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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Analise e desafios do IFRS4 (fase II): contratos de seguro

Bagnati, Victor Hugo César 17 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor Hugo Cesar Bagnati.pdf: 1219433 bytes, checksum: b1d30c6fdd4234bf373df016384348e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-17 / The purpose of this paper is to analyze the changes in IFRS4 as proposed by IASB and to make a contribution in the discussions about the challenges for implementing it in Brazil. An insurance company is a financial entity, picking up, in advance, resources from the public against future guarantee. On the other side, similar risks affecting banks also threatens insurance companies. Due to the role of banking activities in the economy, operational and solvency rules were established for financial entities based on enterprise risk management approach, there are the rules of Basel I and II. Similar requirements guided the insurance market, the so called Solvency I and II. At the same time, international organizations have been up-dating the accounting principles and the financial reports to the new dynamic and new financial instruments, so in 2008, the IASB published the consolidated standards, IFRS, including rules for insurance contracts accounting. Actions already taken and forthcoming are implemented in world scale, no more solely in one country, is the globalization of accounting principles. The implementation of IRFS4 has also other advantages as to facilitate the comparison of financial situation between Brazilian companies and also to other markets. The Brazilian Commissioner SUSEP, had been following the international practice, introducing them, gradually, in the Brazilian Insurance Market. According the opinions of specialist in these matters, recently interviewed, and as result of the interpretation of their comments, the new rules will, no doubt, will impact in company reporting both from the qualitative and quantitative points of view. About the qualitative side, are strong expectations that future financial reports, prepared under new accounting rules allows the users of the information to clearly understand the type of risks underwrites by the entities. While, from the quantitative side, valuation of assets and liabilities, based on concepts of fair value and present value of future cash flows, will impact in the calculation of the net worth, and consequently in the solvency of the entity. If the new accounting rules for insurance contracts issued by SUSEP, following most of the CPC11, demonstrates the difficulties to implement some concepts, as an example, the reporting of reinsurance operations, surely, the phase II of IFRS4 will bring to the market more troubles. On the other side, according the same experts, to achieve satisfactory results it will be necessary that, both actuaries and accountants, working hard together, in order to understand and apply the accounting rules in a correct way / O presente trabalho tem por objetivos analisar a proposta do IASB de alteração do pronunciamento IFRS4 e contribuir para a discussão dos principais desafios para a sua aplicação no Brasil. Uma entidade seguradora é uma instituição financeira, captando recursos dos clientes em troca de uma garantia futura, de modo que, essas entidades estão sujeitas a riscos semelhantes aos que ameaçam os bancos. Devido à importância da atividade bancária na economia foram estabelecidas normas operacionais e de solvência para essas entidades, com foco na gestão de riscos (ERM), são as chamadas regras Basiléia I e II. As seguradoras são alcançadas por regras similares: Solvência I e II. Em paralelo, os órgãos contábeis internacionais foram adaptando os princípios e as demonstrações à nova dinâmica do mercado e aos novos instrumentos financeiros, assim sendo, em 2008, o IASB publica o texto consolidado das IFRS, com regras para contabilização dos contratos de seguros, dentre outros itens. Todas as ações realizadas e as que estão por vir o são em escala mundial, já não mais são exclusivamente de um país ou realizadas de forma isolada: é a globalização da informação contábil. É claro que a adoção pelo Brasil das regras IFRS, facilitará a comparação da situação patrimonial e dos resultados não só entre as entidades locais, como também com outros mercados seguradores. No mercado segurador brasileiro, a Superintendência de Seguros Privados vem acompanhando as normas internacionais, incorporando-as, gradualmente, às práticas locais. Como é evidenciado através da pesquisa realizada, e com mais clareza, pela leitura e interpretação das entrevistas com especialistas nesta matéria, as novas regras terão, sem dúvida, impacto significativo nas demonstrações contábeis tanto do ponto de vista qualitativo quanto do ponto de vista quantitativo. No que diz respeito a qualidade, a expectativa é que as futuras demonstrações contábeis sejam mais esclarecedoras para os usuários dessa informação, no que diz respeito a divulgação dos riscos assumidos pelas entidades. Pelo lado quantitativo, a avaliação dos ativos financeiros e dos passivos da operação, com base no valor justo e o valor presente dos fluxos futuros, impactarão no patrimônio líquido das entidades e consequentemente na determinação da sua solvência. Se a norma contábil da Superintendência, que adota grande parte do pronunciamento CPC nº 11, sobre contratos de seguros, cujo cumprimento é exigido a partir de 2011, mostrou as dificuldades da aplicação de alguns conceitos, como por exemplo, o da apresentação da operação de resseguro, imagina-se que a futura norma, provavelmente bem próxima ao IFRS4 (fase II) vai trazer maiores dificuldades. Entretanto, em opinião dos especialistas que participaram das entrevistas, para alcançar resultados satisfatórios, será necessário que atuários e contadores se preparem de forma coordenada, no intuito de poder interpreta-las e aplica-las corretamente


