Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good allergy"" "subject:"good ellergy""
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detection and quantification of almond (Prunus dulcis) in food with ELISAOrebrand, Ulrika January 2006 (has links)
Reliable methods to analyze food for the presence of almond are important – not only for those allergic to almond, but also for monitoring the compliance with labelling regulations (EG directive 2003/89). Until now the Swedish National Food Administration has used methods like rocket immunoelectrophoresis and real-time PCR to detect almond in food. These methods are, however, not sensitive enough for protecting the most sensitive individuals. Therefore, the performance of a commercial ELISA kit was tested with regard to specificity/cross reactivity and limit of detection for almond both in solution and in different matrixes. The limit of quantitation was at least 3,1 ppm (mg/kg) in solution and similar concentrations were measured in bisquits and chocolate. The ELISA method was about 100-fold more sensitive than rocket immunoelectrophoresis and PCR. The specificity of the test kit was evaluated against a number of different nuts and seeds. No important cross reactivity was found. The antibodies against almond used in the kit can not differentiate between almond and apricot kernel. For such purposes the PCR method could be used.
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Characterization of a rabbit-antiserum for detection of pea protein in foodsLundholm, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
Food allergy is an IgE-mediated immunological disease, which affects almost 4% of the adult population and up to 6% of children. Proteins from milk, egg, peanuts, soybean, wheat, fish and nuts are the main cause of food allergies. A less common allergen is pea protein. The National Food Administration analyses undeclared pea protein and contaminations of pea protein in foods using rocket immunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion. For both methods an antiserum against pea protein is needed. The aim of this study has been to characterize a newly developed rabbit-antiserum against pea protein. It is important to know if the antiserum is specific against peas, the detection as well as the quantification limits before it can be taken into use. The results of the study show that the antiserum was not absolutely specific, since it cross-reacted with chickpeas, fenugreek and lenses. However there is an "in-house" established PCR-method that can distinguish between chickpeas, fenugreek and peas and that method can be used as a complement to the rocket immunoelectrophoresis. The PCR-method cannot be used alone because it is not quantitative. Rocket immunoelectro¬phoresis detects 0,003% pea protein with purified IgG-antibodies from the antiserum.
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Biokemisk och immunologisk karaktärisering av pepsin-spjälkade mjölkallergenerJonasson, Kristoffer January 2013 (has links)
Milk allergens were digested by allowing them to flow through a chromatography column, where pepsin was conjugated to the stationary phase of the column. The allergen fragments were then characterized both biochemically, by using SDS-PAGE and gel permeation chromatography, and immunologically, by examining their reactivity to IgE and monoclonal antibodies.
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Kunskapens betydelse vid födoämnesallergi och anafylaxi : en systematisk litteraturstudieEriksson, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva kunskapens betydelse för personer med födoämnesallergi, samt när det gäller förebyggande av anafylaxi. Den metod som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie, där totalt tretton kvantitativa och två kvalitativa artiklar användes i resultatet. De databaser som användes var Pubmed, Elin@dalarna och CINAHL. Resultatet visade att beträffande kunskapens betydelse var majoriteten av de medicinska frågorna i en studie som besvarades via Internet frågor som berörde födoämnesallergi och allergiska reaktioner. Över hälften av ungdomarna uppgav att deras livskvalitet och hälsa påverkades och ovissheten och okunskapen om allergin påverkade deras livskvalitet negativt. Det visade sig även att endast en fjärdedel av läkarna gav detaljerad undervisning och information om hur viktigt det var med undvikande av allergen vid födoämnesallergi. Beträffande kunskapens betydelse vid förebyggande av anafylaxi visade flera studier att anafylaxi var vanligt förekommande hos vuxna och ungdomar med födoämnesallergi. Ungdomar hade otillräcklig kunskap om anafylaxi och hälften av ungdomarna uppgav att de ätit de födoämnen de var allergiska emot. Anvisningar och information om akuta födoämnesreaktioner var låg hos vuxna och tonåringar upplevde ett stort behov av undervisning, då de tog mer risker än vuxna.
