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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

’n Ouerbegeleidingsprogram vir ouers van ’n kleuter met gesiggestremdheid (Afrikaans)

Vivier, Yolande 16 May 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Gesinne wat met ’n kleuter met ’n gesiggestremdheid gekonfronteer word, het meervoudige behoeftes wat ’n holistiese benadering vereis ten einde hierdie komplekse probleem effektief aan te spreek. Geen navorsing is egter nog gedoen waar daar na die Suid-Afrikaanse ouer wat ’n kleuter met ’n gesiggestremdheid het, se behoeftes gekyk is ten einde ’n gespesialiseerde, empiries gefundeerde ouerbegeleidingsprogram te ontwikkel nie. Hierdie studie het dus ten doel gehad om ’n begeleidingsprogram vir ouers van ’n kleuter met gesiggestremdheid te ontwikkel en die effektiwiteit daarvan te evalueer. Intervensienavorsing as toegepaste navorsing is hiervoor aangewend.<p[> ’n Tweefase-navorsingsbenadering is gebruik. Tydens fase een is van ’n kwalitatiewe benadering gebruik gemaak. Die volgende navorsingsvraag is tydens hierdie fase geformuleer: Watter behoeftes het die Suid-Afrikaanse ouer van ’n kleuter met gesiggestremdheid? : ’n Fokusgroepbespreking waar fokusgroepvrae benut is, is met 10 ouerpare deurloop ten einde die betekenis en interpretasie wat hulle aan hulle leefwêreld heg, te eksploreer. Hierdie data het, aanvullend tot die omvattende literatuurstudie wat onderneem is, inligting na vore gebring wat in die ouerbegeleidingsprogram gebruik is. Antwoorde op die navorsingsvraag kon dus gevind word. Die kwantitatiewe ontwerp wat tydens fase twee gevolg is, is die enkelstelselontwerp. Die volgende navorsingshipotese is tydens hierdie fase geformuleer: : Indien die ouers van ’n kleuter met gesiggestremdheid die ouerbegeleidingsprogram deurloop, sal hulle bemagtig word met kennis ten opsigte van hulle kind se spesifieke oogtoestand, die invloed daarvan op en hulle hantering van die betrokke kind, hulle huwelik en hulle gesin: . Die maatskaplikewerk-intervensieprogram wat ontwikkel is, bestaan uit ses groepwerksessies van ongeveer 60 minute elk wat met twee groepe van 10 ouers in totaal deurloop is. ’n Selfontwerpte vraelys is voor en na afloop van die program deur al 10 ouers voltooi. Hierdie meetinstrument het bostaande hipotese bevestig. Vergelykings is getref tussen die literatuur en die empiriese gegewens. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing is na aanleiding van die studie geformuleer. ENGLISH: Families that are confronted with a toddler with a visual impairment have multiple needs that require a holistic approach in order to address this complex problem effectively. However, no research has been done yet that looks at the needs of the South African parent with a toddler with a visual impairment in order to develop a specialized, empirically grounded parental guiding programme. This study thus aimed at developing a guiding programme for parents with a toddler with a visual impairment and evaluating its effectiveness. Interventional research as applied research was utilised for this purpose. A two-phase research approach was used. During phase one a qualitative approach was used. The following research question was formulated during this phase: What are the needs of the South African parent with a toddler with a visual impairment? A focus-group discussion where focus-group questions were used was held with 10 parents in order to explore the meaning and interpretation that they attach to their daily world. These data, in addition to the wide-ranging literature study that had been undertaken, brought information to the fore that was used in the parental guiding programme. Answers to the research question could thus be found. The quantitative design that was followed during phase two was the single-system design. The following research hypothesis was formulated during this phase: If the parents of a toddler with a visual impairment follow the parental guiding programme, they will be empowered with knowledge with regard to their child’s specific eye condition, its influence on and their management of the child concerned, their marriage and their family. The social-work interventional programme that was developed consists of six group-work sessions of approximately 60 minutes each that were held for two groups of 10 parents in total. A self-designed questionnaire was completed by these 10 parents before and after the programme. This measuring instrument confirmed the above-mentioned hypothesis. Comparisons were made between literature and the empirical data. Conclusions and recommendations for future research were formulated following on this study. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

