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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The study of neural networks and their application to ship modelling and control

Zhang, Yao January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Simulation of ship manoeuvring

Pourzanjani, M. M. A. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Landbaserad lotsning : Möjligheter och begränsningar / Shorebased pilotage : Potentials and limitations

Green, Peter, Haglund, Emil January 2009 (has links)
<p>Efter ett förslag om förändring och modernisering av lotsverksamheten lades fram, där det föreslogs att landbaserad lotsning eventuellt införs i framtiden, beslutade vi att undersöka och jämföra åsikter från verksamma inom lotsväsendet.</p><p>Det finns risk att man förlorar viktiga delar av en väldigt stor kunskapsbank, om man inte tar tillvara på denna genom att beakta lotsarnas synvinklar, vid ett utvecklande och moderniserande av lotssystemet.</p><p>Syftet var att kartlägga och kategorisera vad det finns för möjligheter och begränsningar med dagens lotssystem i förhållande till landbaserad lotsning. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ, fenomenografisk undersökning, där vi använt oss av intervjuer med öppna frågeställningar.</p><p>Det visade sig att det var lätt att se begränsningar med ett införande av landbaserad lotsning, främst på grund av att lotsarna inte anser sig kunna utföra sitt arbete på ett tillfredställande sätt. Den ekonomiska vinsten rådde det delade meningar om, men majoriteten ansåg att besparingen skulle bli obefintlig.</p> / <p>After a proposal of a reformation of the Swedish pilot system was expressed, where it proposed that shore-based pilotage will be implemented in the future, we decided to investigate and compare opinions from involved persons. There is a risk of losing important parts of a very large knowledge-base, if the pilots’ opinions are not taken into consideration, in the event of development of the pilot system.</p><p>The purpose was to examine and categorize the possibilities and limitation with the pilot system of today in relation to shore-based pilotage.</p><p>We have performed a qualitative, phenomenografic research, where we have used interviews with open questions.</p><p>It was easy to find limitations if shore-based pilotage should be implemented, mostly because the pilots did not expect to be able to perform their work in a satisfactory way. The opinions regarding the economical profit differ, but the majority thought that the savings would be nonexistent.</p>

Landbaserad lotsning : Möjligheter och begränsningar / Shorebased pilotage : Potentials and limitations

Green, Peter, Haglund, Emil January 2009 (has links)
Efter ett förslag om förändring och modernisering av lotsverksamheten lades fram, där det föreslogs att landbaserad lotsning eventuellt införs i framtiden, beslutade vi att undersöka och jämföra åsikter från verksamma inom lotsväsendet. Det finns risk att man förlorar viktiga delar av en väldigt stor kunskapsbank, om man inte tar tillvara på denna genom att beakta lotsarnas synvinklar, vid ett utvecklande och moderniserande av lotssystemet. Syftet var att kartlägga och kategorisera vad det finns för möjligheter och begränsningar med dagens lotssystem i förhållande till landbaserad lotsning. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ, fenomenografisk undersökning, där vi använt oss av intervjuer med öppna frågeställningar. Det visade sig att det var lätt att se begränsningar med ett införande av landbaserad lotsning, främst på grund av att lotsarna inte anser sig kunna utföra sitt arbete på ett tillfredställande sätt. Den ekonomiska vinsten rådde det delade meningar om, men majoriteten ansåg att besparingen skulle bli obefintlig. / After a proposal of a reformation of the Swedish pilot system was expressed, where it proposed that shore-based pilotage will be implemented in the future, we decided to investigate and compare opinions from involved persons. There is a risk of losing important parts of a very large knowledge-base, if the pilots’ opinions are not taken into consideration, in the event of development of the pilot system. The purpose was to examine and categorize the possibilities and limitation with the pilot system of today in relation to shore-based pilotage. We have performed a qualitative, phenomenografic research, where we have used interviews with open questions. It was easy to find limitations if shore-based pilotage should be implemented, mostly because the pilots did not expect to be able to perform their work in a satisfactory way. The opinions regarding the economical profit differ, but the majority thought that the savings would be nonexistent.

