Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap"" "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap10""
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Ungdomars användning och upplevelser av sociala medier i relation till psykisk stress : en kvantitativ undersökning ur ett genusperspektiv / Adolescent´s use and experiences of social media in relation to mental stress : a quantitative study from a gender perspectiveArnoldsson, Viktor, Murati, Tauland January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige ökade den psykiska ohälsan mellan åren 2006 – 2016 med 100% i åldersgruppen 10 – 17 och med 70% i åldrarna 18 – 24 år. Forskning visar att det finns en relation mellan psykisk ohälsa och användning av sociala medier bland ungdomar. Ur ett genusperspektiv visar studier att det finns likartade motiv bakom användning av sociala medier hos killar och tjejer. Nämligen tenderar killar och tjejer att använda sociala medier för att ingå i en ungdomskultur. Syfte: Att undersöka om det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan manliga och kvinnliga gymnasieelevers användning av sociala medier ur ett genusperspektiv. Därtill undersöka om det fanns genusskillnader gällande upplevelser av koppling mellan användning av sociala medier och psykisk stress. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie gjordes genom enkätutlämnande. Studien grundade sig på en enkätstudie (n= 130) på en gymnasieskola i Skåne. Resultat: 88,5% av ungdomarna upplevde att det fanns en koppling mellan användning av sociala medier och psykisk stress. Ur ett genusperspektiv visade resultatet att det inte fanns skillnader mellan killar och tjejers "upplevelser". Dessutom visade resultatet även att det inte fanns skillnader mellan båda könen gällande "användning" av sociala medier. Konklusion: Eftersom det inte fanns några genusskillnader kan det vara tänkbart att tillämpa olika insatsåtgärder jämlikt för båda könen.
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Skogsbad och stresslindring : En litteraturstudie om skogsbad och kortisolkoncentration för minskad stressGyllenbris, Marylin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Andelen människor som känner sig stressade ökar. Långa perioder med stress och därigenom höga kortisolnivåer kan leda till skador, sjukdomar och utmattning. Samtidigt blir avslappningsformer så som skogsbad allt vanligare. Skogsbad kommer från Japan och bygger på biofilihypotesen, att människan har ett behov av att känna tillhörighet med naturen. Den här studien fokuserar på att minska negativ stress. Syfte: Undersöka huruvida det finns vetenskapliga belägg att skogsbad sänker kortisolkoncentrationen. Hypotesen är att skogsbad har effekt på kortisolhalterna och därför minskar stress. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med sökning i databaserna pubMed, Google Scholar och Onesearch. Nio artiklar mötte inkluderingskriterierna och togs med i studien. Resultat: Studien ger stöd åt hypotesen och sex av de totalt nio inkluderade studierna visar på signifikant positiva effekter på kortisolkoncentrationerna. Slutsats: Skogsbad ser ut att ha positiva effekter på stress. / Background: The number of people who suffer from negative stress is increasing. Long periods with high cortisol levels may cause damage, illness and fatigue. Relaxation activities, such as forest bathing, has become popular during the last few years. Forest bathing originates in Japan and relay on the biofilia hypothesis which suggests that humans has an urge to belong to nature. This study focus on negative stress. Aim: To study if there are scientific evidence supporting the hypothesis that forest bathing may decrease cortisol concentrations. Methods: a systematic review using the databases pubMed, Google scholar and Onesearch. In total, nine articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Results: This study lends support for the hypothesis and six out of the totally nine studies included showed significant positive effect on cortisol concentrations. Conclusion: Forest bathing appear to have positive effects on stress.
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Optimizing Picadeli’s assortment according to climate and health researchSögaard, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this project was to optimize the assortment of Picadeli’s salad bar regarding research on health and climate, mainly according to the EAT Lancet reference diet and the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR) 2012. With special emphasis on chemical properties of compounds in wheat pasta, whether Picadeli should switch from refined wheat pasta to whole grain pasta for health reasons were evaluated. A theoretical representative salad bowl (RSB) were made, in proportions to sales of products in Europe, and compared to food group and nutrient quantitative ranges set by the EAT Lancet Commission and NNR. Analysis of the RSB showed that most food groups matched within EAT Lancet and NNR ranges. The poultry and pork content were too high in order to agree with EAT Lancet. The salt and fat content were too high, and the carbohydrate content was too low, in order to agree with NNR. The discrepancies between RSB and EAT Lancet respectively NNR were used to make final recommendations on how Picadeli could change the assortment in order to provide customers with a more sustainable choice of food regarding health and climate. Since total fiber content was sufficient in the RSB and the pasta in the Picadeli salad bar most likely contains retrograded starch, promoting decreased blood sugar response and other health benefits, the refined wheat pasta does not necessarily need to be replaced with whole grain in order to agree as a part of a healthy diet. Main recommendations included replacing substantial amounts of pork and poultry with plant based alternatives, decreasing salt content (regarding sodium chloride) and switching cheese to low fat or plant based cheese.
