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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vitaminas do complexo B e ferro em farinhas de cereais / Complex B vitamins and iron in cereal flour

Presoto, Ana Elisa Ferreira 27 November 2006 (has links)
As vitaminas do complexo B e o ferro estão presentes em farinhas de cereais, alimentos amplamente consumidos pela população brasileira. O teor natural desses compostos em farinhas de cereais pode ser significativo no cálculo de uma dieta bem balanceada e o consumo de produtos industrializados enriquecidos com vitaminas do complexo B e ferro ajuda a contribuir na ingestão diária recomendada desses micronutrientes. Tabelas Mundiais de Composição de Alimentos apresentam dados incompletos das vitaminas do complexo B e do ferro em farinhas de cereais. No Brasil, a adição de ácido fólico e ferro em farinhas de milho e trigo produzidas para fins industriais é obrigatória desde 2002. Deste modo, para a adequação dos teores de rotulagem de produtos enriquecidos com vitaminas e ferro se fazem necessários o desenvolvimento e a validação de metodologias analíticas confiáveis e sensíveis para análise de vitaminas do complexo B e ferro em alimentos que apresentam tais micronutrientes em quantidades baixas, porém significativas, que correspondem aos teores naturalmente presentes. O objetivo do presente trabalho é a avaliação dos teores de sete vitaminas do complexo B (B1, B2, B6, ácido pantotênico, ácido fólico, niacina e biotina) e ferro em cinco farinhas de cereais (aveia, arroz, cevada, milho e trigo) utilizadas como matéria prima de produtos enriquecidos na indústria alimentícia, utilizando métodos validados. / Complex B vitamins and iron are present in some cereal foods, a kind of food largely consumed by Brazilian people. The total of these micronutrients can be significant at the dairy ingestion portion and in the consume of industrialized products enriched with complex B vitamins and iron contribute in the recommended dietary intake of these micronutrients. Table of food composition do not report complete data of complex B vitamins and iron in cereal flours. In Brazil, since 2002 the addition of folic acid and iron in com and wheat flours is compulsory. Therefore, to adapt the label of some products enriched with vitamins and iron, there is necessary the development and validation of analytical methods. These methods must be reliable and with enough sensitivity to analyse complex B vitamins and iron, in low concentration, wich are natural content in food. The purpose of this work is the evaluation, with validated methods, of the content of seven complex B vitamíns (B1, B2, B6, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin) and iron in five kinds of cereal flours (oat, rice, barley, com and wheat). These raw materiais are used in food industry in order to enrich the industrialized products.

Chemical changes in Brazil nuts and co-products: characterisation and strategies of control and monitoring / Alterações químicas em castanha do Brasil e coprodutos: caracterização e estratégias de controle e monitoramento

Sartori, Alan Giovanini de Oliveira 30 November 2017 (has links)
Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.) are seeds of high nutritional value collected from South American rainforests and its productive chain is one of the most important non-timber economic activities in Brazilian amazon. The main objectives of this research were: 1) characterize the occurrence of chemical changes in Brazil nut kernels (BNK), cold-pressed Brazil nut oil (BNO) and Brazil nut flour obtained by water extraction (BNF); and 2) investigate strategies of control and monitoring these changes during storage. For this, consolidated techniques, such as spectrophotometry and chromatography, and a relatively new analytical technique, the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, were employed. As major results, it was found that different combinations of storage temperatures and atmosphere packages have differently affected the tendency of radical formation and off-flavor volatile aroma compounds generation in BNK, and that the combination of refrigeration with vacuum packing was able to keep BNK at their best. It was demonstrated that a spin-trapping ESR spectroscopy method would be suitable to monitor oxidative changes in BNO with known history stored either in clear or in brown glass bottles under retail conditions. For BNF, it was demonstrated that minor variations on water activity (aw) might significantly affect the rates of both lipid oxidation and nonenzymatic browning reactions during storage. There was indication that for BNF with initial aw of 0.196, but not for BNF with initial aw of 0.101, under the studied conditions, secondary products from lipid oxidation might be substrates for nonenzymatic browning products formation. As a conclusion, these results may help to better understand chemical deteriorative processes in BNK and its co-products, according to the storage conditions, and that the use of less sample-demanding, fast and solvent-free analytical method to monitor these changes in BNO is feasible. / A castanha do Brasil (Bertholletia excelsa, H.B.K.) é uma semente de boa qualidade nutricional coletada em florestas tropicais da América do Sul, cuja cadeia produtiva é uma das mais importantes atividades econômicas não madeireiras da Amazônia brasileira. Os principais objetivos desta pesquisa foram: 1) caracterizar a ocorrência de alterações químicas em castanhas do Brasil (CB), óleo de castanha do Brasil obtido por prensagem a frio (OCB) e farinha de castanha do Brasil obtida por extração aquosa (FCB); e 2) investigar estratégias para controlar e monitorar essas alterações ao longo do armazenamento. Para isso, técnicas consolidadas como a espectrofotometria e a cromatografia, e uma técnica relativamente recente, a espectroscopia de ressonância de spin eletrônico (RSE), foram empregadas. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos, foi possível constatar o efeito de diferentes combinações de temperaturas e atmosferas de embalagem sobre a tendência de formação de radicais e sobre a geração de compostos voláteis de aroma relacionados a odor indesejável em CB, e que a temperatura de refrigeração combinada com a embalagem a vácuo foi a mais eficiente na preservação da qualidade da CB. Demonstrou-se que o uso de um método de aprisionamento de spins de RSE pode ser eficiente para monitorar alterações químicas em OCB com histórico conhecido embalado em frascos de vidro transparente ou marrons sob condições de armazenamento comercial. Para FCB, foi demonstrado que pequenas variações na atividade de água (aw) podem afetar significativamente as taxas de oxidação lipídica e de reações de escurecimento não enzimático durante armazenamento. Obteve-se indicação de que para FCB com aw inicial de 0,196, mas não para FCB com aw inicial de 0,101, produtos secundários da oxidação lipídica podem ser substratos para a formação de produtos do escurecimento não enzimático. Como conclusão geral, os resultados obtidos podem ajudar a explicar melhor os processos de deterioração química em CB e seus coprodutos, conforme as condições de armazenamento, e que o uso de um método que requer menor quantidade de amostras, é rápido e não usa solventes é viável para o monitoramento da qualidade de OCB.

