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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transgênicos: opinião de professores e alunos de nível médio da área de nutrição / Transgenic foods: the opinion of secondary school teacher’s and student’s of the nutrition area

Mendonça, Ana Cláudia Cayres de 14 October 2005 (has links)
O emprego de organismos transgênicos divide opiniões e, portanto, é causa de grande polêmica. Apesar da existência de vasto rol de publicações que registram os benefícios decorrentes do desenvolvimento da transgenia, são verificados sinais de inquietação por parte dos consumidores quanto ao seu emprego na produção de alimentos. Tal comportamento freqüentemente decorre da falta de informações claras e emitidas por agências que desfrutam da confiança dos consumidores. A presente pesquisa buscou conhecer o nível de informação de professores e alunos de cursos técnicos em nutrição, mantidos por escolas públicas e situadas em diferentes regiões e municípios do Estado de São Paulo. Foi elaborado e adotado um questionário para os professores, contendo 33 questões descritivas e objetivas, e um para os alunos, com 26 questões, também com o envolvimento de questões das referidas modalidades. Ambos instrumentos referiam-se à opinião dos entrevistados em relação ao uso da transgenia. Cabe ressaltar que, nestes questionários, também foram incluídas questões referentes à situação socioeconômica e aos hábitos alimentares destes professores. Para a análise dos dados foram utilizados os softwares Excel e o SAS. Do total de professores e alunos escolhidos para integrarem a amostra, 38% e 69,3%, respectivamente, concordaram em participar da pesquisa, totalizando-se 42 professores e 277 alunos entrevistados, oriundos de nove escolas. A maioria dos professores registrou respostas, consideradas pertinentes, às questões relacionadas ao tema "transgênicos", embora se esperasse que as citações envolvessem o uso de termos mais precisos, visto os integrantes da amostra serem graduados, e, em grande parte, pós-graduados, em diversas áreas afins das ciências biológicas. A maioria dos alunos também respondeu às referidas questões, embora, também, de maneira superficial. Substancial parcela dos professores (62%) não soube afirmar se alimentos/produtos transgênicos são benéficos ou maléficos ao homem, situação esta já esperada, em virtude da escassez de informações sobre as conseqüências que o consumo destes alimentos podem trazer ao homem. A maioria dos entrevistados apóia pesquisas que envolvam a análise de temas relacionados a transgenia, além de reconhecer a necessidade da rotulagem de alimentos transgênicos. Pode-se afirmar que o maior volume de investimentos em educação, entre outras iniciativas, poderia contribuir para a formação de professores e alunos, auxiliando-os a avaliar, criticamente, questões relativamente novas, como a transgenia. / The employment of transgenics organisms divides opinions and, therefore, it is cause of great controversy. In spite of the existence of vast list of publications that register the current benefits of the development of the transgenia, inquietude signs are verified on the part of the consumers with relationship to your employment in the food’s production. Such behavior frequently elapses of the lack of clear information and emitted by agencies that enjoy the consumers' trust. This present study searched to know the level of information of teachers and students of technical courses in nutrition, maintained by public and located schools in different areas and municipal districts of São Paulo’s State. It was elaborated and adopted a questionnaire for the teachers, containing 33 descriptive and objective subjects, and one for the students, with 26 subjects, also with the involvement of subjects of the referred modalities. Both instruments referred to the interviewees' opinion in relation to the use of the transgenia. He/she/you fits to point out that, in these questionnaires, referring subjects were also included to the situation socioeconômica and these teachers' alimentary habits. For the analysis of the data the softwares were used Excel and the SAS ones. Of the teachers' total and chosen students that integrate the sample, 38% and 69,3%, respectively, agreed in participating in the research, being totaled 42 teachers and 277 interviewed students, originating from of 9 schools. Most of the teachers registered answers, considered pertinent, to the subjects related to the theme " transgenics ", although it was hoped the citations involved the use of more necessary terms, once the members of the sample were graduate, and, largely, postgraduates, in several kindred areas of the biological sciences. Most of the students also answered to referred them subjects, although, also, in a superficial way. The teachers' substantial portion (62%) didn't know how to affirm transgenics food/product s are beneficial or malicious to the man, situation this already expected, by virtue of the shortage of information on the consequences that the consumption of these victuals can bring the man. Most of the interviewees supports researches that involve the analysis of related themes the transgenia, besides recognizing the need of the labelling of victuals transgenics. It can be affirmed that the largest volume of investments in education, among other initiatives, could contribute to the teachers' and students’ formation aiding them to evaluate, critically, subjects relatively new, as the transgenics.

Frequência de isolamento e propriedades de Escherichia coli enteropatogênica em alimentos / Prevalence and properties of pathogenic Escherichia coli in foods

