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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En aha-upplevelse mellan städ och disk : kvinnors upplevelser av att få en AD/HD diagnos i vuxen ålder / A aha-experience between clean and dish : womens experiences of receiving a diagnosis of AD/HD as an adult

Nilsson, Laila, Kvist, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av att få en AD/HD diagnos i vuxen ålder och vilka sociala konsekvenser det ger. Då många studier inriktar sig på AD/HD ur ett neuropsykiatriskt perspektiv, anser vi det intressant att i stället ha ett socialt fokus. Den teori vi huvudsakligen använder oss av är social konstruktionism då vi tycker den är relevant i detta sammanhang. Vi undersöker i studien om, och i så fall hur kvinnorna upplever att diagnosen har förändrat deras vardag, bemötandet från myndigheter och arbetskamrater, självkänsla/självuppfattning och relationen till vänner och nära anhöriga. För att göra detta möjligt formulerade vi fyra frågeställningar som passade studiens syfte. I studien använde vi oss av kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med fyra kvinnor, detta för att få fram deras upplevelser på bästa sätt. Det resultat vi funnit visar att diagnosen haft stor betydelse för kvinnorna i den meningen att den gjort dem mer medvetna om sina brister och som en frigörande förklaring på sin känsla av att vara annorlunda. För att kunna analysera texten använde vi oss av de teman som formades utifrån frågeställningarna för att kunna hitta mönster i kvinnornas berättelser. Därefter tolkade vi materialet med hjälp av tidigare forskning och relevanta teorier. Den slutsats vi kommit fram till är att diagnosen stärker kvinnornas självkänsla/självuppfattning vilket gör att de kan hantera sina liv och sin vardag på ett bättre sätt, men också att diagnosen i sig inte förändrar de faktiska bristerna i någon större utsträckning. / The aim of our studie is to examine womens experiences of recieving a diagnosis of AD/HD as an adult and what social consequences this brings. As many studies focus on AD/HD from a neuropsychiatric perspective, we regard it interesting to look at it from a social perspective rather then psychiatric. The theory we mainly used is social constructionism as we think it relevant in this coherece. In the study we examine if and in that case how these women feel that the diagnosis has changed there everyday life, treatment by authority and colleagues, self-esteem/self-perception and relation to friends and close relatives. To make this possible we worded four questions at issue that was suitable for the purpose of the study. In the study we used qualitative research interviews whit four women, this as to bring forward there experiences in the best possible way. The result we found show that diagnosis has had great importance for the women as it has made them more aware of there scarcity and as a liberating explanation of there feeling of being different. To be able to analyze the text we used the theme as shaped from the questions to be able to find a pattern in the womens story. We then interpreted the material with the help of prior and relevant theories. Our conclusion is that the diagnosis strengthens the womens self-esteem/self-perception which means that they can handle there everyday life in a better way, but also that the diagnosis in it self does not change the real lack in extent any greater.

Lived Space Of White Collar Industrial Employees: A Case From Kocaeli

Tirben, Elif Gul 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to discuss white collar industrial employee&rsquo / s alienation to urban life in Kocaeli. In this context, Lived Space of white collar industrial employees in a selected factory in the city is examined in terms of employees&rsquo / use and perception of the urban space. To this end, several expert interviews (local media representative, head of chamber of industry and head of the department of human resources of the selected factory) and subject group interviews were carried out and analyzed in combination with an application of a questionnaire conducted with 62 employees. At the micro level, the study shows that white collar industrial employees only feel limited &ldquo / urban attachment&rdquo / and perceive Kocaeli as a place they have put up with in order to gain a living. At the macro level, it is suggested that a spatial regime in which Kocaeli is the industrial periphery of the Istanbul Metropolitan Region is an important determinant of the assumed alienation of the subject group. In this context, the results attained from the field study show that although the white collar industrial employees use the urban space partially in their daily activities and establish some community relations, they are still alienated to the city in terms of their perception of the urban space and stuck in the centrifugal structure between the metropolitan centre and the industrial periphery.