Efeitos do ácido fólico não metabolizado na metilação global do DNA, na expressão de RNAm dos genes de DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-γ, TNF-α e interleucina-8, e na citotoxicidade das células NK / Effects of unmetabolized folic acid on global DNA methylation, on mRNA expression of DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-α, TNF-α and interleukin-8 genes, and on NK cells cytotoxicity.

Paniz, Clóvis 27 November 2015 (has links)
Com o início da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico (AF) no Brasil, a partir 2004, a população passou a estar exposta de modo compulsório a maiores quantidades desta vitamina. Sabe-se que o AF na sua forma sintética pode não ser completamente convertido para formas metabolicamente ativas, levando ao aparecimento de uma fração não metabolizada no organismo. Este fato é mais preocupante nos indivíduos que além da fortificação, fazem uso terapêutico dessa vitamina, como em pacientes com anemias hemolíticas (esferocitose hereditária (EH), β-talassemia heterozigótica (β-TH), entre outras). O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar se as concentrações séricas de AF não metabolizado (UMFA) afetam a metilação global do DNA; a expressão de RNAm de genes da DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-γ, TNF-α e interleucina (IL)-8; e a citotoxicidade de células NK. Foram incluídos 27 pacientes com EH, 50 indivíduos com β-talassemia heterozigótica (β-TH) e 136 indivíduos saudáveis. Outros 30 indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos num estudo de intervenção com 5mg/dia de AF durante 90 dias. Foram realizadas as análises de: ácido fólico sérico, eritrocitário e UMFA, vitamina B12, homocisteína total; expressões de RNAm dos genes de MTHFR, DHFR, IFN-γ, TNF-α e IL-8; citotoxicidade das células NK; metilação global do DNA e citocinas séricas IL6, IL-8, IL10, IFN-γ e TNF-α. Resultados: Os pacientes EH apresentaram maiores concentrações de AF (sérico, eritrocitário e UMFA) que seus controles, sendo que 55,5% (método microbiológico) e 74,1% (método LC-MS/MS) apresentaram concentrações suprafisiológicas da vitamina, e 74,1% apresentaram concentrações aumentadas de UMFA. No grupo β-TH foi observado maiores concentrações de folato eritrocitário comparado ao controle e 22% dos indivíduos tinham concentrações suprafisiológicas de AF. No estudo de intervenção, após 45 e 90 dias de uso de AF as concentrações suprafisiológicas estavam presentes em 93,3% dos indivíduos e 100% deles apresentavam concentrações aumentadas de UMFA. Não foram observadas diferenças nas taxas de metilação global do DNA entre os grupos EH e β-TH quando comparados aos seus controles e não foi verificada correlação entre metilação global e concentrações de UMFA. Tanto EH quanto β-TH apresentaram maior expressão de RNAm de IL-8, quando comparados aos seus controles. No grupo de intervenção houve maior expressão de IL-8 após 45 dias de uso de AF quando comparado ao período pré-intervenção. Foi mostrada uma correlação inversa entre as concentrações de folato eritrocitário com o número de células NK no grupo EH e com a capacidade citotóxica das células NK no grupo total (EH + controle). No grupo intervenção foi observado menor número e menor capacidade citotóxica das células NK após 90 dias de uso de AF. Conclusões: O uso de AF 5mg/dia foi associado com aumento expressivo das concentrações de folato sérico, eritrocitário, UMFA, na expressão de RNAm de genes da citocina inflamatória IL-8 e redução do número e da citotoxicidade das células NK. Dessa forma, altas doses de AF podem resultar em alterações de componentes do sistema imune podendo prejudicar os mecanismos de vigilância celular das células NK. Os nossos achados sugerem que é importante o acompanhamento terapêutico dos pacientes que fazem uso de AF, especialmente aqueles indivíduos que fazem uso crônico desta vitamina por longo tempo, como os pacientes com anemias hemolíticas, mulheres que desejam engravidar e gestantes. / With the beginning of the fortification of flour with folic acid (FA) in Brazil, since 2004, the population has been exposed compulsorily to larger amounts of this vitamin. It is known that FA in its synthetic form can not be completely converted to metabolically active forms, leading to the appearance of an unmetabolized fraction in the body. This fact is more worrying in subjects beyond fortification, make therapeutic use of this vitamin, such as patients with hemolytic anemia (hereditary spherocytosis (HS), β-thalassemia heterozygotic (β-TH), among others). The aim of this study was to evaluate if serum concentrations of unmetabolized FA (UMFA) affect the global DNA methylation; mRNA expression of DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-γ, TNF-α and interleukin (IL)-8 genes; and on cytotoxicity of NK cells. It was included 27 patients EH, 50 subjects β-TH and 136 healthy subjects. Another 30 healthy subjects were included in an intervention study with 5 mg/FA daily during 90 days. Analyzes performed were: serum and erythrocyte folate, and UMFA, vitamin B12, tHcy; mRNA expression of MTHFR, DHFR, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-8 genes; cytotoxicity of NK cells; global DNA methylation and serum cytokines IL6, IL-8, IL10, IFN-γ and TNF-α. Results: EH patients presented higher FA concentrations (serum, erythrocytes and UMFA) than controls ones, and 55.5% (microbiologic method) and 74.1% (LC-MS/MS method) showed supraphysiologic concentrations of vitamin, and 74.1% presented increased concentrations of UMFA. In β-TH group, it was observed higher erythrocyte folate concentrations compared with the control and 22% of subjects had supraphysiological concentrations of FA. In the intervention study, after 45 and 90 days of FA use, supraphysiological concentrations were present in 93.3% of subjects and 100% of them showed increased concentrations of UMFA. It was not observed differences in global methylation of DNA between EH and β-TH groups when compared to their controls and it was not observed significant correlation between global DNA methylation and UMFA levels. Both EH and β-TH showed higher mRNA expression of IL-8 gene, when compared to controls. In the intervention group, there was higher mRNA expression of IL-8 gene after 45 days of FA use when compared to pre-intervention period. It was demonstrated an inverse correlation between erythrocyte folate levels and the number of NK cells in EH group; and cytotoxic capacity of NK cells on total group (EH + control). In intervention group, it was observed fewer number and lower cytotoxic capacity of NK cells after 90 days of AF use. Conclusions: The use of AF 5mg daily was associated with a significant increase in serum and erythrocytes folate levels, accompanied by increase in UMFA levels, an increase in mRNA expression of IL-8 gene, and reduction of the number and the cytotoxicity capacity of NK cells. Thus, high doses of AF can result in modifications of the immune system components, which may damage the cell surveillance mechanisms of NK cells. Our findings suggest that is important the therapeutic follow up of patients that are using AF, especially those subjects with chronic use of this vitamin, such as patients with hemolytic anemia, women who wish to become pregnant and pregnant women.

