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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Population and behavioral ecology of water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator)

Ahmad, A. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Investigations into the role of mPIP, the mouse homologue of hPIP/GCDFP-15, in innate host defense

Nistor, Andreea 25 April 2008 (has links)
mPIP is a mouse homologue of human PIP/GCDFP-15 which is an established marker of both malignant and benign pathological conditions of the mammary gland. mPIP gene expression has been identified in both lacrimal and salivary glands of healthy mice and the mPIP protein has been detected in saliva. The mPIP protein has been found to bind oral bacteria, showing the highest affinity for streptococci, suggesting a potential function of mPIP in the non-immune host defense in the mouse oral cavity. Since the exact functions of mPIP are still unknown, we examined the roles of mPIP through both in vitro and in vivo studies, specifically to address the possible role of this protein in non-immune host response through modulating the oral flora. The in vitro studies were primarily focused on elucidation of the consequences of interaction between mPIP and oral bacteria, in particular to examine whether mPIP plays a role in bacterial aggregation. The in vivo studies addressed the roles of mPIP through the analysis of an mPIP knockout mouse model generated in our laboratory. Following confirmation of the null mutation, the delineating the phenotype of this model was pursued through morphopathological analysis as well as examination of the impact of the lack of mPIP on the mouse oral flora. The null mutation in the mPIP knockout mice was confirmed by both the gene and protein analysis. Histological analysis revealed lymphocytic proliferation in both the submaxillary and prostate glands of the mPIP knockout mice. In addition, both quantitative and composition differences in the oral flora of mPIP knockout mice were identified when compared with wild-type controls. Specifically, a higher proportion of the oral bacteria of mPIP knockout mice were found to belong to genus Streptococcus and certain genera were found to be absent from the oral cavity of these mice. The effect of knockout mouse saliva, which lacks mPIP, on the aggregation of oral bacteria was compared to wild-type mouse saliva. Our data suggests that mPIP contributes to saliva-induced bacterial aggregation. While oral flora has multiple functions, including protection against infection, mPIP might play a role in the non-innate host defense through modulating the resident oral flora in the mouse. The identification of lymphocytic proliferation in submaxillary and prostate glands of mPIP knockout mice suggests that mPIP might also interfere with lymphocyte activity, playing a possible immunomodulatory role. / May 2008

Flora i vegetació del territori comprès entre el riu Segre i el Port del Comte (Prepirineus catalans, Lleida)