'n Sistemiese konstruksie van die gesinsdinamika van die laerskoolkind wat dwelmmiddels gebruik (Afrikaans)

Aucamp, Ella Josina 28 May 2008 (has links)
The use of drugs by children are increasing in all communities and children who are using drugs for the first time are getting younger. This contributes to the fact that the use of drugs by primary school children in the pre-adolescent developing phase is increasing. During this developmental phase, the family of the child in which he/she grows up, plays an important role in the socialization of the child. Early exposure of the child to dysfunctional patterns within the family may contribute to the possible experimentation with drugs as a way for the child to compensate for the loss of emotional security. Due to the increasing reports of the pre-adolescent who uses drugs, the researcher was motivated to explore the factors that probably maintain this phenomenon. A research question to guide this research was formulated as follow: To what extent can the family's dynamics and functioning contribute to the experimentation and upkeep of drug abuse by the child in the primary school? A qualitative research design was used in order to explore the research question. Findings showed that the quality of the family system and the way in which the family functions, may contribute to the drug use of the child who is in the pre-adolescent developmental phase. / Dissertation (MSD (Research))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Volwasse kinders as sekondêre slagoffers van 'n ouer wat selfmoord gepleeg het (Afrikaans)

Buys, Irma 09 September 2003 (has links)
The indirect victim's experience of suicide and the victimisation resulting from the incident was studied. The Indirect Victim's Experience Model of a Suicide Incident (see Figure 2.1) was designed as a theoretical framework to direct the research findings and for the interpretation of data. A qualitative exploratory approach was used and a group of 20 respondents was selected by means of purposive and snowball sampling methods. All the respondents were interviewed personally. The interpretation and analysis of the data showed that the assumptions based on Janoff-Bulman and Frieze's theory and certain societal myths regarding suicide still exist. These assumptions and myths could subconsciously have an influence on the nature and extent of the victimisation experienced by the next of kin. The respondents themselves accepted these assumptions and myths. Research findings further showed that these assumptions are affected upon receiving the news of the suicide, while myths are destroyed. This could have an influence on the victim's experience of suicide. Every indirect victim functions before, during and after the suicide incident within a specific family and social system. The way in which the indirect victim experiences the support and integration from within the family and social system, determines the acceptance or non-acceptance of the death by suicide of a significant other. This will also have an influence on the indirect victim's reintegration into society in the short and long term. The need of the indirect victim to be involved within a family and society was clearly identified during the study. These findings made it possible to make practical recommendations with regard to the indirect victim's experience of suicide. Society should be informed about the realities and results of suicide. In addition, these findings highlighted further areas for research. / Thesis (MA (Criminology))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Sosio-emosionele gesinsfunksionering na ‘n egskeiding: ‘n Ouerskapsprogram vir die gesin met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)

Nel, Gezina Elizabeth 19 September 2005 (has links)
This research was aimed at the development, implementation and evaluation of a parenting program for parents with pre-school children, after a divorce, in order to improve the sosio-emotional functioning of the adults, as well as the children. The motivation for this study stemmed from the reality of divorce in many family systems. Intervention research as applied research was utilised. A two-phase research approach was undertaken. A quantitative questionnaire approach as used during phase 1. The following research question was formulated for this phase: What should the content of a parenting program for parents after a divorce with pre-school children be? A needs assessment questionnaire was completed by 20 members of the population and an assessment of child-respondents, was undertaken. This data, complemented the literature study which was undertaken and brought information to the foreground which established the contents of the parenting program. The research question could therefore be answered. A child assessment was undertaken with the children of the parents who would attend the workshop during phase 2, in order to explore the children’s experience of their living environment. The quantitative approach was used in phase 2 as the single system design. The following research hypothesis was formulated for this phase: If parents and their pre-school children attend a parenting program after a divorce, a significant change in their sosio-emotional functioning should realise. Four workshops were implemented, in the following way: Theoretical workshops for the custodial and non-custodial parent respectively and practical workshops for the custodial parent and child and the non-custodial parent and child respectively. A quantitative questionnaire was completed prior to the workshops and thereafter by the 5 family systems involved. This instrument of measurement confirmed the hypotheses. A comparison was done between the literature and the empirical data. Conclusions and recommendations for future research were formulated, as a result of the research study. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Four fathers' experiences of parental alienation

