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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vesículas extracelulares liberadas pelas células cancerosas modulam a proliferação, morte e migração celular no melanoma humano? / Extracellular vesicles released by cancer cells modulate the cell proliferation, death and migration in human melanoma?

Sílvia Guedes Braga Cardim 06 October 2017 (has links)
As células que compõem o tumor podem interagir entre si, através da liberação e incorporação de vesículas extracelulares, muitas vezes contribuindo para a progressão tumoral. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo observar se as vesículas extracelulares , como as microvesículas e os exossomas liberados pelas células cancerosas em condições de estresse celular, após quimioterapia e indução de hipóxia conferem alguma vantagem adaptativa às células tumorais. Nossos resultados mostram que vesículas liberadas por células de melanoma humano em hipóxia ou normóxia apresentam tamanho médio característico de exossomos e microvesículas e não modulam os processos de proliferação, morte e migração celular. As vesículas liberadas pelas células após tratamento com o quimioterápico temozolamida também apresentam tamanho característico de exossomos e microvesículas; em adição, o tratamento com a temozolamida induziu um aumento na secreção dessas vesículas pelas células de melanoma. A incubação das células tumorais com vesículas oriundas da terapêutica com a temozolamida aumentou a proliferação celular, conferindo vantagem proliferativa às células de melanoma humano / Tumor cells can interact with each other by releasing and incorporating extracellular vesicles, contributing to tumor progression. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate if extracellular vesicles, such as microvesicles and exossomes, released by cancer cells under cell stress conditions like chemotherapy and hypoxia, induce an adaptive advantage to tumor cells. Our results show that vesicles shed by human melanoma cells under hypoxia, or normoxia exhibit the characteristic size of exossomes and microvesicles and do not modulate cell proliferation, death or migration. The vesicles released by melanoma cells after temozolomide treatment also showed the average size of exossomes and microvesicles; moreover, temozolomide treatment induced an increase in extracellular vesicles shedding by tumor cells. Incubation of tumor cells with vesicles released under temozolamide therapeutics caused an increase in cell proliferation, providing a proliferative advantage to human melanoma cells

AHNAK regula a formação e troca de vesículas extracelulares entre células tumorais de mama e fibroblastos. / AHNAK regulates the formation and exchange of extracellular vesicles from breast tumor cells and fibroblasts.

Thaiomara Alves Silva 01 September 2015 (has links)
O sucesso no desenvolvimento de tumores não dependente somente de mutações, mas também é influenciado pelo microambiente do tumor; nele ocorre a interação entre as células tumorais e o estroma. Essa interação pode ser mediada por vesículas liberadas por essas células para o meio extracelular. Essas vesículas atuam na comunicação celular que pode influenciar a progressão tumoral. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as interações mediadas por vesículas entre células tumorais e fibroblastos normais. As células tumorais foram plaqueadas sobre a monocamada de fibroblastos e carregadas com diferentes corantes vitais. Nossos resultados evidenciaram a presença e a troca de vesículas entre as células em co-cultura. Vesículas isoladas mostraram tamanhos heterogêneos. Células tumorais possuem mais vesículas que as células normais. As vesículas são compostas pelas proteínas AHNAK e Anexinas. AHNAK foi detectada em vesículas trocadas e estava aumentada em tumores. AHNAK é molécula estrutural das vesículas extracelulares que pode influenciar a biologia dos tumores de mama. / The successful development of tumors is not only dependent on cell mutations, but also driven by the tissue microenvironment; relies on interaction of cells and their surrounding stroma. Some cell types release vesicular structures into the extracellular space that would be involved in cellular communication and tumor progression. The aim of this study was to analyze vesicle-mediated interactions between tumor cells and normal fibroblasts. Tumor cells were plated above fibroblasts monolayer and both loaded with different vital dyes. Our results evidenciated presence and exchange of vesicles between breast tumor cells and fibroblasts in co-culture. Vesicles isolated showed heterogeneous sizes. Tumor cell showed more vesicles than normal cells. These vesicles were composed of AHNAK and Annexins proteins. The protein AHNAK was detected in exchanged vesicles and was increased in tumors when compared to normal breast tissues. AHNAK could represent a vesicle structural molecule that would influence breast tumor biology.