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Novel Role of Intestinal Lipid Transport in Food Allergy and Cholesterol HomeostasisLi, Jianing 01 January 2015 (has links)
The small intestine is the main organ for food digestion and nutrient absorption. It is constantly exposed to antigen and immunomodulatory agents from diet and commensal microbiota. Thus, the intestine is the largest compartment of the immune system in the body. Peanuts and many other allergen resources contain triglycerides, which may affect the antigen absorption through the intestine, but their effects on sensitization and anaphylaxis are unknown. We found that medium chain triglycerides (MCT) promoted antigen absorption into Peyer’s Patches, rather than into the blood directly. Both gavage and feeding of MCT plus peanut protein induced spontaneous allergic sensitization. MCT-sensitized mice experienced the IgG-dependent anaphylaxis from systemic challenges and the IgE-dependent anaphylaxis from oral challenges. Furthermore, MCT alone had direct pharmaceutical effect on enterocytes, like stimulating Jejunal-epithelial Th2 cytokine responses compared with what was seen in the long chain triglycerides (LCT) treated group. Moreover, the oral challenges conducted with peanut protein in MCT significantly exacerbated anaphylaxis compared with the LCT challenges.
The intestine also plays an important role in whole body cholesterol homeostasis due to its exclusive function in cholesterol absorption. The researchers found that the intestine function in cholesterol secretion and elimination, but it has not been proven directly until recently. This pathway that facilitate the cholesterol secretions through intestine was named the Transintestinal Cholesterol Efflux (TICE) and has not been well studied yet.
To find the possible transporter candidates involved in TICE, we compared both biliary and intestinal cholesterol excretion rates in wild-type (WT) and G5G8 deficient (KO) mice of both sexes. All mice were maintained on a plant-sterol free diet beginning at weaning to prevent the development of secondary phenotypes associated with Sitosterolemia. We found that WT mice had higher biliary cholesterol excretion rates compared to their G5G8 KO littermates as previously reported. However, this difference is significantly greater in females compared to males. Interestingly, intestinal cholesterol excretions increased in female KO mice compared to their WT littermates, a difference not observed in males. This data suggests a sexually dimorphic adaptive mechanism to maintain cholesterol elimination in the absence of G5G8. Whereas male mice maintain a greater level of biliary output in the absence of G5G8, female mice upregulate an alternate intestinal elimination route.
To determine the origin of intestinally secreted cholesterol, we compared both hepatobiliary and intestinal cholesterol secretion rates in male wild-type (WT) and CETP transgenic (CETP TG) mice at the age of 12 weeks. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) facilitates the transport of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides between lipoproteins in plasma and alters the lipoprotein distribution of plasma cholesterol. We found that WT and CETP TG mice did not differ in either biliary or intestinal cholesterol secretion rates when maintained on a standard chow diet. However, CETP TG mice showed increased biliary cholesterol secretion rates and decreased intestinal cholesterol secretion rates compared to the WT group in response to a Western diet. We next determined the effect of CETP on the delivery of radiolabeled HDL-cholesterol ester to bile and intestinal lumen. Unlike bulk cholesterol secretions, HDL-derived cholesterol esters were preferentially delivered to the intestine in CETP TG mice. This data suggests that CETP alter the routes of total and HDL cholesterol elimination from the body in mice.
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Födoämnesallergi : Föräldar och barns upplevelse av förskolans bemötandeGustafsson, Jessica January 2011 (has links)
In this essay I have investigated how two families, with children, who have food allergies, experience what support and what treatment they get in preschool for their difficulties. I have interviewed two children and two parents. The study shows that the interviewed parents believe that more knowledge in the community and among staff in preschool, about food allergies, is needed. Parents wish that the staff should write an action plan that describes how to deal with children who have food allergies and that preschool invites parents and children to record results. It is important to consider an inclusive attitude so that children don’t feels excluded. There is some research going on around this subject and researchers agree that the incidence of food allergies in the society is growing, but that it is difficult to be able to present a certain theory why, and what the underlying factors are. The most probable cause can be our hygiene, our many times excessive cleanliness, we do not get in contact with enough bacteria, which upsets the balance of our immune defence. Our immune system gets too little stimulation of bacteria, and as a result, food allergies can occur. Progress in science today offers some opportunities to understand the origin behind food allergies but knowledge is inadequate it is not known what factors contribute to sensitization and development of the regulatory mechanisms of the individual as to why an allergic reaction occurs or not allergic reaction occurs or not.