Avaliação da potencialidade da farinha de banana verde como ingrediente funcional: estudo in vivo e in vitro / Evaluation of the unripe banana flour potential as a functional ingredient: In vivo and in vitro studies

Dan, Milana Cara Tanasov 01 August 2011 (has links)
A cada dia cresce o interesse por alimentos ricos em carboidratos não disponíveis em virtude da relação inversa entre seu consumo e o risco de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o potencial fisiológico da farinha de banana verde (FBV) como ingrediente funcional. Em ratos adultos, foi realizado ensaio de média duração (28 dias) para avaliação do efeito trófico da FBV sobre o intestino grosso e de parâmetros relacionados à tolerância à glicose. Em humanos, foram realizados ensaios clínicos de curta e média duração para avaliação dos efeitos sobre resposta glicêmica; liberação de hormônios gastrintestinais relacionados à saciedade; status antioxidante; fome e saciedade; e funcionamento intestinal. A FBV foi produzida com banana verde, Musa acuminata, de acordo com patente depositada pelo grupo (Patente (RPI - 1941), 2008). A FBV é uma fonte concentrada de carboidratos não disponíveis, com 56% de AR e 8% de FAT na base integral. A adição de FBV nas rações provocou efeito trófico no ceco dos animais, evidenciado por aumento no índice metafásico, número de células da cripta e profundidade das criptas. Além disso, a ração com FBV proporcionou melhora nos parâmetros relacionados à tolerância à glicose. Em voluntários saudáveis, a ingestão de uma única refeição adicionada de 8 g de FBV proporcionou aumento na saciedade e boa correlação entre os parâmetros fome/saciedade e níveis plasmáticos de grelina e insulina, melhorou o funcionamento intestinal, além de resultar em alta fermentabilidade in vitro em relação à lactulose. Após ingestão diária da FBV por 14 dias, os resultados da ingestão de RC0 (refeição controle antes do tratamento) e de RC14 (RC0 após 14 dias de tratamento) mostraram que ocorre melhora na tolerância à glicose, evidenciada pela menor liberação de insulina durante o GTT. O efeito positivo sobre funcionamento intestinal, sobre saciedade e sobre liberação de hormônios gastrintestinais no plasma permaneceu após ingestão prolongada da FBV. A adição da FBV na refeição resultou em aumento da capacidade antioxidante in vitro. A FBV apresenta inúmeros atributos positivos para elaboração de produtos que ampliem as opções para uma alimentação saudável, bem como propiciem saúde intestinal, visando a diminuição do risco de DCNT. / The study of unavailable carbohydrates has been of great concern due to their inverse relation with the risk for non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD). In the present study, the functional potential of unripe banana flour (UBF) was evaluated. In rats, a medium-term assay was carried in order to evaluate parameters related to glucose tolerance and the trophic effect of UBF on the large bowel. In healthy volunteers, short and medium-term clinical assays were carried to evaluate the effects of UBF on glycemic response; release of gastrointestinal hormones related to satiety (ghrelin, leptin and insulin); antioxidant status; hunger and satiety; and intestinal health. UBF was produced with unripe banana, Musa acuminata, subgroup Cavendish, maturation stage I, in industrial scale and according to a patent deposited by the group (Patent (RPI - 1941), 2008). UBF is a concentrated source of unavailable carbohydrates, with 56% RS and 8% DF (wet weight). Adding UBF in rat rations resulted in a trophic effect in the animals\' cecum, which was evidenced by increase in the metaphasic index, number of crypt cells and crypt depth. Moreover, the ration with UBF resulted in better glucose tolerance parameters. In healthy volunteers, adding UBF (8 g) to an only meal provided significant satiety and good correlation between the parameters hunger/ satiety and plasmatic levels of ghrelin and insulin, improved bowel habit, as well as resulted in high in vitro fermentability in relation to lactulose. After daily intake of UBF for 14 days, the results of the intake of RC0 (control meal before treatment) and RC14 (RC0 after 14 days treatment) showed that there is a positive post-prandial variation in the plasmatic concentrations of gastrointestinal hormones, as well as improvement in glucose tolerance, evidenced by lower insulin release during GTT. The positive effect on bowel habit, satiety and release of gastrointestinal hormones in plasma was kept after prolonged intake of UBF. Adding UBF to the meal provided significant increase in the in vitro antioxidant capacity. UBF presents several positive attributes for the elaboration of products that may increase the options for healthy eating habits, as well as provide intestinal health, always aiming to decrease the risk for NTCD.

