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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of polarization of light through a stack of metallic metamaterials / Etude de la polarisation de la lumière à travers un empilement de métamatériaux métalliques

Romain, Xavier 08 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but l’étude théorique de métamatériaux métalliques empilés. Ces structures sont actuellement proposées pour améliorer et élargir les fonctionnalités des métamatériaux métalliques. Nous portons un intérêt particulier aux propriétés de polarisation de ces structures métalliques empilées.En premier lieu, nous précisons le type de métamatériaux que nous étudions et nous présentons la méthode modale qui nous permet de décrire les propriétés électromagnétiques de la structure. A l’aide d’un Formalisme de Jones Etendu (FJE), développé récemment dans notre équipe, nous faisons ressortir les principales propriétés de polarisation linéaire de ces métamatériaux métallique.En alliant le FJE à l’algorithme de propagation de la matrice S, nous étudions un empilement de deux métamatériaux vus comme un montage polariseur-analyseur. Nous établissons ensuite une expression de la transmission de la structure: la loi de Malus étendue. Cela nous permet notamment de démontrer les résonances de type Fabry-Perot qui ont lieu entre les métamatériaux.Pour des structures plus conséquentes, nous montrons qu’il est possible de réaliser une rotation de la polarisation, à très faible perte et spectralement agile, grâce aux résonances de type Fabry-Perot.Fondamentalement, nous révélons une nouvelle façon d’exciter des résonances Fano qui sont induites par les propriétés de polarisation des métamatériaux. Ces résonances peuvent être utilisées pour des applications de capteur ou de filtrage. De plus, ces résonances Fano induites par la polarisation ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités d’applications pour les empilement de métamatériaux métalliques. / This PhD thesis deals with the theoretical study of stacked metallic metamaterials. Such structures are currently investigated to extend the functionalities offered by single metallic metamaterials. We especially focus on the specific polarization properties of the stacked metallic metamaterials.We first present the type of metamaterial that we consider, and we describe the modal method that is used to model its electromagnetic properties. We outline the linear polarization properties characterizing the metamaterial thanks to an Extended Jones Formalism (EJF) recently developed by our team.In combination with the EJF, we apply the S-matrix algorithm to the study of a stack of two metallic metamaterials in a polarizer-analyzer configuration. We derive an analytical expression for the transmission response of the stacked structure: the Extended Malus Law. Mainly, it highlights the Fabry-Perot-like resonances located between the metamaterials.Using larger stacked structures, we demonstrate that spectrally tunable and low loss polarization rotation can be achieved owing to these Fabry-Perot-like resonances.In essence, we reveal a new way of realizing Fano resonances which are induced by the specific polarization properties of the metamaterials. We show that such resonances can be engineered for sensing or filtering applications. Moreover, the polarization-induced Fano resonances expand the possibilities of stacked metallic metamaterials.

Pseudoeffective cones in 2-Fano varieties and remarks on the Voisin map / Cônes pseudoeffectifs dans les variétés 2-Fano et remarques sur l'application de Voisin

