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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1 Function in Vasculo- and Angiogenesis

Magnusson, Peetra January 2005 (has links)
During development of the mammalian embryo, spatial and temporal expression of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their cognate receptors are vital in the regulation of a number of patterning processes. Inappropriate or decreased expression leads to severe malformations and even embryonic death. The objectives of this thesis have been to evaluate the usefulness of differentiating embryonic stem (ES) cells as a model to study FGF and FGF receptors in endothelial and hematopoietic cell function in vitro and in vivo, and the effect of an activating mutation in the platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β (PDGFR-β) on endothelial cells and vessel formation. Aggregates of differentiating ES cells, denoted embryoid bodies, faithfully recapitulate many developmental processes. Embryoid bodies cultured in fetal calf serum spontaneously develop cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells. The endothelial cells organize into lumen-containing vessels carrying erythroblasts. Administration of FGF or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A promotes development of specific vascular phenotypes. About 20% of endothelial cells in embryoid bodies and teratomas express FGFR-1, and these FGFR-1-expressing endothelial cells are mitogenically active in the absence of exogenous stimuli and respond to VEGF-A to the same extent as endothelial cells lacking FGFR-1 expression. FGFR-1 deficiency leads to arrest in hematopoietic differentiation, whereas endothelial cell development is enhanced. As a consequence, teratomas derived from ES cells lacking FGFR-1 expression display vessels composed of a double layer of endothelial cells. The hyperactivity of endothelial cells derived from FGFR-1-deficient ES cells is suggested to be due to hyperactivity of VEGF receptor-2, as well as to loss of negative regulators of angiogenesis, such as interleukin-4. Mutation of platelet-derived factor receptor-β (PDGFR-β) to replace D849 in the activating loop in the kinase domain with V leads to ligand-independent kinase activity, increased basal signal transduction, and enhanced expression of VEGF-A as well as VEGFR-2. As a result, endothelial cell sprouts covered with pericyte-like cells are formed in a VEGF-A/VEGFR-2 dependent manner in ES cells expressing the mutated PDGFR-β. In conclusion, embryoid bodies represent a high-quality model for the study of growth factor-regulated vascular development and sprouting angiogenesis.

FGFs and Wnts in pancreatic growth and β-cell function

Papadopoulou, Stella January 2005 (has links)
Mesenchymal-epithelial interactions are pivotal for proper pancreatic growth and development. The pancreatic progenitor cells present in the early pancreatic anlagen proliferate and eventually give rise to all pancreatic cell types. The Fibroblast Growth Factor 2b (FGFR2b) high-affinity ligand Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 (FGF10) has been linked to pancreatic epithelial cell proliferation and we have previously shown that Notch signalling controls pancreatic cell differentiation via lateral inhibition. By overexpressing FGF10 under the control of the Ipf1/Pdx1 promoter in mice, we have shown that persistent FGF10 activation in the embryonic pancreas of transgenic mice perturbs pancreatic epithelial cell proliferation and also inhibits pancreatic cell differentiation by maintaining Notch activation. In the Ipf1/Fgf10 transgenic mice, the pancreatic epithelial cells are ‘locked’ in an undifferentiated progenitor-like state with sustained proliferative capacity. Collectively, our data suggest a key role for FGFR2b/FGF10 signalling in the regulation of pancreatic growth and differentiation and that FGFR2b/FGF10 signalling interact with the Notch signalling pathway. Glucose homeostasis in mammals is critically dependent on co-ordinated glucose uptake, oxidative metabolism and insulin secretion in β-cells. Although, several key genes controlling various aspects of glucose sensing, glucose metabolism, insulin expression and secretion have been identified, we know relatively little about the molecular mechanisms that induce and maintain the expression of genes required for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in β-cells. Attenuation of FGFR1c signalling leads to diabetes in mice. Overexpression of FGF2, a high-affinity FGFR1c ligand, under the control of the Ipf1/Pdx1 promoter also leads to diabetes in mice. The Ipf1/Fgf2 mice present with normal endocrine and exocrine differentiation but display impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), perturbed expression of genes required for glucose sensing uptake together with oxidative metabolism and increased expression of the FGF-signalling inhibitors Spry-2 and Pyst1/MKP3 in β-cells. Thus, stringent control of FGF signalling activation appears crucial for the maintenance of the regulatory circuit that ensures proper GSIS in pancreatic β-cells and hence normoglycaemia. The Wnt family of ligands via their receptors Frizzled (Frz) have been shown to mediate mesenchymal-epithelial interactions and cell proliferation in a variety of different systems. Expression of a plethora of Wnt ligands and Frz receptors has been previously reported in the pancreas and mice missexpressing Wnt1 and Wnt5a under the Ipf1/Pdx1 promoter display severely perturbed development. Here, we show the temporal and spatial expression of Wnt4, Wnt7b and Frz3 at different stages of pancreas development. To elucidate the role of Wnt signalling in the pancreas, we overexpressed a dominant negative form of mouse Frz8 under the Ipf1/Pdx1 promoter in mice. The Ipf1/Frz8CRD mice display severe pancreatic hypoplasia demonstrating that attenuation of Wnt signalling in the pancreas leads to perturbed pancreatic growth. Nevertheless, the transgenic mice present with normal endocrine and exocrine differentiation and remain normoglycaemic. The maintenance of normoglycaemia in these mice appears to be the consequence of a relative increase in endocrine cell number per pancreatic area combined with enhanced insulin biosynthesis and insulin secretion. Collectively our data provide evidence that Wnt signalling is required pancreatic growth but not adult β-cell function.

