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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CRAFTS: A Compass to Refine and Align Factory Performance towards Sustainability

Stenger, Rebecca, Thomaes, Tom, Westphal, Marius January 2017 (has links)
The manufacturing industry must align business values with sustainability to preserve a healthy socio-ecological environment, that ensures access for future generations to necessary resources. To better understand the interactions between business strategies and facility operations, this research aims to adopt a more holistic perspective of sustainable facility planning processes, applying the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development. By using relevant environmental and social principles, methods, knowledge, and industrial practices, a strategic decision support was developed as a foundation for the manufacturing industry to improve their sustainable performance. This research (1) collected and analysed existing concepts and processes for sustainability in the industry; (2) developed a practical decision support tool; (3) reviewed the design by experts in the field; and (4) redesigned the tool by implementing expert recommendations. Based on the findings, it is crucial for decision makers to embed a strategic and holistic approach when considering facility design options. Therefore, the strategic decision support tool (CRAFTS) enables opportunities for a broader scope of possible improvements within the confines of the manufacturing facility by guiding experts in the field to decide between retrofitting and new construction. CRAFTS supports the industry to refine and align their business strategies and facility operations with sustainability.

Facility planning and value of information using a tank reservoir model : a case study in reserve uncertainty

Singh, Ashutosh 02 November 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a methodology to incorporate reservoir uncertainties and estimate the loss in project value when facility planning decisions are based on erroneous estimates of input variables. We propose a tank model along with integrated asset development model to simulate the concept selection process. The model endogenizes drilling decisions and includes an option to expand. Key decision variables included in the model are number of pre-drill wells, initial facility capacity and number of well slots. Comparison is made between project value derived under erroneous estimates for reserve size and under an alternate hypothesis. The results suggest loss in project value of up to 40% when reservoir estimates are erroneous. Moreover, both optimistic and pessimistic reserve estimates results in a loss in project value. However, loss in project value is bigger when reserve size is underestimated than when it is overestimated. / text

Effektivisering av ett internt materialflöde i en producerande verksamhet : En fallstudie utförd på Växjöfabriken Produktions AB / Efficiency improvement of an internal material flow in a manufacturing company : A case study performed at Växjöfabriken Produktions AB

