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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Maharaj, Dalini January 2020 (has links)
Magnetic frustration is the underpinning theme to all of the magnetic oxide systems explored in this dissertation. The materials studied in this thesis belong to two topical families of interest in modern condensed matter physics, namely, the rare-earth titanates R2Ti2O7 and the double perovskites A2BB'O6. Chapter 1 provides the theoretical background necessary to understand the crystalline systems studied in this thesis. Chapter 2 explains the necessity of utilizing neutron scattering and x-ray experiments to tease out the key signatures which were essential to formulating the conclusions made in each study. Chapter 3 outlines the neutron scattering techniques which were employed to investigate the crystal systems. The first objective of this thesis is to understand effect of “stuffing” on the ground state anisotropy of the quantum spin liquid candidate Yb2Ti2O7 via an investigation of the crystal-field excitations in intentionally stuffed samples. The pentultimate study was performed on the monoclinic crystal systems, La2LiRuO6 and La2LiOsO6, to discern the effect of lattice distortions on the spin-orbit induced magnetic ground state of 4d3 and 5d3 double perovskites based on Ru and Os magnetic ions. The final investigation involves an inelastic neutron scattering investigation of magnetic ground states in three d2 double perovskites, Ba2CaOsO6, Ba2MgOsO6 and Ba2ZnOsO6. Here, we make the case for novel octupolar order below their respective transition temperatures T* of 50 K, 49 K and 30 K based on information provided by neutron scattering, heat capacity, muon spin relaxation and synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Elektronenspinresonanz an niederdimensionalen und frustrierten magnetischen Systemen

Zimmermann, Stephan 07 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der eingereichten Dissertation wird eine Reihe von niederdimensionalen und frustrierten magnetischen Systemen mit Hilfe der Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) untersucht, um deren magnetische Eigenschaften und Wechselwirkungen zu charakterisieren. Sowohl niederdimensionale als auch frustrierte Systeme können exotische magnetische Phänomene zeigen, da es in beiden Fällen trotz starker magnetischer Korrelationen zu einer Unterdrückung von konventioneller langreichweitiger magnetischer Ordnung kommen kann. Auf der anderen Seite sind zweidimensionale Systeme wie Graphen und die damit verwandten topologischen Isolatoren interessant für Anwendungen in der Spintronik oder in Quantencomputern. Über das Einbringen von magnetischer Ordnung soll dabei die Kontrolle über den Spin von Elektronen erlangt werden. Es werden quasieindimensionale Spinketten in Cu(py)2Br2 untersucht, die ein gutes Modellsysteme für den Vergleich mit exakten theoretischen Berechnungen darstellen. Durch eingehende ESR-Messungen ist es gelungen, ein Modell für die Ausrichtung der Anisotropieachse zu entwickeln, die senkrecht zur Kettenachse steht. Zusätzlich zum g-Tensor konnten durch Magnetisierungsmessungen das Austauschintegral und dessen Anisotropie bestimmt werden. Die Austauschwechselwirkung kann über die Substitution von Br- mit Cl-Ionen in Cu(py)2(Cl1-xBrx)2 gezielt variiert werden. Des Weiteren wird eine kombinierte Studie aus STM- und ESR-Untersuchungen an monolagigem Graphen mit induzierten Fehlstellen vorgestellt. Es wurden Defekte durch den Beschuss mit Ar-Ionen in Graphen kontrolliert hergestellt, deren lokale elektronische Eigenschaften sich mit STM- und STS-Messungen charakte-risieren lassen. Mit ESR-Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die an den einzelnen Fehlstellen lokalisierten magnetischen Momente eine dominant antiferromagnetische Austauschwechselwirkung besitzen. Die Charakterisierung der magnetischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen lokalisierten Momenten stand auch für den mit Mn dotierten topologischen Isolator Bi2Te3 im Vordergrund, welcher einen ferromagnetischen Phasenübergang bei tiefen Temperaturen zeigt. Anhand des mit ESR beobachteten Korringa-Verhaltens wurde bewiesen, dass die lokalisierten Mn-Spins an leitende Bänder gekoppelt sind und die ferromagnetische Ordnung folglich per RKKY-Wechselwirkung vermittelt wird. Es wurden kurzreichweitige magnetische Korrelationen in einem ausgedehnten Temperaturbereich oberhalb der Ordnungstemperatur beobachtet, die Hinweise auf einen zweidimensionalen Charakter zeigen. Ausgedehnte Temperaturbereiche mit kurzreichweitigen Korrelationen werden ebenfalls in den untersuchten magnetisch frustrierten Materialien beobachtet. In einer kombinierten Studie aus HF-ESR, NMR und µSR wird die Spindynamik in CoAl2O4 charakterisiert, in dem moderate Unordnung zu einem Verschwimmen der Phasengrenze zwischen Neél-Ordnung und einer Spinflüssigkeit mit spiralförmigen Korrelationen führt. Außerdem werden zwei Vertreter aus der Klasse der Swedenborgite behandelt, in denen die Spinstruktur in YBaCo4O7 durch Substitution modifiziert wird. Ziel ist die Entkopplung der enthaltenen Kagome-Schichten, welche ein zweidimensionales frustriertes System darstellen. In den vorgestellten HF-ESR- und NMR-Messungen beobachtet man ein Spinglasverhalten für YBaCo3AlO7, das aus der Unordnung bei der Besetzung der Gitterplätze resultiert. In YBaCo3FeO7 ist die Unordnung geringer und mit ESR-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es zu einer effektiven Entkopplung der Fe-Spins zwischen den Kagome-Schichten kommt.

