task, to determine whether closure processes are associated with an abrupt or gradual change in ERP responses in adults with high functioning autism (HFA), Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and in typically developing (TD) individuals. We found that, in individuals with HFA and AS, perceptual closure was associated with changes in early ERP (N80 and P160) responses for fragmentation and identification effects, while there were no significant modulations of later ERP responses. However, for TD individuals, perceptual closure was characterized by significant differences in early ERP responses (N80 and P160) between objects and non-objects as well as gradual modulations in late ERP responses for identification effects (450-550ms). Our results suggest that adults with autism rely mostly on low-level processes to achieve closure and do not illustrate the characteristic interplay between early and late ERP responses observed in typically developed individuals, thus revealing the atypicality of perceptual closure mechanisms in this population. We propose here that the interactive matching of incoming fragmented visual information with corresponding candidate object representations is atypical in individuals with autism.
Following these articles, we will discuss the theoretical and clinical implications of this work. Finally, we will also propose limitations within our studies and discuss new perspectives for future research.
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Neuronal activity to environmental sounds when presented together with semantically related words : An MMN study on monolingual and bilingual processing of homophonesAfyonoglu Kirbas, Yeliz January 2019 (has links)
Neuronal activity of monolingual and bilinguals to environmental sounds and words that are semantically related to them were studied using the mismatch negativity (MMN) component of event-related potentials. MMN was expected to reflect the language selection process in bilinguals on the bases of semantics and phonology. In this regard, as lexical stimuli, interlingual homophones ‘car’ and ‘kar’ (snow) were presented together with semantically related environmental sounds in a passive auditory oddball paradigm. The lexical stimuli were recorded by a native English speaker. Three Turkish-English late bilinguals and one native English speaker participated in the study. An early MMN was elicited in both groups with a distribution over the fronto-central and central areas across the scalp with highest peak amplitude at -2.5 with a 113 ms latency. This response indicates that participants of the study were sensitive to the acoustic changes in two different types of stimuli. The further investigation of the interplay between environmental sounds and semantics displayed no conclusive result due to lack of data. Finally, the brain responses gathered from the bilinguals were not enough to draw a conclusion. Whether the bilinguals were sensitive to the sub-phonemic cues in the presented auditory lexical stimuli or not were inconclusive. / Neuronal aktivitet av en- och tvåspråkiga till miljöljud och ord som är semantiskt relaterade till dem studerades med hjälp av Mismatch Negativity (MMN) komponent av event-relaterade potentialer. MMN förväntades spegla språkvalsprocessen i tvåspråkiga baserad på semantik och fonologi. I detta avseende presenterades interlingual-homofoner ’car’ (bil) och ’kar’ (snö) som lexikala stimuli tillsammans med semantiskt besläktade miljöljud i ett passivt auditivt oddball paradigm. De lexikala stimuli spelades in av en modersmålstalare av engelska. Tre turkiska-engelska sena tvåspråkiga och en modersmålstalare av engelska deltog i studien. En tidig MMN framkallades i båda grupperna med en fördelning över de främre central- och centrala områdena över skalp med amplitud vid -2,5 med 113 ms latens. Detta indikerar att deltagarna var sensitiva till de akustiska förändringarna mellan de två olika typerna av stimuli. Den vidare undersökningen av samspelet mellan miljöljud och semantik visade inget avgörande resultat. Dessutom, var det också ett inkonklusivt resultat som handlade om att huruvida tvåspråkiga deltagarna använde subfonemiska signalerna i de presenterade auditiva lexikala stimuli eller inte.
