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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tackling Occupational Segregation Via Female Managers but not Male Nurses? / Analyzing Men’s and Women’s Entries Into, Exits From, and Experiences in Gender-Atypical Occupations

Hamjediers, Maik 06 January 2025 (has links)
Negative Folgen daraus, dass Frauen und Männer in unterschiedlichen Berufen arbeiten, machen die Reduktion beruflicher Segregation zu einem wichtigen politischen Ziel. Die Forschung konzentriert sich jedoch primär auf Erklärungen der Segregation, während Strategien zur Desegregation von geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen weniger Beachtung finden. Des Weiteren wird berufliche Desegregation in der Öffentlichkeit und Wissenschaft vorwiegend als Vorteil für Frauen wahrgenommen, während die Abneigung von Männern, in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen zu arbeiten, oft vernachlässigt wird. Diese kumulative Dissertation widmet sich dem Desegregationspotenzial geschlechtsuntypischer Berufe für Frauen und Männer. Die erste Studie untersucht anhand des deutschen Zivildienstes, wie geschlechtsuntypische Lernerfahrungen den Einstieg von Männern in geschlechtsuntypische Berufe fördern können. Die zweite Studie beschreibt, wie Männer und Frauen durch unterschiedliche Mechanismen aus geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen und Unternehmen, in denen das eigene Geschlecht in der Minderheit ist, verdrängt werden. Die dritte Studie untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Selektion in geschlechtsuntypische Berufe und den Erfahrungen in diesen. Sie zeigt, dass sich stressresistente Personen eher in diese Berufe hineinselektieren, was sie jedoch nicht vor mentalen Gesundheitsrisiken in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufen schützt. Die Studien zeichnen die Dynamiken geschlechtsuntypischer Berufe anhand von Ein- und Austritten sowie der fehlenden Interdependenz zwischen Selektion und Erfahrungen nach. Die nach Geschlecht getrennten Analysen verdeutlichen, dass geschlechtsuntypische Berufe mit geschlechtsspezifischen Hindernissen einhergehen. Die ergänzende Betrachtung von Männern zur auf Frauen fokussierten Forschung trägt nicht nur Strategien zur Desegregation frauendominierter Berufe bei, sondern zum Verständnis geschlechtsspezifischer Hindernisse und Potenziale bezüglich beruflicher Desegregation. / Negative consequences arising from women and men working in different occupations render addressing occupational segregation a significant policy goal. However, most research focuses on explaining segregation; strategies to foster entries and persistence in occupations dominated by the other gender receive less attention. Furthermore, occupational integration is often viewed as beneficial for women's economic advancement. The reluctance of men to work in gender-atypical occupations, on the other hand, plays a subordinate role. In response, this cumulative dissertation hones in on the integrating potential of gender-atypical occupations for women as well as men. The first study highlights a policy potential of increasing men's entry into gender-atypical occupations based on evidence from gender-atypical learning experiences in the civilian service in Germany. The second study compares the exit from gender-atypical occupations with the exit from firms in which one's own gender is in the minority and shows that exits from gender-atypical occupations operate along gender-specific mechanisms. The third study explores the relationship between the selection into gender-atypical occupations and the experiences within them, showing that stress-resilient individuals are more likely to select into them, yet, this does protect them against negative mental health consequences of gender-atypical occupations. These studies trace the dynamics of gender-atypical occupations through entries, exits, and the interdependence between selection and experiences. The analyses reveal that each gender faces distinct obstacles when entering and working in gender-atypical occupations. Thus, complementing efforts focused on women with similar attention to men not only informs strategies for integrating female-dominated occupations but also provides a more nuanced understanding of gender-specific barriers and potentials for occupational integration.