Etude de nouveaux composites de source renouvelable à base de copolyamide et de farine de bois / Study of a new generation of bio-based wood polymer composites made of wood flour in copolyamide matrices

Sliwa, Fabien 25 November 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont consacrés à l'élaboration et l’étude des propriétés physiques et thermiques d’une nouvelle génération de composites bois/polymère.Ils sont composés d’une matrice bio-sourcé le pebax®, qui est un thermoplastique élastomèreet de farine de bois de production locale, issue du pin maritime. La matrice pebax® a été choisie car elle présente plusieurs avantages, notamment, une élongation avant ruptureimportante, un point de fusion inférieur à 200°C pour éviter la dégradation du bois au coursde la mise en oeuvre et un caractère hydrophile améliorant l’affinité entre la matrice et lerenfort. Les composites ont été élaborés par extrusion bi-vis et injectés sous forme d’haltèresnormalisées pour les tests mécaniques. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons montré la bonne qualité de l’interface entre le bois et la matrice, permettant de s'affranchir de l’utilisation d’agents compatibilisants. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence une forte amélioration de la stabilité thermique des composites sous atmosphère oxydante par rapport à celle de la matrice et du bois séparément. Les caractérisations mécaniques et rhéologiques effectuées sur les composites ont permis de montrer l’effet rigidifiant de la farine de bois avec un taux critique entre 20% et 30% de charges pour lequel le comportement des composites évolue d’un type élastomérique à celui de solide moins ductile. La dernière partie des travaux a été consacrée à l’évaluation de la prise en eau des composites. En accord avec les travaux de la littérature, nous avons montré une augmentation de la prise en eau avec le taux de bois. De plus, nous avons démontré que le début de l’absorption d’eau de nos composites suit un mécanisme de diffusion de type Fickien. / The physical properties and thermal stability of a new family of wood polymer composites (WPC) using a bio-based thermoplastic elastomer matrix (pebax® copolymers) were studied. The matrix is a polyether-b-amide thermoplastic elastomer which presents an important elongation at break, a melting point below 200°C which helps prevent degradation of wood fibres. The hydrophilic character of pebax® leads to a good interaction with wood fibres. We have chosen several types of wood flour as reinforcement agent, focusing on wood flour from maritime pine. Composites compounds were made using a laboratory twin screw extruder prior to injection molding to obtain tensile test samples. We have demonstrated the good quality of the interface between wood fibres and matrix, without using any specific compatibilizing agent. Most importantly, we have pointed out a strong improvement of thermal stability of composites under air atmosphere, compared with the behaviour of the matrix or wood separately. We have also characterized the mechanical properties of these composites. The resulting data show an improvement of the tensile modulus with increasing wood content and a decrease of elongation at break, with a behaviour change from elastomeric to less stretchable solid behaviour between 20% and 30% of wood content.The last part of our work was dedicated to the evaluation of water absorption of thecomposites at different wood content. We have shown an increase of water absorption withincreasing wood content and we demonstrated a Fickian diffusion process at the onset ofwater absorption.

Efeito da banana da Terra verde e do albedo do maracujá sobre o perfil lipídico de ratos

BARBOSA, Eloiza Helena Carrijo 07 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:23:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Eloiza Helena Carrijo Barbosa.pdf: 344169 bytes, checksum: 2878663ff33adc099106b1b5b4a2e97e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-07 / Were prepared meal green plantain and albedo of passion for the development of this work. After determining the chemical composition of the meal there was a biological test aimed to evaluate the effects of soluble fiber present in the flour of passion fruit albedo and resistant starch of the flour of green plantain, and the mixture of the meal on the levels lipid levels of hypercholesterolemic rats. For testing we used 40 male Wistar rats were divided into five groups of eight rats each. Four supplemented diets were prepared with high concentration of soluble fiber and resistant starch from the flour of passion fruit peel and green plantain respectively and a standard diet. The experimental groups were divided into Banana - 10% of resistant starch and 5% cellulose, Passion Fruit - 10% soluble fiber and 5% cellulose, Mix - 5% resistant starch, 5% cellulose and 5% soluble fiber , Cellulose - 15% cellulose and Standard. The Banana group had a lower intake of diet if differing from other groups. The fecal weight was higher in groups Passion Fruit, pulp and mix. The results show the potential beneficial effect of soluble fiber intake in the control of hypercholesterolemia and soluble and insoluble fiber on intestinal transit. Resistant starch from the green plantain results were not significant on the serum lipid profile of rats. It follows therefore that the albedo of the flour mixture of flour and passion of passion with the albedo of green plantain modulated so as to reduce the serum lipid profile in rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet, this was probably due to the presence Soluble fiber in both diets since the isolation of the diet that contained only resistant starch from the flour of green plantain not influence significantly the lipid profile of rats. / Foram elaboradas farinhas de banana da terra verde (Musa AAB- Terra) e albedo de maracujá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) para o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho. Após determinação da composição química dessas farinhas realizou-se um ensaio biológico cujo objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos da farinha do albedo de maracujá (rica em fibra solúvel), da farinha de banana da terra verde (rica em amido resistente) sobre os níveis lipídicos de ratos com dieta hipercolesterolêmica. Para o ensaio foram utilizados 32 ratos Wistar machos divididos em quatro grupos de oito ratos cada. Foram elaboradas três dietas hiperlipídicas,com concentrações variadas de fibra solúvel (proveniente da farinha do albedo de maracujá), de amido resistente (proveniente da farinha de banana da terra verde) de fibra insolúvel (celulose) e uma dieta padrão. Os grupos experimentais foram divididos em Grupo Banana dieta contendo 25,00% de farinha de banana da terra verde, correspondendo a 10% de amido resistente; Grupo Maracujá dieta contendo 34,77% de farinha de albedo de maracujá, correspondendo a 10% de fibra solúvel; Grupo Celulose dieta contendo 15% de celulose, correspondendo a 15% de fibra insolúvel e Grupo Padrão dieta padrão. O amido resistente proveniente da farinha da banana da terra verde no Grupo Banana não apresentou resultado significativo sobre o perfil lipídico sérico dos ratos. Já o grupo maracujá apresentou resultados positivos na redução do perfil sérico. Portanto a fibra solúvel presente na farinha do albedo de maracujá demonstrou ter potencial efeito benéfico na redução do perfil lipídico dos ratos alimentados com uma dieta hiperlipídica. Nas análises do peso das fezes dos ratos, observou-se um aumento de volume fecal nos grupos Maracujá e Celulose, indicando que a ingestão tanto de fibras solúveis como insolúveis tem capacidade de melhora do trânsito intestinal.