Franco, Bernadette Dora Gombossy de Melo 12 December 1983 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram observar a incidência de E. coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC), E. coli enteropatogênica clásssica (EPEC) e E. coli invasora (EIEC) em alimentos e estudar algumas de suas propriedades. Foram estudadas 360 amostras de alimentos, de origem animal e vegetal, das quais foram isoladas 1351 cepas diferentes de E.coli. Todas foram sorotipadas para investigação daquelas pertencentes aos sorogrupos enteropatogênicos clássicos, e as cepas imóveis e lisinadescarboxilase negativas sorotipadas para identificação daquelas pertencentes aos sorogrupos invasores. A capacidade de produção das enterotoxinas LT e ST de todas as cepas de E. coli foi também investigada. As amostras patogênicas isoladas corresponderam a 1,6 do total de cepas de E.coli estudado. Os alimentos de onde foram isolados representaram 4,2% do total de amostras de alimentos estudados e 5,2% das amostras de alimentos contendo E. coli. Não foram isoladas amostras de EIEC nas amostras de alimentos estudadas. As amostras de EPEC isoladas pertenceram aos sorogrupos 026 e 0125. Entre as amostras de ETEC isoladas predominaram aquelas produtoras somente da toxina LT, não tendo sido isoladas amostras capazes de produzir as toxinas LT e ST simultaneamente. Nenhuma das amostras de ETEC pertenceu aos sorogrupos enterotoxigênicos mais frequentes, nem possuiu os fatôres de colonização CFA/I e CFA/II. No teste de resistência a drogas, a maioria das amostras enteropatogênicas mostrou-se sensível às drogas utilizadas. O modelo de fermentação de açúcares foi relativamente uniforme entre estas amostras, e bastante semelhante ao apresentado pelo gênero Escherichia. / The objectives of this research work were to study the incidence of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic. E.coli (EPEC) and invasive E. coli (EIEC) in foods, and to study some of their properties. 360 food samples, both of animal and plant origin, were studied and 1351 different E. coli strains were isolated. All of them were serotyped in order to identify those belonging to the serogroups enteropathogenic for children (EPEC). The strains which were non-motile and lysine descarboxylase negative were serotyped for the identification of those belonging to invasive serogroups. The capacity of all strains in producing enterotoxins ST and LT was also investigated. The isolated pathogenic strains corresponded to 1,6% of the E. coli strains tested. The foods from which they were isolated represented 4,2% of the total of food samples tested, and 5,2% of the food samples showing contamination with E. coli. No invasive strain was observed in the food samples tested. The isolated EPEC strains belonged to serogroups 026 and 0125. There was a prevalence of enterotoxin LT only producing strains among the ETEC ones, and no strain able to produce both enterotoxins LT and ST simultaneously was observed. None of them belonged to the usual enterotoxigenic serogroups, nor had colonization factors CFA/I and CFA/II. The antibiotic resistence test showed that the majority of pathogenic strains were sensitive to the drugs employed. The sugar fermentation model was relatively uniform among these strains, and very smilar to the one showed by the genus Escherichia.

Aprimoramento das características sensoriais de emulsão alimentícia probiótica e avaliação de seu potencial funcional / Improvement of probiotic table spread features and evaluation of the product functional potential.

Santos, Clara Simone dos 16 June 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi melhorar as características sensoriais de uma emulsão alimentícia previamente desenvolvida pelo grupo de pesquisa, elaborada com a cepa probiótica B. animalis Bb-12, inulina e caseínomacropeptídeo (CMP), bem como caracterizar e avaliar a aceitabilidade do produto sob o ponto de vista sensorial, suas características físico-químicas e de textura instrumental durante seu armazenamento refrigerado e verificar a viabilidade da cepa probiótica incorporada à emulsão alimentícia e a sua sobrevivência in vitro a condições gastrointestinais simuladas. Foram preparadas 6 misturas binárias de gordura do leite (GL) (x1) e oleína de palma (OP) (x2) em diferentes proporções, sendo que duas delas correspondiam aos componentes isoladamente. Para as misturas GL:OP, foram determinados a composição em ácidos graxos, o índice de acidez (IA), os comportamentos de cristalização e fusão e a consistência. Adicionalmente, uma margarina comercial (MC) foi analisada como padrão de referência para as emulsões alimentícias potencialmente probióticas desenvolvidas e sua base gordurosa (BGMC) foi analisada como referência para a seleção das misturas GL:OP mais adequadas para a produção das emulsões. Após a seleção das misturas, foram produzidas duas emulsões alimentícias com adição de inulina, CMP e B. animalis Bb-12, que foram monitoradas durante o seu armazenamento a 5 °C no dia 0 (após o processamento) e após 1, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas, de pH, teste de sobrevivência às condições gastrointestinais simuladas in vitro, análise de consistência e aceitação sensorial. Aos 35 dias de armazenamento, repetiu-se o ensaio in vitro para posterior extração de DNA do probiótico no produto a fim de comparar os métodos de semeadura em ágar seletivo e de qPCR com e sem tratamento com o agente intercalante de DNA Propidium Monoazide (PMA). Os ácidos palmítico e oleico foram os ácidos graxos mais abundantes nas misturas GL:OP, entre 30 e 34% e entre 10 e 50%, respectivamente. A adição de OP à GL resultou em um retardamento do início da cristalização das misturas binárias GL:OP, devido à interação física resultante da diluição dos triacilglicerois de alto ponto de fusão provenientes da GL. A consistência das misturas binárias GL:OP variou entre 385,9 e 12.172,3 gf/cm2 a 5 °C, sendo que as misturas GL:OP 40:60 e 20:80 apresentaram consistência mais semelhante à da BGMC a 10 °C. Dessa forma, as misturas GL:OP 40:60 e 20:80 foram selecionadas para a produção de emulsões alimentícias por apresentarem comportamento térmico e consistência mais adequados a este fim. Após a produção das formulações, as populações de Bb-12 permaneceram estáveis entre 8 e 9 log UFC/g durante os 28 dias de armazenamento a 5 °C (p>0,05) e sua viabilidade não foi influenciada pela diminuição de pH. Houve uma redução em até 2 ciclos logaritmos da população do probiótico das formulações após 6 horas de simulação gastrointestinal em todos os períodos estudados (7, 14, 21 e 28 dias) (p<0,05). No entanto, o período de armazenamento estudado não influenciou de maneira significativa a taxa de sobrevivência da Bb-12 (p>0.05) e, ao final dos 28 dias, a taxa de sobrevivência foi de 80% para EA 40:60 e 75% para a EA 20:80. Os métodos de semeadura convencional e de qPCR com PMA mostraram correlação positiva em quase todas as fases do ensaio in vitro. Contudo, a formulação EA 40:60 apresentou maiores contagens de células viáveis em qPCR com PMA, comparado ao método convencional em ágar. A aceitação sensorial das emulsões tiveram notas semelhantes, com notas entre 6,2 e 6,9, o que significa \"gostei ligeiramente\". As consistências das formulações variaram de 213,3 a 2466,6 gf/cm2 entre 5 e 15 °C. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a formulação EA 40:60 pode ser considerada a melhor formulação, uma vez que revelou características tecnológicas mais vantajosas e boa viabilidade do probiótico e sobrevivência ao estresse gastrointestinal, além de ter apresentado melhor aceitabilidade sensorial. / The purpose of this study was to improve the sensory attributes of a tablespread previously developed by our research group, supplemented with the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis Bb-12, besides inulin, and caseinomacropeptide, as well as to evaluate the product sensory acceptance, its physico-chemical and instrumental texture profile during refrigerated storage, and to verify the viability of the probiotic incorporated into the tablespread and its in vitro survival under conditions simulating the gastrointestinal tract during storage. Six binary blends of milk fat (MF) (x1) and palm olein (PO) (x2) were prepared in different proportions, whith two samples representing the pure components and four corresponding to binary blends, The fatty acid composition, free fatty acids, crystallization, and melting behaviors, and consistency analyses were performed for all MF:PO blends. Additionally, a commercial margarine (CM) was analyzed as a reference standard to the potentially probiotic tablespreads to be developed and its lipid base (CMLB) was analyzed as a reference for the selection of the MF:PO blends most suitable for the tablespreads preparation. Then, two MF:PO blends were selected to produce two tablespreads with Bb-12, inulin, and caseinomacropeptide, which were monitored during storage at 5 °C in time 0 (after processing), and after 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Microbiology assays, pH test, in vitro gastrointestinal survival, consistency, and sensory acceptance were performed. After 35 days of storage, the in vitro simulated gastrointestinal assay was repeated for subsequent probiotic DNA extraction in the food matrix in order to compare the different methods, including plate count and species-specific qPCR combined with the use of the Propidium Monoazide (PMA). All the MF:PO blends showed high concentration of palmitic and oleic acids, in the range between 30-34% and 10-50%, respectively. The addition of PO into MF resulted in an onset crystallization temperature delay for the MF:PO blends due to a physical interaction resulting from the MF high melting point triacylglycerol dilution. The consistency of the MF:PO blends varied between 385.9 and 12.172 gf/cm2 at 5 °C and 40:60 and 20:80 MF:PO blends presented consistency similar to (CMLB) at 10 °C. Thus, the 40:60 and 20:80 MF:PO blends were selected for the production of tablespreads, for presenting thermal behavior and consistency most suitable for this purpose. Following the tablespreads production, the Bb-12 populations remained stable ranging from 8 to 9 cfu/g throughout 28 days of storage at 5 °C (p>0.05) and their viability was not influenced by pH reduction. There was a decrease of up to 2 log cfu/g of the probiotic populations after 6 h of simulated gastrointestinal in vitro assay during all the studied periods (7, 14, 21, and 28 days) (p<0.05). On the other hand, the storage period did not significantly influence the survival rate of Bb-12 (p>0.05) and after 28 days the tablespreads TS 40:60 and 20:80 showed values of 80 and 75%, respectively. The different methods, count plate and qPCR with PMA, showed positive correlation in almost all steps of the in vitro assay. However, the tablespread TS 40:60 presented higher viable cell counts with the qPCR with PMA, when compared to the conventional plating method. The tablespreads sensory acceptability presented similar scores, ranging from 6.2 to 6.9, with consistency between 213.3 and 2,466.6 gf/cm2 between 5 and 15 °C. Therefore, the results obtained suggest that the TS40:60 tablespread may be considered the best formulation due the good technological parameters and good probiotic viability and survival under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal stress, besides presenting the highest sensory acceptance.