Muratore, Giosuè Emanuele 23 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties. Dans la première partie nous étudions les variétés 2-Fano. Les variétés 2-Fano, définies par De Jong et Starr, satisfont des generalisations de certaines propriétés des varietes Fano. Nous proposons une définition de variété k-Fano (faible) et conjecturons la polyhédralité du cône de k-cycles pseudo-effectives pour ces variétés en analogie avec le cas k=1. Ensuite, nous calculons quelques nombres de Betti d'une grande classe de variétés k-Fano pour prouver un cas particulier de la conjecture. En particulier, la conjecture est vraie pour toutes les variétés 2-Fano d'indice >n-3, et nous complétons également la classification des variétés faibles 2-Fano répondant aux questions 39 et 41 dans l'article d'Araujo et Castravet.Dans la deuxième partie, nous étudions une application rationnelle particulière. Beauville et Donagi ont prouvé que la variété des droites F(Y) d'une hypersurface lisse, cubique Y de dimension quatre est une variété hyperKähler. Récemment, C. Lehn, M. Lehn, Sorger et van Straten ont prouvé qu'on peut naturellement associer une variété hyperKähler Z(Y) à la variété compacte des cubiques rationnelles dans Y. Puis, Voisin a défini une application rationnelle de degré 6 entre le produit direct F(Y)xF(Y) et Z(Y). Nous montrerons que le lieu d'indétermination de cette application est le lieu des droites concourantes dans Y. / This thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part we study the 2-Fano varieties. The 2-Fano varieties, defined by De Jong and Starr, satisfy some higher dimensional analogous properties of Fano varieties. We propose a definition of (weak) k-Fano variety and conjecture the polyhedrality of the cone of pseudoeffective k-cycles for those varieties in analogy with the case k=1. Then, we calculate some Betti numbers of a large class of k-Fano varieties to prove some special case of the conjecture. In particular, the conjecture is true for all 2-Fano varieties of index > n-3, and also we complete the classification of weak 2-Fano varieties answering Questions 39 and 41 in Araujo and Castravet’s article.In the second part, we study a particular rational map. Beauville and Donagi proved that the variety of lines F(Y) of a smooth cubic fourfold Y is a hyperKähler variety. Recently, C. Lehn, M.Lehn, Sorger and van Straten proved that one can naturally associate a hyperKähler variety Z(Y) to the variety of twisted cubics on Y. Then, Voisin defined a degree 6 rational map between the direct product F(Y)xF(Y) and Z(Y). We will show that the indeterminacy locus of this map is the locus of intersecting lines. / Questa tesi è divisa in due parti. Nella prima parte studiamo le varietà 2-Fano. Le varietà 2-Fano, definite da De Jong e Starr, soddisfano alcune proprietà analoghe (in dimensionie superiore) alle varietà Fano. Diamo una definizione di varietà k-Fano (debole) e congetturiamo la poliedricità del cono di k-cicli pseudoeffettivi per tali varietà, in analogia al caso k=1. Quindi calcoliamo alcuni numeri Betti di molte varietà k-Fano, per dimostrare alcuni casi particolari della congettura. In particolare, la congettura è vera per tutte le varietà 2-Fano d'indice >n-3, e inoltre completiamo la classificazione delle varietà 2-Fano deboli rispondendo alle domande 39 e 41 nell'articolo di Araujo e Castravet. Nella seconda parte studiamo una particolare mappa razionale. Beauville e Donagi hanno dimostrato che la varietà delle rette F(Y) di una ipersuperfice cubica liscia Y di dimensione 4 è una varietà hyperKähler. Recentemente, C. Lehn, M.Lehn, Sorger e van Straten hanno dimostrato che è possibile associare in modo naturale una varietà hyperKähler Z(Y) alla varietà delle cubiche razionali in Y. Successivamente, Voisin ha definito una mappa razionale di grado 6 tra il prodotto diretto F(Y)xF(Y) e Z(Y). Mostreremo che il luogo di indeterminazione di questa mappa è il luogo delle rette secanti.

Collective plasmon resonances in diffractive arrays of gold nanoparticules

Nikitin, Andrey 18 July 2013 (has links)
Dans ce travail, les propriétés des réseaux diffractifs ordonnés de nanoparticules d'or sont étudiées numériquement et expérimentalement. Ces résonances sont beaucoup plus étroites que celles observées dans le cas d'une nanoparticule isolée. D'après les simulations numériques, deux régimes distincts de réponse sont identifiés, l'un correspond à l'anomalie de Rayleigh (RA) l'autre au mode plasmon de réseau 2D (LPM). Dans la partie expérimentale nous avons fabriqué des réseaux de nanoparticules d'or en utilisant la lithographie d'électronique. La transmission spectrale a été mesurée dans le domaine optique pour caractériser ces réseaux. Toutes les caractéristiques essentielles des spectres expérimentaux sont en bon accord avec les simulations numériques. Les distributions du champ électrique pour différents paramètres de réseau sont étudiées pour obtenir le maximum d'augmentation du champ à la surface de la nanoparticule. L'excitation des résonances plasmon dans les réseaux diffractifs de nanoparticules d'or en condition asymétrique de l'indice de réfraction est examinée expérimentalement. L'excitation des modes plasmon à profil spectral étroit dans l'environnement asymétrique a été expérimentalement vérifiée. La possibilité d'accorder la longueur d'onde de ces résonances dans le proche infrarouge en changeant les paramètres structurels des réseaux périodiques en combinant taille et forme des nanoparticules est discutée. Ces résultats sont importants pour les applications telles que les spectroscopies en champ électrique exalté et la détection en biologie ou en chimie. / The properties of ordered diffractive arrays of gold nanoparticles are studied numerically and experimentally. Using numerical simulations I identify, two distinct regimes of lattice response, associated with two-characteristic states of the spectra: Rayleigh anomaly and lattice plasmon mode. In experimental part gold nanoparticle arrays were fabricated using e-beam lithography. Spectroscopic transmission measurements then were carried out to optically characterize these arrays. All the essential features of the experimental spectra were reproduced well by numerical simulations. Electric field distributions for different lattice parameters are studied in order to maximize the enhancement of electric field at the nanoparticle surface. The excitation of plasmon resonances in diffractive arrays of gold nanoparticles placed in asymmetric refractive index environment is examined experimentally. The excitation of the plasmon modes with narrow spectral profile in asymmetric environment was experimentally verified. The ability to tune the wavelength of these resonances in the near infrared range by varying the structural parameters of the periodic arrays in combination with size and geometry of the constituent nanoparticles is discussed. The presented results are of importance for the field enhanced spectroscopy as well as for plasmonic bio and chemical sensing.