Η αναπνευστική λειτουργία εργαζομένων σε αρτοποιεία και η ευαισθητοποίηση αυτών στο αλεύρι / Respiratory function of workers in bakeries and their sensitization in flour

Πατούχας, Δημήτριος 03 August 2009 (has links)
Σκοπός: 1) Η μελέτη της αναπνευστικής λειτουργίας εργαζόμενων σε αρτοποιεία, όσον αφορά τα αναπνευστικά συμπτώματα τα σχετικά με την εργασία (βήχας, δύσπνοια, ρινίτιδα, πταρμός και επιπεφυκίτιδα) και τους δείκτες πνευμονικής λειτουργίας (FEV1, FVC, λόγος FEV1/FVC, RV, TLC, λόγος RV/TLC). 2) η μελέτη της ανοσολογικής ευαισθητοποίησης των εργαζομένων στα αλλεργιογόνα των διάφορων αλεύρων που χρησιμοποιούνται στην παραγωγή του άρτου. Μελετήθηκαν 103 άτομα που εργάζονταν σε παραδοσιακά αρτοποιεία στην περιοχή της πόλης των Πατρών. Από αυτούς τους εργαζόμενους οι 58 απασχολούνται αποκλειστικά στην παραγωγή του άρτου και οι υπόλοιποι 45 αποκλειστικά στην πώληση του άρτου. Ελέγχθηκε ο επιπολασμός των αναπνευστικών συμπτωμάτων των σχετικών με την εργασία (βήχας, πταρμός, επιπεφυκίτιδα, δύσπνοια και ρινίτιδα) με την χρήση ερωτηματολόγιου και προσωπικής συνέντευξης των δύο ομάδων ελέγχου. Επίσης ελέγχθηκε η πνευμονική λειτουργία των εργαζομένων με την χρήση σπιρομέτρησης και σωματικής πληθυσμογραφίας, με τον υπολογισμό των δεικτών FEV1, FVC, τον λόγο FEV1/FVC , RV, TLC και τον λόγο RV/TLC). Αναζητήθηκε επίσης το ποσοστό αποφρακτικής και περιοριστικής νόσου και στους παραγωγούς και στους πωλητές του άρτου και το ποσοστό ανταπόκρισης στην βρογχοδιαστολή (ενδεικτικό αναστρέψιμης αποφρακτικής νόσου). Τέλος εξετάστηκε ο επιπολασμός της ανοσολογικής ευαισθητοποίησης των εργαζομένων στα αλλεργιογόνα άρτου (σιτάρι, βρώμη, σίκαλη και κριθάρι) με την χρήση της δερματικής δοκιμασίας δια νυγμού (skin prick test) και της ανοσολογικής ευαισθητοποίησης στα κοινά αλλεργιογόνα (γύρη λουλουδιών, ακάρεα σκόνης και επιθήλια γάτας και σκύλου) (ατοπία) Οι εργαζόμενοι που απασχολούνται αποκλειστικά με την παραγωγή του άρτου εμφανίζουν σε ποσοστό 41,37% ένα τουλάχιστον αναπνευστικό σύμπτωμα σχετικό με την εργασία, έναντι 6,6% των εργαζομένων στην πώληση του άρτου. Το πιο συχνό αναπνευστικό σύμπτωμα είναι η ρινίτιδα (σε ποσοστό 24,13% για τους παραγωγούς και 4,4% για τους πωλητές). Για τους παραγωγούς βρέθηκε συσχέτιση μεταξύ των αναπνευστικών συμπτωμάτων σχετικών με την εργασία και της ανοσολογικής ευαισθητοποίησης σε ένα τουλάχιστον αλλεργιογόνο των αρτοποιείων (p<0.01), και της ανοσολογικής ευαισθητοποίησης στο αλεύρι σίτου (p<0.05). Οι τιμές των πνευμονικών δεικτών FEV1, FVC και FEV1/FVC για τους παραγωγούς κατά μέσο όρο είναι 91,62%, 94,53% και 96,78%, ενώ οι αντίστοιχες τιμές για τους πωλητές είναι 101,69%, 99,93% και 101,56%. Το ποσοστό αποφρακτικής νόσου μεταξύ των παραγωγών είναι 12,06%, ενώ το 20,68% παρουσιάζει ανταπόκριση στη βρογχοδιαστολή>12% (ενδεικτικό αναστρέψιμης αποφρακτικής νόσου-άσθμα). Το ποσοστό περιοριστικής νόσου είναι παρόμοιο για τις δυο ομάδες (12.06% για τους παραγωγούς και 11,1% για τους πωλητές ). Τέλος το 22,41% των παραγωγών άρτου εμφανίζει ευαισθητοποίηση σε ένα τουλάχιστον αλλεργιογόνο του άρτου, έναντι 4,4% των εργαζομένων στην πώληση του άρτου με καθοριστικό παράγοντα την ύπαρξη ατοπίας.(OR=15, 12, p<0.01). Το 17,24% των εργαζομένων στην παραγωγή του άρτου εμφανίζει ευαισθητοποίηση στο αλεύρι σίτου, ενώ μόνο το 2,2% των πωλητών εμφανίζει κάτι ανάλογο με την ατοπία επίσης να συντελεί σημαντικό ρόλο(OR=8.8, p<0.01) Οι εργαζόμενοι στην παραγωγή του άρτου παρουσιάζουν πιο συχνά αναπνευστικά συμπτώματα σχετικά με την εργασία ανοσολογικής προέλευσης, χαμηλότερες τιμές στους δείκτες πνευμονικής λειτουργίας που υποδηλώνουν αποφρακτική νόσο και σε μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό ανοσολογική ευαισθητοποίηση στο αλεύρι σίτου από τους πωλητές άρτου. Σημαντικό ρόλο πιθανόν να παίζει η αυξημένη έκθεση στη συγκέντρωση σκόνης αλευριού στην οποία εκτίθενται οι εργαζόμενοι στην παραγωγή του άρτου σε σχέση με τους πωλητές του άρτου. / Aim: 1) The study of the respiratory function of people working in bakeries, concerning the respiratory symptoms which are related to the work (cough, dyspnoea, rhinitis, sneezing and conjunctivitis) and the indexes of lung function (FEV1, FVC, ratio FEV1/FVC, RV, TLC, ratio RV/TLC). 2) The study of the immunologic sensitization of the people working in the allergies of different flours which are used in bread production. People working in traditional bakeries (103 people) in the area of the town of Patras were studied. Fifty eight of them were working exclusively in the bread production and forty five were working exclusively in the bread sale. The prevalence of the respiratory symptoms, related to the work (cough, sneezing, conjunctivitis, dyspnoea and rhinitis) was examined using a questionnaire and a personal interview of both groups being under examination. The lung function of the employees was also checked using a spirometry and body phlethysmography, calculating the indexes FEV1, FVC, the ratio FEV1/FVC, RV, TLC and the ratio RV/TLC). The percentage of the obstructive and the restrictive impairment both in the bread producers and sellers was also searched as well as the percentage of response in the bronchodilation (indication of inverted obstructive impairment). Finally the prevalence of the immunologic sensitization of people working in the allergies of flours (wheat, oats, rye and barley) was examined using the skin prick test and the immunologic sensitization in common allergies (pollen, house dust mite and animal dander). The people working exclusively in the bread production present at least one respiratory symptom related to their work in a percentage of 41.37%, versus the people working in bread sale with a percentage of 6.6%. The most often respiratory symptom is rhinitis (a 24.13% of bread producers and a 4.4% of bread sellers). There was a connection, for the bread producers, among the respiratory symptoms related to the work and the immunologic sensitization in at least one allergy of bakeries (p<0.01), and the immunologic sensitization in the wheat flour (p<0.05). The rates of the lung ratios FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC are 91.62%, 94.53% and 96.78% on the average for the bread producers, versus the equivalent rates which are 101.69%, 99.93% and 101.56% for the bread sellers. The percentage of obstructive impairment among the bread producers is 12.06%, while a 20.68% present a response in the bronchodilation >12% (indication of inverted obstructive impairment – asthma), and while the percentage of restrictive impairment is similar in both groups (12.06% for bread producers and 11.1% for bread sellers). Finally a 22.41% of the bread producers present sensitization in at least one of the allergies of flour, versus a 4.4% of the bread sellers with a defining factor the existence of atopy. (OR=15, 12, p<0.01). A 17.24% of bread producers present a sensitization in wheat flour, versus a 2.2% of the bread sellers who present something equivalent, with atopy having an important part (OR=8.8, p<0.01). The bread producers present more often respiratory symptoms of immunologic origin connected to the work, lower rates in the ratios of lung function which indicate obstructive illness and a higher percentage of immunologic sensitization to wheat flour versus the bread sellers. The increased exposure in the concentration of wheat dust, that the bread producers versus the bread sellers are exposed, is possible of important part.

