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1201 |
Jämställdhetsintegrering på gymmet – En intervjustudie i en medelstor svensk stadStenquist, Pär January 2019 (has links)
Research has shown that gender equality gaps are prominent and experienced when it comes to strength training and gym use. The health benefits of strength training are many, and it is of importance to public health science that any gender inequalities are exterminated so that both men and women can benefit from these. The gym is a common area for practising strength training, but the research done about gender equality from a gym perspective does however seem to be limited, particularly regarding from a gym enterprises point of view. The purpose of this study was hence to explore how different gym enterprises in a medium-sized Swedish city integrated gender equality in their business operation. This was carried out through a total of four individual interviews with a voluntary representative from each different gym. The results displayed five main themes with different aspects, wich all somehow connected to integration of gender equality at the gym. The most characteristic of these themes turned out to be ambiguity, wich could be observed in several of the five main themes and noticed through all four interviews. The conclusions came to be that the gyms did not see gender equality as one of their specific fields of work, and also that gender equality was not something established or recognized by them. They did however work for inclusion and affinity wich could be seen as some kind of contribution to gender equality. It was shown that the gyms did not seem to consciously integrate gender equality in their business operation.
1202 |
Förekomsten av hormonstörande ämnen i lösa föremål på svenska förskolor : - en kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan förekomst och självskattad kunskap och/eller byggnadsårSellfrid, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Sellfrid, M. (2019) The occurrence of endocrine disruptors in objects on Swedish preschools: A quantitative study on the relationship between occurrence and self-rated knowledge and/or construction year. Bachelor thesis in Public Health Science. Department of Occupational and Public Health Science. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies. University of Gävle, Sweden. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the occurrence of items containing Bisphenol A, forbidden phthalates and brominated flame retardants in all preschools in a Swedish municipality. Furthermore, to study whether the occurrence may have a connection with the factors self-related knowledge of the staff and/or construction year. Method: The study is an explorative quantitative study using questionnaires answered anonymously by 270 preschool teachers out of 354. An inventory of all 24 preschools in the municipality was performed to investigate the occurrence. The numeric data was analyzed using an analysis of variances (Anova) or a Chi Square test. The Results showed that the presence of objects containing endocrine disruptors clearly differed between preschools. Furthermore, the study finds that there is a significant correlation between the occurrence and the preschool's construction year (p= <0,001). On the other hand, there are no significant connections between the occurrence and the self-rated knowledge of the teachers (p=0,985). Conclusion: the older a preschool is, the more likely it is to have a higher occurrence of items containing these chemicals. The most logical reasons for this are that older preschools have the same items now as decades ago and donated items occur in a greater extent. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av lösa föremål som innehåller de hormonstörande ämnena Bisfenol A, Ftalater och Bromerade flamskyddsmedel på samtliga förskolor i en svensk kommun. Vidare att studera om förekomsten kan ha ett samband med faktorerna byggnadsår och/eller förskolepersonalens självskattade kunskap. Examensarbetet är en empirisk studie med en explorativ studiedesign. Metoden som använts är kvantitativ och all insamlade data är numerisk. En inventering av 24 förskolor genomfördes för att få reda på hur många föremål med potentiella hormonstörande effekter som fanns i respektive förskola. Utöver det fick all förskolepersonal (354st) möjlighet att besvara ett frågeformulär utformat så att respondenterna själva får uppskatta sina kunskaper inom ämnet miljögifter och hormonstörande ämnen, 270st valde att delta. Både fast anställda och vikarier inkluderades, medan köks- och städpersonal exkluderades. All data hanterades i IBM:s programvara SPSS Statistics, version 24. Beroende på vilken variabel som undersöktes genomfördes antingen Chi2-analyser eller envägs variansanalyser (Anova) för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Resultatet visade att förekomsten av föremål innehållande hormonstörande ämnen skiljde sig tydligt mellan förskolorna. Vidare kan studien konstatera att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan förekomsten och förskolans byggnadsår (p= <.001). Äldre förskolor hade äldre leksaker och kemikalierna som undersöks återfinns i dessa föremål. I studien finns inga signifikanta samband mellan förekomsten och personalens självskattade kunskap (p=.985). Slutsatsen blir att ju äldre förskolan är desto större sannolikhet är det att föremål med Bisfenol A, förbjudna ftalater och bromerade flamskyddsmedel förekommer. Anledningen till det är för att förskolorna har kvar samma föremål som för decennier sedan och har samlat på sig donerade föremål över tid.