The efficacy of sanitation on microbiological hazards in ready-to-eat food outlets from selected primary manufacturers in Gauteng Province, South Africa

Lambrechts, Andre Albertus January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Environmental Health in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011 / The retail sector in South Africa is increasingly evolving into a dynamic industry, driven by changes in technology, saturating markets and globalisation. A major phenomenon in South Africa has been the evolution of hypermarkets, which sell large quantities of almost all consumer goods on a self-service basis. The South African consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious and, as such, the demand for wellness foods, health and convenience food has escalated. Convenience foods are expected to remain popular with consumers and supermarkets and will therefore increase the amount of ready-to-eat food items offered. As the retail industry has changed over the last two decades, so has the epidemiology of foodborne illnesses, with an increase in the incidence of bacterial infections caused by emerging organisms. In addition, there are certain food safety issues specifically associated with ready-to-eat foods. In recent years, incidences of enteric diseases associated with meat consumption have risen. The emergence of several new foodborne diseases has led to an increased focus attention on the issue of food safety by consumers and the industry. The most commonly implicated foods in these disease outbreaks have been meat and dairy products. The microbial load of eight convenience food manufacturing plants was determined by firstly sampling stainless steel food contact surfaces after they had been cleaned and sanitised at the end of a day‘s shift. The samples were analysed for Total Plate Count (TPC), Escherichia coli, Salmonella species and Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria. The results showed that 59 % of the total areas sampled for TPC failed to comply with the legal requirements for food surfaces specified in the South African Health Act (< 100 cfu.cm-2). Listeria was detected in 23 % of the samples taken and E.coli was found in 1.3 % of the samples, while S. aureus was not detected in any of the samples. Fifty percent of the plants applied conventional cleaning methods for cleaning and sanitation and the remaining 50 % used the low-pressure foam (LPF) method. The bacterial results of the two cleaning methods were statistically compared and a statistically significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) was found between the TPC means of the cleaning methods after cleaning. No statistically significant difference (P > 0.05) was found in terms of the Listeria species counts after both cleaning processes. The LPF method proved to be the superior cleaning option for reducing TPC counts. Secondly surface samples were collected from washed and sanitised dominant hands of food handlers and analysed for the presence of total plate counts, S. aureus and E. coli. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of hand washing practices and sanitation before commencing work. A total of 230 samples were collected, involving 100 % of the food handlers in selected convenience food outlets. The highest bacterial count taken from handswas 7.4 x 10-3 cfu.cm-2 and the lowest showed no detectable growth. Forty percent of the TPC analysed complied with the legal limit of < 100 cfu.cm-2 and only 18 % of the food handlers had no detectable bacteria present on their hands. One hand sample tested positive for E. coli, which is generally viewed as an indication of faecal contamination. S. aureus could not be detected on the hands of any of the food handlers. The results of this study indicated that hand hygiene is unsatisfactory and underlined the importance of further training to improve food handlers‘ knowledge of good hand washing practices. The study also aimed to present data on the food hygiene knowledge and practices of food handlers based on a representative sample from convenience food outlets in the Gauteng area. The management, as well as food handlers, were interviewed without prior announcement and managers were interviewed prior to starting their shifts, followed by food handlers, after they had passed through the change room and hand wash facilities. Although the majority of food handlers adhered to basic hygiene principles, the results highlighted a need for proper and continuous training in hygiene practices, not only for food handlers, but also for management. Furthermore, all food handlers should adhere to a formal cleaning schedule and specific courses should be planned for food handlers. Most training is done away from the workplace and the workers might find it difficult to translate theory into practice. Although food safety training programmes are essential, behavioural changes will not occur merely as a result of having received training but rather continuous development of food handlers. In conclusion, the popularity of convenience food is bound to increase with the growing appeal for modern foods. Consumers in South Africa nowadays demand good quality and safe products at a reasonable cost. Due to continuous time constraints, convenience food is the food of the future for the working mother. It is clear that managing foodborne disease is a challenge and an economic problem subject to various constraints. Food safety has too often become a hit-or-miss gamble, with parents obliged to roll the dice when it comes to the safety of their children‘s food and consumers in general. The food industry therefore needs to improve food safety processes to prevent the contamination of foods and use methods to ensure safe food for consumers. Better training, more testing and better methods of tracking food must be utilised to verify that the processes are working. This study endeavoured to add to the understanding and improvement of hygiene processes as well as food handlers‘ practices in the convenience food industry in the Gauteng Province.

