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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction of antibiotic mass flows in urban catchments and their environmental prioritization

Marx, Conrad 17 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Urban emissions of antibiotics into the environment have the potential to adversely affect terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Developed standardized test methods allow the quantification of the resulting ecotoxicological risk, which strongly relies on a comprehensive situation analysis by predicting or measuring a representative antibiotic concentration of interest. Predicting the input loads of antibiotics to wastewater treatment plants using secondary input data (e.g. prescriptions) is a reasonable method if no analytical data is available. The absence of such data poses the question of an aquired reasonable sample quantity to capture local seasonal differences in prescriptions as well as flow conditions within the catchment area. Both, the theoretical and measurement based determination of environmental concentrations have been scarcely verified in practice. Hence, high resolution prescription data in combination with an extensive monitoring campaign at the wastewater treatment plant Dresden-Kaditz (WWTP) were used as a basis to evaluate the reliability of predicting and measuring urban antibiotic emissions. As expected, the recovery of antibiotic input loads strongly varies among substances. The group of macrolides as well as sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim were almost fully recovered whereas nearly all substances of the beta-lactam family exhibit high elimination rates during the wastewater transport in the sewer system. Yet other antibiotics (e.g. fluoroquinolones) show distinct fluctuations through the year, which was not obvious from relatively constant prescriptions. The latter substances are an example that available data are not per se sufficient to predict the actual release into the environment which, in certain cases, emphasizes the necessity of adequate measuring campaings. The extensive data pool of this study was hence used to calculate the necessary number of samples to determine a representative annual mean load to the WWTP. Based on the applied approach, a minimum number of 20 to 40 samples per year is proposed to reasonably estimate a representative annual input load of antibiotics and other micropollutants. Regarding the WWTP, the mass flow analysis revealed that macrolides, clindamycin/ clindamycin-sulfoxide and trimethoprim were mainly released with the effluent, while penicillins, cephalosporins as well as sulfamethoxazole were partly degraded in the studied WWTP. Levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin are the only antibiotics under investigation with a significant mass fraction bound to primary, excess and digested sludge. In this context, the sludge concentrations are considered to be highly inconsistent which leads to questionable results. It remains unclear whether the inconsistencies are due to insufficiencies in sampling and/or analytical determination or if the fluctuations can be considered reasonable for digesters. Subsequently, verified antibiotic loads were evaluated regarding their ecotoxicological effects in the aquatic environment. Two approaches were applied (1) to address the ecological impact on individual trophic levels algae, daphnia and fish, and (2) to assess the possible synergistic potential of antibiotic combinations. Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and the group of cephalosporins showed to significantly affect the aquatic environment. They either have the highest impact on (one of) the lowest trophic level(s) or disproportionately increase the ecotoxicological risk due to their synergistic characteristics. In this regard, the deficiencies regarding the input prediction of these antibiotics is of particular concern. The underestimation of such critical mass flow conditions weakens the approach of assessing environmental risks on the basis of secondary data like prescriptions. Hence, efforts must be made to further develop the projection model by improving the quality of secondary data, identifying additional emitters and understanding possible retention and degradation dynamics of antibiotics within the sewer system. / In der Humanmedizin eingesetzte Antibiotika werden im menschlichen Körper nicht vollständig metabolisiert und gelangen über die Ausscheidungen in das kommunale Abwasser. In der Kläranlage erfolgt nur eine unvollständige Elimination dieser Stoffe, so dass der Kläranlagenablauf einen Hot Spot für Antibiotikaemissionen in die Umwelt darstellt. Das induzierte ökotoxikologische Risiko kann anhand standardisierter Testverfahren und allgemein anerkannter Bewertungsansätze für Einzelsubstanzen abgeschätzt werden. Erfolgt jedoch die Betrachtung von Antibiotikagemischen, wie es für den gereinigten Ablauf einer Kläranlage sinnvoll ist, sind aufgrund zumeist unspezifischer Wirkmechanismen und dem Mangel an repräsentativen Daten eine Reihe von Vereinfachungen und Annahmen zu treffen. Es besteht in der Folge die Gefahr einer Unterschätzung des durch Substanzgemische hervorgerufenen ökotoxikologischen Risikos. Eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit den Entscheidungsprozess über mögliche Vermeidungs- und Eliminationsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen besteht in der Priorisierung von Antibiotika entsprechend ihres Effektpotentials. Hierbei sind Substanzen zu identifizieren, die den größten Einfluss auf die Nahrungskette im Gewässer bzw. das höchste (negative) Synergiepotential mit anderen Substanzen aufweisen. Die Verringerung dieser Substanzen führt zu einer hohen ökologischen Effektivität und Effizienz der eingesetzten Mittel. Wie im Fall des klassischen Bewertungsansatzes, ist auch für den Priorisierungsansatz eine umfängliche und zuverlässige Situationsanalyse die Grundvoraussetzung für verwertbare Ergebnisse. Die Situationsanalyse beruht auf der analytischen Bestimmung bzw. der Abschätzung von emittierten Antibiotikafrachten zur Berechnung von repräsentativen Umweltkonzentrationen. Analytisch ermittelte Umweltkonzentrationen vieler Antibiotika weisen aufgrund saisonaler Verschreibungsmuster eine hohe zeitliche und räumliche Variabilität auf. Die für eine adäquate Erfassung der Situation notwendigen Messkampagnen sind kostenintensiv, wobei die tatsächlich notwendige Häufigkeit der Probenahme von zumeist