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Food allergy in Lithuanian birth cohort / Maisto alergija Lietuvos naujagimių kohortojeBūtienė, Indrė 09 December 2013 (has links)
Environmental factors more often is thought to have influence in determining children’s health and development. Prevalence of allergic diseases over the last decades is increasing, especially in Western Europe. Despite lots of performed surveys it is still unclear why the prevalence of food allergy is mounting. Incidence of food allergy is age dependent and usually manifest as one of the first forms of allergy. It is considered as the first step of „atopic march“. To accurately assess the occurrence of possible risk factors for a disease that can start already in infancy and may resolve by school age, a prospective birth cohort with regular follow-up of participating children and families provides the best possible study design.
EuroPrevall birth cohort study, in which participated Vilnius University, was the first in the world investigation specially created just for evaluation of food allergy. During in this dissertation presented project for the first time real prevalence of food hypersensitivity and allergy in infants and small children in Lithuania have been determined, the most common food allergens were assessed and changes in prevalence of sensitization to them during first 30 months of life were analysed, also the role of possible determinants for the development of food allergies, such as genetic background, maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, way of birth, infections, medicines, psycho-social and environmental factors, were examined and different... [to full text] / Svarbus vaidmuo, nulemiantis vaikų sveikatą ir vystymąsi, vis dažniau priskiriamas vaiką supančiai aplinkai. Sergamumas alerginėmis ligomis sparčiai didėja, o pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais jis itin išaugo, ypač Vakarų Europoje. Nepaisant daugelio atliktų tyrimų, vis dar lieka neaišku, kodėl alerginių ligų paplitimas nuolat didėja. Alergijos maistui paplitimas įvairiose amžiaus grupėse skiriasi ir yra viena iš anksčiausiai pasireiškiančių alergijos formų. Manoma, kad ji gali būti pirmasis „atopinio maršo“ žingsnis. Norint tiksliai įvertinti galimų rizikos veiksnių įtaką ligos atsiradimui, kuri gali prasidėti jau kūdikystėje ir išnykti iki mokyklinio amžiaus, tinkamiausias tyrimo metodas yra prospektyvinis naujagimių kohortos tyrimas su reguliaria į tyrimą įtrauktų vaikų ir jų šeimų stebėsena.
EuroPrevall naujagimių kohorta - tai pirmasis pasaulyje tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo ir Vilniaus Universitetas, specialiai suformuotas tik alergijos maistui ištyrimui. Šio disertacijoje pateikiamo tyrimo metu Lietuvoje pirmąkart ištirtas padidėjusio jautrumo maistui ir alergijos maistui paplitimas tarp mažų vaikų ir nustatyti dažniausiai alergiją sukeliantys maisto produktai ir sensibilizacijos maisto alergenams kaita pirmaisiais 30 gyvenimo mėnesiais, taip pat išanalizuoti tėvų ir kūdikių rizikos veiksniai, tokie kaip genetinis pagrindas, mamos mityba nėštumo metu ir žindant, gimdymo būdas, infekcijos, vartoti medikamentai, psicho-socialiniai ir aplinkos faktoriai, įtakojantys alergijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Dwelling in Possibility: Narrating, Requesting, and Providing Food "Options" in the Lives of Dietary-Restricted College StudentsShaker, Dana 01 January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores 5C dietary-restricted college students’ reiteration of a “lack of [food] options” in the dining hall and at on-campus, institutionally-sponsored events of particularly Scripps College. Given that Scripps specifically has in the past responded to dietary-restricted student needs, and that it offers an admittedly broad variety of foods for a college dining hall, dietary-restricted students’ dissatisfaction with “food options” presents an interesting problem. Situated within broader Claremont College community discussions, this ethnographic work hopes to better understand not just what students want, but what they need to socially and culturally sustain themselves while dwelling in the residential 5C community. I argue that when my dietary- and non-dietary-restricted interlocutors narrate their desire for, request, and provide food options, they are engaging in efforts to facilitate access to membership and participation in all aspects of the “residential college experience.” In the spirit of interlocutors’ enduring determination to exist in a space of possibility with regard to their identities and the necessary food options that could exist, this thesis also contains Scripps-specific suggestions to better include those with dietary restrictions in the Scripps College residential community.