Devis Ortega, Joan 24 November 2006 (has links)
Situat sobre la zona sud-pirinenca del Prepirineus Centrals Catalans, el territori estudiat ocupa una extensió de 363 km2 (projecció mdt), comprès entre els 525 m de l'embassament d'Oliana i els 2380 m del Pedró dels Quatre Batlles, bona part d'ell sota la influència d'un clima axeromèric submediterrani continental, llevat de les parts elevades de clima axèric fred. La població hi és més aviat escassa, l'activitat principal dels quals està relacionada amb les tasques forestals i ramaderes.El catàleg florístic aplega 1058 tàxons agrupats en 114 famílies. D'aquells, 17 amplien la seva àrea de distribució per Catalunya i una vuitantena el seu interval altitudinal. Predomina l'element eurosiberià (45,1 %), seguit de l'element mediterrani (25,4 %) i pluriregional (18,6 %). Es destaca l'abundància d'oròfits (13,6 %) i l'escassetat de plantes boreoalpines (7,6 %).Pel que fa a l'espectre biològic, hemicriptòfits (44,0 %) i teròfits (22,3 %), són els components majoritaris. Segueixen en menor proporció camèfits (13,9 %), faneròfits (11,0 %), geòfits (7,5 %) i hidròfits (1,0 %). Considerem l'existència de 66 tàxons d'interès especial (6,3 % de la flora), dels quals 49 són endemismes del NE de la península Ibèrica i 18 tàxons són inclosos en llistes o llibres vermells. Proposem un total de 19 com d'especial rellevància per a la flora local.Hem reconegut un total de 92 comunitats vegetals i dues més sense categoria sintaxonòmica, repartides en 18 classes. Del total, un 55,4% formen part d'algun dels 22 hàbitats d'interès comunitari presents al territori, quatre dels quals ho són d'interès prioritari.Descrivim una nova subassociació, Festucetum scopariae (Susplugas) Br.-Bl. 1948 antennarietosum dioicae, I proposem canvis de nom per a les següents comunitats: Alysso serpyllifolii-Erinaceetum anthyllidis (Molero & Vigo 1981) Valls 2003 nom. invers. propos. Devis & I. Soriano; Saxifrago longifoliae-Ramondetum myconi Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934 thymetosum palearensis (= Saxifrago-Ramondetum thymetosum vulgaris I. Soriano 1996); Euphrasio strictae-Plantaginetum mediae O. Bolòs 1954 caricetosum humilis (= Euphrasio-Plantaginetum festucobrachypodietosum phoenicoidis Vigo 1979), i Rosmarino officinalis-Lithospermetum fruticosi Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934 arctostaphylletosum uvae-ursi (= Rosmarino-Lithospermetum Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934 scabioso-rosmarinetosum O. Bolòs 1960).Quan al paisatge vegetal realitzem un estudi des d'un punt de vista altitudinal i des d'un punt de vista fisiogràfic que ens ha portat a diferenciar cinc gran unitats paisatgístiques: La vall de la Móra Comdal, la Ribera Salada, la vall del riu Perles-riu d'Alinyà, la vall de la Vansa i el massís de Port del ComteLa cartografia presentada es composa d'un mapa de vegetació actual format per 1.163 polígons corresponents a 64 unitats de vegetació i tres nivells de complexitat estructural (unitats subsimples, complèxides i mosaics); un mapa de vegetació potencial, amb 430 polígons referibles a 15 unitats estructurades en tres grups (vegetació zonal, vegetación azonal i àrees sense, o gairebé sense vegetació) i un mapa d'hàbitats d'interès per a la conservació, amb 965 polígons distribuïts en 26 categories agrupades en 8 unitats principals.Pel que fa a la conservació del patrimoni natural, les superfícies recobertes per hàbitats d'interès prioritari, comunitari o local, que fan part d'alguns dels espais protegits oscil·len entre el 73 % en el cas de la Reserva de la Muntanya d'Alinyà i el 85,5 %, per a l'EIN Turp-la Valldan.Es proposen mesures per a la gestió i conservació, centrades en la prevenció, en la recerca científica i l'aprofitament sostenible dels recursos naturals. Demanem algun tipus de protecció sobre 19 tàxons i 12 comunitats vegetals, que considerem d'especial interès pel nostre territori. A llarg plaç proposem la reunió dels tres EIN i de la Reserva de la Muntanya d'Alinyà, en un sòl Espai d'Interès Natural denominat Prepirineus Meridionals Catalans. / Located in the Southern part of the Catalan Central Pre-Pyrenees, the studied area has an approximate extension of 330 Km2 (363 Km2 in DEM projection), the altitudes ranging from 525 m in the Oliana reservoir and 2,380 m in the Pedró dels Quatre Batlles peak. The most of the territory is under the influence of a axeromeric sub-mediterranean continental climate, except for the highest zones with cold axeric climate. The zone is barely populated, whose main activities are related to forest working and stockbreeding.There have been identified 1,058 plants grouped in 114 families and 92 vegetal communities, belonging to 18 classes. Of the whole of the communities, 55.4% corresponds to some of the 22 Natural Habitat Types of Community Interest, and four of them have priority interest.We describe a new subassociation, Festucetum scopariae (Susplugas) Br.-Bl. 1948 antennarietosum dioicae, and we propose a name change in the following cases: Alysso serpyllifolii--Erinaceetum anthyllidis (Molero & Vigo 1981) Valls 2003 nom. invers. propos. Devis & I. Soriano; Saxifrago longifoliae-Ramondetum myconi Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934 thymetosum palearensis (= Saxifrago-Ramondetum thymetosum vulgaris I. Soriano 1996); Euphrasio strictae- Plantaginetum mediae O. Bolòs 1954 caricetosum humilis (= Euphrasio-Plantaginetum festuco-brachypodietosum phoenicoidis Vigo 1979), and Rosmarino officinalis-Lithospermetum fruticosi Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934 arctostaphylletosum uvae-ursi (= Rosmarino-Lithospermetum Br.-Bl. ex Molinier 1934 scabioso-rosmarinetosum O. Bolòs 1960).Regarding the vegetal landscape, we carry out a study from an altitudinal point of view and from a physiographical point of view, which lead us to divide the zone in five landscape units: The Móra Comdal valley, The Ribera Salada, The valley of the river Perles-Alinyà, The Vansa valley and The Port del Comte massif.The presented cartography includes a present vegetation map, a potential vegetation map and a map of interesting habitats of conservation.We propose several measures for the management and the conservation, focused in prevention, scientific research and a sustainable use of the natural resources. We ask for, specifically, some kind of special protection upon 19 taxonomic units, and 12 vegetal communities, that we consider to have special interest in our territory. In long-term we propose to merge the three Areas of Natural Interest (EIN) and the Alinyà Mountain Reserve, in just one Area of Natural Interest called "Prepirineus Meridionals Catalans".

