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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dry fine grinding of Norway spruce (<em>Picea abies</em>) wood in impact-based fine grinding mills

Karinkanta, P. (Pasi) 13 January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Wood powders are used in numerous applications such as thermoplastics and filters, and a lot of research effort has been put into developing novel ways of utilising them. The mechanical processing of wood powders, especially at particle sizes below 100 µm, has been reported in several studies, but they lack information on the effect of fine grinding conditions on the particle morphology and cellulose crystallinity, both of which are important parameters in the further processing of wood powders and in their various applications. This makes it very difficult to design and optimise fine grinding processes with different applications in mind. The aim of this thesis was to study the dry fine grinding of wood in several impact-based fine grinding mills in order to find out their effect on the properties of the wood and to study the energy required for the mechanical processing of the resulting powders. The effect of the main operational parameters on the properties of dried Norway spruce wood and the energy consumption was studied using three impact-based fine grinding mills that were capable of pulverising the wood down to a median particle size of less than 25 µm. It was found that the impact events occurring in media mills can be used for the production of very fine wood powders with lower cellulose crystallinity and rounder shaped particles having more uniform shape distribution than powders pulverised to a similar size range by means of impact events in non-media mills. A practical estimate was obtained for the minimum specific energy consumption in fine grinding in mills involving grinding media that could be utilised as a target for optimisation. Impact-based media milling under cryogenic conditions can be used to obtain different Norway spruce wood powders from those produced under ambient grinding conditions, i.e. without the freezing effect of nitrogen liquid. The energy efficiency of fine grinding can be enhanced by choosing cryogenic rather than ambient conditions. The moisture content of the wood has greater influence on the size and shape of the particles when milling is accomplished under ambient conditions. Torrefaction can reduce the energy consumption in impact-based media mills for median particle sizes over 17.4 µm (± 0.2 µm), while the shape and cellulose crystallinity of the particles are not significantly affected by torrefaction pretreatment as a function of energy consumption. / Tiivistelmä Puujauheita käytetään laajalti erilaisissa sovelluksissa, kuten esimerkiksi biokomposiiteissa ja suodattimissa. Tämän lisäksi on olemassa paljon tutkimustietoa siitä, kuinka puujauheita voitaisiin hyödyntää laajemminkin. Puu voidaan mekaanisesti prosessoida alle 100 µm:n kokoluokkaan, mutta yksityiskohtaista tietoa kuivahienojauhatuksen olosuhteiden vaikutuksesta jauheiden morfologiaan ja selluloosan kiteisyyteen ei ole saatavilla. Puujauheen morfologialla ja selluloosan kiteisyydellä on kuitenkin merkittävä vaikutus sovelluksia ja jatkojalostusta ajatellen. Puun kuivahienojauhatuksen tiedon puute hankaloittaa merkittävästi prosessin suunnittelua ja optimointia erilaisia sovelluksia varten. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on selvittää iskuihin perustuvien hienojauhimien vaikutukset puun ominaisuuksiin ja tutkia mekaanisen prosessoinnin energiatehokkuutta hienojauhatuksessa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kolmen erilaisen iskuun perustuvan hienojauhatusmyllyn pääasiallisten operointiparametrien vaikutusta kuivatun metsäkuusen ominaisuuksiin ja energiankulutukseen. Jokaisella hienojauhimella onnistuttiin tuottamaan puujauhoja, joiden mediaanikoko oli alle 25 µm. Iskuihin perustuvalla jauhinkappalemyllyllä saatiin tuotettua puujauhoa, jonka selluloosan kiteisyys on alhaisempi ja partikkelimuodot pyöreämpiä verrattuna samankokoisiin puujauhoihin, jotka on tuotettu iskuihin perustuvilla jauhinkappaleettomilla hienojauhatusmyllyillä. Työssä saatiin käytännöllinen arvio kuivatun metsäkuusen hienojauhatuksen minimienergiankulutukselle iskuihin perustuville jauhinkappalemyllyille, mitä voidaan käyttää kyseisten myllytyyppien optimoinnin tavoitteena. Työssä havaittiin lisäksi, että kryogeenisiä jauhatusolosuhteita käyttämällä voidaan tuottaa erilaisia puujauhoja verrattuna puujauhoihin, jotka prosessoidaan ilman nestetyppijäädytystä, kun jauhatus suoritetaan iskuihin perustuvalla jauhinkappalemyllyllä. Ilman nestetyppijäädytystä puun kosteuspitoisuudella on merkittävämpi vaikutus puujauhojen ominaisuuksiin kuin kryogeenisissä olosuhteissa jauhetuilla. Kryogeenisillä jauhatusolosuhteilla voidaan parantaa myös jauhatuksen energiatehokkuutta. Torrefioinnilla voidaan vähentää hienojauhatuksen energiankulutusta iskuihin perustuvilla jauhinkappalemyllyillä, kun tavoitekoon mediaani on yli 17,4 µm (± 0,2 µm). Torrefioinnilla ei ole vaikutusta selluloosan kiteisyyteen tai partikkeleiden muotoon energiankulutuksen funktiona.

