Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fft"" "subject:"otft""
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Optimization and Verification of an Integrated DSPSvensson, Markus, Österholm, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
There is a lot of applications for DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) in the most rapidly growing areas in the industry right now as wireless communication along with audio and video products are getting more and more popular. In this report, a DSP, developed at the division of Computer Engineering at the University of Linköping, is optimized and verified. Register Forwarding was implemented on a general architecture level to avoiddata hazards that may arise when implementing instruction pipelining in a processor. The very common FFT algorithm is also optimized but on instruction setlevel. That means the algorithm is carefully analyzed to find operations that mayexecute in parallel and then create new instructions for these parallel operations.The optimization is concentrated on the butterfly operation as it is such a majorpart of the FFT computation. Comparing the accelerated butterfly with the unaccelerated gives an improvement of 30% in terms of clock cycles needed for thecomputation. In the report there are also some discussions about the benefits and drawbacksof changing from a hardware to a software stack, mostly in terms of interrupts andthe return instruction. Another important property of the processor is scalability. That is, it is possibleto attach extra peripherals to the core, which accelerates certain tasks. Aninterface towards these peripherals is developed along with two template designsthat may be used to develop other peripherals. After all these modifications, a new test bench is developed to verify the functionality.
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One Million-Point FFTMellqvist, Tobias, Kanders, Hans January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this thesis has been to implement a hardware architecture for FPGA that calculates the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of a signal using one million samples. The FFT has been designed using a single-delay feedback architecture withrotators and butterflies, including a three-stage rotator with one million rotation angles. The design has been implemented onto a single FPGA and has a throughput of 233 Msamples/s. The calculated FFT has high accuracy with a signal to quantization noise ratio (SQNR) of 95.6 dB.
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Elektroencefalografie a audiovizuální stimulace / Electroencephalography and audio-visual stimulationHrozek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions of scanning electric activity of brain,¬ so-called electroencephalograph (undermentioned EEG), methods of audiovisual stimulation (undermentioned AVS) and a data-measurement processing. Theoretical part of the thesis is engaged in a theory of EEG signal creation, history and even in current methods of purchasing and processing of the EEG signal, theory of AVS and a theory of biofeedback. For measuring EEG signal with or without an application of AVS methods has been used EEG diagnostic device by Alien company. Its attributes are described in the thesis as well. For elaboration and analysis has been created a programme aplication EEG_xhroze00.fig which realizes frequency spectrum analysis using Fast Fourier Transform algorithm (FFT) and another programme aplication brain_mapping.fig for mapping activity of brain using designed algorithm.
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Návrh rychlé měřící karty s využitím programovatelných hradlových polí / Fast measuring card design using programmable gate arraysBadin, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis contains information about fast measuring card design for data processing from NQR measuring probe. The overall purpose is to create functional prototype of measuring card. Thesis describes suitable design of PCB having regard to EMC. There are information abou digital signal processing, using algorithms DFT and FFT. The thesis contains information about FPGA and there are rules, how to program FPGA correctly. In the practical part of the thesis, there are information about PCB design of ADC and DAC. There are also information about design of program for FPGA and control application for PC.
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Diagnostika vibrací mechanického původu v asynchronním motoru / Diagnosis of mechanical vibrations in asynchronous motor originDostál, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Every machine needs to be maintained and controlled, if may work reliably during they service life. Big part of service life of expensive machines are those machines in operation. Vibration diagnostics is type of analysis, that doesn’t need removal of rotation machinery. The vibration, that are created by running machinery, are used as source of information about mode of operation. This master’s thesis contains theoretical analysis of vibration diagnostics and vibration measurements of a particular machine. This thesis contains 3D models of bearings and rotor asynchronous machine, which are created by software Autodesk Inventor 2014. Bearings vibration analysis of this models is performed by software Ansys Workbench.