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P300 em indivíduos com transtorno de processamento auditivo (central) submetidos a treinamento auditivo / P300 in individuals with (central) auditory processing disorder submitted to auditory trainingAlonso, Renata 01 September 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os Potenciais Evocados Auditivos, associados à avaliação comportamental, podem ser uma ferramenta útil no diagnóstico e no monitoramento das mudanças ocorridas no Sistema Nervoso Auditivo Central em indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) submetidos a Treinamento Auditivo. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar o P300 em crianças com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) e verificar a evolução dos achados deste potencial frente ao Treinamento Auditivo. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 29 indivíduos com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) (Grupo Estudo) e 29 indivíduos sem Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central) (Grupo Controle) com idades entre oito e 16 anos. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação inicial do processamento auditivo (central) e a uma primeira gravação do P300. O Grupo Estudo foi submetido a um programa de Treinamento Auditivo em cabina acústica durante oito sessões e, um mês após o término deste período, foi realizada nova avaliação do processamento auditivo (central) e nova gravação do P300. O Grupo Controle foi submetido a uma nova avaliação do P300 após três meses da avaliação inicial. RESULTADOS: Para os testes comportamentais, houve diferença estatisticamente significante em todos os testes quando comparados o Grupo Estudo ao Grupo Controle e nas situações pré e pós Treinamento Auditivo do Grupo Estudo. Quando comparados os dados eletrofisiológicos do Grupo Estudo antes e após o Treinamento Auditivo, houve diferença estatisticamente significante para a latência da onda P300. No Grupo Controle, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos dados eletrofisiológicos entre a avaliação inicial e a final. Na comparação entre o Grupo Estudo e o Grupo Controle antes do Treinamento Auditivo, houve diferença estatisticamente significante nas medidas de latência e de amplitude e, após o Grupo Estudo ser submetido ao Treinamento Auditivo, houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas na amplitude entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: O P300 mostrou-se um instrumento útil no diagnóstico e no monitoramento da reabilitação de crianças com Transtorno de Processamento Auditivo (Central). / INTRODUCTION: Auditory Evoked Potentials associated to behavioral assessment may be a useful tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of changes in the Auditory Central Nervous System of individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder submitted to Auditory Training. AIM: The aims of this study were to characterize the P300 of children with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder and to verify the improvement of this potentials findings after the Auditory Training. METHOD: 29 individuals with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (Study Group) and 29 individuals without (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (Control Group), ranging in age from eight to 16 years old took part in this study. All of them underwent the initial assessment of (Central) Auditory Processing and a first recording of P300. The Study Group underwent an Auditory Training program in acoustic booth during eight sessions, and a month after the end of this period, a new (Central) Auditory Processing assessment and a new recording of P300 were performed. The Control Group underwent a new recording of P300 three months after the initial assessment. RESULTS: Significant statistical differences were found in all behavioral tests when the Study Group was compared to the Control Group, and in the pre and post Auditory Training situations of the Study Group. When the electrophysiological data of the Study Group was compared before and after the Auditory Training, there was a significant statistical difference for the latency of wave P300. In the Control Group, no significant statistical differences were found between the initial and the final assessments. Comparing the Study Group and the Control Group before the Auditory Training, it was observed a significant statistical difference concerning measures of latency and amplitude, and after the Auditory Training of the Study Group, it was observed a significant statistical difference between the two groups only regarding the amplitude. CONCLUSIONS: P300 showed to be a useful instrument for the diagnosis and monitoring the rehabilitation of children with (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder
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Caracterização dos efeitos da estimulação elétrica no núcleo basalis magnocelular no potencial de campo local e na freqüência cardíaca no condicionamento comportamental de ratos Wistar / Characterization of nucleus basalis magnocelular electrical stimulation effects on local field potential and heart rate in behavioral conditioning Wistar ratsChoi, Andréa Yoon 10 March 2008 (has links)
