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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Earnings Management : En kvantitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar förekomsten av resultatmanipulering i svenska börsnoterade bolag / Earnings Management : A quantitative study of factors that affect the presence of profit manipulation in Swedish listed companies

Andreasson, Matilda, Gustafsson, Moa January 2017 (has links)
Earnings Management är ett begrepp som syftar till diskretionär redovisning som innebär manipulering av ett företags resultat. Resultatmanipulering kan ske både uppåt och nedåt. När manipulering sker uppåt syftar det till att höja det redovisade resultatet medan manipulering nedåt syftar till att sänka resultatet vilket benämns Big Bath Accounting. Det finns flera forskare som har studerat detta område över tid och som har kommit fram till motstridiga resultat. Vissa forskare menar att Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting förekommer i stor utsträckning då företag erbjuder bonusprogram som baseras på företagets resultat samt om VD-byte har skett. Andra forskare är av en annan uppfattning. De finner inga statistiska bevis för att Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting förekommer vid bonusprogram och VD-byten. Vissa av dessa forskare menar även att Earnings Management har avtagit avsevärt eller till och med försvunnit under de senaste åren. Tidigare forskning visar även motstridiga bevis kring användningen av Earnings Management under finanskriser samt bonusprogram. Studiens syfte var således att undersöka faktorer som ligger till grund för Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting samt incitament som kan påverka ledningen till resultatmanipulering. Resultat från tidigare forskning ligger till grund för studiens teoretiska referensram som mynnade ut i tre hypoteser. Dessa hypoteser testades via multipel regressionsanalys samt en tidsserieanalys. Studiens urval omfattade företag på den svenska marknaden på OMX Stockholmsbörsen Large Cap under åren 2007-2015. Det ursprungliga urvalet omfattades av 747 observationer men då ett visst bortfall ägde rum kvarstod 547 observationer för hypotesprövning ett och två samt 567 observationer för hypotesprövning 3. Resultatet visade på ett statistiskt samband mellan resultatmanipulering och bonusprogram, dock fann vi inget säkerställt samband mellan resultatsänkande periodiseringar och VD-byten. Däremot fann vi stöd för vår tredje alternativhypotes att finanskrisen påverkade Earnings Management under åren 2008-2009. Vår slutsats blev således att de faktorer som ligger till grund för Earnings Management och Big Bath Accounting samt incitament som kan påverka ledningen till resultatmanipulering är bonusprogram och finanskrisen. / Earnings Management is a term aimed at discretionary accounting which involves manipulation of a company's results. Earnings Management can be done either upwards or downwards. When manipulation occurs downwards with the aim of lowering the result, it´s called Big Bath Accounting. There are several researchers who have studied this area over time and have come up with conflicting results. Some researchers believe that Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting occur to a large extent when companies offer bonus programs based on company performance and whether CEO turnovers has occurred. Other researchers have a different opinion. They do not find any statistical evidence that Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting occurs when the CEO has changed and companies have bonus programs. Some of these researchers also believe that Earnings Management has diminished significantly or even disappeared in recent years. Previous research also shows conflicting evidence about the use of Earnings Management during financial crises and bonus programs. The purpose of the study was thus to investigate factors that underlie Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting as well as incentives that may affect the management of a company to apply the theory. Results from previous research form the basis of the theoretical framework of the study, which emerged in three hypotheses. These hypotheses were tested by multiple regression analysis as well as a time series analysis. The study's selection was limited to companies in the Swedish market on the OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange's Large Cap in 20072015. The original sample was comprised of 747 observations, but when a certain loss occurred, 547 observations remained while testing hypothesis one and two and 567 observations remained while testing hypothesis three. The result showed a statistical correlation between performance manipulation and bonus programs, but we found no statistical correlation between profit-decreasing accruals and CEO turnover. On the other hand, we found support for our third alternative hypothesis that the financial crisis affected Earnings Management during 2008-2009. Our conclusion thus became that the factors underlying Earnings Management and Big Bath Accounting as well as incentives that could affect the management of a company to apply the theory are bonus programs and the financial crisis.

Recent developments in banking supervision and the soundness of the financial system : a comparative study of South Africa, Brazil and China

Gutu, Taurai Fortune January 2015 (has links)
While the 2008 financial crisis has come and gone, its effects on the global financial sector still show. Globalisation has since changed the way that banks do business, and increased competitiveness and with it the level of risk within the international banking community. Therefore, because of these prolonged effects of the financial crisis and the rise in the level of risk in banking, regulators deemed it fit to make the global financial sector safer and sounder. As a result, the BASEL III Capital Accord was introduced with tighter capital adequacy and liquidity ratio requirements; as well as also introducing the leverage ratio. In this paper, through the study of the rules and regulations on banks in South Africa, Brazil and China, it was discovered that all three countries have since begun the implementation of the new Accord as from January 2013. While preparatory measures may be different, there is a general sense of regulatory alignment among the three countries. By analysing the capital adequacy, liquidity and leverage ratios of the three countries, it was also established that these ratios are interconnected, with the capital adequacy ratio being the most important one. The study concludes that, with proper implementation of these ratios and effective management, countries implementing the BASEL III regulations would be in a stronger position to achieve soundness in their banking systems. / Gutu, Taurai Fortunate