Early Rostrocaudal Patterning of the CNS

Nordström, Ulrika January 2005 (has links)
The transformation of an initially uniform population of epiblast cells into an intricately complex central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most fascinating processes during embryonic development. Presumptive neural cells are initially specified as cells of forebrain character. Studies in various vertebrates have indicated that cells of more caudal neural character, that will generate the brain stem and spinal cord, are generated through the reprogramming of these initial rostral cells. The initial regionalization of these neural progenitor cells is central to all further diversification of neuronal cell types and the subsequent formation of functional euronal circuits. The aim of this thesis has been to enhance our understanding of which stages of embryonic development that are critical for the initial rostrocaudal regionalization of neural precursor cells, and which signaling mechanisms that orchestrate this early diversification. Both human and chick embryos have the shape of a flat disc during gastrulation. At this early stage, the chick neural plate is already regionalized and cells positioned at distinct rostrocaudal levels are specified to generate cells exhibiting a gene expression profile characteristic of the forebrain, midbrain, rostral hindbrain and caudal spinal cord, respectively. In addition, the Isthmic organizer (IsO), a secondary signaling centre at the midbrain–hindbrain border that is required for the further development of this region, is also specified already at the gastrula stage. Caudal neural character is induced by signals from adjacent tissues - the primitive streak and the paraxial mesoderm. Wingless/Wnts, Fibroblastic growth factors (FGFs) and retinoids (RA) are signaling molecules that have been proposed to promote caudal embryonic development, and exhibit spatio- emporal expression patterns that coincide with early caudalizing activities. The caudalizing activity that emanates from the gastrula stage paraxial mesoderm is mediated by Wnt signals, and the induction of caudal neural character by Wnts results from a direct action on neural precursor cells. In the presence of FGF activity, graded Wnt signaling is sufficient to induce cells exhibiting caudal forebrain, midbrain and rostral hindbrain character. The discrimination between rostral hindbrain and caudal spinal cord character appear to depend on a gradient of both Wnt and FGF signals. At hindbrain and spinal cord levels the patterned generation of neural progenitor cells along the rostrocaudal axis controls the generation of different classes of motor neurons in response to diffusible Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signals. Gastrula stage Wnt signaling is also required for this subsequent generation of motor neuron subtypes characteristic of the hindbrain and spinal cord. Later, at the early somite stage, cells characteristic of the caudal hindbrain and rostral spinal cord are specified adjacent to RA producing paraxial mesoderm. Opponent RA and FGF signals appear to act on, and refine the rostrocaudal identity of the initial hindbrain and spinal cord cells induced by gastrula stage Wnt based signals. Consistently, combinatorial Wnt, FGF and/or RA signals are sufficient to reconstruct neural progenitor cells that differentiate into motor neurons characteristic of the caudal hindbrain, rostral spinal cord and caudal spinal cord, respectively, in response to Shh. / Transformationen av en initialt uniform cellpopulation till något så komplext som det centrala nervsystemet (CNS) är en av de mest fascinerande processerna under fosterutvecklingen. Anlaget till neuronala celler är initialt programmerade att generera nervceller som är typiska för den blivande hjärnan (cerebrum). Forskning på olika vertebrata modell-organsimer har klargjort att nedre regioner av CNS, hjärnstammen lillhjärnan och ryggmärgen, genereras genom reprogrammering av dessa initiala celler. Målet med avhandlingsarbetet har varit att öka förståelsen för vilka perioder under fosterutveckingen som är kritiska för den initiala induktionen av neuronala celltyper som är specifika för dessa olika regioner, samt vilka signalerings mekanismer som styr den initiala re-programmeringen. Under gastruleringen bildar anlaget till neuronala celler en, till synes uniform, platta medialt i ektodermet i både humana-, och kyckling embryon. Anlaget till neuronal vävnad är dock redan under detta tidiga utvecklingsstadie indelat i regioner. Celler inom en specifik region är programmerade att generera celler med en genexpressions-profil som är specifik för anlaget till hjärnan, de övre delarna av hjärnstammen (diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon) eller den nedre delen av ryggmärgen. Även Isthmus – ett sekundärt organisations centra som bildas i konstriktionen mellan mesencephalon och metencephalon, och som behövs för den senare utvecklingen av dessa regioner – specificeras redan på gastrula stadiet. Dessa nedre neuronala celltyper induceras av signal molekyler från närliggande vävnader som t.ex. primitivstrimman och det paraxiala mesodermet. Wingless/Wnt, Fibroblast tillväxtfaktorer (FGFs) samt vitamin A metaboliter (retinoider, RA) är exempel på signalmolekyler som påverkar de nedre vävnaderna under tidig embryonal utveckling. Dessutom indikerar spatialt och temporalt reglerade genexpressionsmönster att närvaro av dessa signalerings proteiner sammanträffar med när och var nedre neuronala celltyper specificeras. Den signal aktivitet som avges från det paraxiala mesodermet i det gastrulerande embryot medieras av Wnt signalering. För induktion av nedre neuronala identiteter krävs Wnt signalering i de presumtivt neuronala cellerna. I närvaro av FGF signalerings aktivitet är det tillräckligt med en stigande gradient av Wnt signalering för att succesivt generera celler med en genexpressions profil som är specifik för diencephalon, mesencephalon och metencephalon. Distinktionen mellan, metencephalon och nedre ryggmärgs identitet verkar vara resultatet av en gradient av både Wnt och FGF signalering. När det paraxiala mesodermet börjar bilda somiter har även celler med en genexpressions-profil som är specifik för den förlängda märgen (myelencephalon) och den övre delen av ryggmärgen blivit specificerade. Dessa celltyper bildas i regioner där det närliggande paraxiala mesodermet producerar RA. En gradient av Wnt och FGF signalering ger upphov till en initial nedre celltyps identitet som krävs för att dessa celler ska kunna svara på RA signaleringen. Antagoniserande aktiviteter av RA och FGF signalering avgör vilka celler som sedermera kommer att ge upphov till förlängda märgen eller övre-, respektive, nedre ryggmärgen. Senare under utvecklingen bildas olika regionspecifika klasser av motorneuroner i bla. förlängda märgen och ryggmärgen. Den initiala, Wnt medierade, regionaliseringen av neuronala celltyper är central även för denna process. Dessutom kan olika klasser av motorneuroner, specifika för den förlängda märgen, respective övre-, och nedre ryggmärgs regionerna, rekonstrueras in vitro genom att reprogrammera naivt neuroepitel mha. en kombination av Wnt, RA och/eller FGF.