Evaluation of bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterrenea (L.) Verdc.) milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria as a probiotic beverage

Murevanhema, Yvonne, Yeukai January 2012 (has links)
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology (Food Technology) Department of Food Technology Faculty of Applied Sciences Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2012 / The aim of this study was to evaluate bambara groundnut milk (BGNM) subjected to fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as a probiotic beverage with a view to developing value-added product. Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) was used to optimise the hydration time and temperature of BGN flour for optimum BGN milk (BGNM) production. The optimum time and temperature was 2 h at 25oC. The effect of variety was assessed on the quality and consumer acceptability of BGNM prepared from five varieties of BGN (black, red, brown, brown-eye, and black-eye) which were representatives of the BGN available in South Africa. BGNM from the five varieties differed significantly (p<0.05) in, lightness, chroma, redness, yellowness, hue and antioxidative activity, while the pH were not significantly different. The four BGNM samples were significantly different (p < 0.05) in appearance, colour, mouthfeel and overall acceptability but not in aroma and taste. A three factor design (4 x 3 x 3) consisting of probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei and L. plantarum), temperature and fermentation time, were used to estimate the optimal conditions for the production of BGN probiotic beverage (BGNPB). The optimal condition for the production of BGNPB was estimated to be 35oC for 24 h with a desirability of 0.854 for L. bulgaricus. The next promising probiotic was L. plantarum that could be fermented at 35oC for 24 h with 0.843 desirability. BGNM from the red variety were fermented with L. bulgaricus and L. plantarum and L bulgaricus (in combination), making plain and sweetened BGNPB which were evaluated for their quality and consumer acceptability. The four BGNPB samples were significantly different (p < 0.05) in aroma, taste, mouthfeel and overall acceptability but not in appearance and colour. The plain BGNPB were assessed for their proximate composition, antioxidant activity, in vitro probiotic tolerance to simulated gastric juices and bile and a 28 days shelf life study at 5, 15 and 25oC. The protein, total dietary fibre (TDF), ash and antioxidative activity of the BGNPB were significantly different while the fat and carbohydrates were not significantly different. Time and concentration of the gastric juice and bile had significant effects on the percentage bacterial survival of probiotics in the BGNPB. However, the probiotics did survive, in low numbers, in the simulated gastric juice and bile after 180 and 240 minutes of incubation. Titratable acidity, pH, microbial load and colour of the BGNPB were significantly affected by the storage time and temperature during the shelf life study. At the 5oC storage temperature the BGNPB had a right censored shelf life on day 28. At 15oC the shelf life was 18 and 10 days for L bulgaricus and L. plantarum and L. bulgaricus respectively. The outcome of this research showed that a novel BGNPB product can be made from fermenting BGNM with LAB.

Desenvolvimento de sobremesa simbiótica a base de arroz / Development of a rice-based synbiotic dessert