nicht hinreichend bekannten substanzspezifischen Informationen, wie der chemischen Stabilität im Rohabwasser und der saisonal beeinflussten Applikation, abhängt. Alternativ können Antibiotikaeinträge in die Kanalisation anhand von Verschreibungsdaten abgeschätzt und mit Hilfe von Stoffflussanalysen (SFA) zur ökotoxikologischen Bewertung herangezogen werden. Eine vom Umfang befriedigende, direkte Gegenüberstellung von prognostizierten und analytisch ermittelten Frachten ist bisher jedoch nicht erfolgt, so dass die Verifizierung dieses Ansatzes noch aussteht. Für den Fall einer bestehenden Verschreibungspflicht für Antibiotika besitzen Verschreibungsdaten eine vergleichsweise hohe zeitliche und räumliche Informationsgüte. In Verbindung mit einer an diese Datenqualität angepassten Messkampagne, ergibt sich die Möglichkeit einer detaillierten SFA mit substanzspezifischer Bewertung der Eignung des Prognoseansatzes. Die am Beispiel der Stadt Dresden durchgeführte Bewertung des Prognoseansatzes fußt auf einer 15-monatigen Messkampagne und den für das Einzugsgebiet der Zentralkläranlage Dresden-Kaditz verfügbaren Verschreibungsdaten der AOK PLUS. Erwartungsgemäß ergibt der Abgleich von erwarteten und analytisch ermittelten Frachten eine starke Variation der für den Zulauf der Kläranlage ermittelten Wiederfindungsdaten verschiedener Substanzen. Die analytisch ermittelten Frachten von Sulfamethoxazol, Trimethoprim sowie der Gruppe der Makrolid-Antibiotika entsprechen nahezu den prognostizierten Mengen. Die Beta-Laktam-Antibiotika unterliegen bereits während des Abwassertransports einer umfänglichen, zumeist biologisch bedingten, Elimination, was zu hohen Unterbefunden im Zulauf der Kläranlage führt. Andere Substanzen hingegen (z.B. Fluorchinolone) weisen messtechnisch eine signifikante Jahresdynamik auf, die aufgrund der weitgehend konstanten Verschreibung in dieser Ausprägung nicht zu erwarten ist. Die Auswertung zuletzt genannter Substanzen zeigt deutlich, dass die Nutzung von Verschreibungsdaten nicht per se ausreicht, um die Emission von Antibiotika (und anderer Pharmazeutika) sowie die sich daraus ergebenden Umweltkonzentrationen mit ausreichender Sicherheit prognostizieren zu können. Für eine nachgelagerte ökotoxikologische Bewertung ist in diesen Fällen die Durchführung von Messungen unumgänglich. Zur effizienten Planung derartiger Kampagnen wurde der umfassende Datenpool dieser Studie hinsichtlich der erforderlichen Probenanzahl zur Bestimmung einer repräsentativen mittleren Jahresfracht ausgewertet. Es ergibt sich ein Minimum von 20 bis 40 homogen über das Jahr verteilten Proben, um die jährlich in die Kläranlage eingetragene Fracht an Antibiotika bzw. anderer Mikroschadstoffe mit ausreichender Sicherheit abschätzen zu können. Im Rahmen der SFA in der Kläranlage Dresden-Kaditz wird deutlich, dass Makrolide, Clindamycin und dessen Humanmetabolit Clindamycin-Sulfoxid sowie Trimethoprim in der nahezu keiner Elimination unterliegen, wohingegen Penizilline, Cefalosporine und auch Sulfamethoxazol teilweise bis vollständig abgebaut werden. Mit Levofloxacin und Ciprofloxacin handelt es sich um die einzigen untersuchten Antibiotika, welche zu einem signifikanten Massenanteil an Primär-, Überschuss- und Faulschlamm gebunden vorgefunden werden. Aufgrund der hohen Relevanz dieses Eliminationspfades für die zuvor genannten Antibiotika bedarf die Beobachtung von z. T. widersprüchlichen Schwankungen einer kritischen Betrachtung der Ergebnisse. Es ist nicht abschließend geklärt, ob die beobachteten Fluktuationen auf eine unzureichende Qualität der Probenahme und/oder der Analytik zurückzuführen sind oder sich die Schwankungen in einem für Faulbehälter tolerierbaren Bereich befinden. Im Anschluss an die verifizierten Antibiotikaemissionen erfolgte die Priorisierung der betrachteten Antibiotika nach ihrem ökotoxikologischen Effektpotential. Zum einen wurde der ökologische Einfluss auf verschiedene, die Nahrungskette bildende trophische Ebenen (Alge, Daphnie, Fisch) untersucht. In Anlehnung an die humanmedizinische Kombinationstherapie erfolgte im zweiten Ansatz die Beurteilung der Antibiotika hinsichtlich ihres möglichen Potentials zur Verstärkung von negativen Effekten durch das gleichzeitige Auftreten mit anderen Substanzen. Für Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin und die Gruppen der Makrolide und Cefalosporine konnten signifikante Beeinträchtigungen der aquatischen Umwelt nachgewiesen werden. Diese Stoffe und Stoffgruppen führten im Rahmen der untersuchten Substanzen entweder zur höchsten Schadwirkung gegenüber der niedrigsten trophischen Ebene oder besitzen das höchste Synergiepotential in Kombination mit anderen Substanzen. Die Auswertung der SFA bestätigt die grundsätzliche Eignung der Verschreibungsdaten sowie des entwickelten Prognosemodells zur Vorhersage von Antibiotikaemissionen im urbanen Raum. Die Stoffflussanalyse stellt somit ein strategisches, im Vergleich zur Messung kostengünstiges Instrument zur Identifikation von Hot Spots der Antibiotikaemission dar und erleichtert die Entscheidungsfindung für monetär aufwendige Reduktionsmaßnahmen am Ort der Entstehung oder in der Kläranlage (z.B. 4. Reinigungsstufe). Die Vorgehensweise zur Priorisierung von Substanzen hinsichtlich ihres ökotoxikologischen Effektpotentials eignet sich sehr gut, Antibiotika mit dem höchsten Schadpotential zu identifizieren. Die Verschneidung der Kenntnis dieser Substanzen mit den Ergebnissen der SFA macht deutlich, dass mit Ausnahme der Makrolide, alle ökotoxikologisch priorisierten Antibiotika eine mangelhafte Prognosefähigkeit aufweisen. Die unvollständige Abbildung kritischer Stoffströme, wie z.B. Frachtspitzen, führt insbesondere im Fall der ökotoxikologisch priorisierten Substanzen zu einer Minderung der Aussagekraft des auf Verschreibungsdaten beruhenden Prognoseansatzes. An diesem Punkt ist in zukünftigen Betrachtungen anzusetzen, um die Qualität von Verschreibungsdaten zu verbessern, potentiell nicht erfasste Emittenten in die Betrachtungen einzubeziehen, sowie die Dynamik der Rückhalte- und Eliminationsprozesse in der Kanalisation adäquat beschreiben zu können. Die ergänzende Betrachtung weiterer Anlagentechnologien (z.B. Festbettreaktoren) kann zur Bestätigung der am Beispiel der Kläranlage Dresden-Kaditz gewonnenen Ergebnisse beitragen bzw. Unterschiede bei der Elimination von Antibiotika das Potential, die Problematik der Antibiotika und anderer Mikroschadstoffe bereits während der Planung von Abwasseranlagen berücksichtigen zu können.