Apport de la farine de maïs plastifiée dans les mélanges à matrice polyester pour des applications films / Contribution of plasticized corn flour in polymer blends made from a polyester matrix for thin films applications

Samuel, Cédric 26 October 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux menés à l’IMP@UJM ont pour objectifs la réalisation de films minces alimentaires 100% compostables par extrusion gonflage, thermoformage et biétirage. Des mélanges à base de farine plastifiée et de polyesters compostables ont été étudiés. La farine peut être déstructurée par extrusion bivis en présence de glycérol de manière similaire à l’amidon. La farine thermoplastique, ainsi obtenue, présente toutefois des différences notables avec l’amidon mais ne répond toujours pas aux applications visées. Son mélange avec des matrices polyester (PBAT et PLA) dans un procédé d’extrusion bivis a été réalisé et les morphologies caractérisées. La dispersion de la farine thermoplastique dans le PBAT, de type goutte / matrice, a été mise en étroite relation avec leur comportement rhéologique. Les propriétés mécaniques à l’état solide résultantes de ces mélanges ont été discutées en terme de microstructures, déformabilité de la phase dispersée et de l’adhésion à l’interface. Avec des charges modèles mélangées dans le PBAT et des analyses microscopiques sous déformation, le comportement mécanique de la phase dispersée a été clarifié. A l’état fondu, ces mélanges proposent des propriétés intéressantes mais limitées par les modifications de la matrice lors de son mélange avec la farine. Des défauts inhérents à la farine plastifiée et aux mélanges de polymères non compatibilisés ont été identifiés et une chimie adaptée a été développée. La polymérisation par ouverture de cycle du triméthylène carbonate à partir de fonctions hydroxyle en présence de catalyseurs organiques ou amorceurs organométalliques montre des cinétiques de réaction intéressantes pour un procédé d’extrusion réactive. Des fonctions hydroxyle modèle d’environnement chimique et stérique proche de l’amidon ont été utilisées pour l’amorçage de la polymérisation et les résultats ont été transposés aux fonctions hydroxyle de l’amidon, en présence ou non de glycérol. Une modification chimique de la farine thermoplastique, par greffage d’un polycarbonate, a donc été réalisée en extrusion réactive couplée au mélange avec le PBAT. Les effets compatibilisants ont ensuite été discutés en terme de microstructures, de réactions chimiques à l’interface farine plastifiée / PBAT et de modifications de la matrice PBAT. Les propriétés mécaniques de ces mélanges à l’état solide et fondu montrent des effets liés à la modification de l’interface / Thin compostable films for extrusion blowing, thermoforming and biaxial stretching are in the scope of these works. Blend of thermoplastic flour and compostable polyesters are proposed and studied. Corn flour can be processed in a twin-screw extruder with glycerol in a similar way than starch. Thermoplastic flour shows some differences with starch but still cannot be used in thin film applications. Thermoplastic flour was blended in a melt state with a compostable polyester matrix, PBAT. Matrix / particle morphologies were achieved and linked with individual rheological behaviour. Good global mechanical properties results from these morphologies were discussed in terms of microstructures, dispersed phase deformation under stress and interface properties. Model particles blends with PBAT and microscopical investigations confirmed the mechanical behavior of the dispersed phase. These blends still suffer from inherent problems concerning thermoplastic flour and uncompatibilized blends. A suitable chemistry was developed to overcome these defects based on monomer polymerization from starch. Ring opening polymerization of trimethylene carbonate in presence of hydroxyl functions and organic catalyst or organometallic initiators displays interesting reaction rates for a reactive extrusion process. Model co-initiators with chemical and sterical environments close to starch were used and transposed. Thermoplastic flour modification by polycarbonate grafting was achieved in a reactive extrusion process coupled with his blending in a melt state with PBAT matrix. Compatibilization effects were discussed in terms of microstructures, interface reactions and matrix modifications. Interface modifications were evidenced on mechanical properties of these blends

Vitaminas do complexo B e ferro em farinhas de cereais / Complex B vitamins and iron in cereal flour

Ana Elisa Ferreira Presoto 27 November 2006 (has links)
As vitaminas do complexo B e o ferro estão presentes em farinhas de cereais, alimentos amplamente consumidos pela população brasileira. O teor natural desses compostos em farinhas de cereais pode ser significativo no cálculo de uma dieta bem balanceada e o consumo de produtos industrializados enriquecidos com vitaminas do complexo B e ferro ajuda a contribuir na ingestão diária recomendada desses micronutrientes. Tabelas Mundiais de Composição de Alimentos apresentam dados incompletos das vitaminas do complexo B e do ferro em farinhas de cereais. No Brasil, a adição de ácido fólico e ferro em farinhas de milho e trigo produzidas para fins industriais é obrigatória desde 2002. Deste modo, para a adequação dos teores de rotulagem de produtos enriquecidos com vitaminas e ferro se fazem necessários o desenvolvimento e a validação de metodologias analíticas confiáveis e sensíveis para análise de vitaminas do complexo B e ferro em alimentos que apresentam tais micronutrientes em quantidades baixas, porém significativas, que correspondem aos teores naturalmente presentes. O objetivo do presente trabalho é a avaliação dos teores de sete vitaminas do complexo B (B1, B2, B6, ácido pantotênico, ácido fólico, niacina e biotina) e ferro em cinco farinhas de cereais (aveia, arroz, cevada, milho e trigo) utilizadas como matéria prima de produtos enriquecidos na indústria alimentícia, utilizando métodos validados. / Complex B vitamins and iron are present in some cereal foods, a kind of food largely consumed by Brazilian people. The total of these micronutrients can be significant at the dairy ingestion portion and in the consume of industrialized products enriched with complex B vitamins and iron contribute in the recommended dietary intake of these micronutrients. Table of food composition do not report complete data of complex B vitamins and iron in cereal flours. In Brazil, since 2002 the addition of folic acid and iron in com and wheat flours is compulsory. Therefore, to adapt the label of some products enriched with vitamins and iron, there is necessary the development and validation of analytical methods. These methods must be reliable and with enough sensitivity to analyse complex B vitamins and iron, in low concentration, wich are natural content in food. The purpose of this work is the evaluation, with validated methods, of the content of seven complex B vitamíns (B1, B2, B6, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin) and iron in five kinds of cereal flours (oat, rice, barley, com and wheat). These raw materiais are used in food industry in order to enrich the industrialized products.

