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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la connaissance des déterminants dans le choix du successeur de l'entreprise familiale dominicaine / Contribution to the knowledge of the key factors in the choice of the successor of the Dominican family business

Brito Bruno, Claudia 21 June 2012 (has links)
Ces dernières années en Amérique Latine, de nombreuses enquêtes identifiantles entreprises familiales dans leur domaine d’étude ont été menées apportantleur lot de nouvelles données permettant de démontrer ainsi leur présence dansl’économie de nombreux pays dans lesquels elles jouent un rôle primordial (PozaE. 1995); (Khulman, 1996) ; (Kajihara, 1998) ; (Davis J.A., 2006). La RépubliqueDominicaine ne fait pas figure d’exception, comme l’expliquent Van Del Linde &Bello (2001), et il existe dans le pays un tissu familial solide au sein del’entreprise que l’on retrouve non seulement dans la première et dans la secondegénération mais aussi dans la troisième où l’on dénombre quelques grandesentreprises. Ces phénomènes rendent évidente la nécessité de développer unintérêt pour prévenir les risques de la mortalité des entreprises concernées.Les entreprises familiales se sont appuyées sur le principe de succession pourréussir le maintien intergénérationnel, celui-ci atteignant son paroxysme lors dela prise de décision d’un nouveau leader qui succèdera à l’ancien afin de prendreen charge l’entreprise familiale (Chua, Chrisman & Sharma, 1939) ; (Chrisman,Chua & Sharma, 2003).Ce que l’on a coutume d’appeler « prise de décision » est en fait un processus quis’applique à des situations quotidiennes dans la gestion des organisations et quis’avère difficile et complexe lorsqu’il s’agit d’entreprises familiales. Basly S.,(2005) a comparé les entreprises familiales avec les autres en proposant unelogique de prises de décision différente, mettant en avant la dimension dominante, le processus, la rapidité et les certitudes sur lesquelles repose ladécision. Cette étude suggère que les entreprises familiales ne sont pas dirigéesselon le modèle ordinaire de prise de décision, ce qui nous a permis d’aborder lethème de la rationalité et du leadership dans l’entreprise familiale.D’après Simon (1955), la finalité de tout ce qui touche à la construction d’unsemblant de rationalité est de proportionner des matériaux pour ledéveloppement d’une théorie du comportement d’individus preneurs de décisionsdans le contexte d’une organisation. Cependant, et c’est contradictoire, nous noustrouvons face à une situation paradoxale qui est que, si l’on considère le type derationalité global de la théorie classique, les problèmes de la structure interne del’entreprise, (ou de tout autre organisation) disparaissent presque entièrement. / During the last years in Latin American there have been researches that identifythe family business inside their scope of study, contributing some data thatconfirm their important presence and role in the economy of several countries(Poza E. (1995); (Khulman, 1996) (Kajihara, 1998); (Davis J. A., 2006).Dominican Republic is not the exception, as explained by Van der Linde & Bello(2001); in the country exists a solid family business network in its first andsecond generations, with some big companies on their third, statement thatproduces evidence to develop an interest and need to prevent the mortality ofsuch companies.The practice that is modeled in the family business to achieve their intergenerationalsurvival is succession, understood as a process that culminates withthe decision making of a new successor leader who will have the company underhis/her command (Chua, Chrisman, & Sharma, 1999); (Chrisman, Chua, &Sharma, 2003).What we usually call “decision making” is a process that is applied to everydaysituations in the management of organizations, which turns complex andintricate in the context of family business. Thereon Basly S., (2005) made acomparison between family and non-family businesses proposing a logic ofdecision making different in each one, and highlighting the dominant dimension,process, speed and assumptions in which the decision is sustained. This studysuggests that family businesses are not governed by the normative model of decision making, assertion that gave us a clue to step into the subject ofrationality and decision making in the family business.Citing Simon (1955) the purpose of all constructions of an approximaterationality is to give materials for the development of a theory of the behavior ofdecision making individuals in the context of an organization. Nonetheless andopposite, we have the paradox that if we assume the type of overall rationality ofthe classical theory, the problems of the inner structure of the company, orwhatever organization it is, disappear almost completely.