Analýza investiční příležitosti v odvětví obnovitelných zdrojů / Analysis of renewable energy investment opportunities

Haňáková, Helena January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the assessing of investment opportunity in the field of renewable natural resources. Fundamental analysis is carried out on First Solar which is a company producing solar modules. Thus, the work is focused on the area of photovoltaics. To determine the company's value, the method of discounted cash flow is used. The overall situation of the company is analyzed by the implementation of global, industry and company analysis.

Desenvolvimento de um equipamento portátil e de sistema de análises em fluxo empregando multicomutação. Determinação fotométrica de ferro em águas de rios / Development of a portable equipment and a flow analysis system employing multicommutation. Photometric determination of iron in river waters

Miranda, Jeová Correia 20 July 2011 (has links)
O ferro é o elemento mais abundante na Terra e tem importante papel em ciclos biogeoquímicos Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um procedimento analítico automático para a determinação fotométrica de ferro em águas de rios, empregando um fotômetro baseado em LED e mini-bombas solenoide para o gerenciamento de soluções. O procedimento proposto foi baseado na reação do ferro (III) com o tiocianato de potássio formando um complexo avermelhado com máximo de absorção em 470 nm. Para a determinação de ferro total foi incluída uma etapa de oxidação em linha, usando uma solução de persulfato (S2O82-) como oxidante. O módulo de análises foi constituído por quatro mini-bombas solenoide e uma válvula solenoide de três vias. Para a obtenção de sinais foi construído um fotômetro composto por uma cela de fluxo com caminho óptico de 50 mm, um LED azul (\'lâmbda\'=470 nm) e um fotodetector. Visando utilizar este equipamento portátil para medidas em campo, foram empregadas duas baterias de 6 V para alimentar os dispositivos ativos. Os ensaios em laboratório mostraram que as baterias permitem uma autonomia de mais de 50 horas de trabalho sem recarregá-las. O procedimento desenvolvido apresentou as seguintes características analíticas: resposta linear entre as concentrações de 0,25 e 4,0 mg L-1, segundo a equação Y = (0,0183 ± 0,003) + (0,15326 ± 0,002)X (r=0,9997); limite de detecção 0,013 mg L-1 Fe (III) estimado com 99,7 % de confiança; desvio padrão relativo estimado em 0,95 % (n=15) obtido com uma solução de concentração de 1,5 mg L-1 Fe (III); frequência de amostragem de 50 determinações por hora. Os resultados obtidos pelo procedimento proposto e pelo de referência não apresentaram diferenças significativas com nível de confiança de 95 % / Iron is the most abundant element on Earth and plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles. In this work, an automatic analytical procedure was developed for the photometric determination of iron in river waters, employing a LED-based photometer and solenoid mini-pumps for solution handling. The proposed procedure was based on the reaction between iron (III) and potassium thiocyanate, yielding a red complex with maximum absorption at 470 nm. For the determination of total iron, an in line oxidation step was included, employing a persulfate solution (S2O82-) as oxidant. The module was constructed with four solenoid mini-pumps and a three-way solenoid valve. For data acquisition a photometer was constructed with a 50 mm optical path flow cell, a blue LED (\'lâmbda\'= 470 nm) and a photodetector. Envisioning the use of this portable equipment in field, two 6-Volt batteries were employed to supply energy to the active devices. Laboratory tests showed that the batteries provide more than 50 hours of operation without recharging. The proposed procedure showed the following analytical features: linear response between 0.25 and 4.0 mg L-1, according to the equation Y = (0.0183 ± 0.003) + (0.15326 ± 0.002) X (r = 0.9997); detection limit of 0.013 mg L-1 Fe (III), estimated with 99.7 % of confidence; relative standard deviation estimated as 0.95% (n = 15), obtained with a 1.5 mg L-1 Fe (III) solution; sampling rate of 50 determinations per hour.The results obtained with the proposed and reference procedure did not show significative differences at a 95% confidence level

Desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos empregando multicomutação em sistemas de análises em fluxo para determinação fotométrica de vanádio em águas e estanho em alimentos / Development of analytical procedures employing multicommutation flow analysis systems for the photometric determination of vanadium in water and tin in foods