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The prevalence of anxiety in individuals with nut allergiesSmith, Stacey. Peterson, Gary W. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Florida State University, 2006. / Advisor: Gary Peterson, Florida State University, College of Education, Dept. of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed Sept. 15, 2006). Document formatted into pages; contains v, 64 pages. Includes bibliographical references.
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Management of food allergies in children in South Africa : determining aspects of the knowledge and practices of dietitians and medical doctorsStear, Georgina Isabel Jane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Nutr)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background
Adverse reactions to food are frequently suspected in daily clinical practice yet the knowledge of health care
workers regarding correct diagnosis and management remains limited. This is compounded by few allergy
consultants and may contribute to patient dissatisfaction and self‐diagnoses.
The primary treatment modality for food hypersensitivity remains strict but nutritionally adequate elimination
of offending food allergens based on accurate diagnosis. Nutritional misconceptions and incorrect diagnosis
may lead to inappropriate dietary restriction resulting in nutritional deficiencies, malnutrition, growth
retardation, and feeding difficulties in children. Elimination diets thus require supervision and monitoring
similar to drug treatments, being reviewed regularly for possible food re‐challenges.
There is limited research to assess knowledge and management approaches of food allergies by medical
doctors and no research of this nature exists for Dietitians. There is also limited information as to whether
current approaches conform to the most recent evidence‐based recommendations, particularly with regard to
dietary intervention and allergy prevention strategies.
The aim of this survey was to determine aspects of food allergy related knowledge and practices of Medical
Doctors and Dietitians.
This was an analytical cross sectional study with participants randomly selected from the three largest
provinces in South Africa, Gauteng, Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal (N=660). A quantitative questionnaire
was compiled to explore aspects of food allergy diagnosis and management. Participants were currently
working in South Africa and were selected according to three categories, General Practitioners, Dietitians and
Medical Specialists. Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Stellenbosch, Faculty of Health
Sciences Committee of Human Research.
Even though valuable insights were obtained, poor response from all three groups (N=82) compromised the
strength of significant findings. There was limited knowledge regarding appropriate diagnosis, dietary
intervention and allergy prevention strategies. 98% of respondents believed they needed more education and
training in management of allergies. Approximately 50% reported use of complementary therapy by patients prior to and while using conventional medicine. Dietitians weren't consulted for nutritional management by
72% General Practitioners and 45% Specialists. For allergy prevention, over 50% of health professionals
advised extensive food avoidance for the first year in high risk infants. Dietitians recommended multiple food
avoidance for the longest period of time per food in infants, pregnant and lactating women to prevent allergy.
Advice for infant feeding and introduction of solid foods was not evidence‐based. Goat's milk, soya formula
and breast milk with maternal dietary avoidance were advised for allergy prevention. 54% of medical doctors
and 31% of Dietitians provided no guidance for implementing an elimination diet. Only 15% of respondents did
growth assessment of allergic patients. 99% of all participants recognised a need for South African specific
'best practice' guidelines.
