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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur påverkar olika ledarskapsstilar ambidexterity i revisionsbyråer?

Metaj, Shqiponja, Nilsson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
En förutsättning för att revisionsbyråer skall överleva, är att lägga fokus på både förbättring och förnyelse av tjänster och produkter. Detta för att företag kontinuerligt behöver anpassa sitt utbud till den externa miljöns skiften och föränderliga efterfrågan. Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur integrerat ledarskap påverkar förmågan att uppnå ambidexterity i revisionsbyråer. Studien har för avsikt att utforska olika ledarskapsstilar och eventuella samband mellan dessa och ambidexterity i revisionsbyråer. Genom användning av relevant teori och angränsande litteratur som berör integrerat ledarskap och ambidexterity, har en modell tagits fram som undersöker kopplingar mellan de aktuella ledarskapsstilarna och ambidexterity i revisionsbyråer. Med hjälp av en enkätundersökning som skickades till auktoriserade och godkända revisorer, har modellen testats empiriskt. Detta resulterade i 141 svar, där 104 svar var fullständiga. Resultaten av studien indikerar att ingen av de testade ledarskapsstilarna kan signifikant förklara någon påverkan på ambidexterity, dock tyder resultatet på att en auktoriserad revisor har en negativ påverkan på ambidexterity i förhållande till en godkänd revisor. Tidigare forskning tyder på att ambidexterity påverkas av faktorer som inte berörs i denna studie. Möjligtvis  har dessa faktorer starkare påverkan på ambidexterity än integrerat ledarskap vilket kan vara anledning till varför något förklarande samband på området inte kunnat påvisas. Oavsett vad som styr ambidexterity verkar revisionsbyråer i en föränderlig miljö vilket medför att förbättringar av befintligt utbud är viktigt att fokusera på samtidigt som helt nya tjänster verkar behövas för långsiktig överlevnad. Kunskap vad gäller hur ledarskap påverkar ambidexterity kan medföra att revisionsbyråer får en inblick om vad som kan öka deras överlevnad. Genom en balans mellan exploaterande och utforskande innovationer, kan konkurrenskraften stärkas för byråerna. / A prerequisite for audit firms to survive, is focus on both improvement and renewal of services and products. This because companies constantly need to adapt their range of services and products to the external environment fluctuations and changing demands. The purpose of the study is to explain how integrated leadership affects the ability to achieve ambidexterity in accounting firms. The study aims to explore various leadership styles and potential relationships between them and ambidexterity in audit firms. Thru use of relevant theory and adjoining literature regarding integrated leadership and ambidexterity, a model has been produced which examines connections between the current leadership styles and ambidexterity in audit firms. With the help of a questionnaire sent to authorized and approved auditors, the model has been tested empirically. This resulted in 141 responses, with 104 completed responses. The results of the study indicates that none of the tested leadership styles can explain effect on ambidexterity, however, the result shows that authorized auditors have a negative correlation with ambidexterity in relation to approved auditors. Recent research indicates that ambidexterity is affected by factors not being covered in this study. Possibly these factors have stronger effect on ambidexterity than integrated leadership which may be the reason why no explaining relationship has been found on the matter. Regardless what governs ambidexterity audit firms operates in a changing environment, which makes improvements of existing supply important to focus at the same time as new services seem to be needed for long term survival. Knowledge regarding how leadership affects ambidexterity implies that audit firms get a glimpse of what could increase their survival. Through a balance between exploitative and explorative innovation, it contributes to improving the competitiveness of the firms.