1203 |
Kunskap och rutiner kring hedersvåld och förtryck inom socialtjänsten - en intervjustudie i en medelstor svensk kommunBack, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Back, M. (2019). Knowledge and routines about honor violence and oppression in the social services - an interview study in a medium-sized Swedish city. University of Gävle, Sweden. Bachelor thesis in Public Health Science. Department of Sports and Public Health Science. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies. Sweden, Gävle: University of Gävle. The aim of the study was to investigate knowledge and routines about honor related violence in social services in a medium-sized Swedish city. A qualitative method with four individual semi-structured interviews was used to answer to the purpose and research questions. A thematic analysis was conducted to find patterns in the respondents' answers. The result is presented in five main themes; Collectively practiced violence, Extinguishing fires, Knowledge and competence and Lack of prerequisites. Results showed that there are no specific routines regarding honor issues and that the knowledge and competence varies depending on occupational position and department. The most notable theme was Lack of conditions, which established that the girl usually goes back home, which was considered to be due to inadequate systems and insufficient routines. Honor violence and oppression is considered an important and current issue among professionals, although there seems to be difficulties and uncertainties about how the cases should be handled and the knowledge applied. In order to meet these challenges, a shared understanding is needed, regarding routines and working methods, as well as an improved knowledge among professionals. Priority and improved conditions are also needed to develop the work regarding honor-related violence and oppression.
1204 |
Beslutsfattares uppfattningar om hälsofrämjande arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården : En kvalitativ studie / Decision makers' perception of health promotion in the healthcare : A qualitative studySchmitt, Annika January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka beslutsfattares uppfattning om hälsofrämjande arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården i Region Dalarna. Metoden för den kvalitativa studiens datainsamling var intervjuer. Sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med beslutsfattare på politisk nivå genomfördes. Data analyserades för att hitta mönster och koder med hjälp av tematisk analys. Huvudresultatet visade att beslutsfattare uppfattade hälsofrämjande arbete som något mer än den hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård som ska ske gentemot patienter och de hälsofrämjande förutsättningar som ska ges till hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Utan även som ett arbete som kan ske i övriga samhällssektorer, framför allt riktat mot barn, unga och äldre. Beslutsfattarna uppfattade att det finns försvårande faktorer, framför allt för att skapa de förutsättningar som behövs på politisk nivå för att föra in hälsofrämjande arbete i hälso- och sjukvården. Samtidigt ansåg de att det på sikt kan finnas desto fler möjligheter. Den tydligaste slutsatsen av studieresultatet var att beslutsfattarna uppfattade hälsofrämjande arbete både som komplext och varierat, vilket kan försvåra enighet i beslut. Trots att uppfattningen var att det fanns flera framtida möjligheter med hälsofrämjande arbete så begränsades dess prioritering i praktiken av ett antal svårlösta utmaningar. Vidare forskning behövs. / The purpose with this study was to investigate decision makers' perception of health promotion within health care in Region Dalarna. In this qualitative study the chosen method of data collection was interviews. Specifically, six semi-structured interviews with decision makers at the political level were conducted. The interviews data was analyzed thematically to find relevant patterns, which were then coded. The main findings showed that decision makers perceived health promotion as something that involves sectors both within and outside health care, and they emphasized in the latter, health promotion in childcare, schools and elderly care. The decision makers perceived that there are aggravating factors, above all, in order to create the optimal conditions needed at the political level to incorporate health-promotion work in the health care system. At the same time, they believed that in the long term there will be even more opportunities to work with health promotion. The clearest conclusion drawn from this study is that decision makers' perception of health promotion can be complex and varied, which can hamper consensus in decision making. Although there were perceived to be several future opportunities with health promotion, evaluating and incorporating such opportunities can often be hindered by political and bureaucratic decision-making processes.
