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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obchodování s akciemi na Burze cenných papírů Praha a.s. / Trading with Stocks on Prague Stock Exchange

Skoupý, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Trading with stocks at Prague stock exchange Summary This diploma thesis trading with stocks at Prague Stock Exchange provides a basic overview of the trading process and related matters. In the first chapter of the thesis I deal with the theoritical definition and divison of the financial market and its position in financial system with a focus on its functions. This definiton of the financial market is not done in context of legislation, but according to general theories. The second part of the thesis deals with stocks, when is gradually passed from the conception of stock as a security under the Civil Code, through the specifiaction of their forms and types according to the Act on Business Corporation, to the share as an investment security pursuant to the Act on Business on Capital market. In the third part of the thesis is Prague Stock Exchange described as a organizer of a regulated market. This section is primarily based on authentic sources as information available in the Registrar of Companies, Collection of Documents or from stock exchange rules. An important part is dedicated to the concept of Prague Stock Exchange as an administrative authority, where the guidelines are described in detail, and based on them it can be determined, that stock exchange is an administrative authority, even though it...

Understanding Corporate Governance in the Financial Sector through Multiple -Theory : - A study of SFSA disciplinary cases towards financial organizations

Cetin, Nergiz, Boström, Emmeli January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: Understand different needs for accountability and governance among financial firms,based on environmental and structural factors. Design/methodology/approach: By using disciplinary reports published by SFSA the interpretation of corporate governance regulation will be studied. Findings: The study identified important corporate governance factors which can be explained and understood by analyzing through the multiple-theory. Complex environmental aspects, such as regulations and multiple stakeholders, demands for extensive internal and external controls. However, the aspect of knowledge does not seem to be fully explained by previous studies. Originality/value: The result could be a contribution to further discussions on how regulations can develop. Moreover, the result can add empirical data to further develop the multiple-theory.

民生相關利率與債券市場的關係探討 / A study of the relationships between bond market interest rates and bank saving and lending rates

范巧欣, FAN, Chiao Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文主旨在了解在台灣與民生息息相關的銀行、郵局的存放款利率,是有什麼樣程度的受到債券市場的影響。本文使用Eviews研究2000/01~2015/05公債殖利率、央行利率對於其他變數是否有顯著相關。首先檢驗資料是否為定態後,考量差分後資料無經濟意義,便以變動率取代原始資料,以最小平方法進行單、多因子迴歸。結果顯示從理論或實證都能證明中央銀行透過貨幣政策、公開市場操作來影響利率,從本文研究可看出其影響力更甚於十年期公債殖利率。配合相關係數來看,可推測央行的操作不僅直接的影響著銀行及郵局的利率,也透過這些利率再去影響其他利率,使得利率間互相影響使效果增強,唯一例外是十年期公債殖利率在十五年期房貸利率上有更好的影響以及解釋力。 / The main topic of the thesis is to understand whether the bond market in Taiwan has influence on the bank saving rates and lending rates. Considering the data will lose its economics meaning after the first order difference, we use churn rate instead of the original data to construct single and multi-factor regression using. The result comes out that both theories and the paper’s result can show that the central bank has strong power over the rates. The central bank interest rate is a more significant explanatory variable than the ten-year bond yield and has positive impact on other dependent variables. The only exception is that the ten-year bond yield has the best explanatory power over the 15-year mortgage rates than other variables.

Įmonių kapitalo struktūros modeliavimas finansų rinkos globalizacijos sąlygomis / The Modeling of Enterprises'Capital Structure under the Conditions of the Financial Market Globalization

Cibulskienė, Diana 23 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation paper defends a thesis that as the Lithuanian enterprises more actively participate in international contracts, the need for financing grows. In order to minimize possible microeconomic and macroeconomic loss, it is necessary to form the expediente strategy of financing; emphasizing costs of alternatives financial sources under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Analyses conducted in the thesis were sought to contribute both conceptually (by formation of systems and models of capital structure) and practically (by implementation of such systems and models) to financing of companies activities, and to maximizing of EVA. The EVA reveals the dependence of an enterprise’s profitability on the employed capital for gaining that profit. The conceptual need urges to determine the zone of effectiveness of rational capital structure, which stipulates the growth of EVA. Scientific relevance of the dissertation is the main results of the scientific study presented for public maintenance. First, one studied adequate motives under Lithuanian conditions that encourage enterprises to study the substantiation of capital structure formation. The preconditions and criteria affecting the financing decisions of Lithuanian enterprises were conceptually grounded while stressing the aspects of finance market globalization. Second, the systemic capital leverage management model was created; involves the three main ranges that affect enterprises’ activity: internal enterprise’s... [to full text]