Dias, Tuanne dos Reis 06 November 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como foco o desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos automáticos, visando as determinações fotométricas de vanádio e de estanho em águas e em alimentos empregando o processo de multicomutação em fluxo. Um microcontrolador da família PIC e um programa escrito em linguagem Visual Basic 6.0 foram empregados para controle dos dispositivos e aquisição de dados. A unidade de detecção foi construída empregando LED de alto brilho e celas de fluxo com longo caminho óptico (50-200 mm) para ganho em sensibilidade. O módulo de análises, empregando bombas solenoide como propulsores de fluido e o fotômetro foram integrados, formando uma unidade compacta. A determinação de vanádio em águas, mineral e de rio, foi baseada na redução do V(V) à V(IV) com ácido ascórbico e posterior complexação com Eriocromo Cianina R (ECR). Empregando uma cela de 150 mm, o sistema apresentou resposta linear de 0,02 a 1,00 mg L-1, limite de detecção estimado em 13 ?g L-1, coeficiente de variação de 0,87% (n=10) e frequência analítica de 47 determinações por hora. Recuperações entre 89 e 109% foram obtidas para adição de V(V) nas amostras de águas. O procedimento para a determinação de estanho em alimentos foi desenvolvido empregando bomba de multi-seringa como unidade de propulsão de fluidos, cela de fluxo com caminho óptico de 200 mm e parada de fluxo de 50 s. Baseado na reação do Sn(IV) com o violeta de pirocatecol (PCV) na presença de surfactantes, o sistema apresentou resposta linear de 0,10 a 1,25 mg L-1, limite de detecção estimado em 0,04 mg L-1, coeficiente de variação de 1,30% (n=10) e frequência analítica de 49 determinações por hora. Recuperações entre 95 e 115% foram obtidas com a adição de Sn(IV) às amostras de alimentos. / Automatic analytical procedures for photometric determinations of vanadium in water and tin in foods were developed using the multicommutation flow analysis process. A microcontroller of the PIC family and a software written in Visual Basic 6.0 language were used for devices control and data acquisition. Detection unit was designed to use high brightness LED and long optical pathlength flow cells (50-200 mm) to improve sensitivity. The flow analysis module using solenoid mini-pumps as fluid propelling devices and the photometer were integrated in order to form a compact unit. The determination of vanadium in mineral and river waters was based on the reduction of V(V) to V(IV) with ascorbic acid and subsequent complexation with Eriochrome Cyanine R (ECR). Employing flow cell of 150 mm, the system presented linear response between 0.02 and 1.00 mg L-1, detection limit of 13 ?g L-1, variation coefficient of 0.87% (n=10) and sampling throughput of 47 determinations per hour. Recoveries between 89 and 109% were attained for vanadium spiked to mineral and river water. The procedure for determination of tin in foods was development employing a multi-syringe pump as fluid propelling device, a flow cell with optical pathlength of 200 mm and stop flow of 50 s. The procedure was based on the reaction of Sn(IV) with pyrocatechol violet (PCV) in the presence of surfactants, presented linear response between 0.10 and 1.25 mg L-1, detection limit of 0.04 mg L-1, variation coefficient of 1.30% (n=10) and sampling throughput of 49 determination per hour. Recoveries between 95 and 115% were attained for tin spiked samples

Desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos em sistemas de análise em fluxo empregando multicomutação para a determinação de anti-hipertensivos / Development of flow procedures based on multicomutation for the determination of anti-hypertensive drugs

Sanchez, Mariana Amorim 05 November 2010 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos em sistemas de análises em fluxo com multicomutação para a determinação de anti-hipertensivos. A determinação de captopril foi baseada na redução de Cu(II) na presença do fármaco, seguida da reação de Cu(I) com sal dissódico de 4,4-dicarboxi-2,2-biquinolina (BQA). O procedimento apresentou frequência de amostragem de 47 determinações/h, com coeficiente de variação de 2,2% (n=20) e consumo de 290 µg de BQA por determinação. Os resultados das análises das amostras foram concordantes com os obtidos por titulação iodométrica. O procedimento foi aplicado à construção de curvas de dissolução de medicamentos utilizando-se um aparato alternativo, sendo os resultados concordantes com a literatura. A determinação de diltiazem foi realizada pela reação entre o fármaco e ClO-, seguida da reação de N,N-dietil-p-fenilenodiamina (DPD) com o ClO- remanescente. A metodologia apresentou limite de detecção de 7,0 µmol/L, frequência de amostragem de 34 determinações/h e coeficiente de variação de 0,9% (n=10), porém a aplicação foi dificultada por efeitos de matriz. Um procedimento baseado na microextração líquido-líquido do par iônico formado entre diltiazem e azul de bromotimol em meio ácido foi então desenvolvido. Foram obtidos limite de detecção de 0,9 µmol/L, frequência de amostragem de 78 determinações/h e eficiência de extração de 60%. O consumo de CHCl3 foi de apenas 50 &|#181;L, gerando 383 µL de resíduo por determinação. Resultados da análise das amostras foram concordantes com o procedimento de referência. Microextração líquido-líquido do par iônico formado entre losartana e alaranjado-II em meio ácido foi empregada para a determinação do fármaco. A frequência de amostragem foi de 77 determinações/h, com coeficiente de variação de 0,9% (n=10) e consumo de CHCl3 de 150 µL por determinação. Porém, diferentemente do observado no procedimento análogo em batelada, foram observados problemas relacionados à seletividade do procedimento. / This thesis focused the development of flow-based analytical procedures exploiting multicommutation for the determination of anti-hypertensive drugs. The reduction of Cu(II) in the presence of captopril, followed by the reaction of Cu(I) with 4,4-dicarboxy-2,2-bichinoline disodium salt (BCA) was employed for captopril determination. The procedure showed a sampling rate of 47 determinations per hour, coefficient of 2.2% (n = 20) and consumption of 290 µg BCA per determination. The results for pharmaceutical samples agreed with those obtained by iodometric titration. The procedure was applied to dissolution studies of pharmaceutical preparations using an alternative apparatus, yielding results in agreement with the literature. One of the analytical procedures for diltiazem determination was based on the reaction between the drug and ClO-, followed by the reaction between N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) and the remaining ClO-. The methodology showed a detection limit of 7.0 µmol/L, sampling rate of 34 determinations per hour and coefficient of variation of 0.9% (n = 10), but application was hindered by matrix effects. Thus, on-line liquid-liquid microextraction was evaluated, based on the ion pair formation between diltiazem and bromothymol blue in acidic medium. Detection limit of 0.9 µmol/L, sampling rate of 78 determinations per hour and extraction efficiency of 60% were attained. The CHCl3 consumption was only 50 µL, with waste generation of 383 µL per determination. The results for diltiazem determination in commercial pharmaceutical preparations agreed with the reference procedure. Finally, a procedure for losartan determination was developed based on flow injection liquid-liquid microextraction of the ion pair formed between the drug and orange-II in acidic medium. Sampling rate of 77 determinations per hour and coefficient of variation of 0.9% (n = 10) were achieved, consuming 150 µL of CHCl3 per determination. However, selectivity was poor, differently that observed in the analogous batch procedure.