Mechanisms controlling the cell body response to axon injury in dorsal root ganglion neurons

Bani Hammad, Rasheed Ahmed 22 June 2010
Successful axon regeneration appears to depend on the development of an injury response. Dorsal root ganglion neurons exemplify the necessity of this injury response in a unique way. Peripheral nerve transection leads to development of an injury response and successful regeneration whereas central root transection does neither. The injury response may involve extracellular and intracellular pathways. To investigate the extraneuronal influences, we performed nerve transection of either the central or peripheral axon branches and studied the expression of GAP-43, a key growth associated protein, and the transcription factors ATF3, c-Jun, and STAT3. Our results show that the responses to peripheral versus central nerve transection are fundamentally different. Peripheral but not central nerve transection increases GAP-43, ATF3, and c-Jun expression. STAT3, however, is upregulated as a result of central but not peripheral nerve transection. To investigate potential intracellular signalling pathways, we applied FGF-2, an extracellular mitogen, or an analog of cAMP, an intracellular second messenger to the cut end of the peripheral axon. Our results indicate that FGF-2 and cAMP act as activators of GAP-43 expression. On the other hand, FGF-2 and cAMP act to downregulate the expression of ATF3. FGF-2 upregulates c-Jun and the activated form of STAT3. Paradoxically, the regulation of GAP-43 expression by cAMP or by FGF-2 in vivo shows opposing results from the previously reported in vitro studies. Our present results suggest that the peripheral nerve injury response may be governed by at least three different signalling pathways.

Mechanisms controlling the cell body response to axon injury in dorsal root ganglion neurons

Bani Hammad, Rasheed Ahmed 22 June 2010 (has links)
Successful axon regeneration appears to depend on the development of an injury response. Dorsal root ganglion neurons exemplify the necessity of this injury response in a unique way. Peripheral nerve transection leads to development of an injury response and successful regeneration whereas central root transection does neither. The injury response may involve extracellular and intracellular pathways. To investigate the extraneuronal influences, we performed nerve transection of either the central or peripheral axon branches and studied the expression of GAP-43, a key growth associated protein, and the transcription factors ATF3, c-Jun, and STAT3. Our results show that the responses to peripheral versus central nerve transection are fundamentally different. Peripheral but not central nerve transection increases GAP-43, ATF3, and c-Jun expression. STAT3, however, is upregulated as a result of central but not peripheral nerve transection. To investigate potential intracellular signalling pathways, we applied FGF-2, an extracellular mitogen, or an analog of cAMP, an intracellular second messenger to the cut end of the peripheral axon. Our results indicate that FGF-2 and cAMP act as activators of GAP-43 expression. On the other hand, FGF-2 and cAMP act to downregulate the expression of ATF3. FGF-2 upregulates c-Jun and the activated form of STAT3. Paradoxically, the regulation of GAP-43 expression by cAMP or by FGF-2 in vivo shows opposing results from the previously reported in vitro studies. Our present results suggest that the peripheral nerve injury response may be governed by at least three different signalling pathways.

Signaling mechanisms and developmental function of fibroblast growth factor receptors in zebrafish

Kolanczyk, Maria Elzbieta 19 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signaling plays multiple inductive roles during development of vertebrates (Itoh 2007). Some Fgfs, such as Fgf8, are locally secreted and signal over a long range to provide positional information in the target tissue (Scholpp and Brand 2004). Fgf ligands signal in a receptor-dependent manner via tyrosine kinase receptors, four of which have been so far identified. Fgf8 signaling was shown to depend both on receptor activation as well as endocytosis. The specificity of Fgf ligands and receptors as well as the function of receptors in the control of the Fgf signaling range have been, however, largely unclear. In this study, we show that the putative Fgf8 receptor Fgfr1 is duplicated in zebrafish and that it acts redundantly in the formation of the posterior mesoderm. Also, in overexpression studies we confirm the notion that receptor endocytosis influences Fgf8 signaling range. Through TILLING mutant recovery and morpholino knockdown studies we also show that Fgfr2 is required for growth and skeletal development in zebrafish, whereas Fgfr4 is required for pectoral fin specification and growth.

