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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh obchodní strategie SBU / Proposal of Business Strategy of SBU

Polúch, Eduard January 2013 (has links)
The main subject of this thesis is creating a proposal of business strategy of SBU. The work includes theoretical knowledge related to the issue of the proposal of business strategy and strategic analysis of the current state of SBU. The outcomes of the thesis are the processing and evaulation of the real proposal of business strategy, which will be the basis for subsequent implementation.

Návrh strategie rozvoje SBU / Proposal of Strategy of SBU Development

Šebesta, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Bývalý americký prezident prohlásil: “Plány jsou nic, plánování je všechno”. V tomto duchu lze říci, že dobře fungující systém strategického řízení je svým způsobem důležitější než samotné dokumenty, které produkuje. V tomto duchu se nese i celá tato práce, která zachycuje určitý stav strategie jedné strategické obchodní jednotky (SBU) firmy GlobSol CZ a její posun kupředu od původních abstraktních cílů k naprosto jasným a konkrétním krokům, které bude třeba v budoucnosti udělat pro rozvoj této obchodní jednotky. Po zhodnocení současného stavu teorie, je provedena analýza současného stavu strategie obchodní jednotky vzhledem k jejím okolím. Ze závěrečné SWOT analýzy jsou pak pro jednotlivé její prvky určovány cíle směřující ke strategickému rozvoji. Každý cíl je rozvinut do jednoho, či více kroků, které jasně determinují jak a kdy lze daného cíle dosáhnout. Na závěr je zhodnocen přínos této obchodní strategie, její předpoklady a rizikové faktory. Nejcennějším na celém dokumentu je však samotná činnost tvorby strategie, která rozvíjí zcela nové pohledy na možnosti rozvoje strategické obchodní jednotky.

Studie tvorby výrobní strategie / The Study of Production Strategy Formation

Voborná, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Every production unit must have a clearly determined production strategy based on the given business strategy. Today’s competitive environment is very tough and demanding and that is why each producer’s success or failure is determined by the correctly chosen productive orientation, technically advanced products and provided services, range of supply and their quality and mostly price as well. What makes firms to improve and optimize their supplies continuously is just dynamic development of the society and continuously growing consumers and users’ requirements. The keen competition on one hand makes the business more demanding, but on the other hand it brings lots of new opportunities. Looking for new ways, new procedures and management methods and especially niches in the given products and services market will bring the coveted strategy advantage. This master’s thesis deals with a change of the current production strategy in a building company, individual production aspects and improving the quality of the production process functionality itself following the objective of the firm competitiveness and business performance improvement. Within the solution I count on an ability to adapt promptly to new market requirements, I suppose that the continuing differentiation strategy will contribute to building a position of a preferential supplier of the chosen narrow market segment for large building firms in the market. Improving every production process component is the prerequisite for further development of the company.

Numerical algorithms for the computation of steady and unsteady compressible flow over moving geometries: application to fluid-structure interaction / Méthodes numériques pour le calcul d'écoulements compressibles stationnaires et instationnaires, sur géométries mouvantes: application en interaction fluide-structure

Dobes, Jiri 02 November 2007 (has links)
<p align="justify">This work deals with the development of numerical methods for compressible flow simulation with application to the interaction of fluid flows and structural bodies.</p><p><p><p align="justify">First, we develop numerical methods based on multidimensional upwind residual distribution (RD) schemes. Theoretical results for the stability and accuracy of the methods are given. Then, the RD schemes for unsteady problems are extended for computations on moving meshes. As a second approach, cell centered and vertex centered finite volume (FV) schemes are considered. The RD schemes are compared to FV schemes by means of the 1D modified equation and by the comparison of the numerical results for scalar problems and system of Euler equations. We present a number of two and three dimensional steady and unsteady test cases, illustrating properties of the numerical methods. The results are compared with the theoretical solution and experimental data.</p><p><p><p align="justify">In the second part, a numerical method for fluid-structure interaction problems is developed. The problem is divided into three distinct sub-problems: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Solid Mechanics and the problem of fluid mesh movement. The problem of Computational Solid Mechanics is formulated as a system of partial differential equations for an anisotropic elastic continuum and solved by the finite element method. The mesh movement is determined using the pseudo-elastic continuum approach and solved again by the finite element method. The coupling of the problems is achieved by a simple sub-iterative approach. Capabilities of the methods are demonstrated on computations of 2D supersonic panel flutter and 3D transonic flutter of the AGARD 445.6 wing. In the first case, the results are compared with the theoretical solution and the numerical computations given in the references. In the second case the comparison with experimental data is presented.</p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A framework for efficient hierarchic plate and shell elements