1205 |
Trygghetsfrämjande arbete - en kommunal utmaningKastman, Sofi January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine managers´ knowledge, experience and perceptions of a municipality's security-promotion work and its significance for the overall experience security in the municipality. Insecurity among residents is a major challenge for a municipality. It can lead to impaired public health, which long term affects many individuals. Insecurity and security are often linked to a socially sustainable society and should equal for all. Therefore, it is of great importance for the development of society that basic needs such as security are part of the security promotion work that is carried out. The study used a qualitative method with four semi-structured interviews. The data was transcribed and analyzed by a thematic analysis method. Results showed that the managers expressed a unified view that the perceived insecurity was perceived as vague and without foundation as the statistics show no increase in crime. Based on different social groups, insecurity is perceived and perceived differently. The municipality of Söderhamn has put security-promoting work high on the agenda, in order to increase the safety of the people in the municipality. By having a common sense and a greater understanding of the words used, conditions are created to reduce misunderstanding and ambiguity. However, it is important to prioritize security-promoting work for the sustainable development of municipalities and it needs clarity in collaboration between administrations. It is also of the utmost importance that all administrations work together based on what is prioritized. Keywords: safety-promoting work, insecurity, security and experienced feelings.
1206 |
Suicidprevention inom Kriminalvården : En kvalitativ studie av anställdas upplevelser av "Handboken för suicidprevention"Walleräng, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Walleräng, A. (2020). Suicide prevention within the Swedish Prison and Probation service – Employees experiences of “Guidelines for suicide prevention”. Bachelor thesis in Public Health Science. Department of Public Health and Sport Science. University of Gävle, Sweden. A qualitative interview study with people working in the Swedish Prison and Probation service was conducted to explore their experiences of “Guidelines for suicide prevention”. As a starting point were the guidelines used within prisons and the probation service. Semi-structured interviews, where the respondents were allowed to reflect over its content and how they used it in their daily work, were used together with an interview guide. The data was then analysed through content analysis and later categorised. The result was divided into two domains; the individual and the organisation. Each category was described in the result. The main finding was that the responders described the guidelines as a good support in their work. Although they also reported a lack of clear descriptions of how the cooperation between the Prison and Probation service and external psychiatry was to be conducted. Guidelines were mostly directed inwards. In conclusion, the guidelines are produced to simplify the suicide preventive work. The importance of staff presence and personal engagement are key factors to successfully reduce suicides and self-harm. Key words: Suicide prevention, prison, guidelines, experiences, interview study. / Sammanfattning Syftet med studien vara att undersöka hur anställda vid Kriminalvården upplever Handboken för suicidprevention som används inom häkte, anstalt och frivård. Anställda inom samtliga verksamhetsgrenar deltog i 4 st. semi-strukturerade intervjuer som utgick ifrån en intervjuguide. Deltagarna fick möjlighet att reflektera fritt utifrån sina upplevelser av suicidpreventivt arbete. Det insamlade materialet analyserades utifrån en innehållsanalys där kategorier identifierades. Kategorierna delades upp inom två teman; Individen och Organisationen. Utifrån dessa analyserades resultatet och redovisas utifrån kategorier. Resultatet ger att handboken upplevs som ett bra stöd i verksamheten och som källa till rutiner överlag. Resultatet visar även att handboken har brister och kan upplevas som otydlig. Bristerna består främst i att den inte upplevs beskriva hur samverkan skall går till mellan Kriminalvården och psykiatrin. Det suicidpreventiva arbetet vänder sig främst till häkte och anstalt även om det stora antalet klienter finns inom frivården. Nyckelord: Suicidprevention, Kriminalvård, Handbok, Upplevelse, Intervju
1207 |
Grundskolerektorers erfarenheter och uppfattningar kring arbetet med att möta barnfattigdomÅberg, Christine January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the primary school principals' experiences and perceptions regarding the work to manage child poverty. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted by meaningful selection of four principals at municipal primary schools. A conventional content analysis was performed to identify codes and categories in the data. Four main categories were identified. The results were presented on the basis of the main categories: The concept of child poverty and awareness of child poverty, Cooperation and engagement, School governance and responsibility, and The compensatory assignment. The work to manage child poverty perceived to be directly linked to the school's compensatory assignment, but there were differences in how the assignment was comprehended. At the schools where the compensatory assignment led to increased equality, rules and regulations had been introduced by the municipality and the principal. Which shows that child poverty has to be recognized, the term must be established and communal strategies and policies has to be adopted to prevent poverty from having a negative impact on children's and adolescent's schooling.