Утицај хладне атмосферске плазме на технолошки квалитет и безбедност пшеничног брашна / Uticaj hladne atmosferske plazme na tehnološki kvalitet i bezbednost pšeničnog brašna / Effects of cold atmospheric plasma on the technological quality and safety of wheat flour

Vukić Milan 07 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Основни задатак ове докторске дисертације је био да се испита утицај третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом на квалитет и безбедност пшеничног брашна.<br />Прва фаза истраживања спроведених у овој докторској дисертацији била је усмерена на поређење SRC методе (Solvent Retention Capacity) са емпиријским методама на узорцима пасажних брашна. Метода је показала изузетно добру моћ описивања врло различитих својстава пасажних брашна. Поређењем параметара SRC методе са реолошким показатељима квалитета уочена је подела SRC параметара у две групе. Прву групу чинили су параметари способност задржавања раствора млечне киселине и индекс перформанси глутена (SRCLa и GPI) осетљиви на снагу теста, а другу групу параметри способност задржавања раствора натријум карбоната, односно, шећера те способност задржавања воде (SRCSo, SRCSu и SRCw) осетљиви на хидртатациона својства брашна. Обрадом резултата кроз мултиваријантну анализу, одређене су корелације, односно, односи између параметара SRC методе и реолошких параметара. На бази параметара SRC методе развијени су модели применом методе парцијалне регресије најмањих квадрта (PLSR) са високим вредностима коефицијента детерминације, R2 = 0,93 за фаринографску моћ упијања воде (FWA) и R2 = 0,92 за енергију те вишеструких одговора R2 = 0,89.<br />Друга фаза истраживања у оквиру дисертације била је усмерена на сагледавање утицаја различитих услова третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом (време, растојање, степен искоришћености заклона) на показатеље квалитета брашна кроз примену SRC методе, садржаја слободних сулфхидрилних група, ултраљубичасте и инфрацрвене спектроскопије, реолошких анализа на реометру и глутопику, те вредности глутен индекса и саджај влажног глутена. Електрична карактеризација извора плазме указала је да је укупна површина електроде хомогено прекривена плазмом при RMS вредности напона и јачине струје од 2400 V и 0,1 A. Коришћењем OES мерења (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) потврђено је постојање реактивних врста хладне плазме. Оптичке емисије су забележене у секундарној позитивној траци N2, првој позитивној траци N2, линије OH (A-X) опсега побуђених OH радикала као и линије из прве негативне траке молекулског јона азота. Мерења су указала и на низак интензитет побуђених стања атомског кисеоника. Сви посматрани показатељи квалитета су се мењали са условима третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом. Дуже време третмана пшеничног брашна довело је до повећање модула еластичности G&rsquo;, SRCSu и SRCw параметра. Вредности влажног глутена и глутен индекса (WG и GI) варирале су у уском интервалу, док су вредности садржај слободних сулфхидрилних група SRCLa и GPI параметара опадале. Како је SRC методе исказала добру способност да прати промене на брашну узроковане третманом хладном атмосферском на бази параметара SRC методе уз примену методологије одзивне површине спроведен је поступак моделовања и оптимизације третмана. Развијени модели свих SRC параметара су указали на значајне услове третмана и одликовали су се високим вредностима R&sup2; SRCLa (0,92), SRCSu (0,84), SRCSo (0,75), SRCw (0,91) и GPI (0,92). Aнализа секундарних структура указала је да третман доводи до увећања удела &alpha;-хеликс секундарне структуре те до смањења удела &beta; равни као и &beta;-окрет + &beta; равни.<br />У трећој фази докторске дисертације, посматран је утицај два правца оптимизације третмана хладне атмосферске плазме на показатење квалитета три групе производа (пшенични хлеб, мешани хлеб од целог зрна и хлеб са мекињама). Циљ првог правца је био минимизација SRCLa и максимизација SRCSu параметара а другог максимизација и SRCLa и SRCSu параметара. Утицај третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом, оба правца оптимизације, на показатеље квалитета све три групе производа посматран је кроз анализу физичких и сензорских параметара квалитета хлеба. Одређивањем физичких показатеља квалитета утврђено је да третман брашна хладном атмосферском плазмом доводи до промена пецивних својстава пшеничног брашна. Третмани су утицали на текстуру као и боју узорака хлеба. Краће време третмана имало повољнији ефекат на ток колоидних процеса током замеса, те и запремину готових производа. Сензорска анализа показала је да супститција 10% брашна третираним при овом третману позитивно утиче на запремину, изглед средине, укус и мирис свих врста хлеба. Резултати указују да је у зависности и од услова третамана, начина примене (количине), али и од квалитета брашна које се супституише третираним брашном, пожељно спровођење оптиизације третмана у складу са наменом брашна.<br />У четвртој фази спроведено је испитивања могућег утицаја третмана хладном атмосферском плазмом на безбедност брашна, односно, производе од брашна. Испитивана је могућност редукције Alternaria токсина у матриксу пшеничног брашна и утицај услова третмана (време и растојање). Испитивања су била фокусирана на три Alternaria токсина: алтернариол (AOH), алтернариол монометил етар (AME) и тентоксин (TEN). Одређени су степени редукције три Alternaria токсина, у &bdquo;спајкованим&ldquo; узорцима пшеничног брашна у зависности од услова третмана. Потом је извршено моделовање третмана применом методологије одзивних површина и одређен значај услова третмана на степен редукције испитиваних Alternaria токсина. Оптимизација је извршена прорачуном стандардне оцене, те је спроведено тестирање оптималног третмана на природно контаминираним узорцима млинских производа од пшенице. Резултати су показали да је могуће постићи значајан степен разградље свих испитиваних Alternaria токсина при релативно кратким временима (180 ѕ) третмана како у &bdquo;спајкованим&ldquo; тако и у природно контаминираним узорцима. Најбољи резултати редукције Alternaria токсина добијени су третманом узорка постављеним на растојању од 6 mm од извора хладне атмосферске плазме, са трајањем третмана од 180 ѕ, при чему је остварен степен редукције од 60,6% за AOH, 73,8% за АМЕ и 54,5% за TEN. Степен редукције испитиваних Alternaria токсина у природно контаминираним узорцима зависио је и од почетних концентрација Alternaria токсина.<br />Сва истраживања проведена у изради ове докторске дисертације указују да се третман пшеничног брашна хладном атмосферском плазмом може користити за модификацију технолошког квалитета, али и унапређење безбедности пшеничног брашна те је потребно наставити истраживања у овим правцима.