La flora al.lòctona de Catalunya. Catàleg raonat de les plantes vasculars exòtiques que creixen sense cultiu al NE de la Península Ibèrica

Casasayas i Fornell, Teresa 07 July 1989 (has links)
Després d'una aproximació fisiogràfica i climatològica de Catalunya i d'una explicació sobre la metodologia utilitzada, hi ha un capítol que inclou consideracions generals sobre la flora sinantròpica. En aquest capítol es fa una aproximació general sobre les espècies al.lòctones, s'expliquen els principals mitjans d'introducció, els ecosistemes on s'estableixen preferentment, les àrees de distribució originals, els criteris que es fan servir per a decidir si una espècie és autòctona o no, i un compendi sobre els diferents termes i tipus de classificacions existents sobre aquestes espècies.La part més extensa d'aquesta tesi és el catàleg raonat que inclou 461 tàxons de plantes vasculars exòtiques, introduïdes de forma voluntària o accidental, i que creixen més o menys espontàniament a Catalunya. Aquest catàleg s'ha elaborat fent, per una banda, un buidat bibliogràfic i d'herbari exhaustius i, per l'altra, un treball de camp personal, recorrent tot Catalunya per tal de comprovar les dades dubtoses d'altres autors i per afegir-ne de noves. S'han tret totes les dades referents a flora al.lòctona catalana existents en flores, catàlegs i llistes florístiques regionals, comarcals o locals, publicades o inèdites, aparegudes principalment des de mitjan segle passat fins l'any 1986.El catàleg està separat en pteridòfits i espermatòfits, i dins d'aquests dos grups les famílies, gèneres i espècies estan disposats de forma alfabètica. Per a cada espècie es dóna la següent informació, sempre que aquesta hagi estat al nostre abast: la sinonímia principal, el número cromosòmic, la seva àrea de distribució original, l'època d'introducció a Europa, a la Península Ibèrica o a Catalunya, el sistema d'introducció, grau de naturalització, categoria sinantròpica segons la classificació de Kornas (1978), ecologia, fenologia, distribució geogràfica a Catalunya, a la Península Ibèrica, a Europa o al món, etc.Es presenta també la distrIbució geogràfica de 390 espècies en mapes que inclouen la quadrícula UTM de 10 Km de costat.Després del catàleg hi ha el capítol de síntesi i conclusions on s'inclouen 6 Taules i 16 figures amb els diferents percentatges de les espècies al.lòctones catalanes segons el grau de naturalització, grau d'integració dins la vegetació, origen, tipus d'introducció i grau de naturalització, etc.Les 461 espècies que inclou aquest catàleg estan distribuïdes en 99 famílies i 289 gèneres. Les famílies amb més espècies són "Asteraceae" (73) i "Poaceae" (40). Hi ha 50 famílies que sols inclouen una espècie. Els gèneres amb més espècies són "Amaranthus" (18), seguit de "Coryza", "Oenothera" i "Solanum" (8).En el conjunt de la flora al.lòctona de Catalunya hi ha 316 espècies (64.54%) introduïdes de forma voluntària pel seu cultiu, mentre que la resta, 145 espècies (31.45%) procedeixen d'introduccions accidentals.El nombre total d'espècies naturalitzades a Catalunya és de 169 (36%, 95 provinents d' introduccions accidentals i 74 d'introduccions voluntàries), 242 espècies (52.48%) sols apareixen en estat subspontani, 43 espècies (9.32%) són adventícies no naturalitzades i 7 espècies (2%) tenen un estatus dubtós.La majoria d'espècies exòtiques introduïdes a Catalunya són orIginàries del continent americà (32.3%), a continuació vénen les procedents del SE d'Europai del SW d' Asia (22.9%), les espècies provinents dI Asia (excepte la part SW) col.laboren amb un 10.8%, les de Sud-àfrica amb un 6.2% i les d'Austràlia amb un 3%. Hi ha un 3.9% d'origen desconegut i un 20% procedents del C, W ó N d'Europa, W ó E de la regió mediterrània, dels tròpics, d'origen hortícola o bé d'espècies d'origen dubtós.Comparant els percentatges de les espècies d'introducció voluntària i accidental es veu que hi ha una gran predominància de les espècies americanes provinents