Weise, Michael January 2017 (has links)
The Mindlin-Reissner plate model is widely used for the elastic deformation simulation of moderately thick plates. Shear locking occurs in the case of thin plates, which means slow convergence with respect to the mesh size. The Kirchhoff plate model does not show locking effects, but is valid only for thin plates. One would like to have a method suitable for both thick and thin plates. Several approaches are known to deal with the shear locking in the Mindlin-Reissner plate model. In addition to the well-known MITC elements and other approaches based on a mixed formulation, hierarchical methods have been developed in the recent years. These are based on the Kirchhoff model and add terms to account for shear deformations. We present some of these methods and develop a new hierarchic plate formulation. This new model can be discretised by a combination of C0 and C1 finite elements. Numerical tests show that the new formulation is locking-free and numerically efficient. We also give an extension of the model to a hierarchical Naghdi shell based on a Koiter shell formulation with unknowns in Cartesian coordinates.:1 Introduction 2 Plate theory 3 Shell theory 4 Conclusion

Mechanistic Insights into the Stabilisation of Biopharmaceuticals using Glycine Derivatives. The Effect of Glycine Derivatives on the Crystallisation, Physical Properties and Behaviour of Commonly used Excipients to Stabilise Antigens, Adjuvants and Proteins in the Solid State

Bright, Andrew G. January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation has focused on studying the effect of four glycine derivatives on the solid state properties of mannitol, glycine, and sucrose when freeze dried into blended mixtures. The primary goal was to assess their value for use in the stabilisation of vaccines in the solid state, by examining key physical and chemical characteristics, which have been documented to be beneficial to the stabilisation of biopharmaceutical formulations. The novel excipients; dimethyl glycine, and trimethyl glycine, were shown to retard the crystallisation and increase the overall glass transition temperature, of mannitol, when freeze dried as evidenced by DSC and Powder X-ray diffraction. Mannitol’s glass transition temperature increased from 100C to 12.650C and 13.610C when mixed with methyl-glycine and dimethyl glycine respectively. The glycine derivatives did not show the same effect on sucrose which remained amorphous regardless of the concentration of the other excipient. The different behaviour with the sucrose system was thought to be due to relatively high glass transition temperature of sucrose. Conversely glycine remained highly crystalline due it’s relatively low glass transition temperature. The novel excipient formulations were also assessed for their effect on the aggregation of the adjuvant aluminium hydroxide when freeze dried by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS).The formulations containing the glycine derivatives all caused a decrease in the aggregation size of the adjuvant from ~26 μm, to 185 nm in the presence of methyl glycine. The effects of lysozyme and viral antigen on the adjuvants were also examined showing that the addition of the virus did not affect the size of the aggregates formed, however lysozyme showed significant decreases in the aggregates formed. Examination of the freezing method were also made showing that faster freezing rates produced smaller aggregates of the adjuvant. When investigating the rate at which the excipients lost water during secondary drying there was evidence of the formation of hydrates of glycine, trimethyl glycine, and mannitol has shown that the glycine derivatives have attributes which would be beneficial in stabilising vaccines in the solid state when freeze dried. / Stabilitech Ltd. and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Rigorous derivation of two-scale and effective damage models based on microstructure evolution

