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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stress development of Carton Board Packages with Hill's Model Subjected to Concentrated Loads

Grethes, Jonas, Rydberg, Anton January 2016 (has links)
The work has been carried out mainly for Tetra Pak within the project "A New Model for Deformation of Carton boardPackages by Manual Handling". Tetra Pak is specialized in food packaging, its processing and distribution. The purpose of this thesis was to implement a new carton board model for the finite element method which describes both the elastic and plastic deformation, this is called Hill’s model.This model is used to describe orthotropic materials, which a carton board is. Next, examine the differences that occurred in terms of principal stress and force-displacement diagram for different carton board packages when loaded with different objects. Simulations were performed in the finite element program Ansys APDL. To start with, a literature study was performed to cover the theory of the problem, problem causes and other work carried out in the same area. Then the material model was constructed and the simulations were performed. After this, all the data was gathered and analyzes performed. The introduction of the new material model was successful. The result shows how the carton board packages act until the maximum force the package can engage, in some cases also what happens after this state. The results also show how the principal stresses develop and the size of these. / Examensarbetet har utförts för i huvudsak Tetra Pak inom projektet "A New Model for Deformation of Carton Board Packages by Manual Handling". Tetra Pak är specialister på livsmedelsförpackningar, dess bearbetning och distribution. Syftet för detta examensarbete var att införa en kartongmodell för finita elementmetoden som beskriver både elastiskt och plastiskt tillstånd, denna kallas Hills modell. Modellen används för att beskriva ortotropa material, vilket kartong är. Därefter undersöka skillnader som uppstod vad gäller huvudspänningar och kraftförskjutningsdiagram för olika kartongförpackningar när dessa utsattes för olika tryckande objekt. Simuleringar utfördes i finita elementprogrammet, Ansys APDL. Till att börja med utfördes en litteraturstudie för att täcka teorin om problemet, problemorsaker och andra utförda arbeten inom samma område. Därefter gjordes materialmodellen var på simuleringarna utfördes. Efter detta samlades all data in och analyser utfördes. Införandet av den nya materialmodellen lyckades. Resultatet visar hur kartongförpackningarna agerar fram till den maximala kraften som förpackningen kan ta upp, i vissa fall även vad som händer efter detta tillstånd. Resultaten visar också hur huvudspänningarna utbreder sig och storleken på dessa.

Morphology formation via a ternary Cahn-Hilliard system during one species evaporation as a moving boundary problem - Finite Element approximation and implementation in FEniCS / Morforlogiformation via ett trekomponents Cahn-Hilliard system under enkomponents avdunstning i en tidsberoende domän - Finita element metoden och implementation i FEniCS

Jävergård, Nicklas January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis we derive a coupled system of Cahn-Hilliard equations posed in a domain with moving boundary using arguments from thermodynamics. The physical setting we have in mind is a ternary solution observed during one species evaporation as a moving boundary problem. The mixture is made of two types of polymers blended in a solvent that is allowed to evaporate at part of the surface of the domain. After formulating the evolution system as a moving-boundary problem with kinetic interface condition, we fix the moving boundary to facilitate a suitable numerical approximation. We project the resulting model equations on a finite element space and then integrate the obtained system in Python using FEniCS. We show numerically the formation of morphologies and track the evolution of the remaining solvent and of the moving boundary position. The conjecture is that such a system would produce phase separation and that the resulting morphologies are mappable to the observations of organic solar cells. Finally, we study the effect of the most relevant parameters on the output of our Cahn-Hilliard system, particularly on the speed of the moving boundary and of the morphology formation. / I denna tes härleder vi ett kopplat system av Cahn-Hilliard ekvationer fomulerad i en tidsberoende domän med hjälp av termodynamiska argument. Den fysiska miljön vi tänker oss är en trekomponents lösning observerad under avdunstning med hänsyn till en tidsberoende domän. Blandningen består av två polymerer utspädda i ett lösningsmedel som tillåts förånga vid en av domänens gränser. Efter att vi formulerat evolutions ekvationerna i en tidsberoende domän med kinetiska gränsvillkor så utförs en transformation till en tidsoberoende domän för att underlätta en lösning med finita elementmetoden. Vi projicerar de resulterande ekvationerna på ett diskret rum skapat m.h.a. finita elementmetoden för att sedan integrera systemet med hjälp av FEniCS platformen skrivet i Python. Vi visar nummeriska lösningar för morfologiformationen och följer evolutionen av lösningsmedlet samt positionen för den rörliga gränsen. Vår förmodan är att ett sådant system kommer producera fas-seperation och den resulterande morfologin kommer vara jämnförbar med det som observeras hos organiska solceller. Slutligen studerar vi hur variationer av dom mest relevanta parametrarna påverkar på vårt Cahn-Hilliard system, i synnerhet positionen som en funktion av tid hos den rörliga gränsen samt morfologiformationen.