</p> / <p>Osnovni zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom na kvalitet i bezbednost pšeničnog brašna.<br />Prva faza istraživanja sprovedenih u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji bila je usmerena na poređenje SRC metode (Solvent Retention Capacity) sa empirijskim metodama na uzorcima pasažnih brašna. Metoda je pokazala izuzetno dobru moć opisivanja vrlo različitih svojstava pasažnih brašna. Poređenjem parametara SRC metode sa reološkim pokazateljima kvaliteta uočena je podela SRC parametara u dve grupe. Prvu grupu činili su parametari sposobnost zadržavanja rastvora mlečne kiseline i indeks performansi glutena (SRCLa i GPI) osetljivi na snagu testa, a drugu grupu parametri sposobnost zadržavanja rastvora natrijum karbonata, odnosno, šećera te sposobnost zadržavanja vode (SRCSo, SRCSu i SRCw) osetljivi na hidrtataciona svojstva brašna. Obradom rezultata kroz multivarijantnu analizu, određene su korelacije, odnosno, odnosi između parametara SRC metode i reoloških parametara. Na bazi parametara SRC metode razvijeni su modeli primenom metode parcijalne regresije najmanjih kvadrta (PLSR) sa visokim vrednostima koeficijenta determinacije, R2 = 0,93 za farinografsku moć upijanja vode (FWA) i R2 = 0,92 za energiju te višestrukih odgovora R2 = 0,89.<br />Druga faza istraživanja u okviru disertacije bila je usmerena na sagledavanje uticaja različitih uslova tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom (vreme, rastojanje, stepen iskorišćenosti zaklona) na pokazatelje kvaliteta brašna kroz primenu SRC metode, sadržaja slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa, ultraljubičaste i infracrvene spektroskopije, reoloških analiza na reometru i glutopiku, te vrednosti gluten indeksa i sadžaj vlažnog glutena. Električna karakterizacija izvora plazme ukazala je da je ukupna površina elektrode homogeno prekrivena plazmom pri RMS vrednosti napona i jačine struje od 2400 V i 0,1 A. Korišćenjem OES merenja (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) potvrđeno je postojanje reaktivnih vrsta hladne plazme. Optičke emisije su zabeležene u sekundarnoj pozitivnoj traci N2, prvoj pozitivnoj traci N2, linije OH (A-X) opsega pobuđenih OH radikala kao i linije iz prve negativne trake molekulskog jona azota. Merenja su ukazala i na nizak intenzitet pobuđenih stanja atomskog kiseonika. Svi posmatrani pokazatelji kvaliteta su se menjali sa uslovima tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom. Duže vreme tretmana pšeničnog brašna dovelo je do povećanje modula elastičnosti G&rsquo;, SRCSu i SRCw parametra. Vrednosti vlažnog glutena i gluten indeksa (WG i GI) varirale su u uskom intervalu, dok su vrednosti sadržaj slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa SRCLa i GPI parametara opadale. Kako je SRC metode iskazala dobru sposobnost da prati promene na brašnu uzrokovane tretmanom hladnom atmosferskom na bazi parametara SRC metode uz primenu metodologije odzivne površine sproveden je postupak modelovanja i optimizacije tretmana. Razvijeni modeli svih SRC parametara su ukazali na značajne uslove tretmana i odlikovali su se visokim vrednostima R&sup2; SRCLa (0,92), SRCSu (0,84), SRCSo (0,75), SRCw (0,91) i GPI (0,92). Analiza sekundarnih struktura ukazala je da tretman dovodi do uvećanja udela &alpha;-heliks sekundarne strukture te do smanjenja udela &beta; ravni kao i &beta;-okret + &beta; ravni.<br />U trećoj fazi doktorske disertacije, posmatran je uticaj dva pravca optimizacije tretmana hladne atmosferske plazme na pokazatenje kvaliteta tri grupe proizvoda (pšenični hleb, mešani hleb od celog zrna i hleb sa mekinjama). Cilj prvog pravca je bio minimizacija SRCLa i maksimizacija SRCSu parametara a drugog maksimizacija i SRCLa i SRCSu parametara. Uticaj tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom, oba pravca optimizacije, na pokazatelje kvaliteta sve tri grupe proizvoda posmatran je kroz analizu fizičkih i senzorskih parametara kvaliteta hleba. Određivanjem fizičkih pokazatelja kvaliteta utvrđeno je da tretman brašna hladnom atmosferskom plazmom dovodi do promena pecivnih svojstava pšeničnog brašna. Tretmani su uticali na teksturu kao i boju uzoraka hleba. Kraće vreme tretmana imalo povoljniji efekat na tok koloidnih procesa tokom zamesa, te i zapreminu gotovih proizvoda. Senzorska analiza pokazala je da supstitcija 10% brašna tretiranim pri ovom tretmanu pozitivno utiče na zapreminu, izgled sredine, ukus i miris svih vrsta hleba. Rezultati ukazuju da je u zavisnosti i od uslova tretamana, načina primene (količine), ali i od kvaliteta brašna koje se supstituiše tretiranim brašnom, poželjno sprovođenje optiizacije tretmana u skladu sa namenom brašna.<br />U četvrtoj fazi sprovedeno je ispitivanja mogućeg uticaja tretmana hladnom atmosferskom plazmom na bezbednost brašna, odnosno, proizvode od brašna. Ispitivana je mogućnost redukcije Alternaria toksina u matriksu pšeničnog brašna i uticaj uslova tretmana (vreme i rastojanje). Ispitivanja su bila fokusirana na tri Alternaria toksina: alternariol (AOH), alternariol monometil etar (AME) i tentoksin (TEN). Određeni su stepeni redukcije tri Alternaria toksina, u &bdquo;spajkovanim&ldquo; uzorcima pšeničnog brašna u zavisnosti od uslova tretmana. Potom je izvršeno modelovanje tretmana primenom metodologije odzivnih površina i određen značaj uslova tretmana na stepen redukcije ispitivanih Alternaria toksina. Optimizacija je izvršena proračunom standardne ocene, te je sprovedeno testiranje optimalnog tretmana na prirodno kontaminiranim uzorcima mlinskih proizvoda od pšenice. Rezultati su pokazali da je moguće postići značajan stepen razgradlje svih ispitivanih Alternaria toksina pri relativno kratkim vremenima (180 ѕ) tretmana kako u &bdquo;spajkovanim&ldquo; tako i u prirodno kontaminiranim uzorcima. Najbolji rezultati redukcije Alternaria toksina dobijeni su tretmanom uzorka postavljenim na rastojanju od 6 mm od izvora hladne atmosferske plazme, sa trajanjem tretmana od 180 ѕ, pri čemu je ostvaren stepen redukcije od 60,6% za AOH, 73,8% za AME i 54,5% za TEN. Stepen redukcije ispitivanih Alternaria toksina u prirodno kontaminiranim uzorcima zavisio je i od početnih koncentracija Alternaria toksina.<br />Sva istraživanja provedena u izradi ove doktorske disertacije ukazuju da se tretman pšeničnog brašna hladnom atmosferskom plazmom može koristiti za modifikaciju tehnološkog kvaliteta, ali i unapređenje bezbednosti pšeničnog brašna te je potrebno nastaviti istraživanja u ovim pravcima.