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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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隨機利率下分紅保單解約選擇權之評價分析 / Fair Valuation of Participating Insurance Policies with Surrender Options

張智凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討評價可解約分紅保單(Participating Policy)。該保單隱含二個重要的選擇權:分紅選擇權與解約選擇權。分紅選擇權為一歐式買權,解約選擇權可視為美式賣權。Bacinello(2003)使用CRR模型,計算解約選擇權的近似解,然而,Bacinello(2003)假設無風險利率為常數。本文主要探討如何利用無套利評價法,在隨機利率模型下,發展二維度之CRR模型,利用此模型,求得分紅選擇權與解約選擇權之公平價格,並討論利率的波動與長期走勢對該保單的選擇權的價格之影響。本文發現,保單之投資參考組合的波動,將對分紅選擇權的價格造成影響,而利率的波動會導致解約選擇權價格上升;當未來預期利率上升時,分紅選擇權與解約選擇權亦隨之上升。此評價模式可作為保險公司發行分紅保單與避險策略之參考。 / Bacinello (2003a) employed Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model (CRR model, 1979) to numerically calculate the fair value of a participating policy containing a surrender option. Bacinello assumed a constant rate of return on risk-free assets. However, this study proposes a two-dimensional CRR model in a stochastic interest rate model as a means of providing a numerical method for contract pricing. The two-dimensional CRR model converges rapidly and achieves similar results to Monte Carlo simulation. Two-dimensional CRR models are used to analyze the importance and sensitivity of a stochastic interest rate model for the policy. Zero coupon bond volatility is an essential parameter in the surrender option, and reference portfolio volatility is important for pricing the participating option. The participating and surrender options are more valuable given upwards trending interest rates than constant or downwards trending rates.

De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk / The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting : A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board