Energy Use as a Consequence of Everyday Life / Energianvändning som konsekvens av vardagslivet

Hellgren, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
Energy use is a part of everyday life and the use of energy is a part of the global climate change. Policy makers urge individuals to change their daily behaviour in order to mitigate climate change and care for our common environment. The dissertation regards daily behaviour as activities performed by individuals. The theoretical base is the time-geographic approach wherein everyday life is regarded as a sequence of interlinked activities performed by indivisible individuals. The dissertation investigates individuals’ energy use as an outcome of the activities they perform in everyday life. The empirical base of the dissertation is time-diaries from the Swedish time use survey 2010/2011. The diary data is explored as sequences of daily activities by using sequence analysis and clustering. The results show that individuals’ energy use is closely interweaved with how they live their everyday lives in terms of activity sequences. The results imply that changing an activity affects both the intricate web of interaction in the household and the interdependence of activities in everyday life. Change does not only affect the singular activity that was the object for the change, but rather major parts of the sequence of activities. In order to address energy conservation in information campaigns considerations ought to be taken on how everyday life is shaped and formed by the individual, by negotiations between the individuals in households, and societal structures. Information can be targeted to groups of individuals  with similar activity sequences as they are revealed by cluster analysis. / Energianvändningen är en del av vardagen likaväl som användningen av energi är en del av den globala klimatförändringen. För att mildra effekterna på vår gemensamma miljö uppmanas människor av politiker och andra beslutsfattare att förändra sitt vardagsbeteende. I avhandlingen betraktas vardagsbeteendet som människors dagliga aktiviteter. Avhandlingens teoretiska grund är den tidsgeografiska ansatsen, där människors vardag betraktas som en sekvens av de aktiviteter som utförs av odelbara individer. Människors dagliga sekvens av aktiviteter undersöks för att ta reda på vilken energianvändning som genomförandet av aktiviteterna ger upphov till. Den empiriska grunden för avhandlingen är tidsdagboksdata från den svenska tidsanvändningsstudien från 2010/2011 och avhandlingen utforskar tidsdagböckerna som sekvenser av aktiviteter med hjälp av sekvens- och klusteranalys. Resultaten visar att individers energianvändning är nära sammanvävd med de aktivitetssekvenser som visar hur vardagslivet levs. Resultaten pekar vidare på att förändringar av enskilda aktiviteter också påverkar andra aktiviteter i det dagliga livet. Förändringar av en aktivitet påverkar således hela den dagliga sekvensen av aktiviteter. I utformningen av information som syftar till att minska hushållens energianvändning bör hänsyn tas till hur vardagslivets aktivitetssekvens formas av den enskilde i samspelet både med andra individer i hushållet och med samhällsstrukturerna. Målgruppsinriktad information kan utformas med utgångspunkt from människors likartade aktivitetsmönster så som de framgår genom klusteranalys.

La ballade de Gilbert ; suivi de Le quotidien dans Molloy de Samuel Beckett

Côté-Fournier, Alexandre 09 1900 (has links)
Le roman La ballade de Gilbert raconte l’histoire d’un homme dont la tranquille normalité du quotidien est perturbée lorsqu’il découvre qu’un de ses collègues de longue date fréquente des prostituées. Afin de retrouver son confort, il incite clandestinement ce collègue à se chercher une conjointe, mais cette quête devient peu à peu une profonde obsession qui bouleverse encore plus l’équilibre de sa vie routinière. À travers ce récit s’articule une réflexion sur le quotidien, sur les limites entre l’ordinaire et l’extraordinaire, le familier et l’étrange. L’essai Le quotidien dans Molloy de Samuel Beckett reprend le thème du quotidien afin d’analyser le dialogue entre le familier et l’étrangeté dans ce roman. Molloy présente de nombreux scénarios communs (Eco), qui correspondent très sensiblement d’un point de vue cognitif aux habitudes qui façonnent le quotidien d’un individu. Cet essai explique comment Beckett subvertit ces scénarios pour laisser place à une étrangeté derrière laquelle le familier demeure reconnaissable. / The novel La ballade de Gilbert tells the story of a man whose quiet and ordinary life is troubled when he realises that one of his long time colleagues is seeing prostitutes. To re-establish his comfort, he secretly tries to encourage this colleague to find a mate, but this quest becomes a relentless obsession that overturns even more the order of his life. A reflection about everyday life and the limits between the ordinary and the extraordinary, the familiar and the uncanny, is proposed through this narrative. The essay Le quotidien dans Molloy de Samuel Beckett also touches everyday life by the analysis of the dialogue between familiarity and strangeness. Molloy shows numerous examples of common scenarios (Eco), which correspond very closely, from the cognitive point of view, to the habits that shape an individual’s everyday life. This essay explains how Beckett subverts these scenarios to show a strangeness behind which familiarity remains visible.