Kakinoki, Daniel Massayuki 06 December 2010 (has links)
Os alimentos funcionais probióticos e/ou prebióticos estão em grande expansão no mercado e encontram-se disponíveis em diversas formas de apresentação, principalmente como produtos lácteos, na forma de iogurtes e leites fermentados. Porém, aproximadamente 70% da população mundial tem seu consumo ameaçado, em virtude da incapacidade de produzir a enzima &#946;-galactosidase em quantidades suficientes para a digestão de lactose, característica esta que torna esses indivíduos intolerantes a esse açúcar. O arroz (Oryza sativa) é um cereal consumido por cerca de dois terços da população mundial, que apresenta um baixo sabor residual e que faz parte da cultura alimentar de diversos países, inclusive o Brasil. Suas propriedades favorecem o seu uso em géis, pudins e sobremesas, principalmente devido à sua aparência, sabor suave, além de resultar em certos efeitos benéficos à saúde, como prevenção e controle de doenças crônicas, também consequentes da presença de proteínas hipoalergênicas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um produto novo que sirva de alternativa para indivíduos intolerantes à lactose - uma sobremesa não láctea potencialmente simbiótica à base de arroz, elaborada com a adição da cultura ABT (composta dos microrganismos comprovadamente probióticos Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 e da cultura starter Streptococcus thermophilus) e com os ingredientes prebióticos inulina e fruto-oligossacarídeo (FOS) e enriquecida com cálcio e com isolado protéico de soro de leite. Três tratamentos foram realizados (em triplicata): T1 (sobremesa não fermentada), na qual o produto final foi diretamente resfriado, sem a sua fermentação prévia, T2 (sobremesa fermentada) na qual se aguardou a fermentação por parte da cultura adicionada (a 37 &#176;C/ 2 horas) e T3 (controle), sem a adição da cultura. Os produtos foram mantidos a 4-5 &#176;C por até 21 dias. As sobremesas foram avaliadas sensorialmente por provadores não treinados, após 7, 14 e 21 dias de armazenamento, através de teste de aceitabilidade, com escala hedônica de nove pontos. Também foram monitorados o pH, a firmeza instrumental (em analisador de textura TA-XT2) e a viabilidade de Bb-12, La-5 e Streptococcus thermophilus e a população de contaminantes, no produto recém-preparado (1 dia) e após 7, 14 e 21 dias de armazenamento. Adicionalmente, a determinação de pH foi realizada durante a elaboração dos produtos e a composição centesimal foi efetuada no produto mantido congelado. A sobremesa T1 (não fermentada) apresentou redução de pH durante os 21 dias de armazenamento, enquanto que T2 (fermentada) e T3 (controle) não diferiram significativamente (p>0,01). A firmeza de T2 foi ligeiramente menor (entre 0,46 N - dia 1 e 0,23 N - dia 21) que a de T1 (entre 0,55 N - dia 1 e 0,25 N - dia 21). A avaliação sensorial revelou que as sobremesas desenvolvidas obtiveram notas entre 6,4 e 7,4, sendo que não foram detectadas diferenças significativas (p<0,05) na preferência entre os diferentes tratamentos realizados e para os diferentes dias de armazenamento, com exceção do tratamento T3 ao 14º dia, o qual obteve notas significativamente inferiores aos demais. A viabilidade de Bb-12 foi superior à de La-5 em ambos os tratamentos adicionados de cultura ABT. Entretanto, a fermentação influenciou cada microrganismo de modo distinto. A viabilidade de La-5 foi maior em T1, tendo diminuído de 8,1 log UFC/g (dia 1 - pH 5,1) para 7,3 log UFC/g (dia 21 - pH 4,9), enquanto que Bb-12 apresentou viabilidade ligeiramente superior em T2, tendo diminuído de 8,8 log UFC/g (dia 1 - pH 4,7) para 8,1 log UFC/g (dia 21 - pH 4,5). Em T2, a população de La-5 foi inferior a 5,0 log UFC/g após 21 dias de armazenamento. A população de S. thermophilus se manteve superior a 8,0 log UFC/g durante todos os períodos, em ambos os tratamentos. A sobremesa não láctea à base de arroz potencialmente simbiótica desenvolvida apresenta boas perspectivas como alimento funcional e obteve boa aceitação por parte dos provadores. A fabricação do produto não fermentado poderia ser a sobremesa de escolha, de preparo mais curto, levando-se em consideração as questões econômicas envolvidas durante a sua produção. O estudo sugere que cada cepa deve ser testada separadamente, quanto ao comportamento no produto, em diferentes condições. Sugere, ainda, que a inclusão da etapa fermentativa na preparação de uma sobremesa pode afetar diferentemente cepas probióticas distintas. / Functional foods containing probiotic strains and/or prebiotic ingredients are available in different forms, and most of them are dairy products, such as yogurts and fermented milk. Nevertheless, the milk content in these products may restrict their intake by a considerable proportion (approximately 70%) of the worldwide population that is incapable of producing &#946;-galactosidase in enough quantity for digesting lactose. Rice (Oryza sativa) is an alternative crop with low residual taste, which is extremely abundant, being the basic food for more than half of world´s population. Its properties favor its use in puddings and desserts, mainly due to its appearance, light taste, and resulting in certain beneficial effects to health, such as prevention and control of chronic diseases, also due to the hypoallergenic proteins present. This study aimed to develop a new product to serve as an alternative for individuals who are lactose intolerant - a non-dairy rice-based potentially synbiotic dessert, prepared with the addition of an ABT culture (containing Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, and Streptococcus thermophilus), with inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS), and enriched with calcium and milk whey protein isolate. Three different trials were prepared (in triplicates): T1 - without the previous fermentation stage after the addition of the ABT culture, and directly cooled for storage; T2 - desserts were previously fermented, at 37 °C for 2h, after the addition of the culture; and T3 (control) - without the addition of culture. The products were stored at 4-5 °C for up to 21 days. The desserts were submitted to sensory evaluation by an untrained panel, employing the acceptability test, with a 9-point structured hedonic scale, after 7, 14 and 21 days of storage. Moreover, pH, and instrumental firmness (TA-XT2 texture analyzer), and viability of Bb-12, La-5, and Streptococcus thermophilus, and populations of contaminants were also monitored during the storage period (days 1, 7, 14, and 21 of storage) for each trial. In addition, pH was also determined during production, and chemical composition proceeded from frozen samples. Trial T1 (non fermented) showed a decrease in pH during the whole storage period of 21 days, whereas T2 (fermented), and T3 (control) did not change significantly (p>0,01). T2 presented a slightly lower firmness (between 0.46 N - day 1, and 0.23 N - day 21) than T1 (between 0.55 N - day 1, and 0.25 N - day 21). The sensory evaluation revealed that the desserts obtained grades between 6.4 and 7.4, and no differences (p<0,05) for sensory acceptability between the trials, and the different days of storage were observed, except for trial T3 on the 14th day, which obtained significantly lower grades, when compared to the others. Viability of Bb-12 was higher than of La-5 in both trials with ABT culture. Nevertheless, the fermentation stage had implications on growth in different ways for each microorganism. Viability of La-5 was significantly higher (p<0.05) in T1, decreasing from 8.1 log cfu/g (day 1 - pH 5.1) to 7.3 log cfu/g (day 21 - pH 4.9), whereas viability of Bb-12 was just slightly higher in T2, decreasing from 8.8 log cfu/g (day 1 - pH 4.7) to 8.1 log cfu/g (day 21 - pH 4.5). Trial T2 revealed La-5 populations below 5.0 log cfu/g, after 21 days of storage. S. thermophiles maintained population above 8.0 log cfu/g during all storage times for both trials. This study indicated that the non-dairy rice-based potentially synbiotic dessert developed has a great potential as a functional food, and was well accepted by the panelists. The production of the non-fermented dessert could be the best choice, for economical questions and because of the shorter time during the production. This study suggests each strain must be evaluated independently for a specific product and condition. Moreover, the inclusion of a fermentation stage during production may affect the viability of probiotic strains in different ways.