FGF23 - a possible Phosphatonin

Marsell, Richard January 2008 (has links)
Human physiology is dependent on an accurate phosphate (Pi) homeostasis. Defective Pi regulation causes hyper- or hypophosphatemia, which are associated with ectopic calcification or impaired bone mineralization, and a shortened life span. Current endocrine models of Pi homeostasis are incomplete. However, studies of acquired and hereditary disorders of Pi homeostasis have revealed new potential Pi regulating hormones, Phosphatonin(s). One of these is fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23). FGF23 is produced in bone and is secreted into the circulation. Mutations in FGF23 causes disturbed Pi regulation, without the appropriate counter-regulatory actions of parathyroid hormone or vitamin D. By the generation of FGF23 transgenic mice, which display phenotypic similarities to patients with hypophosphatemic disorders, we show that FGF23 exerts endocrine actions in the kidney and causes osteomalacia. Renal FGF23 actions severely decrease Pi reabsorption and expression of Klotho, a suggested age suppressor gene, known to be crucial in FGF23 receptor binding and activation. In bone, our transgenic model displays impaired osteoclast polarization, which should be detrimental to osteoclastic bone resorption in osteomalacia. However, in our model osteoclasts efficiently participate in bone matrix degradation. Furthermore, we investigated a large population-based cohort in order to elucidate the role of FGF23 in normal physiology. Importantly, we were able to demonstrate an association of FGF23 to parathyroid hormone, renal function and bone mineral density and we found a correlation of FGF23 to weight and body fat mass. The studies on which this thesis is based, demonstrate that FGF23 has phosphatonin-like properties and that the skeleton functions as an endocrine organ. In addition, the results indicate that FGF23 has a role in bone mineral and lipid metabolism, and that FGF23 is a possible diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for the future.

Využití kmenových buněk v inženýrství kostní tkáně / Application of the stem cells in bone tissue engineering

Kročilová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
Problems with musculoskeletal system, such as of developmental disorders, fractures or damage of the bone by age, inflammatory or tumor diseases, are still increasing in orthopaedics. Sometimes the bone tissue is not capable to completely regenerate to exert its physiological function in the organism. For this reason, using the bone replacements is necessary and common nowadays. Despite of an intensive research and testing of a wide range of the potential biomaterials and their combinations, the usage of metal materials for construction of the bone implants, still remains to be the gold standard. Ti-6Al-4V alloy is one of the commercialy used metal materials, which is known for the high mechanical and chemical resistance and a good biocompatibility. For a good biological response of the patient's organism for the bone implant, is an ability of osteointegration into the surrounding bone tissue, the key. This ability can be influenced in the case of the metals, by their surface structure. As it is known from earlier studies, the surface topography of the material is very important for the adhesion and proliferation of the bone cells, which are able to discriminate, very sensitively, between various stages of the material surface roughness. For this reason we have focused on studying of an influence...

Peptídeos de conformação restrita relacionados ao sítio 2 do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos ácido humano (hFGF-1): estudo sobre estrutura e atividade / Structure-activity relationship of synthetic peptides derived from human acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor Site 2 primary sequence