Aronsson, Johan, Karlsson, Håkan January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att öka vår förståelse för hur slöserier påverkar ett internt material och produktionsflöde i en producerande verksamhet, för att kunna ge förslag på effektiviseringar av denna process. Studien är utförd på företaget Växjöfabriken Produktions AB som är beläget i Växjö och utför skärande bearbetning på gjutgods. Efter att ha studerat befintliga teorier skapade vi vår teoretiska utgångspunkt med det urval av teorier som vi ansåg vara viktiga för studien. Från dessa genererade vi en analysmodell som sedan låg till grund för det fortsatta arbetet. Analysmodellen gav ett strukturerat arbetssätt för att samla in empirisk fakta från företaget som vi sedan använde för att göra en analyserande jämförelse med vår teoretiska utgångspunkt. Första steget i processen var att utföra en processkartläggning på företaget där vi dokumenterade all data tillhörande produktionsprocessen. Processkartläggningen visualiserades sedan med avseende på de flödesvägar som materialet färdas på vid respektive maskin som var inkluderad i vår undersökning. Kartläggningen innefattar även lagerhantering och en granskning av den nuvarande layouten. Med processkartläggningen som grund utförde vi sedan en nulägesanalys där vi analyserade det interna material- och produktionsflödet. Genom analysen kunde slöserier som är relaterade till Växjöfabrikens materialhantering identifieras. De identifierade slöserierna går, till stor del, att relatera till en bristande strategi för hur layouten är planerad och ett system där man placerar nya fysiska tillgångar där det finns ledigt utrymme. Med dessa slutsatser som utgångspunkt började vi ett arbete med att generera nya layoutalternativ med syftet att reducera de slöserier som idag har en inverkan på processen. Den första layouten är genererad utan hänsyn till de restriktioner som finns på fabriken i form av svårflyttade arbetsceller. Denna layout är framtagen för att påvisa hur ett optimalt materialflöde med maximalt reducerade slöserier skulle kunna se ut om det hade funnits en långsiktig strategi från start. Vid genereringen av nästa layout, där vi har tagit hänsyn till de restriktioner som finns, strävade vi efter att utforma ett flöde som påminner om den tidigare nämnda layouten utan restriktioner så mycket som möjligt. I de avslutande kapitlen diskuterar vi resultatet av layoutförslagen för att komma fram till våra slutsatser och rekommendationer på förbättringar som vi anser är praktiskt genomförbara och gynnsamma för Växjöfabriken Produktions AB. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to increase our understanding of the different types of waste that affects the internal material- and production flow in a manufacturing company. The study was conducted in order to provide recommendations to improve the efficiency of the process. The study was performed at the company Växjöfabriken Produktions AB, which is located in Växjö and performs cutting processing on casted details. After studying existing theories we created our theoretical base with a selection of theories that we considered important for the study. From these, we generated an analytical model that formed the basis for the continued work in this study. The analytical model provided a structured approach for collecting empirical data from the company, which we then used to make an analytical comparison with our theoretical base. The first step in the process was to conduct a process mapping at the company where we documented all of the data associated with the process. The mapping was then visualized with respect to the flowpaths that the material travels on each machine that were included in our study. The survey also includes the inventory handling and an inspection of the current factory layout.With the process mapping as a basis, we performed an analysis of the current situation in which we analyzed the material and inventory handling, as well as the production layout. With the analysis, we could then identify the different types of waste that belong to the handling of materials that Växjöfabriken currently undertake. The wastes that were found was, in large part, related to a lack of strategy for how the layout is planned. It was also related to a system that places new equipment where there is free space instead of basing its position on a long-term plan for further expansion. With these findings as a starting point, we began to develop new layout options with the aim of reducing the wastes that we found have impact on the process. The first layout is generated without regard to the restrictions that exist at the factory in the form of robotic workstations that are difficult to move. This layout is designed to demonstrate how an optimal material flow with wastes, reduced to a maximum, would look like if there had been a long-term strategy from the start. The development of the next layout, where we had taken the restrictions into account, we sought a design that would get us as close to the previously mentioned one as possible. In the last chapters we discuss the results of newly developed layouts in order to reach conclusions and recommendations for improvements that we believe is feasible and beneficial for Växjöfabriken Produktions AB.

Redefining the Community Hospital: a Small Town Approach to Medical Planning and Design

Dooley, Anthony Jason 09 April 2007 (has links)
Rural hospitals in America hold a critical position within their communities because they possess the duty and responsibility of not only providing adequate healthcare services for the population, but also bearing the heavy burden of functioning as one of the main socio-economic engines within the area. These factors, along with drastically inadequate operating budgets, often create programmatic and operational challenges for these entities to confront as they fight to provide the technologically current facilities and services needed to adequately care for their community. All of this must be done in the most cost effective way possible. This thesis will look at current trends being administered within the widespread replacement effort of these facilities, and propose several alternative strategies aimed at facilitating feasible solutions to these and other issues that are not currently being addressed. Design resolution strategies will be formulated and tested. These will then be directly implemented through a specific project design exercise that will then be evaluated.

A model for Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Facility Layouts : A case study