Desenvolvimento de biscoito enriquecido com farinha de algaroba: avaliação tecnológica, sensorial e armazenabilidade.

GUSMÃO, Rennan Pereira de. 05 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-05T19:47:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RENNAN PEREIRA DE GUSMÃO – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 4781124 bytes, checksum: fd473ef9686e8dc699f6b0aa1da038e5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-05T19:47:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RENNAN PEREIRA DE GUSMÃO – TESE (PPGEP) 2015.pdf: 4781124 bytes, checksum: fd473ef9686e8dc699f6b0aa1da038e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / O segmento de biscoitos é de extrema importância para o Brasil, que se destaca como o 2º maior produtor mundial. A busca por matérias-primas alternativas ao trigo se torna cada vez mais necessária para desenvolvimento de produtos sem glúten, incremento no valor nutricional e redução de custos no setor de panificação. As vagens da algaroba apresentam alto valor nutritivo e podem ser utilizadas como matéria-prima para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos alimentícios. Com esses aspectos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver biscoito enriquecido com farinha de algaroba com elevada qualidade nutricional e importância para o desenvolvimento econômico do semiárido nordestino; para tal, foi utilizada a algaroba madura, com teor de água de 20% (b.u) e realizados experimentos de secagem com temperaturas de 50, 60, 70 e 80°C; os modelos matemáticos de Fick, Page, Cavalcanti Mata, Exponencial de Dois Termos e Henderson & Pabis foram utilizados para ajuste aos dados experimentais; posteriormente, foram desenvolvidos biscoitos com farinha de algaroba e submetidos à análise sensorial. A farinha de algaroba utilizada na formulação do biscoito com maior aceitação, foi submetida à caracterização granulométrica, morfológica, reológica, físico -química, determinação dos minerais e utilizada para produção de biscoitos, mediante planejamento experimental. As cinco melhores formulações de biscoito foram submetidas ao teste de aceitação sensorial; a atividade de água, firmeza, fraturabilidade e cor das três formulações de biscoitos com maior aceitação foram analisadas durante 120 dias de armazenamento; a partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se afirmar que os modelos matemáticos de Fick, Page, Cavalcanti Mata, Exponencial de Dois Termos e Henderson & Pabis, representaram satisfatoriamente os dados experimentais da secagem de algaroba. A farinha de algaroba apresentou características reológicas adequadas à produção de biscoitos. A farinha de algaroba apresentou alta concentração de fibras (15,10.g.100g-1), proteínas (9,12.g.100g-1), cálcio (650,75.mg.100g-1) e fósforo (879,12.mg.100g-1). Os biscoitos elaborados com: 25% de farinha de algaroba, 30% de teor de açúcar e 45% de teor de gordura de palma (experimento 4), 5% de farinha de algaroba, 50% de teor de açúcar e 45% de teor de gordura de palma (experimento 7) e 15% de farinha de algaroba, 40% de teor de açúcar e 35% de teor de gordura de palma (experimento 9) foram os que tiveram maior aceitação e intenção de compra. Decorrido o período de 120 dias de armazenamento, os biscoitos elaborados com farinha de algaroba tiveram sua atividade de água, fraturabilidade e luminosidade aumentadas, e sua firmeza, intensidade de amarelo e vermelho, diminuídas. Conclui-se que os biscoitos elaborados com farinha de algaroba apresentaram nutrientes, como: cálcio, ferro e fósforo, boa aceitação sensorial e características de qualidade com comportamento similar ao de produtos já existentes no mercado, durante o armazenamento. / The segment of cookies is extremely important to Brazil, which stands as the 2nd largest producer. The search for alternative raw materials to wheat becomes increasingly necessary for the development of gluten-free products, increase the nutritional value and cost savings in the bakery sector. The mesquite pods have a high nutritional value and can be used as feedstock for the development of new food products. With these aspects, the objective of this study was to develop cookie enriched with mesquite flour which has high nutritional quality and importance to the economic development of the semi-arid northeast. In this work, the mature mesquite was used with a water content of 20% (wb). Drying experiments were performed at temperatures of 50, 60, 70 and 80 ° C. Mathematical models of Fick, Page, Cavalcanti Mata, Exponential Two Terms and Henderson & Pabis were used to fit the experimental data. Later, cookies were developed with mesquite flour and subjected to sensory analysis. The mesquite flour used in the cookie formulation with greater acceptance, was subjected to size grain, morphological, rheological, physico-chemical, determination of the chemical elements and was used for the production of cookies by using experimental design. The five best cookie formulations were subjected to sensory acceptance test. Water activity, firmness, fracture stress and color of all three formulations of cookies with greater acceptance were analyzed for 120 days of storage. From the results obtained, it can be said that the mathematical models Fick, Page, Cavalcanti Mata, Exponential Two Terms and Henderson & Pabis satisfactorily explained the experimental data of drying mesquite. The mesquite flour presented rheological characteristics suitable for production of cookies. The mesquite flour showed high concentration of fibers (15.10 g.100g-1), protein (9.12 g.100g-1), calcium (650.75.mg.100g-1) and phosphorous (879.12.mg.100g-1). The cookies made with 25% mesquite flour, 30% sugar and 45% palm fat content (experiment 4), 5% of mesquite flour, 50% sugar content and 45% content palm fat (experiment 7) and 15% of mesquite flour, 40% sugar and 35% palm fat content (experiment 9) were those who had greater acceptance and purchase intent. After the 120 days of storage, cookies of mesquite flour had their water activity and luminance increased, while its firmness, fracture stress, yellow and red intensity reduced. It is concluded that the cookies, of mesquite flour presented a high nutritional composition, high sensory acceptance, and similar quality characteristics to existing products on the market during storage.