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Metody analýzy vibračních signálů / Methods of analysis of vibration signalsRuss, David January 2016 (has links)
The main target of this master’s thesis is to focus on methods of analysis of vibration signals in electric machines. To get know the basic principles of the diagnostics methods, is important to clarify origin of the vibration signals and the impact they have. The selected methods were tested practically by measurement on electric machines. Measured data were processed in program LabVIEW. In this thesis were created programs which actually can be aplicated for complete vibrodiagnostics of electric machines in particular induction motors. The basic evaluation of vibration are the RMS value, Crest factor, time course and power spectrum. Results of this thesis are used to demonstrate how quickly and effectively can be vibration signals from electric machines evaluated.
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Utvärdering av individuella skillnader hos mikrovågssensorer / Evaluation of individual differences in microwave sensorsSvensson, Andreas, Jangren, William January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate if individual differences exists between microwave sensors from the same manufacturer and to find which variables of the microwave sensors that can be the reason for those individual differences. To investigate this, an experiment environment was made to gather data from microwave sensors in a repetitive way. This experiment environment was used in three different experiments where individual differences, radiation pattern and noise were measured. As a base for the experiments a literature review was made to find variables that could affect the individual differences. The study shows that individual differences on signal strength can be found on microwave sensors of the type MDU2000 from Microwave solutions. Also, the radiation pattern at higher angles can differentiate. The frequency from the microwave sensors at lower speeds shows no significant difference individually. This study contributes to increased knowledge about individual differences on microwave sensors of the type MDU2000. Results from this study can be used as a recommendation to suitable applications. As both resources and time have been limited during this thesis, the study was limited to only perform tests on microwave sensors of the type doppler radar. Another limit to the study is to only do tests at lower speeds i.e. a maximum speed of 5km/h. / Syftet med denna studie är utreda om individuella skillnader finns mellan mikrovågssensorer från samma tillverkare samt att ta reda på vilka variabler hos mikrovågssensorerna som kan bidra till dessa individuella skillnader. För att ta reda på detta konstruerades en experimentmiljö för att samla in data från mikrovågssensorer på ett repetitivt sätt. Denna experimentmiljö användes i tre olika experiment där individuell skillnad, strålningsmönstret samt brus uppmättes. Som grund till experimenten utfördes en litteraturundersökning för att hitta variabler som kan påverka den individuella skillnaden. Studien visar att individuella skillnader på signalstyrka finns bland mikrovågssensorer av typen MDU2000 från Microwave solutions. Även antennens strålningsmönster vid större vinklar kan skilja. Frekvensen från mikrovågssensorn vid lägre hastigheter visar ingen signifikant skillnad individuellt. Denna studie bidrar till ökad kunskap kring individuella skillnader på mikrovågssensorer av typen MDU2000. Resultat från studien kan användas som rekommendation till lämpliga användningsområden. Då både resurser och tid har varit begränsade under examensarbetet sattes en begränsning till att endast utföra tester på mikrovågssensorer av typen dopplerradar. En till begränsning är att endast göra tester på låga hastigheter d.v.s. maximalt 5km/h.