DNA microarrays: applications and novel approaches for analysis and interpretation / DNA Mikroarrays: Anwendungen und neue Ansätze für die Analyse und Interpretation

Engelmann, Julia Cathérine January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Entwicklung eines phylogenetischen DNA Microarrays, die Analyse von mehreren Microarray-Genexpressionsdatensätzen und neue Ansätze für die Datenanalyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Die Entwicklung und Analyse der Daten eines phylogenetischen DNA Microarrays wird in der ersten Publikation dargestellt. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Spezies-Detektion mit phylogenetischen Microarrays durch die Datenanalyse mit einem linearen Regressionsansatz signifikant verbessert werden kann. Standard-Methoden haben bislang nur Signalintensitäten betrachtet und eine Spezies als an- oder abwesend bezeichnet, wenn die Signalintensität ihres Messpunktes oberhalb eines willkürlich gesetzten Schwellenwertes lag. Dieses Verfahren ist allerdings aufgrund von Kreuz-Hybridisierungen nicht auf sehr nah verwandte Spezies mit hoher Sequenzidentität anwendbar. Durch die Modellierung des Hybridisierungs und Kreuz-Hybridisierungsverhaltens mit einem linearen Regressionsmodell konnte ich zeigen, dass Spezies mit einer Sequenzähnlichkeit von 97% im Markergen immer noch unterschieden werden können. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Modellierung ist, dass auch Mischungen verschiedener Spezies zuverlässig vorhergesagt werden können. Theoretisch sind auch quantitative Vorhersagen mit diesem Modell möglich. Um die großen Datenmengen, die in öffentlichen Microarray-Datenbanken abgelegt sind besser nutzen zu können, bieten sich Meta-Analysen an. In der zweiten Publikation wird eine explorative Meta-Analyse auf Arabidopsis thaliana-Datensätzen vorgestellt. Mit der Analyse verschiedener Datensätze, die den Einfluss von Pflanzenhormonen, Pathogenen oder verschiedenen Mutationen auf die Genexpression untersucht haben, konnten die Datensätze anhand ihrer Genexpressionsprofile in drei große Gruppen eingeordnet werden: Experimente mit Indol-3-Essigsäure (IAA), mit Pathogenen und andere Experimente. Gene, die charakteristisch für die Gruppe der IAA-Datensätze beziehungsweise für die Gruppe der Pathogen-Datensätze sind, wurden näher betrachtet. Diese Gene hatten Funktionen, die bereits mit Pathogenbefall bzw. dem Einfluss von IAA in Verbindung gebracht wurden. Außerdem wurden Hypothesen über die Funktionen von bislang nicht annotierten Genen aufgestellt. In dieser Arbeit werden auch Primäranalysen von einzelnen Arabidopsis thaliana Genexpressions-Datensätzen vorgestellt. In der dritten Publikation wird ein Experiment beschrieben, das durchgeführt wurde um herauszufinden ob Mikrowellen-Strahlung einen Einfluss auf die Genexpression einer Zellkultur hat. Dazu wurden explorative Analysemethoden angewendet. Es wurden geringe aber signifikante Veränderungen in einer sehr kleinen Anzahl von Genen beobachtet, die experimentell bestätigt werden konnten. Die Funktionen der regulierten Gene und eine Meta-Analyse mit öffentlich zugänglichen Datensätzen einer Datenbank deuten darauf hin, dass die pflanzliche Zellkultur die Strahlung als eine Art Energiequelle ähnlich dem Licht wahrnimmt. Des weiteren wird in der vierten Publikation die funktionelle Analyse eines Arabidopsis thaliana Genexpressionsdatensatzes beschrieben. Die Analyse der Genexpressions eines pflanzlichen Tumores zeigte, dass er seinen Stoffwechsel von aerob und auxotroph auf anaerob und heterotroph umstellt. Gene der Photosynthese werden im Tumorgewebe reprimiert, Gene des Aminosäure- und Fettstoffwechsels, der Zellwand und Transportkanäle werden so reguliert, dass Wachstum und Entwicklung des Tumors gefördert werden. In der fünften Publikation in dieser Arbeit wird GEPAT (Genome Expression Pathway Analysis Tool) beschrieben. Es besteht aus einer Internet- Anwendung und einer Datenbank, die das einfache Hochladen von Datensätzen in die Datenbank und viele Möglichkeiten der Datenanalyse und die Integration anderer Datentypen erlaubt. In den folgenden zwei Publikationen (Publikation 6 und Publikation 7) wird GEPAT auf humane Microarray-Datensätze angewendet um Genexpressionsdaten mit weiteren Datentypen zu verknüpfen. Genexpressionsdaten und Daten aus vergleichender Genom-Hybridisierung (CGH) von primären Tumoren von 71 Mantel-Zell-Lymphom (MCL) Patienten ermöglichte die Ermittlung eines Prädiktors, der die Vorhersage der Überlebensdauer von Patienten gegenüber herkömmlichen Methoden verbessert. Die Analyse der CGH Daten zeigte, dass auch diese für die Vorhersage der Überlebensdauer geeignet sind. Für den Datensatz von Patienten mit großzellig diffusem B-Zell-Lymphom DLBCL konnte aus den Genexpressionsdaten ebenfalls ein neuer Prädiktor vorgeschlagen werden. Mit den zwischen lang und kurz überlebenden Patienten differentiell exprimierten Genen der MCL Patienten und mit den Genen, die zwischen den beiden Untergruppen von DLBCL reguliert sind, wurden Interaktionsnetzwerke