Vučurević Slaviša 20 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Основни циљ истраживања у раду представља утврђивање функционалности бонитета у одређивању тржишних цена акција емитената пољопривредног-прехрамбеног сектора у Србији који су укључени на одређен сегмент тржишта Београдске берзе а.д. Београд. Превасходни циљ истраживања је да се утврди каква је међузависност бонитета и метода фундаменталне и техничке анализе цена акција пољопривредно-прехрамбеног сектора у Републици Србији, да се критички сагледају, утврде слабости и предности и да се на основу тога предложе одговарајућа решења, пре свега у смислу како бонитет утиче на тржишне цене акција. Наведено истраживање треба да представља основу за доношење правилних одлука, приликом инвестирања у акције емитената пољопривредно-прехрамбеног сектора. Полазне основе у истраживању представљају финансијски извештаји и показатељи емитената пољоприведно прехрамбеног сектора.<br />Утицај бонитета на тржишне цене акција емитената пољопривредно прехрамбеног сектора утврђена је применом дескриптивне статистике и логистичке регресије. На основу добијених резултата дескриптивне статистике и логистичке регресије за факторе на нивоу значајности 0,05 и 0,01, установљено је да бонитет нема пресудан утицај у одређивању тржишних цена акција, што указује на то да остварени финансијски показатељи и резултати немају утицај на тржишне цене акција. Наведено указује да велики утицај на тржишне цене акција имају макро фактори економског, политичког и друштвеног окружења. Са друге стране добијени резултати указује да бонитет предузећа може да пружи значајне информације приликом предвиђања пада или стагнације цена акција.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja u radu predstavlja utvrđivanje funkcionalnosti boniteta u određivanju tržišnih cena akcija emitenata poljoprivrednog-prehrambenog sektora u Srbiji koji su uključeni na određen segment tržišta Beogradske berze a.d. Beograd. Prevashodni cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi kakva je međuzavisnost boniteta i metoda fundamentalne i tehničke analize cena akcija poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora u Republici Srbiji, da se kritički sagledaju, utvrde slabosti i prednosti i da se na osnovu toga predlože odgovarajuća rešenja, pre svega u smislu kako bonitet utiče na tržišne cene akcija. Navedeno istraživanje treba da predstavlja osnovu za donošenje pravilnih odluka, prilikom investiranja u akcije emitenata poljoprivredno-prehrambenog sektora. Polazne osnove u istraživanju predstavljaju finansijski izveštaji i pokazatelji emitenata poljoprivedno prehrambenog sektora.<br />Uticaj boniteta na tržišne cene akcija emitenata poljoprivredno prehrambenog sektora utvrđena je primenom deskriptivne statistike i logističke regresije. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata deskriptivne statistike i logističke regresije za faktore na nivou značajnosti 0,05 i 0,01, ustanovljeno je da bonitet nema presudan uticaj u određivanju tržišnih cena akcija, što ukazuje na to da ostvareni finansijski pokazatelji i rezultati nemaju uticaj na tržišne cene akcija. Navedeno ukazuje da veliki uticaj na tržišne cene akcija imaju makro faktori ekonomskog, političkog i društvenog okruženja. Sa druge strane dobijeni rezultati ukazuje da bonitet preduzeća može da pruži značajne informacije prilikom predviđanja pada ili stagnacije cena akcija.</p> / <p>The main objective of the research work is determining the functionality of solvency in determining the market price of shares of the issuers of the agricultural and food sector in Serbia who are involved in a particular segment of the market of the Belgrade Stock Exchange ad Belgrade. The primary goal of the research is to determine what is the interdependence of solvency and methods of fundamental and technical analysis of share prices of agri-food sector in the Republic of Serbia, to critically analyze, identify weaknesses and strengths and that on that basis propose appropriate solutions, especially in terms of how worthiness affects the market price of the shares. The study should be the basis for making the right decisions when investing in shares of issuers agri-food sector. Baseline research are the financial statements of issuers and indicators for agricultural production and food sectors.<br />Influence of solvency on the market price of shares of issuers agri-food sector was assessed by descriptive statistics and logistic regression. Based on the results of descriptive statistics and logistic regression for factors at the significance level of 0.05 and 0.01, it was found that creditworthiness has no influence in determining the market price of shares, indicating that achieved financial indicators and results have uicaj the market price of shares. The above indicates that a large impact on the market price of shares have the macro factors of economic, political and social environment. On the other hand, the results indicate that the creditworthiness of companies may provide important information in predicting the decline or stagnation of share prices.</p>