Estratégias em fluxo para a determinação de acidez, sulfato e cloreto em etanol hidratado combustível / Flow-based strategies for the determination of acidity, sulfate and chloride in hydrous ethanol fuel

Lima, Manoel de Jesus de Aquino 26 April 2019 (has links)
Acidez, sulfato e cloreto são constantemente relacionados ao potencial corrosivo do etanol hidratado combustível (EHC), pois mesmo em baixas concentrações podem induzir processos que danificam dutos de transporte e peças dos veículos. Em vista dessa problemática, as agências reguladoras estabeleceram limites máximos para estes constituintes a serem determinados por titulação, no caso da acidez, e por cromatografia de íons para cloreto e sulfato. Os procedimentos propostos no presente trabalho tiveram como objetivo apresentar alternativas de baixo custo, instrumentação simples, pouca influência do analista (automação das etapas) e baixa geração de efluentes. Para a avaliação da acidez, foi construído um titulador automático, explorando um algoritmo de procura binária em um sistema de análises químicas em fluxo baseado em multicomutação. Sob condições otimizadas, o sistema foi capaz de titular amostras de etanol diluídas a 50% (v/v), gerando cerca de 11,5 mL de efluente por determinação, com coeficiente de variação < 1,0% e frequência de análises > 10 h-1. Além disso, o sistema não necessitou de calibração, fazendo com que todas as etapas fossem realizadas automaticamente. Para as determinações de sulfato e de cloreto, foram montados módulos de análises baseados em fluxo-batelada com detecção espectrofotométrica. Os analitos foram determinados sem etapas de preparo de amostra. Para realizar a determinação indireta do sulfato, foi empregada a reação de deslocamento dos íons bário do complexo dimetilsulfonazo III de bário (DMS-Ba+), promovido pelos íons sulfato; para a determinação de cloreto, foi explorado o efeito dos íons cloreto na fotogeração (UV) de nanopartículas de prata (Ag-NPs). Para sulfato e cloreto, as faixas lineares de resposta, limites de detecção (95%) e coeficientes de variação foram: 0,1 - 1,5 mg L-1 e 0,05 - 0,8 mg L-1; 48 e 12 µg L-1 e 1,0% e 2,2%, respectivamente. Na determinação de sulfato e cloreto, as frequências de análises foram de 35 e 30 h-1, respectivamente; com geração de efluentes < 5 mL por determinação em ambos os procedimentos. Todos os procedimentos desenvolvidos atendem aos limites estabelecidos pela agência reguladora brasileira, e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os procedimentos oficiais, não havendo diferença significativa entre métodos, ao nível de 95% de probabilidade / Acidity, sulfate and chloride are often related to the hydrous ethanol fuel (HEF) corrosive potential, as even at low concentrations they may induce processes deleterious to transportation ducts and vehycle components. Thus, the regulatory agencies established maximum limits for these constituents to be determined by titration in the case of acidity and by chromatography of ions for chloride and sulfate. The procedures herein proposed aimed at to present alternatives of low cost, simple instrumentation, little influence of the analyst (automation of the stages) and low generation of effluents. For acidity evaluation, an automatic titrator exploiting a binary search algorithm in a analytical flow system based on multicommutation was built up. Under optimized conditions, the system was able of titrating ethanol samples diluted to 50% (v/v), generating about 11.5 mL of effluent per determination, with coefficient of variation <1.0% and sample throughput > 10 h-1. Moreover, the flow system did not require calibration, and all steps were automatically performed. For sulfate and chloride determinations, flow-batch analytical systems with spectrophotometric detection were set up, allowing the analytes to be determined without sample preparation steps. For the indirect determination of sulfate, the reaction of displacement of the barium ions from its dimethylsulfonazo III complex (DMS-Ba+) promoted by the sulfate ions was used; for the determination of chloride, the effect of this analyte on the photo-generation (UV) of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) was exploited. For sulfate and chloride, linear response ranges, detection limits (95% confidence level) and coefficients of variation were: 0.1 - 1.5 and 0.05 - 0.8 mg L-1; 48 and 12 ?g L-1, and 1.0 and 2.2%, respectively. In the sulfate and chloride determinations, the analytical frequency were 35 and 30 h-1, respectively, with effluents generation of < 5 mL per determination for both procedures. The developed procedures meet the limits established by the Brazilian regulatory agency, and results obtained were compared with the official procedures, and no significant differences between methods at the 95% probability level were found

Analyse du flot de contrôle multivariante : application à la détection de comportements des programmes / Multivariant control flow analysis : application to behavior detection in programs

