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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploratory study of exhibitionism amongst adult men in Perth: a qualitative perspective as a guide for treatment

Maule, Linda J. January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this research is to talk to a sample of exhibitionists who are currently under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) in Perth, Western Australia in order to ascertain whether current treatment approaches used within the MOJ are the most effective and appropriate for this group of sex offenders. It was considered that the most effective research method would be a qualitative approach in order to gain insight into the offender's understanding of their offending behaviour and to attempt to identify their areas of treatment need. Through personal observations in working with exhibitionists and supported by the literature, an interview schedule was developed to combine a detailed social history with questions on communication, childhood issues, father issues and stress. Twenty voluntary participants were interviewed, having been accessed through the correctional community and prison environments. The objectives were (1) To identify any categories of exhibitionists and therefore better utilise treatment resources, (2) To identify the role of stress and communication deficits in offending behaviour of exhibitionists, (3) To determine whether exhibitionists would be more effectively treated within their own discrete population or with other types of sex offenders and (4) To identify a more appropriate treatment model. Another area of interest which was not specifically focussed on was whether findings would emerge which could predict which exhibitionists would progress to more serious sexual offending.The study found 3 categories of exhibitionist (1) Adolescent Onset Career Exhibitionists, (2) Adult Onset Career Exhibitionists and (3) Situational Response Exhibitionists. Whilst the first 2 categories contained participants whose offending was entrenched once commenced, either in early adolescence or adulthood, the latter group appeared to offend as a ++ / specific response to a life crisis. Further, findings indicated that there were 3 levels of communication deficits ranging from poor communication (65% of participants) to an inability to express negatively perceived emotions such as sadness or fear. All but one participant experienced high levels of stress and had difficulty coping with their symptoms. Again, all but one participant expressed unsatisfactory relationships with their fathers ranging from abandonment to emotional distance and 50% of the participants experienced physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse.A model of treatment was recommended which allowed for increased flexibility, allowing resources to be focussed on those offenders with the highest need. Further recommendations included increased liaison with the courts and Community Corrections in order to facilitate a more integrated approach to the client. It was also considered that exhibitionists should continue working within groups which contained other types of sex offenders.

Återfall bland individer med sexuell störning som genomgått rättspsykiatrisk undersökning 1992 till 2002

Rumm, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Genom att urskilja de faktorer som medför en förhöjd risk för brottslighet kan preventiva åtgärder anpassas för att motverka den enskilde individens återfallsbenägenhet i brottslighet. Individer med psykisk störning utgör en betydande del av de individer som begår brott och åtgärderna bör därmed anpassas utifrån deras riskfaktorer. För att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som medför att individer med psykisk störning återfaller i någon form av brottslighet gjordes en retrospektiv registerstudie med fokus på de individer som genomgått en rättspsykiatrisk undersökning under åren 1992-2002 och genom denna blivit diagnostiserade med en sexuell störning (N = 153). Resultatet visade, i motsats till tidigare forskning, att förekomst av missbruk verkar vara en mindre viktig faktor för att predicera något återfall hos individer diagnostiserade med en sexuell störning. De individer som dömts till frivård återföll i högre grad jämfört med de som dömts till andra påföljder. Ökad ålder bidrog till minskad risk för återfall och individer diagnostiserade med exhibitionism uppvisade ökade odds (OR = 5,33) att återfalla jämfört med de individer som diagnostiserats med pedofili vilka istället uppvisade minskade odds (OR = 0,28) till återfall. Dessa resultat tyder på att fler åtgärder bör vidtas gällande individer diagnostiserade med exhibitionism samt att påföljden frivård bör ses över och kombineras med extra stöd, behandling och kontroll.

Exploring effects of self-disclosure and personality traits on smartphone check-in on Facebook

Lin, Chia-Yin 24 July 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study attempts to explore in which circumstance users would self-disclosure on Facebook with check-in behavior by considering extraversion and narcissism as psychological factors. Furthermore, in order to examine the relationships between different behaviors on Facebook, self-disclosure, exhibitionism and check-in intensity, this study used exhibitionism as the mediator to discuss if users¡¦ cognition of exhibitionism toward check-in would influence their attempt on check-in and clarify the attributes which make users behave in this way. Finally, a framework is proposed based on the results. Purposive sampling was used in the study. Questionnaire data were collected by the Internet and totally received 523 valid respondents. The study used LISREL structural equation models to test goodness of fit, validity, and furthermore adopted full model to examine the hypotheses. The results showed that the extraversion has an impact on the extent of self-disclosure on Facebook; however, narcissism does not have a significant effect on self-disclosure. As for the relationship between self-disclosure, exhibitionism and check-in intensity, self-disclosure would directly influence the attempts at check-in intensity. On the other hand, exhibitionism would also make self-disclosure have an impact on check-in intensity as a partial mediator.

