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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Paradoxe de l´immigration dans Le Ventre de l´Atlantique de Fatou Diome

Hounkanlinkpe, Louckas January 2016 (has links)
Le but du présent travail est de faire une étude sur Le Ventre de l´Atlantique, de Fatou Diome en analysant la contradiction des idées sur l´immigration de l’auteure. Les résultats de notre étude nous ont permis d’affirmer les préoccupations de l’auteure, celles de déconstruire ce nouveau mythe de l´immigration en démystifiant l’Occident afin que l’immigration ne soit plus perçue comme la solution à tous les problèmes de la misère. / The aim of this memoir is to bring up the contradictions of immigrations ideas in The Belly of the Atlantic of Fatou Diome. Our purpose is to analyze those discrepancies by trying to show up them. The results of our study allowed us to testify the authors concerns which desire is to rebuild that old myth of immigration. Fatou Diome, by demystifying Europe, immigration will be no longer perceived as the bulwark of the poverty troubles.

Le marronnage de l'exil : essai d'une esthétique négro-africaine contemporaine : des précurseurs francophones à Alain Mabanckou et Fatou Diome

Diagne, Khady Fall 12 September 2014 (has links)
Notre sujet de réflexion consistait à penser à ce qui fait lien entre la littérature francophone d’Afrique noire et antillaise, en plus de l’histoire. Nous nous sommes penché sur les stratégies d’écriture déployées par les écrivains, pour se démarquer, pour signifier leur existence, Partant de la pratique du marronnage comme phénomène historique lié à l’esclavage, nous avons amorcé une réflexion sur sa transposition littéraire, à partir de la mythification de la figure du Marron, par des auteurs comme Dayot, Houat, et plus récemment Glissant et Chamoiseau, qui ont pu développer une esthétique de la survivance, valoriser l’ identité du Marron, héraut du peuple antillais dans la résistance à l’esclavage. L’essentiel de notre travail a porté sur l’élargissement de ce thème du marronnage aux périodes coloniale et postcoloniale, en posant comme postulat l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une forme de marronnage intellectuel comme fondement d’une esthétique négro-africaine, instauré par les précurseurs de la Négritude, Senghor et Césaire, dont le travail le plus original, mais souvent négligé, a été la conquête d’une langue de la négritude. Les écrivains contemporains francophones d’Afrique noire, à l’instar d’Alain Mabanckou et de Fatou Diome, dans un contexte inscrit dans une dynamique mondialiste et un espace littéraire conditionnés par les diktats d’une critique eurocentriste, ont pratiqué une forme de marronnage ( trans) esthétique, mais aussi par une surconscience linguistique redoublée, en développant des stratégies destinées à inscrire subversivement au cœur de la langue l’empreinte d’une déviance revendiquée, comme seul moyen de signifier son identité. / Our subject of reflection consisted in thinking of what makes link between the French-speaking literature of subsaharian Africa and the Antilles, in addition to the history. We dealt with the writing strategies deployed by the authors, to stand out, to reveal their existence. On the basis of the French word “marronnage”, taking its name from Spanish “Cimarron” used to qualify this historical phenomenon related to slavery, we started to think about its literary transposition. The literary mythologizing of the Maroon by authors such as Eugène Dayot, Louis-Timagène Houat, and more recently Glissant, has enabled to develop aesthetics of the survival, to value the identity of the Marron, herald of the Antillean people, in the resistance to slavery. The main part of our work was about the extension of this theme of the marronnage to the colonial and postcolonial periods, by setting as postulate the hypothesis of the existence of a form of intellectual marronnage as foundation of negro-African aesthetics, established by the forerunners of the Negritude, Senghor and Césaire, whose most original but often unknown work was the conquest of a language of the negritude. The French-speaking contemporary writers of subsaharian Africa, for instance Alain Mabanckou and Fatou Diome, in a context of an internationalist dynamics and a literary space conditioned by the diktats of an eurocentrist criticism, applied a form of ( trans ) esthetic marronnage, but also with a doubled “linguistic surconscience”, by developing strategies intended for subversively setting at the heart of the language the print of a claimed abnormality, as only means to make their identity known.


Ibrahim, Loren January 2018 (has links)
Le but de ce mémoire est d’analyser la condition et la conception des femmes dans le roman Le Ventre de l’Atlantique de Fatou Diome. Cette analyse est effectuée à la lumière des travaux de plusieurs écrivaines africaines. Fatou Diome évoque et dénonce la position de la femme sur l’île de Niodior au travers de nombreuses thématiques telles que : la soumission, le mariage forcé, la stérilité, la polygamie, la société́ patriarcale, la femme traditionnelle, la femme moderne, la liberté́, la femme en tant qu’objet et victime des coutumes et traditions. / The purpose of this essay is to analyze the condition and conception of women in Fatou Diome's novel Le Ventre de l’Atlantique. This analysis is done in light of the work of several African women writers. Fatou Diome evokes and denounces the position of the women on the island of Niodior through many topics such as submission, forced marriage, infertility, polygamy, patriarchal society, traditional versus modern woman, freedom, women as objects as victims of customs and traditions.