Så är det inte längre : Närståendes vardag efter patient- och närståendeutbildning vid bipolär sjukdom / It's not like that anymore : Relatives' everyday life after a psychoeducation for Bipolar Disorder

Karlbom, Linda January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Att leva med autismspektrumtillstånd : Innehållsanalys och samtalsanalys av en fokusgruppsdiskussion / To Live with an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis : Content Analysis and Conversation Analysis of a Focus Group Discussion

Collin, Angelica, Tollander, Sofie January 2015 (has links)
Autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) är en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning som kan påverka individens vardagsliv. Livsområden som kan vara problematiska är bland annat arbetsliv, familjeliv, relationer och områden som kräver social interaktion. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vardaglig kommunikation hos vuxna med AST samt att genom deltagarnas personliga berättelser undersöka hur AST kan påverka en individs liv. Denna typ av studie är viktig för att generera en bättre förståelse för behoven hos vuxna med AST och därmed ge indikationer för vilka typer av anpassningar som kan behövas i samhället. Föreliggande studie baserades på en videoinspelad fokusgruppsdiskussion med fyra deltagare som i vuxen ålder har diagnostiserats med AST. Två olika analysmetoder användes för att studera materialet, nämligen samtalsanalys och innehållsanalys. Resultaten visade att deltagarna har kompetens för social interaktion och empatisk förmåga. Ett par av deltagarna uppfattades ha annorlunda blickanvändning, och oväntade ämnesbyten och avbrottsförsök observeras under diskussionen. Flertalet av deltagarna uppgav att de har haft psykiska svårigheter under sina liv och de ser diagnostiseringen som viktig för deras livskvalitet då den möjliggör kontaktskapande med likasinnade. Detta förefaller vara betydelsefullt för dem då de har svårt att bygga relationer. Resultaten i föreliggande studie kan bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur en neuropsykiatrisk diagnos kan påverka en individs liv. / Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a neuropsychiatric impairment that may affect an individual's everyday life. Life areas that may be problematic include work, family, relationships and areas that require social interaction. The aim of the present study was to investigate communication in everyday life amongst adults with ASD as well as, by listening to the participants' personal narratives, explore how AST can affect an individual's life. The study was based on a video recorded focus group discussion with four participants who in adulthood have been diagnosed with ASD. Conversation Analysis and Content analysis were used for analysis of the material. The results showed that the participants have skills for social interaction and empathy. Some of the participants were perceived as using their gaze in a deviant way, and unexpected changes in topics and attempted interruptions were observed during the discussion. The majority of the participants described periods of psychiatric problems during their lives, and that the diagnosis has been important for their quality of life as it enables them to create relationships with people with similar difficulties. This appears to be important to them since they have difficulties building relationships. The results contribute to a better understanding of how a neuropsychiatric diagnosis can affect an individual's life.

Can you describe your home? : A study about students understanding about concepts within construction

Svensson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
The purpose with this research paper is to examine the students’ shown knowledge in geometry, with a focus on construction and its concepts, and the educational value and teaching the students got in this area. The students’ homes are used as a starting-point. The students shall, from a self-made drawing of their home and a photograph of it, describe what their home looks like. In this paper, the mathematical concepts the students used will be analyzed and compared with the education they received. The analytical framework is based on Van Hieles levels of knowledge and Blooms Taxonomy. The study was done at a Secondary School in Kenya. Four students were selected and interviewed. The lesson observations were made with the purpose to get an understanding for how the education for these students look like and to get examples on how the teaching is conducted for these students. Finally, interviews with the teachers were carried out. The students show a good knowledge in the national exams. However, the study shows that when the students are supposed to use this particular knowledge outside of the classroom, the students experience difficulties. Mostly, the students encounter problems when they are supposed to estimate measurements. Furthermore, they lack the ability to compare scales. The research also shows that the education for these students is monotone and much time during the lessons is spend either with a teacher lecturing in front of the board or students working with examples in the textbook. According to the Variation Theory, the knowledge of the students should deepen if the objects of learning are varying. This variation is not something the students receive in the present situation. / Syftet är att undersöka några gymnasieelevers visade kunskaper i geometri med fokus på konstruktion och begreppsanvändning samt den undervisning som erbjuds eleverna inom området. Elevernas hem används som utgångspunkt. Eleverna ska utifrån en teckning, som de själva ritat, och ett fotografi beskriva hemmet. De matematiska begrepp som eleverna använder analyseras. Analysverktyget bygger på van Hieles kvalitativa kunskapsnivåer och Blooms Taxonomi. Undersökningen genomfördes på en gymnasieskola i Kenya. Fyra utvalda elever intervjuades. Lektionsobservationer genomfördes i syfte att få förståelse för hur elevernas undervisningssituation ser ut och få exempel på hur undervisningen bedrivs. Slutligen intervjuades två av elevernas lärare. Eleverna har goda kunskaper på nationella prov men undersökningen visar att när dessa kunskaper skall överföras till något utanför lektionssalen stöter eleverna på problem. De har svårt att uppskatta längdenheter och svårt att jämföra skala. Det kommer också fram att deras undervisning är ganska monoton. Mycket tid läggs till att läraren undervisar eleverna framme vid tavlan eller att eleverna jobbar med uppgifter i sin övningsbok. Enligt variationsteorin, som beskrivs i arbetet, skulle elevernas kunskaper ges möjlighet att fördjupas om de geometriska objekt som skall förstås varieras. Denna variation erbjuds inte eleverna i nuläget.