d'introduccions accidentals, mentre que quan es tracta d'introduccions voluntàries el principal contingent prové de l'àrea que abasta el SE d'Europa i el SW d'Àsia.Es important resaltar la força amb què s'han introduït les espècies americanes en la flora catalana, perquè en un màxim de 400-500 anys proporcionen quasi el mateix percentatge d'espècies naturalitzades procedents d'introduccions voluntàries (31.08%) que en més de 2000 anys les espècies provinents d'Àsia SW i del SE d'Europa (35.13%), i un percentatge elevadíssim (63.15%) en les espècies naturalitzades procedents d'introduccions involuntàries, enfront del 11.5% d'espècies provinents del SE d'Europa i del SW d'Àsia. Aquest percentatge tan alt indica l'elevat grau de contactes comercials existents entre Amèrica i el Vell Món.Després l'anàlisi del total de la flora al.lòctona catalana es veu que la majoria d'espècies s'estableixen en ecosistemes artificials, mentre que sols un percentatge molt baix (1.3%) aconsegueix establir-se en ecosistemes naturals.L'origen i la composició de la flora al.lòctona catalana ha anat variant en les diferents èpoques com a resultat, sobretot, dels canvis de procedència en els intercanvis comercials. En l'actualitat els arqueòfits s'estan extingint, mentre que hi ha un augment molt considerable d'espècies exòtiques colonitzadores de recent introducció.L'increment de les espècies al.lòctones presenta una correlació positiva amb la sinantropització i la intensitat de la influència de l'home. A Catalunya hi ha una clara disminució en la proporció d'espècies exòtiques des del litoral mediterrani cap a l'interior del país, i el mateix passa a mesura que augmenta l'altitud. La freqüència més alta es troba al voltant de les grans ciutats i en zones amb molt regadiu, mentre que a les regions on hi ha grans extensions de comunitats naturals -sobretot boscos- o bé en zones de conreus de secà, el percentatge és molt baix. Les comarques litorals i prelitorals són les més riques en espècies, mentre que les més pobres són les comarques pirinenques.Aquest és el primer estudi global que s'ha fet a Catalunya (i a Espanya) sobre la flora al.lòctona. El nombre d'espècies exòtiques existents al país és difícil de precisar degut, per una banda, a problemes taxonòmics i, per l'altra, a que és una flora oberta, sempre hi ha espècies que s'introdueixen, d'altres que desapareixen, d'altres que cal reconsiderar el seu estatus, etc.En conseqüència, aquesta tesi representa una base per tal de poder analitzar i estudiar millor la flora al.lòctona del NE peninsular. / This doctoral thesis is about the allochthonous flora of Catalonia (NE Spain) over a 40.000 square kilometre area. A chapter with a general approach on allochthonous species, main introduction types (deliberately -as ornamental or food plants-, or accidentally -as contaminants of crops, wool, etc.-), criteria to decide the status (alien or native) of a species, and a compendium of the different kind of classifications and of the several terms existing in this flora is given.The biggest part of this thesis is the catalogue which includes 461 alien vascular taxa (2 Pteridophyta and 459 Spermatophyta). Families, genera and species are in alphabetical order. For each taxon the synonymy, chromosome number, original distribution, time of introduction to Europe, Catalonia..., is given.The composition and distribution of Catalan exotic flora have been subjected to considerable change at different ages, mainly in consequence of commercial exchanges. New agricultural technologies such as the use of herbicides and the cleaning of seeds have resulted in the retreat of a large number of Arqueophyta and the increase of a series of recently introduced plants which are capable of succeeding in a wide range of environmental conditions. The majority of Arqueophyta are natives of the Middle-East and Central and Western Asia, whereas at present the more recently introduced species come mostly from the American continent.