我國監察人內部化之決定因素及其影響 / The determinants of the internalization of supervisors and its impacts

鄧皓天 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對2007年至2011年的非金融產業之上市櫃公司,分析股權結構、公司特性是否為公司內部監察人設置比率及是否設置外部監察人之影響因素,並進一步探討公司監察人內部化比率與外部監察人之存在對公司之經營績效、盈餘品質及財務報導強制重編次數的影響。 實證結果顯示,若公司型態為電子公司、家族企業或集團企業、公司之企業規模、內部人持股比率越大,則該公司內部監察人席次比率越高,且不傾向設置外部監察人。而就公司監察人內部化對公司之經營績效及財務報導品質的影響,實證結果顯示,監察人內部化比率越高之公司,其公司經營績效越差,且被要求強制重編財務報表的次數也較多。但只要存在一位外部監察人,即有助於改善公司之經營績效並降低公司被要求強制重編財務報表的可能性。惟本研究並未發現監察人內部化比率或外部監察人之存在與公司盈餘品質間存在顯著關係。 整體而言,本研究之實證結果顯示公司監察人內部化將使法制上監察人制度所應有之公司治理機能無法發揮,無法提升公司經營績效及財務報導品質。故為讓公司監察人能發揮其制度上應有之功能,公司之監察人,宜由外部人擔任。 / Based on a sample of listed non-financial companies over the period of 2007 to 2011 in Taiwan, this study first investigates the impact of ownership structure and firm characteristics on the internalization of supervisors. A step further, this study examines the effect of internalization of supervisors on firm performance, earnings quality and the frequency of restatement of financial reports. The empirical evidence shows that firms operate in electronic industries, or belong to business groups or owned by families, or with greater shares held by insiders or with larger firm size, are significantly and positively (negatively) associated with the internalization of supervisors (the presence of outside supervisors). The study also finds that firms with higher degree of internalization of supervisors are associated with poorer performance and higher frequency of restating their financial reports. On contrary, we find that firms with at least one outside supervisor are associated with better performance and lower frequency of restating financial reports. However, this study fails to report any association between the internalization of supervisors (or the presence of outside supervisors) and earnings quality measured by accruals. Based on the findings, this study therefore suggests that firms should appoint outsiders to be supervisors in order to better serve the function of the institution of supervisors.