The study highlighted a need in South Africa, at undergraduate and post graduate levels, for better education
and training of food allergy, in particular diagnosis, dietary management and prevention strategies. This will
create a platform for the achievement of minimum levels of competency in allergy care. It should also provide
motivation for the establishment of South African specific guidelines, allergy support networks and better
public awareness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond
Afwykende reaksies tot voedsel word dikwels by gesondheidsorg instellings verdag. Nieteenstaande, bestaan
daar steeds beperkte kennis oor allergië. Die tekort aan allergie konsultante vererger sake en het dikwels
ontevrede pasiënte en self‐diagnose tot gevolg.
Die primêre modaliteit van behandeling van voedsel hipersensitiwiteit behels doelmatige verwydering van die
oorsaaklike voedsel allergene deur middel van 'n streng dog voedingswaardige dieet. Ontoepaslike bestuur
van, en die verkeerde implementering van die uitskakelings dieet mag egter lei tot komplikasies by kinders
soos hongersnood, groei vertraging en voedings probleme. Daar is tans beperkte navorsing om die peil van
kennis van voedsel allergië en die bestuur van die probleem te meet. Geen sodanige navorsing ten opsigte van
dieëtkundiges is al gedoen nie. Slegs beperkte inligting is beskikbaar tot welke mate huidige behandelings
praktyk konformeer met die mees onlangse bewys‐gebaseerde aanbevelings, veral met betrekking tot allergie
voorkomende strategië.
Die doelstelling van hierdie opname was om die kundigheid en bestuur van voedsel verwante allergië deur
medici en dieëtkundiges te bepaal.
Dwarsprofiel analiese was gedoen met respondente wat onwillekeurig gekies was uit profesionele mediese en
dieëtkundige praktisyns uit die drie grootste provinsies in Suid Afrika, Gauteng, Wes‐Kaap en Kwazulu Natal
(N=660). Deelnemers was versoek om vraelyste met 'n samestelling van aspekte van voedsel allergie diagnose
en bestuur te voltooi. Deelnemers is huidiglik werksaam in Suid Afrika en was verteenwoordigend van drie
kategorië, naamlik Algemene Praktisyns, Dieetkundiges en Mediese Spesialiste. Etiese goedkeuring was bekom
van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Navorsingsetiek komitee.
Desnieteenstaande insiggewende inligting is die bevindinge gekompromitteer deur beperkte respons (N=82).
Kennis met betrekking tot diagnose, dieëtkundige intervensie en allergie voorkomings strategië, is beperk. 88%
van respondente versoek meer opleiding in die bestuur van allergië. 53% beweer dat pasiënte komplementêre
terapie aanwend voor en gelyktydig met die gebruik van konvensionele medikasie. Interdisiplinêre konsultasie
is beperk. Dieëtkundiges word nie geraadpleeg deur 72% van algemene praktisyns en 54% mediese spesialiste
nie. Meer as 50% gesondheidsorg praktisyns beveel algemene voedsel ontwyking aan by hoë risiko kleuters gedurende die eerste lewensjaar. Dieëtkundiges se allergie voorkomings aanbevelings aan kleuters, swanger
en lakterende vrouens was vir die langste periode. Advies vir kleuter voeding was nie bewys‐gebaseerd nie.
Bokmelk, soya formule en borsmelk van moeders met dieëtkundige beperkinge word aanbeveel vir die
voorkoming van allergië by kleuters. 54% mediese en 31% dieëtkundiges voorsien geen voorkomings dieët
riglyne nie. Slegs 15% respondente takseer kleuter groei van allergie pasiënte. 99% van al die respondente
ondersteun die vestiging van spesifieke 'beste praktyk' riglyne vir Suid Afrika.
Die bevindinge van die studie beklemtoon die behoefte in Suid Afrika vir verbeterde en doelgerigte voedsel
allergie onderrig en opleiding, vir voorgraadse en nagraadse onderrig. Meer doeltreffende diagnose,
dieëtkundige bestuur en allergie voorkomings strategië word aanbeveel. Daar word 'n doelwit geskep vir die
bereiking van minimum vaardigheids vlakke vir allergie versorging. Die inligting motiveer ook die vestiging van
doelgerigte Suid‐Afrikaanse riglyne, allergie ondersteunings bronne en beter, openbare bewuswording van
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