Nogoki, Elham, Foroughi, Negar January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.</p><p>-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.</p><p>Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market’s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council’s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives. Investment properties can either be measured according to the Fair value model or the Cost model. By applying the Fair value model, enterprises get the opportunity to allow internal or external valuers to implement the valuation. Furthermore they can also choose if the fair value should be determined by market price/value or cash flow analysis. Difficulties concerned with the fair value model are that the market value has the tendency to follow inflation-developments and there is a high level of uncertainty in the valuation process. This combined with increased choices, can have negative effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting; relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency. The International Standards has been implemented in Swedish companies and the first indications of the real estate companies’ choices regarding investment properties can be found in their published consolidated accounts for year 2004, as well as in the semi-annual reports for 2005. Therefore interests arose to find out if it exist any uniform accounting of investment properties among listed as well as non- listed Swedish real estate companies. Has a practice has occurred? and how has the quality of the real estate market’s accounting information been affected by IAS 40 and fair value?</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to state the choices the real estate companies, listed and non- listed, on the stock market, have made in compliance with accounting of investment properties, concerning the principles of valuation, valuers and the basis of valuation. On the basis of this, the possible causes of these choices and the further effects on the qualitative characteristics of the accounting; relevance, reliability, comparability and consistency, has been analyzed with independent auditors perspective on the subject.</p><p>Method: This study has been carried out partly with a quantitative study of the real estate companies’ financial reports and partly with a qualitative study consisted of interviews with independent auditors.</p><p>Result and Conclusion: All of the listed Swedish real estates companies have through cooperation chosen the Fair value model, mainly because the component depreciation is considered being a poor alternative. The majority have chosen both internal and external valuers to make the valuations. Through this combination companies can achieve better valuations as well as control and quality safety. All have chosen the cash flow analysis as the basis of valuation. This choice is due to the lack of a transparent market value. Only four of the non- listed Swedish real estate companies in this study, have chosen the fair value model. Due to their size and some loans listed on the market, these companies gain more by being comparable with the listed companies. The qualitative characteristic relevance is considered most beneficial, where reliability is considered least. Comparability and consistency are also considered beneficial, but there are some conditions to be considered for them in order to benefit more in the future. The conclusion can be drawn that there exist a uniform accounting of investment property only amongst listed Swedish real estate companies. Thereby a practice has occurred only amongst them. Since three out of four qualitative characteristics of accounting are considered being beneficial, the conclusion can be drawn that fair value measures have a positive effect on the Swedish real estates market companies’ accounts.</p> / <p>Bakgrund och problem: Alla bolag noterade på en reglerad marknad inom den Europeiska Unionen skall från och med januari 2005 tillämpa gemensamma redovisningsregler, IAS/IFRS standarder, vid upprättandet av koncernredovisningen. I Sverige har även onoterade bolag fått möjligheten att frivilligt tillämpa dessa regler i koncernredovisningen. En skillnad som förekommer mellan tidigare svenskt och ny internationellt regelverk berör redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter, vilket framför allt påverkar fastighetsbranschens redovisning. I motsatts till redovisningsrådets rekommendation RR 24 beviljar den nya standarden IAS 40 val mellan olika redovisningssätt. Förvaltningsfastigheter kan antingen redovisas till verkligt värde eller till anskaffningsvärde med komponentavskrivningar. Vid förstnämnda valet får bolagen vidare välja att låta interna eller externa värderingsmän utföra värderingen. Dessutom får de välja värderingsunderlag, där alternativen utgörs av antingen marknadsvärde eller andra värderingsmetoder som kassaflödesmodeller. Problemen med verkligt värde är att marknadsvärdet tenderar att följa inflationsutvecklingen och osäkerheten i värderingarna är stora. Detta i kombination med utökade valmöjligheter kan i sin tur vara skadligt för redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper, relevans, tillförlitlighet, jämförbarhet och begriplighet. Eftersom IAS/IFRS reglerna redan har trätt i kraft finns de första indikationerna på vilka faktiska val svenska fastighetsbolag har gjort gällande redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter i bolagens publicerade koncernredovisningar för år 2004 samt i delårsrapporterna för 2005. Härigenom har intresset väckts berörande om det förekommer en enhetlig redovisning av förvaltningsfastigheter bland svenska noterade respektive onoterade fastighetsbolag? Har en praxis uppkommit, och Hur har kvaliteten av fastighetsbranschens redovisningsinformation påverkats av övergången till IAS 40 och framförallt av införandet av verkligt värde i redovisningen?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att, efter implementeringen av de internationella reglerna i koncernredovisningen år 2005, undersöka vilka val noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag har gjort vid redovisningen av förvaltningsfastigheter gällande värderingsprincip, värderingsmän och värderingsunderlag. Utifrån detta har sedan de möjliga bakomliggande orsakerna till dessa val samt effekterna på redovisningsinformationens kvalitativa egenskaper, tillförlitlighet, relevans, jämförbarhet och begriplighet undersökts med utgångspunkt från oberoende kunniga revisorers perspektiv.</p><p>Metod: Denna studie grundar sig på dels en kvantitativ och dels en kvalitativ undersökning. Den förstnämnda kommer i uttryck genom en granskning av fastighetsföretagens finansiella rapporter och den sistnämnda genom intervjuer med ett antal oberoende revisorer med expertis inom området.</p><p>Resultat och slutsatser: Samtliga noterade bolag har genom samarbete valt att redovisa sina förvaltningsfastigheter till verkligt värde. Anledning har framförallt varit att alternativet med komponent avskrivningar är för dåligt. Majoriteten av dessa bolag har även valt att låta både interna och externa värderingsmän utföra värderingen. Genom denna kombination uppnås bättre värderingar, kontroll och trovärdighet. Som värderingsunderlag har samtliga valt kassaflödesmodeller, vilket kan förklaras med att det sker för få transaktioner på marknaden som försvårar den direkta avläsningen av marknadsvärdet. Bland de onoterade bolagen i studien har endast fyra bolag, valt att efterfölja de noterade bolagens handlingar. På grund av deras storlek och marknadsnoterade lån vinner dessa bolag på att bli jämförbara med de noterade bolagen. Resterande onoterade bolag antingen avvaktar eller missgynnas av att byta regelverk. Av de kvalitativa kraven gynnas relevansen mest och tillförlitligheten gynnas minst, Även jämförbarheten och begripligheten blir bättre av redovisningsalternativet verkligt värde men det finns förutsättningar till att dessa gynnas mer i framtiden. Av noterade bolagens enhetliga val och onoterade bolagens varierande val kan slutsatsen dras att det förekommer en praxis endast bland de noterade svenska fastighetsbolagen. Eftersom tre av fyra kvalitativa krav gynnas kan även slutsatsen dras att kvaliteten av den svenska fastighetsbranschens redovisning blir bättre med införandet av verkligt värde.</p>


