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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demography and Behavior of Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) Breeding on the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta, Alaska

Johnson, James Matthew 30 November 2006 (has links)
I conducted demographic and behavioral studies of Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) breeding on the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta, Alaska (1998-2005). In chapter one, I estimated apparent annual survival (product of true survival and site fidelity) while correcting for the probability of encounter for 237 males and 296 females. Overall return rates (individual returned to the site in a subsequent season) were lower for females (40%) than males (65%), as was apparent annual survival (± SE, females = 0.65 ± 0.05, males = 0.78 ± 0.03), and encounter rate (females = 0.51 ± 0.07, males = 0.74 ± 0.04). In chapter two, I examined the effects of mate and site fidelity on nesting success (N = 430 nests). Annual divorce rate ranged between 37-83%, with 17-63% of pairs reuniting annually. Reuniting pairs initiated clutches earlier than newly formed pairs, and clutches that were initiated early in the season had higher nest success rates compared to late-season nests. When I controlled for clutch-initiation date, nests tended by individuals with prior breeding-site experience had higher daily survival rates compared to birds breeding at the site for the first time. The effect of site experience was greater for males than females. In chapter 3, I reported that Western Sandpipers exhibited aggregated breeding behavior on a 36 ha plot. Breeding aggregations occurred when dominant and/or older individuals excluded younger, subordinate individuals from preferred habitat. The pattern of habitat occupancy conformed to an ideal despotic distribution with aggregated nesting birds in less preferred habitat experiencing lower reproductive success. In chapter 4, I described and demonstrated the form and function of parent-chick communication in the Western Sandpiper. Through experimental playback of adult vocalizations to chicks in the field, I demonstrated: (1) chicks respond to the alarm call by vocalizing relatively less often and moving away from the signal source, (2) chicks respond to the gather call by vocalizing relatively more often and moving toward the signal source, (3) and chicks respond to the freeze call by vocalizing relatively less often and crouching motionless on the substrate for extended periods of time. I also describe two distinct chick vocalizations (chick-contact and chick-alarm calls). / Ph. D.

En konceptuell modell över en customer empowerment-portal : En kvalitativ fallstudie om kunders digitala informations- och kommunikationsbehov hos ett B2B-företag / A conceptual model of a customer empowerment portal : A qualitative case study about customer’s digital information and communication needs in a B2B company

Pham, Mi January 2024 (has links)
Företag kan använda webbsidor för att förmedla information och erbjuda stöd i användningen av deras produkter. En ökad tillgång till relevant information skapar en större förståelse hos kunder för de produkter de använder. Genom att öka kunders individuella kunskap kan de känna att de har makt och kontroll, ”empowerment”, över sin egen situation. Strategin kallas för ”customer empowerment”. Studien utfördes som en fallstudie på ett informations- och mjukvaruföretag där studien centrerade kring en av företagets produkter. Syftet med denna studie var att skapa underlag i form av en konceptuell modell för en framtida utveckling av en användbar och informativ customer empowerment-portal där centrala teman som användbarhet, informationskvalitet samt användarupplevelse beaktades. En litteraturgenomgång inleddes för att anskaffa kunskap om ämnet som sedan sammanfattades i en konceptuell modell. Sex slumpmässigt utvalda kundrepresentanter deltog i kvalitativa intervjuer för att ta reda på befintliga kunders uppfattningar och behov gällande information och kommunikation. Baserat på svaren togs en low fidelity-prototyp fram som avsåg att konkretisera den konceptuella modellen. Studiens undersökningsfrågor har besvarats genom en analys av resultatet som utfördes med stöd av den konceptuella modellen. Utifrån analysen skapades en reviderad konceptuell modell för att på ett bättre sätt spegla kunders behov. Slutsatserna är att respondenterna var nöjda med den muntliga kommunikation de erhöll från kontaktpersonerna, men webbsidan gav inget stöd för kommunikation utöver att förmedla kontaktuppgifter till företagets växel. I dagsläget har webbsidan en låg informationskvalitet, eftersom informationen inte tillgodoser befintliga kunders behov, utan riktar sig snarare till potentiella kunder. För att kunna skapa en användbar och informativ customer empowerment-portal behöver den skapas utifrån följande förutsättningar: utöka kommunikations- och supportmöjligheterna med en chattfunktion; skapa förutsättningar för kunder att förmedla feedback; förmedla relevant information för befintliga kunder; information om funktioner i Produkten skall förmedlas på ett enkelt och tydligt sätt, exempelvis genom att tillhandahålla enkla guider och instruktionsvideos; integrera portalen med Produktens gränssnitt; placera kontaktuppgifter mer lättillgängligt; anpassade vyer baserat på användare; samt en sökfunktion för att enklare hitta information.

