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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficient commuter craft for urban waterborne public transportation

Cheemakurthy, Harsha January 2021 (has links)
There has been a recent surge in interest in waterborne public transportation (WPT). Publictransport providers (PTP) are seeing its potential in complementing the existing transportnetwork and alleviating urban traffic congestion and pollution. But the adoption of WPTtoday is challenging due to a series of technical and implementation challenges. Thesechallenges include ferry procurement practices, local legislation and policies andenvironmental factors like winter ice. Several of these challenges can be alleviated if efficientferries can be made accessible off-the-shelf with a low manufacturing time and cost. Thethesis focuses on developing such a ferry concept based on modular design whose overalldimensions are standardized and internal arrangement is customizable towards operationalrequirements, with a focus towards sustainable and safe operations in ice.Starting with the characterization of WPT, ferry routes are broadly classified into three types.These routes are described with an operational requirements framework considering allrelevant stakeholder expectations. Then, overall dimensions of vessels representative ofWPT are deduced. Using these dimensions to standardize the overall dimensions, a modularferry concept is developed as an assembly of modules and submodules. The modules arepresented as standardized units having fixed dimensions and interfaces whose internalarrangements can be tailored to meet operational requirements. Design standardizationlowers costs and manufacturing time while internal customization favours tailoring the ferryconcept. One challenge associated with this for the PTP is the difficulty in choosingappropriate modules among multiple alternatives. This is overcome through thedevelopment of a ranking and selection method which benchmarks competing designs andhelps in decision making.In terms of technical challenges for the developed ferry concept, cities like Stockholmexperience freezing of water bodies during winter months. For reliable year-roundoperations that are safe and sustainable in terms of economy and environment, there is aneed for the development of lightweight and robust ice going hulls. This thesis lays thefoundation for the development of such hulls by studying the prevalent ice data and proposesa probabilistic method for estimating the design ice pressures.One must rely on probabilistic methods since most experimental studies are based on seaice whose mechanical properties are different from freshwater ice, which is typical for WPT.Traditionally, classification society rules like the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rules are usedfor first year light ice conditions which were developed for the Baltic Sea consideringicebreaker vessels. They work well in ensuring a safe design, but their performance forfreshwater ice, applied to commuter ferries have not been tested. Therefore, a probabilisticapproach is adopted where the unknown parameters are incorporated as random variables.The probabilistic method reduces the hull-ice interaction to a pressure and contact-arearelationship. With arctic datasets that closely match WPT conditions as the parent dataset,the probabilistic method is calibrated with exposure conditions for WPT to give the designpressure-area curve. The different uncertainties arising from operations in ice are studied using a statistical tool and the leading source of uncertainty is attributed to ice-loadprediction methods. This establishes the need for more robust methods for prediction of iceloads so that a lightweight, yet robust hull may be designed which is efficient in terms of fueleconomy and emissions.WPT presents