Spelling suggestions: "subject:"explorative"" "subject:"explorativen""
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An explorative literature review on misinterpretations of confidence intervalsHåkansson, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
Confidence intervals are presented in various scientific fields and are used to justify claims,although in several studies it has been shown that various groups of people, for example researchers, teachers and students incorrectly interpret the confidence interval. To get an overview over articles which studies how confidence intervals are misinterpreted we have performed an explorative literature review. The search for articles to include was conducted in a semi-structured way, and the explorative literature review exist of 36 articles. The results are presented in tables, where the articles have been placed in the table of the relevant misinterpretation. In this study there are five different tables which are probability fallacies, precision fallacies, likelihood fallacies, overlaps fallacies and miscellaneous fallacies. This paper state that confidence intervals are commonly misinterpreted accordingly to our first four categories. In the last category, the less common misinterpretations are presented, at least less common based on the articles included in this paper.
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Exploring Choices : a case study of color-customised lipstick choicesGiardina, Vincent January 2020 (has links)
Product personalization is rising and with it, new choice architectures are required. It offers a new medium for identity expression, especially in the make-up case. Regarding the interactions involved, the research and industry explored the efficient choice. The current research dug into how to bring the development of individual taste and creativity through choice architectures, in case study of personalised lipsticks. Moreover, the makeup wearer is now savvy and creative, which calls for an alternative path. The subject has been explored through the lens of design probes which led to the prototyping of two experimental user interfaces. As a catalyst for personal expression, 3 considerations have been tested: the wearer as ambassador, the wearer as a creator, and the effect of the surprise. The exploration within the interaction brings users out of the boundaries of their style. Additionally, the dissociation of the color picking and vivid trying out, coupled with the effect of surprise and letting the participants mirroring themselves with other wearers, contributed to this effect. / Produktanpassning ökar och med det krävs nya val-arkitekturer. Produktanpassning erbjuder ett nytt medium för identitetsuttryck, särskilt vid fall inom smink-industrin. När det gäller de interaktioner som ingår, undersökte forskningen och industrin det effektiva valet. Den nuvarande forskningen undersökte hur man kan få utvecklingen av individuell smak och kreativitet genom val-arkitekturer i fallstudien. Dessutom är smink-bäraren nu kunnig och kreativ, vilket kräver en alternativ väg. Ämnet har utforskats genom linsen av design-prober som ledde till två prototyper i form av experimentella användargränssnitt. Som katalysator för personligt uttryck har tre överväganden testats: smink-bäraren som ambassadör, smink-bäraren som skapare och effekten av överraskningen. Utforskningen inom interaktionen leder ut användare från de gränser de vanligtvis har i sin still. Dessutom bidrog dissociationen av färg-plockningen och livligt att prova till denna effekt, tillsammans med effekten av överraskning och att låta deltagarna spegla sig med andra smink-bärare.
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Broadening the Reading Experience on Mobile Devices using Tilt-based Input : An Explorative Design Study / Att Bredda Läsupplevelsen på Mobiltelefoner genom Gyroskopiska Interaktioner : En Utforskande DesignstudieAhlström, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an explorative study aimed at the possibility of integrating tilt-based input to improve the reading experience on smartphones. Previous works from the early 2000s have been skeptical towards tilt-based navigation, deeming it unruly and imprecise. To investigate if today’s technology has unlocked new possibilities; two experimental reading methods were designed, created and tested iteratively on 20, respectively 18 participants. The first method is a reassessment of tilt-based auto-scrolling and the second is a novel approach comparable to tilt-based paging. Data from the reading sessions were collected quantitatively in tandem with qualitative data from post-session interviews. The results indicate good potential and a reading performance similar to the standard navigation method. The importance of accommodating people with different reading behaviours was also discussed. / Detta examensarbete utforskar om gyroskopiska interaktioner kan användas för att förbättra läsupplevelsen på mobiltelefoner. Tidigare forskning från det tidiga 2000-talet har varit skeptiska mot gyroskopisk navigation, på grund av dålig precision och stabilitet. För att utforska om dagens teknologi har öppnat nya möjligheter; skapades, designades och testades två experimentella läsmetoder på 20 respektive 18 deltagare. Den första metoden är en återkoppling till tidigare forskning medans den andra utforskar ett nytt sätt som liknar gyroskopisk sidindelning. Data från läs sessionerna samlades i både kvantitativ och kvalitativ form, varav den senare med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten indikerar god potential och en läsprestanda som liknar den standardiserade läsmetoden. Vikten av att tillgodose människors individuella läsningsbeteende blev också diskuterat.