Estudamos os efeitos da estimulação elétrica no nucleus basalis magnocelular (Meynert), núcleo colinégico que projeta aferências para o córtex cerebral e tem sido associado a mecanismos de aprendizagem e memória. Verificamos os efeitos eletrofisiológicos induzidos pela estimulação elétrica do núcleo basalis pareado com apresentação de um tom puro. Caracterizamos a dinâmica da atividade elétrica neural do cortex auditivo primário e de núcleos subcorticais relacionados à circuitaria da aprendizagem e memória, durante o condicionamento auditivo nos momentos de aquisição e de revocação além correlacioná-las a dinâmica de freqüência cardiaca, variável que pode exprimir a relevância de um estímulo / Acetilcholine is related to learning and memory and is related to cortical activation. We studied the effects electrically stimulating the basal forebrain - the main cholinergic afferent to the cortex, while presenting paired and unpaired pure tones. Mathematical techniques were used to analyze electrophysiological data. The dynamics from primary auditory cortex and related subcortical nuclei were correlated to the auditory conditioning. We also correlated brain activity to the heart dynamics, considered a reliable measure of learning and conditioning, an interesting approach that uncovers the relevance of stimulus that is not detectable through other behavioral variables
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Potenciais evocados auditivos e esclerose múltipla / Auditory evoked potentials and multiple sclerosisOliveira, Caroline Rondina Salzano de 02 October 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Esclerose Múltipla é uma doença desmielinizante e autoimune, na qual ocorre a destruição da bainha de mielina por autoanticorpos. Esta destruição causa uma diminuição na velocidade de condução do impulso nervoso alterando, assim, as funções cerebral e neural. Para ocorrer o funcionamento adequado do sistema auditivo, tanto na sua porção periférica quanto na central há necessidade que o mesmo esteja íntegro. OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de alterações nos potenciais evocados auditivos de curta (PEATE), média (PEAML) e longa (P300) latências em adultos audiologicamente normais com diagnóstico de Esclerose Múltipla do tipo remitente recorrente ou surto remissivo. MÉTODO: Para o grupo controle foram avaliados 25 indivíduos com histórico de desenvolvimento neurológico normal e sem queixa de zumbido, sendo 19 do gênero feminino e seis do masculino, com idade variando entre 25 e 55 anos (média de 35,16 anos de idade). Para o grupo pesquisa foram avaliados 25 indivíduos com Esclerose Múltipla do tipo remitente-recorrente ou surto-remissivo, seis do gênero masculino e 19 do feminino, com idades entre 25 e 53 anos (média de 34,88 anos de idade). Todos os indivíduos participantes da pesquisa realizaram audiometria tonal e vocal, medidas de imitância acústica e os potenciais evocados auditivos de curta, média e longa latências. RESULTADOS: Os resultados demonstraram ocorrência de alterações nos potenciais evocados auditivos de tronco encefálico e de média latência e no potencial cognitivo, em indivíduos com Esclerose Múltipla. Com relação ao potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico, verificou-se aumento de latência das ondas III e V e dos interpicos I-III e I-V, sugerindo alteração de tronco encefálico baixo. No que diz respeito ao potencial evocado auditivo de média latência observou-se atraso nas latências das ondas Na e Pa e, para o potencial cognitivo, evidenciou-se aumento da latência do P300. Conclusão: Indivíduos com Esclerose Múltipla do tipo remitente recorrente apresentam alterações eletrofisiológicas observadas nos resultados dos potenciais evocados auditivos de curta e média latências e no potencial cognitivo, sugerindo comprometimento em diferentes locais do sistema nervoso auditivo central / INTRODUCTION: The Multiple Sclerosis is a demyelinating disease and autoimmune, which is the destruction of the myelin sheath of a selfantibodies. This destruction causes a decrease in impulse driving speed of nervous changing thus the brain and neural functions. To place the proper functioning of the auditory system, both in its peripheral portion as the central need that it is full. PURPOSE: This study aims to determine the occurrency of changes in auditory evoked potentials of short (PEATE), middle (PEAML) and long (P300) latencies in adults audiologically normal diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis remitting type of applicant or remissive outbreak. METHOD: For the control group were evaluated 25 individuals with a history of normal neurological development and without complaint from tinnitus, and 19 females and six males, with ages ranging between 25 and 55 years (average of 35.16 years of age) . To search the group were evaluated 25 individuals with Multiple Sclerosis-remitting type of applicant or flareremissive, six males and 19 females, aged between 25 and 53 years (average of 34.88 years of age). All individuals participating in the search conducted tone audiometry and speech, acoustic immitance measures brainstem auditory evoked potential, middle latency response and cognitive potential RESULTS: The results showed occurrencies of changes in brainstem auditory evoked potential and middle latency and cognitive potential in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Regarding the potential of brain stem auditory evoked, there was an increase in latency wave III and V and interpeaks I-III and IV, suggesting change in brainstem down. Regarding the auditory evoked potential of average latency there was delay in latencies of Na and Pa waves, and the potential for cognitive, showed an increase of latency of P300. Conclusion: Individuals with multiple sclerosis relapsing remitting type of applicant presents electrophysiological changes seen in the results of sound evoked short and middle latency and the potential cognitive suggesting impairment from different parts of the central auditory nervous system
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A eficácia do treinamento auditivo acusticamente controlado em idosos com transtorno do processamento auditivo / The efficacy of acoustically controlled auditory training in elderly with auditory processing disorderMorais, Aline Albuquerque 09 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: No sistema auditivo, as mudanças decorrentes do envelhecimento resultam na dificuldade que os idosos apresentam em compreender a fala, afetando a capacidade de comunicação e de participação nas relações sociais, podendo levar à piora da qualidade de vida desta população. O treinamento auditivo é uma proposta de intervenção baseada na neuroplasticidade que tem o objetivo de adequar as habilidades auditivas de indivíduos com transtorno do processamento auditivo (TPA). Esse método vem sendo cada vez mais utilizado na reabilitação auditiva de idosos e, por meio de medidas comportamentais e eletrofisiológicas, revela-se como uma ferramenta eficaz para otimizar o processamento da fala, contribuindo para um processo de envelhecimento com qualidade de vida. Objetivos: Verificar a eficácia de um programa de treinamento auditivo acusticamente controlado (TAAC) em idosos com TPA utilizando medidas comportamentais e eletrofisiológicas. Método: Participaram 16 idosos (14 mulheres, dois homens) com TPA, os quais realizaram uma avaliação inicial (avaliação 1), composta por testes comportamentais e eletrofisiológicos do processamento auditivo, e foram distribuídos em dois grupos: GP (n=8), submetidos a um treinamento placebo e GSI (n=8) que não foram submetidos a nenhuma intervenção. Após 12 semanas os indivíduos foram submetidos novamente aos testes (avaliação 2 - pré TAAC). Em seguida, todos os indivíduos foram submetidos ao TAAC e após 12 semanas realizaram a avaliação final (avaliação 3 - pós TAAC). Resultados: Não houve diferença significante na análise multivariada entre as avaliações 1 e 2, tanto para os testes comportamentais quanto para o P300, sendo descartada a ocorrência de efeito placebo e efeitos teste-reteste. Na comparação entre as avaliações 2 e 3, foi constatada melhora significante entre as condições pré TAAC e pós TAAC para a maioria das habilidades auditivas investigadas pelo método comportamental; entretanto, o mesmo resultado não foi encontrado para os parâmetros do P300 em nenhuma das condições (tone burst ou fala). Também não foi encontrada diferença significante entre o P300 evocado por estímulo tone burst e o evocado por estímulo de fala no monitoramento das mudanças neurobiológicas decorrentes do TAAC. Conclusões: O TAAC foi capaz de promover uma mudança no desempenho comportamental dos idosos para a maioria das habilidades auditivas investigadas, mostrando ser um método eficaz na reabilitação auditiva de idosos com TPA. Considerando a grande vulnerabilidade aos fatores cognitivos e a variabilidade intra-sujeito que o P300 apresenta, concluímos que este potencial não parece ser a melhor ferramenta para monitorar as mudanças decorrentes do programa TAAC em idosos / Introduction: In the hearing system, changes from aging result in the difficulty that the elderly have understanding speech, affecting their communication abilities and their social participation in the community, which can lead to a decrease of life quality in this group of people. The auditory training is an intervention procedure based on neuroplasticity that aims improving hearing abilities of individuals with auditory processing disorder (APD). This method has been used in the auditory rehab of elderly and, through behavioral and electrophysiological measures, reveals itself as an effective tool for optimizing the processing of speech contributing for an aging process with life quality. Purpose: Verify the efficacy of an acoustically controlled auditory training program (ACAT) in elderly patients with APD using behavioral and electrophysiological measures. Method: Sixteen elderly (14 women, two men) with APD, who have performed an initial evaluation (1), consisting of behavioral and electrophysiological tests of