FE-modellering för vindlastanalys

Jensen, Magnus January 2015 (has links)
I studien redogörs övergripande för vindens grundläggande natur och till viss del hur den kan påverka ett bärverk beroende på bärverkets form samt vindens hastighet, anfallsvinkel och turbulens. Det redogörs även för ett antal strukturdynamiska fenomen orsakade av vind som kan vara aktuella för broar. Dessa fenomen är fladder, gallopering, virvelavlösning, vridande divergens och vindstötsbelastning. I studien återfnns även en sammanfattning av den vägledning om utvärdering av dynamisk respons i bärverk orsakad av vind som ges i BSV 97, vilken hänvisas till enligt föregående gällande norm Bro 2004. Det redogörs även för den vägledning som ges i nuvarande gällande norm SS-EN 1991-1-4 med tillhörande nationella anvisningar i TRVK Bro 11, TRVR Bro 11, och TRVFS 2011:12. Den vägledning som ges för utvärdering av den dynamiska responsen är begränsad till att gälla vindfluktuationer i vindriktningen som ger upphov till resonans för bärverket i en egenmod där hela konstruktionen svänger i vindriktningen och åt samma håll. I studien studeras en balkbro av samverkanstvärsnitt med längsta spännvidd ca 70 m i syfte att utvärdera egenfrekvenser och modtyper för en relativt vanlig brotyp samt hur dessa varierar med antal spann och grundläggningsförhållanden. Studien utförs med hjälp av en detaljerad FE-modell till stor del bestående av skalelement. Även jämförelse med FE-modell av samma bro modellerad med balkelement utförs. Resultaten av studien används sedan till att beräkna den dynamiska förstorningsfaktorn med hänsyn till vindstötsbelastning, vilket förutsätts vara det fenomen som har störst inverkan på vanligt förekommande balkbroar med medellång spännvidd, dvs. 50-150 m. Denna förstorningsfaktor, den så kallade bärverksfaktorn cscd beräknas här enligt en förenklad och konservativ metod föreslagen i artikel av Ülker-Kaustell, Zangeneh och Pacoste [22]. / The study presents comprehensive fundamental nature of wind and to some extent how it can affect a structure depending on the shape of the structure and the speed of the wind, its angle of attack and content of turbulence. It also presents a number of structural dynamic phenomenon caused by winds that may be relevant for bridges. These phenomena are flutter, galloping, vortex shedding, torsional divergence and gust load. In the study there is also a summary of the guidance on the evaluation of dynamic structural response caused by the wind given in BSV 97, referred to according to the preceding valid rules for bridge design in Sweden, Bro 2004. It also outlines the guidance provided in current valid rules, EN 1991-1-4, with their national guidance in TRVK Bro 11, TRVR Bro 11, and TRVFS 2011:12. The guidance given or evaluation of the dynamic response is limited to the wind fluctuations in the wind direction causing resonance in the structure for a eigenmode in which the entire structure oscillate in wind direction and in the same direction. In the study a composite box girder bridge is studied with the longest span of about 70 m in order to evaluate natural frequencies and mode types for a relatively common bridge type and how these vary with the number of spans and foundation conditions. The study is performed by means of a detailed FE-model mainly consisting of shell elements. There is also performed a comparative study with a FE-model of the same bridge modeled with beam elements. The results of the study are then used to calculate the dynamic magnification factor with respect to the gust load, which is assumed to be the phenomenon that has the greatest impact on the common girder bridges with medium range, i.e. 50-150 m. The magnification factor, the so-called structural factor cscd is here calculated according to a simplified and conservative method proposed in the article by Ülker-Kaustell, Zangeneh and Pacoste [22].