« Moi d’ici, moi de là-bas » : La géographie imaginaire du roman Le Ventre de l’Atlantique de Fatou Diome / « Me here, me there » : The imaginative geography in the novel Le Ventre de l’Atlantique by Fatou Diome

Riomar, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente étude est d’explorer la « géographie imaginaire » du roman Le Ventre de l’Atlantique, écrit par Fatou Diome. Le concept de la « géographie imaginaire » décrit les rapports de domination spatiale et la construction d’un « Autre », entièrement différent de « nous » (Saïd, 1980). Les deux pays du roman, la France et le Sénégal, sont analysés comme deux sphères inconciliables, associées aux oppositions comme nous – l’Autre, individualisme – collectivisme, rationalité - superstition. Deux images spatiales sont discutées dans ce mémoire: l’île Niodior au Sénégal et l‘océan Atlantique. L’isolation de l’île Niodior renforce la séparation en deux espaces opposés, alors que l’Atlantique constitue un élément parfois chargé de forces magiques, lié à la vie et à la mort. Evoquant l’idée d’hybridité, le roman montre également des espaces et des identités alternatifs, qui transgressent la structure coloniale. / The object of this study is to explore the « imaginative geography » in the novel Le ventre de l’Atlantique, written by Fatou Diome. The concept of « imaginative geography » describes relations of spatial domination and the construction of the « Other », entirely different from « us » (Saïd, 1978). The two countries in the novel, France and Senegal, are analysed as two irreconcilable spheres, associated with oppositions such as we – the Other, individualism – collectivism, rationality – superstition. Two spatial images are discussed in this study: the island of Niodior in Senegal and the Atlantic Ocean. The isolation of Niodior reinforces the separation into two opposed spheres, while the Atlantic Ocean constitutes an element charged with magical forces, connected to life and death. Referring to the idea of hybridity, the novel also presents alternative spaces and identities, transgressing the colonial structure.

La transculturation dans Le Ventre de l’Atlantique et La Préférence Nationale de Fatou Diome.

Van Gheel, Peter January 2023 (has links)
Ce travail, portant sur deux œuvres de Fatou Diome que sont Le Ventrede l’Atlantique et la Préférence nationale, vise à analyser le processus qui mène àla transculturalité et les problèmes liés à l’hybridité. Les recherches menées nousont permis de mieux comprendre comment se manifeste la transculturalité chez les personnages de Fatou Diome de même que leurs problèmes d’intégration dans leurs différentes sociétés. / This work, focusing on two works by Fatou Diome, Le Ventre de l’Atlantique and La Préférence nationale, aims to analyze the process which leads to transculturality and the problems related to hybridity. The research carried out permits us to understand better how transculturality manifests itself in the characters of Fatou Diome as well as their problems of integration into their different societies.

La migration : Un voyage clandestin vers l'Espagne dans Celles qui attendent de Fatou Diome. / Migration : A clandestine trip to Spain in Those who wait  in Fatou Diome

Chincócolo, Noemia Bernardete January 2018 (has links)
Fatou Diome describes in Celles qui attendent (2013), the reasons of clandestine journey of Lamine and Issa. The story of the novel happened in Afrika, in Niodior in Senegal and in part of Europe, in Spain. Diome also focuses on four women of Niodior Island: Arame, Bougna, Daba and Coumba. The objectives of the dissertation are to study and to translate Diome's novel by analyzing the ideas she presents on the clandestine journey and the impact  of migration of Africans to Europe. The research question is: How does Diome present  in the novel of Celles qui attendent, the stakes of migration? To answer the question we analyze  the following themes: The traditions and the conditions of women, the clandestine journey, the clandestine life, those awaiting, the effects of migration and the youth. The methodology of the work is to analyse the novel Celles qui attendent (2013), using the theories of Simone de Beauvoir. Documents on studies on migration and undocumented are developed in the thesis (Migrationsverket 2018). The analysis shows that the economic situation of the women greatly impacted on te journey of the two young men in the novel. / nej

Vers de nouveaux horizons dans la litterature feminine d'Afrique subsaharienne: de Mariama Ba a nos jours

Abadie, Pascale 28 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Une étude féministe et socio-culturelle du rôle des femmes, et son impact sur elles-mêmes et leur environnement dans Celles qui attendent de Fatou Diome / A Feminist and Socio-cultural study of the Women's role and its impact on themselves and their environment in Fatou Diome's Celles qui attendent

Vuollet, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Abstract From a feminist and socio-cultural perspective, this study examines the roles of women in Fatou Diome’s novel Celles qui attendent (2010), and the impact these roles have on the women and their environment. Feminism is a universal concept, but it can have different meanings depending on geographical, cultural, religious, and historical factors. This paper discusses a specific feminist approach, namely African sub-Saharan feminism, by comparing it with Western feminist theory, specifically that of Simone de Beauvoir. With the aim of understanding which feminist ideas are reflected in the novel, the study compares and analyses specific situations in socio-cultural contexts, in which each of the four female protagonists finds themselves. The main questions addressed in the study are: how do the traditional roles of women described in Celles qui attendent (2010) affect the women themselves and the community in which they find themselves? How are feminist ideas expressed in the novel? The study reveals that in the struggle to maintain the most existential life (in a generally poor environment), the protagonists fight daily to improve the situation for their families. In this struggle, the women show a strength that in many cases exceeds that of the men in the novel. Therefore, for the four protagonists in Celles qui attendent (2010), the feminist struggle is not about liberation from male domination, but rather about subsisting theirs lives with dignity.

Kulturell identitet i En halv gul sol och Atlantens mage : En postkolonial läsning av två icke-västerländska romaner

Oxblod, Simon January 2013 (has links)
This study analyses two non-western novels used in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school: Fatou Diomes The Belly of the Atlantic and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies Half a Yellow Sun. Looking at how the books female main character relate to Stuart Halls theory of cultural identity, I come to the conclusion that they somewhat differently relate to an essential ”authentic” self. Salie talks explicit about a generic African soul that she possesses. Olanna never talks about anything ”authentic”, but her narrative and contrary subject positions can be read as a way of demasking her European ”white” self in favour of a truer Igbo self. I also come to the conclusion that both novels use themes of alienation related to gender structures and positioned westernness and that this kind of reading could contribute to interesting classroom discussions about a dynamic interpretation on culture and identity.

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