Culto ao corpo: expressões contemporâneas do exibicionismo e voyeurismo

Silva, Marcio Roberto Santim da 25 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:32:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcio Roberto Santim da Silva.pdf: 810935 bytes, checksum: 532625347e9cfd7af82fcdf16a530261 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-25 / The body cult, characterized by the overvaluation of the physical beauty, has been a common behavior in the western society. The increasing number of plastic operations and health clubs are some of the facts that testify some of the worries of individuals concerning the acquisition of some esthetical patterns. The cultural industry has encouraged individuals to identify themselves with esthetically standardized beauty models exposed by itself. Such fact, associated with the weakening of the individual in the contemporaneous society, has contributed to the formation of homogeneous esthetical concepts. The voyeur and exhibitionist impulses have to be mobilized in the individuals so that the beauty patterns, presented by the object, constitute the esthetical experiences. The exacerbation or the weakening of these impulses may contribute to the formation of various related problems, respectively, the obsession with doing physical activities and a sedentary behavior. Three Likert scales -- voyeurism(V), exhibitionism (E), and esthetical patterns (EP )-- were developed in order to verify the possible differences in the expression of these phenomena in three different groups related to practicing sports: group 1 (sedentary people); group 2 (people who practice weightlifting) and group 3 ( people who practice other physical activities).The study hypotheses were that group 2 would present scores superior to the other groups on the three scales in which they would be co-related. The data analysis, based on the results obtained by the application of scales, showed the existence of meaningful co-relations among voyeurism, exhibitionism and the compliance with esthetical patterns. The co-relation coefficients &#961; of Spearman had a p < 0,01 level and were the following: &#961; = 0,46 ( V and E scales ); &#961; = 0,52 ( scales V and EP ); &#961; = 0,49 ( scales E and EP). Group 2 score was higher than the other groups only on scale EP having an associated probability level of p < 0,01. These results show that group 2 has a higher compliance with the esthetical patterns. The basic theoretical references of this study were the Critical Theory of the Society, specifically the authors who belong to the first generation of Frankfurt school and the Freudian Psychoanalysis / O culto ao corpo, caracterizado pela valorização exacerbada da beleza física, tem sido um comportamento comum na sociedade ocidental. O crescimento do número de cirurgias plásticas e academias de musculação são fatores que evidenciam algumas preocupações dos indivíduos em relação à aquisição de determinados padrões estéticos. A indústria cultural tem estimulado os indivíduos a se identificarem com modelos, por ela expostos, padronizados esteticamente. Tal fato, associado ao enfraquecimento do indivíduo na sociedade contemporânea, contribui para a formação de conceitos estéticos homogêneos. Para que os padrões de beleza, apresentados pelo objeto, constituam-se como experiência estética, as pulsões voyeur e exibicionista precisam ser mobilizadas nos indivíduos. A exacerbação ou o enfraquecimento dessas pulsões podem contribuir para o aparecimento de vários problemas decorrentes, respectivamente, da obsessão por práticas esportivas e do sedentarismo. Foram desenvolvidas três escalas do tipo Likert voyeurismo (V), exibicionismo (E) e padrões estéticos (P) com o objetivo de verificar possíveis diferenças na expressão desses fenômenos em três grupos distintos quanto à prática esportiva: grupo 1 (sedentários); grupo 2 (praticantes de musculação) e grupo 3 (praticantes de outras atividades físicas). Também procurou-se analisar a correlação entre as três escalas. As hipóteses da pesquisa foram de que o grupo 2 apresentaria escores superior aos demais grupos nas três escalas e que elas estariam correlacionadas. A análise dos dados, com base nos resultados obtidos mediante a aplicação das escalas, apontou a existência de correlações significativas entre voyeurismo, exibicionismo e adesão aos padrões estéticos. Os coeficientes de correlação &#961; de Spearman tiveram um nível de significância de p < 0,01 e foram os seguintes: &#961; = 0,46 (escalas V e E); &#961; = 0,52 (escalas V e P); &#961; = 0,49 (escalas E e P). Apenas na escala P, o escore do grupo 2 foi maior que os demais grupos, com um nível de probabilidade associado de p < 0,01. Esses resultados mostraram que o grupo 2 adere mais aos padrões estéticos. Os referenciais teóricos básicos desta pesquisa foram a Teoria Crítica da sociedade, especificamente os autores pertencentes à primeira geração da escola de Frankfurt, e a Psicanálise freudiana