Numerical analysis and model updating of a steel-concrete composite bridge : Parametric study & Statistical evaluation

Abdulrahman, Keiwan, Potrus, Fadi January 2015 (has links)
In the year 2006, only 10 years after the steel- concrete composite bridge, Vårby bridge was built, fatigue cracks were found during an inspection. To further investigate the reasons and the potential danger of the cracks, an investigation under the commission of the Swedish Transport Administration was issued in 2009. After the detection of fatigue cracks, several measurements were carried out in order to monitor the static behavior by the use of strain gauges at selected positions along the bridge. The measurements from the strain gauges monitoring the global behavior were then used to calibrate an finite element model.   The present report is part of the research of understanding the behavior of steel-concrete composite bridges. Numerical analysis and model updating have been used in order to understand and determine how different parameters affects the strain range and the global behavior. The numerical analysis and parameter study were performed in the Finite Element software Abaqus and programming language Python. The outcome of the parameter study was then used to perform the model updating by the method of falsification in MATLAB.   The results from the parameter study and the model updating showed that the measured strains could be reached with a wide range of parameter combinations. Even with unreasonable parameter values, the measured strains were obtained. To investigate the reason for this, a multiple linear regression analysis was performed which showed that the strain range is strongly correlated to the Young’s modulus of steel and concrete and also to the connector elasticity, which resembles the studs in the real bridge.   Two different finite element models, with two completely different input parameter values, obtain the same strain range for the global behavior. It is therefore not certain to assume that a model is accurate and valid based on the fact that the predicted strain range from the finite element model is close to the measured strain range since the global behavior of a steel- concrete composite bridge can be modeled by many different sets of parameters.

Verification of the response of a concrete arch dam subjected to seasonal temperature variations / Verifiering av responsen från en valvdamm utsatt för säsongsbetingade temperaturförändringar

Andersson, Oskar, Seppälä, Max January 2015 (has links)
Many dams existing today were constructed around fifty years ago. Condition monitoring is essential for maintaining high safety and determining the current level of safety and stability for these dams. There is a need for new monitoring techniques and finite element coupled monitoring could be one of these techniques. A concrete arch dam located in Sweden is modelled and calibrated with respect to concrete temperature measurements. The temperature distribution is then defined as a prescribed strain in a structural mechanical model in which a parametric study is performed. The results from the parametric study are compared to measurements of the crest deformation and a combination of parameters is found giving the lowest difference between measurements and model results for the mid-section. The results show that the finite element model can be used to predict the behavior of the dam with acceptable deviation. The parametric study indicates that the reference temperature of the concrete has little effect on the amplitude of the deformation and that the governing factor is the coefficient of thermal expansion. / Många av de dammar som finns idag byggdes för omkring femtio år sedan. Tillståndsövervakning är avgörande för att kunna bestämma nivån av säkerhet och stabilitet för dessa dammar. Det finns ett behov av ny övervakningsteknik och finita element-kopplad övervakning kan vara en av dessa tekniker. En betongvalvdamm modelleras och kalibreras med avseende på uppmätt betongtemperatur. Den beräknade temperaturfördelningen definieras sedan som en föreskriven töjning en strukturmekanisk modell i vilken en parametrisk studie utförs. Resultaten från parameterstudien jämförs med mätningar av kröndeformation och en kombination av parametrar identifieras som ger lägsta skillnad mellan mätningar och modellresultat för mittsektionen. Resultaten visar att modellen kan användas för att förutsäga dammens beteende med acceptabel avvikelse. Parameterstudien indikerar att referenstemperaturen för betongen har liten inverkan på amplituden för deformationen och att den styrande faktorn är längdutvidgningskoefficienten.

Effect of axle load spreading and support stiffness on the dynamic response of short span railway bridges