Contribution à la connaissance du cycle de vie du dirigeant-actionnaire dans le gouvernement de l’entreprise familiale non cotée : une approche exploratoire par la méthode des récits de vie / Understanding the life cycle of manager/shareholder in the governance of the unlisted family business : an exploratory approach by the biographic method

Bellakhdar, Mohamed Aymen 16 September 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte socio-économique et démographique français caractérisé par l’importance destransitions générationnelles dans les entreprises familiales non cotées. Il devient essentiel dedécrire pour mieux comprendre le fonctionnement et les comportements du dirigeant-actionnaireau sein du gouvernement de son entreprise tout au long de son mandat. Dans le but, d’unemeilleure préparation de la relève générationnelle.Cette thèse se donne comme objectifs la mobilisation de la méthode des récits de vie pourconstruire un modèle de cycle de vie du dirigeant-actionnaire. En effet cette méthode qui se basesur des entretiens de récit de vie permet la construction dans une logique abductive un modèledescriptif de la réalité de l’objet de recherche.Enfin, ce travail constitue une contribution à l’enrichissement du cadre théorique du courantcomportemental cherchant à appréhender la réalité des entreprises familiales. / In a socio-economic and demographic context characterized by the importance of generationaltransitions in family businesses in France that are not listed in the stock market. It becomesessential to describe it in order to better understand the operation and the behavior of themanagers that are also shareholders when running his or her company throughout his or her termin order to have a better generational succession planning.This thesis is presented with the objective of mobilizing a method of life stories to build a modelof life cycle of the manager/shareholder. In fact, this method is based on real life story interviewsthat will allow the construction of a descriptive live cycle model of the managers based onabductive logic.Finally, this work is a contribution to the theoretical framework in order to enrich the currentbehavioral seeking to help better understand the reality of family businesses.

KSF of family business / Faktory úspěchu rodinných firem

Boroš, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Family business is a business in which family members have a large stake in ownership and also a deciding vote on business operation. This thesis deals with what makes the family businesses thriving. The research is conducted using the Good to Great framework by Jim Collins. Based mainly on quantitative and qualitative survey of 8 Czech companies of various fields and sizes, it was discovered that there are some links between the companies' success. These findings yield a set of recommendations, which is provided in the last chapter.

Organizational structure in family business management styles and employees satisfaction. / Estrutura organizacional na empresa familiar estilos gerenciais e satisfação dos funcionários

João Marcelo Morais 04 November 2004 (has links)
Nowadays, world ambient discussion constitutes an important subject, which also includes Brazil, an organizations importance, especially the company that aims at profit, for economic, social and individual development. At the same time the form of expectations, the companies find themselves in competitive scenery, that is, a combined economic evolution in an open market, that resulted in new companies, international competitors entering the local market and improving products and services that already exist for focalizing quality and low cost. This scenery determines that the organizations should be alert in its organizational structure, especially in its reference an existing relation a between high administrative conception and its perspectives of managerial and other employees, because this can reflect in their market and clients. The aim of this thesis is to identify the organizational structure in a family business, or that is, managed and run by its owners. It also scopes on knowing the relevant structural factors facing the scenery mentioned before, as we realize de main characteristics of managers in a family organizations and influenced by a structural model used and management style in relation to the employees satisfaction. For this reason a typical family company was selected, managed and run by its owners, in the case, husband and wife, that work in services sector of international commerce which has its influence and administration, even though its head-office is situate in the city of São José dos Campos São Paulo Brazil -, and represents in the Brazilian and world economy, through its branches, risk partners and representatives. Such aspect meant using a research method collecting information from its owners, managers and employees co-localized in all its branches. / Atualmente constitui-se tema de significante discussão em âmbito mundial, e não menos diferente no Brasil, a importância das organizações, especialmente as empresas destinadas a produzir lucratividade, para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e do indivíduo. De forma concomitante às expectativas declinadas anteriormente, as empresas se encontram em meio a um cenário referendado por características muito particulares de competitividade, ou seja, a evolução econômica combinada com a abertura de mercados, culminou com a criação de novas empresas, entrada de concorrentes internacionais no mercado local e aprimoramento dos produtos e serviços já existentes para um enfoque que exige qualidade e baixo custo. Este cenário determina que as organizações estejam atentas à sua estrutura organizacional, especialmente no que tange a relação existente entre as concepções da alta administração e as perspectivas do corpo gerencial e dos demais funcionários, vez que isto poderá produzir reflexos em seu mercado e clientes. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a estrutura de organização de uma empresa familiar, ou seja, uma empresa administrada e gerida por seus proprietários. Também tem como escopo apreender os fatores relevantes da estrutura frente ao cenário anteriormente descrito, assim como perceber as principais características dos gerentes da organização familiar e a influência do modelo estrutural adotado e do perfil gerencial em face da satisfação do corpo operacional, isto é, dos funcionários. Para tanto, foi selecionada uma empresa tipicamente familiar, administrada e gerida por seus proprietários, in casu, marido e mulher, que atua no setor de prestação de serviços de comércio exterior e cuja zona de influência e atendimento, muito embora sua matriz esteja localizada na cidade de São José dos Campos - SP, perfaça localidades mais representativas da economia brasileira e mundial, por intermédio de suas filiais, parceiros de risco e representantes. Tal aspecto significou, para a metodologia de pesquisa empregada, a coleta de dados perante gerentes e funcionários co-localizados em todas as unidades da empresa selecionada.