Elektronenspinresonanz an niederdimensionalen und frustrierten magnetischen Systemen

Zimmermann, Stephan 24 November 2016 (has links)
In der eingereichten Dissertation wird eine Reihe von niederdimensionalen und frustrierten magnetischen Systemen mit Hilfe der Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) untersucht, um deren magnetische Eigenschaften und Wechselwirkungen zu charakterisieren. Sowohl niederdimensionale als auch frustrierte Systeme können exotische magnetische Phänomene zeigen, da es in beiden Fällen trotz starker magnetischer Korrelationen zu einer Unterdrückung von konventioneller langreichweitiger magnetischer Ordnung kommen kann. Auf der anderen Seite sind zweidimensionale Systeme wie Graphen und die damit verwandten topologischen Isolatoren interessant für Anwendungen in der Spintronik oder in Quantencomputern. Über das Einbringen von magnetischer Ordnung soll dabei die Kontrolle über den Spin von Elektronen erlangt werden. Es werden quasieindimensionale Spinketten in Cu(py)2Br2 untersucht, die ein gutes Modellsysteme für den Vergleich mit exakten theoretischen Berechnungen darstellen. Durch eingehende ESR-Messungen ist es gelungen, ein Modell für die Ausrichtung der Anisotropieachse zu entwickeln, die senkrecht zur Kettenachse steht. Zusätzlich zum g-Tensor konnten durch Magnetisierungsmessungen das Austauschintegral und dessen Anisotropie bestimmt werden. Die Austauschwechselwirkung kann über die Substitution von Br- mit Cl-Ionen in Cu(py)2(Cl1-xBrx)2 gezielt variiert werden. Des Weiteren wird eine kombinierte Studie aus STM- und ESR-Untersuchungen an monolagigem Graphen mit induzierten Fehlstellen vorgestellt. Es wurden Defekte durch den Beschuss mit Ar-Ionen in Graphen kontrolliert hergestellt, deren lokale elektronische Eigenschaften sich mit STM- und STS-Messungen charakte-risieren lassen. Mit ESR-Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die an den einzelnen Fehlstellen lokalisierten magnetischen Momente eine dominant antiferromagnetische Austauschwechselwirkung besitzen. Die Charakterisierung der magnetischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen lokalisierten Momenten stand auch für den mit Mn dotierten topologischen Isolator Bi2Te3 im Vordergrund, welcher einen ferromagnetischen Phasenübergang bei tiefen Temperaturen zeigt. Anhand des mit ESR beobachteten Korringa-Verhaltens wurde bewiesen, dass die lokalisierten Mn-Spins an leitende Bänder gekoppelt sind und die ferromagnetische Ordnung folglich per RKKY-Wechselwirkung vermittelt wird. Es wurden kurzreichweitige magnetische Korrelationen in einem ausgedehnten Temperaturbereich oberhalb der Ordnungstemperatur beobachtet, die Hinweise auf einen zweidimensionalen Charakter zeigen. Ausgedehnte Temperaturbereiche mit kurzreichweitigen Korrelationen werden ebenfalls in den untersuchten magnetisch frustrierten Materialien beobachtet. In einer kombinierten Studie aus HF-ESR, NMR und µSR wird die Spindynamik in CoAl2O4 charakterisiert, in dem moderate Unordnung zu einem Verschwimmen der Phasengrenze zwischen Neél-Ordnung und einer Spinflüssigkeit mit spiralförmigen Korrelationen führt. Außerdem werden zwei Vertreter aus der Klasse der Swedenborgite behandelt, in denen die Spinstruktur in YBaCo4O7 durch Substitution modifiziert wird. Ziel ist die Entkopplung der enthaltenen Kagome-Schichten, welche ein zweidimensionales frustriertes System darstellen. In den vorgestellten HF-ESR- und NMR-Messungen beobachtet man ein Spinglasverhalten für YBaCo3AlO7, das aus der Unordnung bei der Besetzung der Gitterplätze resultiert. In YBaCo3FeO7 ist die Unordnung geringer und mit ESR-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es zu einer effektiven Entkopplung der Fe-Spins zwischen den Kagome-Schichten kommt.