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Skadlig alkoholkonsumtion på arbetsplatsen - en strukturerad litteraturstudie om olika interventioner / Harmful alcohol consumption at work - a structured literature review about various interventionsGustafsson, Elin, Persson Lidholm, Linn January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Hög alkoholkonsumtion bidrar till flera sjukdomar och leder till ett stort antal dödsfall varje år i Sverige och i världen. Studier påvisar att alkoholkonsumtion på arbetsplatsen är högst förekommande, men existerande forskning gällande strategier för minskad skadlig alkoholkonsumtion är begränsade och bristande. Alkoholproblematik på arbetsplatsen är därmed relevant att samla kunskap om, då detta inte endast påverkar arbetares hälsa och säkerhet utan kan även få betydande konsekvenser för arbetsplatsen och samhället som helhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva effekterna av olika interventioner gällande alkoholproblematik på arbetsplatsen, samt vilka faktorer som kan ha betydelse för effekterna. Metod: Studien är en strukturerad litteraturstudie, där sökningar i olika databaser resulterade i 20 artiklar. Dessa granskades systematiskt och analyserades genom en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra övergripande teman kunde erhållas utifrån meningsbärande enheter. Flera olika interventioner visade på positiva resultat i form av minskad alkoholkonsumtion och/eller förändrade uppfattningar gällande alkohol. Faktorer gällande kön, ålder, konsumtionsnivå, normer och attityder var särskilt framträdande. Chefers och företagshälsovårdens arbete med alkoholproblematik och preventionsaktiviteter hade också betydelse för förändring gällande alkoholkonsumtion. Flera utmaningar framkom även, där implementering, rekrytering av studiedeltagare, samt generalisering var särskilt framträdande. Slutsats: De flesta interventioner visade på positiva effekter där flera faktorer bör beaktas. Flera utmaningar existerar, vilka kan kräva både organisatoriska och politiska ställningstaganden för fortsatt framtida utveckling. / Introduction: Alcohol consumption contributes to many diseases and generates a considerable annual death toll, both domestically and globally. Studies show that alcohol consumption occurs frequently at the workplace, but existing research about strategies to reduce harmful alcohol consumption are limited and insufficient. Alcohol problems do not only affect the health and safety of the workers, but also affect the worksite and the community as a whole. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the effects of various interventions regarding problematic alcohol consumption in the workplace and which factors that may have an impact on the effects. Methods: The study design is a structured literature review, where searches in different databases resulted in 20 articles. The articles were reviewed and analyzed systematically through a content analysis. Results: Four overall themes could be obtained from meaning units. Several interventions showed positive results regarding reduced alcohol consumption and/or altered perceptions on alcohol. Factors regarding gender, age, consumption level and attitudes were particularly prominent. Managers and the occupational health service were also important for changes in alcohol consumption. Several problems emerged, which included challenges on implementation, recruitment of participants and generalization. Conclusion: The effects of interventions are influenced by several different factors which should be considered. Challenges exist, which may require organizational and political standpoints for future development.
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Social media usage and body appreciation : A quantitative cross-sectional study among Swedish adultsKarlsson, Greta January 2020 (has links)
Among Swedish adults, 50% are active on social media daily. Regarding body image, 50% of Swedish adolescents are happy with their weight, although no statistics are available among Swedish adults. Time spent on social media is related to body dissatisfaction, and viewing of body positive content increases body appreciation. Applying a salutogenic approach, a theoretical framework of sense of coherence was used in this study. The aim was to examine: if there is a relationship between social media usage and body appreciation in Swedish adults; if there are gender differences; whether this potential relationship is evident after controlling for age, gender, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and viewing of body positive content. A quantitative method was used. Data from 153 participants was collected using questionnaires, and analysed using correlation analyses and multiple regression analyses. The results revealed that there was no relationship between general social media usage and body appreciation – however, the less time spent on social media, the better body appreciation participants had. This relationship was only evident among women. The relationship was still observed after controlling for confounding. These findings were in line with some previous findings. Women’s body appreciation could possibly favour from decreased time spent on social media.
