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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jonsons Byggnads AB : Cultural changes after an external sale

Jaouni, Heba, Zahirovic, Amela, Nordquist, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Many family businesses will have to change owner during the coming years as those born in the 1940s will retire. Due to the fact that the younger generations follow their own pro-fessions and are not always interested in taking over the family business, complications may occur for the owner manager. In such cases the owners will have to take another action in passing over the company.The case of Jonsons Byggnads AB is a clear example of where the previous owner‟s sons followed their own passion of profession and were not interested to take over the family firm, which had been operating for around 50 years. This resulted in an external sale of the corporation to Fadi Babil, who today is the new sole owner of the company.This thesis will investigate how Jonsons Byggnads AB´s culture has been influenced by the external sale. What factors have changed within the company and why these changes oc-curred, are further discussed issues.A case study approach was chosen to achieve the purpose. Through a qualitative method an analysis will be implemented on the empirical data with the use of theoretical frame-work. The case concerns the corporate culture in Jonson‟s Byggnads AB. The empirical da-ta was collected through interviews and a survey.The results from the interviews and surveys showed that changes in Jonsons Byggnads AB‟s organizational culture have occurred. These changes have not harmed the company in any specific way although one can notice that the company is more focused on success and expansion of the company. / Många familjeföretag kommer att genomgå ett ägarbyte under de kommande åren då de födda på 1940-talet går i pension. På grund av att de yngre generationerna väljer att gå sin egen väg och inte alltid är intresserade av att ta över familjeföretaget kan komplikationer uppstå för ägarna. I sådana fall kommer ägarna tvingas hitta en annan lösning.Fallet Jonsons Byggnads AB är ett tydligt exempel på en sådan situation då ägarens söner valde att följa sina egna passioner och var inte intresserade av att ta över familjeföretaget, som hade varit i drift i cirka 50 år. Detta resulterade i en extern försäljning av bolaget till Fadi Babil, som idag är den nya ägaren av bolaget. Denna uppsats kommer att undersöka hur Jonsons Byggnads AB: s kultur har påverkats av en extern försäljningen. Vilka faktorer som har förändrats inom företaget samt varför dessa förändringar har skett.Författarna valde att utföra en fallstudie för att besvara frågeställningarna och genom en kvalitativ metod analyseras den empiriska datan med teorins hjälp. Fallet omfattar företags-kulturen på Jonsons Byggnads AB vars data samlades in genom intervjuer och enkäter. Re-sultaten från intervjuerna och enkäten visade oss att det har skett förändringar i Jonsons Byggnads AB: s företagskultur. Dessa förändringar har inte skadat bolaget på något särskilt sätt, men man kan meddela att företaget är mer inriktat på framgång och expansion än fö-retagskultur.

The Family Business in a Global Context : The Rationale behind Corporate Governance Structures in Subsidiaries Abroad

Kewitz, Martin, Nordström, Clas, Salzwedel, Sören January 2012 (has links)
Background: Family Businesses represent the highest proportion of businesses in the world (Lin, 2012). Globalisation offers new business opportunities for growth and in-ternational diversification. Generally the internationalisation of family businesses is a well-studied field in family business research (Kontinen & Ojala, 2009). Still, there are certain shortcomings when it comes to the specific area of corporate governance adapta-tion in family firms that open subsidiaries (Calabro & Mussolino, 2011). Hence, this paper analyses the proceedings of family firms that internationalise through a subsidi-ary. From a methodological standpoint, existing studies concerned with family business internationalisation focus on quantitative research approaches. The results of these in-clude some limitations, since they cannot account for questions such as how and why family firms proceed during diversification (Kontinen & Ojala, 2009). Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the rationale behind corporate gov-ernance structures in family businesses, focusing on the special case of internationalisa-tion through a subsidiary. Frame of Reference: A summary of recent research regarding the three main issues family businesses, internationalisation, and corporate governance will be given in the frame of reference. This theoretical background will serve as the basis for a solid analy-sis of our empirical data. Method: A qualitative approach with an extensive literature review and a case study based on in-depth interviews with employees of the company Väderstad-Verken AB was chosen in order to fulfil the purpose. Conclusion: The rationale behind corporate governance structures when setting up a subsidiary abroad is driven by the ambition to preserve a family firms’ stewardship ori-ented culture and its informal structures. The result of this is better collaboration, which serves the mission of the business.