Laouadi, Rabah 14 December 2016 (has links)
Sans exécuter une application, est-il possible de prévoir quelle est la méthode cible d’un site d’appel ? Est-il possible de savoir quels sont les types et les valeurs qu’une expression peut contenir ? Est-il possible de déterminer de manière exhaustive l’ensemble de comportements qu’une application peut effectuer ? Dans les trois cas, la réponse est oui, à condition d’accepter une certaine approximation. Il existe une classe d’algorithmes − peu connus à l’extérieur du cercle académique − qui analysent et simulent un programme pour calculer de manière conservatrice l’ensemble des informations qui peuvent être véhiculées dans une expression.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons ces algorithmes appelés CFAs (acronyme de Control Flow Analysis), plus précisément l’algorithme multivariant k-l-CFA. Nous combinons l’algorithme k-l-CFA avec l’analyse de taches (taint analysis),qui consiste à suivre une donnée sensible dans le flot de contrôle, afin de déterminer si elle atteint un puits (un flot sortant du programme). Cet algorithme, en combinaison avec l’interprétation abstraite pour les valeurs, a pour objectif de calculer de manière aussi exhaustive que possible l’ensemble des comportements d’une application. L’un des problèmes de cette approche est le nombre élevé de faux-positifs, qui impose un post-traitement humain. Il est donc essentiel de pouvoir augmenter la précision de l’analyse en augmentant k.k-l-CFA est notoirement connu comme étant très combinatoire, sa complexité étant exponentielle dans la valeur de k. La première contribution de cette thèse est de concevoir un modèle et une implémentation la plus efficace possible, en séparant soigneusement les parties statiques et dynamiques de l’analyse, pour permettre le passage à l’échelle. La seconde contribution de cette thèse est de proposer une nouvelle variante de CFA basée sur k-l-CFA, et appelée *-CFA, qui consiste à faire du paramètre k une propriété de chaque variante, de façon à ne l’augmenter que dans les contextes qui le justifient.Afin d’évaluer l’efficacité de notre implémentation de k-l-CFA, nous avons effectué une comparaison avec le framework Wala. Ensuite, nous validons l’analyse de taches et la détection de comportements avec le Benchmark DroidBench. Enfin, nous présentons les apports de l’algorithme *-CFA par rapport aux algorithmes standards de CFA dans le contexte d’analyse de taches et de détection de comportements. / Without executing an application, is it possible to predict the target method of a call site? Is it possible to know the types and values that an expression can contain? Is it possible to determine exhaustively the set of behaviors that an application can perform? In all three cases, the answer is yes, as long as a certain approximation is accepted.There is a class of algorithms - little known outside of academia - that can simulate and analyze a program to compute conservatively all information that can be conveyed in an expression. In this thesis, we present these algorithms called CFAs (Control flow analysis), and more specifically the multivariant k-l-CFA algorithm.We combine k-l-CFA algorithm with taint analysis, which consists in following tainted sensitive data inthe control flow to determine if it reaches a sink (an outgoing flow of the program).This combination with the integration of abstract interpretation for the values, aims to identify asexhaustively as possible all behaviors performed by an application.The problem with this approach is the high number of false positives, which requiresa human post-processing treatment.It is therefore essential to increase the accuracy of the analysis by increasing k.k-l-CFA is notoriously known as having a high combinatorial complexity, which is exponential commensurately with the value of k.The first contribution of this thesis is to design a model and most efficient implementationpossible, carefully separating the static and dynamic parts of the analysis, to allow scalability.The second contribution of this thesis is to propose a new CFA variant based on k-l-CFA algorithm -called *-CFA - , which consists in keeping locally for each variant the parameter k, and increasing this parameter in the contexts which justifies it.To evaluate the effectiveness of our implementation of k-l-CFA, we make a comparison with the Wala framework.Then, we do the same with the DroidBench benchmark to validate out taint analysis and behavior detection. Finally , we present the contributions of *-CFA algorithm compared to standard CFA algorithms in the context of taint analysis and behavior detection.

Desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos em fluxo com multicomutação e foto-oxidação em linha para determinação espectrofotométrica de espécies de interesse ambiental, alimentício e clínico / Development of multicommuted flow-based analytical procedures with on-line photo-oxidation for the spectrophotometric determination of species of environmental, food and clinical relevance