gebildet. Diese zeigen, dass bei beiden Krebstypen Gene des Zellzyklus und der Proliferation zwischen Patienten mit kurzer und langer Überlebensdauer unterschiedlich reguliert sind. / In this thesis, the development of a phylogenetic DNA microarray, the analysis of several gene expression microarray datasets and new approaches for improved data analysis and interpretation are described. In the first publication, the development and analysis of a phylogenetic microarray is presented. I could show that species detection with phylogenetic DNA microarrays can be significantly improved when the microarray data is analyzed with a linear regression modeling approach. Standard methods have so far relied on pure signal intensities of the array spots and a simple cutoff criterion was applied to call a species present or absent. This procedure is not applicable to very closely related species with high sequence similarity because cross-hybridization of non-target DNA renders species detection impossible based on signal intensities alone. By modeling hybridization and cross-hybridization with linear regression, as I have presented in this thesis, even species with a sequence similarity of 97% in the marker gene can be detected and distinguished from related species. Another advantage of the modeling approach over existing methods is that the model also performs well on mixtures of different species. In principle, also quantitative predictions can be made. To make better use of the large amounts of microarray data stored in public databases, meta-analysis approaches need to be developed. In the second publication, an explorative meta-analysis exemplified on Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression datasets is presented. Integrating datasets studying effects such as the influence of plant hormones, pathogens and different mutations on gene expression levels, clusters of similarly treated datasets could be found. From the clusters of pathogen-treated and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) treated datasets, representative genes were selected which pointed to functions which had been associated with pathogen attack or IAA effects previously. Additionally, hypotheses about the functions of so far uncharacterized genes could be set up. Thus, this kind of meta-analysis could be used to propose gene functions and their regulation under different conditions. In this work, also primary data analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana datasets is presented. In the third publication, an experiment which was conducted to find out if microwave irradiation has an effect on the gene expression of a plant cell culture is described. During the first steps, the data analysis was carried out blinded and exploratory analysis methods were applied to find out if the irradiation had an effect on gene expression of plant cells. Small but statistically significant changes in a few genes were found and could be experimentally confirmed. From the functions of the regulated genes and a meta-analysis with publicly available microarray data, it could be suspected that the plant cell culture somehow perceived the irradiation as energy, similar to perceiving light rays. The fourth publication describes the functional analysis of another Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression dataset. The gene expression data of the plant tumor dataset pointed to a switch from a mainly aerobic, auxotrophic to an anaerobic and heterotrophic metabolism in the plant tumor. Genes involved in photosynthesis were found to be repressed in tumors; genes of amino acid and lipid metabolism, cell wall and solute transporters were regulated in a way that sustains tumor growth and development. Furthermore, in the fifth publication, GEPAT (Genome Expression Pathway Analysis Tool), a tool for the analysis and integration of microarray data with other data types, is described. It consists of a web application and database which allows comfortable data upload and data analysis. In later chapters of this thesis (publication 6 and publication 7), GEPAT is used to analyze human microarray datasets and to integrate results from gene expression analysis with other datatypes. Gene expression and comparative genomic hybridization data from 71 Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) patients was analyzed and allowed proposing a seven gene predictor which facilitates survival predictions for patients compared to existing predictors. In this study, it was shown that CGH data can be used for survival predictions. For the dataset of Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients, an improved survival predictor could be found based on the gene expression data. From the genes differentially expressed between long and short surviving MCL patients as well as for regulated genes of DLBCL patients, interaction networks could be set up. They point to differences in regulation for cell cycle and proliferation genes between patients with good and bad prognosis.