Problematika malých rodinných firem na Příbramsku / Small family business issues in the region of Přibram

Rosinská, Elisabeta January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the issue of a family entrepreneurship. Family businesses play a key role in GDP production and employment in our country and worldwide, which makes them the backbone of the economy. However, they were overlooked as a topic for studying and research for a long time. Lately a number of authors started to look into them and even in the Czech Republic they were brought to attention. Two distinct systems mix in these businesses, each one oriented towards different goals. Family business's practices are therefore influenced by the meshing of a family system and a business system, which sets them apart from other types of entrepreneurships. This theses is focused on specifics of small family business in the Příbramsko region. A suitable concept for explaining a specific behavior of family businesses seems to be a so called socio-emotional wealth. One of the goals of this thesis is to evaluate the importance of individual components of the socio-emotional wealth with the help of semi- structured interviews. Small family businesses are mostly viewed in a positive way and relationships, trust, a personalized approach, a good reputation, happiness of all personnel involved and quality of products and services provided are vital for them. A big administrative load and acquiring...

Návrh rozvoje rodinné vinotéky ve městě Prostějov / The Proposal for Development of Family Wine Shop in Prostějov

Obořilová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with evaluation of the current state of the Vinotéka Rek family business and results in a strategy of its further development. The first theoretical part is based on the theoretical backgrounds focusing on the development and growth of entrepreneurship in particular small and family businesses, the context of strategic management within the development of companies and also on selected analytical and research methods that examine the internal, external and market environment of the company. The second, analytical part of the thesis contains the practical application of the methods to the selected company, the identification of key factors and impacts on the company and the evaluation of the overall results for the subsequent selection of the appropriate development variant. Third, the part of proposals builds on the results of the analyzes and processes the selected variant of the development strategy, including the implementation steps and the benefits of the proposals.

Návrh rozvoje rodinné společnosti poskytující služby autobusové dopravy / The Proposal of Family Business Development Providing Bus Transport Services

Koščo, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the proposal of strategic development of the transport company DZS. M.K- Trans, s.r.o. operating in Slovakia. The theoretical part defines the basis necessary for understanding the issues of planning the development and growth of the company, including a description of selected analytical methods. The aim of the analytical part, is to identify the key factors affecting the current situation of the company and will serve as a basis for deciding on strategic directions. In the third part is chosen the most suitable development strategy, which will lead to strengthening of the selected company on the market.

Strategie rozvoje rodinného podniku / Development Strategy of Family Business

Šoltová, Dagmar January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with strategy development of family business. The theoretical approach is focused on the basic knowledge, which is used to analyze the current state of the business. Simultaneously, the specifics of the family business are introduced. The results of strategy analysis serve as a basis for making proposals to solve the identified shortcomings.

Podnikatelský plán pro transformaci rodinného podniku / The Business Plan for Transformation of Family Owned Compyny

Paníček, Roman January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the transformation of the family business from the commercial center to the dance club. Its mean that it contains complete analysis of internal and external enviroment and its conclusions. Thesis include financial resources, total costs and estimated development in future. Furthermore, we can find a marketing mixture and implementation schedule.

Návrh rozvoje mikropodniku / The Development of Micro Company

Sedláček, Vít January 2011 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the analysis of current situation in a company Eurookna František Sedláček. It considers all important influences from external and internal surrounding. The results are summarized through the SWOT method and on the basis of analysis findings, the work include the ways of future develop this company, which occurring sphere of wood-manufacturing.

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