Trois essais de la politique de distribution de dividendes / Three essays on dividends policy

Tran, Quoc Trung 29 January 2016 (has links)
La première rédaction enquête sur la politique de dividende récemment établie sur le marché boursier vietnamien et expérimente les périodes condensées de forte croissance et chute brutale avec une approche en deux étapes. Les résultats de la recherche montrent : (1) Les investisseurs sont d’avantage expropriés dans les entreprises dont la part de détention d’actions des initiés est plus élevée ; (2) Les investisseurs tendent à percevoir le versement de plus faibles dividendes comme un signal relatif à la rentabilité espérée dès lors que l’asymétrie d’information est réduite ; (3) Les investisseurs dans les entreprises contrôlées par l’Etat sont plus enclins à recevoir des dividendes que celles qui ne le sont pas. La seconde rédaction pose que le marché vietnamien des actions est un laboratoire prometteur pour enquêter sur le comportement des cours de marché le jour du Exdividende. Les résultats des recherches suggèrent que les investisseurs du marché boursiervietnamien sont indifférents à l’écart dans l’application de taxe sur les revenus des dividendes. Ils cherchent à capter des dividendes s’ils trouvent des opportunités de profit. Par conséquent, les investisseurs achètent des actions le jour du Cum-dividende et les vendent le Ex-dividende pour exploiter les opportunités de profit générées par le paiement de dividendes. La dernière rédaction examine les effets des droits des actionnaires et des créanciers sur la politique de dividende lorsqueles frais de représentation des actionnaires et des créances tendent à augmenter. Ses découvertes indiquent que les actionnaires et les créanciers sont plus souvent expropriés et l’augmentation des expropriations des créanciers (actionnaires) est plus élevée si les actionnaires (créanciers) sont fortement protégées par la réglementation. / The first essay investigates dividend policy in Vietnamese stock market which is newly established and experiences short booming and crashing periods with a two-step approach. The research findings show: (1) investors are expropriated more in firms with higher insider ownership; (2) Investors tend to receive smaller dividends paid as a signal of expected profitability when information asymmetry is lower; (3) investors in state-controlled firms are more likely to receive dividends than those in non-state-controlled firms. The second essay posits that Vietnamese stock market is a promising laboratory to investigate stock price behavior on ex-dividend day. The research results imply that investors in Vietnamese stock market is indifferent to the difference in tax treatment of capital gains to dividends, they try to capture dividends if they find profit opportunities. Therefore, investors buy stocks on the cum-dividend day and sell them on the exdividend to exploit profit opportunities created by dividend payment. The third essay examines the effects of shareholder rights and creditor rights on dividend policy when agency costs of shareholders and creditors tend to increase. Its findings indicate that are more expropriated and theincrease in the expropriation of creditors (shareholders) is higher if shareholders (creditors) are protected strongly by law.

An examination of insolvency alternatives for corporate and non corporate entities in South Africa

Chiwete, Chinwe 13 September 2012 (has links)
The journey towards insolvency is often a gradual process, thus enabling a business or person in most circumstances to be aware of the danger ahead if adequate precautions are not taken. This position is recognized by the Statute, hence the definition given to a financially distressed company under the Companies Act1 to mean inability to pay all its debts within the immediately ensuring six months or the likelihood of going insolvent within the immediately ensuring six months. Rescue mechanisms are therefore aimed at ensuring that when faced with the signs of insolvency, a business for instance can be properly driven to become solvent again or at least restructured to achieve better realization of assets.2 Indeed, providing alternatives to insolvency is fast becoming a global trend as many countries now appreciate the need to give a person or business experiencing difficult times, the opportunity to rise again without necessarily going through the rigors of liquidation or sequestration. South Africa is not left out in the quest to assist over-indebted persons and provide them with alternative measures beside insolvency. The National Credit Act3 for instance seeks as one of its objectives to prevent over-indebtedness and where it occurs address same by means of debt rearrangement. This is in addition to certain provisions of the Magistrate CourtP a g e Act4 which allow a debtor the option of applying for an administration order and where granted make payment in instalments. The Companies Act also provides for business rescue as well as compromise between company and creditors.5 This research in brief analyses the above mentioned laws in South Africa that provide alternative measures for financially troubled or over-indebted debtors as applicable to corporate and non-corporate entities. The research considers whether these laws are sufficient to assist debtors in financial crisis, the effectiveness of these laws, challenges as well as loopholes taking into consideration what is applicable in other jurisdictions such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. The end of this research contains recommendations that would assist in achieving effective rescue mechanisms or alternatives to insolvency beneficial to both corporate and noncorporate entities in South African. Copyright / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Bank risk management : How do bank employees deal with risk at the strategic and operational levels?