The role of Assortative Mating in the Initial Stages of Sympatric and Parapatric Speciation

Rova, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Divergence in the face of gene flow is perhaps the most wildly disputed subject among researchers through time. The debate is an old one and we find its origin as far back as the era of Darwin. The theories dealing with sympatric and parapatric speciation, its processes and ecological conditions, are numerous and the empirical data supporting the ideas is constantly growing. However, the reach of a consensus almost seem as distant as ever. Two fundamental prerequisites can be identified for the evolution of divergence with gene flow, the act of disruptive selection, and the development of assortative mating. A set of models in which speciation with gene flow seem particularly likely is when a shift occurs in host preference in phytophagous insects and mating takes place on the host. In the work behind this thesis, the role of assortative mating in the initial stages of sympatric and parapatric speciation has been studied, as has the interaction between assortative mating and inbreeding and how it effects speciation in small sympatric populations, an aspect not much attended to earlier in the literature. My results show that assortative mating based on resource preference, can evolve rapidly upon secondary contact, and even in parapatric populations with a migration rate of 8% (13-15 individuals) per generation. However for assortative mating to be maintained selection against hybrids is needed. My results also suggests that small inbred populations have a hard time coping with strong assortative mating an as a consequence tend to relax their mating preferences to avoid inbreeding depression. Based on these results, I advocate for the importance of considering not only assortative mating in itself, but also the joint effects of assortative mating and inbreeding when dealing with theories of speciation with gene flow.

High-fidelity microwave-driven quantum logic in intermediate-field 43Ca+

Harty, Thomas P. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the development of an intermediate magnetic field "clock-qubit" in <sup>43</sup>Ca<sup>+</sup> at 146G and techniques to manipulate this qubit using microwaves and lasers. While <sup>43</sup>Ca<sup>+</sup> has previously been used as a qubit, its relatively complicated level structure - with a nuclear spin of 7/2 and low-lying D-states -- makes cooling it in the intermediate field an intimidating prospect. As a result, previous experiments have used small magnetic fields of a few gauss where coherence times are limited and off-resonant excitation is a significant source of experimental error. We demonstrate a simple scheme that allows <sup>43</sup>Ca<sup>+</sup> to be cooled in the intermediate field without any additional experimental complexity compared with low fields. Using the clock-qubit, we achieve a coherence time of T<sup>*</sup><sub style='position:relative;left:-.5em;'>2</sub> = 50 (10)s - the longest demonstrated in any single qubit. We also demonstrate a combined state preparation and measurement error of 6.8(6)x 10<sup>-4</sup> - the lowest achieved for a hyperfine trapped ion qubit [NVG<sup>+</sup>13] - and single-qubit logic gates with average errors of 1.0(3) x 10<sup>-6</sup> - more than an order of magnitude better than the previous record [BWC<sup>+</sup>11]. These results represent the state-of-the-art in the field of single-qubit control. Moreover, we achieve them all in a single scalable room-temperature ion trap using experimentally robust techniques and without relying on the use of narrow-linewidth lasers, magnetic field screening or dynamical decoupling techniques. We also present work on a recent scheme [OWC<sup>+</sup>11] to drive two-qubit gates using microwaves. We have constructed an ion trap with integrated microwave circuitry to perform these gates. Using this trap, we have driven motional sideband transitions, demonstrating the spin-motion coupling that underlies the two-qubit gate. We present an analysis of likely sources of experimental error during a future two-qubit gate and the design and preliminary characterisation of apparatus to minimise the main error contributions. Using this apparatus, we hope to perform a two-qubit gate in the near future.

Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Response-to-Intervention Program

Lopez, Alfred Saldivar 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study was designed to address teachers' difficulties implementing Response-to-Intervention (RtI) program strategies at a low-performing school in south Texas in response to students failing to meet statewide assessment standards in reading. This exploratory case study investigated the perceptions of Grades 3 and 4 teachers to assist in understanding a pathway to increase higher fidelity of RtI implementation and improve student academic performance. Knowles' theory of andragogy and Lewin's change theory provided the framework for the study. The study included interview data from 6 purposefully selected Grades 3 and 4 teachers supplemented by document reviews of professional development (PD) presentations and RtI implementation policies. All data were analyzed using comparative and inductive analysis and coded into 7 emergent themes. The findings included the need for administrative supervision, a lack of RtI fidelity of implementation, and a need for PD focusing on interventions and organizational tools. The project, which was developed based on the findings and literature review, includes opportunities for learning and participating in campus RtI planning to gain support for the program, attending district-approved PD sessions to assist teachers' techniques to improve student performance in reading, and training in specific RtI progress monitor reporting to document use of the various interventions for individuals in the classroom. By ensuring that students receive RtI instruction that is designed to meet their individual academic needs, the project may help the school district decrease referrals to special education and improve students' reading abilities.


GOGINENI, SRI LOHITH January 2016 (has links)
In spite of technological advances in wireless systems, transmitted data suffers from impairments through both lossy source coding and transmission overerror prone channels. Due to these errors, the quality of multimedia content is degraded. The major challenge for service providers in this scenario is to measure the perceptual impact of distortions to provide certain Quality of Experience(QoE) to the end user. The general tendency of the Human Visual System (HVS) suggests that the artifacts in the Region-of-Interest (ROI) are perceived to be more annoying compared to the artifacts in Background (BG). With this assumption, the thesis aims to measure the quality of image over ROI and BG independently. Visual Information Fidelity (VIF), a full-reference image quality assessment is chosen for this purpose. Finally, the metric measured over ROI and BG are pooled to get a ROI aware metric. The ROI aware metric is used to predict the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) of an image. In this study, an ROI aware quality metric is used to measure the quality of a set of distorted images generated using a wireless channel. Eventually, MOS of the distorted images is estimated. Lastly, the predicted MOS is validated with the MOS obtained from subjective tests. Testing the proposed image quality assessment approach shows an improved prediction performance of ROI aware quality metric over traditional image quality metrics. It is also observed that the above approach provides a consistent improvement over a wide variety of distortions. After extensive research, the obtained results suggest that the impairments in the ROI are perceived to be more annoying than that of the BG.

Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Clinical Skills - Simulatoren für die Lehre in der Tiermedizin