Självutlämning i dagboksbloggen : På gränsen mellan privat och offentligt

Sharifpour, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur bloggens innehåll reflekterar bloggarens syn på vad som är privat och vad som är offentligt. Detta har skett genom att först urskilja följande ämnen i bloggarna: vänner, jobb, sömn, mat, hälsa, nöje, familj, sex och pengar, och sedan undersöka vilka av dessa ämnen som respektive bloggare använder sig av och vilka som utelämnas från bloggen. De ämnen som används av bloggarens blir då offentliga, medan de som utelämnas förblir privata. Funktionerna av självutlämning – självförtydligande, social bekräftelse, social kontroll och relationell utveckling - har analyserats och slutligen har skillnaderna mellan de manliga och kvinnliga bloggarna undersökts.   Den teoretiska ramen består av kategorierna; privat och offentligt, medierad voyeurism, empowering exhibitionism samt ett renodlat likhetsperspektiv inom genusdiskurs. Medierad voyeurism som är konsumtionen av avslöjande bilder och information om andras verkliga liv, leder ofta till empowering exhibitionism vilket sker då individen tar kontroll över framställningen av sig själv och går emot den skam som är kopplad till konceptet privat. Det empiriska materialet för undersökningen består av sju dagars utdrag av Cimon Lundberg, Isabella Löwengrip, Johanna And och Simon Leisjö’s bloggtexter från sista veckan i augusti 2012. Kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer med And och Leisjö har fungerat som ett komplement till textanalysen av bloggarna. Genom en kvalitativ metod har ett narratologiskt perspektiv tillämpats i analysen för att besvara följande frågeställningar: 1. Hur reflekterar bloggarnas innehåll gränsen mellan den privata och den offentliga sfären? Vilka ämnen tas upp och vilka utelämnas? 2. Skiljer sig förhållandet till det privata/offentliga mellan kvinnliga och manliga bloggare? 3. Vad kan de olika graderna av självutlämning säga om bloggens betydelse för individen? Vilken funktion fyller olika texttyper hos dessa bloggare? Undersökningen har visat att även om flera ämnen som tidigare var privata offentliggörs i bloggarna, så dras gränsen för det privata än idag vid ämnet; sex. Familj och vänner har flyttats till den främre regionen samtidigt som gränsdragningen för ämnena jobb och ekonomi skiftar hos de olika bloggarna. Skillnaderna mellan de kvinnliga och de manliga bloggarna har varit obefintliga eller minimala, vilket kan hänvisas till att bloggarna formas inom samma sociokulturella sammanhang. I samtliga bloggar sker självutlämning i olika grader och högre grad av självutlämning har visat sig fungera som empowering exhibitionism. Större självutlämning kan kopplas till att ämnet blir mer privat.

A Theory of Viral Growth of Social Networking Sites

Fisher, Michael T. 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Impacto da psicoterapia sobre a escolha dos parceiros sexuais de parafílicos em tratamento medicamentoso / Impact of psychotherapy on the choice of sexual partners by patients with paraphilia on drug treatment