Henig, Leonie Fanny 06 1900 (has links)
During the past few decades there has been a breakdown in the commitment to long term relationships, with no fault divorce laws making it easier for couples to obtain a divorce resulting in increase in divorce rates. Research has shown that in acrimonious divorces with high levels of conflict children often get caught in the middle of their parents’ enduring battles. These children are often prevented from or encouraged not to have contact with their non residential parent. The term parental alienation is used to describe this phenomenon. A qualitative study focusing on the personal experiences of South African fathers who seem to be victims of parental alienation, will be examined and discussed from the perspective of systems theory. / Psychology / M.A. ( Psychology)

Divorce as bifurcation: redefining a nuclear system

Ferreira Da Costa, Talita Maria 30 April 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of dynamic relationships within families, and indicating how the decision to divorce may result from a family's difficulty in adjusting to new changes and stressors. Thus, divorce results in the redefinition of a nuclear system. This study made use of social constructionism as its epistemological framework. By means of in-depth one-on-one interviews, the researcher was able to hear the narratives of all six participants. Hermeneutics was used to analyze the data. The participants' stories were reencountered through the researcher's own frame of reference in which common themes of the divorce process were co-constructed. These themes were later elaborated on and a comparative analysis was undertaken to link them to the available literature. The information gained from the study could contribute to existing research on the impact of divorce, family reorganization following a divorce, and offer a new perspective in understanding family systems. / Clinical Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

The effects of migrant labour on the family system

Mazibuko, Ronald Patrick 11 1900 (has links)
The migrant labour practice in South Africa played an important role in the country's development and economy. Although it has benefited many native migrant workers by creating job opportunities, it has had adverse effects on the families of migrant workers. The focus of this study is the phenomenon of migrant labouring and its effects on the family. A literature study has shown that migrant labourers, living in overcrowded city hostels, were subjected to exploitation, malnutrition and crime. The empirical study brought to light the many problems experienced by the families back home: Wives were overburdened by dual roles and responsibilities, lack of support and money, children's development was impeded and academic motivations and performance were low. The ultimate aim of this study was to design practical guidelines to help families cope with the effects of an absent father due to the migrant labour practice. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed.(Guidance and Counselling)

The lived experiences of resilient black African men who grew up in absent-father homes

Mosholi, Mpotseng Sina 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study explored the lived experiences of black African men who grew up in absent-father homes. A phenomenological approach and qualitative exploratory design were used. The research participants were recruited in the Pretoria, South Africa through purposive sampling. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyse the information. The findings of this study indicate the following: the participants experienced various challenges in growing up in absent father homes. These included financial challenges, feelings of rejection, lack of guidance and protection. They had to rely on their single mothers for provision as well as the extended family and the community for support. These men were self-reliant, persevered and worked hard to achieve their goals in life. Resilience also played a role in making them thrive. They in turn wanted to be good fathers and husbands to their wives and children. Further research on resilient men who grew up in absent-father homes is recommended. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Conflicted custody: the unfolding of a professional problem-determined system

Fasser, Robyn Lesley 01 1900 (has links)
With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. xviii In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. ( Psychology)

Divorce as bifurcation: redefining a nuclear system

Ferreira Da Costa, Talita Maria 30 April 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of dynamic relationships within families, and indicating how the decision to divorce may result from a family's difficulty in adjusting to new changes and stressors. Thus, divorce results in the redefinition of a nuclear system. This study made use of social constructionism as its epistemological framework. By means of in-depth one-on-one interviews, the researcher was able to hear the narratives of all six participants. Hermeneutics was used to analyze the data. The participants' stories were reencountered through the researcher's own frame of reference in which common themes of the divorce process were co-constructed. These themes were later elaborated on and a comparative analysis was undertaken to link them to the available literature. The information gained from the study could contribute to existing research on the impact of divorce, family reorganization following a divorce, and offer a new perspective in understanding family systems. / Clinical Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

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