Etude des facteurs influençant la structure et la texture de produits céréaliers alvéolés de cuisson semi-humide : une approche instrumentale et sensorielle de caractérisation de la texture / On the study of the different factors influencing the structure and the texture of semi-humid baked aerated cereal products : sensory and instrumental dimensions of texture

Blanchard, Coralie 16 January 2014 (has links)
La texture, manifestation sensorielle des propriétés structurales, mécaniques et de surface d’un matériau constitue un paramètre clé dans l’évaluation des produits alimentaires. Elle reflète leur qualité, leur fraîcheur et influence l’acceptabilité du produit par le consommateur déterminant l’intention de ré-achat. Dans la littérature scientifique, la plupart des travaux portant sur la texture des produits céréaliers ont étudié des matrices alimentaires telles que le pain ou les biscuits mais plus rares sont les travaux sur les gâteaux type cake. L’objectif de ce travail est donc de caractériser le moelleux d’un produit de type cake de sa mise en place à son évolution au cours de la conservation du produit au moyen de méthodes instrumentales et sensorielles. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l’influence de la nature de la farine, du procédé de fabrication et de l’aération des produits sur caractère moelleux au travers de méthodes instrumentales et sensorielles. La caractérisation instrumentale des produits moelleux et la structure de leur mie ont été évaluées par des mesures rhéologiques (texturomètre, DMTA) et d’imagerie (XR-Tomography). La caractérisation sensorielle a été menée par l’établissement d’un profil sensoriel de la texture avec un panel entraîné évaluant l’aspect des produits et les sensations perçues au toucher et en bouche. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié les propriétés fonctionnelles des farines et de leurs composants en milieu modèle et complexe par différentes méthodes physico-chimiques (rhéologie des pâtes, analyse enthalpique différentielle, microscopie, diffraction RX). Enfin, les mesures sensorielles et instrumentales ont été mises en relation via une analyse factorielle multiple dans le but de déterminer des méthodes instrumentales permettant de caractériser le caractère moelleux des produits de type cake. Les résultats montrent que l’aération de la mie et la composition de la farine sont les facteurs clés du moelleux dans ce type de produit. L’évaluer et le sélectionner sur la base de ses caractéristiques physico-chimiques (élasticité, fermeté, aération) s’avère possible compte tenu de la stabilité de sa texture au cours du temps afin de pouvoir anticiper sur l’acceptabilité du produit par le consommateur le plus tôt possible dans son processus de développement / Since texture is the manifestation of structural, mechanical and surface properties of a material, it represents a key characteristic for food materials. It reflects food quality, freshness perception influencing consumer acceptance.Studies encountered in the scientific literature that are devoted to cereal based foods texture are foremost based on bread also biscuits scarcely on cakes. This study entitled ‘study of the different factors influencing the structure and the texture of semi-humid baked aerated cereal products: sensory and instrumental dimensions of texture’ focus on cake softness characterization, set up and evolution. First, the investigation of the influence of soft wheat flour origin, making process and aeration properties on cake texture is proposed. Instrumental characterization of cake texture properties was performed through high deformation using TPA and relaxation tests. Several approaches were attempted to determine cake crumb structure including rheology, microscopy; image analysis and X Ray-Tomography. Sensory characterization of cake texture was achieved through descriptive texture profile involving establishment of our trained panel. Second, we peer into the functional properties of wheat flour also of its gluten and starch components, physico-chemical methods among which fluid rheology, differential scanning calorimetry, optic microscopy and X-Ray powder diffraction are employed. The results are discussed in terms of physical and chemical changes that cake dough ingredients undergo upon making process. This investigation highlights that several parameters are substantially involved in cake structure set up and final texture perception. Suitable flour choice (composition, components quality) and aeration management are critical factors for the elaboration of a product to be perceived the softest as possible. Also, regarding evolution of texture, it is possible to state on the selection of a product whether than another at early development stages allowing anticipate on consumer acceptance

Massa alimentícia livre de glúten elaborada a partir de féculas de batata e mandioca e farinha de arroz vermelho.