On Development and Investigation of Stock-Exchange Model / Akcijų biržos modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas

Katin, Igor 02 June 2014 (has links)
A simple Stock Market Game Model (SEGM) was introduced in 2002 by J. Mockus to simulate the behavior of several stockholders trading a single stock. In contrast, the proposed model PORTFOLIO is simulating stock exchange including a number of different stocks. The objective of PORTFOLIO is not forecasting, but simulation of stock exchange processes that are affected by predictions of the participants. The main improvements are the multi-stock extension and a number of different trading rules, which represent both the heuristics of potential investors and the well-known theoretical investment strategies. This makes the model more realistic and allows the portfolio optimization in the space of investment strategies, in both the historical and virtual environments. This is an essential improvement comparing with traditional single-stock models with direct interaction of investment agents. The "virtual" stock exchange can help in testing the assumption of rational investor behavior vs. the recent theories that explain financial markets by irrational responses of major market participants. The model has been compared with actual financial time series and found the results to be close in some cases. The model is designed as a tool to represent behavior of individual investor, which wants to predict how the expected profit depends on different investment rules using different forecasting methods of real and virtual stocks. / Paprastas akcijų rinkos žaidimo modelis (angl. Stock Market Game Model) buvo pristatytas J. Mockaus 2002 m. Šis modelis imituoja kelių akcininkų, prekiaujančių viena akcija, elgesį. Siūlomas modelis PORTFOLIO, priešingai, imituoja akcijų biržos darbą, kurioje vyksta prekyba su daugelio firmų akcijomis. PORTFELIO modelio tikslas yra ne prognozavimas, bet simuliavimas akcijų biržos procesų, kurie yra priklausomi nuo investuotojų prognozių. Pagrindinis modelio patobulinimas yra kelių akcijų ir įvairių prekybos taisyklių įvedimas, kurios atstovauja tiek potencialių investuotojų euristikas, tiek gerai žinomas teorines investavimo strategijas. Tai suteikia modeliui daugiau realistiškumo ir leidžia atlikti portfelio optimizavimą naudojant įvairias investavimo strategijas tiek su istoriniais duomenimis, tiek virtualioje aplinkoje. Tai esminis patobulinimas lyginant su tradiciniais vienos akcijos modeliais. "Virtuali" akcijų birža gali padėti tiriant racionalaus investuotojo elgesio prielaidą lyginant su pastarojo laikotarpio teorijomis, teigiančiomis, kad pagrindiniai rinkos dalyviai elgiasi neracionaliai. Modelis buvo lyginamas su realiomis finansinėmis laiko eilutėmis ir buvo rastas rezultatų panašumas tam tikrais atvejais. PORTFELIO modelis gali būti naudojamas kaip priemonė imituoti individualaus investuotojo elgesį, kuris nori prognozuoti, kaip tikėtinas pelnas priklauso nuo įvairių investavimo taisyklių naudojant skirtingus realių ir virtualių akcijų kainų prognozavimo metodus.

Akcijų biržos modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / On Development and Investigation of Stock-Exchange Model

Katin, Igor 02 June 2014 (has links)
Paprastas akcijų rinkos žaidimo modelis (angl. Stock Market Game Model) buvo pristatytas J. Mockaus 2002 m. Šis modelis imituoja kelių akcininkų, prekiaujančių viena akcija, elgesį. Siūlomas modelis PORTFOLIO, priešingai, imituoja akcijų biržos darbą, kurioje vyksta prekyba su daugelio firmų akcijomis. PORTFELIO modelio tikslas yra ne prognozavimas, bet simuliavimas akcijų biržos procesų, kurie yra priklausomi nuo investuotojų prognozių. Pagrindinis modelio patobulinimas yra kelių akcijų ir įvairių prekybos taisyklių įvedimas, kurios atstovauja tiek potencialių investuotojų euristikas, tiek gerai žinomas teorines investavimo strategijas. Tai suteikia modeliui daugiau realistiškumo ir leidžia atlikti portfelio optimizavimą naudojant įvairias investavimo strategijas tiek su istoriniais duomenimis, tiek virtualioje aplinkoje. Tai esminis patobulinimas lyginant su tradiciniais vienos akcijos modeliais. "Virtuali" akcijų birža gali padėti tiriant racionalaus investuotojo elgesio prielaidą lyginant su pastarojo laikotarpio teorijomis, teigiančiomis, kad pagrindiniai rinkos dalyviai elgiasi neracionaliai. Modelis buvo lyginamas su realiomis finansinėmis laiko eilutėmis ir buvo rastas rezultatų panašumas tam tikrais atvejais. PORTFELIO modelis gali būti naudojamas kaip priemonė imituoti individualaus investuotojo elgesį, kuris nori prognozuoti, kaip tikėtinas pelnas priklauso nuo įvairių investavimo taisyklių naudojant skirtingus realių ir virtualių akcijų kainų prognozavimo metodus. / A simple Stock Market Game Model (SEGM) was introduced in 2002 by J. Mockus to simulate the behavior of several stockholders trading a single stock. In contrast, the proposed model PORTFOLIO is simulating stock exchange including a number of different stocks. The objective of PORTFOLIO is not forecasting, but simulation of stock exchange processes that are affected by predictions of the participants. The main improvements are the multi-stock extension and a number of different trading rules, which represent both the heuristics of potential investors and the well-known theoretical investment strategies. This makes the model more realistic and allows the portfolio optimization in the space of investment strategies, in both the historical and virtual environments. This is an essential improvement comparing with traditional single-stock models with direct interaction of investment agents. The "virtual" stock exchange can help in testing the assumption of rational investor behavior vs. the recent theories that explain financial markets by irrational responses of major market participants. The model has been compared with actual financial time series and found the results to be close in some cases. The model is designed as a tool to represent behavior of individual investor, which wants to predict how the expected profit depends on different investment rules using different forecasting methods of real and virtual stocks.