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Advancing sCool – Game Type Research and DevelopmentMosquera, Chanelle K 01 December 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The proposed project, sCool, is an adaptive game-based learning experience designed for STEM education. In this work, we present a new iteration of sCool in efforts to further examine contributing factors of engagement, usability, and comprehension. The newly developed game experience for acquiring object-oriented programming skills is divided into two parts: concept learning and practical challenge. The concept learning part teaches students theoretical lessons of programming through fun gameplay. The practical challenge part allows students to practice programming by completing tasks. This project presents several new game types for both the concept learning and practical challenge parts. The development of these game types spreads across two phases. The first phase introduces two new game types and focuses on extending sCool to support learning object-oriented programming and improve student’s learning comprehension. The second phase builds off of the first phase, introducing another new game type to improve the object-oriented programming learning experience and the game’s overall usability and engagement. During the first phase, three experiments were conducted in a classroom setting with a computer science teacher. Conducting a study involving a total of 39 school students and three teachers, we are able to successfully display an enhanced understanding of different programming concepts. During the second phase, a single experiment was held remotely among a wide group of people, and the participants were self-guided by an instruction document and the sCool application. Conducting a study with 25 participants, we are able to show a significant improvement in the game’s usability and engagement. For future works, further evaluations in-classroom and over a longer course will be useful in assessing the new game type’s effectiveness in teaching object oriented programming. Furthermore, the game should be expanded to support learning more complex concepts in object oriented programming.
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Utforskande ögonblick : Deritualiserande elevuttryck i matematikundervisningen / Explorative Moments : Students' Signs of Deritualization in Mathematics EducationWillert, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Mötet med matematikens utforskande sida har visat sig vara viktigt för elevernas matematiska och intellektuella utveckling. Utforskande matematik upplevs dock som svår av såväl lärare som elever, och i många klassrum dominerar istället en mer traditionell undervisning där renodlade minneskunskaper och upprepning av färdigformulerade procedurer betonas. Detta underliggande problem utgör grunden för detta arbete, i vilket jag ansluter mig till commognition-teorins diskursiva syn på lärande. Mer precist gäller mitt intresse de ögonblick då elever ger uttryck för deritualisering, med andra ord uppvisar tecken som tyder på en uppmärksamhets-förflyttning från ett rituellt (process-orienterat) till ett mer utforskande (målorienterat) förhållningssätt. Genom att, utifrån observationer, detaljstudera de mekanismer som samspelar, söker jag en förståelse av vad som är karaktäristiskt för dessa situationer. Jag finner att situationer med deritualiserande elevuttryck i synnerhet karaktäriseras av språklig och matematisk precision kring det givna uppdraget, betänketid, insisterandet på ett utforskande förhållningssätt, samt klassrumsdiskurser som präglas av uppmuntran, nyfikenhet och delaktighet. Detta resultat tyder sammanfattningsvis på att en lärares indirekta tillvägagångssätt är väl så betydelsefullt som de mer direkta uppmaningar som denne ger. Resultatet bör vara intressant för praktiserande lärare och lärarstudenter som strävar efter att i högre grad närma sig ett utforskande förhållningssätt i sin undervisning, samtidigt som det pekar på tänkbara områden för fördjupad forskning inom matematikämnets didaktik och matematiklärarutbildning. / Trace - att spåra matematiklärarutbildningen i praktiken
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"Vi kommer hela tiden prata om människa plus AI" - En explorativ studie om artificiell intelligens inom strategisk kommunikationsverksamhetEriksson, Martin, Josefson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge regarding how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used as a tool for communicators, as well as what impact the use of AI will have on the field of strategic communication in Sweden. By using a qualitative interview method, we have captured the knowledge and speculations in this subject amongst four prominent professionals within the field of communications who also have knowledge and experience with AI. The results showed that AI can be used as a useful tool in a variety of communicational tasks including data collection, automatization of communication, curation and production of media content. AI implementation will affect strategic communications, as it will become more about the users experience and service design, as well as representing and creating trust for the organization. Coveted competencies within the field will be skills such as human interaction and strategic thinking, to complement the shortcomings of AI.
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Forschendes Lehren und Lernen gestalten: ein standortübergreifendes Projektseminar zu "Rechtsextremismus und Zivilgesellschaft"Schulze Wessel, Julia, Behrens, Rico, Pates, Rebecca, Schmidt, Daniel, Thümmler, Ellen, Schale, Frank 02 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Wie kann "Forschendes Lernen" noch besser in die politikwissenschaftliche Lehre integriert werden? Dieser Frage gingen sechs Lehrende an den sächsischen Universitäten Dresden, Leipzig und Chemnitz im Wintersemester 2015/2016 mit einem gemeinsam
entworfenen Projektseminar unter dem Titel "Rechtsextremismus und Zivilgesellschaft" nach. Im Interview berichten die Beteiligten von ihren Konzeptionen und deren Umsetzung.