Efeitos de canais inelásticos no transporte eletrônico: um exemplo além do formalismo de Landauer / Effects of inelastic channels in electronic transport: an example beyond the Landauer formalism

Penha, Felipe Campos 06 December 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos a influência de canais de espalhamento inelástico no transporte eletrônico. Primeiramente, expomos o formalismo de Landauer usual para o cálculo da corrente elétrica em sistemas em que o espalhamento é puramente elástico. Como exemplo, calculamos a corrente para um potencial delta de Dirac a partir de suas probabilidades de transmissão. A amostra correspondente é aquela de uma camada muito fina com impurezas (não-magnéticas) contida em uma heterostrutura semicondutora. Mostramos que a distorção do potencial quântico devido à voltagem aplicada pode ser desprezada no cálculo da corrente elétrica, abaixo da energia de Fermi do emissor. Subsequentemente, acoplamos o potencial delta a um oscilador harmônico quântico para modelar a presença de fônons no sistema. Encontramos modos inelásticos de transmissão que se tornam acessíveis para energias cada vez maiores, múltiplas do quantum hω. Devido à conservação de probabilidade, a abertura de cada novo canal corresponde a bicos\" nas probabilidades de transmissão dos modos abaixo deste, em função da energia de incidência do elétron. No caso de uma delta atrativa, ressonâncias assimétricas com perfil de Fano são observadas. Adaptamos o formalismo de Landauer, incluindo canais inelásticos independentes. Seguindo um trabalho anterior de Emberly e Kirczenow (2000), mostramos que existe uma forma de se levar em conta possíveis coincidências nos estados de espalhamento finais aplicando o princípio de exclusão de Pauli. Isto leva as distribuições dos estados de espalhamento a estarem fora de equilíbrio, já que dependem umas das outras. Resolvendo o problema auto-consistentemente, somos capazes de obter a corrente elétrica a partir das probabilidades de transmissão do potencial quântico. Nossos resultados demonstram que as ressonâncias de Fano do potencial atrativo dão origem a uma diminuição da inclinação da corrente elétrica contra a voltagem aplicada, já que elétrons são presos\" ao potencial por um tempo infinito. Mostramos este efeito num regime de voltagens baixas em comparação com a energia de Fermi, para o qual desprezamos a distorção do potencial quântico devido à voltagem aplicada. Além disso, uma comparação com os resultados do formalismo de Landauer mostra que uma discrepância significativa é observada para o caso de o oscilador estar inicialmente excitado e fortemente acoplado ao elétron. / In this work, we study the influence of inelastic scattering channels in electronic transport. We first present the usual Landauer formalism, for calculating the electric current in systems where the scattering is purely elastic. As an example, we calculate the current for a Dirac delta potential from its transmission probabilities. The corresponding sample is that of a very thin layer with (non-magnetic) impurities within a semiconductor heterostructure. We show that the distortion of the quantum potential due to the applied voltage can be ignored in the calculation of an electric current below the Fermi energy of the emitter. Then we couple the delta potential to a quantum harmonic oscillator to model the presence of phonons in the system. We find inelastic transmission modes that become available for increasing energies, multiple of the quantum hω. Due to conservation of probability, the opening of each new channel corresponds to kinks\" in the transmission probabilities of lower modes as a function of the energy of the impinging electrons. In the case of an attractive delta potential, asymmetric resonances with a Fano-like profile are observed. We adapt the Landauer formalism by including the independent inelastic channels. Following a previous work by Emberly and Kirczenow (2000), we show that there is a way to take into account the possible coincidences in the final scattering states using Pauli\'s exclusion principle. This causes the distributions of the scattering states to be out of equilibrium, as they depend on each other. Solving the problem self-consistently, we are able to obtain the electric current from the transmission probabilities of the quantum potential. Our results demonstrate that the Fano resonances of the attractive potential gives rise to a decrease of the slope in the electric current versus the applied voltage, as the electrons are trapped\" in the potential for a finite amount of time. We have shown this effect in a low voltage regime with respect to the Fermi energy, for which we ignore the distortion of the quantum potential due to the applied voltage. Furthermore, a comparison with the results from the Landauer formalism shows that a significant discrepancy is seen for the oscillator initially in its excited mode and strongly coupled to the electron.