Exploring the relationship between market values and accounting numbers of firms listed in an emerging market.

Suwardi, Eko January 2004 (has links)
Studies of the relationship between market values and accounting numbers have long been a part of an established theme in capital markets research (CMR). These studies have taken various forms, most being conducted on a cross sectional basis, tied closely with the assumptions of equilibrium behaviour and efficient markets. Explanatory variables for market value have been dominated by firm-specific variables without incorporating macroeconomic variables. Recently, however, some studies have employed macroeconomic variables and dynamic specification in assessing the relationship between market values and accounting numbers (e.g. Bilson et al. 2001, Nissim and Penman, 2003, and Willett, 2003). The objective of this thesis is to investigate the nature of the relationship between share prices and accounting numbers on the Jakarta Stock Exchange for the period 1992-2002, using dynamic modelling principles in addition to the more usual cross sectional analysis. The approach to regression modelling (general-to-specific strategy)incorporated in this thesis relies less heavily than most CMR on prior economic theories of equilibrium behaviour. Apart from these novel aspects of approach and method, the study also provides valuable information about the emerging financial markets of Indonesia. The results of this thesis show that cointegration and the accompanying equilibrium correction relationship between market and book values for firms listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) can often be identified using accounting and macroeconomic regressors. The models are typically more informative, plausible and consistent than cross sectional models and are useful in interpreting the context in which the market to book relationship exists in Indonesia. A possibly surprising result is that in Indonesia, compared to similar models estimated using US data, the book value of net assets seems to have a stronger relationship with market value. This may be a function of the relative importance of financial statements as a source of information on the JSX.


CARASSINI, RONALDI 09 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2018-02-28T19:05:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ronaldi Carassini.pdf: 1393522 bytes, checksum: 668b3b6442930f4bc8cab980d41b9895 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-28T19:05:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ronaldi Carassini.pdf: 1393522 bytes, checksum: 668b3b6442930f4bc8cab980d41b9895 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Asset pricing models, such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), are still widely discussed within the finance area, including in the scientific community as well. These models are used theoretically and practically in the area of investments to predict the risk and return of securities and portfolios, as well as in corporate finance, to analyze the viability of investments. Despite the discussions on the subject, there is still no unanimity on what rate of return should be taken at the time of the investment option. Considering these discussions about the ideal model, the objective of this work is to analyze if the application of the conditional CAPM model is valid to explain the returns of the Brazilian stock market. To answer this question, we will use the model developed by Jagannathan and Wang (1996), which introduced the possibility that betas and risk premium vary over time. For the application of this model in the Brazilian market, 40 stocks with the highest liquidity index of the Brazilian market were selected, divided into 5 (five) portfolios, each portfolio containing 8 shares, during the period from 2008 to 2016. The empirical results of this study suggest that the betas model and the risk premium varying over time can, with some adaptations, satisfactorily explain the cross-sectional variation of the portfolio returns analysed in this research. This study intends contribute to the area of finance and also, to the literature of asset pricing. / Os modelos de precificação de ativos, como é o caso do CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), ainda são muito discutidos dentro da área de finanças, inclusive também, na comunidade científica. Estes modelos são utilizados de forma teórica e prática na área de investimentos para prever o risco e o retorno de títulos e de carteiras, bem como em finanças corporativas, para analisar a viabilidade dos investimentos. Apesar das discussões sobre o tema, ainda não existe uma unanimidade sobre qual taxa de retorno deva ser tomada na hora da opção pelo investimento. Considerando estas discussões acerca do modelo ideal, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar se a aplicação do modelo CAPM Condicional é válida para explicar os retornos do mercado acionário brasileiro. Para responder a esta questão, utilizar-se-á o modelo desenvolvido por Jagannathan e Wang (1996), o qual introduziu a possibilidade de os betas e o prêmio de risco variarem ao longo do tempo. Para a aplicação deste modelo no mercado brasileiro, foram selecionadas 40 ações com maior índice de liquidez do mercado brasileiro, divididas em 5 (cinco) portfólios, contendo cada portfólio 8 ações, durante o período de 2008 à 2016. Os resultados empíricos deste estudo, sugerem que o modelo com os betas e o prêmio de risco variando ao longo do tempo, conseguem com algumas adaptações, explicar de forma satisfatória a variação cross-sectional dos retornos dos portfólios analisados nesta pesquisa. Com este estudo pretende-se contribuir para a área de finanças e também, para a literatura de precificação de ativos.