DFT-based microscopic magnetic modeling for low-dimensional spin systems

Janson, Oleg 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the vast realm of inorganic materials, the Cu2+-containing cuprates form one of the richest classes. Due to the combined effect of crystal-field, covalency and strong correlations, all undoped cuprates are magnetic insulators with well-localized spins S=1/2, whereas the charge and orbital degrees of freedom are frozen out. The combination of the spin-only nature of their magnetism with the unique structural diversity renders cuprates as excellent model systems. The experimental studies, boosted by the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in doped La2CuO4, revealed a fascinating variety of magnetic behaviors observed in cuprates. A digest of prominent examples should include the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3, the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in BaCuSi2O6, and the quantum critical behavior of Li2ZrCuO4. The magnetism of cuprates originates from short-range (typically, well below 1 nm) exchange interactions between pairs of spins Si and Sj, localized on Cu atoms i and j. Especially in low-dimensional compounds, these interactions are strongly anisotropic: even for similar interatomic distances |Rij|, the respective magnetic couplings Jij can vary by several orders of magnitude. On the other hand, there is an empirical evidence for the isotropic nature of this interaction in the spin space: different components of Si are coupled equally strong. Thus, the magnetism of cuprates is mostly described by a Heisenberg model, comprised of Jij(Si*Sj) terms. Although the applicability of this approach to cuprates is settled, the model parameters Jij are specific to a certain material, or more precisely, to a particular arrangement of the constituent atoms, i.e. the crystal structure. Typically, among the infinite number of Jij terms, only several are physically relevant. These leading exchange couplings constitute the (minimal) microscopic magnetic model. Already at the early stages of real material studies, it became gradually evident that the assignment of model parameters is a highly nontrivial task. In general, the problem can be solved experimentally, using elaborate measurements, such as inelastic neutron scattering on large single crystals, yielding the magnetic excitation spectrum. The measured dispersion is fitted using theoretical models, and in this way, the model parameters are refined. Despite excellent accuracy of this method, the measurements require high-quality samples and can be carried out only at special large-scale facilities. Therefore, less demanding (especially, regarding the sample requirements), yet reliable and accurate procedures are desirable. An alternative way to conjecture a magnetic model is the empirical approach, which typically relies on the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. This approach links the magnetic exchange couplings to the relevant structural parameters, such as bond angles. Despite the unbeatable performance of this approach, it is not universally applicable. Moreover, in certain cases the resulting tentative models are erroneous. The recent developments of computational facilities and techniques, especially for strongly correlated systems, turned density-functional theory (DFT) band structure calculations into an appealing alternative, complementary to the experiment. At present, the state-of-the-art computational methods yield accurate numerical estimates for the leading microscopic exchange couplings Jij (error bars typically do not exceed 10-15%). Although this computational approach is often regarded as ab initio, the actual procedure is not parameter-free. Moreover, the numerical results are dependent on the parameterization of the exchange and correlation potential, the type of the double-counting correction, the Hubbard repulsion U etc., thus an accurate choice of these crucial parameters is a prerequisite. In this work, the optimal parameters for cuprates are carefully evaluated based on extensive band structure calculations and subsequent model simulations. Considering the diversity of crystal structures, and consequently, magnetic behaviors, the evaluation of a microscopic model should be carried out in a systematic way. To this end, a multi-step computational approach is developed. The starting point of this procedure is a consideration of the experimental structural data, used as an input for DFT calculations. Next, a minimal DFT-based microscopic magnetic model is evaluated. This part of the study comprises band structure calculations, the analysis of the relevant bands, supercell calculations, and finally, the evaluation of a microscopic