a tremendous opportunity in complementing the existing transport network.With careful design and development of the modular ferry concept and its technicalchallenges, it would be easier for PTPs to adopt WPT globally. / De senaste decenniet har intresset ökat för kollektivtrafik på vatten (WPT).Kollektivtrafikleverantörer ser potential att minska trängsel och utsläpp och tillförakapacitet genom att utnyttja de urbana vattenvägarna. Men realiseringen har utmaningar,så väl tekniska som relaterade till regelverk och systempraxis. Dessa omfattar inköp av färjoroch upphandling av vattenburen trafik, lokal lagstiftning och policyer, miljöfaktorer ochdessutom isen vintertid. Flera av dessa utmaningar kan hanteras om effektiva färjor kangöras lättillgängliga med kort tillverkningstid till ett pris i paritet med övrig kollektivtrafik.Avhandlingen fokuserar på att utveckla ett färjekoncept baserat på modulär design medövergripande, standardiserade, dimensioner och med möjlighet att anpassa inredningenefter operativa krav.Efter karaktäriseringen av WPT klassificeras färjerutter i tre kategorier. Dessa rutterbeskrivs i ett operativt ramverk som beaktar relevanta intressenters förväntningar. Därefterbestäms de övergripande dimensionerna för WPT fartyg. Baserat på dessa utvecklas ettmodulärt färjekoncept som en sammansättning av moduler och delmoduler. Modulerna harstandarddimensioner och gränssnitt så att arrangemang kan skräddarsys för att uppfyllaaktuella operativa krav. En utmaning med det modulära färjekonceptet är svårigheten attbedöma vilken kombination av moduler som är bäst när det finns många möjligakombinationer som uppfyller en kravprofil. För att hantera detta utvecklas en rankningsochurvalsmetod för att kunna jämföra konkurrerande lösningar och därmed ge stöd i valetav design.En teknisk utmaning i städer som Stockholm är isen vintertid. För tillförlitlig trafik, åretrunt, som är både säker och hållbar, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt, finns det ett behov avutveckling av lätta och starka skrov som tål att operera i is. Avhandlingen närmar sigutvecklingen av sådana skrov genom att föreslå lämpliga isdata och en sannolikhetsbaseradmetod för att uppskatta dimensionerande isbelastningar.Is för nordiska WPT förhållanden är vanligtvis sötvattensis, vars mekaniska egenskaperskiljer sig från havsis. De flesta studier som beskriver isegenskaper är experimentella ochbaserade på havsis där man måste förlita sig på probabilistiska metoder för att ta hänsyn tillosäkerheter. Traditionellt används regler från klassificeringssällskap, som de finsk-svenskaisklassreglerna FSICR för första års isförhållanden vilket utvecklats för Östersjön ochisbrytande fartyg. Reglerna fungerar för att säkerställa en säker konstruktion men hur välde är anpassade för att dimensionera effektiva pendelfärjor i sötvattenis har inte utretts. Iavhandlingen antas ett probabilistiskt tillvägagångssätt där de okända parametrarna antassom slumpmässiga variabler. Den probabilistiska metoden förenklar interaktionen mellanskrov och is till ett förhållande mellan tryck och kontaktyta. Med publicerad data, som näramatchar WPT-förhållanden, som bas, kalibreras den probabilistiska metoden tillexponeringsförhållanden för WPT för att formulera den dimensionerande tryck-kurvan. Deolika osäkerhetsfaktorerna vid operation i is studeras med statistisk analys som visar att denfrämsta källan till osäkerhet är just förutsägelsen av isbelastningen. Detta fastställer behovet av mer robusta metoder för förutsägelse av isbelastningar så att ett lätt, men ändå starktskrov kan utformas som är effektivt med avseende på bränsleekonomi och utsläpp.WPT ger stora möjligheter att komplettera ett befintligt kollektivtrafik nätverk. Mednoggrann design och tillämpning av det modulära färjekonceptet kan det bli enklare att tatillvara möjligheterna runt om i världen.