How Does Russia Avoid the Economic Impacts of Western Sanctions?

Joy, Matthew January 2024 (has links)
Abstract This thesis discusses how the impact and effectiveness of sanctions has shifted to be less significant in parallel with the shift to global multipolarity from a previously bipolar world. This topic is analysed by conducting a comprehensive case study of how Russia, despite being the most sanctioned state in the world, is able to maintain its economic stability and even growth due to the new multipolar landscape of global power relations. The case of Russia’s avoidance of sanctions is analysed by conducting a mixed method case study which uses both qualitative and quantitative data through the theoretical framework of Realism and Realist conceptualisations of power. This thesis contributes to the academic discussion regarding sanctions by building upon Early’s (2009) triadic model to describe more accurately the methods by which third party states assist in the avoidance of sanctions. Through this case study, Russia’s success at sanction avoidance is attributed to the involvement of third-party states in circumventing sanctions’ restrictions.

Installation av VDR på Calmare Nyckel

Alinder, Gertrud January 2016 (has links)
Genom detta arbete installerades en färdskrivaranläggning, Voyage Data Recorder, på sjöfartshögskolans fartyg Calmare Nyckel. Syftet med installationen var att skapa ett hjälpmedel till läraren då denne ska ge återkoppling på nautikerelevernas manöverövningar med fartyget. Arbetet utfördes i projektform under sista året på sjöingenjörsprogrammet samt bitvis under de tre efterföljande åren. Resultatet blev en anläggning som spelar in informationen från den bryggutrustning som bedömts vara central för att korrekt kunna återspegla en körning med fartyget, samt möjligheten att kunna återuppspela denna information. / Through this exam work, a Voyage Data Recorder was installed on the Kalmar Maritime Academy’s school ship Calmare Nyckel. The purpose of the installation was to create a tool for the teachers when they are giving feedback on the students’ manoeuvring exercises with the school ship. This work was made in project form during the last year of the marine engineer programme and partly during the following three years. The result was an installation that records the information from the bridge equipment that was judged to be central to be able to correctly mirror the manoeuvring of the ship, and the possibility to replay this information.

Emission Reduction During Ship Maneuvering Motions Through Optimum Propeller Selection / Emissionsminskning Under Skeppsmanövreringsrörelser Genom Optimalt Val av Propeller

