Spelling suggestions: "subject:"five 3factor model"" "subject:"five 4factor model""
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Personlighet och självbetjänande attributionsfel, prediktorer för risk- och smittförebyggande beteenden vid covid-19Palmqvist Söderman, Linnéa, Johansson, Erica January 2020 (has links)
Covid-19 pandemin har orsakat ett stort antal sjukdom- och dödsfall i Sverige. Människors beteende är avgörande för smittspridningens utveckling och blir därför värdefullt att undersöka. Aktuell studie testade huruvida Femfaktormodellens personlighetsdimensioner respektive självbetjänande attributionsfelen, bättre-än-medel-effekten och orealistisk optimism, samvarierar med och predicerar smittförebyggande beteenden vid covid-19 pandemin. En enkät besvarades av 126 högskolestudenter från Mellansverige. Resultatet visade inget signifikant samband mellan någon personlighetsdimension och smittförebyggande beteenden. Personlighet kan inte predicera risk- respektive smittförebyggande beteenden. Samtliga mätningar av bättre-än-medel-effekter och orealistisk optimism visade positiva samband med smittförebyggande beteenden varav enbart bättre-än-medel-effekten vad gäller den egna förmågan att skydda sig mot smitta kunde förklara variation i smittförebyggande beteenden. Intressant för framtida studier är att undersöka vad som ligger till grund för dessa resultat samt vidare undersöka vad annat som kan förklara människors beteenden vid pandemiska kriser.
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In search for the perfect KAM manager : Exploring both the buyer´s and the supplier’s view of valued personality traits in a KAM managerVillumsen, Erika, Laurits, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Background: KAM has received a lot of attention over the last decade, where organizations acknowledge the benefits, and choose to implement KAM programs within their companies. Research shows that the individual in a KAM manager role has a huge impact on the outcomes of KAM, crucially responsible for the relationships with the key accounts. Furthermore, there is a clear link between the selection of the right candidate in order to succeed with KAM, and the personality traits of a KAM manager. Problem: Limited research has been carried out on the personality traits of KAM managers connected to the FFM, yet scholars indicate that the individual has a large effect on the outcomes of KAM. Also, few researchers study both the buyer´s and the supplier's side within KAM relationships, even though mutual benefits are an essential part of KAM. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify if there is an existing mutual understanding between the buyer and supplier regarding valuable traits of a KAM manager to benefit KAM outcomes. Method: The study utilizes a qualitative research approach, collecting primary data through six semi-structured interviews. The number of participants was equally distributed between buyers and suppliers, all experienced working with KAM. A thematic analysis was then used to analyze the empirical findings. Conclusion: Based on the results, a conclusion is drawn that there is no mutual understanding between the buyer and supplier regarding valuable traits of a KAM manager. Aligning with previous research, all participants shared the view concerning the individual's importance in KAM, however having divided opinions about which personality traits would contribute to the valuable outcomes. The buyers emphasized the importance of structure and planning relating to the personality trait conscientiousness to optimize KAM outcomes, while the suppliers rather placed focus on aspects connecting to the personality trait extraversion.
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Hög begåvning och samvetsgrannhet: Nyckeln till framgång? / High IQ and conscientiousness: The Key to Success?Norrman, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Relationen mellan ekonomisk framgång (inkomst), personlighetsdragetsamvetsgrannhet och begåvning undersöktes för könsuppdelade grupper medbegåvning i fjärde kvartilen. Syftet var att se om hög samvetsgrannhet och IKkunde predicera ekonomisk framgång bland personer med hög begåvning.Datainsamlingen skedde genom att extrahera relevanta individer urWisconsin Longitudinal Study. I den ursprungliga datainsamlingen deltogtotalt 10 317 personer. T-test genomfördes för att jämföra inkomster för högtbegåvade kvinnor och män. Multipla regressionsanalyser genomfördes föratt undersöka begåvningens och samvetsgrannhetens effekt på årsinkomstenför de högt begåvade männen och kvinnorna. Studien visade att högbegåvadekvinnor och män hade signifikanta löneskillnader samt att samvetsgrannhetoch hög begåvning med signifikans kunde användas för att predicera inkomstför såväl gruppen kvinnor som för gruppen män. / The relationship between economic success (income), the personality traitconscientiousness and IQ were examined for gender-segregated groups withIQ in the fourth quartile. The purpose was to see if high conscientiousnessand IQ could predict financial success in the subgroups. Data collection wascarried out by extracting relevant individuals from the WisconsinLongitudinal Study. A total of 10,317 people participated in the original datacollection. A t-test was performed to compare incomes for women and menwith high IQ. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine theeffect of IK and conscientiousness on the income of the high IQ group of menas well as for the high IQ group of women. The study showed that highlygifted women and men had significant pay differences as well as thatconscientiousness and IQ were significant predictors of income for both thegroup of women and the group of men.