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Condition Monitoring of Ceramic Ball Bearings in an Engine Testing Dynamometer / Tillståndsövervakning av keramiska kullager i en testdynamometer för motorerSandström, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
The choice of the topic addressed in this thesis aims to improve the service and maintenance on ceramic ball bearings in a specific test dynamometer and through an engineering approach develop tools for condition monitoring. The company connected to this thesis, AVL, is the world's largest privately owned company for development, simulation and testing technology of powertrains for passenger cars, trucks and large engines. Engine testing is a critical part of the business at AVL Sweden and unexpected bearing failure can result in long repair times and great economic losses due to loss of the testing time. In short terms, the methodological approach followed the following steps; first a thorough information retrieval regarding bearings and analysis was conducted. The search was deepened around areas such as hybrid ball bearings, bearing failure mechanisms, bearing defect frequencies, signal analysis and condition monitoring. After this a table for bearing damage detection was developed and a “step by step” guidance for condition monitoring. The tools where afterwards verified by simple testing to detect complications within the chosen system. The existing condition monitoring system that is used today revealed weaknesses as it lacked the feature of taking preventive measures. The system that is based on temperature measurements isn’t satisfactory enough, especially when it’s missing visual clarity. Service and maintenance according to specifications from the manufacturer should be scheduled to ensure operational and guarantees. Currently mounted accelerometers on the housing of the Dynas3 engine should be connected for collecting data and the total sum of energy should be calculated for simple monitoring of historical progression. This should be done by following the guidance in order to ensure proper data acquisition. The best way to implement condition monitoring showed to be by performing multi-parameter monitoring. The design of the condition monitoring system is highly connected to what to monitor and at what stage. One main consideration to keep in mind is that it’s very rare that manufacturing defects are the reason for bearing failure. Instead it derives from improper storage, transport, handling or dimensional errors and even in some cases by improperly implemented force analysis prior to bearing selection. / Huvudämnet som behandlas i detta examensarbete syftar till att förbättra service och underhåll på keramiska kullager i en viss testdynamometer och genom ett ingenjörsmässigt tillvägagångsätt utveckla verktyg för tillståndsövervakning. Företaget som är ansluten till detta examensarbete är AVL som är världens största privatägda företag för utveckling, simulering och testteknik för drivlinor för personbilar, lastbilar och stora motorer. Motorprovning är en viktig del av verksamheten vid AVL Sverige, och ett oväntat lagerhaveri kan leda till långa reparationstider och stora ekonomiska förluster på grund av utebliven test tid. I korta termer följde den metod som använts följande steg, först genomfördes en grundlig informationssökning om lager och tillhörande analyser. Efter det fördjupades sökande kring områden som hybrida kullager, lagerskademekanismer, frekvenser kopplade till lagerskador, signalanalys och tillståndsövervakning. Efter detta framställdes en tabell för detektering av lagerskador, samt en ”steg för steg” guide för tillståndsövervakning. Verktygen för tillståndsövervakning kontrolleras efteråt, genom att enkla tester genomfördes för att upptäcka komplikationer inom det valda systemet. Det övervakningssystem som används idag avslöjade svagheter genom att sakna funktionen att vidta förebyggande åtgärder. System som är baserat på temperaturmätningar är inte tillräckligt tillfredsställande, speciellt när det saknar en visuell tydlighet. Den service och underhåll som enligt tillverkarens föreskrifter påvisas bör planeras för att säkerställa drift och garantier. Nuvarande monterade accelerometrar fästa vid motorhöljet bör anslutas för att insamla data, och den totala summan av energin bör beräknas för en enkel övervakning av det historiska utvecklingsförloppet. Detta bör göras genom att följa de riktlinjer som framställts för att säkerställa korrekt datainsamling. Det bäst passande sättet att genomföra tillståndsövervakning på i detta fall visade sig vara att utföra multiparameterövervakning. Framställningen av tillståndsövervakningssystemet är starkt förknippat med vad som skall övervakas och i vilket skede. En huvudsaklig bidragande faktor att komma ihåg är att det är mycket ovanligt att fabrikationsfel är orsaken till lagerhaveri. Istället härstammar haveriet från felaktig förvaring, transportering, hantering eller dimensioneringsfel och i vissa fall av felaktigt genomförd kraftanalys inför lagerval.
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Audio Thermometer : Determining Water Temperature By Its SoundRohlin, Hannes, Thulin, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
In this project, the temperature of water was to be determined by recording the sound made whilst being poured into a container. The goal was set to achieve an accuracy of at least 80% of measurements should be predicted within ±10°C and a negligible amount outside ±20°C. The approach to this problem was through creating an algorithm based on signal analysis and machine learning, which required a large quantity of audio samples to train. This algorithm would then be put into an application for added versatility. The resulting algorithm was able to make a prediction of 78.4% of measurements within ± 10°C and the ± 20°C interval contained all but 5.4% of the measurements. The app did not work as intended on mobile devices but is functional on a computer. Although the computer version is functional and can predict temperatures, it is not accurate enough to be useful in day to day life.