Opacité et transparence générées par les résonances locales dans les métamatériaux Acoustiques / Opacity and transparency generated by local resonances in acoustic metamaterials

El Ayouch, Aliyasin 03 December 2015 (has links)
Le domaine des métamatériaux acoustiques connaît un succès grandissant depuis maintenant une vingtaine d’années, notamment en raison de phénomènes exotiques aux perspectives d’applications plus que prometteuses : « l’invisibilité » acoustique en est l’exemple le plus manifeste. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons des métamatériaux acoustiques à résonances locales, et qui permettent de générer aussi bien de l’opacité que de la transparence acoustique. C’est plus particulièrement le couplage entre résonateurs de différentes formes qui est l’objet de nos investigations. Notre étude nous a permis de comprendre que la diffraction est l’une des principales limitation à l’omnidirectionalité des performances d’opacité, que nous avons caractérisé au moyen d’un banc ultrasonore motorisé. Un tel phénomène de diffraction est dû à la présence d’un réseau, et nous proposons dans notre étude des solutions qui permettent de dépasser cette limitation. A partir de cette étude, nous avons ainsi pu transposer au domaine sonore les résultats obtenus pour les ultrasons, ce qui nous a permis de réaliser deux principaux types de dispositifs : des métamatériaux acoustiques aux fonctions de réflecteur d’une part et d’absorbant basses fréquences d’autre part. Enfin, l’étude en homogénéisation de ce type de structure a aussi révélé un effet de densité effective quasi-nulle, dont les applications vont du contrôle de front d’onde, à la furtivité acoustique. De tels résultats offrent un potentiel d’application dans de nombreux champs, que ce soit pour le bâtiment ,l’automobile, l’aéronautique, ou l’acoustique sous-marine. / For more than twenty years now, Acoustic Metamaterials are experiencing a growing success, partlydue to exotic phenomena and their wide variety of extremely promising applications: “InvisibilityCloak” is the most vivid example of this. In this thesis, we report on designs of locally resonantacoustic metamaterials, that enable us to generate both sound opacity and transparency. It is moreparticularly coupling between resonators having different forms which is the focus of our work.This study permit us to understand that diffraction is one of the main limitation of omnidirectionalcapabilities involving locally resonant perforated plates, as supported by experimental investigationsrealized using a motorized ultrasonic set-up. We proposed solutions to overcome such a limitation,in the case where the opacity mechanism uses diffraction gratings. From this, we transposed theresults obtained in ultrasonic frequencies to the audible range, which permits us to develop twomain kinds of acoustic devices based on metamaterials: broadband reflectors and low-frequencyabsorbers. Finally, homogenization study of such structures revealed an effect of density near-zero,with applications from shaping wave front, to acoustic furtiveness. Such results paves the way forpromising applications in various field, including construction, automotive and aeronautical industries,submarine acoustics and so on.