Ciganovic, Renato, Tates, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a model for assessing cost effectiveness of facility layouts. A critical literature review of the available relevant models as well as theories was performed in accordance to this purpose. After this a model was developed in order to cover lacks in existing theories. The aim of the model is to evaluate different facility layouts, from both economical and working environmental aspects. The model as a whole is about evaluating, creating and selecting the most preferable facility layout. In this thesis a case study has been performed for testing the developed model. The case company for this testing was the Mail Terminal in Alvesta, which is a part of Posten Sweden AB. The mail terminal receives, sorts and distributes the mail further. The result of this thesis is that, by following the model the authors were able to evaluate all the layouts and also to create the most preferable one. This thesis provides a general model in a structured way, primary aimed to be used for manufacturing companies. Further researches could be to test the model on service producing companies and to define to what extent the model can be generalised.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att utveckla en modell för att utvärdera kostnadseffektiviteten av anläggningslayouter. En kritisk litteraturundersökning av tillgängliga relevanta modeller samt teorier genomfördes i enlighet med syftet. Därefter utvecklades en modell för att täcka brister i existerande teorier. Syftet med modellen är att utvärdera olika layouter, från både ett ekonomiskt- och arbetsmiljös- perspektiv. Modellen i sin helhet handlar om att utvärdera, skapa och välja den mest fördelaktiga layouten. En fallstudie har genomförts i denna uppsats för att testa den skapade modellen. Fallföretaget för att testa modellen var Postterminalen i Alvesta, som är en del av Posten Sverige AB. Postterminal tar emot, sorterar och distribuerar posten vidare. Resultatet av denna uppsats är att genom att använda modellen lyckades författarna utvärdera alla layouter och även skapa den mest fördelaktiga layouten. Denna uppsats bidrar med en strukturerad generell model, som främst riktar sig till producerande företag. Fortsatt forskning skulle kunna vara att testa modellen på service baserade företag och att definiera till vilken omfattning man kan generalisera modellen.</p>

Avaliação da oferta e uso de serviços odontológicos públicos e o impacto das equipes de saúde bucal da estratégia saúde da família no aumento da produção ambulatorial nos municípios brasileiros entre 1999 e 2011

Corrêa, Gabriel Trevizan January 2013 (has links)
Em 2001, as equipes de Saúde Bucal passaram a ser incorporadas à Estratégia Saúde da Família no Brasil, aumentando progressivamente a sua quantidade ao longo dos anos. Além disso, estudos têm demonstrado melhora no acesso da população aos serviços odontológicos. Entretanto, a relação entre oferta e uso de serviços de saúde não está bem esclarecida. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e analisar a associação entre a cobertura de equipes de saúde bucal da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESB/ESF) e o uso de serviços odontológicos públicos nos municípios brasileiros de 1999 a 2011. É um estudo ecológico longitudinal, cuja amostra contou com todos os 5507 municípios brasileiros. Foram utilizados dados secundários oriundos principalmente do DATASUS, e procedeu-se à análise multivariada de regressão logística. Observou-se que 85% dos municípios possuíam ESB/ESF em 2011 e houve aumentos nas taxas de recursos físicos, humanos e financeiros. A produção odontológica aumentou 49,5% no período. Os municípios que incorporaram >3 ESB/10mil habitantes tiveram mais chances de aumentar as taxas de procedimentos coletivos (OR=1.61, IC95%: 1.23-2,11), preventivos (OR=2.05, IC95%: 1.56-2,69), restauradores (OR=2.07, IC95%: 1.58-2,71), e de extração (OR=1.53, IC95%: 1.19-1.97), após controle por fatores sócio-demográficos e relacionados à variação de recursos físicos, humanos e financeiros. Conclui-se que a incorporação de ESB à Saúde da Família parece mais eficiente para o aumento do acesso da população aos serviços odontológicos. / In 2001, the oral health teams began to be incorporated into the Family Health Strategy in Brazil, progressively increasing its amount over the years. Furthermore, studies have shown improvement in the population's access to dental services. However, the relationship between supply and use of health services is not well established. The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the association between coverage of oral health teams of the Family Health Strategy (OHT) and the use of dental services in Brazilian municipalities from 1999 to 2011. It is a longitudinal ecological study, whose sample included all 5507 municipalities. Data were collated from information systems and analyzed with logistic regression for the increase in rates of dental procedures. Secondary data were derived from information systems, and proceeded to the multivariate logistic regression analysis. It was observed that 85 % of municipalities had OHT in 2011 and there were increases in the rates of equipments, human and financial resources. The rates of dental procedures increased 49.5% in the period. Municipalities that incorporated >3 OHT/10 thousands inhabitants were more likely to increase rates of collective procedures (OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.23-2,11) , preventive (OR=2.05, 95% CI: 1.56-2,69 ) restorations (OR=2.07, 95% CI: 1.58-2,71), and extractions (OR=1:53, 95% CI: 1.19-1.97) after adjusting for socio-demographic factors and increased in equipments, human and financial resources. It is concluded that the incorporation of OHTs are a more efficient way to increase the population's access to dental services.