Rysslands implementering av IFRS : en jämförande studie mellan RussianAccounting Standards och internationella redovisningsregler / The implementation of IFRS in The Russian Federation : a comparative study between Russian Accounting Standards and international accounting standards

Cedercrantz, Julia, Harrysson, Fanny January 2018 (has links)
År 2005 infördes regeln om att samtliga noterade bolag inom Europeiska Unionen (EU) skulle uppföra sin koncernredovisning enligt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)med start räkenskapsåret 2005. Målet med IFRS är att världsekonomin ska bli mertransparent, ansvarsfull, jämförbar och effektiv. IFRS ska även bidra till att världsekonomin får förtroende, tillväxt och långsiktig finansiell stabilitet. Detta införande har setts som en revolution inom den finansiella ekonomin. Flera länder tog efter EU:s implementering men den nya regeln har dock inte implementerats lika smärtfritt i alla länder. Ryssland är ett land med ett redovisningsregelverk som skiljer sig väsentligt mot IFRS, men också från andranationella regelverk. Studiens problemdiskussion visar på att Ryssland har haft och har stora problem med implementeringen av IFRS till skillnad från EU-länderna vilket har lett fram tillstudiens syfte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka de skillnader som finns mellan IFRS och ryska redovisningsstandarder för att påvisa hur väl Ryssland framgångsrikt har lyckats implementera IFRS jämfört med ett av medlemsländerna i EU, i detta fall Sverige. Syftet medstudien är också att undersöka hur Rysslands kultur kan ha påverkat dess utveckling och implementering av nationella och internationella regelverk inom redovisningen. Studien har ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt och syftar till att göra en komparativ studie. En granskning sker av tidigare forskning samt av koncernredovisningar enligt både IFRS och RAS från de 25 största företagen i Ryssland, baserat på jämnviktiga mätningar av intäkter, vinster, tillgångar och marknadsvärde. Därefter görs analyser och jämförelse mellan de olika regelverken. Detta görs även ur ett kulturellt perspektiv. Slutsatsen av studien visar att rysk redovisningspraxis har många väsentliga brister vilka påverkar dess förmåga att implementera IFRS. Bristerna existerar dels i regelverkets grundstenar men även i landets kulturella värderingar, vilket gör landets förutsättningar att framgångsrikt implementera IFRS väldigt små. Studien visar på stora skillnader i innebörden av likartade standarder mellan Rysslands nationella regelverk RAS och det internationella regelverket IFRS vilket försvårar harmoniseringen. Två stora skillnader är att IFRS är principbaserat och RAS är regelbaserat men även att IFRS fokus i rapporterna är tillaktieägarna och andra intressenter medan RAS främst är till för skattehantering. De största anledningarna att harmoniseringen mellan IFRS och RAS försvåras är den okunskap och bristfälliga utbildningen som råder hos ryska revisorer och upprättare av finansiella rapporter. Företagen känner sig obekväma och omotiverade och väljer därför inte att frivilligt uppföra finansiella rapporter enligt IFRS. Ur ett kulturellt perspektiv visar studienäven att Rysslands bristande utveckling inom redovisningssystem kan hänvisas till landetsdimensioner inom kulturella värderingar vilka är: lagstadgad kontroll, enhetlighet, konservatism och sekretess. Detta i motsats till IFRS värderingar: professionalism, flexibilitet, optimism och transparens. Länder, såsom Ryssland, med kulturella värderingar inom redovisningspraxis vilka är avlägsna gentemot IFRS värderingar måste övervinna högre hinder för att framgångsrikt implementera och fortsatt kunna använda IFRS. / In 2005, a new rule was introduced. The rule demanded that all listed companies within the European Union (EU) were to maintain their consolidated financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), starting