Energia interna e espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por esferas ou clilindros: ressonâncias de Fano e suas aplicações a metamateriais / Internal energy and electromagnetic wave scattering by spheres or cylinders: Fano resonances and their applications to metamaterials

Arruda, Tiago José 19 December 2014 (has links)
O espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por partículas isoladas, com propriedades ópticas e formatos arbitrários, encontra aplicações nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento. Usualmente, o espalhamento eletromagnético é investigado via grandezas auferidas na região de campo distante. Para partículas inomogêneas, no entanto, as ressonâncias nas seções de choque de espalhamento podem não corresponder a um aumento de intensidade do campo eletromagnético nas vizinhanças imediatas da partícula (região de campo próximo). Esse efeito pode ser induzido em nanopartículas dielétricas com revestimentos plasmônicos e foi recentemente explicado em termos da ressonância de Fano. Essa ressonância resulta da interferência entre um modo eletromagnético não ressonante (processo de fundo) e um modo discreto ressonante (ressonância de plásmon), produzindo um formato assimétrico de linha espectral. Para o entendimento de como os modos de superfície no campo próximo acoplam-se às ressonâncias nas seções de choque, é necessário o cálculo de funcionais dos campos eletromagnéticos internos às partículas ou em suas vizinhanças imediatas. Neste estudo, calculamos a energia eletromagnética no interior de centros espalhadores nas geometrias esférica e cilíndrica. Fazemos aqui o vínculo dos campos internos às grandezas de espalhamento no campo distante via seção de choque de absorção e conservação de energia. Aplicamos nossos resultados a metamateriais dispersivos, estudando as propriedades do espalhamento por esferas revestidas e por esferas quirais, no regime de refração negativa, e por cilindros revestidos sob incidência oblíqua de radiação. Mediante a energia interna às partículas, demonstramos novos efeitos de aumento de intensidade de campo interno fora da ressonância de espalhamento e fornecemos resultados analíticos para a análise dessas ressonâncias, tanto em espalhamento simples quanto múltiplo. / Electromagnetic wave scattering by single particles with both shapes and optical properties arbitrary finds applications in several areas of knowledge. Usually, the electromagnetic scattering is investigated via measured quantities in the far-field region. However, for inhomogeneous particles, resonances in scattering cross sections may not correspond to the electromagnetic field enhancement in the vicinity of a particle (near-field). This effect can be induced in dielectric nanoparticles with plasmonic coatings, and it has recently been explained in terms of the Fano resonance. The Fano resonance results from the interference between a non-resonant electromagnetic mode (background or continuous) and a resonant discrete mode (localized plasmon resonance), leading to an asymmetric lineshape. To understand how the surface modes in the near-field are connected to the cross section resonances, functionals of the electromagnetic fields within scatterers or in their vicinity are required. In this study, we calculate the electromagnetic energy inside scatterers in both cylindrical and spherical geometries. We obtain a connection between the internal energy and the scattering quantities in the far-field via absorption cross section and energy conservation. We apply our results to dispersive metamaterials, studying scattering properties of coated and chiral spheres in the negative refraction regime, and coated cylinders under oblique incidence of radiation. By the electromagnetic energy inside particles, we demonstrate new off-resonance field enhancement effects and provide analytical tools to analyze these resonances in both single and multiple scattering regimes.

Géométrie des variétés rationnellement connexes / Geometry of rationally connected varieties

Ou, Wenhao 07 December 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie plusieurs sujets sur la géométrie des variétés rationnellement connexes. Une variété complexe est dite rationnellement connexe si par deux points généraux, il passe une courbe rationnelle. Le premier sujet qu'on étudie est la base d'une fibration lagrangienne d'une variété projective irréductible symplectique de dimension quatre. On prouve qu'il y a aux plus deux possibilités pour la base. Dans la deuxième partie, on classifie certain type de variétés de Fano. Enfin, on étudie les structures des variétés rationnellement connexes singulières qui portent des pluri-formes non nulles / In this dissertation, we study several subjects on the geometry of rationally connected varieties. A complex variety is called rationally connected if for two general points, there is a rational curve passing through them. The first subject we study is the base of a Lagrangian fibration of a projective irreducible symplectic fourfold. We prove that there are at most two possibilities for the base. In the second part, we classify certain type of Fano varieties. In the end, we study the structures of singular rationally connected varieties which carry non-zero pluri-forms

Géométrie des variétés de Fano singulières et des fibrés projectifs sur une courbe / Geometry of singular Fano varieties and projective vector bundles over curves