Dismantling the Dichotomy of Cowardice and Courage in the American Civil War

Schindler, Mauren A., Schindler 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Probabilistic Added Wave Resistance Predictions for Design of RoPax Ferries / Probabilistiska Beräkningsmetoder av Adderat Vågmotstånd för Design av RoPax Fartyg

Viinikka, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates reasons for significant uncertainties in added wave resistance predictionsand how wave conditions can potentially affect the design of RoPax ferries. The objectiveis to find a suitable prediction method of added wave resistance for the RoPax ferry designapplication. Furthermore, the wave environment on the route strongly influences this delicateand complex phenomenon. Thus, the emphasis is to understand the added wave resistancethrough a case study with a probabilistic wave environment.The fast transition into decarbonization and regulations regarding energy-efficient ship designhave ramped up the awareness of the influence of seaways. For lower speeds, the addedresistance becomes a more significant part of total resistance, with concerns regarding minimumpropulsion power and safe maneuvering in adverse sea conditions. Consequently, the demandhas rocketed for profound insight and accurate prediction methods of added wave resistance. Inaddition, with new larger ships, added wave resistance domain for short waves becomes essentialand an additional challenge regarding predictions. Nevertheless, added wave resistancepredictions are complex and contain many pitfalls, so accurate estimations of the ship’s addedwave resistance response and wave environment are crucial. In addition, added wave resistanceis very ship-specific, and published research for RoPax ferries is rare.Due to significant uncertainties for general numerical methods, the study investigates a new(modified NTUA) semi-empirical method refined for ships with a large beam-to-draft ratio.In addition, a realistic wave environment is included by selecting relevant wave spectra forconditions on the route.The study shows that significant variances of added wave resistance predictions arise fromselecting prediction methods beyond the range of applicability and rough assumptions of waveconditions and spectra. The case study discovered that errors might also be introduced bythe classification society definitions, which gives reasons to rethink the applied definition of"average BF 8" wave conditions for Safe Return to Port (SRtP) assessments. This can causea false illusion of the ship’s performance and safety in waves. Only the misjudgment ofthe most critical peak period resulted in a rough underestimation (> 40%) of mean addedwave resistance. The error corresponded to 215% of the still water resistance for the SRtPassessment. In addition, the nature of added wave resistance is very ship specific. Therefore, theauthor emphasizes caution when selecting the prediction method, especially for semi-empiricalmethods. Despite the first promising glance of the applied semi-empirical method, it appearsthat the ship database correlates poorly for RoPax ferries. Reliability for the method is weak forshort waves, with a tendency to large overestimations. The lack of references of RoPax vesselsfor validations, accident statics in adverse sea conditions and recent insight into nonlinear effectsrequest further research on added wave resistance for modern hull shapes. / Den här studien undersöker orsaker till stora osäkerheter i adderade vågmotståndsberäkningaroch hur vågförhållanden eventuellt kan påverka designen av RoPax-färjor. Målet är att hittaen tillämpbar beräkningsmetod för adderat vågmotstånd för RoPax-designapplikationer. Dettakänsliga och komplexa fenomenet påverkas starkt av vågmiljön längs med rutten. Därför ärtyngdpunkten att förstå det adderade vågmotståndet genom en fallstudie med en probabilistiskvågmiljö.Den snabba övergången av minskat koldioxidutsläpp och designriktlinjerna för energieffektivafartyg har drivit fram förståelsen av sjövägarna inverkan. För lägre hastigheter utgör de adderademotstånd en mer betydande del av det totala motståndet, vilket har skapat oro för otillräckligframdrivningskraft och förlust av manövreringsförmåga under ogynnsamma sjöförhållanden.Därmed har efterfrågan ökat för djupare förståelse och noggranna beräkningsmetoder föradderat vågmotstånd. Dessutom, för allt större fartyg, blir också den adderade vågmotstånds-domänen för korta vågor dominerande och ytterligare en utmaning för beräkningsmetoderna.Eftersom adderade vågmotståndsberäkningarna är komplexa och omfattar många fallgropar,så därför är noggranna uppskattningar av fartygetsresponsen för adderad vågmotstånd ochvågmiljön avgörande. Dessutom är adderade vågmotståndet väldigt fartygsspecifikt, och publi-cerad forskning för RoPax-färjor är sällsynta.På grund av betydande osäkerheter för allmänna numeriska metoder utforskar studien enny (modifierad NTUA) semi-empirisk metod anpassad för fartyg med ett stort skeppbredd-djupgående förhållande. Dessutom inkluderas en realistisk vågmiljö genom att välja relevantavågspektra baserat på ruttens förhållanden.Studien visar att omfattande variationer av adderade vågmotståndsberäkningar uppstår genomatt välja beräkningsmetoder utanför dess tillämpningsområde, och grova antaganden om våg-förhållanden och vågspektra. Fallstudien upptäckte att fel också kan introduceras genomklassificeringssällskapets definitioner, vilket ger skäl att överväga den tillämpade definitionen av”genomsnittliga Beauforts 8"vågförhållanden för Safe Return to Port (SRtP) utredningar. Dettakan orsaka en falsk illusion av fartygets prestanda och säkerhet i vågor. Endast felbedömningenav den kritiska pik-perioden resulterade i en grov underskattning (> 40%) av den genomsnittligaadderade vågmotståndet. Felet motsvarade 215% av lugnvatten motståndet för SRtP-utredningen.Dessutom är karaktären av adderat vågmotstånd mycket fartygsspecifik. Därför framhållerförfattaren försiktighet för val av beräkningsmetoden, speciellt för semi-empiriska metoder.Trots en lovande första anblicken av det tillämpade semi-empiriska metoden, verkar det somom fartygsdatabasen korrelerar dåligt för RoPax-fartyg. Tillförlitligheten för metoden är svagför korta vågor, med en tendens till stora överskattningar. Bristen på RoPax-referenser förvalidering, olycksstatistiken för RoPax-fartyg och den senaste tidens insikt i icke-linjära effekterger anledning för vidare forskning om adderat vågmotstånd för moderna skrovformer.