Por que caem? O fenômeno da cassação de prefeitos pela câmaras municipais / Why do they fall: The ousting of mayor by the City Council

Pessoa, Bruno Martins 08 February 2019 (has links)
Qual o nível de conflito que torna uma crise intratável e resulta na cassação do mandato eletivo do prefeito pela Câmara Municipal? A literatura que se dedica a explicar esse fenômeno se divide em duas perspectivas: 1) variáveis sociais forçam os parlamentares a agir contra o incumbente e as variáveis políticas agem de forma complementar e, 2) fatores políticos levam os legisladores a forçar a saída do cargo do incumbente, com fatores sociais agindo de forma complementar. Em comum a essas duas perspectivas há o papel desempenhado pelo Legislativo como fator chave para a interrupção do mandato do chefe do Executivo. Esta pesquisa investiga sobre as causas determinantes da remoção dos prefeitos pelo parlamento municipal. Portanto, busca-se revelar são as variáveis institucionais e não institucionais que influenciam na motivação dos parlamentares que, diante de uma crise não assimilável, optam por cassar o mandato eletivo do prefeito a mantê-lo no cargo. A pesquisa utiliza dados coletados de 335 câmaras municipais paulistas sobre processos de cassação no período de 1992 a 2012 para trazer informações sobre a dinâmica do fenômeno no interior do Legislativo. Foram utilizados também dados do TSE e Seade das eleições municipais referentes a esse período. Essa base de dados original permite que testemos as principais explicações fornecidas pela literatura. O tema se insere dentro da literatura sobre remoção de presidentes, como um subgrupo desse fenômeno. Resultados das análises estatísticas descritivas apontam que o quadro de variáveis extraído dessa literatura apresenta um comportamento semelhante, em decorrência do desenho institucional do município que é simétrico ao ente federal, por força constitucional. Em conclusão, este estudo contribui com o debate que elucida os fatores que levam à ocorrência do fenômeno em questão, que pode ser entendido como um subgrupo da literatura que trata da remoção de membros do Executivo em diferentes instâncias. / What level of conflict makes a crisis intractable and results in the ousting of the mayor\'s elective term by the City Council? The literature that deals with understanding this phenomenon is divided into two opposing perspectives: 1) social variables force parliamentarians to act against the incumbent and the political variables act in a complementary way, and 2) political factors lead the legislators to force the incumbent out of office, with social factors acting in a complementary way. Both perspectives, however, share the understanding that the role played by the Legislative is a key factor for the interruption of the head of the Executive\'s mandate. This study investigates the determining causes of the removal of mayors by the local parliament. Thus, it aims at identifying the institutional and non-institutional variables that influence the motivation of parliamentarians who, faced with a crisis that is not assimilable, choose to remove the elective mandate of the mayor to keep him in office. The research uses data collected from 335 São Paulo municipal councils on ousting proceedings from 1992 to 2012 to provide information on the dynamics of the phenomenon within the Legislative. Data from the TSE and Seade of the municipal elections for this period were also used. This original database allows us to test the main explanations provided by the literature. The theme falls within the literature on the removal of presidents, as a subgroup of this phenomenon. Results of the descriptive statistical analyzes indicate that the variables extracted from this literature presents a similar behavior, due to the institutional design of the municipality that is symmetrical to the federal entity, by constitutional force. In conclusion, this study contributes to the debate that elucidates the factors that lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon in question, which can be understood as a subgroup of the literature that deals with the removal of members of the Executive in different instances.

Comportamento de crianças em movimento em escadas: subsí­dios para o dimensionamento dos meios de escape em escolas / Dado não fornecido pelo autor.