Investigação de efeitos térmicos e não térmicos de micro-ondas focalizadas sobre a atividade de enzimas de interesse no processamento de produtos à base de frutas. / Investigation of thermal and non-thermal effects of focused microwaves on the activity of enzymes of interest in the processing of fruit-based products.

Tiago Augusto Bulhões Bezerra Cavalcante 18 July 2017 (has links)
Processos térmicos de pasteurização e esterilização comercial são amplamente usados na industrialização de alimentos líquidos à base de frutas, como polpas e sucos. A exposição a altas temperaturas provoca a degradação de compostos relacionados à qualidade sensorial e nutricional. O aquecimento de alimentos líquidos por micro-ondas focalizadas é uma tecnologia emergente que traz como vantagem o rápido aquecimento; evita a degradação térmica; permite melhor manutenção dos atributos sensoriais e nutricionais; e evita a formação de incrustação. Além da presença de efeitos não térmicos sobre a inativação de enzimas, principais alvos dos processos térmicos destes produtos. Entretanto, a comprovação dos efeitos não térmicos ainda é tema controverso na literatura científica. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é investigar efeitos térmicos e não térmicos das micro-ondas na inativação das enzimas polifenoloxidase (PPO) e peroxidase (POD), que são relevantes para a industrialização de produtos à base se frutas. Para eliminar fontes de variabilidade, enzimas comerciais em solução tampão de fosfato de potássio foram submetidas aos tratamentos convencional (banho térmico de imersão) e por micro-ondas (mini reator de síntese química por micro-ondas focalizadas) com registro dos históricos de temperatura e atividade enzimática residual. Também, foi calculada a potência instantânea absorvida por cada amostra no aquecimento por micro-ondas. Realizou-se o ajuste dos parâmetros cinéticos pela minimização dos erros quadráticos em modelos cinéticos de primeira ordem (D-z) com uma e duas frações, por Arrhenius e pelo modelo de Weibull. Os resultados da PPO permitiram melhor ajuste pelo modelo de Weibull. Assim, a simulação do modelo ajustado em diferentes temperaturas permitiu comparar os métodos de aquecimento e permitiu a observação de efeitos não térmicos das micro-ondas em temperaturas acima de 70 ºC na inativação da PPO. Além disso, realizou-se a validação dos parâmetros do modelo de Weibull com 10 amostras de PPO com aquecimento mais lento, sendo as atividades enzimáticas residuais comparadas com as atividades previstas pelo modelo. Inesperadamente, os resultados da enzima POD não foram satisfatórios para determinar os modelos avaliados de sua inativação. A POD presentou algumas atividades enzimáticas residuais acima de 100% em ambos métodos de aquecimento, além de elevada resistência térmica. Sendo assim, não foi possível observar possíveis efeitos não térmicos das micro-ondas para inativação da POD nesse estudo. / Thermal pasteurization processes and commercial sterilization are widely used for the processing of fruit-based liquid foods, such as pulp and juice. The exposure to high temperatures causes degradation of compounds related to sensory and nutritional quality. The heating of liquid foods by focused microwaves is an emerging technology that has the advantage of rapid heating; prevents thermal degradation; allows better maintenance of sensory and nutritional attributes; and prevents incrustation. Besides, there is the presence of nonthermal effects on the enzymes inactivation, which are the main targets of thermal processes to such products. However, confirmation of non-thermal effects is still controversial in the scientific literature. Thus, the objective of this research is to investigate thermal and nonthermal effects of microwaves on the inactivation of enzymes polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD), which are relevant for the processing of fruit-based products. To eliminate sources of variability, commercial enzymes in potassium phosphate buffer solution were subjected to conventional (immersion bath) and microwave (mini-reactor for microwave chemical synthesis) treatments, with record of temperature history and residual enzyme activity. In addition, the instantaneous power absorbed in each sample under microwave heating was calculated. The kinetic parameters were adjusted by minimizing quadratic errors in first order kinetic models (D-z) with one and two fractions, by Arrhenius and Weibull model. The PPO results allowed for a better adjustment of the Weibull model. The simulation of the parameters at different temperatures allowed the comparison of the heating methods and it allowed the observation of non-thermal effects of microwaves at temperatures above 70 ºC for the inactivation of PPO. In addition, the parameters of the Weibull model in 10 samples were validated for PPO solution with slower heating; the residual enzymatic activities were compared with the activities predicted by the model. Unexpectedly, the results of the POD enzyme were not satisfactory to determine the evaluated models of its inactivation. The POD presented some residual enzymatic activities above 100% for both heating methods, and high thermal resistance. Thus, it was no possible to observe non-thermal effects of microwaves on POD inactivation in this study.