Hanke, Hauke 26 September 2014 (has links)
Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der rigorosen Herleitung effektiver Modelle zur Beschreibung von Schädigungsprozessen. Diese effektiven Modelle werden für verschiedene raten-unabhängige Schädigungsmodelle linear elastischer Materialien hergeleitet. Den Ausgangspunkt stellt dabei ein unidirektionales Mikrostrukturevolutionsmodell dar, dessen Fundament eine Familie geordneter zulässiger Mikrostrukturen bildet. Jede Mikrostruktur dieser Familie besitzt die gleiche intrinsische Längenskala. Zur Herleitung eines effektiven Modells wird das asymptotische Verhalten dieser Längenskala mittels Techniken der Zwei-Skalen-Konvergenz untersucht. Um das Grenzmodell zu identifizieren, bedarf es einer Mikrostrukturregularisierung, die als diskreter Gradient für stückweise konstante Funktionen aufgefasst werden kann. Die Mikrostruktur des effektiven Modells ist punktweise durch ein Einheitszellenproblem gegeben, welches die Mikro- von der Makroskala trennt. Ausgehend vom Homogenisierungsresultat für die unidirektionale Mikrostrukturevolution werden effektive Modelle für Zwei-Phasen-Schädungsprozesse hergeleitet. Die aus zwei Phasen bestehende Mikrostruktur der mikroskopischen Modelle ermöglicht z.B. die Modellierung von Schädigung durch das Wachstum von Inklusionen aus geschädigtem Material verschiedener Form und Größe. Außerdem kann Schädigung durch das Wachstum mikroskopischer Hohlräume und Mikrorissen betrachtet werden. Die Größe der Defekte skaliert mit der intrinsischen Längenskala und die unidirektionale Mikrostrukturevolution verhindert, dass bei fixierter Längenskala die Defekte für fortlaufende Zeit schrumpfen. Das Material des Grenzmodells ist dann in jedem Punkt als Mischung von ungeschädigtem und geschädigtem Material durch das Einheitszellenproblem gegeben. Dabei liefert das Einheitszellenproblem nicht nur das Mischungsverhältnis sondern auch die genaue geometrische Mischungsverteilung, die dem effektiven Material des jeweiligen Materialpunktes zugrunde liegt. / This dissertation at hand deals with the rigorous derivation of such effective models used to describe damage processes. For different rate-independent damage processes in linear elastic material these effective models are derived as the asymptotic limit of microscopic models. The starting point is represented by a unidirectional microstructure evolution model which is based on a family of ordered admissible microstructures. Each microstructure of that family possesses the same intrinsic length scale. To derive an effective model, the asymptotic behavior of this intrinsic length scale is investigated with the help of techniques of the two-scale convergence. For this purpose, a microstructure-regularizing term, which can be understood as a discrete gradient for piecewise constant functions, is needed to identify the limit model. The microstructure of the effective model is given pointwisely by a so-called unit cell problem which separates the microscopic scale from the macroscopic scale. Based on these homogenization results for unidirectional microstructure evolution models, effective models for brutal damage processes are provided. There, the microstructure consists of only two phases, namely undamaged material which comprises defects of damaged material with various sizes and shapes. In this way damage progression can be modeled by the growth of inclusions of weak material, the growth of voids, or the growth of microscopic cracks. The size of the defects is scaled by the intrinsic length scale and the unidirectional microstructure evolution prevents that, for a fixed length scale, the defects shrink for progressing time. According to the unit cell problem, the material of the limit model is then given as a mixture of damaged and undamaged material. In a specific material point of the limit model, that unit cell problem does not only define the mixture ratio but also the exact geometrical mixture distribution.

Contrôle optimal des équations d'évolution et ses applications / Optimal control of evolution equations and its applications