</p> / <p>The main aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the impact of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the quality and safety of wheat flour.<br />The first phase of research conducted in this doctoral dissertation was aimed at comparing the SRC method with empirical rheological methods on samples of wheat flour mill streams. The method showed good power to describe very different properties of wheat flour mill streams. By comparing the parameters of the Solvent Retention Capacity method (SRC) with empirical rheological parameters, the division of SRC parameters into two groups is noticed. The first group of SRC, lactic acid and glutenin performance index (SRCLa and GPI) is sensitive to the dough strengths, and the second group, SRC of sodium carbonate, sucrose and water (SRCSо, SRCSu and SRCw) is sensitive to flour hydration potential. Through multivariate analysis, the relationships between the parameters of the SRC method and the rheological parameters were determined. Based on the experimental data of the SRC parameters, models were developed with partial least squares regression (PLSR) to predict the most important rheological parameters. PLSR models with high values of coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.93 for farinographic water absorption (FWA) and R2 = 0.92 for energy and model with multiple responses R2 = 0.89 were developed.<br />In the second phase of the research, the influence of different conditions of cold atmospheric plasma treatment (time, distance, degree of cover utilization) on flour quality indicators determined by the SRC method, as well as the content of free sulfhydryl groups, wet gluten, gluten index, rheological properties and ultraviolet and infrared spectra were analyzed. The electrical characterization of the plasma source indicates that the electrodes are homogeneously covered with plasma at the RMS voltage of 2400 V and current of 0.1 A. Optical emission spectroscopy shows the most intense emission lines are in the N2 second positive system band, as expected for the atmospheric air plasma. Relatively lower intensities of peaks associated with atomic oxygen (triplet at 777 nm) are due to the involvement of O in the creation of O3, and quenching by N2 and O2 molecules. All observed parameters changed with the conditions of cold atmospheric plasma treatment. The prolonged treatment time of wheat flour leads to an increase in the modulus of elasticity G&rsquo;, SRCSu and SRCw parameter. The values of the wet gluten (WG) and gluten index (GI) parameters vary in a narrow interval and the content of free sulfhydryl groups and SRCL and GPI parameters show a decreasing trend. As the SRC method showed a good ability to monitor changes in flour caused by atmospheric cold plasma treatment. Based on the parameters of the SRC method, with the application of the response surface methodology, the procedure of modeling and optimization of the treatment was performed. Developed models of all SRC parameters indicated significant treatment conditions and were characterized by high values of R&sup2; SRCL (0.92), SRCSu (0.84), SRCSo (0.75), SRCw (0.91) and GPI (0, 92) respectively. Analysis of secondary structures indicated that the treatment leads to an increase in the proportion of &alpha;-helix secondary structure and to a decrease in the proportion of &beta;-plane as well as &beta;-turn + &beta;-sheet.<br />In the third phase, the influence of two directions of optimization of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the quality indicators of three groups of products (wheat bread, whole grain bread and bread with bran) was observed. The aim of the first optimization was to minimize SRCL and maximize SRCSu parameters and of the second to maximize both SRCLa and SRCSu parameters. The influence of cold atmospheric plasma treatment, of both directions of optimization, on the quality indicators of all three groups of products, was analyzed through the analysis of volume, physical and sensory properties of bread. Results indicate that the treatment of flour with cold atmospheric plasma leads to changes in all baking properties of wheat flour. Treatments affect texture parameters as well as color parameters. Shorter treatment time had a more favorable effect on the course of colloidal processes during mixing and the volume of finished products. Sensory analysis showed that the substitution of 10% flour with flour treated with Shorter treatment time has a positive effect on the volume, appearance of the crumb, taste and smell of bread. The results indicate that the optimization of flour treatment should be carried out according to the appropriate purpose, quantity as well as the quality of the flour which is substituted by the treated flour.<br />In the fourth phase, investigations of the impact of cold atmospheric plasma treatment on the safety of flour were conducted. The possibility of reduction of Alternaria toxins in the wheat flour matrix and the influence of treatment conditions (time and distance) were investigated. The examinations were focused on three Alternaria toxins: alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), and tentoxin (TEN). The extent of reduction of three Alternaria toxins were determined in &quot;spiked&quot; samples of wheat flour depending on the treatment conditions. The modeling of the treatment was performed by applying the response surfaces methodology and the significance of the treatment conditions on the extent of the reduction rate of the Alternaria toxins were determined. The optimization was performed by calculating the standard scores and testing of the optimal treatment was performed on naturally contaminated samples of wheat mill products. The results showed that it is possible to achieve a significant degree of reduction of all tested Alternaria toxins with relatively short treatment times (180 s) in both &quot;spiked&quot; and naturally contaminated samples. The best results of the reduction of all three Alternaria toxins were obtained for treatment with a sample placed at a distance of 6 mm, with a treatment time of 180 s. Under these treatments, a reduction of 60.6%, 73.8% and 54.5%, for AOH, AME and TEN, respectively, was achieved. Results also showed that the extent of the reduction of Alternaria toxins in naturally contaminated samples also depended on the initial Alternaria toxins concentrations.<br />All research indicates that the treatment of wheat flour with cold atmospheric plasma can be successfully used to modify the technological quality but also to improve the safety of wheat flour and it is justified to continue further research.</p>