Spatial classification methods for efficient infiltration measurements and transfer of measuring results / Räumlich orientierte Klassifikationsverfahren für effiziente Fremdwassermessungen und für die Übertragung von Messergebnissen

Franz, Torsten 13 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A comprehensive knowledge about the infiltration situation in a sewer system is required for sustainable operation and cost-effective maintenance. Due to the high expenditures of infiltration measurements an optimisation of necessary measurement campaigns and a reliable transfer of measurement results to comparable areas are essential. Suitable methods were developed to improve the information yield of measurements by identifying appropriate measuring point locations and to assign measurement results to other potential measuring points by comparing sub-catchments and classifying reaches. The methods are based on the introduced similarity approach “Similar sewer conditions lead to similar infiltration/inflow rates” and on modified multivariate statistical techniques. The developed methods have a high degree of freedom against data needs. They were successfully tested on real and generated data. For suitable catchments it is estimated, that the optimisation potential amounts up to 40 % accuracy improvement compared to non-optimised measuring point configurations. With an acceptable error the transfer of measurement results was successful for up to 75 % of the investigated sub-catchments. With the proposed methods it is possible to improve the information about the infiltration status of sewer systems and to reduce the measurement related uncertainty which results in significant cost savings for the operator. / Für den nachhaltigen Betrieb und die kosteneffiziente Unterhaltung von Kanalnetzen ist eine genaue Bestimmung ihrer Fremdwassersituation notwendig. Eine Optimierung der dazu erforderlichen Messkampagnen und eine zuverlässige Übertragung der Messergebnisse auf vergleichbare Gebiete sind aufgrund der hohen Aufwendungen für Infiltrationsmessungen angezeigt. Dafür wurden geeignete Methoden entwickelt, welche einerseits den Informationsgehalt von Messungen durch die Bestimmung optimaler Messpunkte verbessern und andererseits Messresultate mittels Vergleichen von Teileinzugsgebieten und Klassifizierungen von Kanalhaltungen zu anderen potenziellen Messstellen zuordnen. Die Methoden basieren auf dem Ähnlichkeitsansatz “Ähnliche Kanaleigenschaften führen zu ähnlichen Fremdwasserraten” und nutzen modifizierte multivariate statistische Verfahren. Sie haben einen hohen Freiheitsgrad bezüglich der Datenanforderung. Die Methoden wurden erfolgreich anhand gemessener und generierter Daten validiert. Es wird eingeschätzt, dass das Optimierungspotenzial bei geeigneten Einzugsgebieten bis zu 40 % gegenüber nicht optimierten Mess-netzen beträgt. Die Übertragung der Messergebnisse war mit einem akzeptablen Fehler für bis zu 75 % der untersuchten Teileinzugsgebiete erfolgreich. Mit den entwickelten Methoden ist es möglich, den Kenntnisstand über die Fremdwassersituation eines Kanalnetzes zu verbessern und die messungsbezogene Unsicherheit zu verringern. Dies resultiert in Kostenersparnissen für den Betreiber.