Aulmann, Maria 05 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Studierende der Veterinärmedizin müssen neben umfangreichem theoretischem Wissen zahlreiche praktische Fertigkeiten erlernen. Da jeder Einzelne in seinem eigenen Tempo lernt, besteht ein großer Bedarf an Trainingsmöglichkeiten. Kadaver und lebende Tiere sind selten in ausreichender Menge verfügbar und lebende Tiere sind zudem aus Gründen des Tierwohls nur eingeschränkt zu verwenden. Simulationsmodelle (Modelle von Organismen / Körperteilen) können hier Abhilfe schaffen. Kommerziell erhältliche Modelle sind sehr kostenintensiv und für die Tiermedizin noch nicht flächendeckend erhältlich. Zunehmend werden selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modelle in der Tiermedizin verwendet. Aufgrund des Mangels an publizierten Daten zu ihrem Einsatz besteht intensiver Forschungsbedarf. Ziele der Untersuchungen In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob einfache, selbst entwickelte Simulationsmodelle (low-fidelity Modelle) erfolgreich in der Lehre eingesetzt werden können. Dazu wurden zwei selbst entwickelte und gebaute Simulationsmodelle evaluiert (Studie 1) und ihr Einsatz in Kombination mit anderen Lehrmedien untersucht (Studie 2). Materialien und Methoden In Studie 1 wurden zwei low-fidelity Modelle zur kaninen Intubation und Katheterisierung entwickelt und evaluiert. Es wurde ein Studiendesign genutzt, das die erworbenen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen und einer Kontrollgruppe in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination) am toten Hund vergleicht. Achtundfünfzig Studierende (4. FS) erhielten eine theoretische Einführung zur Intubation und wurden randomisiert auf drei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) übte am kommerziell erhältlichen Intubation Training Manikin, Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) am entwickelten low-fidelity Modell und die Textgruppe las einen Text, der die Intubation beim Hund beschreibt. Siebenundvierzig Studierende (10. FS) durchliefen dasselbe Studiendesign zum Thema Katheterisierung der Hündin. Sie nutzten das kommerziell erhältliche Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, das selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modell und Lehrtexte. In Studie 2 wurde die Vermittlung zweier spezifischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und Simulationstraining evaluiert. Zwei anleitende Potcasts zu Intubation und Katheterisierung und die oben beschriebenen Modelle wurden innerhalb eines crossover-Studiendesigns genutzt. In dieser Studie sind Potcasts audio-visuell aufbereitete Animationen mit Schritt für Schritt – Anleitungen und Informationen. Die erworbenen praktischen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen, die sich in der Art der theoretischen Vorbereitung unterschieden, wurden in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE) am toten Hund verglichen. Ein Fragebogen erfasste das Feedback der Teilnehmer. Sechzig Studierende (2. FS) wurden randomisiert auf eine Potcast- und eine Textgruppe aufgeteilt. Die Potcastgruppe sah sich das anleitende Potcast an, die Textgruppe bereitete sich anhand eines Lehrtextes vor. Im Anschluss hatten beide Gruppen separate Übungseinheiten an den low-fidelity Modellen ohne Betreuung durch Lehrende. Ergebnisse In Studie 1 schnitten alle Übungsgruppen signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppen. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) und Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) unterschieden sich weder bei der Intubation noch bei der Katheterisierung signifikant in ihren Leistungen. In Studie 2 schnitt die Potcastgruppe beim Thema Intubation signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppe, beim Thema Katheterisierung ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Insgesamt hatte das Simulationstraining den Studierenden Spaß gemacht, das Lernen ohne Betreuer wurde jedoch als Herausforderung empfunden. Schlussfolgerungen Es ist davon auszugehen, dass low-fidelity Modelle genauso geeignet für das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten sein können wie high-fidelity Modelle. Das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und low-fidelity Modellen sollte durch Betreuer ergänzt werden, anstatt als alleiniges Lehrmedium für Studierende des ersten Studienjahres Verwendung zu finden. Eigenständiges Lernen klinischer Fertigkeiten, angeleitet durch Potcasts bietet eine Möglichkeit für vertiefendes und wiederholendes Training höherer Semester. Der Einsatz von Simulationsmodellen in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung wächst seit wenigen Jahren stetig. Diese Arbeit leistet einen zeitgerechten Beitrag bei der Evaluierung von Simulationstraining. / Introduction Students of veterinary medicine are expected to acquire various practical skills in addition to a wide range of theoretical knowledge. There is a strong demand for training opportunities, as every individual learns and acquires practical skills at individual pace. For reasons of animal welfare concerns and availability, live animals and cadavers cannot always be used for clinical skills training. Simulation models, which are models of organisms or body parts can be a considerable alternative for clinical skills training. Models that are commercially produced often have a high price and are not available for all skills. Self-made models are increasingly used in veterinary education. Because there is few published data regarding their use, more scientific research is required. Aims of the Investigation The objective of this study was to determine, if self-made low-fidelity models can be successfully used in veterinary medical education. For this purpose, two self-made low-fidelity models were evaluated (study 1) and their use in combination with other teaching tools was analyzed (study 2). Materials and Methods In study 1, two self-made low-fidelity models for simulation of canine intubation and canine female urinary catheterization were developed and evaluated. We used a study design that compares acquired skills of two intervention groups and one control group in a practical examination (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination). Fifty-eight second-year veterinary medicine students received a theoretical introduction to intubation and were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 (high-fidelity) was then trained on a commercially available Intubation Training Manikin, group 2 (low-fidelity) was trained on our low-fidelity model, and the text group read a text describing intubation of the dog. Forty-seven fifth-year veterinary medicine students followed the same procedure for training urinary catheterization using the commercially available Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, our self-made model, and text. Outcomes were assessed in a practical examination on a cadaver using an OSCE checklist. In study 2 we evaluated the teaching of two specific clinical skills using potcasts and low-fidelity simulation training. Two instructional potcasts describing intubation and catheterization and both low-fidelity models described above were used. In our study, potcasts are audio-visual animations that provide the learner with step by step information and instruction on a clinical skill. We used a crossover study design and compared the acquired practical skills of two intervention groups after a different theoretical preparation. A survey captured the participants’ feedback. Sixty first year veterinary medicine students were randomly allocated to two groups, a potcast group and a text group. The potcast group watched a potcast while the text group read an instructional text for preparation. Then both groups had separate self-directed training sessions on low-fidelity models. Outcomes were assessed in practical examinations on a cadaver using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) checklist. Results In study 1 all intervention groups performed significantly better than the text groups. Group I (high-fidelity) and group II (low-fidelity) for both intubation and catheterization showed no significant differences. In study 2 the potcast group performed significantly better than the text group in study intubation but no significant differences were observed in study catheterization. Overall, participants enjoyed clinical skills training but experienced self-directed learning as challenging. Conclusion Low-fidelity models can be as effective as high-fidelity models for clinical skills training. Clinical skills training using potcasts and self-directed low-fidelity simulation training should be complemented by supervisor or peer instruction rather than used as exclusive tool for teaching first year veterinary students. We assume though, that self-directed learning instructed by our potcasts can be a valuable chance for deepening and repetitive training of higher semesters. The use of simulation models in veterinary education has been consistently increasing in the past few years. This study is an important, timely contribution to the evaluation of simulation based education.