Rocha, Diogo Librandi da 24 June 2013 (has links)
A mecanização do preparo de amostras minimiza erros sistemáticos, a geração de efluentes e o tempo de análise. Sistemas em fluxo com microbombas solenoide (MPFS) atendem aos requisitos da mecanização de maneira robusta e versátil. Sendo assim, foram desenvolvidos procedimentos analíticos baseados em MPFS e foto-oxidação em linha visando ao fracionamento de fósforo em extratos de alimentos e águas naturais e à determinação de cloreto em águas naturais e urina. Fósforo é um nutriente importante cuja biodisponibilidade depende de sua forma química, tornando importante o fracionamento. O monitoramento de cloreto também é importante porque altas concentrações causam efeitos adversos ao meio ambiente e à saúde. Um MPFS foi proposto para o fracionamento de fósforo solúvel em extratos de alimentos, empregando foto-oxidação em linha do fósforo orgânico a ortofosfato, que foi quantificado pelo método do azul de molibdênio. Foi obtida resposta linear entre 5,0 e 40 mg L-1 para fósforo inorgânico (PI) e orgânico (PO), com limites de detecção de 0,5 e 1,2 mg L-1, respectivamente. Coeficientes de variação foram estimados em 1,2 e 3,6% para PI e PO, respectivamente, com frequência de amostragem de 80 determinações por hora. Por determinação, foram consumidos 380 &#181;g de (NH4)6Mo7O24, 620 &#181;g de ácido ascórbico e 790 &#181;g de K2S2O8, gerando 2,5 mL de efluentes. Os resultados do fracionamento em extratos de alimentos concordaram com os obtidos pelo procedimento de referência (95% de confiança), baseado na digestão nitro-perclórica para a determinação de PO. Um procedimento com MPFS e espectrofotometria de longo caminho óptico foi desenvolvido para o fracionamento de fósforo (inorgânico e orgânico dissolvidos) em águas naturais. A quantificação foi baseada no método do azul de molibdênio, após fotoconversão das espécies a ortofosfato. Resposta linear foi observada entre 10 e 75 &#181;g L-1 P, com limite de detecção de 2,0 &#181;g L-1. Foram obtidos coeficiente de variação de 1,8% e frequência de amostragem de 40 determinações por hora. Por determinação, foram consumidos 160 &#181;g de (NH4)6Mo7O24, 10 &#181;g de SnCl2, 640 de &#181;g K2S2O8 e 10 mg de NaOH, gerando 4,0 mL de efluentes. Os coeficientes angulares das curvas obtidas com 4 tipos diferentes de espécies de PO indicaram conversão quantitativa e os resultados obtidos para amostras de águas de rios foram concordantes com os obtidos pelo procedimento descrito pela AOAC (95% de confiança). Um procedimento limpo foi também desenvolvido para a determinação de cloreto em águas naturais e urina, evitando o uso de reagentes tóxicos. O analito foi foto-oxidado a cloro, que foi determinado por espectrofotometria através da descoloração do alaranjado de metila. Resposta linear foi observada entre 2,0 e 20 mg L-1, com limite de detecção de 0,7 mg L-1. O coeficiente de variação foi estimado em 1,6%, com frequência de amostragem de 75 determinações por hora e consumo de 7,5 &#181;g de corante por determinação. Espécies concomitantes usualmente presentes nas amostras não interferiram mesmo em excesso em relação às concentrações normalmente encontradas. Os resultados das análises das amostras concordaram com os obtidos pelo procedimento de referência (95% de confiança). Os procedimentos propostos são alternativas limpas e rápidas para o fracionamento de fósforo e determinação de cloreto. / Mechanization of sample preparation minimizes systematic errors, waste generation and analysis time. Flow-based systems with solenoid micropumps (MPFS) attain the requirements for mechanization in a versatile and robust way. Therefore, analytical procedures based on MPFS and on-line photo-oxidation were developed aiming phosphorus fractionation in foodstuff and river waters and chloride determination in natural waters and urine. Phosphorus is an important nutrient for plants and animals and its bioavailability depends on its chemical form, making fractionation studies important. Chloride monitoring is relevant because the concentration unbalance leads to environmental and health issues. A MPFS was proposed for the fractionation of water soluble phosphorus in foodstuff, incorporating on-line photo-oxidation of organic phosphorus to phosphate, which was quantified by the spectrophotometric molybdenum blue method. Linear response was observed from 5 to 40 mg L-1 for both inorganic (PI) and organic (PO) phosphorus, with detection limits of 0.5 and 1.2 mg L-1, respectively. Coefficients of variation (n = 20) were estimated as 1.2 and 3.6% for PI and PO, respectively, with a sampling rate of 80 determinations per hour. Per determination, 380 &#181;g of (NH4)6Mo7O24, 620 &#181;g of ascorbic acid and 790 &#181;g of K2S2O8 were consumed, generating 2.5 mL of waste. The results for food extracts agreed with those obtained by the reference procedure (95% confidence level) based on nitro-percloric digestion for PO determination. A MPFS procedure with long pathlength spectrophotometry was developed for phosphorus fractionation (dissolved organic and inorganic) in natural waters. Quantification was also based on the formation of molybdenum blue, after on-line photo-convertion of the organic species to orthophosphate. The analytical response was linear within 10 and 75 &#181;g L-1 with a detection limit of 2.0 &#181;g L-1. Coefficient of variation of 1.8% and sampling rate of 40 determinations per hour were achieved. Per determination, 160 &#181;g of (NH4)6Mo7O24, 10 &#181;g of SnCl2, 640 &#181;g of K2S2O8 and 10 mg of NaOH were consumed, generating 4.0 mL of waste. Slopes of analytical curves obtained for four different PO species agreed with those obtained for orthophosphate, indicating quantitative conversion and the results for five freshwater samples agreed with those obtained by the AOAC reference procedure at 95% confidence level. A green procedure for chloride determination in urine and natural waters was also developed, avoiding hazardous chemicals. The analyte was on-line photo-converted to chlorine which was spectrophotometrically detected by methyl orange discoloration. The analytical response was linear from 2.0 to 20 mg L-1 Cl with a detection limit of 0.7 mg L-1. The coefficient of variation was 1.6% with a sampling rate of 75 determinations per hour, consuming 7.5 &#181;g of the dye per determination. Usual concomitant species did not cause significant interference even in excess in relation to their highest concentration expected in the samples. The results for urine and water samples agreed with those obtained by the reference procedures at the 95% confidence level. The proposed procedures are environmentally friendly and fast alternatives for phosphorus fractionation and chloride determination

conception des scénarios de recyclage pilotée par l’évaluation des performances des procédés / design of recycling pathways driven by the evaluation of process performance