La implementación de la Ley de Límites Máximos de Captura por Embarcación (LMCE) y sus consecuencias en las exportaciones de harina de pescado del Perú, con Subpartida Nacional 2301.20.11.00, durante el periodo 2009-2018 / The implementation of the Law of Vessel Capture Maximum Limits (LMCE) and its consequences on Peruvian fishmeal exports, with Subheading National Tariff 2301.20.11.00, during the period of 2009-2018

Alberca Morales, María de los Milagros, Gonzales Llerena, Nicole 18 March 2021 (has links)
La actividad pesquera del Perú está principalmente sustentada en la anchoveta, a partir de la cual se fabrica harina de pescado, cuya exportación se posiciona en un nivel expectante año tras año. Esta pesquería se viene desarrollando mediante la Ley de Límites Máximos de Captura por Embarcación (LMCE) desde el año 2009, cuyos objetivos se enfocan en la modernización y eficiencia del sector, el fomento del desarrollo sostenido, y el aprovechamiento responsable de los recursos hidrobiológicos (Decreto Legislativo 1084, art.1). En ese sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer las consecuencias de la implementación de la Ley de LMCE en las exportaciones de harina de pescado del Perú, con Subpartida Nacional 2301.20.11.00, durante el periodo 2009-2018. Se utiliza un enfoque de investigación cualitativa con teoría fundamentada. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a doce profesionales del sector, pertenecientes a las empresas pesqueras e instituciones más importantes del Perú. Como resultado, se validó que la implementación de la Ley de LMCE generó como consecuencia un impacto positivo en las exportaciones de harina de pescado, durante el periodo 2009-2018, mediante un incremento en la calidad y el volumen de producción de harina de pescado Prime y Super Prime, por la cual se obtiene un mejor precio de exportación en el mercado. Sin embargo, se halló que el precio y volumen depende en gran magnitud de factores externos, cuya incidencia se explica en la investigación. Con ello, se brindará las recomendaciones necesarias a los actores involucrados, así como a los futuros investigadores. / Peru's fishing activity is mainly based on anchovy, from which fishmeal is produced, its export is positioned at expectant levels year over year. The anchovy fishery has been developed through the Law of Vessel Capture Maximum Limits (LMCE, by its acronym in Spanish) since 2009, whose objectives are focused on this segment´s modernization and efficiency, the sustained development promotion and the responsible use of hydrobiological resources (Decreto Legislativo 1084, art. 1). In this regard, the aim of this research is to know the consequences of the “LMCE” Law implementation in fishmeal exports from Peru, with Subheading National Tariff 2301.20.11.00, from 2009 to 2018 using a qualitative research approach with grounded theory. Consequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 professionals that belong to the most important fishing companies and Government Institutions in Peru. As a result, it can be observed that the implementation of the “LMCE” Law caused a positive impact on fishmeal exports, during the period of 2009-2018: with an increase in the quality and volume of Prime and Super Prime fishmeal production, and also a better export price in the market. However, it was found that prices and volume depend on external factors mainly, and this incidence is explained in this investigation. Based on these, there will be recommendations provided to the involved parties, as well as to future researchers. / Tesis