Avaliação da oferta e uso de serviços odontológicos públicos e o impacto das equipes de saúde bucal da estratégia saúde da família no aumento da produção ambulatorial nos municípios brasileiros entre 1999 e 2011

Corrêa, Gabriel Trevizan January 2013 (has links)
Em 2001, as equipes de Saúde Bucal passaram a ser incorporadas à Estratégia Saúde da Família no Brasil, aumentando progressivamente a sua quantidade ao longo dos anos. Além disso, estudos têm demonstrado melhora no acesso da população aos serviços odontológicos. Entretanto, a relação entre oferta e uso de serviços de saúde não está bem esclarecida. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e analisar a associação entre a cobertura de equipes de saúde bucal da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESB/ESF) e o uso de serviços odontológicos públicos nos municípios brasileiros de 1999 a 2011. É um estudo ecológico longitudinal, cuja amostra contou com todos os 5507 municípios brasileiros. Foram utilizados dados secundários oriundos principalmente do DATASUS, e procedeu-se à análise multivariada de regressão logística. Observou-se que 85% dos municípios possuíam ESB/ESF em 2011 e houve aumentos nas taxas de recursos físicos, humanos e financeiros. A produção odontológica aumentou 49,5% no período. Os municípios que incorporaram >3 ESB/10mil habitantes tiveram mais chances de aumentar as taxas de procedimentos coletivos (OR=1.61, IC95%: 1.23-2,11), preventivos (OR=2.05, IC95%: 1.56-2,69), restauradores (OR=2.07, IC95%: 1.58-2,71), e de extração (OR=1.53, IC95%: 1.19-1.97), após controle por fatores sócio-demográficos e relacionados à variação de recursos físicos, humanos e financeiros. Conclui-se que a incorporação de ESB à Saúde da Família parece mais eficiente para o aumento do acesso da população aos serviços odontológicos. / In 2001, the oral health teams began to be incorporated into the Family Health Strategy in Brazil, progressively increasing its amount over the years. Furthermore, studies have shown improvement in the population's access to dental services. However, the relationship between supply and use of health services is not well established. The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the association between coverage of oral health teams of the Family Health Strategy (OHT) and the use of dental services in Brazilian municipalities from 1999 to 2011. It is a longitudinal ecological study, whose sample included all 5507 municipalities. Data were collated from information systems and analyzed with logistic regression for the increase in rates of dental procedures. Secondary data were derived from information systems, and proceeded to the multivariate logistic regression analysis. It was observed that 85 % of municipalities had OHT in 2011 and there were increases in the rates of equipments, human and financial resources. The rates of dental procedures increased 49.5% in the period. Municipalities that incorporated >3 OHT/10 thousands inhabitants were more likely to increase rates of collective procedures (OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.23-2,11) , preventive (OR=2.05, 95% CI: 1.56-2,69 ) restorations (OR=2.07, 95% CI: 1.58-2,71), and extractions (OR=1:53, 95% CI: 1.19-1.97) after adjusting for socio-demographic factors and increased in equipments, human and financial resources. It is concluded that the incorporation of OHTs are a more efficient way to increase the population's access to dental services.

Avaliação da oferta e uso de serviços odontológicos públicos e o impacto das equipes de saúde bucal da estratégia saúde da família no aumento da produção ambulatorial nos municípios brasileiros entre 1999 e 2011