Étude pilote SimCode : évaluation de l'impact andragogique d'un simulateur à haute fidélité sur la performance d'une équipe multidisciplinaire de réanimation cardio-respiratoire : une étude pilote

Marquis, François January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


Beles, Kathryn Noel 01 January 2008 (has links)
In the Spin is a semi-autobiographical collection of poetry, dealing primarily with themes of family, marital infidelity, loyalty, the female body, and the tension between political vs. aesthetic existence. This is a collection of poems influenced by the work of French Feminism, Shakespeare and Faulkner, and hybrid lyric-narrative poets of the last fifty years.


RUY SIQUEIRA GOMES 23 February 2011 (has links)
[pt] O BNDES é, desde 1952, o principal provedor de financiamentos de longo prazo para investimentos na economia brasileira. Ao financiar projetos de seus clientes, o banco tem como objetivo promover o desenvolvimento do país. Neste processo, é fundamental selecionar, além dos melhores projetos, os clientes mais capacitados para executá-los, procurando então desenvolver um relacionamento com eles que garanta o sucesso dos projetos e a maximização dos impactos positivos para o país. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o ciclo de relacionamento com clientes no BNDES, utilizando como parâmetro as práticas preconizadas pelo Marketing de Relacionamento. Para esta análise, foi conduzida uma pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com quinze executivos do BNDES. As entrevistas foram integralmente gravadas e compiladas, sendo então identificadas problemáticas e temáticas vinculadas ao relacionamento do banco com seus clientes. Por fim, as problemáticas foram distribuídas pelo modelo de ciclo de relacionamento proposto por Stone, Woodcock e Machtynger (2001) e confrontadas com a teoria do Marketing de Relacionamento. A pesquisa revelou os hiatos entre a condução do relacionamento com clientes no BNDES e as práticas e conceitos preconizados pelos teóricos, assim como as possíveis conseqüências destes hiatos para a eficácia e eficiência na consecução dos objetivos estratégicos do banco. / [en] Since 1952, BNDES has been the leading provider of long-term funding for investments in the Brazilian economy, with the objective of promoting the country’s development. To maximize these effects, it is essential for the bank to manage relationships with the customers that will carry out the selected projects. This study aims to analyze the customer relationship cycle in BNDES, comparing the bank’s practices with the insights provided by the Relationship Marketing Theory. For this analysis, a qualitative research was conducted, by means of interviews with thirteen BNDES executives. These interviews were recorded, compiled and analyzed, allowing the identification of the main issues related to the bank s relationship with customers. Finally, these issues were distributed by the relationship cycle model proposed by Stone, Woodcock and Machtynger (2001) and confronted with the insights provided by the Relationship Marketing Theory. The analysis revealed the gaps between the relationship practices in BNDES and the concepts advocated by Relationship Marketing Theory and also identified the main reasons for their existence.

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