Montero Silva, Pedro Pablo 11 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la géométrie des variétés de Fano et des fibrés projectifs sur une courbe projective lisse.Dans la première partie on étudie la géométrie des variétés de Fano pas trop singulières admettant un diviseur premier de nombre de Picard 1. En étudiant les contractions associées aux rayons extrémaux dans le cône de Mori de ces variétés nous fournissons un théorème de structure en dimension 3 pour les variétés dont le nombre de Picard est maximal. Ensuite, nous traitons le cas des variétés toriques et nous étendons le théorème de structure aux variétés toriques de dimension supérieure à 3 dont le nombre de Picard est maximal. Enfin, nous traitons les relèvements des contractions extrémales aux espaces de revêtement universels en codimension 1.Dans la deuxième partie on étudie les corps de Newton-Okounkov sur les fibrés projectifs sur une courbe projective lisse. En nous inspirant des estimations de Wolfe utilisées pour calculer la fonction de volume sur ces variétés, nous calculons tous les corps de Newton-Okounkov par rapport aux drapeaux linéaires et nous étudions comment ces corps dépendent de la décomposition en cellules de Schubert par rapport aux drapeaux linéaires compatibles avec la filtration de Harder-Narasimhan du fibré. De plus, nous caractérisons les fibrés vectoriels semi-stables sur une courbe projective lisse à l'aide des corps de Newton-Okounkov. / This thesis is devoted to the geometry of Fano varieties and projective vector bundles over a smooth projective curve.In the first part we study the geometry of mildly singular Fano varieties on which there is a prime divisor of Picard number 1. By studying the contractions associated to extremal rays in the Mori cone of these varieties, we provide a structure theorem in dimension 3 for varieties with maximal Picard number. Afterwards, we address the case of toric varieties and we extend the structure theorem to toric varieties of dimension greater than 3 and with maximal Picard number. Finally, we treat the lifting of extremal contractions to universal covering spaces in codimension 1.In the second part we study Newton-Okounkov bodies on projective vector bundles over a smooth projective curve. Inspired by Wolfe's estimates used to compute the volume function on these varieties, we compute all Newton-Okounkov bodies with respect to linear flags and we study how these bodies depend on the Schubert cell decomposition with respect to linear flags which are compatible with the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of the bundle. Moreover, we characterize semi-stable vector bundles over smooth projective curves via Newton-Okounkov bodies.

Interferência Fano antissimétrica assistida por um férmion de Majorana / Antisymmetric Fano interference assisted by a Majorana fermion

Ricco, Luciano Henrique Siliano [UNESP] 29 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUCIANO HENRIQUE SILIANO RICCO null (luciano.silianoricco@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T12:32:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_LucianoRicco.pdf: 7937141 bytes, checksum: 4631857aac8f308808dda1e44b0c0f03 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-04T16:21:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ricco_lhs_me_ilha.pdf: 7937141 bytes, checksum: 4631857aac8f308808dda1e44b0c0f03 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-04T16:21:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ricco_lhs_me_ilha.pdf: 7937141 bytes, checksum: 4631857aac8f308808dda1e44b0c0f03 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Investigou-se teoricamente um sistema composto por um interferômetro do tipo Aharonov- Bohm com dois pontos quânticos, onde um deles encontra-se acoplado à um fio de Kitaev na fase topológica, nos casos em que se desconsidera a interação de Coulomb entre os pontos quânticos (caso não interagente) e quando a mesma é levada em conta (caso interagente). Na primeira situação, verificou-se a presença robusta da anomalia de voltagem zero para ambos os regimes de interferência Fano adotados. Além do mais, constatou-se que o estado de Majorana isolado possui uma maneira singular de quebrar a simetria dos perfis de densidade de transmitância em função da diferença simétrica de energia dos pontos quânticos e da energia de Fermi dos terminais metálicos. Tais perfis podem ser obtidos experimentalmente por medidas de condutância. Na situação de pontos quânticos interagentes em ressonância, verificou-se que a razão entre a magnitude da repulsão de Coulomb e o acoplamento fio-ponto quântico altera a largura da anomalia de voltagem zero em ambos os regimes Fano analisados. Esse fato sugere que a correlação eletrônica influencia o tempo de vida do estado de Majorana no ponto quântico hibridizado diretamente com o fio. Ademais, para a situação de pontos quânticos não ressonantes, a inversão dos valores de energia dos mesmos também modifica a largura da anomalia de voltagem zero, fenômeno que não ocorre para o caso não interagente. Acredita-se que o dispositivo proposto neste trabalho constitui um mecanismo experimental alternativo para detectar excitações de Majorana. / We investigate theoretically a setup composed by an Aharonov-Bohm-like interferometer with two quantum dots, where one of them is coupled to a Kitaev wire within the topological phase, which is explored in two cases: (i) the interdot Coulomb correlation is disregarded (noninteracting case) and (ii) the same is taken into account (interacting case). In the situation (i), we verify the presence of the zero-bias anomaly for the both Fano regimes of interference adopted. Furthermore, we found that an isolated Majorana state has a particular way of breaking the symmetry in transmittance profiles, which can be accessed experimentally by performing electrical conductance measurements. In the situation (ii), for interacting quantum dots in resonance, we notice that the ratio between the Coulomb repulsion strength and the wire-dot coupling changes the width of the zero-bias peak for both Fano regimes analyzed. This feature suggests that the electronic correlation modifies the Majorana state lifetime in the dot directly coupled to the wire. Moreover, for the off-resonance situation, the swap between the energy levels of the dots also changes the width of the Majorana peak, which is not observed in the noninteracting case. The results obtained here can guide experimentalists that pursuit a way of revealing Majorana signatures. / FAPESP: 2014/14143-0