Nabolsi, Hawraa 17 July 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, tout d’abord, nous faisons l’Analyse Mathématique du modèle exact du chauffage radiatif d’un corps semi-transparent $\Omega$ par une source radiative noire qui l’entoure. Il s’agit donc d’étudier le couplage d’un système d’Equations de Transfert Radiatif avec condition au bord de réflectivité indépendantes avec une équation de conduction de la chaleur non linéaire avec condition limite non linéaire de type Robin. Nous prouvons l’existence et l’unicité de la solution et nous démontrons des bornes uniformes sur la solution et les intensités radiatives dans chaque bande de longueurs d’ondes pour laquelle le corps est semi-transparent, en fonction de bornes sur les données, Deuxièmement, nous considérons le problème du contrôle optimal de la température absolue à l’intérieur du corps semi-transparent $\Omega$ en agissant sur la température absolue de la source radiative noire qui l’entoure. À cet égard, nous introduisons la fonctionnelle coût appropriée et l’ensemble des contrôles admissibles $T_{S}$, pour lesquels nous prouvons l’existence de contrôles optimaux. En introduisant l’espace des états et l’équation d’état, une condition nécessaire de premier ordre pour qu’un contrôle $T_{S}$ : t ! $T_{S}$ (t) soit optimal, est alors dérivée sous la forme d’une inéquation variationnelle en utilisant le théorème des fonctions implicites et le problème adjoint. Ensuite, nous considérons le problème de l’existence et de l’unicité d’une solution faible des équations de la thermoviscoélasticité dans une formulation mixte de type Hellinger- Reissner, la nouveauté par rapport au travail de M.E. Rognes et R. Winther (M3AS, 2010) étant ici l’apparition de la viscosité dans certains coefficients de l’équation constitutive, viscosité qui dépend dans ce contexte de la température absolue T(x, t) et donc en particulier du temps t. Enfin, nous considérons dans ce cadre le problème du contrôle optimal de la déformation du corps semi-transparent $\Omega$, en agissant sur la température absolue de la source radiative noire qui l’entoure. Nous prouvons l’existence d’un contrôle optimal et nous calculons la dérivée Fréchet de la fonctionnelle coût réduite. / This thesis begins with a rigorous mathematical analysis of the radiative heating of a semi-transparent body made of glass, by a black radiative source surrounding it. This requires the study of the coupling between quasi-steady radiative transfer boundary value problems with nonhomogeneous reflectivity boundary conditions (one for each wavelength band in the semi-transparent electromagnetic spectrum of the glass) and a nonlinear heat conduction evolution equation with a nonlinear Robin boundary condition which takes into account those wavelengths for which the glass behaves like an opaque body. We prove existence and uniqueness of the solution, and give also uniform bounds on the solution i.e. on the absolute temperature distribution inside the body and on the radiative intensities. Now, we consider the temperature $T_{S}$ of the black radiative source S surrounding the semi-transparent body $\Omega$ as the control variable. We adjust the absolute temperature distribution (x, t) 7! T(x, t) inside the semi-transparent body near a desired temperature distribution Td(·, ·) during the time interval of radiative heating ]0, tf [ by acting on $T_{S}$. In this respect, we introduce the appropriate cost functional and the set of admissible controls $T_{S}$, for which we prove the existence of optimal controls. Introducing the State Space and the State Equation, a first order necessary condition for a control $T_{S}$ : t 7! $T_{S}$ (t) to be optimal is then derived in the form of a Variational Inequality by using the Implicit Function Theorem and the adjoint problem. We come now to the goal problem which is the deformation of the semi-transparent body $\Omega$ by heating it with a black radiative source surrounding it. We introduce a weak mixed formulation of this thermoviscoelasticity problem and study the existence and uniqueness of its solution, the novelty here with respect to the work of M.E. Rognes et R. Winther (M3AS, 2010) being the apparition of the viscosity in some of the coefficients of the constitutive equation, viscosity which depends on the absolute temperature T(x, t) and thus in particular on the time t. Finally, we state in this setting the related optimal control problem of the deformation of the semi-transparent body $\Omega$, by acting on the absolute temperature of the black radiative source surrounding it. We prove the existence of an optimal control and we compute the Fréchet derivative of the associated reduced cost functional.

Reducing turbulence- and transition-driven uncertainty in aerothermodynamic heating predictions for blunt-bodied reentry vehicles