Keep the conversation going : a study of conversational spaces during family business succession

Kebbe, Lisen January 2011 (has links)
This practice doctorate study addresses the question of succession in family business, and whether it is possible to facilitate the succession process and enhance family relations by working in a systemic, conversational and dialogical way. The high percentage of successions in family businesses which fail and result in closed down businesses has led to extensive research and caused public debate in Sweden. This study contains of four sections. The first section gives an introduction to my felt need of developing the facilitation of the succession process in business families. It also contains a philosophical background to the systemic way of working and a presents my ontology, epistemology and methods for my study and its ethical considerations. The second section puts my study in a wider perspective of this study with a short presentation of the field of family business research; there are interviews with mainstream consultants that are elaborated on and lastly there is a gender perspective on family business consultations. The eight essays in the third section portray my action research into my facilitation of the succession process in the Bjärges family. The succession process began at the end of 2006 and lasted almost five years. Facilitation was performed during the first two and a half years and the last follow-up conversation was held in the beginning of 2011. The Bjärges essays are written in a generative and reflexive way by means of radical, social poetics thus allowing personal involvement in the text. Some of the essays study the succession process from the perspective of dialogical moments; a couple of them reflect on the succession process in a longer perspective and finally there are follow-up conversations with the family members. The fourth section deals with knowledge gained from working with this study, knowledge I have taken into my practice where I facilitate family members to make their own decisions. It also includes my reflections on theory and on differences in consultancy to family business. Accountants and legal advisors focus on what is best for business, while facilitators working in the dialogical way have family relations at heart. This work proposes a 3rd Way, a new way of facilitating and supporting business families by collaboration of different competences in multi-professional teams. Thus both business and family relations would be addressed.

Les facteurs endogènes de performance durable de l’internationalisation de l’entreprise familiale : cas longitudinal de recherche-intervention / Endogenous factors of internationalization sustainable performance in family business : case of Longitudinal Intervention-Research

Savall, Amandine 10 December 2014 (has links)
Nous étudions les méthodes de management stratégique de l’entreprise familiale qui favorisent l’internationalisation performante et durable. Sur base de quatre cadres théoriques, la création de valeur économique durable, le socle stratégique, le modèle séquentiel d’Uppsala et l’apprentissage organisationnel, nous avons émis l’hypothèse qu’une stratégie d’internationalisation est performante et durable si les méthodes de management stratégique de l’entreprise familiale reposent sur des variables endogènes sociales et économiques. Au travers d’un cas longitudinal de recherche-intervention qualimétrique, nous avons ainsi identifié et mesuré les facteurs endogènes de performance durable de son internationalisation. Deux facteurs dominants de performance et deux de durabilité lui procurent un avantage concurrentiel : des pratiques de pilotage et de contrôle de trois natures incrémentales managériale, organisationnelle et informationnelle, la renégociation fréquente du « pacte organisationnel de vie commune », la mesure de ces facteurs incorporels et endogènes mobilisés et l’organisation de l’apprentissage tiré de l’expérience. / We study family businesses’ strategic management methods that promote sustainable and efficient internationalization. Based on four theoretical frameworks, sustainable economic value creation, strategic base, Uppsala’s sequential model, and organizational learning, we have ventured the following research hypothesis: the internationalization strategy boosts sustainable performance if family businesses’ strategic management methods rely on social and economic endogenous variables. Through a longitudinal intervention-research case, we have identified and measured its internationalization sustainable performance endogenous factors. Two main performance factors and two main sustainability factors provide competitive advantage for it: steering and controlling practices with three incremental functions (management, organization, and information), regular negotiation on “how to live together organizational agreement”, measurement of intangible and endogenous factors, and organization of experience-based learning.

Gesellschafterkompetenz in mittelständischen Familienunternehmen

Neuvians, Nicola 19 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Corporate Governance Diskussion der letzten Jahre hat die Verantwortung der Unternehmensführung in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Für mittelständische Familienunternehmen bedeutet dies, dass sie sich nicht nur ihrer Management-, sondern auch ihrer Eigentümerverantwortung bewusst werden müssen. Mit der Entwicklung von Gesellschafterkompetenz könnten sie ihrer Eigentümerverantwortung gezielt nachkommen. In der Praxis lässt sich dahingehend jedoch eine kaum systematische Vorgehensweise beobachten. Die Kompetenz der operativ tätigen Gesellschafter wird zwar wahrgenommen, spezifische Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung von Gesellschafterkompetenz werden jedoch kaum ergriffen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die nicht-operativ tätigen Gesellschafter und die Familienmitglieder, die ihre Gesellschafterrolle erst zukünftig wahrnehmen werden. Diese sollten nach der hier vertretenen Ansicht ebenfalls vorbereitet werden, indem sie in eine systematische Entwicklung von Gesellschafterkompetenz einbezogen werden. Neben den üblichen betriebswirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Kompetenzen sollten auch Kenntnisse vermittelt werden, die der Komplexität des Familienunternehmens gerecht werden.

