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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ungdomars delaktighet och engagemang i samhället i relation till hälsa : En kvaitativ studie som belyser here 4U:s toleransutbildning i förhållande till ungdomars personliga utveckling och delaktighet samt engagemang i samhället

Bennersand, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
The risk for an adolescent to develop risk behaviors decrease when he/she feels to be included in and to have an influence on the society. Previous research shows that opportunities for young people to feel involved in the society are limited. Every year, here 4U offers a tolerance-education to young people. This study aims to investigate whether the tolerance-education has met its objectives. The aim of the study is to investigate whether and how here 4U:s tolerance-education affected young people´s sense of participation in the society and civic-engagement and whether it led to personal development. The study applies a qualitative method, with semi-structured interviews and applies a target selection of andolescents based on criterias that enable for the studys aim to be answered. The informants are six young people aged 16–22. A manifest content analysis has been applied to analyze the collected material. The results of the study show that young people feels that they have more opportunities and will to engage in society after the tolerance-education. It also demonstrates that the tolerance-education has contributed to young people´s opportunities for participation in the society. Furthermore, the results shows that the tolerance-education has contributed to the personal development of young people by giving them a chance to build confidence and self-esteem. / Genom att inkludera ungdomar i samhället minskar risken att de utvecklar ett risktagande beteende. Tidigare forskning påvisar att möjligheterna för ungdomar att känna sig delaktiga i samhället är begränsade. Varje år erbjuder here 4U en toleransutbildning till ungdomar. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka om toleransutbildningen uppfyllt dess mål. Utefter bakgrunden är studiens syfte att undersöka om och i så fall hur here 4U:s toleransutbildning påverkat ungdomars känsla av delaktighet i samhället, samhällsengagemang samt om den lett till personlig utveckling. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod, har semistrukturerade intervjuer och tillämpar ett målstyrt urval. Informanterna är sex ungdomar i åldern 16–22. En kvalitativ analysprocess i form av en manifest innehållsanalys har tillämpats för att analysera det insamlade materialet. Studiens resultat visar att ungdomarna upplever sig ha bättre förutsättningar och vilja att engagera sig i samhället efter toleransutbildningen. Det påvisar även att toleransutbildningen bidragit till att ungdomarna fått möjligheter till delaktighet. Vidare visar det framtagna resultatet att toleransutbildningen bidragit till ungdomarnas personliga utveckling genom att de fått chans att bygga upp en självsäkerhet och en självkänsla.

“Varför ska jag banta honom?” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vårdnadshavares upplevelser kring sina barns övervikt

Tindefors Berg, Sandra, Rinman, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar  Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka upplevelser hos vårdnadshavare som har barn i åldrarna 2-17 år med övervikt eller fetma som i övrigt är friska. Frågeställningarna var följande: 1) Vilka strategier har vårdnadshavarna för att jobba med sitt/sina barns vikt? 2) Hur upplever vårdnadshavarna sitt/sina barns psykiska mående kopplat till dess vikt? 3) På vilka sätt kan politiker och barnhälsovården/skolhälsovården hjälpa familjer att främja hälsa? 4) Hur upplever vårdnadshavarna att familj och vänner ser på barnets/barnens vikt? Metod  Studien genomfördes i form av kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer. En intervjuguide arbetades fram och fyra pilotintervjuer genomfördes. Deltagare rekryterades via sociala medier, internetforum och uppsatta lappar på barnavårdscentraler och överviktsenheter. Intervjuerna transkriberades och bearbetades i en induktiv manifest innehållsanalys där meningsbärande enheter plockades ut och sedan kondenserades, kodades och delades in i subkategorier och kategorier.  Resultat  Totalt genomfördes intervjuer med fem deltagare. Analysen resulterade i sju subkategorier som grupperades in i de två kategorierna Nationellt och regionalt ansvar för hälsa och Individens tankar och förutsättningar för en hälsosam livsstil. Vårdnadshavarna hade strategier gällande kost och fysisk aktivitet för att hantera barnens övervikt. Samhällets förbättringsmöjligheter sågs i form av utökad information från barnavårdscentraler, fler gratisaktiviteter och bättre utbud av hälsosam mat. Vikten verkade inte påverka barnens allmänna mående, men snäva kroppsideal sågs som problematiskt och flera barn eftersträvade en muskulös kropp. Flera vårdnadshavare upplevde bristfälligt stöd från släktingar kring förhållningsregler gällande sötsaker. Slutsats Denna studie lyfter vårdnadshavarnas perspektiv för att belysa upplevda utmaningar och utvecklingsområden. De önskade framförallt bättre strukturer i samhället för att underlätta för en hälsosam livsstil samt stöd och förståelse från vänner och familj. Kommande studier bör undersöka familjer till barn med fetma och låg socioekonomisk status.