Η χλωρίδα του κάστρου της Μονεμβασιάς

Κοντάκος, Δημήτριος 13 July 2010 (has links)
Το Κάστρο της Μονεμβασίας, όπως το γνωρίζουμε σήμερα, κατοικείται αδιάκοπα τα τελευταία 1500 χρόνια, χωρίς ποτέ κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου να απαλλαγεί από τις ανθρώπινες δραστηριότητες. Ταυτόχρονα όμως, αποτελούσε και το ενδιαίτημα για ένα πλήθος φυτικών taxa. Η συμβίωση αυτή του φυτικού κόσμου με τον άνθρωπο έχει διαμορφώσει σε μεγάλο βαθμό τη σημερινή χλωρίδα και τα χαρακτηριστικά της. Στην παρούσα εργασία, επιχειρείται αρχικά, η καταγραφή της αγγειώδους χλωρίδας της Μονεμβασίας. Διερευνάται η κατανομή της χλωρίδας τόσο στις διαφορετικές χωρικές ενότητες του Κάστρου όσο και στους επιμέρους τύπους βιοτόπων. Για το λόγο αυτό, διακρίθηκαν τρείς τομείς ανθρώπινων δραστηριοτήτων (Πάνω Πόλη, Κάτω Πόλη και περιοχή εκτός των τειχών) και έξι τύποι βιοτόπων (ακτές, εξωτερικά τείχη, τοίχοι των κτηρίων, κάθετα ασβεστολιθικά βράχια, πρανή του αυτοκινητόδρομου, λοιπές εκτάσεις). Αναλύονται η χωρολογία και οι βιολογικές μορφές των taxa, προσδιορίζεται η προέλευση τους και γίνεται προσπάθεια προσδιορισμού του χρόνου εισαγωγής των αλλοχθόνων taxa. Πραγματοποιείται σύνθεση, σύγκριση και ανάλυση των παραπάνω αποτελεσμάτων με σκοπό την εκτίμηση της χλωριδικής αξίας του Κάστρου και τη διερεύνηση του βαθμού και του τρόπου της επίδρασης του ανθρώπου στη χλωρίδα. Τέλος, γίνεται σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων της παρούσας εργασίας, με αυτά που έχουν προκύψει από τη μελέτη της χλωρίδας του Κάστρου της Ακροκορίνθου. Τα αποτελέσματα της καταγραφής έδειξαν ότι η χλωρίδα του Κάστρου αποτελείται από 320 taxa (είδη και υποείδη), τα οποία ανήκουν σε 238 γένη και 74 οικογένειες. Η πλουσιότερη οικογένεια σε αριθμό taxa είναι η Fabaceae (40 taxa, 12,5%), ως αποτέλεσμα της ανθρώπινης δραστηριότητας. Οι αμέσως πλουσιότερες οικογένειες είναι οι Asteraceae (39 taxa, 12,19%) και Poaceae (33 taxa, 10,31%). Τα πλουσιότερα σε αριθμό taxa γένη είναι τα Medicago και Trifolium τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν 7 taxa το κάθε ένα. Στο βλαστητικό φάσμα κυριαρχούν τα Θερόφυτα (48,44%) και ακολουθούν τα Ημικρυπτόφυτα (17,81%)και τα Γεώφυτα (12,81%). Στο χωρολογικό φάσμα κυριαρχούν τα Μεσογειακά γεωστοιχεία (60,3%), ενώ ακολουθούν τα Μεσογειακά – Εξωμεσογειακά (10%), τα Ελληνικά Ενδημικά (8,4%) και τα Κοσμοπολιτικά – Υποκοσμοπολιτικά (7,2%). Από τη διάκριση των taxa ανάλογα με την προέλευση, προέκυψε ότι το ποσοστό των αλλοχθόνων taxa αγγίζει το 9,1% (29 taxa), ενώ τα αυτόχθονα taxa αποτελούν το υπόλοιπο 90,9% της χλωρίδας (291 taxa). Τα περισσότερα αλλόχθονα taxa έχουν αμερικανική προέλευση (41,4%), ενώ ακολουθούν τα Ασιατικά (17,2%) και τα Αφρικανικά (17,2%). Η περιοχή του Κάστρου που βρίσκεται εκτός των τειχών, είναι η πλουσιότερη σε αριθμό taxa (280 taxa, 88,1%). Ενώ η Κάτω και η Πάνω Πόλη ακολουθούν με ποσοστά 52,5% (167 taxa) και 35,8% (114 taxa) αντίστοιχα. Η μεγαλύτερη αναλογία αλλοχθόνων προς αυτόχθονα taxa, παρατηρήθηκε στην Κάτω Πόλη, ενώ η μικρότερη στην Πάνω Πόλη. Ο πλουσιότερος σε αριθμό taxa τύπος βιοτόπου είναι οι λοιπές εκτάσεις (270 taxa), ενώ ακολουθούν τα πρανή του δρόμου (151 taxa), οι ακτές (141 taxa) και οι τοίχοι των κτηρίων (137 taxa). Στους τοίχους των κτηρίων εμφανίζεται το μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό αλλοχθόνων taxa (11,68% επί του αριθμού των taxa του συγκεκριμένου τύπου βιοτόπου) σε αντίθεση με τα εξωτερικά τείχη, oπου τα αλλόχθονα taxa εμφανίζουν το μικρότερο ποσοστό (1,22%). Η αλλόχθων χλωρίδα του Κάστρου συνίσταται από 22 νεόφυτα, 5 αρχαιόφυτα και 2 taxa με αβέβαιο χρόνο εισαγωγής. Από τα taxa αυτά, τα 21 εισήχθησαν εκούσια και τα 8 ακούσια. Από τα 27 ελληνικά ενδημικά taxa, 15 εμφανίζονται στο Πάνω Κάστρο, 15 στο Κάτω Κάστρο και 25 στην εκτός των τειχών περιοχή. Ο πλουσιότερος σε ενδημικά στοιχεία τύπος βιοτόπου είναι οι λοιπές εκτάσεις με 20 ενδημικά taxa και ακολουθούν τα βράχια με 15 ενδημικά taxa. Η χλωρίδα της Μονεμβασίας