Oliveira Junior, Waldemar Mendes de 10 June 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com diagnóstico de parafilias e de transtornos relacionados às parafilias ocupam a atenção pública e clínica por se tratarem de indivíduos potencialmente inconvenientes, causadores de problemas à sociedade e a si próprios. Caracteristicamente, apresentam padrões invulgares de comportamento sexual e distinguem-se pela escolha de parcerias ou de contextos sexuais incomuns. JUSTIFICATIVA: O tratamento atual leva em consideração comportamentos, fantasias e necessidades sexuais parafílicas e procura modificá-los por meio de psicoterapia cognitivocomportamental, medicação antidepressiva e antiandrogênica. Apenas a supressão destes comportamentos tem se mostrado insatisfatória e ainda apresenta altas taxas de reincidência. Não há resultados publicados sobre a efetividade de um novo tratamento psicoterapêutico, cujo foco esteja voltado para a identificação e a reestruturação da identidade sexual e cujo principal objetivo seja o de promover maior contato destes pacientes com parcerias sexuais convencionais. MÉTODO: A intervenção foi testada por meio de ensaio clínico de tratamento, randomizado, placebo controlado e unicego, realizado com dois grupos paralelos: experimental (N=6) e controle (N=8). Todos os pacientes apresentavam diagnóstico de parafilias e foram medicados com inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina. As intervenções psicoterapêuticas duraram dezesseis semanas com frequência de uma sessão por semana. As mudanças comportamentais foram monitoradas por meio de um diário e as comorbidades psiquiátricas, a qualidade de vida e a adequação social foram avaliadas por meio de escalas psicométricas, nos três períodos do estudo: início, término e seguimento pósintervenção. RESULTADOS: Não houve melhora estatisticamente significante dos escores de depressão, qualidade de vida e adequação social para ambos os grupos. O grupo experimental apresentou tendência de melhor resposta para depressão ao se tomar esta variável de forma categorial. Ambos os grupos apresentaram: maior incapacidade de adequação social (comparados a populações não clínicas); tendência de aumento do estado de ansiedade; melhora clínica global e redução dos índices de gravidade das parafilias. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos. Para o grupo experimental: aumento de fantasias e masturbações normofílicas; maior procura por contatos eróticos normofílicos e diminuição de fantasias parafílicas. Porém, houve diminuição de contatos íntimos normofílicos (beijos, abraços e carícias) para este grupo. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes intragrupos. Para o grupo experimental: redução de contatos íntimos parafílicos e totais (parafílicos e normofílicos). Para o grupo placebo: aumento de relações sexuais parafílicas e da totalidade das fantasias sexuais (parafílicas e normofílicas). CONCLUSÕES: Os defechos favoráveis observados no grupo de intervenção evidenciaram a importância em se identificar e trabalhar psicoterapeuticamente o impedimento que os parafílicos apresentam de se relacionar com parcerias sexuais normofílicas, uma vez que para o grupo experimental as mudanças positivas observadas no comportamento, fantasias e necessidades sexuais caminharam em direção a padrões convencionais / INTRODUCTION: Patients diagnosed with paraphilia and paraphilia-related disorders have public and medical attention drawn to them because they are potentially disturbing individuals who cause problems to society and to themselves. Typically, they show unusual patterns of sexual behavior and make unusual choices related to sexual partners or sexual contexts. RATIONALE: Current treatment considers paraphilic behaviors, fantasies, and urges, trying to change these symptoms using cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, antidepressants, and anti-androgen medication. The elimination of these behaviors has proved unsatisfactory and still has high recurrence rates. We could not find in the literature any studies on the effectiveness of a new psychotherapeutic treatment focused on identifying and restructuring the patients\' sexual identity to allow for the promotion of contact between these patients and conventional sexual partners. METHOD: We conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blind clinical trial with two groups: experimental (N = 6) and control (N = 8). All patients were diagnosed with paraphilia and were treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The psychotherapeutic interventions lasted sixteen weeks, and its frequency was one session a week. Behavioral changes were monitored using a diary, whereas psychiatric comorbidities, quality of life, and social adequacy were assessed using psychometric scales in the three study periods: baseline, end, and post-intervention follow-up. RESULTS: There was no significant improvement of depression, quality of life, and social adequacy scores for both groups. The experimental group showed a trend toward better response to depression when we considered this as categorical variable. Both groups showed higher inability of social adequacy (when compared with non-clinical populations); tendency of increased state of anxiety; improvement of overall clinical status, and reduced levels of paraphilia severity. There were statistically significant differences between the groups. The experimental group showed increased frequency of normophilic fantasies and masturbation; increased demand for normophilic erotic contact, and decreased paraphilic fantasies. However, there was a decrease in normophilic intimate contact (kisses, hugs, and caresses) in this group. There were statistically significant intragroup differences. The experimental group had reduced paraphilic and total (paraphilic and normophilic) intimate contact. The placebo group had increased paraphilic sexual intercourse and higher frequency of sexual fantasies (paraphilic and normophilic). CONCLUSIONS: The positive outcomes found in the intervention group showed the importance of psychotherapy in identifying and treating the paraphilic patients\' impediments that prevent them from having relationships with normophilic sexual partners. This was reinforced by the finding that the experimental group showed positive changes in terms of sexual behaviors, fantasies, and urges, which were closer to conventional standards