1208 |
Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis : The Effect of Physical Exercise on Markers Linked to Quality of LifeGustafsson, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
This study has aimed to evaluate how osteoporosis affects the quality of life in postmenopausal women and to assess the influence of physical exercise on markers for quality of life in osteoporosis patients. The EQ-5D questionnaire was applied for evaluation of the markers: Mobility, Self-care, Usual Activities, Pain/Discomfort and Anxiety/Depression. In collaboration with the University of Bologna, a 6-month exercise trial of women aged 60-75 with osteoporotic vertebral fractures was analyzed. These osteoporosis patients were divided into two groups; an exercise group and a control group. Markers linked to quality of life were compared for the women with osteoporosis with those of an average female Italian population of similar age. Markers for quality of life, specifically: Mobility, Usual Activities, Pain/Discomfort and Anxiety/Depression were significantly lower in the Italian osteoporosis patients than in the average population. Exercise slightly improved Mobility and Usual Activities for the osteoporosis patients, but the results did not reach statistical significance.
1209 |
Påverkansfaktorer på matlagning bland icke-studerande unga vuxna män i eget hushåll : En kvalitativ studie av utifrån den socio-ekologiska modellen / Influencing factors on cooking among non-student young adult men in own households : A qualitative study based on the Social Ecological ModelSkånberg, Ellen January 2021 (has links)
Background: Cooking at home can benefit health from both individual- and social perspectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate which individual and social factors affect cooking in young men in own households and which factors in the surrounding environment that could influence their cooking. Methods: This is a qualitative study. Data were collected from five respondents aged 20-30 years with semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. Results: Influencing factors for cooking exist at individual and social levels and the surrounding environment. At the individual level self-efficacy was the most important factor and mothers played a major role in building self-efficacy during the respondents' upbringing. At the social level, cooperation with others emerged and factors in the surrounding environment such as the school system and restrictions as a result of the ongoing corona pandemic in 2021 were identified. Conclusions: Influencing factors for cooking exist at the individual and social level and in the surrounding environment. Supporting parents' cooking and cooking classes in school could strengthen self-efficacy in cooking situations for boys growing up. Few studies have been done in this regard, therefore more studies are needed to further understand what factors affect young men's cooking.
1210 |
Hur anställda män vid Försvarsmakten upplever sin arbetsplats gällande jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studieOlsson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate how male employees experienced the Swedish Armed Forces as a workplace regarding gender equality and how they experienced the importance of having female colleagues. The method had a qualitative approach that consisted of semi-structured interviews. The sample involved five male Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces located in two places in Sweden. The interview material was analyzed by a thematic analysis method. The results were presented on the basis of the main categories: Internal gender equality work, external gender equality work and the importance of women in the Swedish Armed Forces. The main findings showed that the respondents experienced Swedish Armed Forces as an equal workplace based on the fact that they never experienced the opposite. They experienced that the Swedish Armed Forces actively are working with gender equality, both internally and externally. The respondents also said that their female colleagues are of great importance in order for Swedish Armed Forces to do their job. The conclusion is that male employees experience Swedish Armed Forces as a gender equal workplace while other studies showed that female employees did not. Therefore needs further research to understand why there is a difference in men's and women's experience / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur manliga anställda vid Försvarsmakten upplevde sin arbetsplats gällande jämställdhet samt vilken betydelse de upplevde att kvinnliga kollegor har på den mansdominerade arbetsplatsen. Metoden hade en kvalitativ ansats och datamaterialet samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna bestod av fem manliga anställda officerare i Flygvapnet inom Försvarsmakten, på två olika orter i Sverige. Materialet analyserades utifrån en tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet presenteras utifrån tre huvudteman: Internt jämställdhetsarbete, externt jämställdhetsarbete samt kvinnors betydelse i Försvarsmakten. Resultatet visade att de manliga anställda upplevde Försvarsmakten som jämställd då de själva inte hade upplevt motsatsen. De upplevde att Försvarsmakten är tydlig med sitt ställningstagande gällande jämställdhet, både internt på arbetsplatsen och externt ut mot samhället i form av exempelvis reklamkampanjer. Respondenterna uppgav att kvinnliga kollegor var av stor betydelse för att Försvarsmakten ska kunna leverera goda resultat. Både för att de anställda ska representera samhällets befolkning, samt då män och kvinnor arbetar bättre tillsammans. Männen menade också att kvinnor kan vara helt avgörande i det operativa arbetet, kanske främst utomlands. Slutsatsen säger att manliga anställda vid Försvarsmakten upplevde arbetsplatsen som jämställd medan tidigare forskning som intervjuat kvinnor i liknande frågor inte gör det. Därför behövs ytterligare forskning för att förstå varför upplevelsen skiljer sig bland män och kvinnor.
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