Syk, Annelie, Axelsson, Erik January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis the effect of axle load spreading through ballast and the effect of support stiffness has been investigated on short span railway bridges. Two types of bridges, simply supported bridges and bridges with integrated backwalls, have been modeled with 2D beam elements. When analyzing the load spreading effect, two types of load shapes have been considered. The first one is the load shape proposed in Eurocode where the axle load is modeled with three point loads where 50% of the axle load acts on the sleeper located underneath the wheel and 25% on the two adjacent sleepers, respectively. Therefrom the loads are further distributed through the sleepers and the ballast. The second load shape that has been studied is a triangular load shape. These two load shapes have been modeled both with different numbers of point loads and as distributed line loads to see how the dynamic response of the bridges is affected and thereby find what level of accuracy that is required to capture the full effect of the load spreading. For the bridges with integrated backwalls the supports were also modeled as springs with varying stiffness to see how the dynamic response was affected. The response was measured in terms of vertical acceleration and bending moment. From the simulations the conclusion can be drawn that the triangular load shape gives significantly lower bridge responses than the Eurocode load shape. It is further found that modeling the axle loads with point loads can give spurious acceleration peaks, which in the case of bridges with integrated backwalls often are critical. For these bridges it is necessary to enhance the accuracy of the load spread, either by increasing the number of point loads or using a distributed line load. From the spring support simulations, it can be seen that support stiffness has great influence on the dynamic response of bridges with integrated backwalls. For certain values the response is increased, whereas for other values a large reduction is obtained.

Dynamisk analys och utmattningskontroll med hjälp av fältmätningar och FEM : Fallstudie över SL:s Bro norr om Söderströmsbron

Janhunen, Tony, Mikus, Martin January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Soil reinforcement with geopolymer : A FEM study in the Old Town subway track adjacent to Söderströmsbron / Jordförstärkning med geopolymer : En FEM - studie i Gamla Stans tunnelbanespår i anslutning till Söderströmsbron

Mikha, Alexandra, Radouani, Gina January 2020 (has links)
Söderströmsbron is the bridge that leads the subway between Slussen and Gamla Stan in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. It is one of the busiest routes in the entire SL traffic system. According to surveys, the ground behind one of the retaining walls in Gamla Stan has shown settlements and movements that have required Trafikförvaltning to annually fill up with 1m3 of macadam.To avoid disturbing the traffic in the area, an interference-free reinforcement method has been requested. A proposal to stabilize the soil is by injecting geopolymer, which is a two- component solution that protects against erosion and equalize ground levels. Geopolymer consist of two liquid substances, that expand in the combination with each other, forming an impervious barrier to water.This report addresses a finite element analysis in the Plaxis 2D program for the affected soil behind the support with geopolymer to determine if the reinforcement method can be applied as a long-term solution.The results from FE analyzes show that the injection of geopolymer is a more long-term solution for reduced settlements in the soil, but also for the movements of the structures. / Söderströmsbron leder tunnelbanan mellan Slussen och Gamla Stan i Stockholm. Det är en av de mest trafikerade sträckorna i hela SL:s trafiksystem. Jorden bakom landfästet i Gamla Stan har enligt undersökningar påvisat sättningar och rörelser vilket medfört att Trafikförvaltningen årligen behövt fylla på med 1m3 makadamballast.För att undvika att förhindra trafiken i området har en störningsfri förstärkningsmetod efterfrågats. Ett förslag för att stabilisera marken är injektering av geopolymer, en tvåkomponent-lösning som skyddar mot erosion och utjämnar marknivåer. Geopolymer består av två flytande ämnen som i kontakt med varandra expanderar och bildar en ogenomtränglig barriär mot vatten.Denna rapport behandlar en finita element-analys i programmet Plaxis 2D beträffande den drabbade jorden bakom stödet samt en förstärkning med geopolymer för att avgöra om förstärkningsmetoden kan tillämpas som en långsiktig lösning.Resultatet från FE-analysen visar att injektering av geopolymer är en mer långsiktig lösning för minskade sättningar i jorden, men även för konstruktionernas rörelser.