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En motståndskraftig äldreomsorg : En kvantitativ studie om resiliens och dess samband med femfaktorteorin hos chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen / A resilient eldercare : A quantitative study regarding resilience and its relation to the five-factor model of personality among managers in municipal eldercarePagling, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Termen resiliens definieras som förmågan att mentalt eller känslomässigt hantera och återhämta sig efter stressfyllda situationer. Tidigare forskning inom området tyder på att det finns en korrelation mellan särskilda personlighetsdrag i femfaktorteorin och den individuella graden av resiliens. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka detta samband hos chefer inom äldreomsorgen, ett yrke som omfattar en tung arbetsbelastning inom en redan stressfylld sektor i arbetslivet. I studien undersöktes även relationen mellan tiden som chef inom äldreomsorgen och den individuella graden av resiliens. En enkätstudie utfördes med deltagare som besitter chefsroller inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen (n=58, Målder=48,77, SD=9,54). Data analyserades med två multipla regressionsanalyser, och korrelationen mellan faktorerna analyserades med Pearsons korrelationskoefficient. Efter Bonferroni-korrigering var de enda signifikanta faktorerna samvetsgrannhet och neuroticism. Resultatet av studien påvisar att samvetsgrannhet har en signifikant positiv korrelation och neuroticism har en signifikant negativ korrelation med resiliens. Angående sambandet mellan tiden som chef inom äldreomsorgen och resiliens, så påvisar undersökningen att det inte fanns någon signifikant korrelation. De starkaste personlighetsdragen för att predicera en hög grad av individuell resiliens hos chefer inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen var samvetsgrannhet och neuroticism. Antalet år som chef inom äldreomsorgen och dess påverkan på resiliens överensstämde inte med tidigare studier, där antalet år som chef borde ha ökat den individuella graden av resiliens. Kunskapen om personlighet och erfarenhets samband med resiliens kan potentiellt bidra till att öka resiliens inom den kommunala äldreomsorgen. / The term resilience is defined as the ability to mentally and emotionally cope from stressful events. Research has shown that there is a correlation between some of the personality traits in the five-factor model, and the individual level of resilience. The purpose of this study was to examine this relationship in nursing management, an occupation which involves heavy workloads in an already stressful sector. This study also examined the relationship between time spent as an eldercare manager and the individual level of resilience. A survey was conducted with participants who are in managerial positions in the municipal eldercare (n=58, Mage=48,77, SD=9,54). The data were analyzed using two multiple regressionanalyses, and the correlation between the factors was analyzed with the use of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. After Bonferroni-correction the only significant factors were conscientiousness and neuroticism. The result corresponds with current research, which proposes that conscientiousness has a significant positive correlation, and neuroticism has a significant negative correlation with resilience. Regarding the relationship between time spent as an eldercare manager and resilience, the results showed that there was no significant correlation. The traits conscientiousness and neuroticism were the strongest to predict a higher level of individual resilience amongst municipal eldercare managers. Time spent as an eldercare manager and its impact on resilience did not correspond with previous studies, were time spent as an eldercare manager should raise the individual level of resilience. Knowledge of the relationship between personality, experience and resilience might contribute to increased resilience in municipal eldercare.
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Relationen mellan personlighet och intern- extern attribution / Personality traits as predictors of external and internal attributionLindholm, Meia, Lindahl, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det går att predicera individers attribution av negativ kritik från sin chef till externa eller interna orsaker i hypotetiska situationer, beroende på individens personlighetsdrag enligt femfaktormodellen. Datainsamling genomfördes på sociala medier via en digital enkät, baserad på The Attributional Style Questionnaire och en svensk översättning av Ten-Item Personality Inventory. De 116 respondenterna i studien har varit verksamma i arbetslivet under minst ett år på en anställningsgrad på 50% eller mer. Studien visade att personlighetsdragen från femfaktorsmodellen inte kunde predicera om en individ attribuerade externt eller internt avseende negativ kritik från chefen. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan könen hittades. / The purpose of the study was to investigate whether it was possible to predict an individual's attribution of negative criticism from their boss in hypothetical situations (based on internal- external attribution and the five-factor model). Data collection was carried out on social media through a digital survey, based on The Attributional Style Questionnaire and a Swedish translation of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. The 116 participants involved in the study had a work experience of a minimum of one year, with a full-time position or part- time employment of 50% or higher. The study showed that personality traits could not predict whether an individual attributed external or internal negative criticism from the manager. No significant difference between the sexes was found.
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Borderline personality disorder and suicide risk: The role of emotional vulnerability, parental invalidation, and adverse childhood experiencesMcDaniel, Chandler Jayne 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Childhood adversity is linked with a variety of negative outcomes including suicide attempts and personality disorders, most commonly Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). A core feature of BPD, emotion dysregulation is often reported following early childhood adversity and contributes to both suicidal ideation and attempts. One explanation for the development of emotion dysregulation within BPD, is the biosocial model, which states that there must be an interaction between childhood emotional vulnerability and parental invalidation. Recent literature suggests that this interaction may not be necessary. Thus, the current study extended previous literature by examining childhood risk factors (i.e., ACES, parental invalidation, and childhood emotional vulnerability) as individual and interactive effects in predicting both BPD and suicide directly, as well as indirectly predicting suicide through BPD. Overall, the results indicated that all three risk factors individually predicted BPD and suicide risk and that the biosocial interaction also significantly predicts BPD and suicide risk.