莊啟生 Unknown Date (has links)
立法院於1992年2月26日修定保險法第146條,將國外投資正式列入保險業資金運用之項目,引導保險業參與國外金融市場。保險業因國內利率環境與資本市場欠缺長天期金融工具下,衍生顯著利差損問題,而國外金融商品的多樣性、高創新能力與高收益率似乎提供保險業資金投資選擇。 本研究嘗試透過不同構面的探討,將國外投資所面臨的風險與金融主管機關的監理措施加以說明,並詳細分析資產負債管理策略-資產負債區隔,建議保險業者應從資產負債管理出發,考量不同性質負債,尋找適合金融資產做為支撐之標的,如此才能透過搭配性質相近且年期適合的國外金融工具進行負債面的管理,使得國外投資能充份地發揮其多樣性與享有較高之投資收益。 亦應利用支撐負債面之金融資產組合所計算出來市場利率做為負債面評價基礎,做到資產與負債皆採用市價評估,更能反應保險公司真實的價值,並可做為主管機關監理參考。保險業者除透過資產負債區隔了解本身國外資產配置的適當性外,應輔以嚴謹的風險管理機制與自律機制,如此才能保有永續經營的能力。 / The article 146 of Insurance Law had been amended by Legistrative Yuan on 26 February 1992. It allows insurance company invests funds into foreign financial assets and across boundary to attend foreign markets. Taiwan insurance industry face significant losses from the actual credit interest lower than the credit interest rate due to economic environments and lack of long-term investment vehicles. The foreign financial market with multiplicity, innovation and higher yield seems to provide Taiwanese insurance companys a channel to resolve its interest rate gap problem. This research employs boarder discussions on the foreign investment risk of the life insurance industry from various angles. This paper also analyzes the control issues from regulator’s rerspective and outlines the asset-liability management tool “segmentation”. We also provide suggestions to Taieanese life insurance industry to adopt the asset and liability segmentation as their major tool in performing oversea investment. In the same time, the realistic surplus of the insurance company can be monitored by measuring the difference between mark to market assets and contingency liability that is calculated by market yield from replicated portfolio. In recent years, the foreign investment play a major role in Taiwanese Life insurance company’s asset portfolio, hence they are required to carefully monitor appropriate financial assets to support their liabilities. It also includes enhancing the risk management framework and self-control mechanism in order to maintain their business ability.

Verkligt värde i förvaltningsfastigheter : En studie om den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verkligt värde. / Fair value in Investment Properties : A study about the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting

Lergård, Andreas, Möller, Sanne January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Tidigare studier som utförts visar vilken betydelse värdering till verkligt värde fått för redovisningen. Det har däremot inte jämförts hur värdeförändringen skiljer sig åt mellan noterade och onoterade bolag, samt om eventuella skillnader beror på om externvärdering tillämpas. Vidare är avsikten att undersöka huruvida bolag redovisar större orealiserade uppvärderingar eller nedvärderingar vid värdering till verkligt värde. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur storleken på de orealiserade värdeförändringarna vid värdering till verkligt värde varierar beroende på upp- eller nedvärdering. Vidare är syftet att studera hur de orealiserade värdeförändringarna påverkas beroende på om bolaget är noterat eller inte, samt om bolaget tillämpar externvärdering. Metod: Studien bygger på en deduktiv ansats, där hypoteser byggts upp ifrån befintlig teori. Genom en tvärsnittsanalys för tre jämförande år har kvantitativ data samlats in för att se vad som kan påverka den orealiserade värdeförändringen vid värdering till verklig värde. Detta har kompletterats med uppföljningsintervjuer för att få en bättre förståelse för hur värderingen påverkas av bland annat externvärdering. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att uppvärderingarna vid värdering till verkligt värde var större än nedvärderingarna och att den orealiserade värdeförändringen blev större vid förekomsten av externvärdering. Om bolaget är noterat eller inte hade i studien ingen betydelse för tillgångsvärderingen. / Introduction: Previous studies have shown the impact of fair value. However, there is a lack of comparison in the academic field, between listed and unlisted companies, and how external appraisers affect the fair value. Further, we will also investigate if the appreciations differ in size from the depreciations. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine how the size of the unrealized change in value in fair value accounting differ between appreciations and depreciations, listed and unlisted companies, and if it is affected by external appraisers. Method: The study was conducted through a deductive approach, where the hypotheses derive from existing theories. With a cross-sectional method, three years have been compared using quantitative data, to see what influences the unrealized change in value. To get a better understanding of our results a number of interviews were conducted. Conclusion: The results show that the size of the appreciations was bigger than the depreciations, and the involvement of external appraisers had a positive effect on the unrealized change in value. If the companies were listed or not did not have any impact on the result of our study.

Svenska revisorers revisionsförfarande : Verkligt värde på förvaltningsfastigheter / Swedish auditors audit process : Fair value of investment properties

Wallberg, Maria, Wennertorp, Nora January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur revisorer går till väga vid revision av verkligt värde på förvaltningsfastigheter. Forskningsstrategin är av kvalitativ art med en abduktiv ansats och grundas i den hermeneutiska forskningstraditionen. Den empiriska undersökningen utgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan tolkas och kopplas till tidigare forskning och relevanta teorier för att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor. Studiens resultat visar hur revisorer går till väga vid revision av verkligt värde på förvaltningsfastigheter, genom en modell med tre faser. Ingen större skillnad på revisionsmetod kan urskiljas genom den empiriska undersökningen. Studien kommer även fram till att IAS 40 medför högre krav på revisorers kunskap på grund av att det verkliga värdet är av större väsentlighet och risk, samt innebär mer subjektiva bedömningar av antaganden och indata. I studiens teoretiska resultat återfinns tre-fas-modellen för revision av verkligt värde på förvaltningsfastigheter samt skillnaden mellan full värdering och skrivbordsvärdering. Det praktiska resultatet för studien består av förslag till förändring av ramverk kring området. Som förslag till vidare forskning på området rekommenderar författarna att undersöka varför de oerfarna revisorerna har en mindre positiv syn på verkligt värde. Även latent skatt inom fastighetsbolag belyses som ett område med möjlighet till vidare forskning. / The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how auditors audit fair value of investment properties. The research strategy is of qualitative nature, with an abductive research approach and is based on the hermeneutical research tradition. The empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews which are then interpreted and linked to previous research and relevant theories to answer the study’s research questions. The study shows how the auditors proceed during the audit of fair value of investment properties, through a model with three phases. No big difference of audit methodology can be identified through the empirical study. The study also concludes that IAS 40 results in higher demands on auditors' knowledge due to the major importance and risk that fair value brings, which means more subjective assessments of assumptions and inputs. The study's theoretical contributions include a three-phase model for the audit process of fair value of investment properties and the difference between a full valuation and a desktop valuation. The practical contribution of the study consists of proposals for change in the framework. As suggestions for further research in this area, the authors suggest why the inexperienced auditors have a less positive view of fair value. Also deferred taxes in real estate is highlighted as an area of opportunity for further research.