παρουσιάζει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον, κυρίως λόγω των στενότοπων ενδημικών που απαντούν στην περιοχή και της παράλληλης συνύπαρξής τους με τον άνθρωπο. Τέλος κρίνεται απαραίτητη η προστασία κάποιων taxa, είτε στα μέτρα προστασίας της βιοποικιλότητας, είτε στα μέτρα της προβολής και ανάδειξής τους ως αξιοθέατα. / The Castle of Monemvasia, as we know it today, has been continuously inhabited for the past 1500 years. Throughout this period it has been constantly affected by human activities. At the same time it is the dwelling place of a number of taxa. The symbiosis of this floral world with humans has had a major influence on today's flora and its characteristics. This thesis attempts to catalogue the vascular flora of Monemvasia Castle. The distribution of flora in different parts of the castle, as well as in different habitat types, is investigated. For this reason the area is separated into Upper Town, Lower Town and Surrounding Area, in addition six types of habitats (coasts, external walls, building walls, vertical limestone rocks, roadsides, other terrain) are also identified. Chorology and biological forms of taxa are then analyzed. Their origin is determined as well as the introduction times of alien taxa. The results are synthesized, analyzed and compared in order to evaluate the floristic value of the Castle and to investigate the degree of influence of human activities on its flora. Finally these findings are compared with those of a study of flora in the Castle of Akrokorinthos. The floristic list results show that the castle's flora consists of 320 taxa (species and subspecies) which belong to 238 genera and 74 families. The richest family in taxa number is Fabaceae (40 taxa, 12,5%) as a result of human activity. Next in number are Asteraceae (39 taxa, 12,19%) and Poaceae (33 taxa, 10,31%). The richest genres in taxa number are Medicago and Trifolium, which include 7 taxa each. In the life-form spectrum Therophytes amount to 48,44% of the total number of taxa, Hemicreptophytes follow with 17,81% and Geophytes with 12,81%. In the chorological spectrum Mediterranean Chorological elements amount to 60,3% followed by Mediterranean – Outro Mediterranean (10%), Greek Endemics (8,4%) and Cosmopolitan – Subcosmopolitan (7,2%). From the discrimination of taxa according to origin, it is concluded that the percentage of alien taxa is 9,1% (29 taxa) while native taxa amounts to the remaining 90,9% of flora (291 taxa). Most alien taxa are of American origin (41,4%) followed by Asiatic (17,2%) and African (17,2%). The Surrounding Area outside the walls is the richest in taxa number (280 taxa, 88,1%). While Upper town and Lower Town follow with 52,5% (167 taxa) and 35,8% (114 taxa) each. The largest analogy between alien and native taxa was observed in Lower Town and the smallest in Upper Town. The richest habitat type in taxa number is other terrain (270 taxa) followed by roadsides (151 taxa), coasts (141 taxa) and “building walls” (137 taxa). The highest percentage of alien taxa (11,68% of the number of taxa in the specified type) is found in building walls in contrast to external walls where the lowest percentage (1,22%) of alien taxa is found . The castle's alien flora consists of 22 Neophytes, 5 Archaeophytes and 2 taxa with an uncertain introduction time. Of these taxa 21 were introduced deliberately and 8 accidentally. Of the 27 Greek endemic taxa, 15 are found in the Upper Town area, 15 in Lower Town and 25 in the Surrounding area. The richest habitat type in endemic elements is “other terrain” with 20 endemic taxa, followed by vertical limestone rocks with 15 endemic taxa. The flora of Monemvasia is of special floristic interest because of its local endemics which grow in the area and its continuous co-existence with humans. Because of this it is concluded that the conservation of some taxa is necessary either as a measure of biodiversity protection, or by pointing out their significance as a tourist attraction for the area.