Energia interna e espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por esferas ou clilindros: ressonâncias de Fano e suas aplicações a metamateriais / Internal energy and electromagnetic wave scattering by spheres or cylinders: Fano resonances and their applications to metamaterials

Tiago José Arruda 19 December 2014 (has links)
O espalhamento de ondas eletromagnéticas por partículas isoladas, com propriedades ópticas e formatos arbitrários, encontra aplicações nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento. Usualmente, o espalhamento eletromagnético é investigado via grandezas auferidas na região de campo distante. Para partículas inomogêneas, no entanto, as ressonâncias nas seções de choque de espalhamento podem não corresponder a um aumento de intensidade do campo eletromagnético nas vizinhanças imediatas da partícula (região de campo próximo). Esse efeito pode ser induzido em nanopartículas dielétricas com revestimentos plasmônicos e foi recentemente explicado em termos da ressonância de Fano. Essa ressonância resulta da interferência entre um modo eletromagnético não ressonante (processo de fundo) e um modo discreto ressonante (ressonância de plásmon), produzindo um formato assimétrico de linha espectral. Para o entendimento de como os modos de superfície no campo próximo acoplam-se às ressonâncias nas seções de choque, é necessário o cálculo de funcionais dos campos eletromagnéticos internos às partículas ou em suas vizinhanças imediatas. Neste estudo, calculamos a energia eletromagnética no interior de centros espalhadores nas geometrias esférica e cilíndrica. Fazemos aqui o vínculo dos campos internos às grandezas de espalhamento no campo distante via seção de choque de absorção e conservação de energia. Aplicamos nossos resultados a metamateriais dispersivos, estudando as propriedades do espalhamento por esferas revestidas e por esferas quirais, no regime de refração negativa, e por cilindros revestidos sob incidência oblíqua de radiação. Mediante a energia interna às partículas, demonstramos novos efeitos de aumento de intensidade de campo interno fora da ressonância de espalhamento e fornecemos resultados analíticos para a análise dessas ressonâncias, tanto em espalhamento simples quanto múltiplo. / Electromagnetic wave scattering by single particles with both shapes and optical properties arbitrary finds applications in several areas of knowledge. Usually, the electromagnetic scattering is investigated via measured quantities in the far-field region. However, for inhomogeneous particles, resonances in scattering cross sections may not correspond to the electromagnetic field enhancement in the vicinity of a particle (near-field). This effect can be induced in dielectric nanoparticles with plasmonic coatings, and it has recently been explained in terms of the Fano resonance. The Fano resonance results from the interference between a non-resonant electromagnetic mode (background or continuous) and a resonant discrete mode (localized plasmon resonance), leading to an asymmetric lineshape. To understand how the surface modes in the near-field are connected to the cross section resonances, functionals of the electromagnetic fields within scatterers or in their vicinity are required. In this study, we calculate the electromagnetic energy inside scatterers in both cylindrical and spherical geometries. We obtain a connection between the internal energy and the scattering quantities in the far-field via absorption cross section and energy conservation. We apply our results to dispersive metamaterials, studying scattering properties of coated and chiral spheres in the negative refraction regime, and coated cylinders under oblique incidence of radiation. By the electromagnetic energy inside particles, we demonstrate new off-resonance field enhancement effects and provide analytical tools to analyze these resonances in both single and multiple scattering regimes.

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