The Predictability of International Mutual Funds

Mazumder, Mohammed Imtiaz Ahmed 08 May 2004 (has links)
The predictability of the US-based international mutual fund returns has received renewed consideration in recent academic studies. This dissertation extends recent research by exploring the 2,479 daily return observations covering the period from January 4, 1993 to October 31, 2002 for all categories of international mutual funds. This exploration splits the sample, uses the initial sub-sample to investigate return patterns of international mutual funds and develops trading rules based on the predictable return patterns, and tests those rules on the holdout sample. The empirical findings suggest that smart investors may earn higher riskadjusted returns by following daily dynamic trading strategies. The excess returns earned by investors are statistically and economically significant, irrespective of load or no-load mutual funds and even in the presence of various exchange restrictions and regulations.

Fúze obchodních společností (vnitrostátní i přeshraniční), účetní řešení / Merger of companies (Domestic and Cross-border), accounting treatment

Fialová, Michala January 2010 (has links)
The Graduation Theses is targeted at mergers of business Companies and its accounting aspects. The Theses solve mergers from the business - legal point of view (regulating in Act. No. 125/2008 Coll, Transformation of Business Companies and Cooperatives), and also from accounting point of view (from IAS/IFRS) as well from the czech accounting law Accounting Act, Regulation 500/2002 Coll, CAS). A separate chapter is devoted to practical real case of a merger of two limited liability companies.

Democracia, liberdade de expressão e o valor equitativo das liberdades comunicativas / Democracy, freedom of expression and the fair value of communicative liberties

Francisquini, Renato 22 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho se fundamenta em uma concepção discursiva da democracia segundo a qual a comunicação pública é um elemento necessário à legitimidade da autoridade política. Segundo esse entendimento, a livre expressão de ideias é parte integral e condição essencial ao exercício das liberdades políticas em termos iguais. Tendo em vista a centralidade dos meios de comunicação na definição dos valores coletivos e na agência política, sustento que a sua estrutura deve ser orientada pelo reconhecimento de todos como pessoas livres e iguais. Uma orientação como essa se baseia na ideia de que às liberdades expressivas deve ser conferido um valor equitativo: isto é, a todos devem ser oferecidas as mesmas oportunidades e condições objetivas de exercer tais liberdades. Esta interpretação funda-se em uma compreensão deste ideal que extrapola os limites dos direitos e liberdades formais, incluindo as condições materiais e as bases sociais do autorrespeito / This work is founded in a discursive conception of democracy according to which public communication is a necessary element for the legitimacy of political authority. According to this understanding, freedom of expression is an integral part and an essential condition to the exercise of political liberties in equal terms. Given the centrality of mass media in the definition of the collective values and in political agency, I maintain the their structure must be oriented toward the acknowledgement of all as free and equal persons. An orientation like this is based on the idea that to the expressive liberties should be assigned a fair value: i.e. everyone is entitled to the same opportunities and objective conditions to exercise such liberties. This interpretation has its basis in a form of understanding such ideal that goes beyond the formal rights and freedoms to include the material conditions and the social basis of self-respect

Formas de mensuração X stewardship: implicações nos ativos biológicos / Measurement x stewardship: implications in biological assets