magnetic model. The ground state and the magnetic excitation spectrum of the evaluated model are analyzed using various simulation techniques, such as quantum Monte Carlo, exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization groups, while the choice of a particular technique is governed by the dimensionality of the model, and the presence or absence of magnetic frustration. To illustrate the performance of the approach and tune the free parameters, the computational scheme is applied to cuprates featuring rather simple, yet diverse magnetic behaviors: spin chains in CuSe2O5, [NO]Cu(NO3)3, and CaCu2(SeO3)2Cl2; quasi-two-dimensional lattices with dimer-like couplings in alpha-Cu2P2O7 and CdCu2(BO3)2, as well as the 3D magnetic model with pronounced 1D correlations in Cu6Si6O18*6H2O. Finally, the approach is applied to spin liquid candidates --- intricate materials featuring kagome-lattice arrangement of the constituent spins. Based on the DFT calculations, microscopic magnetic models are evaluated for herbertsmithite Cu3(Zn0.85Cu0.15)(OH)6Cl2, kapellasite Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2 and haydeeite Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2, as well as for volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O. The results of the DFT calculations and model simulations are compared to and challenged with the available experimental data. The advantages of the developed approach should be briefly discussed. First, it allows to distinguish between different microscopic models that yield similar macroscopic behavior. One of the most remarkable example is volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O, initially described as an anisotropic kagome lattice. The DFT calculations reveal that this compound features strongly coupled frustrated spin chains, thus a completely different type of magnetic frustration is realized. Second, the developed approach is capable of providing accurate estimates for the leading magnetic couplings, and consequently, reliably parameterize the microscopic Hamiltonian. Dioptase Cu6Si6O18*6H2O is an instructive example showing that the microscopic theoretical approach eliminates possible ambiguity and reliably yields the correct parameterization. Third, DFT calculations yield even better accuracy for the ratios of magnetic exchange couplings. This holds also for small interchain or interplane couplings that can be substantially smaller than the leading exchange. Hence, band structure calculations provide a unique possibility to address the interchain or interplane coupling regime, essential for the magnetic ground state, but hardly perceptible in the experiment due to the different energy scales. Finally, an important advantage specific to magnetically frustrated systems should be mentioned. Numerous theoretical and numerical studies evidence that low-dimensionality and frustration effects are typically entwined, and their disentanglement in the experiment is at best challenging. In contrast, the computational procedure allows to distinguish between these two effects, as demonstrated by studying the long-range magnetic ordering transition in quasi-1D spin chain systems. The computational approach presented in the thesis is a powerful tool that can be directly applied to numerous S=1/2 Heisenberg materials. Moreover, with minor modifications, it can be largely extended to other metallates with higher value of spin. Besides the excellent performance of the computational approach, its relevance should be underscored: for all the systems investigated in this work, the DFT-based studies not only reproduced the experimental data, but instead delivered new valuable information on the magnetic properties for each particular compound. Beyond any doubt, further computational studies will yield new surprising results for known as well as for new, yet unexplored compounds. Such "surprising" outcomes can involve the ferromagnetic nature of the couplings that were previously considered antiferromagnetic, unexpected long-range couplings, or the subtle balance of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic contributions that "switches off" the respective magnetic exchange. In this way, dozens of potentially interesting systems can acquire quantitative microscopic magnetic models. The results of this work evidence that elaborate experimental methods and the DFT-based modeling are of comparable reliability and complement each other. In this way, the advantageous combination of theory and experiment can largely advance the research in the field of low-dimensional quantum magnetism. For practical applications, the excellent predictive power of the computational approach can largely alleviate designing materials with specific properties.

