Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flexicurity"" "subject:"flexicurité""
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Anställning med rätt kompetens. / Employment with the right competence.Usein, Gülsen January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Koncept flexicurity na českém trhu práceDuda, Václav January 2006 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá Evropskou strategií zaměstnanosti a popisuje koncept Flexicurity. Na příkladech Dánska a Nizozemí ukazuje klady a zápory tohoto konceptu. Dále vysvětluje různé významy slov flexibilita a jistota na trhu práce. Hodnotí rovněž úroveň flexibility a jistoty na českém trhu práce a možnost aplikace Flexicurity v České republice.
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Flexibilní formy zaměstnávání / Flexible forms of employmentTrhlíková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with flexible forms of employment which are used in practice most. First it puts the concept of flexibilisation into context. The thesis defines the basic concepts and classification in connection with flexibility. Then it explains steps which led to the development of flexibility in the Czech Republic. The thesis has two main aims. The first aim is to evaluate the functioning of chosen flexible forms of employment in practice and to reveal their strengths and weaknesses by way of examples from practice. The second aim of the thesis lies in judging the impact of flexibilisation on individual classes of society and in drawing conclusion whether the flexibilisation is a positive or negative phenomenon for given groups in society.
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Flexicurita a její projevy při vzniku, změnách a skončení pracovního poměru v právní úpravě České republiky a Spolkové republiky Německo / Flexicurity and its manifestations in the formation, changes and termination of the employment relationship in the legal regulation of the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of GermanyČihák, Adam František January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is a comparison of legal regulation in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany with regard to manifestations of flexicurity in the formation, changes and termination of the employment relationship. The word flexicurity was formed by combining two opposing terms - flexibility (contractual freedom) and security (safety, protection, sureness). Flexicurity can be viewed from several different angles. It is mainly a concept or model of a labor market with regard to labor law and alternatively related social security law and employment policy. The issue of labor law flexibility and protection of employees is very topical, especially nowadays. Effort to find the optimal balance between flexibility and security can contribute to the solution for the weakening competitiveness of European states. This thesis is composed of an introduction, five chapters and further divided into sub- chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter of the thesis deals with the term flexicurity and the approach of the European Union and European states on this issue (including historical development). The second chapter provides the basic characteristics of labor law in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany that is a necessary foundation for the next part of the thesis. Key...
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Moment 22 : Vilka faktorer påverkar den rådande ungdomsarbetslösheten i Sverige? / Catch 22 : Which factors are affecting the current youthunemployment rate in Sweden?Spector, Jonatan, Priba, Michael January 2011 (has links)
År 2010 var genomsnittstalet för arbetslöshet hos ungdomar mellan 15 – 24 år 25,2 %. Jämfört med den totala arbetslösheten i Sverige som samma år låg på 8,2 % är det en mycket hög siffra. Ser man till övriga EU-länder låg Sverige 2011 över genomsnittsantalet och hamnade på en 15:e plats i högst andel ungdomsarbetslöshet.En ofta debatterad faktor är de svenska turordningsreglerna i lagen om anställningsskydd, LAS och det är också där vårt primära fokus ligger. LAS är en social skyddslag som från början syftade till att skydda de äldre arbetstagarna på arbetsmarknaden. Bakgrunden till lagens uppkomst var att regeringen kunde se en negativ utveckling på de äldre arbetstagarnas sysselsättningsgrad och ville stävja problemet. En av anledningarna till varför det såg ut som det gjorde var att det skedde allt snabbare strukturförändringar på arbetsmarknaden. Den mer statiska industrisektorn som många livnärde sig på var i rörelse. Ytterligare en anledning till att regeringen ansåg att en skyddslag behövdes var att man såg stora svårigheter för de äldre arbetstagarna att kunna förflytta sig geografiskt. Uppfattningen var att om en yngre arbetstagare blev arbetslös har de större möjlighet att flytta till annan ort för att där hitta ett nytt arbete.Inledningsvis presenteras ett större kapitel som beskriver turordningsreglernas gällande rätt med de paragraferna vi anser vara relevanta för uppsatsen. Kapitlet är grunden för uppsatsen och ett resonemang kommer föras om turordningsreglernas inverkan på ungdomsarbetslösheten.I Sverige idag finns framför allt två större aktörer med stort inflytande på arbetsmarknaden. Den ena är Landsorganisationen, LO som består av arbetstagarorganisationer som i sin tur representerar en del av arbetstagarsidan. Den andra är Svenskt Näringsliv som utgörs utav arbetsgivarorganisationer vilka representerar arbetsgivarsidan. De båda intresseorganisationer har två helt skilda syner på anledningarna till den rådande ungdomsarbetslösheten. LO menar att det handlar bristen på utbildning medans Svenskt Näringsliv anser att LAS, för höga ingångslöner och att utbildningssystemet inte är i fas med arbetsmarknaden ligger till bakgrund för hur situationen ser ut idag. I uppsatsens andra kapitel återfinns de båda aktörernas syn och lösningar på ungdomsarbetslöshetsproblemet. Vidare följer en utredning över hur det ser ut i Danmark och hur deras arbetsmarknad är uppbyggd. Flexicurity-systemet som används i Danmark skiljer sig relativt mycket från det arbetsmarknadssystem som återfinns i Sverige och utredningen ämnar se om det finns några för- och nackdelar med det danska systemet. Vidare vill vi också utreda huruvida flexicurity har någon inverkan på ungdomsarbetslösheten. I sista kapitlet återfinns en analys där vi kommer attSida | VIreflektera över det vi tidigare behandlat för att på så redogöra för vår uppfattning om varför ungdomsarbetslösheten är så pass hög som den är i Sverige.I den avslutande diskussionen har vi kommit fram till bland annat att de svenska turordningsreglerna har en negativ effekt på ungdomsarbetslösheten. En statisk arbetsmarknad och en princip som gör att den förste som måste sägas upp är den sist anställda missgynnar per automatik den yngre befolkningen. Det är dock inte den direkta effekten av sist-in-först-ut-principen som vi tror är det stora problemet. Istället tror vi att verkningarna av principen leder till en arbetsmarknad där arbetskraften tenderar att bli stillastående, vilket i sin tur minskar detta möjligheterna för ungdomar att komma in på arbetsmarknaden och få trygga anställningar.