Association between deworming during pregnancy and low birth weight. A secondary analysis of Pakistan Demographic Health Survey 2017-18.

Ali, Munazzah January 2020 (has links)
Abstract It is estimated that about 22% of all births in Pakistan are low birth weight (<2500g), representing approximately 198,000 births per year. One of the major causes of low birth weight is maternal anemia. In Pakistan approximately 52% of pregnant women are anemic and one of the most common cause of maternal anemia is soil-transmitted helminthic infection. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis is endemic in Pakistan carries the highest burden of infection in Eastern Mediterranean region. Despite the recommendations deworming the mother during pregnancy is not being commonly practiced in routine antenatal care. We hypothesized that there is an association between deworming during pregnancy and low birth weight. For this study, cross sectional analysis of secondary data from the latest Pakistan Demographic Health Survey (PDHS conducted in 2017-18 and released in 2019) was done. Total N=1403 mother and child were included, logistic regression was used to determine the association between deworming during pregnancy and low birth weight after adjusting for potential confounders.  We found no statistically significant association [aOR 0.63, 95% CI (0.21-1.83)] between deworming during pregnancy and low birth weight. Moreover the mothers who belonged to higher socioeconomic status [aOR 0.41, 95% CI (0.22- .76)] and attained higher education [aOR 0.55, 95% CI (0.34- .87)] had reduced odds of having a new born with low birth weight compared to newborn of the women from low socioeconomic status and had no education, respectively. Further research is needed to explore effectiveness of deworming during pregnancy at population level.

Hälsofrämjande arbetsplats : En strukturerad litteraturstudie ur vårdpersonalens perspektiv / Health promoting workplace : A structured literature review from the perspective of healthcare workers

Rodriguez, Arturo January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Folkhälsoarbete ämnar till att främja hälsa och förebygga fysisk, psykisk och social ohälsa genom insatser som bedrivs på befolkningsnivå. Hälsofrämjande arbetsplatser är ett vida begrepp som innefattas av flertal komponenter såsom strategisk ledning, styrdokument, organisationskultur och ledarskap. Anställda inom vårdyrken löper en signifikant risk att drabbas arbetsrelaterad ohälsa som leder till sjukfrånvaro, jämfört med andra yrkesgrupper. Arbetsplatsen är en viktig arena för förebyggande-och hälsofrämjande insatser som ämnar till att stärka arbetstagarnas hälsa. Syfte: Litteraturstudien syftade till att undersöka begreppet hälsofrämjande arbetsplatser utifrån vårdanställdas perspektiv. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie som består av 13 vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtades från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Artiklarna består av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Materialet som hämtades organiserades, granskades och analyserades genom systematisk textkondensering för att fastställa teman som utgör studieresultatet. Resultat: Fem teman presenteras i resultatet vilka är ledarskap, socialt stöd, delaktighet kontroll. Slutsats: Resultatet visade betydelsen av en god arbetsmiljö för att minska arbetsrelaterad ohälsa bland vårdpersonal. Inom vårdorganisationer är det viktigt att vårdanställda erbjuds en god psykosociala arbetsmiljö där organisationen tar tillvara på resurserna som finns på arbetsplatsen. Vårdarbetsplatser som främjar arbetstagarnas hälsa genom ett tryggt arbetsklimat är gynnsamma för både personal, brukare och patienter vilket ställer krav på en välfungerad organisation. / Introduction: Public health work aims to promote health and prevent physical, mental and social ill-health through initiatives conducted at the population level. Health-promoting workplaces are a broad concept that is encompassed by several components such as strategic management, governing documents, organizational culture and leadership. Employees in the care professions run a significant risk of suffering from work-related ill health that leads to sickness that can lead to absence from work, compared with other occupational groups. The workplace is an important arena for prevention and health promotion initiatives that aim to strengthen workers' health. Aim: The literature study aimed to explore the concept of health-promoting workplaces from the perspective of healthcare employees. Method: A structured literature study consisting of 13 scientific articles retrieved from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The articles are qualitative and quantitative which were reviewed and analyzed through systematic text condensation. The material was organized and structured to determine the themes that make up the study result. Results: Five themes are presented in the results which are leadership, social support, participation control. Conclusion: The results showed the importance of a good work environment to change work-related ill health among healthcare professionals. It is important that healthcare organizations offer a god psychosocial work environment where the organization takes advantage of the resources available in the workplace. Workplaces in healthcare organizations that promote workers' health through a safe work environment are favorable for both employees, caretakers and patients which demands a well-functioning organization.