DFT-based microscopic magnetic modeling for low-dimensional spin systems

Janson, Oleg 29 June 2012 (has links)
In the vast realm of inorganic materials, the Cu2+-containing cuprates form one of the richest classes. Due to the combined effect of crystal-field, covalency and strong correlations, all undoped cuprates are magnetic insulators with well-localized spins S=1/2, whereas the charge and orbital degrees of freedom are frozen out. The combination of the spin-only nature of their magnetism with the unique structural diversity renders cuprates as excellent model systems. The experimental studies, boosted by the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in doped La2CuO4, revealed a fascinating variety of magnetic behaviors observed in cuprates. A digest of prominent examples should include the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3, the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in BaCuSi2O6, and the quantum critical behavior of Li2ZrCuO4. The magnetism of cuprates originates from short-range (typically, well below 1 nm) exchange interactions between pairs of spins Si and Sj, localized on Cu atoms i and j. Especially in low-dimensional compounds, these interactions are strongly anisotropic: even for similar interatomic distances |Rij|, the respective magnetic couplings Jij can vary by several orders of magnitude. On the other hand, there is an empirical evidence for the isotropic nature of this interaction in the spin space: different components of Si are coupled equally strong. Thus, the magnetism of cuprates is mostly described by a Heisenberg model, comprised of Jij(Si*Sj) terms. Although the applicability of this approach to cuprates is settled, the model parameters Jij are specific to a certain material, or more precisely, to a particular arrangement of the constituent atoms, i.e. the crystal structure. Typically, among the infinite number of Jij terms, only several are physically relevant. These leading exchange couplings constitute the (minimal) microscopic magnetic model. Already at the early stages of real material studies, it became gradually evident that the assignment of model parameters is a highly nontrivial task. In general, the problem can be solved experimentally, using elaborate measurements, such as inelastic neutron scattering on large single crystals, yielding the magnetic excitation spectrum. The measured dispersion is fitted using theoretical models, and in this way, the model parameters are refined. Despite excellent accuracy of this method, the measurements require high-quality samples and can be carried out only at special large-scale facilities. Therefore, less demanding (especially, regarding the sample requirements), yet reliable and accurate procedures are desirable. An alternative way to conjecture a magnetic model is the empirical approach, which typically relies on the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. This approach links the magnetic exchange couplings to the relevant structural parameters, such as bond angles. Despite the unbeatable performance of this approach, it is not universally applicable. Moreover, in certain cases the resulting tentative models are erroneous. The recent developments of computational facilities and techniques, especially for strongly correlated systems, turned density-functional theory (DFT) band structure calculations into an appealing alternative, complementary to the experiment. At present, the state-of-the-art computational methods yield accurate numerical estimates for the leading microscopic exchange couplings Jij (error bars typically do not exceed 10-15%). Although this computational approach is often regarded as ab initio, the actual procedure is not parameter-free. Moreover, the numerical results are dependent on the parameterization of the exchange and correlation potential, the type of the double-counting correction, the Hubbard repulsion U etc., thus an accurate choice of these crucial parameters is a prerequisite. In this work, the optimal parameters for cuprates are carefully evaluated based on extensive band structure calculations and subsequent model simulations. Considering the diversity of crystal structures, and consequently, magnetic behaviors, the evaluation of a microscopic model should be carried out in a systematic way. To this end, a multi-step computational approach is developed. The starting point of this procedure is a consideration of the experimental structural data, used as an input for DFT calculations. Next, a minimal DFT-based microscopic magnetic model is evaluated. This part of the study comprises band structure calculations, the analysis of the relevant bands, supercell calculations, and finally, the evaluation of a microscopic magnetic model. The ground state and the magnetic excitation spectrum of the evaluated model are analyzed using various simulation techniques, such as quantum Monte