Grimaud, Guilhem 18 February 2019 (has links)
La planète se trouve dans un état de dégradation des écosystèmes, d’épuisement des ressources, de tension démographique et d’urgence climatique particulièrement préoccupant. Le découplage de la consommation de matières premières avec l’activité économique est indispensable. En réduisant la pression sur la raréfaction des matières premières, l’économie circulaire peut participer à la lutte contre le dérèglement climatique. Bien que le recyclage ne puisse solutionner seul l’épuisement des ressources, il est indispensable de mettre en œuvre des solutions pour régénérer les matières présentes dans nos déchets. Or l’organisation actuelle de la filière de fin de vie ne semble pas répondre aux besoins de l’économie-monde.Le premier challenge pour déployer des solutions de recyclage en économie circulaire repose sur l’évaluation de la performance des scénarios de recyclage. La méthodologie proposée repose sur plusieurs outils d’analyse : analyse de flux de matières (MFA), Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV) et Analyse de coûts (LCC) dans un cadre technique de référence basé sur l’évaluation des écotechnologies (ETV). Ce travail s’applique en partenariat avec la société MTB. Trois axes de performances ont été retenus : technique, économique et environnemental.Cette évaluation multicritères, intégrés dans la démarche de conception de MTB, permet une communication sous la forme d’indicateurs clés de performances (KPI). Ces indicateurs supplémentaires permettent de quantifier rapidement l’éco-efficience d’un scénario, pour accompagner la prise de décisions des concepteurs lors de la construction de l'offre et du développement des solutions scénarios de recyclage. / The planet is in a particularly worrying state of degradation of ecosystems, depletion of resources, demographic tension and a climate emergency. The decoupling of the consumption of raw materials with economic activity is a relevant action lever. By reducing the pressure on the scarcity of raw materials, the circular economy can participate in the fight against climate change. Although recycling alone cannot solve resource depletion, it is essential to implement solutions to regenerate the materials present in our waste. However, the current organization of the end-of-life sector does not seem to meet the needs of the world economy.The first challenge in deploying recycling solutions in the circular economy is based on evaluating the performance of recycling scenarios. The proposed methodology is based on several analytical tools: Material Flow Analysis (MFA), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cost Costing (LCC) in a technical reference framework based on the evaluation of environmental technologies (ETV). This work applies in partnership with the company MTB. Three performance axes were chosen: technical, economic and environmental.This multi-criterion assessment, integrated into the MTB design process, allows communication in the form of key performance indicators (KPI). By providing additional performance indicators it is possible to quickly quantify the eco-efficiency, to support decision-making by designers during the development of the recycling pathway.

Sistema de análises em fluxo empregando multicomutação para avaliação de toxicidade aguda com Vibrio fischeri / A multicommuted flow-based system for acute toxicity evaluation with Vibrio fischeri

Adame, Andressa 25 April 2014 (has links)
Um sistema de análises em fluxo com multicomutação foi desenvolvido para a mecanização do bioensaio de toxicidade aguda com a bactéria Vibrio fischeri, o qual é baseado na diminuição da luminescência bacteriana causada por espécies tóxicas.Microbombas solenoide foram utilizadas para melhorar as condições de mistura, permitindo também que diluições fossem realizadas em linha com a alteração do volume de amostra e a sobreposição parcial entre a zona da amostra e a suspensão bacteriana. Uma cela de fluxo em espiral, posicionada na janela de emissão de um espectrofluorímetro, foi empregada para as medidas de luminescência e um banho de água construído em laboratório, baseado no efeito Peltier, foi utilizado para manter a temperatura do bioensaio em (13,0±0,1) °C. Um pequeno volume da suspensão bacteriana (120 ?L) foi selecionado visando minimizar o consumo e, consequentemente, os custos do ensaio. O tempo de contato entre a suspensão bacteriana e a amostra foi reduzido para 5 min para aumentar a frequência de amostragem e evitar a atenuação da luminescência devido ao tempo de vida curto das bactérias. Os valores de CE50 para os controles positivos foram estimados em 2,5 ± 0,7, 2,0 ± 0,5 e 10 ± 4 mg L-1 para o Zn(II), Cu(II), e Cr(VI), respectivamente, sendo concordantes com os valores da literatura. Os valores de CE50 para alguns poluentes emergentes (parabenos, cafeína, acetaminofeno, diclofenaco e ácido salicílico) concordaram com os obtidos utilizando o kit comercial BioTox(TM), realizado em micro placa, a nível de confiança de 95 %. Os coeficientes de variação foram estimados em 2,4 e 2 % (n = 10), na ausência e na presença de 0,6 mg L-1 de Zn(II), respectivamente. O sistema de análises em fluxo proposto é, então, uma alternativa simples, rápida, robusta e precisa para a determinação da toxicidade aguda utilizando pequenos volumes de amostra e suspensão bacteriana. Além disso, o sistema apresenta vantagens em comparação com os bioensaios em batelada e em fluxo, tais como ajuste de salinidade e diluições das amostras em linha e a determinação da cinética de toxicidade das espécies químicas / A multicommuted flow system was developed for automation of the acute toxicity bioassay using Vibrio fischeri bacteria, which exploits the decrease of the bacterial luminescence caused by toxic species. Solenoid micro-pumps were employed to improve mixing conditions and to perform on-line dilutions of the tested compounds by changing the sample volume and exploiting the partial overlap between sample zone and the bacterial suspension. A spiral flow cell, placed at the emission window of a spectrofluorimeter, was employed for signal measurement and a lab-made water bath based on the Peltier effect was used for maintain the temperature of the bioassay at (13.0±0.1) oC. A low volume of the bacterial suspension (120 ?L) was selected in order to minimize its consumption and, consequently, the costs of the assay. The contact time between bacterial suspension and sample was reduced to 5 min to increase the sampling rate and to avoid luminescence fading due to the bacteria short lifetime. EC50 values for positive controls were estimated as 2.5 ± 0.7, 2.0 ± 0.5 and 10 ± 4 for Zn(II), Cu(II), and Cr(VI), respectively, being in agreement with literature values. The EC50 values for some emerging pollutants (parabens, caffeine, acetaminophen, diclofenac and salicylic acid) agreed with those obtained from commercial BioTox(TM) kit performed in micro plate at the 95% confidence level. The coefficients of variation were estimated as 2.4 and 2 % (n=10), in the absence and presence of 0.6 mg L-1 Zn(II), respectively. The proposed flow system is then a simple, fast, robust and accurate alternative for acute toxicity determination, using low sample and bacterial suspension volumes. Furthermore, the system presents advantages in comparison to batch and previous flow-based bioassays, such as the achievement of in-line salinity adjustment and sample dilutions, and the determination of toxicity kinetic for every assayed chemical species

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