Impacto da psicoterapia sobre a escolha dos parceiros sexuais de parafílicos em tratamento medicamentoso / Impact of psychotherapy on the choice of sexual partners by patients with paraphilia on drug treatment

Waldemar Mendes de Oliveira Junior 10 June 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com diagnóstico de parafilias e de transtornos relacionados às parafilias ocupam a atenção pública e clínica por se tratarem de indivíduos potencialmente inconvenientes, causadores de problemas à sociedade e a si próprios. Caracteristicamente, apresentam padrões invulgares de comportamento sexual e distinguem-se pela escolha de parcerias ou de contextos sexuais incomuns. JUSTIFICATIVA: O tratamento atual leva em consideração comportamentos, fantasias e necessidades sexuais parafílicas e procura modificá-los por meio de psicoterapia cognitivocomportamental, medicação antidepressiva e antiandrogênica. Apenas a supressão destes comportamentos tem se mostrado insatisfatória e ainda apresenta altas taxas de reincidência. Não há resultados publicados sobre a efetividade de um novo tratamento psicoterapêutico, cujo foco esteja voltado para a identificação e a reestruturação da identidade sexual e cujo principal objetivo seja o de promover maior contato destes pacientes com parcerias sexuais convencionais. MÉTODO: A intervenção foi testada por meio de ensaio clínico de tratamento, randomizado, placebo controlado e unicego, realizado com dois grupos paralelos: experimental (N=6) e controle (N=8). Todos os pacientes apresentavam diagnóstico de parafilias e foram medicados com inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina. As intervenções psicoterapêuticas duraram dezesseis semanas com frequência de uma sessão por semana. As mudanças comportamentais foram monitoradas por meio de um diário e as comorbidades psiquiátricas, a qualidade de vida e a adequação social foram avaliadas por meio de escalas psicométricas, nos três períodos do estudo: início, término e seguimento pósintervenção. RESULTADOS: Não houve melhora estatisticamente significante dos escores de depressão, qualidade de vida e adequação social para ambos os grupos. O grupo experimental apresentou tendência de melhor resposta para depressão ao se tomar esta variável de forma categorial. Ambos os grupos apresentaram: maior incapacidade de adequação social (comparados a populações não clínicas); tendência de aumento do estado de ansiedade; melhora clínica global e redução dos índices de gravidade das parafilias. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos. Para o grupo experimental: aumento de fantasias e masturbações normofílicas; maior procura por contatos eróticos normofílicos e diminuição de fantasias parafílicas. Porém, houve diminuição de contatos íntimos normofílicos (beijos, abraços e carícias) para este grupo. Houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes intragrupos. Para o grupo experimental: redução de contatos íntimos parafílicos e totais (parafílicos e normofílicos). Para o grupo placebo: aumento de relações sexuais parafílicas e da totalidade das fantasias sexuais (parafílicas e normofílicas). CONCLUSÕES: Os defechos favoráveis observados no grupo de intervenção evidenciaram a importância em se identificar e trabalhar psicoterapeuticamente o impedimento que os parafílicos apresentam de se relacionar com parcerias sexuais normofílicas, uma vez que para o grupo experimental as mudanças positivas observadas no comportamento, fantasias e necessidades sexuais caminharam em direção a padrões convencionais / INTRODUCTION: Patients diagnosed with paraphilia and paraphilia-related disorders have public and medical attention drawn to them because they are potentially disturbing individuals who cause problems to society and to themselves. Typically, they show unusual patterns of sexual behavior and make unusual choices related to sexual partners or sexual contexts. RATIONALE: Current treatment considers paraphilic behaviors, fantasies, and urges, trying to change these symptoms using cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, antidepressants, and anti-androgen medication. The elimination of these behaviors has proved unsatisfactory and still has high recurrence rates. We could not find in the literature any studies on the effectiveness of a new psychotherapeutic treatment focused on identifying and restructuring the patients\' sexual identity to allow for the promotion of contact between these patients and conventional sexual partners. METHOD: We conducted a randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blind clinical trial with two groups: experimental (N = 6) and control (N = 8). All patients were diagnosed with paraphilia and were treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The psychotherapeutic interventions lasted sixteen weeks, and its frequency was one session a week. Behavioral changes were monitored using a diary, whereas psychiatric comorbidities, quality of life, and social adequacy were assessed using psychometric scales in the three study periods: baseline, end, and post-intervention follow-up. RESULTS: There was no significant improvement of depression, quality of life, and social adequacy scores for both groups. The experimental group showed a trend toward better response to depression when we considered this as categorical variable. Both groups showed higher inability of social adequacy (when compared with non-clinical populations); tendency of increased state of anxiety; improvement of overall clinical status, and reduced levels of paraphilia severity. There were statistically significant differences between the groups. The experimental group showed increased frequency of normophilic fantasies and masturbation; increased demand for normophilic erotic contact, and decreased paraphilic fantasies. However, there was a decrease in normophilic intimate contact (kisses, hugs, and caresses) in this group. There were statistically significant intragroup differences. The experimental group had reduced paraphilic and total (paraphilic and normophilic) intimate contact. The placebo group had increased paraphilic sexual intercourse and higher frequency of sexual fantasies (paraphilic and normophilic). CONCLUSIONS: The positive outcomes found in the intervention group showed the importance of psychotherapy in identifying and treating the paraphilic patients\' impediments that prevent them from having relationships with normophilic sexual partners. This was reinforced by the finding that the experimental group showed positive changes in terms of sexual behaviors, fantasies, and urges, which were closer to conventional standards