Carlo, exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization groups, while the choice of a particular technique is governed by the dimensionality of the model, and the presence or absence of magnetic frustration. To illustrate the performance of the approach and tune the free parameters, the computational scheme is applied to cuprates featuring rather simple, yet diverse magnetic behaviors: spin chains in CuSe2O5, [NO]Cu(NO3)3, and CaCu2(SeO3)2Cl2; quasi-two-dimensional lattices with dimer-like couplings in alpha-Cu2P2O7 and CdCu2(BO3)2, as well as the 3D magnetic model with pronounced 1D correlations in Cu6Si6O18*6H2O. Finally, the approach is applied to spin liquid candidates --- intricate materials featuring kagome-lattice arrangement of the constituent spins. Based on the DFT calculations, microscopic magnetic models are evaluated for herbertsmithite Cu3(Zn0.85Cu0.15)(OH)6Cl2, kapellasite Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2 and haydeeite Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2, as well as for volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O. The results of the DFT calculations and model simulations are compared to and challenged with the available experimental data. The advantages of the developed approach should be briefly discussed. First, it allows to distinguish between different microscopic models that yield similar macroscopic behavior. One of the most remarkable example is volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O, initially described as an anisotropic kagome lattice. The DFT calculations reveal that this compound features strongly coupled frustrated spin chains, thus a completely different type of magnetic frustration is realized. Second, the developed approach is capable of providing accurate estimates for the leading magnetic couplings, and consequently, reliably parameterize the microscopic Hamiltonian. Dioptase Cu6Si6O18*6H2O is an instructive example showing that the microscopic theoretical approach eliminates possible ambiguity and reliably yields the correct parameterization. Third, DFT calculations yield even better accuracy for the ratios of magnetic exchange couplings. This holds also for small interchain or interplane couplings that can be substantially smaller than the leading exchange. Hence, band structure calculations provide a unique possibility to address the interchain or interplane coupling regime, essential for the magnetic ground state, but hardly perceptible in the experiment due to the different energy scales. Finally, an important advantage specific to magnetically frustrated systems should be mentioned. Numerous theoretical and numerical studies evidence that low-dimensionality and frustration effects are typically entwined, and their disentanglement in the experiment is at best challenging. In contrast, the computational procedure allows to distinguish between these two effects, as demonstrated by studying the long-range magnetic ordering transition in quasi-1D spin chain systems. The computational approach presented in the thesis is a powerful tool that can be directly applied to numerous S=1/2 Heisenberg materials. Moreover, with minor modifications, it can be largely extended to other metallates with higher value of spin. Besides the excellent performance of the computational approach, its relevance should be underscored: for all the systems investigated in this work, the DFT-based studies not only reproduced the experimental data, but instead delivered new valuable information on the magnetic properties for each particular compound. Beyond any doubt, further computational studies will yield new surprising results for known as well as for new, yet unexplored compounds. Such "surprising" outcomes can involve the ferromagnetic nature of the couplings that were previously considered antiferromagnetic, unexpected long-range couplings, or the subtle balance of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic contributions that "switches off" the respective magnetic exchange. In this way, dozens of potentially interesting systems can acquire quantitative microscopic magnetic models. The results of this work evidence that elaborate experimental methods and the DFT-based modeling are of comparable reliability and complement each other. In this way, the advantageous combination of theory and experiment can largely advance the research in the field of low-dimensional quantum magnetism. For practical applications, the excellent predictive power of the computational approach can largely alleviate designing materials with specific properties.:List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations 1. Introduction 2. Magnetism of cuprates 3. Experimental methods 4. DFT-based microscopic modeling 5. Simulations of a magnetic model 6. Model spin systems: challenging the computational approach 7. Kagome lattice compounds 8. Summary and outlook Appendix Bibliography List of publications Acknowledgments