Analysis and validation of Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 (IRF5) on circulating microparticles in patients with SLE

Singthongthat, Wanwisa January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that cause various inflammatory conditions in the body. The pathogenesis of this disease is yet unknown, and the diversity within the patients bring on major obstacle to clinical research for specific diagnostic markers. As a biomarker of SLE, both Interferon Regulatory Factor-5 (IRF5) and Microparticles (MP) have been suggested. Recently a study demonstrated higher concentration of IRF5+ MP in a small number of SLE patients compared to controls.  Aim: The purpose of this study was to validate and analyze IRF5+ MPs in a larger number of SLE patients and compare the results to known SLE subgroup based on IRF5 concentration.  Materials and methods: Totally 50 plasma samples from a larger cohort of SLE-patients (n=35) was analyzed together with population-based controls(n=15). Three different antibodies (in-house and commercial) were used for detection of IRF5+ MP with flow cytometry. Students t-test was used to investigate significant differences between SLE subgroup, controls and compared to the previous values. Results and Conclusion: The concentration of IRF5+ MP in SLE subgroup was significantly higher compared to controls (p<0,05). However, there were no correlations between our results and the values from the previous study, suggesting that both methods measure various forms of IRF5. These results imply that IRF5+ MP could be a possible biomarker for pathogenesis in SLE, but further studies are needed for a better understanding of IRF5, as well as of MP.

Rôle des vésicules extracellulaires dans le maintien de l’intégrité de l’endothélium lymphatique

Jean, Gabriel 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Papel de las vesículas extracelulares en la propagación y mantenimiento de la neuroinflamación inducida por el consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia

Ibáñez Cabanes, Francesc 07 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] El consumo de altas cantidades de etanol durante en un corto período de tiempo, conocido también como consumo en atracón, causa importantes alteraciones en el sistema nervioso central del adolescente, activando la respuesta innata inflamatoria, que puede causar muerte neuronal y alteraciones a nivel estructural y de la conducta. Esta respuesta se produce mediante la activación de los receptores de membrana Toll-like, y específicamente por los receptores TLR4, localizados en células gliales. Cuando dicho receptor se une a su ligando y dimeriza, desencadena una cascada de señalización que finaliza con la translocación al núcleo del factor de transcripción NF-κB, donde se promueve la síntesis y liberación de citoquinas y quimioquinas pro-inflamatorias al medio extracelular. Entre los mecanismos que podrían participar en la amplificación de la respuesta neuroinflamatoria se encontrarían un tipo de vesículas extracelulares (VEs), denominadas exosomas. Los exosomas son micropartículas de 30-150 nm de tamaño con un contenido de carácter bioactivo, formado por proteínas, lípidos y ácidos nucleicos, y que cumplen un papel importante en la comunicación intercelular. Por tanto, la hipótesis que planteamos en esta tesis doctoral es que las VEs ejercen un papel en el mantenimiento y propagación de la neuroinflamación causada por el consumo de alcohol en forma de atracón. Utilizando VEs de cultivos primarios de astrocitos demostramos que el etanol induce una mayor secreción de VEs y altera los niveles de determinadas proteínas y microARNs (miARNs) asociados con la neuroinflamacion. Además, demostramos que cuando las neuronas corticales en cultivo se incuban con VEs procedentes de los astrocitos WT tratados con etanol, se inducen marcadores inflamatorios en las neuronas y presentan mayores niveles de apoptosis. Durante el proceso de biogénesis exosomal, se ha demostrado la participación de una familia de enzimas, llamadas esfingomielinasas, que estarían relacionadas con la biogénesis y secreción de las VEs. Estudios previos de este laboratorio han demostrado que el etanol es capaz de activar las esfingomielinasas, aunque el mecanismo por el cual esto ocurre se desconoce. En este proyecto de tesis proponemos a las membranas asociadas a mitocondrias (MAM) como mecanismo regulador de la secreción de VEs mediada por esfingomielinasas. Mediante el análisis de la actividad de transferencia de fosfolípidos, marcador de actividad de MAM, observamos que el etanol, tanto a nivel tisular como en cultivo, es capaz de activar MAM. Además, demostramos que, inhibiendo la actividad tanto de MAM como de las esfingomielinasas, se revierte el aumento en secreción de VEs causado por el tratamiento con etanol. Estos resultados sugieren que el etanol promueve una mayor liberación de VEs mediante la activación de las enzimas esfingomielinasas a través de MAM. Además, puesto que las VEs tienen la capacidad de cruzar la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y tener estabilidad en la circulación, se han considerado como posibles candidatos a biomarcadores de situaciones patológicas. Uno de los elementos presentes en las VEs, que se ha utilizado recientemente como biomarcador en diversos estudios, son los miARNs, moléculas de ARN no codificante de cadena corta implicados en la regulación génica. Se ha descrito que, en pacientes con enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Alzheimer, Parkinson u otras, se detectan patrones de expresión diferencial de miARNs en las VEs circulantes, en comparación con pacientes control. En este estudio demostramos que el etanol es capaz de alterar los perfiles de miARNs relacionados con la inflamación presentes en VEs circulantes de jóvenes con intoxicación etílica aguda (IEA). Estos efectos presentan diferencias de género, siendo las mujeres/hembras más vulnerables a los efectos del alcohol, ya que la expresión de marcadores inflamatorios en cerebro y en VEs circulantes son más elevadas en mujeres/hembras que en hombres/machos. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que las VEs circulantes y sus perfiles de miARNs son posibles candidatos a biomarcadores de la neuroinflamación asociadas con el abuso de alcohol. / [CA] El consum d'elevades quantitats d'alcohol durant un curt període de temps, conegut també com a consum en afartament, causa importants alteracions en el sistema nerviós central de l'adolescent, activant la resposta innata inflamatòria, que pot causar mort neuronal i alteracions a nivell estructural i de conducta. Aquesta resposta es produeix mitjançant l'activació dels receptors de membrana Toll-like, i específicament pels receptors TLR4, localitzats en cèl·lules glials. Quan aquest receptor s'uneix al seu lligant i dimeritza, desencadena una cascada de senyalització que finalitza amb la translocació al nucli del factor de transcripció NF-κB, on es promou la síntesi i alliberament de citoquines i quimioquines pro-inflamatòries al medi extracel·lular. Dins dels mecanismes que podrien participar en l'amplificació de la resposta neuroinflamatòria es trobarien un tipus de vesícules extracel·lulars (VEs), denominades exosomes. Els exosomes són micropartícules de 30-150 nm de grandària amb un contingut de caràcter bioactiu, format per proteïnes, lípids i àcids nucleics, i que compleixen un paper important en la comunicació intercel·lular. Per tant, la hipòtesi que plantegem en aquesta tesi doctoral és que les VEs exerceixen un paper en el manteniment i propagació de la neuroinflamació causada pel consum d'alcohol en forma d'afartament. Utilitzant VEs de cultius primaris d'astròcits demostràrem que l'etanol indueix una major secreció de VEs i una alteració dels nivells de determinades proteïnes i microARNs (miARNs) associats amb la neuroinflamació. A més a més, també observàrem que quan les neurones corticals en cultiu s'incubaben amb VEs procedents dels