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Flexicurita a její projevy v českém pracovním právu / Flexicurity and its effects on the Czech labour lawČapková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Flexicurity and its effects on the Czech labour law This diploma thesis deals with the topic of flexicurity and its effects on the Czech labour law. After the first chapter, which is focused on the common understanding of the basic concepts of labour law, concentration on the topic itself - the principle of flexicurity - is given. It is a concept that aims to achieve harmony between the flexible arrangements of subjects of employment relationships and the guarantee of a certain level of working conditions for employees. Also the basic elements of flexicurity are explained: employment flexibility and protection of employees. By the introduction to principles of flexicurity also the European Union position to this new concept is explained. The third chapter is focused on the effects of flexicurity in the Czech labour law. In this chapter, also the possible approaches for creating of the legal environment in compliance with principles of flexicurity are explained. This part also deals with the subjects of flexicurity, that can dispose of the flexibility as well as protection of the labour law. In the next section, the employment from the perspective of flexicurity is analysed, as the employment represents the most common labour relation. The chapter deals also with the institutions associated with the...
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Pohyb lidského kapitálu a politiky EU / Motion of human capital and EU politicsŠtěmenko, Dmitrij January 2013 (has links)
Main content of this thesis is analysis of flexicurity and its principles, which became a model for reformation of labour markets and social insurance nets in european region. Other than the research on functioning of flexicurity itself, thesis is focused on czech labour market, social insurance net, its flexibility and its main defections. Thesis also contains considerations on applying of the flexicurity principles in Czech Republic and fulfilling of goals determined by the European union strategies. Closure of the thesis is dedicated to calculations of the price of establishing flexicurity in Czech republic and determination if it is possible to finance it.
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Managing Integration and Immigration : Impellent Question of the European UnionLadygina, Olga, Kharchuk, Borys January 2008 (has links)
The Immigration issue was, during quite long period of time, a disputable concern within the European territory. European countries, as many others, require a certain degree of qualified immigration, due to developments of the labour market. Along with the issues of immigration and migration, the matter of immigrant’s integration is becoming the focus point of consideration for the European Union as a whole, its single Member States and various other international organizations. The matter of integration has been imbedded in immigration policies because of the discovery that migration of labour throughout Europe, which was considered to be an interim feature for EU’s Member States, has transformed to the permanent one. Another reason is the fear that badly integrated immigrants might become an extraordinary problem for the population’s majority.
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Smluvní volnost a její omezení při vzniku, změně a skončení pracovního poměru / Contractual freedom and its limitation in the formation, changes and termination of the employment relationshipLach, Vlastimil January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a contractual freedom in employment relations, especially upon formation, changes and termination of the employment relationship. The contractual freedom is the key principle of private law, therefore also of labor law, and the expression of the contractual freedom is the freedom of an individual in his choice whether to enter into an employment relationship, who to enter with, what content would the employment relationship have and when and how to terminate this relationship. The contractual freedom upon formation, changes and termination of an employment relationship is necessary to be limited due to protection, safety and certainty of employees and also in the public interest. One of the objectives of this thesis is to think about how should be this restriction of the contractual freedom limited. In this work there is also a description of a historical development of a regulatory autonomy of the will of the parties and a description of a statutory regulation of the formation, changes and termination of an employment relationship. Another objective of this thesis is to reflect on the impact of extensive recodification of private law, that occurred in recent years, on the formation, changes and termination of the employment relationship. This thesis consists of an introduction, 8...
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Flexibilní formy zaměstnávání / Flexible Forms of EmploymentUrbanová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Flexible forms of employment This diploma thesis deals with the flexible forms of employment as an alternatives to regular form of employment. The focus of the first two chapters is to determine the basic terms regarding the topic of this thesis; the following chapter concentrates on the flexible forms of employment regulated by Czech law in particular, i.e. Fixed-term contract, part-time job, homeworking, agreements on work carried out beyond employment and agency employment. In the scope of introduction of the particular flexible forms of employment this thesis in detail deals with the Czech law regulation of these forms of employment and follows up their benefits and drawbacks to the parties of the before mentioned agreements. The thesis briefly mentions some legal issues besides the labor law, especially the issues from fields of the social security law and the tax law.
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