Load capacity of grouted rock bolts in concrete dams

Berzell, Carl January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the contribution of grouted rock bolts on the stability of concrete dams. The load capacity of the grouted rock bolts are assessed considering eventual deteriorating processes. An additional objective was to compare the resulting load capacity with the prevailing regulations in RIDAS (the power companies’ guidelines on dam safety) and possibly suggest new guideline values. The literature study consists of two parts; concrete dams and grouted rock bolts. In the first part concrete dams are discussed and especially the inherent forces and aspects when controlling their stability. The second part treats grouted rock bolts and the theoretical focus is on their function and possible failure modes as well as on the degrading processes (primarily corrosion) that are affecting the rock bolts.  Subsequently, the theory was applied on the Swedish concrete buttress dam Storfinnforsen, which is the largest concrete dam in Sweden. The dam was selected for this study mainly because its shape is archetypical for buttress dams. In addition, a digitalized model of the dam was obtainable from previous research projects.  A numerical analysis with the finite element analysis software ABAQUS was performed in order to evaluate the stability of the dam and to support the analytical analysis. The load capacity of the grouted rock bolts was analytically evaluated with consideration to eventual degradation. Assuming a corrosion rate of 60 μm/year, the grouted rock bolts in Storfinnforsen could after 100 years be trusted with a load capacity of approximately 180 MPa. That load capacity is due to shear failure, which constitutes the most plausible failure mode for rock bolts in buttress dams. The value 180 MPa is to be seen in contrast to the current limitation of 140 MPa that is defined in RIDAS (2011). The conclusion of this thesis is accordingly, that the maximum allowed load capacity that can be assigned the grouted rock bolts in the stability calculations of concrete dams can be increased from todays 140 MPa. This conclusion is substantiated by the analytical analyses with the numerical calculations as support.

Samverkan av jord och ovanliggande struktur i FEM-program : En studie av nya jordmodeller I FE-programmet 3D- Structure / Collaboration of soil and overlying structure in FEM-programs : A study of new soil models in the FE program 3D-Structure

Abdinasser, Ahmed, Tabatabaei, Sara January 2017 (has links)
De senaste åren har det funnits olika företag som har tillverkat avancerade mjukvaror inom byggbranschen. En del av mjukvaror är avsedd att skapa 2D ritningar och 3D modeller. Med hjälp av dessa verktyg har ingenjörer och arkitekter snabbt och enkelt skapat ritningar och modeller för projektering av konstruktioner. Utvecklingen inom detta område kallas BIM. Byggnadsinformationsmodellering, BIM, stödjer design av en byggnad genom alla faser och möjliggör bättre konstruktions-, tillverknings- och inköpsaktiviteter. Andra mjukvaror är tilltänkt att förutse hur en struktur reagerar på verkliga laster, vibrationer, värme och andra fysiska effekter. För detta används finita elementmetod, där kommer strukturen analyseras i element för ett noggrannare resultat. En utveckling inom detta område har också skett. Företaget Strusoft AB utvecklar FE-verktyg för analys av struktur. Den senaste nyheten är modul för beräkning av samverkan mellan struktur, grundläggning och undergrunden i form av jord. Modulen kallas 3D-Soil och används enligt Strusoft för modellering och analys av geokonstruktioner. I denna rapport redovisas modellering av en struktur och underliggande jord med finit elementanalysprogrammet, FEM-Design som är försett med den nya modulen 3D-Soil för geotekniska beräkningar. Målet är att jämföra resultat för moment utifrån samverkanskrafter mellan jord och struktur i FEM-Design med ett annat FEM-program, Lusas. Till skillnad från FEM-Design appliceras jord- och vattentryck som utbredd last i Lusas. Resultaten visar att det finns signifikanta skillnader mellan resultaten från analysprogrammen och det finns begränsningar i modelleringsverktyget som behöver utvecklas vidare. / In recent years, there have been various companies that produced advanced software in the construction industry. A part of software is designed to create 2D drawings and 3D models. With the help of these tools, engineers and architects have been able to quickly create drawings and models for estimation of designs. Development in this area is called BIM. Building Information Modeling, BIM, supports design of a building through all phases and enables better design, manufacturing and purchasing activities. Other software is intended to predict how a structure responds to real loads, vibration, heat and other physical effects. For this, finite element method is used, where the structure will be analyzed in elements for more accurate results. Development in this area has also taken place. Strusoft AB develops FE tools for structural analysis and the latest product is a module for calculating the interaction between structure, foundation and subsoil in the form of soil. The module is called 3D-Soil and is used by Strusoft for modeling and analysis of geo-constructions. In this report, modeling of a structure and underlying soil with the finite element analysis program, FEM-Design, is provided with the new 3D-Soil module for geotechnical calculations. The goal is to compare the results for moment based on interaction forces between soil and structure in FEM-Design with another FEM program, Lusas. Unlike FEM-Design, soil and water pressure is applied as a distributed load in Lusas. The results show that there are significant differences between the results of the analysis programs and there are limitations in the modeling tool that needs further development.

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