Do's and Dont's in Applications for Co-surfing News

Rimbark, Magnus January 2002 (has links)
<p>When more than one user uses a system with a single input device, the person in charge of the control is often active, and the by-sitters become passive. This situation can lead to frustration and boredom among the by-sitters. One way to solve this problem could be to distribute the con-trol over the system so that more than one user can control the system simultaneously. These systems, where many users can work simultane-ously with separate input devices connected to the same, shared screen, are called Single Display Groupwares. In this report, a single display groupware prototype for surfing news co-operatively was developed. The purpose of the prototype was to find out if the use of SDGs is likely to be a successful way to engage by-sitters and support co-operation while surfing news through a media terminal. The system was tested on pairs of users. The subjects of thestudy were observed while using the system, and a number of patterns in the users’ strategies in dealing with the si-multaneous input situation emerged. The main conclusions that were drawn from the study were that multiple input can be a good solution when the system is so complex that the use can be divided into several parallel sub-activities. When the use of the system can’t be split into parallel sub-activities, the users will only hinder each other, and the ex-tra input device will just make the division of control unclear without giving any benefit.</p>

The Epidemiology and Surveillance of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning in the Turks and Caicos Islands

Schneider, Evan 11 September 2012 (has links)
Innovative ways to conduct disease surveillance are required to address the complexity of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP). Mixed methods were employed to explore CFP epidemiology and interdisciplinary approaches to its surveillance in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). Quantitative analyses of cross-sectional data collected by the TCI’s National Epidemiology and Research Unit in 2010 demonstrated that a low percentage of residents reported lifetime histories of illness following fish consumption (3.9%). Furthermore, gender, age, island, and home remedy use were significantly associated with reported clinic visitation by ill individuals. Next, a multisectoral CFP surveillance model was conceptualized. A qualitative exploration of the model’s hypothetical integration into TCI’s health system revealed that several systemic and contextual factors could influence the future uptake of interdisciplinary CFP surveillance. Targeted interventions are recommended to improve national CFP surveillance and to facilitate the growth of interdisciplinary networks between stakeholders from TCI’s health, fisheries and environment sectors. / Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Ministry of Health and Human Resources of the Turks and Caicos

Exploring Organizational Identity as a Potential Process : A multiple case study on employee-oriented companies

Abildgaard Nielsen, Søren, Köhler, Florian January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore organizational identity as a potential process.   Design/Methodology/Approach: We applied a qualitative method and followed an inductive approach that was applied to a multiple-in-depth-case study for which we conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 members of two organizations, the Swedish consulting company REACH and the Swiss digital agency WONDROUS. Following a narrative approach, both for structuring the empirical findings, as well as conducting the analysis, we used over 16 hours of interviews to create company narratives and subsequently analyzed them in multiple steps in the fashion of a narrative analysis.   Findings: Based on our empirical findings and the empirical analysis, we developed a conceptualization, the Flux Model. We contribute to the existing body of literature by proposing that the Flux Model visualizes the dynamics of how organizational members socially construct organizational identity on the premise of their own (self-)perceptions. By presenting the different parts of the model and their multiple layers, the process of how organizational identity is continuously becoming is illustrated.   Research Limitations/Implications: The scope of our study is restricted to the two case companies in question. If our abstractions from the cases in form of the Flux Model help to better understand the process of organizing, managers become liberated to make deliberate choices about their organizations’ identities. For research this means an even tighter connection to individual psychology and a deepening of the perspective that organizational identity can not only be viewed as something companies have.   Originality/Value: Out of skepticism towards the usefulness of viewing organizational identity as a process, we applied a symbolic interpretivist perspective and allowed for the possibility that we might not find a process after all. The primary value of this study we believe to be found in the extensive presentation of empirical data, together with our narrative analysis and our conceptual contribution (the Flux Model).