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Social capital, psychosomatic symptoms and stress among adolescents : A quantitative study exploring relationships between social capital, psychosomatic symptoms and stress among adolescents in VästmanlandBorglund, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Over the past decade mental health problems among adolescents in Sweden has increased. Psychosomatic symptoms and stress accounts for a large proportion of the disease burden. Social capital is a social resource that can strengthen the individual’s well-being. The aim of the study is to examine if social capital is related to psychosomatic symptoms and stress, as well as if there are gender differences in social capital, psychosomatic symptoms and stress among adolescents. A quantitative method was chosen, and the study used secondary data from Survey of Adolescent Life in Västmanland 2012, which had a cross-sectional design. Statistical analyses were carried out to answer the aim of the study. There was 87% of the adolescents that reported high levels of social capital, whereas 72% reported high levels of psychosomatic symptoms and 65% felt stressed. There was a statistically significant negative relationship between social capital and psychosomatic symptoms, also a relationship between social capital and stress. Boys reported higher levels of social capital than girls. Girls reported higher levels of psychosomatic symptoms and felt stressed compared to boys. The results were consistent with previous research regarding psychosomatic symptoms and stress, where girls were affected to a greater extent than boys.
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Association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students : A quantitative study from a public health science perspectiveAli Mohamed, Kaltum January 2020 (has links)
Background: Physical activity and perceived stress affect college- and university students health. Aim: The aim is to study the association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students in Sweden, and to investigate whether gender, age, and BMI are confounding factors regarding the association between physical activity and perceived stress. Method: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among the study population students. The analytical approaches chosen were descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple linear regression. Results: According to the correlation analysis, there was a small negative significant association between physical activity and perceived stress. According to the regression analysis, there was a small negative significant association between physical activity and perceived stress, which remained after considering gender, age, and BMI. Discussion: The association between high physical activity and low perceived stress can be explained by the protective impact physical activity has on health. Conclusions: There was an association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students. The association between physical activity and perceived stress among college- and university students remained after controlling for gender, age, and BMI.
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Skolungdomars levnadsvanor, psykiska hälsa och känsla av trygghet i Norrtälje kommun 2013-2019 : En kvantitativ undersökningRosberg Petersson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: The overall aim for public health practice is to promote good health and reduce public health inequalities. The determinants of health are largely influential. Through policy directives and local strategies, the unit Safe in Norrtäljemunicipality (TiNk) tackles public health issues through cooperation between the municipality, region, the voluntary sector and the private sector. Aim: To investigate the changes over time in adolescents life style factors (the use of alcohol, narcotics, performance-enhancing substances, tobacco and problematic gambling (ANDTS)), mental health, feeling of safety and educational attainment. Sub-group analyses will be conducted for sex and school zones with different social challenges (SC). Method: A quantitative cross-sectional study based on a high school survey from four occasions between years 2013-2019. The survey population consists of all students in grade seven and nine from upper secondary school and second grade in high school, a total of 4,600 students. Descriptive analyses and Pearson Chi2 -test (p<0,05) for comparison of different groups were performed with the help of the statistical program SPSS. Result: The usage of ANDTS has been reduced among boys in grade nine and fewer students were exposed to threat or sex without consent. Mental health problems have not changed over time, nor the occurrence of different kinds of crimes or high school eligibility. The differences between sex and schools with different SC are marginal. Conclusion: The trends for ANDTS-usage, mental health, safety and high school eligibility among the adolescents of Norrtälje municipality showed varying results from year 2013 to 2019. However, differences between subgroups were marginal. / Bakgrund: Det övergripande målet för folkhälsoarbetet är att minska de påverkbara hälsoklyftorna och skapa samhälleliga förutsättningar för en god och jämlik hälsa i befolkningen. Hälsans bestämningsfaktorer är till stor del påverkningsbara. Genom policys på flera nivåer ökar möjligheten till framgång, något som folkhälsoenheten Trygg i Norrtälje kommun (TiNk) bedriver genom samverkan mellan kommun, föreningsliv och näringsliv. Syfte: Att undersöka förändringar över tid för ungdomars levnadsvanor (användning av alkohol, narkotika, dopningsmedel och tobak och problematiskt spelande (ANTDS)), deras psykiska hälsa och deras känsla av trygghet och gymnasiebehörighet. För samtliga variabler undersöks om skillnader finns för subgrupperna kön och skolområden med olika nivåer av sociala utmaningar (SU). Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie baserad på en skolundersökning från fyra tillfällen mellan 2013–2019. Undersökningspopulationen utgjordes av samtliga elever i årskurs sju, nio och årskurs två i gymnasiet, 4600 elever totalt. Deskriptiva analyser och Pearson Chi2-test (p <0,05) för jämförelse mellan olika grupper genomfördes med hjälp av statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat: ANDTS-bruk minskade bland pojkar i årkurs nio och färre elever utsattes för hot och sex utan samtycke. Förekomst av psykisk ohälsa har inte förändrats över tid, inte heller förekomst av olika typer av brott eller gymnasiebehörighet. Skillnaderna för kön och skolor med olika SU var marginella. Slutsats: Under 2013–2019 visade trenderna för ANDTS-bruk, psykisk hälsa, trygghet och gymnasiebehörighet bland Norrtälje kommuns ungdomar varierande resultat. Utveckling för olika subgrupperna var relativt jämlik.
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Work stressors across midlife and cognitive and physical impairment in older ageKiasat, Shadi January 2020 (has links)
Psychosocial working conditions play a significant role for health during working age, as well as in post-retirement life. However, little is known about the impact of work stressors on cognitive and physical impairment assessed in combination. The aim was to study associations between midlife work stressors and physical and cognitive impairment in older age for women and men separately. The data were derived from two Swedish nationally representative surveys. The same participants were followed through three waves at the mean ages of 54, 61, and 81 (n=360). Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the association between work stressors, and test of cognitive and physical function. Low control and passive jobs were associated with higher odds of cognitive impairment, and cognitive and physical impairment when assessed in combination. These findings were driven by associations found among men. Accumulated low control and passive jobs across midlife were associated with physical impairment in older age among men, but not among women. These results highlight the importance of work stressors for physical and cognitive impairment in older age. Improving psychosocial working conditions in midlife, in particular increasing the level of control among employees, may promote healthy aging.
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A statistical approach to understand Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever prevalence in PakistanKarim, Abdul January 2020 (has links)
Geographically, Pakistan is in the western part of south Asia at about 24-37 °N latitudes and62-75 °E longitudes. Livestock and agriculture are two major sectors in Pakistan and play animportant role in the country economy.The tick infestation in livestock is not only devastating for animals and their products but alsobecome the cause of transmission of pathogens into humans. Crimean Congo fever (CCHF) isa viral tick-borne fatal disease. The dissemination of ticks and amplification of Crimean Congofever (CCHF) pathogen throughout the tick-animals-tick cycle, increases risk of transmissionto humans many times. In Pakistan, cases are reported in all areas, particularly those areaswhich lie on the border to CCHF endemic countries. There is a high prevalence of CCHF inboth Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions. Baluchistan is bordering with Afghanistanand Iran and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with Afghanistan. Linear regression analysis revealed apositive significant association of high level of CCHF cases in livestock, with camels, goatsand sheep. The literacy rate is negatively significantly corelated with the numbers of cases.Statistical analysis of border effect revealed a high positive significant correlation of CCHFprevalence in areas near to borders. Both Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) haslow literacy rate than other regions of Pakistan. Islamabad (capital city) has a higher literacyrate than all other regions but there is still a high CCHF prevalence. This is not only becauseof high population density but people from other regions, particularly from Baluchistan andKPK come here for animals selling or to seeking medical facilities in the large city hospitals.The study gives a proof that illiteracy and borders are the major respondent factors in theCCHF incidences and prevalence in an area. There is a need to raise awareness about ticksand tick-borne disease in the public and establishment of monitoring system across the bordersto prevent the spread of CCHF virus.
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