The Impact of the Family on Entrepreneurial Outcomes : The Role of Social Embeddedness

Bird, Miriam January 2014 (has links)
Most entrepreneurs have families that highly influence their business­ activities. However, scholars have paid limited attention to how the family as a specific social context impacts entrepreneurial outcomes, such as new venture creation, firm growth, and exit from entrepreneurship­. This thesis investigates how the family influences such outcomes at different levels of analysis: the individual level, the firm level, and the regional level.  The theoretical framework is developed by integrating the theory­ of social embeddedness with literature on family business and entrepreneurship­. Empirical evidence is based on a unique multi-level­ Swedish database combining individual-, firm-, and regional-level data. By providing an in-depth understanding of whether the family influence pertains to the whole entrepreneurial process or only to particular entrepreneurial outcomes, this thesis contributes to a new understanding of the family’s role in entrepreneurship. / <p>Diss. Stockholm :  Stockholm School of Economics, 2014.</p>

Familjen &amp; firman

Karlsson Stider, Annelie January 2000 (has links)
Avhandlingen handlar om dynastier eller om familjer som under minst tre generationer ägt och lett företag tillsammans. Vad menar dessa familjeföretagare när de talar om att de har ett arv och en tradition att föra vidare? Boken grundar sig på en studie av familjen Bonniers företagande och diskuterar hur familjen med tiden betraktar företaget som en släktklenod. Klenoden omfattar inte bara ett ekonomiskt arv utan även kulturellt, socialt och symboliskt arv. Likaså belyses hur familjen, ingifta och anställda deltar i generationsskiftet beroende på vilket arv som överförs. Hemmet synliggörs som en arena för familjens företagsledning genom barnafödande, äktenskap, representation och utbildning av nästa generation. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur nepotism kan förstås som en strategi för att återskapa släktklenoden. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk. Behandlar även familjen Bonnier</p>

En studie om för- och nackdelar med externa ledamöter i små och medelstora familjeföretags styrelser.

Saarinen, Jesper, Esaiasson, Knut January 2015 (has links)
Familjeägda företag har oftast en styrelse bestående av ägare och i vissa fall, någon eller några familjemedlemmar till ägaren. Detta kan bidra till att styrelsen inte når sin fulla potential. Ett flertal forskare inom verksamhetsstyrning och familjeföretag argumenterar för vikten av att tillsätta externa ledamöter till familjeföretags styrelser. Detta verkar dock inte vara helt oproblematiskt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det är motiverat för ett litet eller medelstort familjeföretag att tillsätta externa ledamöter i sin styrelse. Den empiriska datan har inhämtats dels från en kvantitativ datainsamling i form av en enkätundersökning, dels från en kvalitativ datainsamling i form av sex djupgående intervjuer med ägare av familjeföretag, interna och externa styrelseledamöter samt en person med mångårig erfarenhet av styrelsearbete. En slutsats från denna studie är att externa ledamöter kan innebära en kompetenshöjning som kan vara nyttig för många företag, dock är det viktigt för en ägare av ett familjeföretag att veta vad denne vill få ut av en extern ledamot. Vidare kan externa ledamöter bidra med en objektivitet och ett breddat nätverk vilket talar för att det skulle vara motiverat att tillsätta externa ledamöter i familjeföretag. Samtidigt har dock externa ledamöter en sämre insyn i företaget jämfört med interna ledamöter, och de är därför inte alltid kapabla att fatta de beslut som är mest gynnsamma för verksamheten. / The family-owned companies usually have a board consisting of owners and, in some cases, one or more family members of the owner. Because of this the board may not reach its full potential. A number of researchers in operations management and family business argues for the importance of adding external directors to the family business boards. This may however not be entirely unproblematic. The purpose of this study was to research whether it is relevant for a small or medium-sized family business to appoint outside directors on its board. The empirical data has been collected from a quantitative data collection in the form of a questionnaire, and from a qualitative data collection in the form of six in-depth interviews with owners of family businesses, internal and external board members and a person with many years of experience from board work. One conclusion from this study is that externally appointed directors can bring competence and experience to the board that may be useful for many companies. However, it is important for an owner of a family business to know what they want to get out of an external board member. Furthermore, external members contribute with objectivity and an expanded network, which suggests that it would be relevant to appoint external directors of the family business. However, external board members often have less insight into the company compared to internal board members, and therefore are not always better equipped to make the decisions that are most favorable to the business.