Des délits et des hommes : portrait des auteurs d’actions indécentes du Québec et caractéristiques associées à la récidive et à la commission de crimes sexuels avec contacts

Paquin-Lafleur, Stéphanie 10 1900 (has links)
Le crime d’action indécente a longtemps été défini par la communauté scientifique et administré par la justice davantage comme une nuisance qu’un crime sexuel. Cette situation peut s’expliquer du fait que ce type de délit n’implique pas de contacts sexuels physiques avec la victime et que les conséquences négatives associées à l’agression sur la victime sont souvent minimisées. Ainsi, cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un stage à la Division des crimes contre la personne de la Sûreté du Québec. Cette recherche a comme application concrète de soutenir le processus de ciblage des récidivistes potentiels en matière d’actions indécentes dans le cadre de dossiers d’enquêtes. Le but est donc de décrire un portrait rétrospectif de la carrière criminelle des 3 572 auteurs présumés ou avérés d’actions indécentes dénoncés au Québec entre 2011 et 2018 Des analyses univariées, bivariées et multivariées ainsi qu’une courbe ROC ont été effectuées sur la population à l’étude. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent que près de 22% des infracteurs sont récidivistes en matière d’action indécente et que 18% de la population à l’étude ont commis un crime sexuel avec contacts sur une victime. Les deux groupes se sont également avérés être en grande majorité des hommes, plus jeunes en termes d’âge, plus prolifiques et plus diversifiés en termes de variété de catégories de crimes que ceux qui n’ont jamais récidivé ou commis de crime sexuel avec contact. Finalement, les meilleurs prédicteurs se sont avérés être le sexe des infracteurs, la présence d’antécédents de crimes sexuels, de crimes violents et de crimes de la catégorie « Autres infractions criminelles » pouvant être associés à des bris d’ordonnances ou des omissions de se conformer à des engagements de la Cour. Ces individus demeurent toutefois marginaux puisque la grande majorité de la population d’auteurs d’actions indécentes n’a pas commis de récidive ou encore de crime sexuel avec contact sur une victime. / The crime of indecent act has long been defined by the scientific community and administered by justice more as a nuisance than a sexual crime. This can be explained by the fact that this type of crime does not involve physical sexual contact with the victim and that the negative consequences associated with the assault on the victim are often minimized. Thus, this study is part of an internship at the Crimes Against the Person Division of the Sûreté du Québec. The concrete application of this research is to support the process of targeting potential recidivists for indecent acts in investigation files. The goal is therefore to describe a retrospective portrait of the criminal careers of the 3,572 alleged or proven perpetrators of indecent acts reported in Quebec between 2011 and 2018. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses and a ROC analysis were performed on the study population. The results of the study suggest that nearly 22% of the offenders are repeat offenders in indecent acts and that 18% of the study population have committed a sexual crime with contact with a victim. Both groups were also found to be overwhelmingly male, younger in terms of age, more prolific, and more diverse in terms of the variety of crime categories than those who had never re-offended or committed a contact sexual crime. Finally, the best predictors were found to be the gender of the offenders, the presence of a history of sexual crimes, violent crimes, and crimes in the "Other Criminal Offences" category that may be associated with breaches of orders or failures to comply with court undertakings. However, these individuals remain marginal since the vast majority of the indecent act offender population has not committed a recidivism or a sexual crime involving contact with a victim.

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