Ziaei Dehbarez, Ali January 2024 (has links)
In 2018, the shipping industry accounted for 2.89% of worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with carbon dioxide (CO2) being the most significant GHG affecting global warming (IMO, 2020). This research aims to introduce a method for selecting propellers at the early design stage to lower CO2 emissions from ships.Traditionally, propeller design assumes that a ship travels in a straight line at a constant speed. However, real-sea conditions involve environmental forces and ship maneuvering, requiring frequent adjustments in speed and direction. These adjustments affect the flow angle and velocity at the propeller, causing it to operate outside its design point and, as a result, reducing its efficiency.To tackle this issue, a MATLAB-based simulation program was developed. Which predicts ship maneuvering motions in 4 degrees of freedom (DOF)—surge, sway, yaw, and roll—using the MMG model. The program applies wave and wind forces, calculates ship motion responses in each iteration, and employs two controllers to manage the rudder and propeller speed, ensuring the ship stays on course and arrives on time.The optimization process is iterative, using simulation outcomes to determine propeller speed, thrust, drift angle, etc., and then selecting an optimized propeller with the program's optimization tool that is more adequate for the operational condition.Building on Trodden's (2014) work, this approach improves maneuvering simulations' accuracy by incorporating ship rolling motion, more realistic wave modeling, and more accurate hydrodynamic coefficients. This offers a closer representation of operational conditions.Case studies comparing this method with the traditional approach to propeller selection have shown the simulation program's precision and its effectiveness in improving propeller open water efficiency by 1.65% and reducing CO2 emissions by 1.47% for a Pure Car Carrier (PCC) ship. The results of the research showed a promising potential for the program to predict ship maneuvering motions in real-sea conditions and optimize the propeller. / År 2018 stod sjöfartsindustrin för 2,89 % av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser (GHG), där koldioxid (CO2) är den mest betydande växthusgasen som påverkar den globala uppvärmningen (IMO, 2020). Denna forskning syftar till att introducera en metod för val av propellrar i det tidiga designskedet för att sänka CO2-utsläppen från fartyg.Traditionellt antar propellerdesignen att ett fartyg reser i rakt linje med konstant hastighet. Men verkliga sjöförhållanden involverar miljöpåverkan och fartygsmanövreringar, vilket kräver frekventa justeringar av hastighet och riktning. Dessa justeringar påverkar flödesvinkeln och hastigheten vid propellern, vilket gör att den opererar utanför sin designpunkt och som ett resultat minskar dess effektivitet. För att ta itu med denna fråga utvecklades ett MATLAB-baserat simuleringsprogram. Programmet förutsäger fartygsmanövreringsrörelser i 4 frihetsgrader (DOF) - surge, sway, yaw och roll - med användning av MMG-modellen. Programmet tillämpar våg- och vindkrafter, beräknar fartygsrörelsesvar i varje iteration och använder två kontrollanter för att hantera rodret och propellerhastigheten, vilket säkerställer att fartyget håller kursen och ankommer i tid.Optimeringsprocessen är iterativ, använder simuleringsresultat för att bestämma propellerhastighet, dragkraft, drifvinkel osv., och väljer sedan en optimerad propeller med programmets optimeringsverktyg som är mer lämplig för driftsförhållandet. Genom att bygga vidare på Troddens (2014) arbete förbättrar denna metod noggrannheten i manövreringssimuleringar genom att inkludera fartygets rullningsrörelse, mer realistisk vågmodellering och mer exakta hydrodynamiska koefficienter. Detta erbjuder en närmare representation av driftsförhållanden.Fallstudier som jämför denna metod med det traditionella tillvägagångssättet för val av propeller har visat simuleringsprogrammets precision och dess effektivitet i att förbättra propellerns öppenvatteneffektivitet med 1,65 % och minska CO2-utsläppen med 1,47 % för ett Pure Car Carrier (PCC) -fartyg. Forskningens resultat visade en lovande potential för programmet att förutsäga fartygsmanövreringsrörelser under verkliga sjöförhållanden och optimera propellern.

Vector tugs actuation modeling for ship maneuvering simulators. / Modelagem da atuação de rebocadores vetoriais para simuladores de manobras marítimas.