Prediktion av behandlingsutfall 3 år efter avslutad internetbehandling mot insomni / Prediction of treatment outcome 3 years after internet delivered therapy for insomnia

Fältström, Leonard, Glimmefors, Donny January 2018 (has links)
Internetbaserad KBT är en behandlingsform som har visat god effekt vid insomni. Vården av personer med insomni skulle dock kunna förbättras av mer kunskap om faktorer som påverkar utfall på lång sikt. Föreliggande studie hade en explorativ ansats och syftet var att identifiera faktorer som kunde predicera behandlingsutfall vid 36-månadersuppföljning (FU36). Därutöver ämnade studien undersöka hur väl data insamlad innan behandlingen kunde predicera behandlingsutfall vid FU36 i jämförelse med data insamlad både innan och efter behandling. Behandlingsutfall definierades som förändring av insomnisymtom och grad av insomnisymtom vid FU36. Totalt inkluderades 203 deltagare från två olika behandlingsstudier, vilka genomgått 9–12 veckors insomnibehandling med eller utan kombinerad depressionsbehandling. Initiala korrelationer undersökte samband mellan prediktorer och utfallsmått, därefter genomfördes regressionsanalyser med de prediktorer som visade signifikanta samband. Resultaten påvisade att det var möjligt att predicera förändring och grad av insomnisymtom vid FU36. Prediktorer från data insamlad innan och efter behandling kunde predicera behandlingsutfall bäst och förklarade 33% av den totala variansen gällande förändring av insomnisymtom tre år efter avslutad behandling. Allvarligare grad av insomni vid behandlingsstart, förändring av insomnisymtom under behandlingen, hög ålder och missnöje vid utvärderingen kunde predicera insomnisymtom tre år efter avslutad behandling. Kliniskt kan detta innebära att patienter som riskerar sämre behandlingseffekt på lång sikt kan få bättre stöd. / Internet-based CBT is a treatment-form that has proved to be effective against insomnia. Treatment of patients with insomnia could benefit from more knowledge about factors that affect long-term outcomes. The present study had an explorative design and the aim was to identify factors that could predict treatment outcomes at 36-month-follow-up (FU36). The study also made a comparison of predictive power regarding treatment outcomes between data gathered before treatment and data gathered both before and after treatment. Treatment outcomes were defined as change in insomnia symtoms and degree of insomnia symtoms at FU36. In total 203 participants were included from two different treatment studies, whom had received 9-12 weeks of insomnia treatment with or without combined treatment for depression. Initial correlations explored relationships between predictors and outcome measures, thereafter multiple regression analyses were done with the predictors that showed significant relationships. The results showed that it was possible to predict change and degree of insomnia symtoms at FU36. Predictors taken from data gathered before and after treatment had the most predictive power and explained 33% of the total variance of the change of insomnia symtoms at FU36. More insomnia symtoms at the beginning of treatment, change of insomnia symtoms during treatment, high age and a dissatisfaction of treatment were factors that were able to predict insomnia symtoms at FU36. / ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01663844 New Clinical Applications for Internet-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia and Depression

Organisational change management in South Africa : the development of a change framework and scorecard within a mergers and aquisitions environment

Glensor, Michael Colin 11 1900 (has links)
Change in today’s business environment may be seen as inevitable however in the absence of a generic and endemic Change Framework for Managing and Leading Change; South African businesses face a difficult task of surviving into the future unless they are able to find an Organisational Change Management Approach that will assist them in navigating the Organisational Change Landscape for the 21st Century. This study provides an exploratory approach to understanding the nature of Organisational Change Management in South Africa, by exploring the following key concepts: (1) An understanding of the nature of Organisational Change Management in South Africa (2) The Critical Success Factors needed for Organisational Change Management to succeed in South Africa (3) The provision of a practical Organisational Change Management Framework and Scorecard for the measurement of Organisational Change Management processes and initiatives (4) Recommendations towards a Organisational Change Management Scorecard The study which is largely qualitative in nature makes use of a multiple case study design methodology for the collection of empirical evidence as well as quantitative research data from a survey questionnaire to support the underlying constructs and research questions posed within the study. The use of data and methodological triangulation, namely research interviews, survey data, company and archival documentation as well as focus group discussion points has provided the research study with the necessary validity and reliability to support research results, findings and recommendations.This information should be utilized by Change Practitioners practicing organisational change within a rapidly transforming environment, where Mergers and Acquisitions are major force for change as it would help to provide the necessary change framework and change scorecard for the management and measurement of organisational change interventions. This study also highlights the Critical Success Factors for change by focusing on the Emotional side (Low impact) and Change Imperatives / Prerequisites (High impact) for the management of organisational change. In addition, the study also provides a first view of some change performance measures in the form of a Change Scorecard, which can be used to assess the overall impact of the current change intervention being implemented. / Graduate School for Business Leadership / DBL