"Flora Ionica" : καταγραφή της χλωρίδας των Ιονίων νήσων και οι μεταξύ τους φυτογεωγραφικές συνδέσεις

Καρακίτσος, Σπύρος 01 December 2008 (has links)
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Χλωριδική και φυτοκοινωνιολογική έρευνα του όρους Βέρμιου : Οικολογική προσέγγιση / Floristic and phytosociological research of mount Vermion : An ecological approach

Χοχλιούρος, Στέργιος 24 June 2007 (has links)
Το όρος Βέρμιο απαντάται στη γεωγραφική περιοχή της Βόρειας Κεντρικής Ελλάδας και η ορογραφική κατεύθυνσή του είναι Β-Ν. Στα βόρεια και νότια τμήματά του απαντώνται οιψηλότερες κορυφές του. Όι σκληροί ασβεστόλιθοι, ο μικτός φλύσχης, οι περιδοτίτες και οι σχιστόλιθοι σχηματίζουν τις μεγαλύτερες σε έκταση κατηγορίες πετρωμάτων στην περιοχή. Ο συνολικός αριθμός των τραχειοφύτων που συνθέτουν τη χλωρίδα του ανέρχεται σε 1070 φυτικά taxa.Ο αριθμός των taxa που αποτελούν νέες αναφορές ανέρχεται σε 269. Από το συνολικό βιοφάσμα της χλωρίδας, τα Ημικρυπτόφυτα υπερέχουν σημαντικά με ποσοστό 50,9% και εκφράζουν την τοποθέτηση της περιοχής μας από βιοκλιματική άποψη στον ύφυγρο βιοκλιματικό όροφο με χειμώνα δριμύ. Στη χλωρίδα του συμμετέχουν διαφορετικής προέλευσης φυτογεωγραφικά στοιχεία.Από τα ενδημικά taxa(Ελληνικά 3,2% και Βαλκανικά 16,9%) η Βαλκανική ενότητα εμφανίζει λόγω της φυτογεωγραφικής του θέσης μια κυριαρχία.Αυτό μπορεί να αποδοθεί ίσως στις κλιματικές και γεωλογικές ομοιότητες του Βερμίου με τον κύριο Βαλκανικό όγκο. Το όρος Βέρμιο απαντάται στα όρια του Μεσογειακού και του Μεσευρωπαικού χώρου. Από την τελική ανάλυση των 410 φυτοληψιών (από αντιπροσωπευτικούς βιότοπους όλων των υψομέτρων των διαφόρων ορόφων βλάστησης)που απαντούν στον όγκο του Βερμίου με μοντέρνες μεθόδους κατάταξης-ταξινόμησης, προέκυψαν από την συνταξινόμηση 36 διαφορετικές μονάδες βλαστησης, οι οποίες εντάσσονται σε 15 συνενώσεις, σε 12 τάξεις και 10 κλάσεις.Από το σύνολο των φυτοκοινωνιολογικών μονάδων που περιγράφονται συνολικά, οι 14 περιγράφονται για πρώτη φορά καθώς στο σύνολο των φυτοκοινωνιολογικών μονάδων περιγράφονται επίσης για πρώτη φορά 12 νέες υποφυτοκοινωνίες και 10 όψεις. Αναλύονται όλοι οι λόγοι-αιτίες που δημιούργησαν προβλήματα και ενδεχομένως δημιουργούν μέχρι και σήμερα. Για κάθε τύπο βλάστησης σημειώνεται η ένταση των ανθρώπινων δραστηριοτήτων,για την εκτίμηση της οποίας έχουν ληφθεί υπόψην τα αποτελέσματα της κατά το παρελθόν δράσης τους στη διαμόρφωση της σημερινής φυτοκάλυψης. Αναφέρονται και αναλύονται όλες οι λειτουργίες του δάσους. Αρχικά τονίζεται η σημασία των Διεθνών Συμβάσεων που συμβάλλουν θετικά στην ορθολογικότερη διαχείριση της περιοχής και τέλος, προτείνονται διαχειριστικές απόψεις ανά όροφο βλάστησης με στόχο τη χάραξη μιας ενιαίας στρατηγικής,με στόχο τη διαφύλαξη και γιατί όχι και την ανόρθωσή τους,όπου βεβαίως καθίσταται εφικτό. / The Mount Vermion is met in the geographical area of the nothern-central Greece, having a mountainous direction from the north to the south(N-S). In the nothern and the southern parts of the mount can be found the highest mountain tops.The hard calcareous soils, the mixed flysch, the peridotites and the schists compose the most extended categories of the underlying soil, in the wider area. The total number of Tracheophytes composing the flora of the Mount Vermion reaches to 1070 taxa.The number of taxa that constitute new reference for the mountain chain of Vermion, is calculated to 269 taxa. From the life-form spectrum of the total flora of mount Vermio, it has been concluded that the Hemicryptophytes have a significant supremacy as they are met to a percentage of 50,9% and so they represant the location of our area under study, as for a bioclimatic point of view, relevant to the sub-humid bioclimatic stage with a hard winter. In the flora of the Mount Vermion participate various phytogeographical elements of different origins.From the endemic taxa (Hellenic Endemic 3,2% and Balkan Endemic 16,9%), the Balkan group appears a dominance, in the area of Mount Vermion, due to its phytogeographical location.This could be explained due to the climatic and the geological similarities of the Mount Vermion with the main Balkan mountainous mass.The Mount Vermion is located within the boundaries of the Mediterranian and Middle-European floristic areas. As a consequence of the final analysis of the 410 samplings(releves) met in the mountainous mass of Vermion(which have all been realised at representative locations of all possible altitude of the various levels of the vegetation), performed with modern methods of taxonomy and classification, there have been resulted 36 different units of vegetation(as a result of the co-classification) these are included in 15 alliances, 12 orders and 10 classes. As for the total set of the phytosociological units described, 14 are now described for the first time, as in the total of the phytosociological units there exists, once again for the first time, the description of 12 new sub-associations and 10 facies. In the context of the present doctoral thesis we analyse all the reasons and the causes that have created problems either in the past or even still create problematic situations.For every kind of vegetation, we indicate the relevant "strength" of the various man-made processes, for the evaluation of which we have considered past or historical activities and how all these have affected to the developement of the present state of the plant coverage.Finally, we mention and analyze all functionalities in the forests. In the relevant context, we initially emphasize on the importance of the International Conventions, which contribute, positively, to the rational and management of the area. Finally, we propose possible managerial aspects, for each separate level of the vegetation, aiming to outline a novel and uniform strategy, for their preservation and their possible further extention, where such a perspective may be possible.