Kiyota, Sumika 29 February 2000 (has links)
Na busca por agonistas, antagonistas e inibidores de natureza peptídica do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos ácido humano (hFGF-1), iniciamos o presente trabalho fazendo uma análise conformacional teórica do peptídeo Ac- WFVGLKKNGSSKRGPRT-NH2 (107-123 [hFGF-1]). Em trabalho anterior, este composto havia se mostrado um agonista da atividade mitogênica da proteína capaz de inibir a ligação de 125I-hFGF-1 aos seus receptores celulares e de se ligar à resina heparina-Sepharose (Oyama et al. 1996). Os cálculos das propriedades dinâmicas deste peptídeo (I; Tabela 1) demonstraram que ele não adotava nenhuma conformação preferencial, o que poderia justificar a baixa atividade apresentada pelo mesmo (104 vêzes menor do que a da proteína nativa). Este peptídeo foi ressintetizado, purificado, caracterizado química e biologicamente, confirmando os resultados anteriores. Seu comportamento randômico foi comprovado experimentalmente através de uma análise estrutural parcial por 1H-RMN. O resultado desta análise demonstrou que este peptídeo exibe uma configuração random coil, em solução aquosa (Kiyota et al., 1996, 1999). Diante desta constatação e com base em dados descritos na literatura (Harper & Lobb 1988; Burgess et al., 1991; Pantoliano et al., 1994, Springer et al., 1994; Thompson et al., 1994; Imamura et al., 1995; Blaber et al., 1996; Ornitz et al., 1996; Zhu et al.,1991, 1995, 1997; Schwizer, 1995; Sieber & Moe, 1996; Rizo et al., 1996); desenhamos dezessete peptídeos relacionados ao Sítio 2 (97-132) do hFGF-1 mostrados na Tabela 1 (ver arquivo PDF). Todos os peptídeos foram sintetizados manualmente por síntese em fase sólida, sempre que possível purificados à homogeneidade por RP-HPLC e caracterizados quimicamente por RP-HPLC, análise de aminoácidos e espectrometria de massas. Os peptídeos cíclicos foram obtidos por: a) oxidação das sulfidrilas das cisteínas e formação de ponte dissulfeto intramolecular; b) reação entre os grupos amina e carboxila de cadeias laterais de dois diferentes resíduos de aminoácidos com formação de uma ligação lactama. Os testes de atividade mitogênica foram realizados sempre que os peptídeos eram obtidos com pureza ≥90% determinada por RP-HPLC analítica em dois sistemas diferentes de solventes. Os resultados obtidos em culturas de fibroblastos de camundongos Balb/c 3T3 mostraram que: 1) II, III, VI-IX e XIII eram inativos; 2) o cíclico IV era mitogênico (ED50 ~50 µM) ao contrário do seu análogo linear correspondente (III); 3) V, um análogo de IV que apresenta deleção de um resíduo (Asn), exibia uma atividade mitogênica menor do que a de IV; 4) X exibia uma atividade mitogênica menor do que a do I; 5) os cíclicos XII e XV exibiam atividades comparáveis a do I, enquanto que os seus análogos lineares correspondentes (XI e XIV) eram inativos; 6) XVI e XVII exibiam atividades mitogênicas também comparáveis à de I. Paralelamente a estes estudos, foi desenvolvido um modelo teórico dos domínios extracelulares DII e DIII do FGFR-1β. A partir do posicionamento gráfico das moléculas de hFGF-1 e de um hexassacarídeo de heparina junto a este modelo do receptor, foram desenhados os peptídeos Ac-170NTTDKENEVLH180-NH2 (XVIII) e Ac-194SLAGNSIGLSH204-NH2 (XIX) (Oyama et al., 1997). Estes dois peptídeos cujas seqüências primárias são, respectivamente, relacionadas àquelas dos loops DE e FG do domínio DIII, foram também sintetizados e testados neste trabalho como possíveis ligantes do sítio 2 do hFGF-1.Os testes biológicos demonstraram que o peptídeo XIX, na faixa de concentração testada, não exibia nenhuma atividade inibitória sobre as atividades mitogênicas dos FGFs -1 e -2. Por outro lado, notou-se um claro efeito inibitório de XVIII sobre a atividade mitogênica de ambas as proteínas, sendo este efeito mais significativo para o FGF-2 (Kiyota et al., 1998). Alguns dos peptídeos estudados foram submetidos a análises espectroscópicas com o objetivo de determinar suas conformações em solução. Este conhecimento forneceria subsídios para o desenho de novos peptídeos mitogênicos e, mais ainda, para determinação dos requisitos estruturais destes peptídeos e, como reflexo, do hFGF1 para expressão de suas atividades mitogênicas. Assim, foi feita uma análise parcial do peptídeo mitogênico IV e de seu análogo linear III inativo em solução aquosa empregando fluorescência e 1HRMN ( (Kiyota et al., 1998). Estes peptídeos foram analisados também por técnicas de CD e 1H-NMR (Kiyota et al., 1999). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que III e IV parece se organizarem de forma semelhante em suas porções N-terminais, em estruturas correspondentes a β-turns. Por outro lado, as conformações das porções C-terminais destes peptídeos diferiram; somente em IV, observouse a presença de uma família de confôrmeros com estruturas helicoidais nessa porção do esqueleto e que eram superponíveis. O mesmo não foi observado na porção C-terminal de III. A análise conformacional do peptídeo XVIII em solução foi também realizada empregando-se CD e 1H-RMN. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que este peptídeo tem forte tendência em assumir uma estrutura helicoidal em solução aquosa contendo 50% CD3OH. O conjunto dos resultados obtidos neste trabalho nos permitem concluir que: 1) a presença de W107 e F108 é, de fato, essencial para a expressão da atividade mitogênica de peptídeos derivados do sítio 2 do hFGF-1; 2) a presença de N106 adjacente ao core hidrofóbico constituído pelos resíduos W107F108 é importante; 3) a ciclização do peptídeo IV foi decisiva para a expressão de sua atividade, indicando que, não apenas a presença, mas o posicionamento adequado das cadeias laterais de N106, W107 e F108 são determinantes; 4) apenas uma das lisinas (K112 ou K113) é essencial para a atividade mitogênica (X, XVI e XVII); 5) o importante parece ser a manutenção do posicionamento das cadeias laterais em relação aos dos outros resíduos contidos na seqüência, uma vez que, a substituição do segmento 112KKNGS116 por uma prolina e/ou deleção de 120GPRT123 (XI e XIV) abolem a atividade mitogênica do peptídeo; 6) a ciclização que mantem a distância e as orientações relativas entre WF e KR (considerados essenciais para a atividade) em seqüência (XII e XV), leva à recuperação da atividade; 7) a atividade inibitória específica para o FGF-2 exibida pelo peptídeo XVIII parece ser um indicativo de que a alça DE do domínio DIII do receptor pode estar envolvido na ligação a esta proteína. Estas conclusões são relevantes e essenciais para: 1) o entendimento dos requisitos estruturais para a atividade mitogênica dos peptídeos estudados e, como reflexo, do hFGF-1, 2) o desenho de novos agonistas, antagonistas ou inibidores do sistema FGF. / In our search for small potent agonists or inhibitors related to hFGF-1(97-132), we first investigated the preferred conformation in solution of Ac -WFVGLKKNGSSKRGPRT-NH2 (I), by 1H-NMR. This compound has been described as a weak agonist of the mitogenic activity of this growth factor able to inhibit the binding of 125I-hFGF-1 to their cellular receptors, and to heparin-Sepharose columns (Oyama et al., 1996). We found that this peptide is in a random coil configuration, which could explain its low activity (104 times less potent than the native protein). On the basis on these results and on several data available in the literature (Harper & Lobb 1988; Burgess et al., 1991; Pantoliano et al., 1994, Springer et al., 1994; Thompson et al., 1994; Imamura et al., 1995; Ornitz et al., 1996; Blaber et al., 1996; Zhu et al., 1991, 1995; 1997; Schwizer, 1995; Sieber & Moe, 1996; Rizo et al., 1996), we designed seventeen peptides related to the Site 2 (97-132)[hFGF-1] listed on the Table 1: some were linear and some were cyclic. They were synthesized manually using the solid phase method, purified by RP-HPLC, and chemically characterized by RP-HPLC, amino acid analysis and mass spectrometry. Conformational constraints of certain peptides were achieved by cyclization. Intramolecular dissulfide bonds were formed by the oxidation of the thiol groups of two cysteins residues with air oxigen and/or K2Fe(CN)6. Lactama bonds were formed between the functional side chain group of acidic and basic residue. The synthetic peptides were tested in of their ability to inducing mitogenic response on Balb/c 3T3, A-31 clone fibroblasts cultures. The results obtained were the following: 1) peptides II, III, VI-IX were essentially inactive on Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts in the range of