Efeito do uso combinado das tecnologias de micro-ondas e infravermelho no preparo de alimentos bifásicos em forno tipo túnel / Effect of combined use of microwave and infrared technologies for cooking biphasic foods in tunnel oven

Luciana Vieira Piza 16 November 2016 (has links)
O uso combinado das tecnologias de micro-ondas e infravermelho, para aquecimento e reaquecimento de produtos prontos, pode ser considerado uma nova e eficiente técnica de preparo de alimentos, já que o processo de cozimento é otimizado e melhor controlado, pois altos fluxos de calor são transferidos para a superfície do alimento, com controle quase que instantâneo da energia fornecida. Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e testar uma nova forma de reaquecimento de produtos assados, por meio da combinação de micro-ondas e infravermelho em forno tipo túnel. Simulações computacionais e testes preliminares foram realizados em ambientes nos quais pode-se controlar, tanto as emissões da radiação infravermelha quanto a micro-ondas. Os testes foram realizados com salgados assados como forma de evidenciar a eficácia de ação de ambas as tecnologias, levando-se em conta a complexidade das condições de contorno de tais alimentos, uma vez que os mesmos podem ser modelados como possuindo duas fases: uma cujas as propriedades são estabelecidas pela massa e a outra em que as propriedades são provenientes do recheio. Foram realizados estudos preliminares que permitiram verificar o comportamento de cada fase do alimento frente ao reaquecimento pelas duas radiações, o que forneceu os tempos de ação de 15 segundos de micro-ondas (protótipo modelo), mais 30 segundos de infravermelho no forno tipo túnel. Com a metodologia desenvolvida foi possível medir com eficiência a temperatura interna e externa das amostras, bem como a migração de umidade do centro para a superfície, permitindo concluir que a ação de ambas as radiações foi eficiente no reaqueciamento dos alimentos no forno tipo túnel estudado. / The combined use of microwave and infrared technologies for heating and reheating of fast-food may be considered a new and efficient technique for food preparation, due the fact that baking process is optimized and controlled, such technology have high heat flows transferring to the food surface instantaneous energy. In this context, the aim of this study was to develop and test a new way of heating baked foods, through a combination of microwave and infrared oven type tunnel. Computer simulation and preliminary tests were carried out in environments in which one can control both the emission of infrared radiation as a microwave. The tests were conducted with baked foods in order to show the effectiveness and action of both technologies, taking into account the complexity of such foods boundary conditions, they can be modelled as having two phases: one whose the properties are set by the dough properties and the other where the properties of components bounded by dough.Preliminary studies was carried out to verify the effect of both radiations in each food phase which provided the action times of 15 seconds of microwave (prototype model) 30 seconds infrared oven tunnel type. With this methodology was ble the measurement of internal and external temperature of the samples, as well as moisture migration from the center to the surface. The results showed that the action of both radiation was effective in rehating biphasic food.

Estudo da viabilidade de microrganismos probióticos encapsulados em matriz polimérica natural contendo ingredientes prebióticos e fibras alimentares / Study of the viability of probiotic microorganisms naturally encapsulated in polymeric matrix containing probiotics and dietary fiber ingredients

Aline Francisca de Souza 14 August 2015 (has links)
A saúde e o bem estar estão diretamente relacionados com a alimentação saudável. O consumo de alimentos funcionais como fibras, ingredientes prebióticos e probióticos pode promover diversos benefícios para a saúde, como a melhoria do funcionamento do organismo e a prevenção de diversas doenças. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o encapsulamento de Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2B20 em matriz polimérica natural constituída por alginato e farinhas de banana verde, maracujá, feijão branco, maçã e laranja. Para tanto, foi realizado planejamento fatorial 24 completo visando a identificação dos parâmetros que influenciam na eficiência do encapsulamento em diferentes matrizes poliméricas e na viabilidade celular do micro-organismo probiótico estudado. As variáveis independentes estudadas foram velocidade de agitação, volume de tween 80, alginato e farinhas funcionais. Os resultados demonstraram que a técnica de emulsificação utilizada apresentou alta eficiência de encapsulamento (acima de 80 %) das células de L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 nas diferentes matrizes poliméricas estudadas. A análise dos resultados mostrou que os principais parâmetros que afetaram a microencapsulação de L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 foram a velocidade de agitação e a concentração de alginato. Em condições de fluido gástrico simulado (FGS), somente as microcápsulas constituídas de alginato e farinha de banana verde ou maracujá apresentaram sobrevivência média de 60,5 % e 41,0 %, respectivamente, após 30 minutos de exposição ao FGS, sendo selecionadas para os estudos posteriores. A adição de inulina à matriz polimérica contendo alginato e farinha de banana verde ou maracujá apresentou eficiência de encapsulamento acima de 80 %, porém não conferiu proteção às células quando expostas a condições de FGS. Verificou-se também que após 28 dias de armazenamento, a 4°C ou em sorvete a -18°C, a sobrevivência das células de L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 microencapsuladas em matriz contendo farinha de banana verde ou maracujá foi superior a 90 %. A adição de sacarose ou leite desnatado reconstituído na referida matriz não interferiu significativamente na proteção das células microencapsuladas quando armazenadas a 4° C ou em sorvete a -18°C. Estes resultados revelaram que as farinhas de banana verde e maracujá, quando associadas ao alginato de sódio, são promissoras para a microencapsulação de bactérias probióticas, nas condições do presente trabalho. / Health and wellness are directly related to the consumption of healthy foods containing functional ingredients such as fibers, pre- and probiotics, which promote many health benefits, regarding body functions and prevention of several diseases. Therefore, this work aimed to study the encapsulation of Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2B20, by emulsification technique, in natural polymeric matrices composed of alginate and flours of pulp of unripe banana, passion fruit husk, integral white beans, bagasse of apple and orange. The experiments were undertaken based on a 24 factorial design in order to identify the parameters that affect the encapsulation efficiency in different polymer matrices and microorganisms viability, as well. It was studied the effect of stirring speed, and concentrations of Tween 80, sodium alginate and the mentioned functional flours. The results showed that the emulsification technique showed high encapsulation efficiency (> 80%) of the Lactobacillus cells in the different polymer matrices evaluated. In addition, the main parameters that affected microencapsulation of L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 included stirring speed and alginate concentration. Regarding the \"simulated gastric fluid\" (SGF) assays, microcapsules made of alginate, and flours of pulp of unripe banana or husk of passion fruit showed cell survival average than 60,5 % and 41,0 %, respectively, after 30 minutes of exposure to SGF, being selected for further studies. Although the addition of inulin to the polymeric matrix containing alginate and flour of unripe banana pulp or husk of passionfruit presented encapsulation efficiency higher than 80%, they did not show any protection effect to the cells when exposed to SGF. It was also showed, after 28 days of storage at 4 °C or in ice cream at -18 °C, that the cell survival of L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 microencapsulated in matrices containing flours of unripe banana pulp or husk of passion fruit was higher than 90%. The addition of sucrose or reconstituted skim milk in these matrixes, as thermoprotector, did not interfere significantly in the protection of microencapsulated cells when stored at 4 °C or -18 °C. These results revealed that flours made of unripe banana pulp and husk of passion fruit, when combined with sodium alginate, represent a promising alternative for microencapsulation of probiotic bacteria under the conditions evaluated in this work.