`n Ondersoek na die uitvoerbaarheid van spelterapie as ondersteuningsbron vir `n optimale leergeleentheid aan die kind in die laerskool / A study to explore the practicability of play therapy as a support system to primary schools in order to offer the child an optimal opportunity

Swanepoel, Peggy 30 September 2007 (has links)
This study was directed to explore the practicability of play therapy as a support system to primary schools in order to offer the child an optimal learning opportunity. A need exists to support primary schools, to establish therapeutic services which will be available to all children with emotional, behaviour and social problems. Gestalt play therapy can be used as a source of support within the context of the primary school. It is important that the therapist and teacher have sufficient knowledge around the different developmental phases of the child. In this study the focus was on the general characteristics, cognitive, social- and moral development of the primary school child. A qualitative approach and by utilizing semi-structured interviews, were used in order to collect the data concerning the study. Results from the empirical research indicated that there is a definite necessity for therapeutic services, as support systems at primary schools, in order to assist the child to reach his/her maximum potential. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

The frustration/satisfaction level in relation to needs of non-commissioned officers' wives at a naval base

Pearce, Tracey-Lynn January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the life satisfaction of the wives of naval non-commissioned officers living in an isolated military suburb. As little is known about this phenomenon an exploratory design was used. A sample group of 81 wives was selected by means of stratified random sampling. Measuring instruments used were the Heimler Scale of Social Functioning and a needs assessment. The results of the study indicated that although a small majority of the wives experience their lives as satisfactory they have a great deal of frustration. The two largest areas of low satisfaction was work and finances. It seems that these wives have sufficient support systems. The lack of transport seems to be a problem for these wives. The needs assessment identified a great interest in, and a need for certain courses, hobbies, aerobic classes and a daycare centre. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science (Mental Health))

Etude des propriétés magnétiques et du couplage spin/réseau dans les composés multiferroïques RMnO3 hexagonaux par diffusion de neutrons.

Fabreges, Xavier 05 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente une étude des composés multiferroïques RMnO$_3$ hexagonaux (R=Ho, Y, Yb, In, Sc). L'accent est mis sur les corrélations spin/spin statiques et dynamiques et sur le couplage entre degrés de liberté de spin et de réseau. Cette étude s'appuie sur de nombreux résultats de diffusion de neutrons aussi bien sur poudres que sur monocristaux. La diffraction permet de déterminer précisément les positions atomiques et la structure magnétique. Nous avons pu développer un modèle rendant compte de la très grande variété de comportements observés dans ces systèmes en nous basant sur la frustration des interactions d'échange interplans. La frustration des interactions magnétiques n'est pas simplement due au réseau triangulaire de Mn mais aussi aux interactions entre Mn de plans adjacents. Cette frustration est directement controlée par la position du Mn par rapport à une valeur seuil $x=1/3$ dans la maille élémentaire. Les mesures de diffusion inélastiques ont permis de valider ce modèle en vérifiant certaines prédictions à partir de mesures de dispersion d'onde de spins et d'un calcul numérique solide (signe de la constante d'échange interplan, transitions de réorientation). Elles ont également confirmé le rôle primordial des interactions RMn sur la dynamique de spin des Mn. Enfin des mesures complexes de diffusion inélastique de neutrons polarisés ont mis en évidence une hybridation entre excitations de réseau et de spin. Un modèle basé sur l'interaction de Dzyaloshiinski-Moriya est proposé pour rendre compte des observations expérimentales. Ce mode hybride est a rapprocher de l'électromagnon observé dans de nombreux systèmes, et semble être une composante inhérente à l'existence de la multiferroïcité.

Patterns of Differential Involvement in Terrorist Activities: Evidence from DHKP/C and Turkish Hezbollah

Yilmaz, Ismail 28 July 2009 (has links)
This study examines the patterns of involvement in terrorist activities for the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) and Turkish Hezbollah members. The study is based on the assumption that terrorists differ in terms of their involvement in terrorist activities. In this sense, there are full-time and part-time terrorists. Full-time terrorists act professionally and do the assignments given by their commanders. Part-time terrorists, on the other hand, act on a non-professional basis and have their own motivations to participate in terrorist activities. For part-timers, there are various factors that may have an effect on their degree of involvement in terrorist activities. Their decisions regarding whether to participate in a specific terrorist act can be influenced by individual factors as well as the instructions and assignments given to them. In this study, these factors are categorized under four different headings; demographic, relative deprivation, frustration, and social learning. Data regarding the involvement in terrorist activities (as measured by arrest records) and demographics (age, gender, marital status, social class), relative deprivation (education, work status), frustration (school dropout, loss of a loved one in a counter-terrorism operation, family arrest), and social learning (family association to a terrorist group and recruitment method) was collected from terrorists’ autobiographies. Research hypotheses were tested using bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses. The findings indicated that relative deprivation, frustration, and social learning models can explain the differences in the degree of involvement in terrorism for DHKP/C members, but not for Turkish Hezbollah members (controlling for demographic variables). The results showed that these three models may account for some of the differences in involvement in terrorist activities.