Valentim, Marcos Vargas 17 August 2018 (has links)
A norma brasileira que trata de Saídas de Emergência, a ABNT NBR 9077:2001, pressupõe que o perfil da população de alunos em edifícios escolares, do ensino fundamental à universidade, é homogêneo, e que, portanto, não há eventuais particularidades inerentes às diferentes faixas etárias no uso das saídas de emergência. Esta pesquisa partiu da hipótese de que o perfil da população e, em particular, o de crianças do ciclo básico do ensino fundamental, pode ser diferente do adulto e, por consequência, demandar um dimensionamento específico para as saídas de emergência. Assim, realizou-se a coleta e análise de dados relativos à velocidade de caminhamento e aspectos comportamentais de crianças no movimento de descida de escadas, além de buscar correlações entre as velocidades e os dados antropométricos. Participaram da pesquisa 783 alunos do ciclo básico do ensino fundamental, oriundos de três escolas de ensino gratuito, com idade entre 6 e 10 anos. Foram testadas duas técnicas para a coleta dos dados: filmagens obtidas por meio de sistema fechado de televisão (CFTV) e sistema de identificação por rádio frequência (RFID), sendo que essa última não atendeu às expectativas e necessidades da pesquisa. As velocidades obtidas por processamento de dados de filmagens foram comparadas com as adotadas nos softwares de simulação de abandono \"FDS+EVAC\" e \"Simulex\". Constatou-se que, para os lances das escadas, as velocidades das crianças obtidas se assemelham as de referência de adultos (0,45 m/s até 1,05 m/s). Já para a velocidades obtidas nos patamares, houve grande dispersão, em relação aos valores de referência para adultos e crianças. Verificou-se, também, que o trajeto mais utilizado nos patamares foi o interno (mais curto) e que o emprego de métodos simplificados para estimar esses trajetos pode resultar em dados de velocidade imprecisos. Não foi constatada nenhuma correlação significativa entre as medidas antropométricas (IMC e bideltóide) e as velocidades dos alunos em lances ou patamares de escadas. Devido a dispersão dos resultados obtidos, não é possível a confirmação da hipótese inicial desta pesquisa. / In the Brazilian Technical Standard concerning means of egress (ABNT NBR 9077. 2001) it is presumed that the profile of students\' population in educational buildings, from elementary school to college, is homogeneous. Therefore, it does not consider the eventual particularities intrinsic to specific age groups during the use of egress systems. Assuming that the profile of elementary school children may be different from adults\', the criteria applicable to a variety of means of egress components could be more specific according to the occupant\'s characteristics. Thus, data regarding walking speeds and behavioral aspects of children in descending movement of stairs were collected and analyzed. Anthropometric data (weight, height and bideltoid measurement) from each child were also collected in order to seek correlations between these dimensions and the walking speeds. 783 elementary students from 3 different public schools, ages varying from 6 to 10 years old, participated in this research. Two techniques were tested for collecting data: recorded images from closed-circuit television (CCTV) and signals from radio-frequency identification (RFID); however, the last one was discarded due to technical difficulties. When compared to the speeds adopted by the egress simulation softwares \"FDS+EVAC\" and \"Simulex\", it was noticed that children\'s travel speeds in stairs are actually quite similar to the ones adopted for adults (0,45 m/s to 1,05 m/s), contrasting with the common sense that infants are slower than grown-ups. As for the walking speeds on landings, a wide dispersion in relation to parameters determined for adults and children was found. It was also noticed that most infants chose the shortest path (internal) on landings and that designation of a simplified average trajectory can lead to inaccurate travel speeds. Regarding the anthropometric measurements and walking speeds, no direct correlation was found. Due to the significant dispersion of the results, the initial hypothesis of this research could not be confirmed.

Samhällsbyggnadskonsekvenser av riksgränsens rättsliga reglering mellan Sverige och Norge / Consequences on urban management by the national border between Sweden and Norway