concentrations used (up to 200 µM), 2) in the same range of concentration, peptide IV showed an ED50 60µM (similar to that found for peptide I) while its correspondent linear analog (III) was inactive; 3) V, analog of IV, that has Asn deleted, exibihited mitogenic activity lower than IV; 4) X showed a mitogenic activity on Balb/c fibroblasts lower than I, 5) cyclic peptides XII and XV showed mitogenic activities similar to that of I, while their correspondent linear (XI and XIV) and cyclic (XIII) analogs were inactive; 6) XVI and XVII showed mitogenic activities similar to that found for I. In parallel, two peptides [Ac-170NTTDKENEVLH180-NH2 (XVIII) and Ac-194SLAGNSIGLSH204-NH2 (XIX)], derived from DIII FGFR-1β and designed as putative ligands of Site2 hFGF-1, were synthesized and tested. In the range of concentration used (up to 200 µM), XIX was inactive and exhibited no inhibitory effect on FGF-1 and FGF-2 mitogenic activities. Nevertheless, XVIII inhibited the mitogenic activity of both proteins, being this effect clearly more significant for the FGF-2 (Kiyota et al., 1998). Some of synthetic peptides have been spectroscopically analyzed in order to disclose the structural features that characterize the active (Kiyota et al., 1999). A detailed analysis was undertaken with peptides III and IV using circular dichroism (CD) and 1H-NMR. Although the similarities in their primary sequences, III has shown inactive when tested on Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts culture while IV was mitogenic with ED50 values around 50 µM. I was also not capable of inhibiting the binding of hFGF-1 to its cellular receptors, I was inactive while II inhibits it with ID50 values of about 30 µM. Circular dichroism study showed that while at increasing SDS concentrations the spectra of III suggested the presence of an equilibrium among partially structured states, those of IV indicated that this peptide exists in unordered extended conformation, folds into a β-conformation and, finally, assumes a helix rich structure. 1H-NMR analysis revealed the existence of a well defined γ-turn encompassing residues 4-6 that nicely fits with that present in the same portion of the crystallized hFGF-1. Superposition of the final structures of III and IV over the entire sequence revealed that only the C-terminal portion of III has the tendency to fold into a regular structure. Together these data indicate that the turn existence in IV allowed it to acquire the structural determinants for the expression of mitogenicity probably through a more appropriate arrangement of residues 8-10. More importantly, they demonstrate that we have found a short agonist of hFGF-1 able to structurally mimic its corresponding stretch. Conformational analysis of XVIII in solution was undertaken also by using CD e 1HRMN. The results obtained indicated that it has a strong tendency to assume helicoidal configuration in aqueous solution containing 50% CD3OH. Altogether these data led us to conclude that: 1) the presence of Asn106 adjacent to hydrophobic core constituted by W107F108 is essential for the mitogenic activity of IV; 2) conformation constraint by cyclization was efficient for the correct N106, W107 and F108 side chains orientation in peptide IV for an effective cellular receptors binding; 3) peptides related to hFGF-1 (114-123) seem to be promising mitogenic agonists; 4) the only one lysine between L126 and N129 is enough for the mitogenic activity expression (X, XVI and XVII); 5) deletions of residues, replacement of deleted fragment by Pro followed by restriction of peptide conformation might keep the frame of the residues considered essential for the mitogenic activity along the peptides backbones; 6)The inhibitory effect on the FGF-2 mitogenic activity observed in peptide XVIII was indicative that the loop DE of DIII FGFRs seems to be involved in the binding of this protein.These conclusions are very relevant in terms of the knowledge of the structural requirements for the mitogenic activity of studied peptides and, as a reflex, of the hFGF-1. Furthermore, they constitute additional guidelines for designing new constrained peptides derived from this segment of FGF-1, which may result in more potent agonists, antagonists or inhibitors of such important target.