Implementering av Agenda 2030 : En kvalitativ studie om tjänstepersoners uppfattningar angående förutsättningarna för implementering av Agenda 2030 i sörmländska kommuner

Kumpula, Lena January 2020 (has links)
Agenda 2030 är en handlingsplan för hur världens alla länder gemensamt ska nå en hållbar utveckling socialt, ekonomiskt och ekologiskt. Agenda 2030 berör den sociala dimensionen av hållbar utveckling och kan därför kopplas till ett långsiktigt folkhälsoarbete. Syftet med studien är att undersöka tjänstepersoners uppfattningar om förutsättningarna för att implementera Agenda 2030 i deras kommun. Urvalet i studien var målstyrt då respondenterna skulle svara på frågor om arbetet med Agenda 2030. För studien användes en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod där materialet sedan analyserades enligt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att stödjande faktorer som politisk vilja, pågående handlingsplan, samarbetsmöjligheter, tillgängliga resurser, kompetens och tydlig ledning och styrning förenklade arbetet med Agenda 2030. Hindrande faktorer var bristande kompetens, otydlig ledning och styrning. Dessutom har Coronapandemin har haft en negativ påverkan på ekonomi och organisation. Utvecklingsmöjligheter är att fortsätta med det pågående arbetet och utveckla målstyrningen samt integreringen av Agenda 2030 i den ordinarie verksamheten. Slutsatsen är att kommunerna befann sig i olika faser av implementeringsprocessen varpå förutsättningarna varierade mellan kommunerna. Kommunerna behöver uppmärksamma stödjande faktorer och arbeta med hindrande faktorer tillsammans med utvecklingsmöjligheter för att skapa goda förutsättningar för lokal implementering av Agenda 2030.  Nyckelord: folkhälsa, hållbar utveckling, kommun, kvalitativ studie, tjänsteperson, top-down implementering / The Agenda 2030 is an action plan for global sustainability divided into17 goals and three dimensions of social, ecological and economical sustainability. The social dimension of sustainability affects the determinants of health and can therefore contribute to better public health. The aim of this study is to examine official workers perceptions of the conditions to implement Agenda 2030 in Swedish municipalities.  The selection method was strategic as the respondents were to answer questions about their experiences according to their work with implementing Agenda 2030. For the study, a qualitative approach was used with semi-structured interviews to collect data. The data were analyzed according to qualitative content analysis.  The results show that supporting factors such as political will, an ongoing action plan, cooperation opportunities, available resources, competence, clear management and governance simplified the work with Agenda 2030. Hindering factors inthe process where lack of competence, lack of distinct management and guidance. The corona pandemic has had a negative impact on the economy and organization.  Development opportunities are to continue with the ongoing work and develop management by objectives and the integration of Agenda 2020 in the regular operations.  The conclusion of the study is that the municipalities were in different phases of the implementation process and therefore conditions varied. The municipalities need to pay attention to the supporting factors and work with the hindering factors together with development opportunities to create good conditions for local implementation of Agenda 2030.  Key words: Municipality, Official Worker, Public Health, Qualitative Interviews, Sustainable Development, Top-Down Implementation

Managing risk factors for caries with behaviour change approach : a systematic literature review and observational registry study