Rad, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
<p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbete opublicerat: delarbete 3 accepterat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following paper was unpublished: paper 3 accepted.</p>

Regulace finančních trhů v mezinárodních souvislostech / Regulation of financial markets in international context

Nistorenco, Taisia January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis comprises a theoretical, descriptive, comparative and econometric analysis of financial markets regulation in international context. In the first chapter I describe and analyse characteristics of modern financial markets, reasons for their regulation and institutional models of financial regulation and supervision. The second chapter offers an overview of the historical development of financial regulation and evaluates the role of regulatory factor in the outburst of the world financial crisis of 2008. In the third chapter I carry out a comparison of regulatory response to financial crisis in the USA and the EU. Forth chapter deals with regression analysis of the relation between Financial Soundness Indicators of three selected countries. The conclusions driven from this diploma thesis demonstrate that regulation is generally effective as a remedy for market failures, but in other aspects its effects are ambiguous. Intensity of regulation is a secondary impact factor in the formation of financial crises, in fact it is more reasonable to state that crises occur because of the failure of supervision rather than regulation. Due to the international attempts to harmonise the process of remediation of the consequences of the financial crisis, the regulatory response in the USA and the EU was very similar. Statistical analysis did not confirm the common idea that regulation represents a significant barrier for increasing the profitability of credit institutions.

Analýza vývoje kyperských bank v letech 2010-2016 / Analysis of the development of the Cypriot banks in years 2010–2016

Alexandridisová, Julie January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis is based on analyses of the Cypriot banking sector from 2010 to 2016. The aim is to describe the effects of the recent financial crisis in Cyprus to locally operating banks, to assess the assistance provided to Cypriot banks and especially to analyze the development of systemically important Cypriot banking institutions, namely the Bank of Cyprus Group, Cooperative Central Bank, Hellenic Bank and RCB Bank Ltd with emphasis on the most important banking institution in Cyprus. The work draws mainly from published financial results of the systemic banks and from the Central Bank of Cyprus representing the consolidated banking sector. Furthermore, for the purpose of this study was used the Eurostat database, EBA and the IMF periodicals, along with the websites of the credit rating agencies.

Současné trendy ve světovém a českém pojišťovnictví / Present trends in the world and Czech insurance

Pořt, Václav January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with present trends in the world and the Czech insurance. This dissertation identifies the biggest problems further highlights the current changes in the market and at the end estimate future development, which would be the insurance market in next years to develop.

Bulharsko a Rumunsko: ekonomický dopad vstupu do EU a vliv světové finanční krize / Bulgaria and Romania: Economic Assessment of the EU Accession and Impact of the Global Financial Crisis

Kačmařík, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union on January 1, 2007 and are so far the last countries to do so. Before this important step, both countries had undergone a long way of economic transformation from planned to free market economy. The transformation began in the early 1990s but so far it has not been finished. Compared to the other Central and Eastern European countries, Bulgaria and Romania still belong to the least developed ones, which is probably the most important reason why these countries did not join the EU in May 2004 together with other Central and Eastern European countries, but almost three years later, in January 2007. The thesis, however, focuses mainly on what happened after January 2007 and aims at analyzing the first years of Bulgaria and Romania in the enlarged European Union and discuss also possible effects of the upcoming economic and financial crisis on both countries. The subject matter of the thesis is divided into three main chapters, accompanied by introduction and summary of main conclusions. First part (Chapter 2) focuses in detail on the process of economic transformation in both countries, on the summarization of the pre-accession period and on the challenges both countries were facing at that time. Main focus here is on the home economy, foreign economic relations and home affairs including current political situation. Analysis of pre-accession negotiations with the EU focuses both on general issues and also on detailed monitoring of the whole process by the European Commission. Second part (Chapter 3) analyzes in detail the first years of Bulgaria and Romania in the EU. The chapter opens with analysis of nominal convergence and fulfillment of Maastricht criteria and continues with real and structural convergence, analysis of external balances and integration of product and financial markets. Labor mobility, structural aid, development of business environment and main challenges for both economies are discussed as well. Third part (Chapter 4) focuses on the latest development and shows the effects of the current economic and financial crisis on Bulgarian and Romanian economies. The chapter discusses development of short term economic indicators and tries to assess the actual impact of the crisis and macroeconomic development in 2009 and 2010. This is, however, extremely difficult due to persisting uncertainty and absence of robust economic predictions. The analysis thus suffers from unavailability of relevant and up-to-date information and economic data.

Účtování cenných papírů / The Accounting of Securities

Vlčková, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this text is to describe questions of securities in the Czech republic. Characteristics of individual kinds of the securities and their dividing are mentioned here. My attention is mainly addressed to stocks, obligations, bills of exchange and cheques. Farther I am engaged in accounting of the securities and their evaluation to balancing day. There are specific accounting examples of particular securities in the end. Also I talk about financial crisis and its impact on the securities.

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