auditory processing, were divided into two groups: GP (n = 8) those who were submitted to a placebo training and GSI (n = 8) the one\'s not submitted to any intervention. After 12 weeks the individuals were submitted to the tests again (evaluation 2 - pre ACAT). Then, all of them were submitted to ACAT and, after 12 weeks (8 training), they were submitted to the final evaluation (3 - post ACAT). Results: There was no significant difference in the various analyses between evaluations 1 and 2, both in the behavioral tests as for the P300, discarding the presence of placebo effects and test-retest. Comparing the evaluations 2 and 3, a significant improvement was found between the pre and post ACAT conditions for the majority of the auditory abilities investigated by the behavioral method; however, the same result was not found for the parameters of P300 in any of the conditions (tone burst or speech). The same way, no significant difference was found between the P300 evoked by tone burst and evoked by speech stimulation during the neurobiological changes monitoring coming from ACAT. Conclusions: The ACAT was able to promote a change in the behavioral performance of the elderly for most investigated auditory abilities, proving to be an effective method regards hearing rehabilitation of elderly with APD. Considering the high vulnerability to the cognitive factors and intra-subject variability that the P300 presents, we conclude that this potential does not seem to be the best tool to monitor the changes that result from the ACAT program in the elderly
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Impact d’un systeme anticollision sur le traitement de l'information et le comportement du conducteur / Impact of a collision warning system on information processing and driver behaviourBueno garcia, Mercedes 27 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été centré sur l’analyse de l’impact d’un système d’alerte anticollision sur le traitement de l’information et le comportement du conducteur en conduite automobile simulée. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient 1) de déterminer l’impact d’un signal avertisseur associé à un système d’alerte anticollision sur le traitement de l’information à partir de potentiels évoqués ; 2) d’analyser l’efficacité d’un tel système en fonction de sa fiabilité ; 3) et en fonction de l’état attentionnel des conducteurs ; et 4) d’examiner l’adaptation comportementale au système au cours du temps. Grâce à une double approche comportementale et électrophysiologique, nous avons montré que le signal avertisseur agit au niveau de l’anticipation et de la préparation à la réponse ainsi qu’au niveau cognitif du traitement de l’information. Par ailleurs, nous avons confirmé que les systèmes anticollision ne nécessitent pas d’être complètement fiables pour être efficaces. Nous avons également observé que l’efficacité du signal avertisseur associé au système anticollision était moindre chez les sujets distraits, notamment lorsque la charge cognitive associée à la distraction était élevée. Ceci suggère que le signal avertisseur nécessite des ressources attentionnelles pour être traité et, donc, pour être efficace. Concernant l’adaptation comportementale au système, les principaux résultats ont montré, d’une part, que l’introduction immédiate du système a eu un effet positif sur le comportement de conduite et, d’autre part, que le processus d’adaptation au système à plus long terme peut être affecté si les conducteurs sont distraits par des tâches secondaires coûteuses en ressources attentionnelles. / This thesis was focused on the analysis of the impact of a collision warning system on information processing and driver behaviour in simulated driving. The objectives of this work were 1) to determine the impact of a warning signal associated with a collision warning system on the processing of information using evoked potentials, 2) to analyse the effectiveness of such a system according to its reliability, 3) and according to the drivers’ attentional state, 4) to examine the behavioural adaptation to the system over time. Using an electrophysiological and behavioural dual approach, we showed that the warning signal acts at the level of anticipation and response preparation and at the level of cognitive processing. Moreover, we confirmed that collision warning systems do not need to be completely reliable to be effective. We also observed that the effectiveness of the warning signal associated with the collision warning system was lower in distracted subjects, especially when the cognitive load associated with the distraction was high. This suggests that the warning signal requires attentionnal resources in order to be processed and, therefore, to be effective. Concerning behavioural adaptation to the system, the main results showed firstly that the immediate introduction of the system had a positive effect on the driving behaviour and secondly that the process of adaptation of the system at the longer term may be affected if drivers are distracted by high demanding secondary tasks.
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