Kavakure, Jules January 2020 (has links)
It is estimated that nearly 100% of adults had dental caries worldwide. The disease can be approached with a biopsychosocial perspective. Overall, the aim of this study was to assess how behaviour change approach is used to manage risk factors for caries, which was divided in two sub-objectives;1. To illuminate behaviour change methods used to manage risk factors for caries, 2. To explore caries incidence among adult patients who have received behaviour change therapy treatment against caries.To answer the first sub-objective a systematic literature review was performed. To explore dental health status among adults who received behaviour change therapy due to caries, data from the national register in odontology SKaPa was analysed with descriptive and analytic statistics.The findings of the systematic literature review retrieved one RCT-study in the field of behaviour change therapy and caries. Findings from the register study showed there was no corralation between behaviour change therapy and DFT, no differences in inqualities among gender regardning DFT, no differences in DFT related to behaviour change therapy, that among therapy codes for behaviour change therapy behavioural therapy, 60 minutes or more was less frequently used and that dental professionals most frequently used behaviour change therapy when treating initial caries.The conclusion of this study are that there is a lack of scientific evidence regarding managing risk factors for caries with behaviour change approach. The study indicate that qualitative as well as randomized controlled studies would contribute to more knowledge about managing risk factors for caries with behaviour change approach.

Biodiversity in urban planning and its relation to health : A study about how the five largest municipalities in Sweden portray biodiversity and its relation to health

Vestling, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Biodiversity has shown to have various positive effects on our health and wellbeing. High diversity in species has for example been shown to reduce stress as well as lower the risk for emerging infectious diseases. The relationship between biodiversity and health is an issue that the Convention on Biological Diversity has expressed as important to work more with. This study’s aim was therefore to explore and shed light on on how the largest municipalities in Sweden, namely the municipalities Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala and Linköping, works with the concept of biodiversity and the issue of biodiversity in relation to health in their urban planning practice. Furthermore, the aim was to explore what challenges and opportunities urban planners in Swedish municipalities experience when working with issues regarding biodiversity in relation to health. A content analysis of ten municipal documents as well as semi-structured interviews with six municipal officials were conducted. The results were analyzed in the light of previous research and showed that biodiversity in relation to health is not naturally incorporated in the municipalities. The municipalities do however, work with the issue implicitly through ecosystem services and improved accessibility. Challenges due to lack of political interest, collaboration, knowledge and financial support regarding biodiversity in relation to health were identified. Monetary valuation, increased knowledge about the issue and the pandemic of Covid-19 were seen as future possibilities which could favor the work with biodiversity in relation to health in the municipalities.

Oral Health Care among European Native and Immigrant’s Children and Adolescents : A systematic review and meta-analysis / Tandhälsovård bland europeiska barn och ungdomar, infödda eller immigranter : En systematisk granskning och meta-analys

Nahar, Akikun January 2021 (has links)
Background: Globally, oral health remains a public health concern, particularly in relation towell-being of children and adolescents. Dental caries, one of the most common oral health problem in this group, is considered as a transmissible, infectious disease with significant health consequences. Migration in Europe has increased over the recent years due to geopolitical causes, employment, family reunion, and so forth. Earlier studies show that immigrant populations in Europe have a higher rate of oral problems, and are at higher risk to oral diseases. This review aims to evaluate oral health status among children and adolescents with immigrant and native backgrounds and to evaluate if there are disparities in oral health between these twogroups. Methods: This study involved a systematic review of research articles comparing oral health between native European and immigrant children and adolescents. MeSH terms and key words comprised oral health, Europe, dental care, disparities, immigrant, environment, social and cultural, mouth care, children and adolescent. An open-access, validated tool was used toperform meta-analysis. Results: 15 studies were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review; 6 of which reported differences in mean Decayed Missing Filled teeth index (DMFT) scores, 7 reported odds ratios (OR) and two studies reported prevalence. The combined effect size for the DMFT scores was 0.54 (95% CI: 0.35 – 0.73), indicating a statistically significant difference of 46% in the mean DMFT scores between natives and immigrants, with the former having lower DMFT scores. The combined effect size for studies yielding ORs was 4.12 (95% CI: 2.51-6.78); implying 4-fold higher odds of dental caries among immigrants. Significant heterogeneity among the studies were observed. The likelihood of publication bias was also high. Conclusion: This review captured higher risk of dental caries, plaque formation and staining on teeth among immigrant than native children and adolescents in Europe. However, the studies included did not have the scope to examine potential causes for such a gap; which is an important knowledge gap to be addressed in future.