Den hand som föder dig : En studie av risk, mat och moderskap i Sverige och Polen / The Hand that Feeds : A study of Risk, Food and Motherhood in Sweden and Poland

Löfmarck, Erik January 2014 (has links)
This is a study of how mothers of young children relate to risk in everyday life, with an emphasis on the in­visible risks associated with modernity in general, and with food in particular. It explores variations and similarities in how mothers deal with risk in two cultural contexts: Sweden and Poland. The study is based on twenty qualitative interviews with university educated mothers of small children in Stockholm and Warsaw. While risks more generally challenge how we “get on” with our lives, mothers of young children in particular have a special relationship to risk. During pregnancy and breastfeeding they are subject to all kinds of risk minimization efforts, and mothers are ultimately held "infinitely responsible" for their children's welfare by society. Women's transition to parenthood then makes for a particularly in­teresting case as to how risks manifest in everyday life. The theoretical framework draws on modernization theory, combined with insights from cultural theory. In addition, various contributions from sociological and psychological risk research, family sociology and research on parenting and motherhood are used to highlight contextual aspects and to inter­pret the empirical results. Two aspects of the mothers’ relationship to risk and food are examined in this study: firstly, their risk constructs, i.e. what they perceive as ‘risky’ with regards to food; and, secondly, their risk management strategies, i.e. how they deal with identified risks on a practical and cognitive level. The overall risk management depicted in this study is characterized by reflexivity, critical thinking, infor­mation retrieval, attention to scientific evidence, purposely transferred trust, confidence and the ability to make fairly sophisticated tradeoffs between risks and other aspects of life. Neither the Swedish nor the Polish mothers then conform to popular notions of ‘security junkies’ or ‘paranoid parenting’. Nonetheless, the comparative approach demonstrates how contextual differences, such as general trust levels and family policy, influence both the risk constructs and the employment of different risk management strategies.

Integration Of Urban Archaeological Resources To Everyday Life In The Historic City Centers Tarragona, Verona And Tarsus

Alpan, Acalya 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The recent developments in urban conservation and urban archaeology have given considerable importance to the presentation of urban archaeological remains to the public in order to raise public awareness for conservation. Parallel to this, in the last decade, urban planners have begun to seek for alternatives for creating sustainable places with the emphasis on sustainable urban development. These two goals of different disciplines meet themselves in the integration of urban archaeological remains to modern town and to modern life in historic town centers. In this context, this thesis aims to discuss how these urban archaeological resources can be integrated to everyday life in historic town centers. This is achieved by investigating two successful European cases Tarragona and Verona, and then discussing their possible contributions to a Turkish case Tarsus.

The Role Of Television In Rural Women

Tazebay, Burcu 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to examine the role of television in rural women&rsquo / s everyday life experiences in terms of information, socialization, identification and entertainment. The focus is on rural women&rsquo / s experiences with a feminist perspective conducting an ethnographic study using the methods of in-depth-interviews, survey, participant observation and group discussions in Topakli village. The findings of the study is the role of television as an information source for rural women and it&rsquo / s role on rural women&rsquo / s socialization process.

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