The realities of innovation strategies within the low- and medium- technology industries. Are open and explorative innovation strategies superior than closed and exploitative?

Saabs, Henrik, May, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Background: Most of the existing literature regarding innovation and innovation strategies focus on high-tech industries. In contrast low- and medium-technology industries are receiving very little attention despite the category is making up the largest part of the manufacturing industries in OECD countries. The phenomenon could be the result of misconceptions regarding innovation process in low- medium-tech industries and existing pre-eminence of linear model of innovation. Investigating the realities of innovation strategies in the low- and medium technology industries would help crystallise the understanding of innovation strategies within low- and medium technology industries uncovering key factors for innovation under the industry category. Research question: How do organisations under low- and medium-technology industry category innovate and what is the impact the chosen innovation strategy or a combination of innovation strategies have on the organisation? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand which innovation strategies (open, closed, exploitative, explorative or a combination of these strategies) organisations under low- and medium technology industry implement and how such innovation strategies impact the organisation. The aim of the study is to crystallise the understanding in how LMTs innovate, which innovation strategies they select and what influences the selection of innovation strategy. Method: Abductive research approach is used for the study. Qualitative research method is a primary source of data gathered from 8 organisations operating under low- and medium- technology industry category. The data was gathered via semi-structured interviews with C- level executives and management responsible for innovation initiatives. Theoretical framework: The literature will present knowledge based view and outline the link between knowledge and open, closed, exploitative and explorative innovation strategies. Findings &amp; conclusion: Ability to identify relevant knowledge and assimilate it drove innovation within the LMTs assessed. Innovation strategies were selected based on understanding of additional information requirements and market environment in their respective markets. Various combinations of innovation strategies were used at the assessed organisations. Some of the assessed organisations used more open or more closed innovation strategies based on business circumstances. Open innovation strategies enabled fast knowledge accumulation and problem solution discovery. Organisational cultures influence the choice of innovation strategies. Peoples’ knowledge drives performance.

Do's and Dont's in Applications for Co-surfing News

Rimbark, Magnus January 2002 (has links)
When more than one user uses a system with a single input device, the person in charge of the control is often active, and the by-sitters become passive. This situation can lead to frustration and boredom among the by-sitters. One way to solve this problem could be to distribute the con-trol over the system so that more than one user can control the system simultaneously. These systems, where many users can work simultane-ously with separate input devices connected to the same, shared screen, are called Single Display Groupwares. In this report, a single display groupware prototype for surfing news co-operatively was developed. The purpose of the prototype was to find out if the use of SDGs is likely to be a successful way to engage by-sitters and support co-operation while surfing news through a media terminal. The system was tested on pairs of users. The subjects of thestudy were observed while using the system, and a number of patterns in the users’ strategies in dealing with the si-multaneous input situation emerged. The main conclusions that were drawn from the study were that multiple input can be a good solution when the system is so complex that the use can be divided into several parallel sub-activities. When the use of the system can’t be split into parallel sub-activities, the users will only hinder each other, and the ex-tra input device will just make the division of control unclear without giving any benefit.

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