astròcits WT tractats amb etanol, s'induïen marcadors inflamatoris en les neurones i aquestes presentaven majors nivells d'apoptosi. Durant el procés de biogènesi exosomal, s'ha demostrat la participació d'una família d'enzims, anomenats esfingomielinases, que estarien relacionats amb la biogènesi i secreció de les VEs. Estudis previs d'aquest laboratori han demostrat que l'etanol és capaç d'activar les esfingomielinases, encara que el mecanisme pel qual això passa es desconeix. En aquest projecte de tesi proposem a les membranes associades a mitocòndries (MAM), juntament amb les esfingomielinases com el mecanisme regulador de la secreció de VEs induïda pel consum d'alcohol. Mitjançant l'anàlisi de l'activitat de transferència de fosfolípids, marcador d'activitat de MAM, observàrem que l'etanol, tant a nivell tissular com en cultiu, era capaç d'activar MAM. A més, demostràrem que inhibint l'activitat tant de MAM com de les esfingomielinases, revertiem l'augment en la secreció de VEs causat pel tractament amb etanol. Aquests resultats suggereixen, que l'etanol promou una major alliberament de VEs mitjançant l'activació dels enzims esfingomielinases a través de MAM. A més, ja que les VEs tenen la capacitat de creuar la barrera hematoencefàlica (BBB) i ser estables en circulació, s'han considerat bons candidats a biomarcadors de situacions patològiques. Un dels elements presents en les VEs que s'ha utilitzat recentment com a biomarcador en diversos estudis, són els miARNs, molècules d'ARN no codificant de cadena curta implicats en la regulació gènica. S'ha descrit que, en pacients amb malalties neurodegeneratives, com l'Alzheimer o Parkinson, es detecten patrons d'expressió diferencial de miARNs a les VEs circulants, en comparació amb pacients control. A aquest estudi demostrem que l'etanol és capaç d'alterar els perfils de miARNs relacionats amb la inflamació presents en VEs circulants de joves amb intoxicació etílica aguda (IEA). Aquests efectes presenten diferències de gènere, sent les dones / noies més vulnerables als efectes de l'alcohol, ja que l'expressió de marcadors inflamatoris en cervell i en VEs circulants són més elevades en noies que en nois. / [EN] Heavy alcohol intake during a short period of time, also known as binge drinking, has been proved to produce negative effects on the individual's central nervous system by activating an inflammatory response that can lead to neuronal death and structural and behavioral alterations. This response is produced by glial cells, the main component of the neuroimmune system, through the activation of TLR4, a transmembrane receptor of the TLR family. When TLR4 binds to its ligand and dimerizes, it triggers a signaling cascade that ends up with the translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus, acting as a transcription factor, where it promotes the synthesis and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines to the extracellular milieu. Among the mechanisms responsible for the transmission and amplification of this neuroinflammatory response, one candidate could be a kind of extracellular vesicles (VEs) called exosomes. Exosomes are microparticles of 30-150 nm in size, with a bioactive content, composed mostly by proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, which play an important role in intercellular communication. Therefore, the hypothesis of this thesis is that VEs play an important role in the transmission of the neuroinflammatory response caused by ethanol binge drinking. Using VEs from primary cultures of astrocytes, we show that ethanol is able to induce a higher secretion of VEs and alters their composition of inflammatory related protein and microRNAs (miARNs). Furthermore, incubation of these VEs in primary cultures of neurons lead to the development of inflammatory protein and gene markers, and higher apoptosis levels. Exosomal release has been shown to be partly regulated by a family of enzymes called sphingomyelinases, since inhibition of these enzymes resulted in a reduction of secreted VEs. Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that ethanol is able to activate sphingomyelinases, but the mechanism involved in the process is currently unknown. We propose membrane-associated mitochondria (MAM), along with sphingomyelinases, as the responsible for the increased VEs release after ethanol intake. We show that ethanol is capable of increasing phospholipid transfer activity, a marker of MAM activity. Moreover, MAM and sphingomyelinase inhibition resulted in depleted VEs secretion. These results suggest that ethanol promotes increased release of VEs by activating sphingomyelinase enzymes through MAM. VEs display certain biological characteristics, like the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) or their high stability in serum, which make them good candidates for biomarkers of pathological situations. One of the elements present in VEs that has recently been used as a biomarker in various studies are miARNs, which are short-chain non-coding RNA molecules involved in gene regulation. It has been described that differential expression patterns of miARNs in circulating VEs can be detected in patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or others, when compared to healthy patients. In this study we demonstrate that ethanol is able to alter the inflammatory-related miARNs expression patterns in circulating VEs of young people with acute alcohol intoxication (IEA). Notably, the alterations in miARNs are dependent on the patient's gender, being women/females more affected by alcohol than men/males, since women/females showed lower presence of anti-inflammatory miARNs and a higher expression of inflammatory markers in brain tissue than men/males. / Ibáñez Cabanes, F. (2021). Papel de las vesículas extracelulares en la propagación y mantenimiento de la neuroinflamación inducida por el consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174214 / TESIS