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Characterizing coil windings noise due to compressive fault currents : A study to determine if there is a characteristic noise from transformer windings due to fault currentsLundgren, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Transformers are essential for modern power distribution system. They are efficient and enable the voltages to be transformed up for transportation of electricity and back down for consumer use. The reliability of the transformer is affected by faults and fatigue of the copper. The bigger faults a transformer is subjected to, the shorter life time it will have due to damage to the winding and other parts of the transformer. This thesis investigates if it is possible to characterise the noise made from the windings during a short circuit fault or lightning strike, to see if it can be replicated and if transformers can be diagnosed with the help from the noise. Faults creates forces on the windings, these forces can be so great that the windings collide with each other and in worst case breaks. The sound sources that are interesting are the thermal expansion due to the current, the radial forces and the axial forces acting on the coil. Simulations were made in Comsol multiphysics to see how the currents and forces behaved in a winding. A simplified microphone circuit was built and tested to see if it could detect the noise made from the collisions in the coil. Two microphone types and amplifier circuits were tested to see which ones was most suited for the experiments. The microphone circuit was used to record the sound made from the coils when being compressed. An experiment with a capacitor bank sending a large current pulse through different coils and the noise made from the coil was recorded with a microphone circuit connected to an oscilloscope. The currents are recorded by a computer using the program Picoscope. The capacitor bank was charged to different voltages to get different current amplitudes. A microphone circuit was built and tested so it could detect the sound from the collision. Sound occured with a current pulse with an amplitude of 2 kA, and permanent deformation occured when the amplitude of the current pulse was 4.5 kA. The frequency content of the impact was within the audible spectrum. Possibly even higher frequencies than 20 kHz was present during the fault. The microphone had a bandwidth between 20-20000 Hz, which limits the frequencies that is picked up by the microphone. / Transformatorer är viktiga för det morderna elsystemet. Transformatorer är effektiva och tillåter spänningen att transformeras upp för transport vilket minimerar förlusterna i lendningarna och sedan ned igen för kunder. Tillförlitligheten av transformatorer blir påverkad av fel, felen kan orsaka utslitning av kopparen i lindningarna. Ju större fel som transformatorn blir utsatt för, ju kortare livstid får transformatorn på grund av skada på lindningarna eller andra delar av transformatorn. Denna avhandling undersöker om det är möjligt att karaterisera ljudet från transformator lindningar under ett kortslutningsfel eller blixtnedslag. Felströmmarna skapar krafter på lindningarna, dessa krafter kan vara så stora att lindningarna kolliderar med varandra och i värsta fall går lindningarna sönder. Några intressanta ljudkällor är termisk expansion av kopparen från strömmarna, den radiella kraften på spolen och den axiella kraften på spolen. Simuleringar gjordes i Comsol Multiphysics för att se hur strömmar och krafterna beter sig i transformator lindningarna. En mikrofonkrets byggdes och testades för att se om den kunde detektera ljudet från kollisionerna i spolen. Två olika mikrofontyper och två olika förstärkartyper testades för att se vilka som passade bäst för experimenten. Mikrofonkretsen användes för att spela in ljudet från spolarna. Experimenten gjordes med med hjälp av en kondensatorbank som genererar en strömpuls genom de olika lindningarna/spolarna och ljudet från spolarnas kompression var inspelade av mikrofonkretsen som var inkopplad till ett oscilloskop. Strömpulsen var sparad på datorn med programmet Picoscope. Kondensatorbanken var uppladdad med olika spänningar för att få strömpulser med olika amplituder. Experimenten gjordes på fyra olika spolar, en två varvs spole, en 19 varvs spole, en 40 varvs tätlindad spole och en deformerad 19 varvs spole, för att se om det var skillnad mellan kollisionerna. Ljud uppstod vid en strömpuls med amplituden 2 kA och permanent deformation uppstod vid 4.5 kA. Frekvensinnehållet från kollisionen befann sig inom det hörbara spektrumet. Det fanns möjligen frekvenser över 20 kHz, men mikrofonen hade en bandbredd mellan 20-20000 Hz vilket begränsar de upptagna frekvenserna.
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