Avaliação do efeito de diferentes prebióticos sobre o desenvolvimento de cepas de Lactobacillus / Effect of different prebiotic on growth of Lactobacillus strains

Patricia Marins Freire Teberga 26 September 2017 (has links)
A combinação de compostos prebióticos e cepas de micro-organismos probiótico denomina-se simbiótico, tem como objetivo melhorar as características funcionais dos alimentos intensificando os benefícios proporcionados ao consumidor. Entretanto nem todas as interações de um ingrediente prebiótico e uma cepa de micro-organismo probiótico resultam em efeitos positivos. Neste contexto, no presente trabalho estudos foram desenvolvidos no sentido de contribuir para um melhor entendimento sobre a relação de ingredientes prebióticos e o desempenho de micro-organismos probióticos, visando à formulação de alimentos simbióticos. Assim 5 cepas de Lactobacillus: L.plantarum ATCC 8014, L. acidophilus ATCC 4356, L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20, L. fermentum ATCC 9338, L. casei ATCC 7469 foram avaliadas quanto ao desempenho em meio contendo diferentes ingredientes prebióticos, com ênfase para inulina, fruto-oligossacarídeo, estévia, polidextrose, goma arábica e lactitol. O crescimento das cepas foi mensurado por meio da determinação de densidade óptica após 24 horas de incubação a 37°C em caldo MRS contendo os respectivos prebióticos em substituição a glicose. Os resultados mostraram que o melhor desempenho, por parte das cepas avaliadas, foi observado em meio MRS contendo 2% de inulina seguido de fructooligossacarídeo e polidextrose. Observou-se um baixo crescimento em meio contendo 2% de goma arábica, estévia e lactitol. Posteriormente diferentes concentrações de inulina, FOS e polidextrose foram avaliadas, de acordo com um Planejamento Composto Central. Verificou-se a existência de uma interação negativa significativa (p<0.05) entre FOS e inulina sobre o crescimento das cinco cepas estudadas. Observou-se que o crescimento máximo estimado para as cepas L. casei ATCC 7469 e L. fermentum ATCC 9338 correspondeu ao meio MRS contendo 3,5% de inulina, e para as cepas L.plantarum ATCC 8014, L. acidophilus ATCC 4356, L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 em meio MRS contendo 3% de inulina. Verificou-se também que a combinação de 3,5% de FOS com 2% de polidextrose proporcionou crescimento máximo estimado para as cepas avaliadas exceto para L. acidophilus ATCC 4356. Assim, a partir dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que a presença de inulina no meio MRS promoveu melhor desempenho das cepas de Lactobacillus estudadas. / The combination of prebiotic compounds and strains of probiotic microorganisms is called symbiotic, aiming to improve the functional characteristics of foods by enhancing the benefits provided to the consumer. However, not all interactions of a prebiotic ingredient and a probiotic microorganism result in positive effects. In this context, in the present work studies were developed in order to contribute to a better understanding on the relationship of prebiotic ingredients and the performance of probiotic microorganisms, aiming at the formulation of symbiotic foods. Therefore, in this study it was evaluated the ability of 5 Lactobacillus strains L.plantarum ATCC 8014, L. acidophilus ATCC 4356, L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20, L. fermentum ATCC 9338, L. casei ATCC 7469 to grow on media containing potential prebiotics, namely inulin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), gum arabic, stevia and lactitol. Strain growth was measured by optical density determination after 24 hours of incubation at 37 ° C in MRS broth containing the respective prebiotics. The results showed that the best performance by the evaluated strains was observed in MRS medium containing 2% inulin followed by fructooligosaccharide and polydextrose. Low growth was observed in medium containing 2% gum arabic, stevia and lacitol. Subsequently different concentrations of inulin, FOS and polydextrose were evaluated, according to a Central Composite Planning. There was a significant negative interaction (p <0.05) between FOS and inulin for the five strains studied. It was observed that the maximum estimated growth for the strains L. casei ATCC 7469 and L. fermentum ATCC 9338 would be in MRS medium containing 3.5% inulin, and for L.plantarum strains ATCC 8014, L. acidophilus ATCC 4356, L. delbrueckii UFV H2B20 would be in MRS medium containing 3% inulin. It was also found that the combination of 3.5% FOS with 2% polydextrose provided maximum estimated growth for the strains evaluated except for L. acidophilus ATCC 4356. The presence of inulin in MRS medium promote the best performance of the Lactobacillus strains evaluated in this study.

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