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The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Paranormal BeliefPerdue, Autumn 01 December 2013 (has links)
Studies into paranormal belief and the effects thereof have been gaining more attention. This study looked at the Big Five Personality Traits and how they could relate to belief in the paranormal, specifically which personality traits, if any, lended themselves to paranormal belief more than others. Four hundred forty-six college-age participants completed a Big Five survey as well as the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale. Results from a multiple regression showed a significant relationship between gender, religion, level of education achieved by the participant's mother, extraversion, and neuroticism (emotional stability) in relation to paranormal belief. Implications and elaboration of findings are discussed.
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Personality Inventory DSM-5: A Spanish Translation for Hispanics in the United StatesCarmona, Jessica Abigail 01 July 2019 (has links)
The Personality Inventory DSM-5 (PID-5) was created to measure personality pathology and help in the development of a dimensional conceptualization of personality disorders (Krueger, Derringer, Markon, Watson, & Skodol, 2012). It measures five maladaptive personality traits: Negative Affect, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition and Psychoticism. The PID-5 has also garnered significant support for its hierarchical structure, five-factor structure across samples and translations, and its ability to predict variance in internalizing and externalizing disorders (Krueger & Markon, 2014). The current study builds on this literature by translating the PID-5 into Spanish spoken in Latin America and testing the replicability of the five-factor structure, reliability, and validity of the PID-5-Sp facets in a Hispanic sample. Using Mechanical Turk, 305 participants completed the PID-5-Spanish, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD7), Aggression Questionnaire-Revised (AQ-R) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI). EFA suggested a three-factor structure that resulted in two small factors that were conceptually similar to Antagonism and Detachment and one large global general distress factor. CFA results indicated that a five-factor solution had a poor fit for the current sample. Reliability was acceptable for most facets (α = .60-.95, M= .85). In general, PID-5-Sp domains showed moderate to strong correlations with theoretically congruent normative traits, with exception of Psychoticism, which was not significantly correlated with Openness to Experience (r = -.08, p = > .05). As expected, Detachment and Negative Affect predicted GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores. Aggression scores were predicted by Negative Affect, Antagonism and Disinhibition. Overall, the PID-5-Sp partially replicated previous validity and reliability findings. However, future research is needed to further test the five-factor structure and its replicability in non-Western samples.
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THE PERFORMANCE OF ESG THEMATIC FUND IN CHINA AND ESG RATINGSZhao, Zhimei, 0000-0003-2973-6647 January 2022 (has links)
We uses ESG thematic funds to conduct a detailed statistical profile of their operating status in the Chinese market, including the size, the proportion of different investment types, and the characteristics of return and risk. The OLS model is used to empirically analyze the applicability of the Fama-French five-factor model in the Chinese mutual fund market. Based on the a ESG rating as a starting point, we study the profit improvement mechanism and risk-return characteristics of the ESG portfolios. The main findings are that the five-factor model better explained the excess returns of ESG thematic funds during the entire sample period of the study and can be used for attribution analysis of the performance. It shows that, despite the poor performance of ESG thematic funds in the market during certain periods, there is no significant difference between the performance of ESG thematic funds and the market during the economic crisis. The ROEs and dividend rates of the ESG high-scoring groups are both higher than those of the ESG low-scoring groups. This shows that companies with higher ESG scores have higher and more sustainable profitability and greater willingness to pay dividends. Furthermore, the ESG high-scoring group has better returns and lower risks. / Business Administration/Finance
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Kan personlighet bidra till Banduras teori? : Utforskning av källor till akademisk self-efficacy bland universitetsstudenterFahlström, Mikael, Wihlborg Wassenius, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
Bandura har postulerat fyra källor till akademisk self-efficacy vilka samtliga antas vara tämligen formbara. I tidigare studier har endast en viss del av variansen i akademisk self-efficacy kunnat förklaras genom dessa källor vilket föranleder fog till ytterligare forskning. Tidigare genomförda undersökningar som är indikerade att personlighet har ett samband med akademisk self-efficacy, men området är relativt bristfälligt studerat. Denna studie syftar till att studera Banduras föreslagna källor samt personlighet i enlighet med femfaktorteorins relation till akademisk self-efficacy. Studien utfördes genom en enkätundersökning, där 131 studenter besvarade frågor gällande Banduras föreslagna källor till akademisk self-efficacy, personlighet samt upplevd akademisk self-efficacy. Samtliga variabler i studien mättes med väletablerade instrument. En linjär multipel hierarkisk regressionsanalys utfördes och resultat bekräftar delvis Banduras teori. Dessutom påvisas att extraversion betydande predicerar akademisk self-efficacy. Således har teoribildning angående källor till self-efficacy utvecklats, vilket bland annat kan bidra till beslut om att inrikta fortsatt forskning inom området bör anta.
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