Collagen and Fibrin Biopolymer Microthreads For Bioengineered Ligament Regeneration

Cornwell, Kevin G. 04 May 2007 (has links)
Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee leads to chronic joint instability and reduced range of motion while the long term results are marred by a high prevalence of degenerative joint disease especially osteoarthritis. Bundles of collagen threads have been widely investigated for the repair of torn ACL, but are limited by insufficient tissue ingrowth to repopulate and completely regenerate these grafts. We have developed a novel in vitro method of characterizing fiber-based thread matrices by probing their ability to promote tissue ingrowth from a wound margin as a measure of their ability to promote repopulation and regeneration. This method is useful in the optimization of thread scaffolds, and is sensitive enough to distinguish between subtle variations in biopolymer chemistry and organization. Furthermore, this method was used to characterize the effects of crosslinking on the cell outgrowth and correlated the findings with the mechanical properties of collagen threads. The results suggest that crosslinking is required to achieve sufficient mechanical properties for high stress applications such as ACL replacement, but regardless of technique, crosslinking attenuated the cell outgrowth properties of the threads. To improve the regenerative capacity of these scaffolds, novel fibrin microthread matrices were developed with a similar morphology to collagen threads and sufficient mechanical strength to be incorporated in composite thread scaffold systems. These fibrin microthreads were loaded with FGF-2, a potent mitogen and chemotactic agent that works synergistically with fibrin in regulating cell signaling and gene expression. Increases in fibroblast migration and proliferation in FGF-2-loaded fibrin threads were successfully demonstrated with the concomitant promotion of oriented, aligned, spindle-like fibroblast morphology. These results suggest that fibrin-FGF-2 microthreads have distinct advantages as a biomaterial for the rapid regeneration of injured tissues such as the ACL.

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