Knowledge disclosure as a weapon in technological change battles: straight shot or backfire?

Cortezi, Fernando 29 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fernando Cortezi (fernando.cortezi@globo.com) on 2015-10-28T16:26:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - versão biblioteca.pdf: 2613902 bytes, checksum: 76249e731474e447a601ddc948668529 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-10-29T18:06:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - versão biblioteca.pdf: 2613902 bytes, checksum: 76249e731474e447a601ddc948668529 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-10-30T11:03:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - versão biblioteca.pdf: 2613902 bytes, checksum: 76249e731474e447a601ddc948668529 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-30T11:03:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - versão biblioteca.pdf: 2613902 bytes, checksum: 76249e731474e447a601ddc948668529 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-29 / This work aims at evaluating how effective is knowledge disclosure in attenuating institutional negative reactions caused by uncertainties brought by firms’ new strategies that respond to novel technologies. The empirical setting is from an era of technological ferment, the period of the introduction of the voice over internet protocol (VoIP) in the USA in the early 2000’s. This technology led to the convergence of the wireline telecommunications and cable television industries. The Institutional Brokers’ Estimate System (also known as the I/B/E/S system) was used to capture reactions of securities analysts, a revealed important source of institutional pressure on firms’ strategies. For assessing knowledge disclosure, a coding technique and a established content analysis framework were used to quantitatively measure the non-numerical and unstructured data of transcripts of business events occurred at that time. Eventually, several binary response models were tested in order to assess the effect of knowledge disclosure on the probability of institutional positive reactions. The findings are that the odds of favorable institutional reactions increase when a specific kind of knowledge is disclosed. It can be concluded that knowledge disclosure can be considered as a weapon in technological changes situations, attenuating adverse institutional reactions to the companies’ strategies in environments of technological changes.

Governança corporativa e mídia : a construção do mercado financeiro no Brasil.

Leite, Elaine da Silveira 28 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissESL.pdf: 817504 bytes, checksum: 03f54ca2321ff88e89dbcde39c089180 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The objective of this work is to sketch a cognitive framing reflecting on the corporate governance issue as a condition for the Brazilian financial market construction. To reach this objective, it was made a bibliographical revision about the corporate governance issue, which took to a preliminary study with the shareholders and their representative entity aiming to verify the convergence of diverse entrepreneurs speeches regarding the corporate governance. The following chapter is about how the media frame the corporate governance question in the press Revista Exame and the newspapers Gazeta Mercantil, Valor Econômico, Folha de São Paulo and O Estado de São Paulo. The Economic Sociology approach helps to understand these data results aiming to apprehend the new dynamics in the brazilian imaginary fomented by the corporate governance ideology. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal esboçar um enquadramento cognitivo refletindo sobre a questão da governança corporativa como condição para a construção do mercado financeiro no Brasil. Para isso, apresentamos uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema em questão, a qual nos levou a realização de um estudo exploratório com os acionistas e a Animec, com o propósito de averiguar a convergência entre os discursos criados pelos empreendedores da governança corporativa. Em seguida, abordamos como a mídia enquadrou a governança corporativa através da Revista Exame e dos jornais Gazeta Mercantil, Valor Econômico, Folha de São Paulo e O Estado de São Paulo. Assim, por meio da interpretação destes eventos e dos conceitos teóricos fornecidos pela corrente em que se inscreve este estudo a sociologia econômica, buscamos apreender a dinâmica que se estabelece no imaginário brasileiro fomentado pelo ideário da governança corporativa.

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