α2,3 Sialylated Breast and Colon Cancer Cells and Extracellular Vesicles Bind to L-selectin Under Flow Conditions

Cellars, Nicholas J. 17 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Integrated strategies to develop post-translationally modified proteins in extracellular vesicles as candidate disease markers

Hillary Andaluz Aguilar (9745967) 15 December 2020 (has links)
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-enclosed nanoparticles containing proteins and nucleic acid cargo. These vesicles are released by almost all cell types and provide an effective and ubiquitous path for intercellular communication and transmission of pathogenic and signaling molecules among cells. Research into potential biomarkers isolated from EV has been propelled by the development of methods and tools to acquire them by minimally and non-invasive means, which reinforces their great diagnostic potential. In the context of cancer, this opens the door to apply EV based liquid biopsy for early detection prior to alternate, more prevailing diagnostic tools like imaging studies. In autoimmune diseases, EVs play a crucial role in immune responses and as immunomodulatory agents as they can modulate the function of a wide variety of immune cells, especially in antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Several efforts have been made to study EVs and their cargo in numerous disease models, but very few in autoimmunity. Autoimmune diseases are chronic, have been underexplored especially in the omics area, and their diagnosis and treatment rely on traditional therapy. Therefore, there is a need for efficient methods to elucidate biomarkers that could provide additional layers of information for treatment, diagnosis, and prognosis. Additionally, protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, and acetylation, are involved in multiple essential cellular processes and represent an important mechanism of regulation for cellular physiological functions, leading to the development of effective and targeted therapeutics. Discovery and profiling PTMs have established the relevance of PTMs in EVs and associated EV functions and novel applications. This dissertation proposes integrated proteomic strategies to efficiently isolate and analyze EVs in human plasma from different types of pathologies like cancer and autoimmune diseases. The main focus is the development of the platforms, to not only isolate the proteome from EVs, but also PTMs including phosphorylation, glycosylation and acetylation, simultaneously. Chapter one, which is the core of this dissertation, describes the platform to sequentially isolate and analyze the EV proteome, phosphoproteome and glycoproteome from human plasma. Chapters two and three focus on the ongoing application of this platform with slight modifications into different disease models, in this case breast cancer subtypes and autoimmune diseases.

The Synaptic RNAome - identification, interactions and intercellular transfer

Epple, Robert 01 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Exosomes as Potential Transport Vehicles of Tetrahydrobiopterin, 6-Pyrovyoltetrahydrobiopterin-Synthase and Tripeptidyl-Peptidase I

Lang, Kristina 30 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the fine composition of Camelus milk from Kazakhstan with emphasis on protein components / Analyse de la composition fine du lait des Camelidés du Kazakhstan en ciblant plus spécifiquement la fraction protéique