Le juge et la force obligatoire du contrat : étude comparative du droit français et du droit marocain / The judge and the binding force of contracts

El Harti, Mohammed 23 July 2012 (has links)
Cette étude est une recherche de droit comparé sur l'un des problèmes qui se posent à propos du rôle que le juge est amené à jouer pour résoudre certains problèmes liés à la force obligatoire du contrat.Le sujet nous amène tout d'abord à étudier le pouvoir d'appréciation du juge dans la détermination des obligations des parties au contrat en confrontant deux approches, a priori distinctes, celle du système juridique français prônant une interprétation subjective des volontés et celle du système juridique marocain ou l'interprétation objective est de mise.En tous les cas, les abus générés par les clauses pénales ont poussé le législateur à habiliter le juge à réformer les clauses pénales manifestement excessives ou dérisoires. Une autre réforme, dix ans après, est venue renforcer le pouvoir d'office de révision du juge. Cette loi française de 1985 n'a pas d'équivalent en droit marocain par conséquent le juge marocain contrairement au juge français ne peut intervenir d'office pour modérer les clauses pénales manifestement excessives ou dérisoires. Concernant la théorie de l'imprévision, le droit marocain comme le droit français, adopte sur la question de la révision pour cause d'imprévision une position très classique.Enfin, l'étude comparative met au jour le rôle principal joué par le juge en matière de résolution du contrat. Le législateur impose au créancier qui souhaite obtenir la résolution la saisine obligatoire du juge. Pour faciliter la tâche du créancier, d'autres formes de résolution ont vu le jour avec la légalisation par le système français et marocain de la clause résolutoire avec laquelle le rôle du juge se ramène à constater la résolution et non la déclarer comme c'est le cas pour la résolution judiciaire. Or l'influence croissante des éléments objectifs tels la mauvaise foi, nous invitent à reconsidérer ce rôle primordial du juge qui tend à faire obstacle au jeu de la clause résolutoire en favorisant l'efficacité contractuelle.Si le juge français peut ainsi modifier « la chronologie de l'exécution » en violation du contrat. La conception classique du droit marocain maintient la rigueur de sa position même en présence des situations les plus aberrantes. / This study is a research of comparative law about one of the problems that arise concerning the role of the judge in resolving some problems related to the binding force of contracts.This topic leads us first to examining the judge's discretionary power in the determination of the parties' obligations by virtue of the contract by comparing two approaches, seemingly distinct from each other. One pertains to the French legal system favouring a subjective interpretation of wills. The other pertains to the Moroccan legal system where the objective interpretation is required.Anyway, the violations generated by the penal clauses made the legislator authorize the judge to reform the penal clauses that are manifestly excessive or derisory. Another reform came ten years later to reinforce the evaluation power of the judge. This 1985 French law has no equivalent in the Moroccan law. Therefore, the Moroccan judge, unlike the French one, cannot intervene to moderate the penal clauses that are manifestly excessive or derisory.Concerning the theory of frustration of purpose, the Moroccan law, like the French one, adopts a very classical position about the issue of revision for frustration of purpose.Finally, the comparative study reveals the principal role of the judge concerning the issue of contract dissolution. The legislator requires the creditor who wishes to obtain the dissolution to refer to the judge imperatively. In order to facilitate the task of the creditor, other forms of dissolution have been created by the French and Moroccan systems, mainly the dissolution clause by which the role of the judge is reduced to noticing the dissolution rather than declaring it, as is the case for judicial dissolution. Still, the growing influence of objective factors such as lack of good faith, make us reconsider the primary role of the judge which tends to impede the dissolution clause by favoring contractual efficiency.If the French judge may modify the execution chronology in contract violation, the classical conception of the Moroccan law maintains its strict position despite the most absurd situations.

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