The Secret Six and Their Theory of Autonomous Individualism

Tatom, E. Lynn 12 1900 (has links)
This paper focuses on the Secret Six who consisted of Theodore Parker, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, Samuel Gridley Howe, George Luther Stearns, and Gerrit Smith, and the concepts that these men believed in regarding the type of society they wanted established in the United States. The dominant theme in the minds of this Secret Six was the romantic belief in the free individual. The belief in the free individual living in a free, progressive society held out the promise that America could become a perfect community of autonomous individuals and an example for all the world. But the Secret Six realized that for America to be this perfect community of autonomous individuals, America had to be freed of any determinism in its institutions. These six crusaders had such faith in their theories of individualism, that they abandoned moral persuasion and accepted violence as the principal means of establishing their society. These men believed that only the type of an individual who was willing to use violence if necessary and to die for the dictates of his conscience, could reform America into a community that exemplified to the world a belief in the free individual.


PINCHETTI, ANNA LISA 01 April 2015 (has links)
La tesi intende analizzare l’idea coloniale in Francia durante la Terza Repubblica, le modalità attraverso cui essa veniva veicolata e gli argomenti con cui l’espansione veniva giustificata. Dopo un’introduzione storica, la ricerca si concentra sulle diverse “voci” che concorsero alla promozione e propaganda coloniale. Vengono analizzati il contributo dei diversi attori – primo fra tutti il “parti colonial” - che parteciparono a sostenere le motivazioni dell’espansione, oltre alle modalità e ai canali utilizzati, in un contesto in cui l’opinione pubblica era restia ad affezionarsi e a comprendere la necessità di un impero. La parte successiva si concentra sui contenuti del discorso di giustificazione e motivazione dell’imperialismo francese, tramite il richiamo di alcuni teorici e politici del periodo e dei principali temi -economici, politici e umanitari (la cd. “mission civilisatrice”) - evocati in tale contesto. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato in modo particolare alla diffusione della cosiddette “scienze coloniali” e alla creazione, influenzata dall’esigenza di formare i futuri amministratori coloniali, di cattedre o sezioni coloniali negli istituti di studi superiori. E’ possibile in tal modo individuare un collegamento tra diversi gruppi ed entità operanti nel campo politico, economico e scientifico e, attraverso l’analisi degli appunti dei corsi, esaminare in che modo l’idea coloniale fosse trasmessa in tale ambito. / The research aims at analyzing the colonial idea in France during the Third Republic, the different ways it was conveyed and the main themes adopted to justify the colonial expansion. After a first historical overview, the second chapter focuses on the different actors that contributed in promoting the colonies and the colonial propaganda (above all the “parti colonial”), in a context in which the majority of the French citizens seemed not really interested in supporting the colonial empire nor in understanding its needs and methods. Subsequently, the research analyzes the different themes the supporters of the French colonial movement adopted to justify the need of a colonial empire at the economic, political and “humanitarian” levels. The last chapter is focused on the diffusion of the “colonial sciences” and the creation of ad hoc colonial sections or schools aimed at training the future colonial administrators. The analysis highlights the links between the different actors of the political, economic and scientific circles. Also, thanks to the exam of the student’s notes it is possible to see how the colonial idea was conveyed in this field.