Machado, Maria José de Camargo 12 April 2016 (has links)
A aprovação da norma contábil IAS 41- Agriculture em 2001 trouxe uma série de desafios nas práticas contábeis das empresas, sendo a principal delas o reconhecimento de ganhos/perdas durante o crescimento biológico de um ativo e a mensuração destes ganhos/perdas pelo valor justo. Toda forma de reconhecimento e mensuração apresenta relação com o modelo de negócios da empresa e irá afetar o relacionamento entre os envolvidos neste contexto e a forma como os usuários da informação contábil avaliam a gestão dos recursos investidos na entidade, que é o stewardship. Desta forma o objetivo deste trabalho foi discutir quais e como os fatores internos e externos presentes no contexto social das organizações, contribuíram para que a informação contábil a valor justo atingisse o objetivo de stewardship. Para isto foi realizado um estudo etnográfico por meio de entrevistas direcionadas aos responsáveis pela informação contábil em onze empresas de diferentes segmentos do agronegócio. O modelo de analise primeiramente se ateve ao entendimento do Modelo de Mensuração dos ativos biológicos dentro destas empresas, e como esta informação é utilizada para fins de stewardship. Em três empresas, a informação contábil referente ao ativo biológico é utilizada para fins de avaliação de performance global e do gestor e para o relacionamento com o credor, que constituem elementos para a proxy do stewardship. O processo de mudança nestas empresas, analisado conforme modelo desenvolvido por Miller (1991) se deu primeiramente pela Problematização ocorrida no contexto social destas empresas, em que seu modelo de negócios tem a madeira como produto final, bem como no modelo de gestão que visa em primeiro lugar o retorno do capital investido, mensurado pela valorização da floresta ao longo dos anos. Os atores que agem para que isto se torne numa mudança efetiva, denominados de Comunidades Epistêmicas, são os acionistas e os credores destas empresas. Os acionistas que são fundos de investimentos têm que apresentar aos seus cotistas a valorização destes investimentos, e o credor (em uma das empresas) vincula a garantia dos empréstimos ao valor da floresta. Também atua neste processo de uma forma mais distante (Ação à Distância) a cultura dos fundos de investimentos, em que a gestora florestal é responsável pela formação e venda de novas áreas florestais, bem como a legislação específica da constituição destes fundos. Nas outras empresas, além de o ativo biológico ser um insumo de produção no modelo de negócios na maioria dos casos analisados, o modelo de gestão é baseado na eficiência operacional. Desta forma, a mensuração a ser utilizada deve ser relacionada tanto ao modelo de negócios como ao modelo de gestão da empresa, que são fatores que revelam como os ativos estão sendo geridos, e isto influencia na perspectiva de geração de caixa do negócio. Apesar da obrigatoriedade que uma norma contábil impõe, a prática contábil segue suas próprias leis no âmbito social que operam as empresas, e qualquer alteração imposta passa por um extenso processo de problematização antes de esta norma ser socialmente aceita. / The adoption of IAS 41- Agriculture in 2001 brought a lot of challenges to companies´ the accounting practices, and the most important is the recognition of gains / losses during the biological growth of an asset and the measurement of these gains / losses at fair value. All forms of recognition and measurement are correlated with the company\'s business model and will affect the relationship between those involved in this context, and how the users of accounting information assess the management of resources invested in the entity, i.e. the stewardship. Therefore, the aim of this study was to discuss what and how internal and external factors in the social context of organizations, contributed to the accounting fair value to reach stewardship´s purpose. The ethnographic study has been conducted through interviews directed to the responsible of accounting information in eleven companies from agribusiness´ different segments. The analysis model first adhered to the understanding of \"Measurement Model\" of biological assets within these companies, and how this information is used for stewardship purposes. In three companies the information of biological assets is used for evaluate both, the companies\' performance and management´s performance, and for relationship with lender, which are elements for proxy of stewardship. The change in these companies, analyzed according to Miller (1991) starts by Problematization occurred in the social context of these companies, in which the forest is an output in its business model, as well as the purpose of management´s model is firstly the return on capital invested, measured by the appreciation of the forest over the years. The actors who work in order to transform this in an effective change, called Epistemic Communities, are the shareholders and the debtholder of these companies. Shareholders, which are Investment Funds, have to present to its investors with the appreciation of these investments, as well as the debtholder (in one of the companies) that ensure the debt with the forest value. Also in this process, working in action at distance: the culture of investment funds, in which forest management is responsible to develop and sale new forest areas as well as the specific legislation of the constitution of these funds. In other companies, besides the fact that biological assets are an input in the business model in most cases, the management model is based on the operational efficiency. Thus, the accounting measurement should be related to both the business model and the company\'s management model, which are factors that reveal how the assets are being managed, and influences in the perspective of business cash flow. Despite the obligation that an accounting standard imposes, the accounting practice follows its own laws in the social context of each company, and any changes imposed undergoes an extensive problematization process before this standard is socially accepted.