Barrera, Rodrigo Domingos 02 May 2019 (has links)
Ship Manoeuvring Simulators have proved to be powerful tools on analyzing the feasibility of new maritime maneuvers and new port constructions. In order to provide a complete immersive and real environment, such simulators must correctly represent the dynamics of the controlled vessel as well as the actuation of the tugboats, which have been extremely used over the last years due to the increasing complexity on the maritime maneuvers. Although few simulators can correctly model the dynamics of the tugboats, they still represent their actuation through the so-called \"vector tug model\". This is usually the case because it is expensive to run several integrated-simulators in real-time and the simulator centers do not have trained tugboat captains available. The vector tugs are usually represented as simplified external forces actuating on a vessel. The simplicity of such models causes a loss of realism during a maritime simulation due to the fact that neither the forces exerted on a towed vessel nor the tugboat\'s actuation position are accurate. In addition, tugboats\' actuation response time is usually not taken into account under the current vector tug models used on Ship Manoeuvring Simulators. The main objective of this work is to provide an innovative approach for vector tug actuation modeling in such a way that the towing force magnitude and actuation positions are accurate either in push or pull operation modes. The author will expand the static equilibrium model for tugboat force prediction presented in Brandner (1995) and Artyszuk (2014) and combine it along with optimization techniques in order to accurately obtain the tugboats\' actuation either working under the direct maneuver (i.e., tugboat uses solely its propeller power in order to exert force on a towed vessel) or working under the indirect maneuver (i.e., tugboats use the environmental disturbances and the hull drag in order to maximize their actuation force on a towed vessel). The implementation of the new mathematical model provides a new level of reality when vector tugs are used in Ship Manoeuvring Simulators. / Simuladores Navais têm provado ser poderosas ferramentas, tanto na análise de viabilidade de novas manobras portuárias, quanto na construção de novos portos. De modo a conseguir criar um ambiente imersivo e realista, tais simuladores devem conseguir representar corretamente a dinâmica de um navio a ser controlado e a atuação dos rebocadores portuários no mesmo. Embora alguns simuladores consigam modelar corretamente a dinâmica de rebocadores portuários, eles ainda representam tal atuação utilizando o modelo comumente chamado de \"rebocadores vetoriais\". Tal fato normalmente acontece pois é muito caro utilizar diversos simuladores conectados em tempo real. Além disso, em muitas ocasiões, os centros de simulação não têm disponível um comandante de rebocador treinado e capaz de manusear o mesmo de forma correta. Os rebocadores vetoriais normalmente são representados com modelos simplificados de forças externas atuantes em um navio a ser rebocado. A simplicidade de tais modelos gera uma grande perda de realismo durante uma simulação marítima dado que tanto as forças exercidas em um navio a ser rebocado quanto as posições de atuação dos rebocadores são imprecisas. Ainda, os tempos de resposta para a atuação dos rebocadores normalmente não é levado em conta nos modelos de rebocadores vetoriais presentes atualmente. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é prover uma abordagem inovadora para a modelagem da atuação de rebocadores vetoriais, de tal modo que a magnitude da sua força de reboque e seu posicionamento, tanto atuando no modo empurrar quanto no modo puxar, sejam fidedignos a realidade. O autor irá expandir o modelo de equilíbrio estático para predição de forças de atuação de rebocadores apresentado tanto em Brandner (1995) quanto em Artyszuk (2014), e irá introduzir técnicas de otimização de modo a obter a configuração precisa de atuação dos rebocadores tanto na manobra de modo direto quanto na manobra de modo indireto. As implementações propostas elevarão o nível de realidade de Simuladores Navais quando rebocadores vetoriais forem empregados.

New modelling and simulation methods to support clean marine propulsion

Grant, Michael 24 August 2021 (has links)
The marine industry has increased its adoption of pure-electric, diesel-electric, and other non-traditional propulsion architectures to reduce ship emissions and fuel consumption. While these technologies can improve performance, the design of a propulsion system becomes challenging, given that no single technology is superior across all vessel types. Furthermore, even identical ships with different operating patterns may be better suited to different propulsion technologies. Addressing this problem, previous research has shown that if key elements of a vessel's operational pro file are known, simulation and optimization techniques can be employed to evaluate multiple propulsion architectures and result in a better propulsion system design and energy management strategy for a given vessel. While these studies have demonstrated the performance improvements that can be achieved from optimizing clean marine propulsion systems, they rely on vessel operational profiles obtained through physical measurement from existing ships. From a practical point of view, the optimization of a vessel's propulsion system needs to occur prior to a vessel's construction and thus precludes physical measurement. To this end, this thesis introduces a marine simulation platform for producing vessel operational profiles which enable propulsion system optimization during the ship design process. Core subsystem modules are constructed for simulating ship motions in 3 degrees of freedom and result in operational profile time-series, including propulsion power. Data is acquired from a benchmark vessel to validate the simulation. Results show the proposed approach strikes a balance between speed, accuracy, and complexity compared with other available tools. / Graduate

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