Corrêa, Gabriel Trevizan January 2013 (has links)
Em 2001, as equipes de Saúde Bucal passaram a ser incorporadas à Estratégia Saúde da Família no Brasil, aumentando progressivamente a sua quantidade ao longo dos anos. Além disso, estudos têm demonstrado melhora no acesso da população aos serviços odontológicos. Entretanto, a relação entre oferta e uso de serviços de saúde não está bem esclarecida. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e analisar a associação entre a cobertura de equipes de saúde bucal da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESB/ESF) e o uso de serviços odontológicos públicos nos municípios brasileiros de 1999 a 2011. É um estudo ecológico longitudinal, cuja amostra contou com todos os 5507 municípios brasileiros. Foram utilizados dados secundários oriundos principalmente do DATASUS, e procedeu-se à análise multivariada de regressão logística. Observou-se que 85% dos municípios possuíam ESB/ESF em 2011 e houve aumentos nas taxas de recursos físicos, humanos e financeiros. A produção odontológica aumentou 49,5% no período. Os municípios que incorporaram >3 ESB/10mil habitantes tiveram mais chances de aumentar as taxas de procedimentos coletivos (OR=1.61, IC95%: 1.23-2,11), preventivos (OR=2.05, IC95%: 1.56-2,69), restauradores (OR=2.07, IC95%: 1.58-2,71), e de extração (OR=1.53, IC95%: 1.19-1.97), após controle por fatores sócio-demográficos e relacionados à variação de recursos físicos, humanos e financeiros. Conclui-se que a incorporação de ESB à Saúde da Família parece mais eficiente para o aumento do acesso da população aos serviços odontológicos. / In 2001, the oral health teams began to be incorporated into the Family Health Strategy in Brazil, progressively increasing its amount over the years. Furthermore, studies have shown improvement in the population's access to dental services. However, the relationship between supply and use of health services is not well established. The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the association between coverage of oral health teams of the Family Health Strategy (OHT) and the use of dental services in Brazilian municipalities from 1999 to 2011. It is a longitudinal ecological study, whose sample included all 5507 municipalities. Data were collated from information systems and analyzed with logistic regression for the increase in rates of dental procedures. Secondary data were derived from information systems, and proceeded to the multivariate logistic regression analysis. It was observed that 85 % of municipalities had OHT in 2011 and there were increases in the rates of equipments, human and financial resources. The rates of dental procedures increased 49.5% in the period. Municipalities that incorporated >3 OHT/10 thousands inhabitants were more likely to increase rates of collective procedures (OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.23-2,11) , preventive (OR=2.05, 95% CI: 1.56-2,69 ) restorations (OR=2.07, 95% CI: 1.58-2,71), and extractions (OR=1:53, 95% CI: 1.19-1.97) after adjusting for socio-demographic factors and increased in equipments, human and financial resources. It is concluded that the incorporation of OHTs are a more efficient way to increase the population's access to dental services.

A model for Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Facility Layouts : A case study

Ciganovic, Renato, Tates, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a model for assessing cost effectiveness of facility layouts. A critical literature review of the available relevant models as well as theories was performed in accordance to this purpose. After this a model was developed in order to cover lacks in existing theories. The aim of the model is to evaluate different facility layouts, from both economical and working environmental aspects. The model as a whole is about evaluating, creating and selecting the most preferable facility layout. In this thesis a case study has been performed for testing the developed model. The case company for this testing was the Mail Terminal in Alvesta, which is a part of Posten Sweden AB. The mail terminal receives, sorts and distributes the mail further. The result of this thesis is that, by following the model the authors were able to evaluate all the layouts and also to create the most preferable one. This thesis provides a general model in a structured way, primary aimed to be used for manufacturing companies. Further researches could be to test the model on service producing companies and to define to what extent the model can be generalised. / Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att utveckla en modell för att utvärdera kostnadseffektiviteten av anläggningslayouter. En kritisk litteraturundersökning av tillgängliga relevanta modeller samt teorier genomfördes i enlighet med syftet. Därefter utvecklades en modell för att täcka brister i existerande teorier. Syftet med modellen är att utvärdera olika layouter, från både ett ekonomiskt- och arbetsmiljös- perspektiv. Modellen i sin helhet handlar om att utvärdera, skapa och välja den mest fördelaktiga layouten. En fallstudie har genomförts i denna uppsats för att testa den skapade modellen. Fallföretaget för att testa modellen var Postterminalen i Alvesta, som är en del av Posten Sverige AB. Postterminal tar emot, sorterar och distribuerar posten vidare. Resultatet av denna uppsats är att genom att använda modellen lyckades författarna utvärdera alla layouter och även skapa den mest fördelaktiga layouten. Denna uppsats bidrar med en strukturerad generell model, som främst riktar sig till producerande företag. Fortsatt forskning skulle kunna vara att testa modellen på service baserade företag och att definiera till vilken omfattning man kan generalisera modellen.

Solution approaches for facility layout problems

Dahlbeck, Mirko 20 January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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