Análise do impacto do ajuste a valor justo dos ativos biológicos no resultado anual

Serraglio, Ederson Luiz 21 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-04-25T17:49:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ederson Luiz Serraglio_.pdf: 547041 bytes, checksum: 04c4c62c591c6689c3d77ce196d1fd3b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T17:49:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ederson Luiz Serraglio_.pdf: 547041 bytes, checksum: 04c4c62c591c6689c3d77ce196d1fd3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-21 / Nenhuma / Em 2009 o pronunciamento do Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC) 29, que trata dos Ativos Biológicos e Produtos Agrícolas, modificou a forma de contabilização destes ativos pelas companhias. Dentre as mudanças, está a avaliação periódica e a necessidade de mensuração a valor justo. A consequência desta alteração proposta pelo CPC 29 é que a mensuração a valor justo provoca variabilidade do saldo dos ativos biológicos através de ganhos ou perdas. Esses ganhos ou perdas desde então são alocados imediatamente ao resultado do exercício. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o impacto da mensuração a valor justo dos ativos biológicos no resultado anual. Para o estudo, foram selecionadas 41 companhias que apresentavam ativos biológicos em suas demonstrações financeiras no período de 2010 a 2014, sendo elas 25 companhias de capital aberto e 16 companhias de capital fechado, presentes na listagem das 500 maiores e melhores segundo a Revista Exame. Na pesquisa se analisou as demonstrações financeiras, principalmente as notas explicativas, e como método de análise utilizaram-se técnicas estatísticas e econométricas. Os resultados encontrados confirmam que a utilização da mensuração a valor justo em ativos biológicos provoca impactos positivos sobre o resultado do exercício, e que as companhias analisadas não utilizaram o mecanismo de ajuste a valor justo de seus ativos biológicos com a finalidade de alteração dos seus resultados. Na pesquisa ainda se identificou que o mecanismo de ajuste a valor justo por si só não resulta em elevação da volatilidade dos resultados das companhias, e que tanto este resultado quanto os ajustes provenientes da mensuração pelo valor justo são afetados pela oscilação dos preços dos produtos biológicos comercializados por estas companhias. Assim, considera-se que o estudo contribui para apresentar a influência da utilização da mensuração a valor justo dos ativos biológicos no resultado anual das companhias. / In 2009 the pronouncement of the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) 29, about Biological Assets and Agricultural Products, changed the accounting of these assets by companies. Among the changes are the periodic evaluation and the necessity of measurement at fair value. A natural consequence of this amendment proposed by CPC 29 is that the measurement at fair value causes variability of the biological assets through profit or loss. These gains or losses since then are applied immediately to the annual result. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of measurement at fair value of biological assets in the annual results. Using a sample of 41 companies that had biological assets in their financial statements in the period 2010 to 2014, being 25 public companies and 16 privately held companies listed in the 500 biggest and best according to Revista Exame. The research analyzed the financial statements, especially the notes, and the hypotheses were tested using statistical and econometric techniques. Results show that the use of measurement at fair value of biological assets causes a positive impact on the annual result, and that the analyzed companies do not used this adjustment mechanism of its biological assets to change their results. The results also show that the adjustment mechanism alone does not produce an increase in the volatility of results of the companies, but that the adjustments are affected by fluctuations in the prices of the products marketed by these companies. Thus, it is considered that the study contributes to show the influence of the use of the measurement at fair value of biological assets in the annual results of companies.

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