Planejamento sucessório em empresas familiares: um estudo em uma empresa do setor metal-mecânico

Silva, Caio Ruano da 27 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T13:44:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caio Ruano da Silva.pdf: 1014873 bytes, checksum: b9f34a45f26b0835a5237b3cd46015a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-27 / The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate how the values of the entrepreneur family and the organizational culture affects the planning structure of the succession process in a family business group located in the Espírito Santo State. The data was collected through methodological triangulation, as suggested by Jick (1979), and the selected methods were semi-structured interviews, nonsystematic observation and document research. The data was analyzed using thematic content analysis (BARDIN, 2006). As main contribution, this dissertation illustrates that a disruption of the family values shared in the founder s generation and the ones of his descendents directly affected the choice of the potential successor for the business. It is probable that the mentioned disruption is related to a transition in the way the family organized itself. Until the founder s generation the family organized itself as a production unit. Perhaps, it was observed that the heirs shifted to a consumption unit s mindset (DAVEL e COLBARI, 2000). It s also possible that the main cause of the founder s insecurity lies on his fear that the organizational values might change after the succession. This argument is considered valid, once the choice of the potential successor was based mainly in normative trust, which is developed based in common values between the parties (LANE, 1998). Moreover, some aspects of the organizational culture, such as its informality and the centralized and intuitive decision making processes, reflect on the succession process planning structure, which was observed to share the same characteristics / O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar como os valores da família empresária e a cultura organizacional influenciam no planejamento do processo sucessório em uma empresa familiar, de grande porte, localizada no Estado do Espírito Santo. Os dados foram coletados utilizando a triangulação metodológica proposta por Jick (1979), articulando entrevistas semiestruturadas, observação direta e pesquisa e análise documental. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio de análise do conteúdo (BARDIN, 2006). Como contribuição, esta dissertação demonstra que as rupturas de valores familiares entre a geração do fundador e a dos seus descendentes afetaram diretamente a escolha do potencial sucessor. É provável que essa ruptura de valores esteja relacionada com a transição da família, que até a geração do fundador se organizava como unidade de produção e, posteriormente, passou a se caracterizar como unidade de consumo (DAVEL e COLBARI, 2000). Também é possível que a maior causa da insegurança por parte do fundador em deixar a empresa resida no medo de que os valores culturais se alterem. Essa proposição sustenta-se na análise de que o principal critério usado para a escolha do potencial sucessor tenha sido a confiança desenvolvida com base em valores comuns (LANE, 1998). Ademais, postula-se que a cultura organizacional com processos de tomada de decisão centralizados e intuitivos é refletida no planejamento do processo sucessório, que compartilha das mesmas características

Planejamento da família integrado ao planejamento estratégico pessoal / Family planning integraded to personal strategic planning

Fleig, Giovana Bortoluzzi 17 July 2013 (has links)
Strategic planning is naturally applied to organizations to compete and deal with change. Just as an organization can adopt strategic planning to achieve their goals, an individual can plan your life so anticipate change, seize opportunities and achieve self-actualization. Strategic planning is a method of personal life management that covers several areas (professional, individual, family, personal business and social participation). In the family, it allows the person to make informed decisions and control the consequences of these relationships, preventing conflict. That is especially important in the family business. The objective of this paper is to propose a model of family planning to deal with emotional and legal relationships between spouses, parents, children and grandparents, contributing to the personal strategic planning. This is an bibliographical exploratory qualitative research. The literature review allowed to identify the variables to the model. At the end, it was presented a model to guide the affective and legal relationships planning. This allows the individual to make informed decisions and control the consequences of these relationships. The proposed model does not replace the personal strategic planning models consolidated, but can be used in a complementary way. / O planejamento estratégico é naturalmente aplicado às organizações para competir e lidar com mudanças. Assim como uma organização pode adotar o planejamento estratégico para atingir seus objetivos, um indivíduo pode planejar sua vida de modo antecipar as mudanças, aproveitar as oportunidades e alcançar a autorrealização. O planejamento estratégico pessoal é um método de gestão de vida que aborda diversas áreas (profissional, individual, familiar, negócios pessoais e participação social). No âmbito familiar, ele permite que a pessoa decida conscientemente e controle as conseqüências desses relacionamentos, previnindo conflitos. Isso é especialmente importante na empresa familiar. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em propor um esquema de planejamento da família que aborde relacionamentos afetivos e jurídicos entre cônjuges ou companheiros, pais, filhos, avós e netos, contribuindo com o planejamento estratégico pessoal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, realizada a partir de dados bibliográficos. A análise da literatura permitiu identificar as variáveis para a composição do modelo proposto. Ao final, apresentou-se um quadro para nortear o planejamento das relações afetivas e jurídicas familiares, permitindo que o indivíduo decida conscientemente e controle as conseqüências desses relacionamentos. O planejamento da família proposto não substitui com os modelos consolidados de planejamento estratégico pessoal, mas pode ser utilizado de modo complementar.

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