Compréhension de la fragilité des composites PVC/bois par l'étude des relations microstructure/propriétés mécaniques et des mécanismes d'endommagement / Comprehension of PVC/wood flour composites brittleness analysis of the relations between microstructure, mechanical properties ans failure mechanisms

Balamoutoff, Alexia 13 March 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de comprendre la fragilité des composites à matrice polymère (PVC) contenant des particules de bois. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit d’examiner le rôle de chacun des constituants : matrice et charge, sur les propriétés mécaniques du composite. Cette étude a montré que l’influence des paramètres relatifs à la microstructure de la matrice PVC est minoritaire face à celle des paramètres de la farine de bois. Pour mettre en évidence le rôle des particules de bois, une méthode d’analyse de leur dispersion et leur orientation par une technique 3D non destructive, a été employée : la tomographie aux rayons X. Un traitement spécifique des données a permis de quantifier la taille, l’orientation et la connectivité des particules. Ainsi, on a montré que l’existence d’agglomérats et/ou d’un réseau percolant fragilise fortement le composite ce qui explique la chute de la résistance au choc lorsque le taux de farine de bois augmente. Pour optimiser le compromis fragilité/ductilité, différentes solutions ont été envisagées. Dans un deuxième temps, nos travaux s'intéressent à l'évolution de l'endommagement de matériaux composites possédant différents taux de farine de bois. Cette évolution est mesurée à l'aide de deux techniques : l'émission acoustique et la tomographie aux rayons X in-situ. La décohésion à l’interface entre la matrice PVC et les particules de bois est le mécanisme initiant l’endommagement. La transition ductile/fragile des composites s’explique par la coalescence de ces cavités. L’ajout de modifiant choc ne réduit pas suffisamment ce mécanisme. Les agents de couplage sont donc la voie à explorer afin d’améliorer l’interface matrice/particules et remédier au défaut d’adhésion qui pénalise ces composites. / The aim of the present study is to understand the origin of the brittleness of PVC/wood flour composites (WPC). The influence of the matrix and of the filler is investigated: fiber parameters are key factors that significantly affect the mechanical properties of WPC. Fiber dispersion, orientation and particles connectivity can be accurately assessed by using the non-destructive X-ray tomography technique. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of tomography experimental results allows a 3D visualisation of the composite. The brittleness of the composites is caused by agglomerates and/or the presence of a percolated network: it explains why impact resistance decreases when the wood flour content increase. To optimise the rigidity/ductility compromise, several solutions are considered. The other part of this work consists of combining acoustic emission and X-ray tomography to study the evolution of damaging in composite materials with different wood flour content. An original coupling of these two techniques is implemented. The main failure mechanism involved in such composites is the decohesion between the matrix and the wood particles. The ductile/brittle transition occurs when the cavities coalescence becomes the dominant process over the PVC matrix failure. Adding impact modifiers is not sufficient to improve the ductility of the composite. Coupling agents are the route to be explored so as to improve the interfacial adhesion between the matrix and the particles.

Effect of Thermal and Chemical Treatment of Soy Flour on Soy-Polypropylene Composite Properties