Mothers’ treatment seeking behavior for children with diarrhea: a cross-sectional study in Zambia

Dahl, Helena January 2021 (has links)
According to WHO, diarrhea disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide for children under five. Around 525 000 children under five are killed every year by diarrhea. Most deaths from diarrhea occur among children less than 2 years of age living in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. With a comprehensive strategy that ensures all children in need receive critical prevention and treatment measures it is possible to save the lives of millions of children at risk of death from diarrhea. The aim of this study was to identify what kind of treatment has been given to under-five children with symptoms of diarrhea and what kind of care the respondent sought in Zambia, a low-income country. Method: A cross-sectional study with secondary data from Zambia Demographic and Health Survey (ZDHS). The first-born child under five with diarrhea the last two weeks was selected in this study, to analyze what kind of treatment was given when showing symptoms of diarrhea. Out of the first-born children (n=7048) we found that 1 289 children had diarrhea during the last two weeks before the survey. Result: Of children having diarrhea 80% received some kind of treatment. Thirty eight percent of the children with diarrhea symptoms was given zinc and 67% was given pre-packaged Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). The first place to seek treatment for the child’s diarrhea was at the Government Health Center (66%)followed by 18% that sought treatment at the Government Health Post. Conclusion: This study showed that the treatment and care seeking behavior for caregivers to under-5 children with diarrhea is of public health concern. Less than half of the children receives zinc as a treatment and 67% receives prepacked ORS. There is a need for education and awareness on the efficacy of ORS and especially zinc in preventing diarrhoea mortality and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals target 3.2. / <p>Betyg i Ladok 210314.</p>

Att våga fråga - Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av att möta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer : En empirisk studie / Dare to ask - Nurses' experience of encountering women exposed to intimate partner violence

Andersson, Josephine, Drejare, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hur vårdpersonal bemöter kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld kan avgöra om kvinnor berättar om sina erfarenheter. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor har kunskap om våld i nära relationer för att kunna identifiera våldsutsatthet och ge den vård som krävs.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av att möta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer.  Metod: Sex sjuksköterskor deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten presenterades i kategorier och subkategorier. Resultat: Studien visade att sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor handlade om att förhålla sig till det okända. Ibland kunde känslan av att något inte stod rätt till infinna sig men viljan att skapa trygghet var beständig. Inför att våga ställa frågan om våld fanns olika typer av rädslor samt bidragande omständigheter som utgjorde ett stöd inför att våga ställa frågan. Sjuksköterskorna behövde uppvisa flexibilitet i omhändertagandet vid mötet med den utsatta kvinnan vid försvårande omständigheter och för att kunna bistå med hjälp.  Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor efterfrågade ökad kunskap om våld i nära relationer. Rutinfrågor och erfarenhet gav trygghet i yrkesrollen. Frågan om våld sågs som en viktig fråga och ställdes ofta trots barriärer. / Background: In what way healthcare workers encounters women exposed to intimate partner violence could be crucial in whether the women decide to disclose their experiences. To be able to identify exposure to violence and provide required care nurses need knowledge about intimate partner violence. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate nurses’ experience of encountering women exposed to intimate partner violence. Methods: Six nurses participated in semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and the analysis was conducted using qualitative content analysis. The results were presented in categories and subcategories. Results: The study showed that nurses’ experiences of encounter women exposed to intimate partner violence concerned dealing with the unknown. Sometimes nurses felt that something was not quite right. A desire to create security for these women was resistant. There were fears connected to daring asking the question about violence but also facilitators which made it easier to ask. In order to provide care, nurses needed to be flexible when facing aggravating circumstances during these encounters. Conclusion: Nurses requested increased knowledge about intimate partner violence. Routine questions and experience provided security in their professional role. The question about violence was considered as an important question and were frequently asked despite barriers.

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