Ryskaliyeva, Alma 12 July 2018 (has links)
La présente étude visait à identifier, en explorant la fraction protéique des laits de camélidés provenant de plusieurs régions du Kazakhstan, des molécules originales (peptides, protéines) potentiellement responsables des propriétés attribuées au lait de chamelle. Près de 180 échantillons de lait de 2 espèces de camélidés (Camelus bactrianus, C. dromedarius et leurs hybrides) ont été collectés à différents stades de lactation, âge et nombre de vêlages, et soumis à différentes techniques analytiques et approches protéomiques (SDS-PAGE, LC-MS/MS et LC-ESI-MS). Cinquante molécules protéiques correspondant à des variants génétiques, des isoformes issues de modifications post-traductionnelles et d'épissages différentiels, appartenant à 9 familles de protéines (κ-, αs1-, αs2-, β- et γ-CN, WAP, α-LAC, PGRP, CSA / LPO) ont été caractérisées. L’existence de deux isoformes inconnues (i1 et i2) de la caséine αs2 a été observée dans les deux esèces. Ces isoformes sont des variants d'épissage consécutif pour l’un à l’intégration d'une séquence de 27 nucléotides « in frame », codant pour le nonapeptide ENSKKTVDM, dont la présence a été confirmée au niveau génomique, flanquée de motifs canoniques définissant une structure exonique. La seconde isoforme, présente à différents niveaux de phosphorylation compris entre 8P et 12P, comporte un décapeptide supplémentaire (VKAYQIIPNL), révélé par LC-MS/MS, codé par une extension 3 'de l'exon 16. En outre, nous rapportons, pour la première fois à notre connaissance, l’existence d'une isoforme de phosphorylation de la caséine αs2 présentant au moins un résidu S/T phosphorylé n’appartenant pas à la séquence canonique habituelle (S/T-X-A) reconnue par la kinase mammaire, suggérant ainsi l'existence de deux systèmes impliqués dans la phosphorylation des caséines, dans la glande mammaire.S’agissant de la WAP, nous avons identifié chez C. bactrianus un nouveau variant génétique (B), issue d'une transition G => A conduisant à un changement de codon (GTG/ATG) dans la séquence nucléotidique de l’ARNm, qui entraine un changement d’acide aminé en position 12 de la protéine mature (V12M). Un variant résultant de l’usage du site d'épissage canonique, reconnu comme tel chez les autres mammifères exprimant la WAP dans leur lait, a été identifié. La forme majoritaire de la WAP cameline, décrite pour la première fois par Beg et al. (1986) qui présente une insertion de 4 résidus d'acides aminés (56VSSP59) dans le segment peptidique reliant les deux domaines 4-DSC, résulte de l'utilisation d'un site d'épissage cryptique intronique improbable, prolongeant l'exon 3 du gène de 12 nucléotides sur son extrémité 5 '. De plus, nous confirmons que chez les camélidés, l'intron 3 du gène spécifiant la WAP, est un intron rare de type GC-AG, avec un site donneur faible qui s’accompagne d’un effet compensatoire au site consensus de l'exon accepteur.Finalement, en utilisant un protocole optimisé, nous avons isolé les vésicules extracellulaires (VE) dérivés du lait de camélidés présentant les caractéristiques morphologiques, de taille et de contenu en protéines des exosomes. Nous avons identifié un millier de protéines différentes représentant le premier protéome des VE dérivés du lait de chamelle qui semble plus étendu que le protéome du lait de chamelle, incluant notamment les marqueurs associés aux VEs, tels CD63, CD81, HSP70, HSP90, TSG101 et ADAM10. Nous avons également identifié des protéines présentes dans d'autres compartiments du lait. C'est notamment le cas pour les protéines apparentées à Ras, MFG-E8, ou CD9 qui sont également présentes dans les globules gras du lait. Nos résultats suggèrent par ailleurs fortement que les VEs dérivés du lait de chamelle ont des origines cellulaires différentes. / The present study aimed to identify, in exploring the protein fraction of camelid milks from several regions of Kazakhstan, original molecules (peptide, proteins) potentially responsible for the properties attributed to camel milk. Nearly 180 milk samples from two camel species (Camelus bactrianus and C. dromedarius, and their hybrids) we collected at different lactation stage, age and calving number, and submitted to different proven analytical techniques and proteomic approaches (SDS-PAGE, LC-MS/MS and LC-ESI-MS). A detailed characterization of 50 protein molecules, relating to genetic variants, isoforms arising from post-translational modifications and alternative splicing events, belonging to 9 protein families (κ-, αs1-, αs2-, β-; and γ-CN, WAP, α-LAC, PGRP, CSA/LPO) was achieved. We reported the occurrence of two unknown isoforms (i1 and i2) of camel αs2-CN arising from alternative splicing events. Using cDNA-sequencing, i1 was characterized as a splicing-in variant of an in-frame 27-nucleotide sequence, of which the presence at the genome level, flanked by canonic motifs defining an exon 13 encoding the nonapeptide ENSKKTVDM, was confirmed. Isoform i2, which appeared to be present at different phosphorylation levels ranging between 8P and 12P, was shown to include an additional decapeptide (VKAYQIIPNL), revealed by LC-MS/MS, encoded by a 3’-extension of exon 16. In addition, we reported, for the first time to our knowledge, the occurrence of a αs2-CN phosphorylation isoform with at least one phosphorylated S/T residue that does not match with the usual canonic sequence (S/T-X-A) recognized by the mammary kinase, suggesting thereby the existence of two kinase systems involved in the phosphorylation of caseins in the mammary gland.As far as camel WAP is concerned, we identified in C. bactrianus a new genetic variant (B), originating from a transition G => A, leading to a codon change (GTG/ATG) in the nucleotide sequence of cDNA, which modifies a single amino acid residue at position 12 of the mature protein (V12M). In addition, we describe the existence of a splicing variant of camel WAP, arising from an alternative usage of the canonical splice site recognized as such in the other mammalian species expressing WAP in their milk. We also report that the WAP isoform predominantly present in camelids milk, first described by Beg et al. (1986) as displaying an additional sequence of 4 amino acid residues (56VSSP59) in the peptide segment connecting the two 4-DSC domains, results from the usage of an unlikely intron cryptic splice site, extending camel exon 3 on its 5’ side by 12-nucleotides. In addition, we confirm that in the camel gene encoding WAP, intron 3 is a GC-AG intron, with a GC donor site showing a compensatory effect in terms of a dramatic increase in consensus at the acceptor exon position.Finally, using an optimized protocol, we isolated camel milk-derived EVs satisfiying the typical requirements for exosomal morphology, size and protein content. We identified a thousand of different proteins representing the first comprehensive proteome of camel milk-derived EVs that appears wider than camel milk proteome, including markers associated with small extracellular vesicles, such as CD63, CD81, HSP70, HSP90, TSG101 and ADAM10. We also identified proteins present in other milk components. This is particularly the case for lactadherin/MFG-E8, Ras-related proteins or CD9 that have been reported to occur in MFG. Our results strongly suggest that milk-derived exosomes have different cellular origin.

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