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Exploring the idea of an Outdoor Primary School : - from the perspective of West European Outdoor Education ProfessionalsDrexler, Stina January 2019 (has links)
As past research has found benefits of outdoor education and the current global society is facing a decline in access to beneficial natural spaces due to urbanization (Keniger, Gaston, Irvine & Fuller 2013), the aim of this master thesis research project was to explore the idea of an Outdoor Primary School, a way to provide children the access to beneficial natural spaces. In order to explore this idea, Professional Outdoor Educators (n= 61) were interviewed and asked to fill out a survey about the following aspects: outdoor and indoor spaces, learning activities, curriculum and challenges related to an Outdoor Primary School. There was a wide range of results showing that an Outdoor Primary School is a way to incorporate beneficial ways of learning, such as project-based learning, experience-based and practical learning, social learning, play and student-centered learning in formal schooling. Including learning content and activities that can aid children’s development such as food, animals and sustainability is also possible in an Outdoor Primary School as shown below. Furthermore, an Outdoor Primary School is an institution that can be equipped with beneficial learning environments, such as natural environments, a vast space, spaces for cooking, growing food and keeping animals, quiet zones, play zones and opportunities for creating, building and crafts. These results go in line with previous research about Outdoor Education and related fields, suggesting that an Outdoor Primary School both holds challenges but also is a possible model to bring together many beneficial ways of learning that are already being practiced today.
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The Internationalization Process of Fashion ECCs : A qualitative study investigating the use of exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities when internationalizing a fashion ECCLundberg, Anna, Nguyen, Windy, Lavadores Esparza, Claudia January 2019 (has links)
Background The growth of global e-commerce along with technology and information adoption has driven the international expansions of retail firms. Even though e-commerce companies (ECCs) are changing the way businesses operate and generally have fewer physical barriers to new markets, they still face numerous challenges while internationalizing. Dynamic capabilities are found to have an impact on the internationalization process of ECCs, where exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities will be the focus of this study. This topic is particularly relevant for the fashion industry since the industry has the characteristics of being highly dynamic, global and complex. Therefore, this paper will focus on the internationalization process of ECCs in the fashion industry. Purpose Due to limited research regarding the internationalization process of ECCs, the purpose of this study is to seek a deeper understanding concerning the internationalization process of fashion ECCs. In particular, in what way exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities affect the internationalization process of fashion ECCs and how they use these capabilities. Method This is a qualitative study with an abductive research approach. Furthermore, the empirical data was collected from semi-structured in-depth interviews with six international fashion ECCs. Conclusion One main conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that all the ECCs use both exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities in their internationalization, and hence, ambidexterity is achieved. Moreover, language, logistics and payment method are three major factors used in both activities and could be an explanation for how fashion ECCs use their exploitative and explorative dynamic capabilities when internationalizing.
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Cannabismissbruk - hur är detta relaterat till unga vuxnas övriga problem? : En jämförande studie utifrån ASI-data i Jönköpings län.Kåhlman, Hanna, Selmani, Ardiana January 2013 (has links)
Cannabis är den vanligaste illegala drogen bland unga vuxna i Sverige. Det är en omdebatterad drog, debatterna handlar ofta om huruvida cannabis effekter är negativa eller inte. Detta examensarbete undersöker om det finns skillnader i problemnivå inom olika livsområden beroende på grad av cannabisbruk. Examensarbetet är en kvantitativstudie som genom ett antal statistiska analyser jämför tre grupper av unga vuxna samt predicerar sannolikheten för vilka som löper störst risk att vara regelbundna cannabisanvändare. Resultatet tyder på att problemnivån ökar inom flera livsområden beroende på grad av cannabisbruk. Högre involvering i cannabisbruk är förknippat med högre problemnivå i psykisk hälsa, narkotikabruk, narkotikabrott samt hereditet för narkotika. Vidare visar resultatet att faktorer som att vara man, bo i storstad och hereditet för narkotika är riskfaktorer som kan predicera ett regelbundet cannabisbruk. Examensarbetets slutsatser ger stöd för att ökad cannabisinvolvering tycks medverka till missbruk av andra illegala droger och tycks ha negativ påverkanseffekt på psykisk hälsa samt att benägenhet till brottslighet snarare har att göra med selektion än med involvering i cannabisbruk. / Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug among young adults in Sweden. It is a controversial drug, the debates about cannabis are often about whether cannabis effects are negative or not. This thesis examines whether there are differences in the level of problems in different areas of life depending on the extent of cannabis use. The thesis is a quantitative study by a number of statistical analyzes comparing three groups of young adults, and predicts the probability of which ones are most likely to be regular cannabis users. The results suggest that in many areas of life the problem level is increasing, depending on the extent of cannabis use. Higher involvement in cannabis use is associated with problems of higher levels in mental health, drug use, drug and family history of narcotics. Furthermore, the results show that factors such as being male, living in a big city and family history of illicit drugs are risk factors that can predict a regular cannabis use. The findings of the thesis provide support for that increased cannabis involvement seems to contribute to the abuse of other illicit drugs and seem to have a negative impact on mental health, and at last that the tendency to commit crime has rather to do with personality factors than cannabis use.
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