Piktžolėto lauko pakraščio įtaka agrofitocenozės segetinės floros kiekiui ir botaninei sudėčiai / Weedy trench influences segetic flora and its botanical structure in winter- wheat agrophytocenozis

Vasiliauskaitė, Ieva 22 June 2005 (has links)
The conception of environmental quality is common used in our society. Ecological farming is one of the most quality orientated agricultural system. The experiment was conducted in the Kazliskiai ecological farm of Lithuanian University of Agriculture. There were different kind of investigation determined earlier on the farm, but there were no investigation made on the influence of weedy trench to winter-wheat field. The aim of this work is to determine how weedy trench influences segetic flora and its botanical structure in winter- wheat agrophytocenozis. The tasks, which help to gain the aim: 1. To analyze how the amount of weeds change receding from weedy trench; 2. To analyze how the botanical structure of weeds change receding from weedy trench; 3. To evaluate interrelationship between amount of weeds and their botanical structure due to weedy trench. The object of the research work – the winter-wheat field segetic flora of Kazliskiai ecological farm. The following methods were used in this work: • The analysis of scientific literature; • The calculation of segetic flora amount and its botanical structure in workspaces; • The statistical analysis using EXCEL, DISPERS programs. The results of this work show: The weedy trench has a positive influence on the amount of segetic flora. It is 2-4 times bigger nearby weedy trench than in the middle of the field. The botanical structure changes only in autumn but not numerously.

Investigations into the role of mPIP, the mouse homologue of hPIP/GCDFP-15, in innate host defense

Nistor, Andreea 25 April 2008 (has links)
mPIP is a mouse homologue of human PIP/GCDFP-15 which is an established marker of both malignant and benign pathological conditions of the mammary gland. mPIP gene expression has been identified in both lacrimal and salivary glands of healthy mice and the mPIP protein has been detected in saliva. The mPIP protein has been found to bind oral bacteria, showing the highest affinity for streptococci, suggesting a potential function of mPIP in the non-immune host defense in the mouse oral cavity. Since the exact functions of mPIP are still unknown, we examined the roles of mPIP through both in vitro and in vivo studies, specifically to address the possible role of this protein in non-immune host response through modulating the oral flora. The in vitro studies were primarily focused on elucidation of the consequences of interaction between mPIP and oral bacteria, in particular to examine whether mPIP plays a role in bacterial aggregation. The in vivo studies addressed the roles of mPIP through the analysis of an mPIP knockout mouse model generated in our laboratory. Following confirmation of the null mutation, the delineating the phenotype of this model was pursued through morphopathological analysis as well as examination of the impact of the lack of mPIP on the mouse oral flora. The null mutation in the mPIP knockout mice was confirmed by both the gene and protein analysis. Histological analysis revealed lymphocytic proliferation in both the submaxillary and prostate glands of the mPIP knockout mice. In addition, both quantitative and composition differences in the oral flora of mPIP knockout mice were identified when compared with wild-type controls. Specifically, a higher proportion of the oral bacteria of mPIP knockout mice were found to belong to genus Streptococcus and certain genera were found to be absent from the oral cavity of these mice. The effect of knockout mouse saliva, which lacks mPIP, on the aggregation of oral bacteria was compared to wild-type mouse saliva. Our data suggests that mPIP contributes to saliva-induced bacterial aggregation. While oral flora has multiple functions, including protection against infection, mPIP might play a role in the non-innate host defense through modulating the resident oral flora in the mouse. The identification of lymphocytic proliferation in submaxillary and prostate glands of mPIP knockout mice suggests that mPIP might also interfere with lymphocyte activity, playing a possible immunomodulatory role.

Écho ironique et altérité chez Flora Balzano : l'autre est un je, suivi de, Y'a pus d'eau dans piscine (récit) / Y'a pus d'eau dans piscine (récit)

Caron, Geneviève. January 2008 (has links)
In Soigne ta chute, a novel by Neo-Quebecer writer Flora Balzano, immigration stereotypes are challenged by the irony of the narrator. The critique section of this thesis describes how the irony of a marginalised character can yield an identity statement. This essay studies how Quebec realities are echoed in an ironic manner by the narrator, illustrating her cultural identity within Quebec society yet all the while affirming her complex subjectivity. The observation of the ironic mechanisms will allow for a better understanding of the exploited strategies depicted in the creative writing section of this thesis, the novel Y'a pus d'eau dans piscine . The character portrayed in this novella is unsatisfied with traditional identity categories and makes use of irony and digression to create new identity configurations. Those strategies then allow this character to gain perspective on the consequences of her gender hybridization.

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