Guettler, Barbara Elisabeth 06 November 2014 (has links)
Soy flour (SF), a by-product of the soybean oil extraction processing, was investigated for its application in soy-polypropylene composites for interior automotive applications. The emphasis of this work was the understanding of this new type of filler material and the contribution of its major constituents to its thermal stability and impact properties. For this reason, reference materials were selected to represent the protein (soy protein isolate (SPI)) and carbohydrate (soy hulls (SH)) constituents of the soy flour. Additional materials were also investigated: the residue obtained after the protein removal from the soy flour which was called insoluble soy (IS), and the remaining liquid solution after acid precipitation of the proteins, containing mostly sugars and minerals, which was called soluble sugar extract (SSE). Two treatments, potassium permanganate and autoclave, were analyzed for their potential to modify the properties of the soy composite materials. An acid treatment with sulfuric acid conducted on soy flour was also considered. The soy materials were studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) under isothermal (in air) and dynamic (in nitrogen) conditions. SPI had the highest thermal stability and SSE the lowest thermal stability for the early stage of the heating process. Those two materials had the highest amount of residual mass at the end of the dynamic TGA in nitrogen. The two treatments showed minimal effect on the isothermal thermal stability of the soy materials at 200 ??C. A minor improvement was observed for the autoclave treated soy materials. Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated that the chemical surface composition differed according to type of the soy materials but no difference could be observed for the treatments within one type of soy material. Contact angle analysis and surface energy estimation indicated differences of the surface hydrophobicity of the soy materials according to type of material and treatment. The initial water contact angle ranged from 57 ?? for SF to 85 ?? for SH. The rate of water absorption increased dramatically after the autoclave treatment for IS and SPI. Both materials showed the highest increase in the polar surface energy fraction. In general, the major change of the surface energy was associated with change of the polar fraction. After KMnO4 treatment, the polar surface energy of SF, IS and SPI decreased while SH showed a slight increase after KMnO4 treatment. A relationship between protein content and polar surface energy was observed and seen to be more pronounced when high protein containing soy materials were treated with KMnO4 and autoclave. Based on the polar surface energy results, the most suitable soy materials for polypropylene compounding are SPI (KMnO4), SH, and IS (KMnO4) because their polar surface energy are the lowest which should make them more compatible with non-polar polymers such as polypropylene. The soy materials were compounded as 30 wt-% material loading with an injection moulding grade polypropylene blend for different combinations of soy material treatment and coupling agents. Notched Izod impact and flexural strength as well as flexural modulus estimates indicated that the mechanical properties of the autoclaved SF decreased when compared to untreated soy flour while the potassium permanganate treated SF improved in impact and flexural properties. Combinations of the two treatments and two selected (maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene) coupling agents showed improved impact and flexural properties for the autoclaved soy flour but decreased properties for the potassium permanganate treated soy flour. Scanning electron microscopy of the fractured section, obtained after impact testing of the composite material, revealed different crack propagation mechanisms for the treated SF. Autoclaved SF had a poor interface with large gaps between the material and the polypropylene matrix. After the addition of a maleic anhydride coupling agent to the autoclaved SF and polypropylene formulation, the SF was fully embedded in the polymer matrix. Potassium permanganate treated SF showed partial bonding between the material and the polymer matrix but some of the material showed poor bonding to the matrix. The acid treated SF showed cracks through the dispersed phase and completely broken components that did not bind to the polypropylene matrix. In conclusion, the two most promising soy materials in terms of impact and flexural properties improvement of soy polypropylene composites were potassium permanganate treated SF and the autoclaved SF combined with maleic anhydride coupling agent formulation.

Nutritional profiling and effects of processing an unripe banana cultivars in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Anyasi, Tonna Ashim 01 February 2016 (has links)
PhD (Agriculture) / Department of Food Science

Proměny mlynářského řemesla na Sedlčansku mezi lety 1848 a 1938 / Transformation of the mill trade in Sedlčany region between 1848 and 1938

Janotová, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the doctoral thesis is to describe the development trends of the transformation of miller's trade into modern miller's industry on the example of the judicial district Sedlčany in years 1848-1938. Miller's trade has been influenced by many technological changes, which were already described in the past. The legislative changes based on the economic and political climate, which have yet been ignored, are also essential. These changes had a crucial influence not only on the status of mills, but also on the status of millers. The thesis is divided in three time periods, in which the frame of the state formation and also the Sedlčany district itself were taken into account.

Challenges and opportunities of development in Ethiopia through urban-rural economic linkages (URELs)

Berhanu Zeleke Gobaw 07 1900 (has links)
The transformation of rural people and land to urban land and culture is a natural discourse and inevitable process. In the process, more than half of the current world population are living in urban centres. The number of urban centres and their population is rapidly increasing while the situation of integrated development of urban centres and rural areas such URELs for sustainable development have given less attention in agricultural based countries (ABCs). Multi-disciplinary (agriculture and agro-industries) integration, multi-spatial (urban centre and its hinterlands) linkages, multiscalar (micromeso and macro) levels, multi-actors and stakeholders involvement are the noteworthy innovations in the field of development studies. This study mainly focused on URELs for agribusiness and value chains under the development themes of governance and development as well as contemporary debates. Policies, institutional settings and practical implementation strategies of integrated and balanced development discourse of basic sectoral and urban-rural economic linkages (URELs) missed in ABCs such as Ethiopia‟s comprehensive development policy ADLI neglecting the rapidly growing urban centres. Owing to this, this study is designed to examine the challenges and problems, status and agribusiness and efficiencies of URELs for exploring theoretical empirical model for virtuous circle URELs. Methodologically, the study used sequential explanatory mixed methods research and cross-sectional survey design. The sequential approach was quantitative method, qualitative method and integrating the two findings on interpretation and discussion. The findings present truncated BPLs and FPLs of agriculture and agroindustries. It was was mainly due to poor and greater ranges of efficiency from TE, AE and EE for both agriculture and agro-industries, form of government as ethnic-federalism and regionalism, violation of the existing institutional frameworks, dejure-defacto discrminatin, government businesses, policy and institutional settings, lack of R&D, many paradoxical acts and poor resources mobilization and utilization. These problems and challenges are taken as potential opportunities for improvement and new lens of developing empirical model. The overall recommendation lies on creating enabling environment for virtuous circle URELs and integrated regional development using regional development approach, avoiding illegal interventions, import-export balance, proper resource mobilization and utilization. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

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