Ulerich, Rhys David 24 October 2014 (has links)
Turbulent boundary layers approximating those found on the NASA Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) thermal protection system during atmospheric reentry from the International Space Station have been studied by direct numerical simulation, with the ultimate goal of reducing aerothermodynamic heating prediction uncertainty. Simulations were performed using a new, well-verified, openly available Fourier/B-spline pseudospectral code called Suzerain equipped with a ``slow growth'' spatiotemporal homogenization approximation recently developed by Topalian et al. A first study aimed to reduce turbulence-driven heating prediction uncertainty by providing high-quality data suitable for calibrating Reynolds-averaged Navier--Stokes turbulence models to address the atypical boundary layer characteristics found in such reentry problems. The two data sets generated were Ma[approximate symbol] 0.9 and 1.15 homogenized boundary layers possessing Re[subscript theta, approximate symbol] 382 and 531, respectively. Edge-to-wall temperature ratios, T[subscript e]/T[subscript w], were close to 4.15 and wall blowing velocities, v[subscript w, superscript plus symbol]= v[subscript w]/u[subscript tau], were about 8 x 10-3 . The favorable pressure gradients had Pohlhausen parameters between 25 and 42. Skin frictions coefficients around 6 x10-3 and Nusselt numbers under 22 were observed. Near-wall vorticity fluctuations show qualitatively different profiles than observed by Spalart (J. Fluid Mech. 187 (1988)) or Guarini et al. (J. Fluid Mech. 414 (2000)). Small or negative displacement effects are evident. Uncertainty estimates and Favre-averaged equation budgets are provided. A second study aimed to reduce transition-driven uncertainty by determining where on the thermal protection system surface the boundary layer could sustain turbulence. Local boundary layer conditions were extracted from a laminar flow solution over the MPCV which included the bow shock, aerothermochemistry, heat shield surface curvature, and ablation. That information, as a function of leeward distance from the stagnation point, was approximated by Re[subscript theta], Ma[subscript e], [mathematical equation], v[subscript w, superscript plus sign], and T[subscript e]/T[subscript w] along with perfect gas assumptions. Homogenized turbulent boundary layers were initialized at those local conditions and evolved until either stationarity, implying the conditions could sustain turbulence, or relaminarization, implying the conditions could not. Fully turbulent fields relaminarized subject to conditions 4.134 m and 3.199 m leeward of the stagnation point. However, different initial conditions produced long-lived fluctuations at leeward position 2.299 m. Locations more than 1.389 m leeward of the stagnation point are predicted to sustain turbulence in this scenario. / text

Duas abordagens para casamento de padrões de pontos usando relações espaciais e casamento entre grafos / Two approaches for point set matching using spatial relations for graph matching

Noma, Alexandre 07 July 2010 (has links)
Casamento de padrões de pontos é um problema fundamental em reconhecimento de padrões. O objetivo é encontrar uma correspondência entre dois conjuntos de pontos, associados a características relevantes de objetos ou entidades, mapeando os pontos de um conjunto no outro. Este problema está associado a muitas aplicações, como por exemplo, reconhecimento de objetos baseado em modelos, imagens estéreo, registro de imagens, biometria, entre outros. Para encontrar um mapeamento, os objetos são codificados por representações abstratas, codificando as características relevantes consideradas na comparação entre pares de objetos. Neste trabalho, objetos são representados por grafos, codificando tanto as características `locais\' quanto as relações espaciais entre estas características. A comparação entre objetos é guiada por uma formulação de atribuição quadrática, que é um problema NP-difícil. Para estimar uma solução, duas técnicas de casamento entre grafos são propostas: uma baseada em grafos auxiliares, chamados de grafos deformados; e outra baseada em representações `esparsas\', campos aleatórios de Markov e propagação de crenças. Devido as suas respectivas limitações, as abordagens são adequadas para situações específicas, conforme mostrado neste documento. Resultados envolvendo as duas abordagens são ilustrados em quatro importantes aplicações: casamento de imagens de gel eletroforese 2D, segmentação interativa de imagens naturais, casamento de formas, e colorização assistida por computador. / Point set matching is a fundamental problem in pattern recognition. The goal is to match two sets of points, associated to relevant features of objects or entities, by finding a mapping, or a correspondence, from one set to another set of points. This issue arises in many applications, e.g. model-based object recognition, stereo matching, image registration, biometrics, among others. In order to find a mapping, the objects can be encoded by abstract representations, carrying relevant features which are taken into account to compare pairs of objects. In this work, graphs are adopted to represent the objects, encoding their `local\' features and the spatial relations between these features. The comparison of two given objects is guided by a quadratic assignment formulation, which is NP-hard. In order to estimate the optimal solution, two approximations techniques, via graph matching, are proposed: one is based on auxiliary graphs, called deformed graphs; the other is based on `sparse\' representations, Markov random fields and belief propagation. Due to their respective limitations, each approach is more suitable to each specific situation, as shown in this document. The quality of the two approaches is illustrated on four important applications: 2D electrophoresis gel matching, interactive natural image segmentation, shape matching, and computer-assisted colorization.

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