Smart City concepts and their approach on sustainability, transportation and tourism – Waterborne transportation, an opportunity for sustainability?

Hönninger, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Due to urbanization and the population of cities producing up to 75% of emission, Smart City concepts, looking at sustainability and more efficiency within the city, with the help of IoT and ICT based technology, are seen as an opportunity to act future-oriented, today. Construction and transportation are seen as the main contributors on the way of change from energy consumption to energy production. Enhancing infrastructure to improve the quality of all sorts of public transportation is thus of utter importance to governance, interested in Smart City concepts. Looking at the literature, waterborne transportation has not received much scientific attention in the context of being implemented into Smart City initiatives. This systematic literature research draws logical conclusions from the researched literature. The research concludes with a research agenda for future research to deepen the knowledge in the explanatory field of waterborne transportation making use of Smart City technologies. The main findings of this thesis are: First, waterborne transportation poses a threat to the environment and impacts sustainability of water bodies, as well as the environment surrounding them. Second, Smart City technologies can successfully be implemented in waterborne transportation when carefully planned. Barriers for the implementation of Smart City concepts can be lack of knowledge, investment, data security and readiness of infrastructure. These can be overcome through the help of collaboration and knowledge sharing among the involved stakeholders. Third, the image of the industry can be shifted, as well as its direct impact and the indirect use of waterborne transportation can be made more sustainable and ecosystem friendly. This transition attracts further customers, who otherwise were not willing to use waterborne transportation. In order to make waterborne transportation more sustainable and part of the Smart City movement, knowledge needs to be deepened and awareness about the topic needs to be spread. Its use of Smart City technologies needs to be further investigated, looking at specific types and tailored solutions for them, as well as how beneficial such an investment can be for governments and companies regarding ecological costs and their image. This thesis mainly aims to help scholars, interested in further research to deepen the knowledge on waterborne transportation in a sustainability context, but also companies and governance, looking to make waterborne transportation more sustainable.

New modelling and simulation methods to support clean marine propulsion

Grant, Michael 24 August 2021 (has links)
The marine industry has increased its adoption of pure-electric, diesel-electric, and other non-traditional propulsion architectures to reduce ship emissions and fuel consumption. While these technologies can improve performance, the design of a propulsion system becomes challenging, given that no single technology is superior across all vessel types. Furthermore, even identical ships with different operating patterns may be better suited to different propulsion technologies. Addressing this problem, previous research has shown that if key elements of a vessel's operational pro file are known, simulation and optimization techniques can be employed to evaluate multiple propulsion architectures and result in a better propulsion system design and energy management strategy for a given vessel. While these studies have demonstrated the performance improvements that can be achieved from optimizing clean marine propulsion systems, they rely on vessel operational profiles obtained through physical measurement from existing ships. From a practical point of view, the optimization of a vessel's propulsion system needs to occur prior to a vessel's construction and thus precludes physical measurement. To this end, this thesis introduces a marine simulation platform for producing vessel operational profiles which enable propulsion system optimization during the ship design process. Core subsystem modules are constructed for simulating ship motions in 3 degrees of freedom and result in operational profile time-series, including propulsion power. Data is acquired from a benchmark vessel to validate the simulation. Results show the proposed approach strikes a balance between speed, accuracy, and complexity compared with other available tools. / Graduate

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