PEREIRA, Karla Barboza. 20 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-20T20:36:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KARLA BARBOZA PEREIRA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEP) 2018.pdf: 3342395 bytes, checksum: 50f9230ad950efa47105de21f3f44c6f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T20:36:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KARLA BARBOZA PEREIRA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGEP) 2018.pdf: 3342395 bytes, checksum: 50f9230ad950efa47105de21f3f44c6f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02 / A inserção no mercado de novos produtos isentos de glúten é fundamental para garantir a segurança alimentar dos celíacos, especialmente de massas alimentícias que representam um item básico na dieta do brasileir o; porém a eliminação total do glúten de sua composição, com suas propriedades viscoelásticas ímpares gera um desafio aos pesquisadores que precisam desenvolver um produto com características físicas e sensoriais semelhantes. Pretendeu-se com essa pesquisa desenvolver uma formulação de uma massa livre de glúten elaborada a partir de féculas de batata, fécula mandioca e farinha de arroz vermelho adicionado de goma xantana. Para tanto , foram desenvolvidas massas alimentícias com três formulações (5, 10 e 15 % de fécula de mandioca) que foram secas em seis temperaturas (40, 50, 60, 70, 80 e 90 °C). As matérias -primas básicas e suas formulações foram avaliadas quanto a sua granulometria, morfologia e calorimetria. Os modelos de Page, Cavalcanti Mata, Thompson e Fick foram utilizados para estudar a cinética de secagem das massas. As amostras foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, cinzas, minerais, pH, amido, lipídeos, proteínas, carboidratos totais, valor calórico total, fibras, compostos fenólicos, tempo de cozimento, aumento de volume, perda de sólidos solúveis, rendimento, fraturabilidade, dureza e atividade de água (durante armazenamento por 180 dias). Por fim, as amostras foram avaliadas microbiologicamente e sensorialmente. Neste estudo conclui-se que: as frações granulométricas presentes em maior quantitativo, foram as que ficaram retidas na peneira de 32 Mesh, com exceção da fécula de batata. Foi observada uma morfologia: homogênea e caracterizada pelo formato ovalado para as féculas; heterogênea com a presença de estruturas irregulares para a farinha de arroz e heterogênea e com predominância de estruturas ovaladas para as formulações. A fécula de mandioca causou uma antecipação no processo de gelatinização da massa alimentícia. Os modelos de Page, Cavacanti Mata se ajustaram adequadamente aos dados experimentais . Com o aumento da temperatura de secagem ocorre uma redução do tempo de secagem e a perda de água das amostras é mais intensa no início da secagem e proporcional à temperatura; o valor do coeficiente de difusão aumenta com o aumento da temperatura. Os minerais presentes em maiores quantidades foram potássio, fósforo e cálcio . Os valores de amido, proteínas, fibras (para 5% e 90 °C), tempo de cozimento, aumento de volume, rendimento e atividade de água sofreram redução com o aumento da temperatura de secagem; já os valores de cinzas, compostos fenólicos, perda de sólidos, fraturabilidade e dureza sofreram aumento com o aumento da temperatura. Os valores de cinzas ( para 40 e 80 °C), lipídeos, valor calórico, fibras (na temperatura de 90°C) e compostos fenólicos sofreram redução com o aumento do percentual de fécula de mandioca; já os valores de amido, carboidratos totais, tempo de cozimento (para 40 °C), fraturabilidade, dureza e atividade de água sofreram aumento com o aumento do percentual de fécula de mandioca. A análise microbiológica realizada indicou que a massa alimentícia foi processada em condições higiênico-sanitárias adequadas. A amostra que teve maior preferência foi a com maior percentual de fécula de mandioca em sua formulação (15 %) / The insertion in the market of new gluten-free products is fundamental to ensure the food safety of celiac, especially pasta which represent a basic item in the Brazilian diet; but the total elimination of gluten from its composition with its unique viscoe lastic properties poses a challenge to researchers who need to develop a product with similar physical and sensory characteristics. The aim of this research was to develop a formulation of a gluten-free pasta made from potato starch, manioc starch and red rice flour added with xanthan gum. For this purpose, pasta was developed with three formulations (5, 10 and 15% manioc starch) that were dried at six temperatures (40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 °C). The basic raw materials and their formulations were evaluated for particle-size, morphology and calorimetry. The models of Page, Cavalcanti Mata, Thompson and Fick were used to study the drying kinetics of the masses. The samples were evaluated for water, ash, minerals, pH, starch, lipids, proteins, total carbohydrates, total caloric value, fibers, phenolic compounds, cooking time, volume increase, loss of soluble solids, yield, brittleness, hardness and water activity (during storage for 180 days). Finally, the samples were evaluated microbiologically an d sensorial. In this study, it was concluded that: the particle-size fractions present in larger quantities, were those that were retained in the 32 Mesh sieve, except for potato starch. A morphology was observed: homogeneous and characterized by the oval shape for the starches; heterogeneous with the presence of irregular structures for the rice flour and heterogeneous and with predominance of oval structures for the formulations. Manioc starch caused a antecipation in the gelatinization process of the pasta. The Page, Cavacanti Mata models fit the experimental data accordingly. As the drying temperature increases, a reduction in the drying time occurs and the water loss of the samples is more intense at the beginning of drying and proportional to the temperature; the value of the diffusion coefficient increases with increasing temperature. The minerals present in higher amounts were potassium, phosphorus and calcium. The values of starch, proteins, fibers (at 5% and 90 °C), cooking time, volume increase, yield and water activity were reduced with increasing drying temperature; already the values of ash, phenolic compounds, loss of solids, brittleness and hardness have increased with increasing temperature. The val ues of ash (for 40 and 80° C), lipids, caloric value, fibers (at 90 °C) and phenolic compounds were reduced with increasing percentage of manioc starch; the values of starch, total carbohydrates, cooking time (to 40 °C), brittleness, hardness and water activity increased with increasing percentage of manioc starch. The microbiological analysis indicated that the food was processed under adequate hygienicsanitary conditions. The sample with the highest preference was the one with the highest percentage of manioc starch in its formulation (15%).

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