Eliaeson, Emilia, Nilsson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Sveriges och Norges geografiska landområde skiljs av riksgränsen. Riksgränsen är den längsta i Europa och avgränsar svensk och norsk lagstiftnings tillämpningsområde. Syftet med studien är att utreda vilken påverkan riksgränsen mellan Sverige och Norge har på samhällsbyggnadsprocessen i gränsnära områden. Detta görs genom att studera översynen av riksgränsen, gränsöverskridande byggnader och fastigheter med utfart över riksgränsen. Studien har genomförts med tre tillvägagångssätt i form av en studie av litteratur, intervjuer med sakkunniga och granskning av förrättningsakter. För studien av litteratur har relevant lagtext, förarbeten och doktrin studerats. Intervjuer med sakkunniga och granskning av förrättningsakter har genomförts för att samla in information som inte kunde inhämtas genom studien av litteratur. Riksgränsens sträckning regleras i svensk rätt av förordning om riksgränsen mellan Sverige och Norge (SFS 1989:809) och i norsk rätt av lov om grensetillsyn og grensekontroll av personer (LOV nr 8, 20/04/2018), som båda hänvisar till överenskommelser mellan länderna från år 1661 och 1751. Översyner av riksgränsen genomförs gemensamt av länderna i enlighet med nämnda överenskommelser. Uppförande av byggnader på riksgränsen sker genom samarbete mellan Sverige och Norge. En problematik med att uppföra byggnader på riksgränsen är att det tolkas strida mot bestämmelser i nämnda överenskommelser vilket gör att ett beslut om undantag från bestämmelserna måste ske.Vem som ska ta ett sådant beslut är inte självklart. Av de studerade fastigheterna vars utfart passerar riksgränsen är det ingen som har någon formell rätt till utfart. Fastigheternauppfyller kraven på lämplighet i 3 kap. fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988) såvida inter iksgränsen riskerar att stängas vilket var fallet under coronapandemin åren 2020-2022. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att den svenska lagstiftningen för riksgränsen behöver ses över eftersom det finns brister i vad som gäller för exempelvis uppförande av en byggnad på gränsen. Svensk och norsk lagstiftning är i många avseenden lik varandra vilket gör att samordning fungerar bra vid åtgärder inom samhällsbyggnadsprocessen i gränsnära områden. Däremot har stängningen av riksgränsen under pandemin medfört konsekvenser som gör att det finns anledning att ifrågasätta en alltför snäv samordning mellan länderna utan restriktioner. / The geographical land area of Sweden and Norway is separated by a national border. The national border is the longest in Europe and sets apart the Swedish and Norwegian area of aw. The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of the national border between Sweden and Norway on the process of urban management in border close areas. This is carried out by studying the border overhaul of the national border, cross-border buildings and property units whose property exit crosses the national border. The study has been made with three modes of procedure consisting of a study of literature,interviews with specialists and examination of cadastral dossiers. For the study of literature relevant text of law, legal preparatory work and doctrine has been studied. Interviews with specialists and examination of cadastral dossiers has been carried out to gather information which couldn’t be gathered by the study of literature.The extension of the national border is regulated in Swedish law in ordinance of the national border between Sweden and Norway (SFS 1989:809) and in Norwegian law in law of border supervision and border control of people (LOV nr 8, 20/04/2018), which both refers to agreements between the nations from 1661 and 1751. Overhauls of the national border are carried out jointly by the countries in accordance with the mentioned agreements. Construction of buildings on the national border takes place through cooperation between Sweden and Norway. A problem with construction of buildings onthe national border is that it is interpreted to be contrary to terms in the mentioned agreements, which means that an exception from the regulations must be made. Who should make such a decision isn’t obvious. Out of all the examined property units whose property exit crosses the national border, none of them have a legislated right to use the property exit. The property units fulfills the demands of adequacy regulated in the third chapter first article of the Swedish property formation act (SFS 1970:988) unless the national border isn’t threatened to close, which was the case during the covid pandemic 2020-2022. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the Swedish law for the national border needs to be reviewed because the law is lacking in what applies for example construction of a building on the border. Swedish and Norwegian laws are in many aspects alike which makes coordination between the countries function well for actions within the process of urban management in border close areas. However the closing of the national border due to the pandemic has caused consequences the law couldn’t foresee and a need for restrictions and regulations seem imminent

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