in the fiscal year of2005. The objective of the IFRS is to make the world economy more transparent, responsible, comparable, and effective. Additionally, the IFRS also was designed to bring confidence, growth, and long-term financial stability to the world economy. The introduction of IFRS has been seen as a revolution in the world of global economy. Many countries all over the world followed the EU and implemented their own new legislation, but many countries were not quite as successful with their implementations or had drastically different approaches to handling the economy. For instance, the Russian Federation is a state with an accounting framework that differs significantly from that of the IFRS and other national accounting frameworks. The discussion of this study shows that, unlike the countries within EU, the Russian Federation has major problems with the implementation of their own IFRS, which led to the purpose of this study. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between IFRS and the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS), while also comparing how much the Russian Federation implemented IFRS into their economy practices compared to that of a country within EU. In this case, Sweden. Another purpose of this study is to examine how Russian culture can affect the progress and implementation of national and international rules in their reporting sectors. This study will increase the understanding of accounting within the Russian Federation and its development from a cultural perspective. This work is done to facilitate trade between different countries and to increase the comparability of the accounting reports. This study has an abductive approach and the goal is to make a comparative study. An examination of previous research and consolidated financial statements, according to both the IFRS and RAS, can be scrutinized. The examination is limited to the 25 largest companies in the Russian Federation, based on facts of consistent measurement of revenue, profits, assets and market value. When the selection of companies is done, there will be an analysis comparing between the different regulations. An additional cultural perspective will be added contrasting Sweden to Russia. The results of this study show that Russian accounting has a lot of shortcomings in different aspects, which affects the ability to implement IFRS. The issues do not solely exist in the fundamental part of RAS, but also in the cultural values of the country. This makes it difficult for the companies of the Russian Federation to fully implement IFRS. The study demonstrates the big differences between the meaning of similar standards in the RAS compared to IFRS, which complicates the harmonization. One major difference between IFRS and RAS, is that IVIFRS is based on principles and RAS is based on rules. Another important difference is that IFRS put the focus on the reports to the shareholders and other stakeholders, while the RAS primarily focuses on tax management and the government. The main reason why the harmonization between the IFRS and RAS is so complicated is due to the fact that the Russian accountants’ lack both the proper knowledge and education. The companies feel insecure and unjustified, and therefore choose not to voluntarily set up financial reports according to the IFRS. From a cultural point of view, this study also shows that the Russian Federation’s lack of progress in the accounting system can be referred to the cultural basic values of the country, which are: statutory control, uniformity, conservatism and confidentiality. Contrary to this, IFRS basic values are: professionalism, flexibility, optimism and transparency. Countries such as the Russian Federation, with cultural values that differ radically compared to IFRS values, must overcome bigger barriers to successfully implement and continue to use IFRS properly.

Upplysningskrav gällande nedskrivning av goodwill : En komparativ studie av årsredovisningar av bolag i Kanada, Japan och Ryssland / Disclosures regarding impairment of goodwill : A comparative study of annual reports of companies in Canada, Japan and Russia

Romild, Sophie January 2017 (has links)
År 2005 blev det obligatoriskt för noterade bolag inom EU att upprätta sin koncernredovisning enligt IFRS. Dessa internationella redovisningsstandarder har som mål att skapa jämförbara, transparenta, relevanta, tillförlitliga och begripliga finansiella rapporter vilka behövs för att fatta ekonomiska beslut. Användandet av IFRS ökar inte bara inom EU utan också länder utanför EU, så som Kanada, Ryssland och Japan. Vid införandet av IFRS gick många bolag från att redovisa avskrivning av goodwill, till att göra nedskrivningstest enligt IAS 36 p. 134 och skriva ned goodwill vid behov. Användningen av nedskrivning av goodwill istället för avskrivning kan ge en klarare bild av företagen för intressenter. Det existerar dock kritik mot hur IAS 36 p. 134 och dess föreskrivningar för nedskrivningar tillämpas i redovisningspraxis. Tidigare studier i ämnet harmonisering, har visat att arbetet med att skapa jämförbarhet i praxis inte alltid lyckas. Samtidigt är differentieringen mellan anglosaxiska och kontinentala redovisningssystem inte lika tydliga idag som de varit i det förflutna. Detta gör det intressant att undersöka harmoniseringen och jämförbarheten i redovisningspraxis i företag, med länder som inte är medlemmar i EU. Genom en komparativ studie mellan länderna Kanada, Ryssland och Japan undersöks till vilken grad de tillämpar IFRS och vilken skillnad som existerar mellan de olika länderna.Studien använder sig av ett abduktivt förhållningssätt och syftar till att göra en komparativ studie över hur 85 företag redovisar nedskrivning av goodwill i länderna Kanada, Japan och Ryssland. En kvalitativ ansats, med en komparativ design används i första hand eftersom denna studie syftar till att undersöka harmoniseringsprocessen och dess kontinuerliga utveckling.Resultatet i studien visar att företagen i de tre länderna skiljer sig åt i vilken utsträckning som de redovisar enligt IAS 36 p. 134, som behandlar nedskrivning av goodwill. De kanadensiska företagen följer i genomsnitt paragraferna under IAS 36 p. 134 bättre än de andra länderna, medan resultatet för de företag som tillämpar nedskrivning av goodwill visar att de japanska företagen följer underparagraferna bäst.Slutsatsen som kan dras är att beroende på ett lands redovisningstradition samt vilka redovisningsprocesser som länderna använder, så kommer företagen följa internationella redovisningsprinciper i olika utsträckning. / In 2005, it became mandatory for listed companies within the EU to prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS. These international accounting standards aim at creating comparable, transparent, relevant, reliable and comprehensible financial statements that are needed to make financial decisions. The use of IFRS increases not only within the EU but also in countries outside the EU, such as Canada, Russia and Japan. When introducing IFRS, many companies failed to write impairment tests under IAS 36, p. 134, and write down goodwill if necessary. The use of goodwill write-downs instead of depreciation can provide a clearer picture of the companies for stakeholders. However, there is criticism of how IAS 36, p. 134, and its provisions for impairment are applied in accounting practice.Earlier studies in the subject of harmonization have shown that the work of creating comparability in practice does not always succeed. At the same time, the differentiation between Anglo-Saxon and Continental accounting systems is not as clear today as they have been in the past. This makes it interesting to investigate the harmonization and comparability of accounting practices in companies, with non-EU countries. A comparative study between Canada, Russia and Japan examines the extent to which they apply IFRS and the difference that exists between the different countries.The study uses an abductive approach and aims to make a comparative study of how 85 companies report goodwill impairment in the countries of Canada, Japan and Russia. A qualitative approach, with a comparative design, is used primarily because this study aims at examining the harmonization process and its continuous development.The result of the study shows that companies in the three countries differ to what extent they report in accordance with IAS 36, p. 134, which deals with write-downs of goodwill. Canadian companies, on average, follow the paragraphs of IAS 36, paragraph 134, better than the other countries, while the results of the goodwill impairment show that the Japanese companies comply best with the under-paragraphs.The conclusion that can be drawn is that depending on the country's accounting tradition and the accounting processes used by the countries, companies will comply with international accounting principles to a varying degree.

Finanční analýza a mezipodnikové srovnání / Financial Analysis and Intercompany Comparison

Kašík, Oldřich January 2015 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to carry out financial performance analysis of two retail companies based on selected financial analysis tools and use its results for inter-company comparison. The theoretical section introduces selected methods of financial analysis and intercompany comparison methods which are used in the practical section to perform financial analysis of Billa and Kaufland companies. The selected performance ratios are consequently compared by means of intercompany comparison methods.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Soukupová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on evaluating the financial performance of the company Spojené kartáčovny in the years 2003 - 2010. It deals with the calculation of financial indicators and systems of indexes, benchmarking by comparing the company with its main competitors and constructing strategic analysis. Based on previous findings are suggested solutions for improving the current economic situation of the company.

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